The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 65 This Concluded The

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The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 65 This Concluded The The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 65 THE SECOND TEOOP PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALEY By W. A. NEWMAN DORLAND, A.M., M.D., F.A.C.S. Major, Medical Corps, U. S. Army; formerly First Lieutenant and Surgeon of the Troop (April 1, 1898-November 10, 1903) [For references see pages 79-84] (Continued from Vol. LIIL, page 383) This concluded the military work for the year, with the exception of the weekly in-door drills, which were continued throughout the winter. It was not until the middle of February, 1811, that the winter routine was broken by the customary notices for the Washington's Birth-day celebration. The Regimental notice was as follows:—638 *' CAVALRY. "In honour of the Anniversary of the Birth of our much lamented Chief GEORGE WASHINGTON, the Regiment of Cavalry completely equipped, will form on the 22d instant, at ten o 'clock, A. M. in Arch-street, with their right on Fifth-street, displaying eastwardly —the Adjutant will designate the station of each troop in the line.—Punctuality and strict attention to orders, is confidently expected. "By order of Colonel Wharton. "J. R. INGERSOLL, Adjutant. "feb. 18 [1811]." Three days later the following Troop Orders ap- peared :—639 VOL. LIV.—5. 66 The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 6' SECOND TROOP OF LIGHT HORSE. i i The Troop will parade compleatly equipped, at the Eiding House640 on Friday the 22d inst. at half past 8 o'clock, A. M. "By order of the Commandant, i' SAMUEL ALLEN, "Orderly Sergeant. "feb. 21 [1811]." "TROOP ORDERS.641 Philadelphia, Feb. 18,1811. "The Fourth Troop of City Cavalry, ever cherish- ing the memory of the Great and Good Man, WASH- INGTON, will celebrate the Anniversary of his Birth (the 22d instant). The Troop will parade at 9 o'clock in the morning, at Harvey's, Spring-Garden642 where they will be joined by the Germantown Troop com- manded by Capt. Eighter [Biter].643 Other corps of cavalry will join the line of march, which will be taken up at 10 o'clock. "J. SMITH, Commandant. "feb. 21 [1811]." The following account of this event is preserved:—644 "WASHINGTON'S BIRTH DAY ... In his Godlike form PRUDENCE and VALOR had so deep engrav'd Each her respective attribute, that each Did strive for mastery.—At his birth WISDOM AND VIRTUE did preside, and nam'd, In happiest hour, their offspring WASHINGTON. ' i This natal Day, so dear to the Memory of every un- contaminated American, was celebrated in this city on Friday last, with the usual military and festive honors. Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather {a snow storm prevailing all day) several military com- panies paraded in great strength. Among these we noticed with pleasure the first and second City Troops The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 67 of Cavalry, genuine disciples and worthy followers of the maxims of that Immortal Hero whose nativity they commemorated. " Among those who partook of the gratification of the day, the Society of the Sons of Washington,645 honored with the presence of several distinguished fellow citi- zens, sat down to a sumptuous entertainment prepared with great elegance and profusion, by Mr. Eenshaw of the Mansion House Hotel. The room was brilliantly decorated with appropriate transparencies, and in the evening a full length resemblance (a transparency) of their ever to be lamented Father was placed in front of the Hotel. The badge of Membership, which is worn suspended on the breast, consisted of an excellent miniature likeness of Washington, set in gold accom- panied with suitable inscriptions. A full band of music in the adjoining room contributed greatly to the pleas- ure and hilarity of the day.'' "The Second City Troop of Light Horse,646 after parading with the regiment in honour of the day, as- sembled at the new Masonic Lodge,647 where an excel- lent dinner was provided by Mr. Barnum. The follow- ing toasts were drank, interspersed with excellent songs. "The Memory of Washington! A character unex- ampled in the history of ancient or modern times—A name uttered with pride, gratitude and veneration, by every true American! the tear which falls into our cup, embitters the draught! Dead March. i' The United States—Their original dimensions were sufficient for all the purposes of freedom—let us rather hold firmly, than grasp rashly. 3 cheers. "The constituted authorities of the government. "The State of Pennsylvania. "The Army. "The Navy. "The Militia—'Union and Valour are happiness and safety'—Motto of the Troop. 9 cheers. 68 The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 4' The Memory of the departed heroes of the revolu- tion. Dead March. "The Constitution of the United States. May those who overthrow the fabrick, perish under the ruins. 3 cheers. "The people of Spain—Heaven nerves the patriots' arm. "Josiah Quincy—The prophet of Massachusetts. Let the warning voice in the wilderness be heard. "Our friends in the adjoining room—Lasting har- mony and good fellowship between the troops—9 cheers. [Here occurred an interchange of civilities with the First Troop.] "France and England—In the scale of negociation, should our rights be made to kick the beam, let our swords be thrown into the balance. 9 cheers. (Toast sent from Col. Wharton)—"Should the storm that darkens the European continent reach our peace- ful shores, the first regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry will be among the first to arrest its direful ravages. "Our Judiciary—bold, upright and enlightened— Equally invulnerable to the assaults of powerful vice, and the attempts of party rage—in their exaltation, they will reign like Aurelius, and, should they fall, it will be to 'bleed like Socrates.' "Our brethren in arms of the associated troops. "(After Col. Wharton had retired from a visit to the troop)— "Our worthy Colonel—May a brave leader be bravely followed. " (At this point a Committee from the Society of the Sons of WASHINGTON was introduced; who deliv- ered an appropriate and eloquent communication on behalf of the society—and a very polite toast with which the Society had honoured the troop. It was as follows:—'The Second City Troop:—They have our regard as Citizens, our respect as soldiers.'—After ex- The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry 69 pressing the thanks of the troop the following toast was given by the commandant, and received with three times three.) "The Sons of Washington—success to the prin- ciples of their association—and health and prosperity to all who venerate the illustrious Character from whom the Society takes its name. "[After the gentlemen of the Committee had re- tired; a deputation of three officers waited upon the society, at the Mansion House Hotel; with an address from the troops, and proposed to the Society the fol- lowing toast.] "An harmonious union of military and civil life— Emblematick of that great Man who was crowned with the wreath which entwined the olive of peace with the laurel of war. "[Before the standard was lodged.]—The standard of our troop—the rallying point in the hour of danger. 3 times 3." On March 30, 1811, after lying over for a year, the Legislature of the State passed an Act organizing the Cavalry of Philadelphia into a regiment.648 The sec- tions of this Act especially referring to the cavalry branch of the service are as follows:—649 "Sect. xvii. And be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, that from and after the passage of this act, the cavalry within the said city and county of Philadelphia shall be formed into a regiment to be No. 1, which regiment shall be officered in the following manner; that is to say, there shall be one colonel com- mandant, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, and a regimental staff, to consist of one adjutant, one quar- ter-master, one paymaster, one surgeon, and one sur- geon's mate; one sergeant-major, and one quarter- master-sergeant ; which staff shall be appointed by the field-officers of said regiment, who shall give a certi- fied copy to each person so appointed, signed by a ma- jority of them; Provided always, That whenever there 70 The Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry shall be twelve or more troops of cavalry in the said city and county, any six of the said troops may or- ganize themselves into a separate regiment, to be of- ficered in like manner. '' Sect, xviii. And be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, That as soon as two hundred and forty shall be enrolled in said regiment, and notice thereof given in writing to the inspector of the first brigade of the said city and county, it shall be his duty to hold elections for field-officers in such regiment, as brigade inspectors are required to do in other regi- ments in this commonwealth. "Sect. xix. And be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, that as soon as the election of the said field-officers shall be determined they shall with the least possible delay divide the aforesaid regiment into squadrons, each squadron to consist of two troops or companies, each troop to consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one cornet, four sergeants, four corporals, one farrier, one saddler, and one trumpeter or bugler, and at least thirty privates. "Sect. xx. And be it further enacted by the au- thority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the majors of the aforesaid regiment to attend and super- intend the election of the company officers of their respective squadrons or troop in like manner in all re- spects as are required of other majors within this com- monwealth; and each and every officer or private be- longing to said regiment, shall furnish himself with a good and serviceable horse, of at least fourteen hands and a half high; and shall uniform, arm and equip him- self in every respect as is by law required of troopers to do in this commonwealth; Provided always, That nothing in this, or any former act contained, shall be construed so as to alter the uniform of any troop or corps now organized.
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