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Dive Site Descriptions

The Bells &

The Blue Hole is probably the most infamous dive site in . Carved into a just offshore less than 10kms north of . It is a cavernous hole that drops straight down to unfathomable depths.

“The Arch” starts at around 56 meters with the base of the arch at around 120 meters, it connects the blue hole to the open ocean. The abyss Blue Hole and Arch is a demanding dive but is perfect for technical divers.

On the recreational front, the entry point is at “The Bells”, about 100m past the end of the dirt track that leads to the Blue Hole. The entrance is a narrow crack in the reef table that forms a pool close to the shore.

You descend through a chimney, exiting at 27 meters on a ledge that opens to the cobalt sea. The drop-off is completely vertical, and the underwater landscape is breathtaking. Drift along the wall where attractive cavelets and overhangs enhance the drop off, look left into the blue and you may catch sight of a turtle or reef shark.

Ascend and at around 7 meters you will cross over the saddle and into the Blue Hole.

The Canyon

The canyon is one of the most popular dive sites in Dahab. A long, narrow trench forms a canyon running perpendicular to the reef.

After an easy shore entry, you cross a sandy lagoon that opens onto a gently sloping reef marked with heads. The amazing and eerie canyon soon comes into view. It forms a thin cleft in the reef that looks like a winding serpent.

Descend into the Canyon at 20 meters and drop to the bottom which sits at around 30 meters. Take a minute at bottom and enjoy the magnificent view, the light coming through the crack that forms the entry of the canyon while you sit in semi-darkness, it is an amazing sight.

From here you exit through the “Fish Bowl”, a hollow coral mound that forms a small chamber full of glassfish. Finish the dive by swimming through a sensational coral garden at about 8 meters.

Eel Garden

Eel Garden takes its name from the countless garden eels that carpet the sea floor not far from the entry point of the dive.

After walking over the reef plate to the entry spot, which is a nine-meter canyon, it then broadens into a large sandy area that slopes down gradually.

After diving along a jutting reef that lays perpendicular to the main reef the eels slowly come into view. The amazing site of the garden eels waving to and fro in the like synchronized swimmers who vanish back into the sand as you approach never ceases to amaze, even for the locals who dive there a couple of times a week.

Descend to about 20 meters where you will find a nearly flat section with coral boulders and several table . It is quite common to find a thick congregation of barracudas regularly patrolling the area.

On your way back at around 5 and 10 meters you will see healthy, wide range variety of both soft and hard corals which is rivaled only by the fish life, stunning.

The Islands

The Islands offers tropical corals at its best, with a wide range of hard and soft coral, combined with outstanding topography. You can explore a maze of coral boulders, alleyways, amphitheaters, valleys and gullies all in less than 18 meters.

After the entry follow a wide sandy valley before entering the intricate reef system. The quantity and quality of the corals is a phenomenon. You can see plenty of big groupers, glittering anthias, jewel-like schools of glassfish, Napoleons, lionfish and a dense shoal of barracudas usually roams the northern section of the reef.

The Islands is a all time favorite for everyone who dives there, it is defiantly a real piece of paradise.

Umm Sid

Umm Sid features abundant fish life and a variety of reef structures which are all in exceptional condition as the site was not dived as frequently in the past as others in Dahab. Entry is through a wide corridor carved into a steeply sloping reef. Dive around and beneath a massive coral tongue until you reach a sandy slope inhabited by garden eels.

Follow the slope down into a beautiful coral garden, for advanced divers descend down to 30 meters and view the spectacular vision filled with giant gorgonians. Here you can spot small hawkfish. Ascend up to 18 meters and end the dive by a slow excursion over the table corals and along a reef wall which is covered in soft corals and anthias, look closely and spot the number of nudibranches of all varieties.

Sinai Divers House Reef

(Manta in our house reef January 2004)

Kit up in the dive centre and take a short walk to the beach in to the Dahab lagoon. It is the most perfect location for training in Dahab.

A gradual sandy slope goes down to about 12 meters, where it flattens out to an even platform. After going to the right you will find a small reef formation where if you look closely you can spot things like sea horses and nudibranchs. Undulate, peppered and yellow mouthed morays are abundant. Stone fish, scorpion fish and clown fish are also regularly seen.

This can be a truly interesting dive for people who just want to look take a closer look for the smaller creatures of the . If you are prepared to swim out a little further you have a good chance of spotting tuna and trevallies hunting on the schools of glass fish. Not long ago two manta’s were seen here on a daily base. Even a whale shark has made an appearance here in the past.

And don’t forget when you book a diving package of ten dives or more you get 5 dives here for free. A good and shallow site to finish off a days diving.

Bannerfish bay

Bannerfish bay is located just right of the lighthouse.

Using the same entry as the light house go left down a gradual slope to about 12 meters. Here you will swim over a large sea grass area which is abundant with macro life; sea horses, angler fish, nudibranchs, rare ghost pipefish, moray eels, stone fish, scorpion fish and crustaceans and lots more are hidden in the sea grass. It is quite common to see the resident turtle feeding on the sea grass.

Right in the middle of it all you will see the small car wreck and several car tires. Swim a little further and after the sea grass you will find a small reef filled to the brim with schooling bannerfish, which is where the dive site got its name.

A slow and shallow dive, great for and perfect for the photographer.

Red Tooth Trigger Bay – Camel Safari

A short journey by jeep from Ras Abu Gallum. Prepare your equipment beforehand at the camp. Entrance from the shore is easy in most weather, it starts off as stone and after a short distance moves onto a sandy slope.

Descend and you will instantly find “The Garden”, as the local Bedouin call this site. Although it is only over a small area this dive is prefect as corals spread from as deep as 50 meters right up to 3 meters. Descend over the gradual sandy slope and divers will find that they are surrounded instantaneously by huge schools of Banner fish and Red Tooth Triggers.

Corals are found in small pinnacles with both soft and hard corals in pristine conditions. Swim over the table corals which are home to Scorpion Fish, Anemone Fish, Anthias, Puffers and many more. For the micro divers in us Nudibranches are often seen here including the Spanish Dancer, while Turtles and Eagle Rays have also been spotted.

This site is perfect for photography being beautiful at all depths with a surprising wealth of life.

Salahs Place

Entry is from the shore in front of your hut. Go through into a small sandy lagoon divided from the plateau by a saddle of stunning corals.

Outside the reef table directly in front of the lagoon is a beautiful pinnacle covered in soft and hard corals. This is often surrounded by Glassfish and Silver Sides who are hunted in flashes of silver by Rainbow Runner fish and Trevallies.

A shallow plateau descends dramatically into a wall with pinnacles of soft corals and green bushy coral. On a longer dive it is possible to see schools of Bat fish on the wall. If dived as a shallow dive coral gardens are magically weaving a path between 3 to 10 meters.

Abu Gallum Bay

This bay is extremely sheltered and diving conditions are good in all weather. A sandy slope descends away from the shore with the reef wall starting on both sides.

Dive to the left where the reef table swings wide into a steep wall dive with pinnacles and dramatic rock formations, always keep one eye fixed on the blue as you will often see Trevallies and Jacks while the resident Turtle crosses beneath them close to the wall.

Ascend a bit shallower and you will find beautiful fire corals and schools of reef fish.


This dive site is reached by Sinai Divers Boat in Dahab, The Ghazala 6. It lies to the south of caves beyond the reaches of the road, which makes this site superb. The name itself is used by the Bedouin to recognize a large area of coastline which encompasses several dives.

Shaira as we know it is a coral covered plateau which drops to a small wall starting at 17 meters. A canyon runs parallel to the shore starting at 38 meters and dropping to 55 meters, only accessible yet perfect for technical divers, it is a narrow winding crack filled on all sides by amazing coral formations.

In the shallows mountain corals rise up between 10 and 5 meters creating a maze of hard and soft corals. Drift towards the “Coral Forest” and look to your left and you will see a satellite reef covered in pristine corals, a large school of Yellow Tail Barracuda’s are often seen here and if you are lucky Feathertail or Blue Spotted Rays have also been spotted.

Coral Forest

Access from the Ghazala 6, located just south of Shaira. This shallow dive is perfect as the afternoon or third dive.

As divers descend they will notice a huge, untouched cabbage coral at 8 meters on a shallow wall. Crossing a small sandy area a plateau of hard coral stretches to meet a satellite reef which raises up to 5 meters, some distance from the shore.

A large school of Yellow Tail Barracuda can be seen here hovering over the soft corals of the satellite reef. Turing back around the far side of the reef and crossing mid water creates a beautiful scenery from above and reaching the reef table one is confronted by a huge mountain and massive corals.

Three secret pools can be found at the end of this dive, each hidden from the next by saddles of hard corals where Puffers and Blue Spotted Rays can be found resting.

Sha’ab Khin Ziir

Access from the Ghazala 6 this drift dive starts by descending to a pinnacle perching on the corner of a drop off at 18 meters surrounded by Glass fish.

Slightly deeper at 25 meters a green bushy coral is home to numerous hunting Lion Fish and the photographers favorite, a Long Nose Hawk Fish.

Three connecting satellite reefs lead away from the wall over the their tops at 20 meters covered with soft and hard corals. Eagle Rays and Turtles can be seen in the blue near the reef while swarms of Anthias dart in front of the diver.

Khin Ziir being Trigger Fish in Arabic, this dive site is host to a large school of Red Tooth Triggers that can be found near the satellite reefs and over the sandy plateau of table corals leading up to the shallows. In the sandy areas Nudibranches and Pipefish are abundant while rarer species, such as the Leopard Shark have been spotted here.


This dive site covers the south side of the bay in Dahab and is the house reef for several dive centers in dahab. This site is exposed to the waves brought by a northern wind so can not be dived in bad conditions.

Enter onto the shallow sandy area which is good for confined sessions. After this it slopes down into a sea grass area to a depth of about twelve meters featuring a picturesque leathery anemone. Heading south at about 20m you will find some huge coral formations where you can find a huge potato grouper. At around 35m there is a little swim-through. Shallow up to find some big healthy table corals, and return towards the shore along a nice coral wall until you hit the sea grass again.

Abu Talha

This northerly site is accessed by jeep from Dahab, a journey that takes approximately 20 minutes.

Abu Talha is a little “secret” in Dahab, it can only be comfortably dived in calm weather and at high , which leads to it being dived much less than other sites.

Entry is slippery on a sandy bottom and fins must be donned before the edge of the reef table as there are many holes of various depths. Swimming on the surface over a small sandy lagoon filed with coral it is advisable that divers do not descend until over the shallow saddle unless perfect neutral can be achieved in shallow water.

Once out of the reef table the diver will find the most beautiful coral garden of all the local Dahab sites. Shafted like an amphitheater the hard coral drops to 50 meters and in the center and to the left at 25 meters a sink hole can be found. Deeper holes also exist, this being located at the far end of the “little canyon”, starting at Abu Helal making this site also perfect for technical divers.

Turning to the left the coral becomes more scattered with sandy patches and table corals. Here a school of Red Tooth Triggers can be found as well as Rays and Nudibranches.

Returning to the exit between 10 and 15 meters swim along the reef wall and watch the hard and soft corals while a turtle and small schools of Yellow Tail Barracuda can be found often.

Abu Helal

Abu Helal also known as “Little Canyon” lies to the south of Abu Talha and like Abu Talha can only be dived at high tide in perfect conditions which makes this site on of the most spectacular of all the local sites in Dahab.

This site has everything for both tek and recreational, the entry just down from a out jut split of reef that falls onto a sandy lagoon where the bottom reaches to around 12 meters.

A canyon lies at around 30 meters, when diving over the top you can see an extremely slender crack which twists in a unique pattern that offers very limited exit points, therefore entry into the Little Canyon is only for technical divers.

The density and variety of both soft and hard corals and aquatic life here is spectacular. Among the multitudes of reef species, notable inhabitants are Unicorns, wrasse, big grouper or rock cod, triggerfish, lionfish and big starry puffers. Sea turtles are also a common sight.

Gabr El Bint

Gabr El Bint ranks among one of the most attractive sites of north Sinai. With the access by our boat Ghazala VI or by camel, it is less frequently dived than the other dive sites in Dahab which has left this site in pristine condition. Gabr El Bint means in Arabic “The Grave of the Girl”.

There are two dives possible here. The right side, also known as the dark side, features a steep wall that drops down to about 60m cut by numerous chasms, sandy ravines and overhangs. The drop-off is adorned with healthy table corals.

The left side is a far more colorful featuring a virtual forest of gorgonians. Usually drop down to about 20-25 meters swimming along massive boulders protruding from the drop-off which attracts dense shoals of Anthias and Glassfish. Keep a good eye on the blue where you will see Trevallies hunting on the shoals of Fusseliers. After about ten minutes you will find some of the healthiest gorgonian fan corals in the red sea. Here you start to ascend to about 10m and cross the saddle then start to head back along a sandy ledge which parallels to the shore. The ledge is riddled with exquisite coral heads that attract numerous reef species, including swarms of Anthias, Scorpionfish, Parrotfish, Crocodilefish, Surgeonfish, Triggerfish, Trumpetfish, Stingrays and very often a Turtle. At the end of the ledge usually is home to a shoal of Black and White Snappers and Twinspot Snappers hang here between 5m and 10m. One of the truly breathtaking dives in Dahab.

Coral Garden

Right next to the Canyon lays a beautiful coral garden. Both the Canyon and Coral Garden have the same entry and exit point. The dive starts and ends in a large blue colored lagoon with white sand on the bottom and Coronet fish patrolling the area. Just outside of the lagoon a spectacular pinnacle, the first of the two Angels, catches the eye. Lots of Anthias, glassfish, unicorn fish and for the careful observer crocodile fish are spotted on a regular basis. From here the dive continues to the deeper areas of Coral Garden. With a splendorous coral wall on your right side, the open blue to your left side and an unseen bottom below you, one feels like being in outer space. The deep part ends by ascending "the waterfall" to the shallow coral garden. Beautifully colored coral blocks and a variety of fish species are a real treat for enthusiastic underwater photographers. An eventful and diverse dive

The Caves

A 30 minute jeep treck south of Dahab and you will reach the caves. Jump out of the jeep and you are literally standing on top of the cave. This site focuses on a large, open-fronted overhang, or cavern under the reef table right off the shore.

Entry is like off a boat, giant stride off the ledge and into the deep blue. The caves can only be dived in calm conditions as jumping off the ledge can be quite tricky when there are waves crashing on the shore.

Once in the water the cave is directly below you and on both the left and right side you will find a shallow reef. The reef that circles the cave is just as attractive as the cave itself with both soft and hard corals being abundant. Here you will often spot large Groupers, Scorpionfish and Morays with a Tiger Shark spotted on a number of occasions.

Enter the cave and swim to the back then turn and watch the light shine through the swarms of Anthias and Bannerfish swimming upside down on the ceiling of the cave, a perfect spot for your safety stop.

Gebel Soraya

“Little Mountain” Dahab’s most southern dive site. This site consists of a coral mountain rising up from the depths to only a couple of meters under the surface. Several satellite reefs connect the shore with a sandy plateau. Can only be dived in good conditions.

The dive normally starts at the south side of the mountain where you can normally find shoals of Snappers and Trevallies, the coral here is very healthy and diverse. From here you spiral downwards around the mountain after which you are swimming along a vertical drop off.

After about five minutes you will come across several satellite reefs packed with both soft and hard corals of all varieties lying at around 20m. Return the dive over the sandy plateau where you usually come across some blue spotted stingrays. You can also find a small turtle here.

Finish the dive with a safety stop hovering above the mountain.

3 Pools

Three sandy pools interconnected by saddles of coral form the entry and exit point for this dive. Outside of the third pool a young resident Napoleon fish might catch your eye just before you descend to the deepest point of the dive by following a sandy river. Brain corals, pipe corals and salad corals mix along the river. The river brings you to a beautiful coral garden with wonderful pinnacles. A resident turtle often patrols the area. The later part of the dive is a shallow area were sand and coral blocks seem to compete to catch a bit of sun, showing wonderful red colored details. Crocodile fish and scorpion fish try to hide in the sandy parts, while octopuses blend in wherever they go, but divers with an eye for detail will spot them for sure. The Napoleon will greet you when you enter the last of the three pools at the end of your dive. A magical experience that in some way awakens a desire in you to return one day.

Moray Garden

Moray Garden is one of the beautiful dive sites in the south just between Three Pools and Golden Blocks.

At the entry and exit point you have a sandy slope from where you can go either right or left or do drift dives from Golden Blocks or to Three Pools. On the right side you will find a fascinating coral garden with a small wall dropping off to 50 m. It is a great place to look into holes and cracks for interesting things like morays, nudibranches and scorpionfish.

Following the coral slope you will pass a nice glassfish pinnacle at 22 m. As you come up to the shallow reef at the top of the coral garden you will at 7 m. find a sandy area where you can see a big school of yellow tail barracudas.

At the left side of Moray Garden you have, at the deeper part, a coral slope with sand rivers streaming down. At the shallower part you have beautiful table corals and coral blocks. It is a great place to find nudibranches, morays and blue spotted stingrays.

Moray Garden can be enjoyed by all divers regardless of level. It has a lot of small things but sightings of guitarsharks, whitetip reef sharks and whalesharks have been known.

Golden Blocks

Golden Blocks is a dive site that has everything. It is a mix between coral garden and sandy areas with almost all coral species represented. It has a coral slope with three sandy rivers in it. The first one starts at 10 m. and drops down to 30-40 m. Here we have Dahab's only "real wreck" a paddleboat at 20 m. Second slope is like a small canyon with a beautiful little island of corals. At the third slope you will find an impressive Gorgonian at 22 m and beside it a small cave. Shallower you have sandy areas with the "Golden Blocks". These are large coral blocks that go from 10 m to the surface and are teaming with anthias. Also in the shallower part you have beautiful table corals and small coral blocks where there is always a good chance to find big groupers or colorful nudibranches. There have also been sightings of Manta Rays in this area. This is a site that can be dived by all divers whether you like small or big things. It can also be recommended to do drift dives to Moray Garden.


Lighthouse is a very popular dive site in Dahab, it’s perfect for teaching all levels, from open water until technical.

As Lighthouse is a site which has one of the easiest entry’s and exit’s and it is always sheltered from the wind, diving the Lighthouse is always a possibility.

As you step in the water you will find a shallow sandy area that slowly drops off into a large grassy slope. On the left site the reef begins. The reef wall is similar to many that you will find in Dahab, it is common to see unicorn fish and a small school or two of bar seabream. The reef wall is scattered over numerous sandy patches with enormous big pinnacles arising from all directions, which disappear into the deep.

Follow the reef wall and cruise over and between these pinnacles until you reach the saddle. Here you can always find some scorpion fish and if you are lucky you might meet a stone fish. Cross the saddle and enter an amazing coral garden that will end with a very large gorgonian fan coral. Swim around the last pinnacle and come back towards the reef wall where you will slowly ascend to the small sandy lagoon at around 5 meters.

El Shugarat

El Shugarat is also known as little trees in Arabic, and you will see why. This dive is one you can only made by boat. The captain will drop you off right next to the reef.

Descend down and swim along a beautiful reef wall until you come to a sandy bottom. On the deep side of the sandy bottom at around 16 meters you will find an impressive open canyon. When you descend between the walls off the canyon, at around 30 meters two big black corals will come into view on each side, take time to look for the long nose Hawkfish. Exit the canyon and take a left and you will swim in to a virtual forest of gorgonian fan corals. As you are flying over this amazing site you will see them scattered down the reef wall out of sight and into the deep. Unbelievable.

As you are slowly ascend while still soaring over this forest you will return back to the reef table then enter one of the most beautiful lagoons in Dahab. You can see giant table corals and all kinds of life in and around this lagoon. Once returned to the reef wall you see the last set of gorgonians and turning back into the lagoon in search for nudibraches, blue spotted rays, crocodile fish and many other species. On the end off the lagoon you reach the canyon so take time to throw a last look inside and to get ready for the safety stop.

Ricks reef to Canyon

Ricks reef is located just north of the Canyon. Enter into a small opening in the reef table and descend along a beautiful slope filled with salad corals.

At 18 meters swim over numerous table corals and let the current drift you along towards the canyon. Along the wall you will find a number of pinnacles that populate the area filled with anthias, coral groupers, puffer fish, moray eels and parrotfish. Keep one eye left out to the blue and you will occasionally see turtles and napoleon wrasse joining you for the dive.

After approximately 40 minutes the fish bowl of the Canyon will come into view. It is an amazing site seeing the crack of the Canyon appear and gives you a different view of one of the most famous dive sites in Dahab.

Finish the dive with a short swim through the coral garden and exit the dive through a sandy lagoon, which is marked by a couple of coral pinnacles.

Sha’ab Said

Sha’ab Said is one of the most beautiful sites you will find in Dahab. It is located just south of Dahab next to the small Blue Hole. Access is off Ghazala VI.

When you arrive you can spot the edge of the reef off the boat going north where is forms into two lagoons.

This site is only dived by a few people among us, so if you have the chance you will be amazed at the condition of this reef.

The captain will drop you just in front of the first lagoon, Sha’ab Said is perfect for your third dive of the day as it is very shallow, you will do most of the dive at 15 meters. Swim inside the first lagoon and enter into walls of mountain corals, brain corals, porcelain corals, and crystal corals just to name a few!

Keep swimming into the first lagoon and over a small sandy bottom at around 17 meters. Swim out of the first lagoon you will be amazed, this site you can drift between big pinnacles and small caves and swim-throughs, perfect buoyancy will be needed in this area, as you continue the dive in the shallow watch as the perfect light shines through the water resting on the soft and hard corals enhancing their colour.

When entering into the second lagoon you will find yourself in the middle of a school of Snubnose rudderfish chasing each other and some snappers.

The corals keep on going and going into the distant blue, if you are lucky and have high tide the dive guide may take you for a brief look into the small blue hole.