Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Vol. 35, No. 9, 2001



E. L. Komarova1 and O. N. Tolkachev1

Translated from Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 37 – 45, September, 2001.

Original article submitted February 22, 2001.

INTRODUCTION ring in both qualitative and quantitative composition of alka- loids. To the present, ergot strains were specially selected Ergot alkaloids is a group of natural biologically active that are capable of producing predominantly a single compounds belonging, according to the general alkaloid or a certain group of alkaloids: , ergotoxin, ergoc- classification, to the class of indole derivatives. Ergot alkalo- ristine, etc. [3, 4, 6, 16 – 27]. ids are found in largest amounts in the fungal species of Cla- Owing to a high biological activity and broad spectrum viceps genus, the most widely occurring source of these sub- of pharmacological effects, ergot alkaloids are of considerab- stances being purple ergot ( Fr. Tul.) le importance for . These compounds are now obtai- [1 – 6]. Another well-known fungal species producing alka- ned both by methods of artificial parasitic cultivation on rye loids of the clavine series is Claviceps paspali [11, 14, 19 – 22, 25 – 30] and by saprophytic growth techni- [1, 3, 4, 6 – 8]. Ergot alkaloids are rarely encountered in hig- ques [31 – 35]. her plants; examples are offered by the Ipomoea genus of the The most widely known pharmacological effect of ergot Convolvulaceae family occurring in Central America alkaloids is the ability to induce uterine contraction. Ergot [4, 9, 10]. extracts were officially used for the first time in gynecology. The life cycle of ergot consists of three sequential stages, The best known drugs of this type are ergotamine and ergo- including the (i) conidial stage of sphacelia, (ii) sclerotium metrine. (resting stage), and (iii) sephalated stroma with perithecium. As the chemical structure and pharmacological properti- The alkaloids are obtained from ergot sclerotium called es of ergot alkaloids were studied, the scope of their applica- “spurred rye” (Secale cornutum)[4–6,11]. The ergot sclerotium contains up to 30 – 40% of fatty tion considerably expanded. Ergot alkaloids exhibit a comp- oils and up to 2% of alkaloids. The other components of scle- licated action upon the organism, which accounts for a varie- rotium are free amino acids, ergosterin, choline, acetylcholi- ty of possible therapeutic applications. Dihydroxy derivati- ne, betaine, ergothionine, uracil, guanidine, free aromatic ves of ergotoxin alkaloids produce a-adrenoblocking and and heterocyclic amines (tyramine, histamine, agmatine), “venotonic” action. These compounds are administered in and alkylamines (the natural representatives of which were cases of hypertension, cerebral vasospasms, peripheral circu- originally found in ergot). The outer shell of sclerotium con- lation disorders, etc. [36 – 39]. tains acid pigments belonging to anthraquinolinic acid deri- Many ergot alkaloids produce a more or less pronounced vatives, including orange-red (endocrocin, clavorubin) and dopaminergic effect. Specific dopamine agonists are 2-Br-a- light-yellow (ergochromes, ergochrysins). These pigments and 2-Br-b-ergocryptines, which influence the secretion of impart to the sclerotium shell the characteristic gray- hypophyseal anterior hormones and produce a hypotensive ish-brown-violet color [6, 12 – 15]. Also encountered are the action upon the CNS, sympathetic nerve endings, and smo- albino ergot strains incapable of producing pigments [16]. oth vascular muscles. The drug abergin (Russia) [36, 37] or Investigation of the wild-growing Cl. purpurea species parlodel (bromergon, bromocriptine mesylate) are used for revealed the existence of numerous geographic types diffe- the treatment of a wide spectrum of disorders, including ga- lactorrhea, acromegalia, mastites, prolactinomas, amenor- 1 All-Russia Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, rhea, and infertility and for the suppression of lactation, Cus- Russia. hing’s disease, some hormonal tumors, etc. [1, 36 – 44].

504 0091-150X/01/3509-0504 The Chemistry of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids 505

The ergot alkaloids are administered both separately and 8 O H C OH in numerous complex compositions [39]. At present, extensi- 9 7 12 D 9 8 ve investigations aimed at the selection of new ergot strains, 5 NH 13 10 11 6 D creation of new original domestic drugs based on ergot alka- A H 10 N CH C 3 14 4 loids, and development of the corresponding technologies 16 5 H 15 B 3 are in progress in the All-Russia Research Institute of Medi- NH O 1 2 cinal and Aromatic Plants. C OH I NH 8 II 9 CLASSIFICATION OF ERGOT ALKALOIDS 10 N CH 3 5 The structure of ergot alkaloids is built around a tetracyc- H lic ring system of ergoline (Fig. 1). Depending on the structu- re of ring D in the ergoline nucleus and the types of substitu- NH III ents at C8, all ergot alkaloids can be divided into three bioge- Fig. 1. The structural formulas of ergoline (I), lysergic acid (II), and netically related classes: clavine ergot alkaloids, simple paspalic acid (III). lysergic acid derivatives, and peptide ergot alkaloids (ergot peptides). The biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids is genetically controlled [1,4–6,32,41,45–52]. The classes of simple lysergic acid derivatives and pepti- by the presence of a double bond C8=C9. Paspalic acid is the de ergot alkaloids are based on the lysergic acid (LA) frag- nucleus in some ergot alkaloids of the clavine series and is ment (Fig. 1), the structure of which was elucidated in 1938. frequently employed as an initial compound in the synthesis The two classes are distinguished by the type of substituents of various LA derivatives. in the acid radical [1, 4,6–8,53]. The LA molecule posses- ses two centers of symmetry (C5 and C8, Fig. 1). The active LA form was assigned a stereoconfiguration of 8R : 5R. THE CHEMISTRY OF PEPTIDE ERGOT Thus, all the natural pharmacologically active argot alkaloids ALKALOIDS are derivatives of D-6-methyl-9,10-ergoline-8b-carboxylic This review addresses the chemistry of ergot peptides. acid, representing a series of left-hand rotation isomers [4,6–8,53–58]. This class includes both natural ergot alkaloids and their mo- In 1964, H. Kobel et al. [59] isolated paspalic acid from dified derivatives, ergot peptides isolated from saprophytic the Cl. paspali ergot species (Fig. 1), which differs from LA ergot cultures, and synthetic ergot alkaloids.

TABLE 1. Classification of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids R2 Configu- –CH –C H –CH(CH ) –CH(CH )C H R1 3 2 5 3 2 3 2 5 ration Ergotamine Ergotaman Ergoxin Ergoxam Ergotoxin Ergotoxam b-Ergoannam at C8 group group group group group group group

1 –CH(CH3)2 Ergovaline [Ergovalam] Ergonine [Ergonam] Ergocornine Ergocornam – R Ergovalinine – Ergoninine – Ergocorninine – –S

–CH2CH(CH3)2 a-Ergosine [a-Ergosam] a-Ergoptine [a-Ergoptam] a-Ergocryptine a-Ergocryptam a,b-Ergoan- R nam3 a-Ergosinine – a-Ergoptinine – a-Ergocryp- ––S tinine 2 2 –CH(CH3)C2H5 b-Ergosine [b-Ergosam] b-Ergoptine [b-Ergoptam] b-Ergocryptine b-Ergocryptam a,b-Ergoan- R nam3 b-Ergosinine – b-Ergoptinine2 – b-Ergocryptini ––S ne

–CH2C6H5 Ergotamine [Ergotaman] Ergostine [Ergostam] Ergocristine Ergocristam – R Ergotaminine – Ergostinine – Ergocristinine – –S 3 3 3 –CH2CH3 Ergobine – Ergobutine – Ergobutinine ––R 2 –CH3 Ergoalanine ––––––R Notes. 1 Names in square brackets refer to ergot alkaloids suggested to exist; 2 synthetic ergot alkaloids; 3 ergot alkaloids isolated from saprophytic ergot cultures. 506 E. L. Komarova and O. N. Tolkachev

10' 9' id – ergocristam – was isolated in 1973 from an ergocristine R1 OH O 11' NH O 8' strain of Cl. purpurea. Note that, to the present, only ergo- C N H 2' 12' H 7' peptams of the ergotoxam group were isolated from natural 8 5' 9 3' 4' ergot [4, 64 – 66] (Table 2). The probability of existence of 7 O O 2 12 N CH H R this alkaloid type decreases with decreasing volume of radi- 3 13 10 1 5 H cal R , which is explained by the high lability of ergopep- 1 14 4 tams. The presence of a branched radical R (Fig. 2, Table 1) 3 10' favors the formation of a more stable configuration of the tri- NH IV 1 9' 2 R 1 O H O 11' NH 8' peptide group in lactam alkaloids. In 1995, we obtained a C C N H 2' 12' H 7' mutant sclerotium of the ergocryptine Cl. purpurea strain N 5' 9 8 [67], which gave a progeny with genetically fixed biosynthe- 7 O 3' 4' O 2 12 N CH H R sis of the lactam ergot alkaloid ergocornam (Table 1). 3 13 10 5¢ 5 H In 1984, unusual C -epimers of lactam alkaloids were 14 4 isolated from a saprophytic culture of the ergocryptine ergot 3 NH species, which opened a new group of ergot alkaloids called 1 2 V b-ergoannams. It should be noted that ergot alkaloid derivati- Fig. 2. The structural formulas of classical peptide ergot alkaloids: ves untypical of natural ergot are frequently found in saprop- ergopeptines (IV) and lactam ergot alkaloids – ergopeptams (V). hytic cultures. Examples are offered by 12¢-O-methyl deriva- tives of ergocornine and a-ergocryptine (Table 2), 8-hydro- xyergotamine, and some other alkaloids [34, 77]. Peptide ergot alkaloids contain the LA fragment and a In attempts to obtain more active analogs of the natural tripeptide group (Fig. 2), the structure of the latter group de- ergot alkaloids, a large number of derivatives were synthesi- termining classification of the ergot peptides (Table 1). The zed by modifying both the LA fragment and the peptide part LA fragment is responsible for the basic biological activity of the molecule [1, 35, 68]. For example, a series of synthetic of the compounds (serotonin antagonism, oxytocin activity, ergot alkaloids were obtained by modifying the proline moie- etc.), while the substituent imparts certain specificity to this ty of the peptide fragment, where L-proline was replaced by general activity. D-proline, a-methyl-L-proline, and L-pipecoline acid; ana- The class of ergot peptides can be subdivided into two logs free of the proline cycle were synthesized as well [1]. main types (Table 1). Ergopeptines represent the classical Another series of ergot alkaloid derivatives were obtai- cyclic ergot alkaloids (cyclopeptides) with the oxazolopyrro- ned by modifying peptide fragments in C5¢ position with met- lopyrazine system (cyclole) as substituent in the LA radical hyl, p-methoxy-benzyl, L-norvalyl, and other R2 substituents (Fig. 2) [4, 56, 61 – 63]. Ergopeptines are the most widely (in Table 1, these derivatives are represented by ergoalanine). spread natural type of peptide ergot alkaloids. Some of the analogs contained two substituents in C5¢ positi- The second type of peptide ergot alkaloids is represented on or represented epimers with respect to C5¢ and C13¢ positi- ons (R2 =–C13¢H(CH )C H ) of the peptide fragment. Most by the group of lactam ergot alkaloids – ergopeptams (E-se- 3 2 5 co-ergot alkaloids) with diketopiperazine peptide substitu- of the synthetic alkaloids were reported in the 1960 – 1980s ents (Fig. 2) [4, 63 – 67]. It was suggested that ergopeptams [1]. are formed as a result of competitive epimerization at the last stage of cyclopeptide biosynthesis [46, 62 – 66]. Individual C8-Epimerization of Ergot Peptides representatives of ergopeptines and ergopeptams possess dif- ferent substituents R1 and R2 in the peptide fragment, which Lysergic acid derivatives readily exhibit epimerization, serves as a basis for their classification (Fig. 2, Table 1) especially in the presence of alkalis, with respect to the cen- [1,4,6–8,53]. ter of symmetry C8 with the formation of a series of Individual Representatives of Ergot Peptides right-hand rotation (S)-isomers representing isolysergic acid Attempts at isolating individual ergot alkaloids were un- (iso-LA) derivatives (Table 1). This group of ergot alkaloids dertaken since the beginning of the 19th century. The first al- exhibits a relatively weak pharmacological activity kaloid (ergotinine) was isolated by Tanret in 1875. A mixture [3, 6 – 8]. The epimerization is due to the presence of a do- of peptide ergot alkaloids called “ergotoxin” was isolated in uble bond C9=C10, which favors enolization of the carboxy 1906 [1, 6]. In 1918, Stoll isolated ergotamine – the first cli- group (Fig. 3) [60]. The iso-LA derivatives represent LA di- nically useful ergot alkaloid – from Cl. purpurea (Table 2). astereomers with a stereoconfiguration of the 8S : 5R type By the 1990s, most of the natural ergopeptines were isolated [49, 53, 55, 60]. The results of investigations showed that and structurally characterized (Table 2) [1, 4, 53, 68 – 79]. ring D in both diastereomers occurs in a “pseudo-chair” con- Ergopeptams (Fig. 2) were originally found in small formation [4, 6, 8, 49, 55 – 58, 60, 79, 80]. amounts in certain ergot strains as substances accompanying According to the international classification, the the classical ergot alkaloids. The first lactam ergot alkalo- left-hand rotation isomers of ergot alkaloids representing LA The Chemistry of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids 507

derivatives (C8(R) configuration) are termed ergopeptines O R C OH R O and ergopeptams, while the right-hand rotation diastereo- H C 8 8 H C R mers representing the iso-LA derivatives (C (S) configurati- 9 7 8 N CH 9 8 9 on) are termed ergopeptinines (Table 1). 10 3 The conditions for and the rate of epimerization in ergo- 5 H IVa VI peptines depend on the structure of substituent R at the car- boxamide group of the LA fragment (Fig. 3). No (S)-isomers NH IV 1 R OH were reported for ergopeptams, which is related to a high la- R= NH O N bility of the lactam ergot alkaloids: in the presence of bases, H these compounds readily decompose into simpler derivatives N O O [4, 63 – 66, 81, 82]. H R2 In nature, ergopeptinines always accompany ergopepti- Fig. 3. The scheme of epimerization in LA derivatives (IV) with re- nes. Considerable amounts of the former compounds may spect to C8 position with the formation of iso-LA derivatives (VI). form in the course of storage of raw materials for prolonged Here and below R is a polypeptide moiety with R1 and R2 indicated time or under improper conditions [83], in the process of er- in Table 1. got alkaloid extraction from the raw materials, and in other stages of the chemical processing [13, 30, 83 – 88]. Some in- vestigations were devoted to the influence of external factors media containing an organic solvent (ethanol, methanol, ace- on the stability of ergot alkaloids in relation to the search for tone, etc.), water (10 to 95%), and acid (pH 18.5 – 5). The stabilizers, creation of stable medicinal preparations, and de- most pronounced epimerization activity was observed for velopment of epimerization reversal [13, 89, 90]. It was fo- mixtures containing phosphoric acid [91, 92]. und that ergopeptinines can be converted into ergopeptines in

TABLE 2. Most Known Representatives of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids First isolated No. Alkaloid name Source: natural, saprophytic, synthetic Ref. (year) 1 Ergotamine Cl. purpurea 1918 4, 7, 13, 56 2 a-Ergosine Ergotamine-producing strains of Cl. purpurea and Ipomoea 1936 4, 6, 68 – 69, 71 argyrophylla Vatke 3 Ergovaline Synthesis, later isolated from Cl. purpurea and Epichloe 1964 4, 53, 71 – 72 typhina fungal culture (Clavicepitaceae) 4 b-Ergosine Synthesis 1977 1, 4, 68, 71 b-Ergosinine 5 b-Ergoptine Synthesis 1977 1, 4, 68, 74 b-Ergoptinine 6 Ergostine Ergotamine-producing strain of Cl. purpurea 1964 1, 4, 73 Ergostinine 7 Ergonine Ergocornine-ergocryptine strain of Cl. purpurea 1970 4, 8, 68, 73, 74 a-Ergoptine 8 Ergobutine Saprophytic culture Cl. purpurea 231 F. J. 1982 6, 35 Ergobutyrine 9 Ergocristine Cl. purpurea 1937 4, 70, 75 10 Ergocornine Cl. purpurea 1943 4, 70, 75 Ergocryptine 11 a-Ergocryptine Cl. purpurea 1967 4, 61, 70, 75, 76, 78 b-Ergocryptine Hypomyces amantius fungi (Hypocreaceae) 12 Ergocristam Ergocristine strain of Cl. purpurea 1973 4, 64 13 Ergocryptam Ergocristine strain of Cl. purpurea 1981 4, 46, 53 Ergocornam and isomers 14 b-Ergoannams (C5¢-epimers Saprophytic ergocryptine culture 1984 4, 34 of lactam ergot alkaloids) 15 12¢-O-Methyl derivatives Saprophytic culture Cl. purpurea 231 F. L. 1987 77 of ergocornine and a-ergocryptine 508 E. L. Komarova and O. N. Tolkachev

O O O lation of the conjugated bond system leads to a shift of the C R C R C R absorption maximum toward shorter wavelengths. H+ 9 8 9 10 8 8 The C –C double bond favors the formation of lumi-, D Cat-Pt 9 9 N CH + 3 H H methoxy-, dihydro-, and some other derivatives of ergot al- 10 N CH N CH 3 3 5 H 10 10 C 5 H 5 H kaloids. Dihydro derivatives were obtained for the first time in 1943 by Stoll et al. [94]. In nature, the 9,10-dihydro deri-

NH VIIa VIIb vatives of ergot alkaloids are very infrequent: it was not until IV, VI 1968 that 9,10-dihydro-a-ergosine was isolated from sclero-

H+,HOH,lg tium of Sphacelia sorghi (McRae) and Sorghum vulgare (Claviceps) [7, 95]. In 1979, up to 12% of 9,10-dihydroergo- O O O tamine was isolated from the Cl. purpurea PCCT strain cul- 1 C R C R C R ture [84].

8 8 9 9 9 8 The chemical reduction and catalytic hydrogenation of OH + N CH OH N CH + ergot alkaloids leads to the formation of 9,10-dihydro deriva- 3 3 N CH 10 10 10 3 5 5 H H 5 H tives (Fig. 4) [96, 97], some which are used in medicine. This is accompanied by the appearance of another center of asym- IVb 10 VIIIa VIIIb metry in C position in the molecule (Fig. 4), which makes Fig. 4. The schemes of modification of ergopeptines (IV, VI) at possible existence of this molecule in two isomer forms with C9=C10: (A) hydrogenation with the formation of cis and trans iso- cis and trans arrangement of rings C and D mers of the 9,10-dihydro-LA or iso-LA derivatives (VIIa and VIIb, [6, 7, 55, 60, 98 – 100]. It was established that the hydroge- respectively); (B) hydroxylation with the formation of cis and trans nation of LA and its derivatives leads to the formation of isomers of the lumi-derivatives of LA or iso-LA (VIIIa and VIIIb, trans isomers (as the more favorable confirmation) [7, 96]. respectively). In the case of hydrogenation of iso-LA and related compo- unds, the formation of cis isomers is more favorable. The po- ssible conformations of 9,10-dihydro derivatives of ergot al- Derivatives of the optical isomer opposite to D-LA (i.e., kaloids were studied in [96]. L-LA) are not encountered in nature. Such derivatives were The photochemical attachment of a water molecule at the 9 10 obtained by chemical synthesis [57, 60]: L-LA exhibits a C –C double bond in ergot alkaloids leads to the formation of 10-hydroxy-dihydro (or lumi-) derivatives of ergot alkalo- 5a-configuration of hydrogen at the asymmetry center C5 ids characterized by a high intensity of fluorescence. The (5S), whereas the natural ergot alkaloids exhibit the 5b confi- structure of lumi-derivatives formed in aqueous solutions guration (Fig. 1) [4, 6, 7, 55]. For the first time, L-LA hydra- (where the process is catalyzed by light and the presence of zide was obtained in 1943 as a derivative formed in the cour- hydrogen protons) was confirmed in 1955 (Fig. 4) se of racemization of peptide ergot alkaloids heated in hydra- [6, 101 – 103]. It was suggested that the formation of lumi- zine [13, 60]. The opposite optical isomer of ergotamine was and methoxy-dihydro derivatives of ergot alkaloids proceeds obtained by stereoselective synthesis from L-LA and an op- via the formation of carbonium ions (Fig. 4). In these deriva- posite optical isomer of the peptide fragment [1, 7, 13]. tives, as well as in the 9,10-dihydro derivatives, an additional 5 A change in the configuration at C may take place in the center of asymmetry appears in C10 position of the lysergic course of thermal treatment. Isomerization of this type is re- acid fragment, which also makes possible the existence of 9 10 lated to the presence of a double bond C =C in the molecu- molecules in two isomer forms with cis and trans arrange- les of ergot alkaloids. Under certain conditions, this bond can ment of rings C and D (Fig. 4) [49, 102, 103]. For hydro- 5 10 migrate to the C =C position. The formation of 5a-isomers xy-dihydro-LA and methoxy-dihydro-LA, the formation of was observed upon thermal treatments of solutions of simp- trans isomers is more favorable. ler LA derivatives in a temperature interval from 130 to In the presence of acids, the solutions of lumi-derivatives 200°C [93]. in methyl alcohol exposed to light exhibit methanolysis with Derivatives of Ergot Alkaloids Modified at the C9–C10 the formation of 10-methoxy-dihydro derivatives. Lumi-de- Bond Position rivatives are stronger bases than the natural ergot alkaloids of The presence of a double bond in C9–C10 position expla- their 9,10-dihydro derivatives, which is explained by the abi- ins a number of features characteristic of ergot alkaloids (inc- lity of the OH group in position C10 to increase the basicity luding both (R) and (S) derivatives) and facilitates some che- of nitrogen atom N6. For this reason, the hydroxy group in mical transformations. This bond constitutes a conjugated position C10 is readily methylated in acid methanol solutions system of bonds with the indole fragment of a molecule, with the formation of less polar 10-methoxy derivatives of which is manifested in a typical UV spectrum of ergot pepti- ergot alkaloids. Some ergot alkaloids are capable of directly des with l = 313 nm and l = 270 nm. The ergot pepti- max min converting into 10-methoxy-dihydro derivatives in acid met- des are also characterized by a bright-blue fluorescence. Vio- hanol solutions [1, 6, 102, 104]. The Chemistry of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids 509

Derivatives of Ergot Alkaloids Substituted in C2,C3,C12, 13 and C Positions 1 OH R1 R 11' 80°C 11' LK NH O LK NH O + Ergot alkaloids exhibit some characteristic chemical re- N H+,HOH N 2' 12' H 2' 12' H actions due to the presence of the indole fragment. The nitro- N 5' N 5' gen atom in this indole fragment, as well as in other indole O O O O H R2 H R2 derivatives, possesses amphoteric properties. Weak acidity of IV, VI IVc the NH proton is manifested in the formation of salts during the interaction with metallic potassium or concentrated alkali O H+,HOH 1 C =LK R OH ' solutions. Weak basicity is manifested in the reaction of for- LK NH O 11 N mation of 1-acyl derivatives of ergot alkaloids [1, 105]. Si- 2' 12' H N 5' N CH milar to indole and pyrrole, ergot alkaloids are readily oxidi- O O 3 zed in air to form dark-colored compounds. Under the action H R2 H of acids, these alkaloids form condensed products also colo- IX red brown or dark grayish brown. NH From the standpoint of various modifications, the most Fig. 5. The scheme of C2¢ epimerization of ergopeptines (IV, VI) readily accessible site is C2 position of the indole fragment into aci-ergopeptines (IX): the transformation begins with the for- (Fig. 2) [1, 106, 107]. In 1957, Troxler and Hofmann mation of an intermediate cation (IVc). Here and below LK denotes [105, 106] produced selective halogenation of ergot alkaloids the LA or iso-LA residue. in C2 position with the formation of 2-Cl, 2-Br, and 2-I deri- vatives under mild conditions (with N-Br-succinimide in di- oxane, N-I-succinimide, or N-Cl-2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaceta- 2-oxo-2,3-dihydro and 2-oxo-2,3,9,10-tetrahydro derivatives nilide). Investigation of the physicochemical properties and of ergot alkaloids are different from those of the natural ana- pharmacological activity of 2-halogen derivatives of ergot al- logs, which is explained by modification of the indole frag- kaloids led to the discovery of a therapeutically important ments of the molecules. The alkaline hydrolysis of oxindoles compound 2-Br-a-ergocryptine mesylate [42, 108]. takes place at the amide bond with the formation of amphote- The bromination of ergot alkaloids with an HBr – HBrO ric compounds containing amino groups and featuring a co- mixture in excess pyridine leads to the formation of doubly lor reaction of diazocoupling [110]. Oxidation of the 2,3-di- substituted 2,13-dibromo derivatives. Some other C2-substi- hydro derivatives of ergot alkaloids with NO(SO K) led to tuted derivatives were obtained as well (e.g., 2-nitro derivati- 3 2 the formation of a series of products representing 12-hydro- ves, etc.), but these compounds still did not find any applica- xy-2,3-dihydro derivatives of these alkaloids [1, 109]. tion [1]. The 1- and 2-substituted derivatives of ergot alkaloids The reduction of ergot alkaloids with zinc dust in the pre- lead to a change in color or a negative response in qualitative sence of hydrochloric acid leads to the formation of 2,3-di- color reactions with specific reagents [105]. hydro derivatives possessing a new center of asymmetry in The Structure and Stereoconfiguration of the Peptide 3 position C with a favorable 3b-configuration. Stadler et al. Fragment of Ergot Alkaloids [61] suggested a scheme of this transformation and showed The peptide fragment structure in cyclopeptides was de- that the selective hydrogenation is possible only under mild termined by Stoll and Hofmann [7, 112, 113] using the re- conditions. More severe reduction leads to saturation of the sults of investigation of the products of thermal decompositi- 8 9 double bond in position C –C and of the benzene ring in the on, hydrolysis, and oxidation of ergot alkaloids. These data indole fragment of ergot alkaloid molecules [109]. were confirmed by the stereoselective synthesis of ergotami- The interaction of 9,10-dihydro-lysergol with CF COOH 3 ne, which showed evidence of the 2¢R:5¢S:11¢S:12¢S con- and BF -Et O or POCl leads to the formation of a dimeric 3 2 3 figuration (Fig. 2). Thus, the cyclole fragment of the ergot al- derivative substituted in position C2 [110]. An analogous de- kaloid molecule contains four centers of asymmetry at which rivative was isolated during investigations of the ergot alka- the formation of isomers may take place. loid metabolites. This derivative exhibited decomposition in All natural ergot alkaloids possess a 5¢-(S)-configuration. an acid medium with the formation of a compound analogo- 5¢ us to the metabolite formed as a result of enzymatic oxidati- There are only several C -epimers (5¢R) isolated from sap- on of ergot alkaloids [1, 87, 88, 110]. rophytic ergot cultures, including 5¢-epi-b-ergocryptine and a Investigation of the oxidized metabolites (LA derivati- group of b-ergoannams (Tables 1 and 2) [1, 34]; a series of ves) showed that the enzymatic oxidation leads to the forma- C5¢-epimers (5¢R) were obtained by synthetic methods [1]. tion of physiologically inactive 2-oxo derivatives of ergot al- The configuration of the peptide fragment of lactam ergot al- kaloids [1, 111]. Analogous compounds were found upon the kaloids differs from that of cyclopeptides in position C11¢ reduction of 2-oxo-3-hydro derivatives of ergot alkaloids (11¢R) (Fig. 2). Attempts at the synthesis of cyclole with zinc dust (the products of oxidation of ergot alkaloids C11¢-(R)-epimers failed because of poor stability of the pro- with hypochloric acid). The physicochemical properties of ducts [1]. 510 E. L. Komarova and O. N. Tolkachev

O OH COOH LK C 1 R O N R1 OH X 11' C O C 12'H LK NH O LK–OH t° 1 N O N II R + N 2 ' 12' H + KOH HOOC N H 2 N 5' NH R O 3 COOH O H O H H 2 IV R CH NH Fig. 6. The scheme of intramolecular interaction between cyclole 2 XII 2 hydroxy group at C12¢ and carboxamide group of LA fragment (LA). R OH XI

H LK N C COOCH COOH H 3 R1 The isomerization most readily takes place at the center XIV C O 2¢ + R1 X of asymmetry in C position of the cyclole fragment of the H LK N C COONH molecules. The C2¢-(S)-isomers of ergopeptines are referred H 2 R1 2¢ H COOC N to as aci-ergopeptines [113 – 116]. The C -isomerization ta- XV 3 + O + C O N kes place on heating aqueous solutions of ergot alkaloids. LK NH R1 2 CH C N CH NH The reaction starts with the formation of carbocations that XIII H O LK N O 2 appear as intermediate products (Fig. 5) [116]. In the natural H R R2 XVI ergot alkaloids, this type of isomerization accompanied the XVII D isomerization in C8 position of the ergoline nucleus. H COOC N In 1966, the structure of aci-isomers was confirmed by 3 + C O x-ray diffraction. The rate of isomerization and the isomer R1 C C N CH ratio depend on the conditions (temperature, pH) and the er- H O 2 got alkaloid structure. These isomers can form as a result of O R degradation of ergot alkaloid based drugs stored for a prolon- XVIII ged time or under improper conditions in the form of aqueo- us solutions [113 – 116]. Fig. 7. The schemes of hydrolysis of the peptide fragment of an The aci-isomers are characterized by smaller values of ergopeptine molecule (IV): (C) complete hydrolysis (in concen- trated alkali solution or by heating) with the formation of LA (II), pK and the optical rotation angle as compared to those of the a a-ketoacid (X) (with the structure depending on the radical R1,Ta- natural ergot alkaloids. The cyclole hydroxy groups in ble 1), and two amino acids (one being proline XII and the other de- aci-isomers are subject to methylation under milder conditi- pending on the radical R2, Table 1); (D) incomplete hydrolysis with ons than those required for the natural ergot alkaloids [113]. the formation of a-ketoacid (X), LA amide (XIII), peptide and tri- The formation of 12¢-OCH derivatives is considered as an peptide N-(D-lisergyl) derivatives (XIV, XV, XVI), 3 artifact accompanying the isolation of ergot alkaloids from 2,5-dioxopiperazine derivatives (XVII), and di- or tripeptides 1 2 methanol solutions: these isomers are never encountered in (XVIII, for R and R see Table 1). natural ergot. In the course of investigation of the stereoconfiguration of the cyclole fragment of ergot alkaloids, it was suggested formation of LA amide and incomplete hydrolysis products that C12¢-hydroxy derivatives may exist in the form of two (Fig. 7). Rigid hydrolysis leads to the complete decay of the epimers [7, 115]. It was established that all natural ergot pep- cyclole fragment with the formation of LA, ammonia, two tides represent 12¢-a-epimers (12¢S) [6, 8]. These epimers amino acids, and a-ketoacid (Fig. 7). One of the two amino are characterized by intramolecular interaction between the cyclole hydroxy group and the carboxamide group of LA acids is proline, which is a common molecular fragment for (Fig. 6) [116]. The 1H NMR spectra of ergot alkaloids show all peptide ergot alkaloids and appears upon the hydrolysis of any such compound. The alkaline hydrolysis leads to the for- evidence of w-interaction between the hydrogen atom in the cyclole hydroxy group and hydrogen atom in position C11¢ mation of L-proline, while the acid hydrolysis is accompani- (J = 1.7 Hz), which is characteristic of this type of bonding. ed by the appearance of D-proline [1, 7, 8, 53]. 2 5¢ Hydrolysis, Pyrolysis, and Oxidation of the Peptide Depending on the type of substituent R in position C , Fragment of Ergot Alkaloids the second amino acid can be phenylalanine, leucine, valine, The cyclole fragment of ergopeptines can be readily de- or 2¢-aminobutyric acid [1, 6, 53]. The type of a-ketoacid composed. In the course of metabolism of ergot alkaloids, formed as a result of the hydrolysis depends on the structure the decomposition (catabolism) begins with the proline frag- of substituent R1 in position C2¢ and plays a key role in the ment. Depending on the conditions of hydrolysis, the decom- classification of ergot alkaloids (Table 1). position of the cyclole fragment may proceed in different The lactam ergot alkaloids are more reactive than cyclo- ways (Fig. 7) [112, 117, 118]. In the case of weak hydrolysis, peptides. In methanol solutions, especially in the presence of the fragment exhibits an incomplete decomposition with the alkalis, the former alkaloids immediately decompose with The Chemistry of Peptide Ergot Alkaloids 511

the formation of simpler derivatives, some of which corres- H COOCH LK NH 3 pond to the products of hydrolysis of ergopeptines (Fig. 8) R1 C ' H O 11' 2 [4, 64 – 66, 81]. LK NH MeOH 1 C N R 2' 12' H – XIV + The pyrolysis and oxidation of ergot alkaloids are also (OH ;NH3) N 5' O H accompanied by the formation of simpler derivatives, some O COONH 2 2 of which are identical to the products of hydrolysis of these H R LK NH C V 2' ergot alkaloids [1, 6, 53, 56, 112 – 116]. The pyrolysis leads R1 to the formation of a pyro derivative, the structure and stere- XV oconfiguration of which were studied in [118 – 120]. Under H COOC the action of alkalis, this derivative decomposes with the for- 3 11' O H N mation of 2,5-dioxopiperazine, a compound considered as an N O + H + H H artifact accompanying the isolation of ergot alkaloids NH LK NH N H 5 O 2'C ' [81, 119, 120]. 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