FSC Course

Lesnes Abbey Woods 24/4/2019

Spiders found: 30 species from 18 families! * = not previously recorded

Araneidae (Garden family)

Araniella sp. cucurbitina or opisthographa: several juveniles

Cyclosa conica (Bird dropping spider) 1f

*Mangora acalypha: several juveniles

Zilla diodia : (on a orb web first seen by Kat): 1 f

Amaurobiidae (large blue-web )

Amaurobius ferox 1 f

Amaurobius probably similis 1immature f

Dictynidae (small blue-web spiders)

Dictyna sp. (juvenile f)

Dysderidae (Woodlouse-eating spiders)

Harpactea hombergi 1 f

Tetragnathidae (orb-web spinners)

*Tetragnatha montana several immature f

Metellina sp probably mengei immature f

Theridiidae (tangle web spiders)

Steatoda nobilis immature f

Steatoda grossa immature f (2)

Pholcidae (Daddy-long legs spider)

*Pholcus phalangioides 1f (inside the building)

Salticidae (Jumping spiders)

Ballus chelybeius 1 f (immature)

Lycosidae (wolf spiders)

Pardosa pullata f (2) plus some immatures in the heather area)

Pardosa prativaga f several immatures near the buildings

Mimetidae (spider-hunting spiders)

*Ero sp. probably aphana 2f (with tubercles) Agelenidae (House spiders etc)

Agelena labyrinthica 2 juveniles [Field sheet-web spider]

Tegenaria probably gigantea (two or three very young juveniles)

Thomisidae (crab spiders)

*Diaea dorsata several immature females

Philodromidae (long-legged crab spiders)

*Philodromus albidus 1m (swept from bushes at the start)

Philodromus sp. probably aureolus (numerous juveniles)

Clubionidae (mouse spiders)

Clubiona terrestris 1f

Gnaphosidae (hunter spiders)

Zelotes latreillei 1f immature


Zora sp probably spinimana 2f immatures

Anyphaenidae (buzzing spiders) [very spiny!]

Anyphaena accentuata 1m, several juveniles probably the same species

Pisauridae (nursery web spiders)

Pisaura mirabilis several immature f

Linyphiidae (money spiders)[both long-legged money spiders]

*Linyphia hortensis 1f

Nereine peltata 1m

JEDM 25/4/2019