Journal of Chemotherapy Vol. 20 - n. 6 ( 51 -?) - 2008


New and Investigational Agents for the Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infections


1 Dipartimento Clinico e Sperimentale di Medicina e Farmacologia, 2 Dipartimento di Patologia e Microbiologia Sperimentale, Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy. Correspondence: Prof. Angelina De Sarro, Dipartimento Clinico e Sperimentale di Medicina e Farmacologia, Policlinico Universitario, Torre Biologica V piano, Via Consolare Valeria, 98125 Messina, Italy. Tel: ++39-090-2213649; Fax: ++39-090-2213300. E-mail: [email protected]

Summary The incidence of invasive fungal infections (IFIs) caused by both common and un - common opportunistic fungi is increasing along with emerging fungal resistance. Since traditional agents (, , ) are limited by an inade - quate spectrum of activity, drug resistance or toxicity, there is a great interest in the de - velopment of new agents for treatment of IFIs in high-risk populations. In recent years a number of systemic antifungal drugs have become available and options for treatment of IFIs have expanded. A new generation of triazole agents (, , isavuconazole, ravuconazole and ), with a broad spectrum of activity and sufficient improvements in potency to overcome resistance have emerged and represent an alternative to conventional for the prevention and treatment of IFIs. This article focuses on the microbiology, pharmacology, clinical efficacy and safety of the new antifungal triazole generation..

Key words: Voriconazole, posaconazole, isavuconazole, ravuconazole, albacona - zole, invasive fungal infections.

INTRODUCTION baconazole are currently in various stages of clinical development. The incidence of invasive fungal infections (IFIs) has This review summarizes the potential role of the increased dramatically during the past 30 years 1. The new triazole generation based on data available from most no table explanation for this increase is a rise in microbiological, pharmacological and clinical studies. the number of immunocompromised patients due to advances in transplantation, the emergence of AIDS, and a rise in the number of invasive surgical procedures MECHANISMS OF ACTION AND RESISTANCE 2. Until few years ago the treatment options for pa - tients with deadly fungal infections were primarily am - antifungals belong to the group of photericin B and the , fluconazole and biosynthesis inhibitors 10 . Azoles diffuse passively into itraconazole. These agents are limited by an inade - fungal cells where they inhibit cytochrome P450-de - quate spectrum of activity, drug resistance or toxicity. pendent lanosterol 14a-demethylase (CYP51) present Thus, new agents with improved activity and safety in practically all yeasts and molds. This enzyme is in - profiles are greatly needed. Most recently a new tria - volved in the synthesis of ergosterol, which is a major zole generation has been developed to meet the in - and essential lipid constituent of the cell membrane of creasing need for new antifungals and address the fungi, not present in mammalian cells. Exposure of rising incidence of IFIs and the emergence of fungal re - fungi to azoles leads to accumulation of methylated sistance 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . sterols, depletion of ergosterol, and inhibition of cell Voriconazole and posaconazole have been licensed growth 11 . The lack of or shortage of ergosterol will by the FDA while isavuconazole, ravuconazole and al - weaken the stability of the fungal cell membrane, the

© E.S.I.F.T. srl - Firenze ISSN 1120-009X 52 A. DE SARRO - E. LA CAMERA -0M.8 T. FERA transport of nutrients and the chitin synthesis. This will greater than that of itraconazole. The MIC 90 values for finally interfere with the replication of fungal cells and voriconazole against all Candida spp. w0ere 0.25 will enhance their susceptibility to host-defense mech - mg/mL 23 . 2 anisms. The different affinity of azole compounds to An international survey tested a total of 4169 clin - the various cytochrome P450 isoenzymes has been de - ical isolates of Candida spp. and Cry,ptococcus neo - scribed 12 . formans against voriconazole an6d 2 comparator The growing prominence of antifungal azole re - agents. Voriconazole was very activ.e against Candida sistance is becoming a major problem. There are sev - spp. and C. neoformans with MIC 90 values of 1 24 n eral mechanisms by which yeasts can became resistant g/mL . Increases in resistance among individual to azole antifungals. Resistance can result from: (i) al - Candida spp. to voriconazole,were not detected by the tered cellular accumulation of azole antifungal due to SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program during 25 0 increased expression of efflux pumps; (ii) ergosterol 2003 . Voriconazole showed excellent in vitro ac - biosynthesis pathway modification; (iii) increased cellu - tivity against Candida sp2p. and Aspergillus spp. with lar content of CYP51; (iiii) decreased affinity of CYP51 25 MIC 90 value of 1 g/mL . In other susceptibility stud - to azoles 13, 14,15 . ies voriconazole hals. exhibited pronounced activity against most Aspergillus spp. (MIC 90 0.01 to 2 26,27 o µg/mL ) . Furthermore, voriconazole is also effec - VORICONAZOLE tive against a vavriety of Fusarium spp, such as Sce - dosporium spp., as well as dimorfic fungi Voriconazole is structurally similar to fluconazole, Histoplasmarcapsulatum , Blastomyces dermatitidis with the major difference being the substitution of a and Coccidioides immitis 28,29,30,31 . The drug is fungi - fluoropyrimidine group in place of a triazole moiety 16 . e cidal in vitro for a majority of Aspergillus spp. 32 . In Voriconazole was approved by FDA in May 2002 for h contrast, it appears to exhibit fungistatic activity against the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and infections t 33 Candida spp. . Zygomycetes are known to be resist - caused by Scedosporium apiospermum and Fusar - ant too voriconazole in vitro and in vivo 31 . ium spp. in cases of intolerance to or refractoriness of other antifungal agents. In November 2003, a license Pmharmacokinetics was granted for its use in the treatment of esophageal candidiasis. In December 2004, voriconazole was ap - e The pharmacokinetic properties of voriconazole proved for the treatment of disseminated candidiasis. h have been defined in various studies in healthy volun - teers, patients, and special populations 16,34,35 . In vitro susceptibility testing C Voriconazole is well absorbed, with an oral bioavail - Compared to reference , voriconazo.le is ability of >95%. It takes 1 to 2 hours to reach maxi - mum plasma concentrations (C ) after dosing. several-fold more active than fluconazole anJd itra - max conazole against most fungal species studied. The min - However, the bioavailability is decreased and the time to reach maximum drug concentration in plasma (t ) imum inhibitory concentration (MIC ) breakpoints max extends when voriconazole is administered with a high- proposed by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards In - 16,36 stitute (CLSI) for voriconazole and Candida spp. are fat meal . Absorption is not diminished when as follows: susceptible, 1 µg/mL and resistant , 4 voriconazole is administered with gastric acid–sup - µg/mL. Voriconazole exhibits broad-spectrum activity pressing agents such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or 16 at concentrations of 0.06 µg/mL against yeasts and omeprazole . The pharmacokinetic properties of 0.10 µg/mL against dermatophytes 17,18 . MIC values voriconazole are similar whether given intravenously 90 35,36,37 for Epidermophyton spp. are 1 µg/mL 19 . Voricona - or orally . It is moderately protein bound (58%) 16 zole is active against all Candida spp., including those and extensively distributed into tissue . Voriconazole that are inherently fluconazole-resistant, although exhibits nonlinear pharmacokinetics, possibly due to cross-resistance has been observed 10,20,21 . As described saturable first-pass metabolism and systemic clearance. by Sheehan et al. 10 for some, but not all, fluconazole- Dose-dependent accumulation and decreased systemic resistant strains of C. albicans , MICs of voriconazole clearance are observed following administration of mul - 34,35,36 are higher than those noted for fluconazole-suscepti - tiple doses . Voriconazole is extensively metabo - ble strains. Abraham et al. 22 also found that voricona - lized in the liver to the N-oxide metabolite . The main zole maintains activity against itraconazole-resistant hepatic cytochrome P (CYP) 450 enzyme responsible Aspergillus fumigatus isolates, showing only a mod - for voriconazole’s metabolism is CYP2C19, although est rise in the MICs. This suggests that voriconazole CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 are also involved. Allelic poly - may have additional mechanisms of fungal killing since morphisms of CYP2C19 have been shown to be the complete cross-resistance did not develop. most important determinants of voriconazole clear - Voriconazole and selected comparators were tested ance, resulting in two phenotypes: poor and extensive against 6970 invasive isolates of Candida spp. from metabolizers. Poor metabolizers also have higher worldwide sites 23 . Voriconazole was comparable in plasma accumulation after multiple dosing 37,38,39,40 . spectrum against the recently isolated Candida spp. to fluconazole, but it showed a spectrum of activity Clinical studies NEW AND INVESTIGATIONAL TRIAZOLE AGENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INVASIVE FUNGAL INFECTIONS 53

Voriconazole has been assessed in patients with in - approval for this indication by the FDA. The authors vasive aspergillosis, esophageal candidiasis and febrile evaluated the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of neutropenia . To evaluate its efficacy and safety in voriconazole as salvage treatment for 273 patients re - acute invasive aspergillosis, an open, noncomparative fractory to other agents and as primary treatment for study enrolled 141 patients, 116 of whom were con - 28 patients with infections for which there is no ap - sidered evaluable. Voriconazole was given as primary proved therapy. Voriconazole was associated with sat - therapy in 60 (52%). Good responses were seen in 56 isfactory global responses in 50% of the overall cohort; (48%); 16 (14%) showed complete response and 40 specifically, in the patients whose infections have no (34%) partial response. A s table response was seen in approved antifungal therapy . The efficacy rates for 24 patients (21%), and 36 (31%) of the infections voriconazole were 43.7% for aspergillosis, 57.5% for failed to respond to therapy 41 . candidiasis, 38.9% for cryptococcosis, 45.5% for A subsequent large, randomized trial demonstrated fusariosis, and 30% for 47 . a superior response rate and survival advantage for pa - tients with invasive aspergillosis receiving voriconazole Adverse effects and interactions as compared with deoxycholate amphotericin B 42 . A The safety of voriconazole has been evaluated in total of 144 patients in the voriconazole group and 16,46 133 patients in the amphotericin B group with defi - patients and healthy volunteers in clinical trials . nite or probable aspergillosis received at least one dose The most commonly reported adverse events are vi - of treatment. At week 12, there were successful out - sual disturbances, hepatic abnormalities, dermatologi - comes in 53% of the patients in the voriconazole group cal reactions, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and 32% of those in the amphotericin B group. The headache and hallucinations. The events often re - survival rate at 12 weeks was 71% in the voriconazole sponsible for discontinuation of therapy include visual group and 58% in the amphotericin B group. This disturbances and elevations in hepatic enzyme levels 44,46 study shows the superiority of voriconazole over am - . Visual disturbances generally occurred during the photericin B as initial therapy for invasive aspergillosis, first week of therapy and were reversible after the pa - in terms of response rate, survival rate, and safety J42 . tient discontinued therapy. Although the mechanism Voriconazole is likely to be a better treatment choice in of action for the visual disturbances is unknown, the . 16,45,48 infections due to Aspergillus terreus , which is intrin - retina appears to be the site of action . Recent sically resistant to amphotericin B 43 . Cobservations suggest that hepatic toxicity and visual dis - 48,49 A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double- thurbance might be dose related . Skin rashes are dummy study compared the efficacy, safety, and toler - the second most common adverse effect observed with 16 ability of voriconazole (200 mg twice daily) and voreiconazole therapy . Most of these were mild and fluconazole (400 mg on day 1, followed by 200 mg, did nmot require treatment discontinuation. There have once daily) in 391 immunocompromised patients for been, however, rare cases of patients developing seri - the treatment of esophageal candidiasis 44 . Primary ef - ous cutanoeous reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ficacy analysis of 256 patients revealed success rates of toxic epidermal necrolysis, and erythema multiforme) 50 98.3% with voriconazole and 95.1% with fluconazole. . Photosetnsitivity may occur, particularly in patients 51 The overall safety and tolerability of both antifungals receiving lonhg–term therapy . were accep table : voriconazole is at least as effective as A wide arraey of potential pharmacokinetic interac - fluconazole for the treatment of esophageal candidia - tions should be kept in mind during voriconazole treat - 44 r sis . ment, since variations in its pharmacokinetics may be Another multicenter, randomized study has re - associated with decrevased efficacy or with toxicity. cently compared voriconazole therapy with a regimen Voriconazole affects the metabolism of several of amphotericin B followed by fluconazole for the treat - drugs, and other drugos affect its metabolism as well ment of candidaemia in non-neutropenic patients 45 . 35,37,38,39,40 . Voriconazolelhas many potential interac - Of 422 patients randomized, 370 were included in the tions because of its exten.sive hepatic metabolism by modified intention-to-treat population. Voriconazole CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CY2P3A4. It is both a sub - was non-inferior to amphotericin B/fluconazole in the strate and an inhibitor of the CYP450 system. By in - primary efficacy analysis, with successful outcomes in hibiting CYP2C9 and CYP2C109 voriconazole affects 41% of patients in both treatment groups 45 . drugs such as warfarin, antiretroviral agents, cy - 52,53,54,55 The results of a randomized, international, multi - closporine and tacrolimus . Voriconazole is center trial that compared voriconazole with liposomal also a substrate of CYP2C19. It is contraind icated with amphotericin B as empirical antifungal therapy, are enzyme inducers such as carbamazepine., rifampin, and controversial 46 . Voriconazole did not fulfill the proto - phenobarbital which can significantly dec6rease its con - col-defined criteria for noninferiority to liposomal am - centration 16 . Other drug interactions relate,to the po - photericin B with respect to overall response to tential of voriconazole to prolong the QT interval, such empirical therapy, since the 95% CI fell just outside the as with terfenadine, astemizole, cisapride, p2imozide margin allowed by 0.6%. and quinidine 16 . 0 Voriconazole is often used for empirical treatment of febrile neutropenic patients although it failed to gain Dosage and administration 08 54 A. DE SARRO - E. LA CAMERA -0M.8 T. FERA A major advantage of voriconazole is that it is avail - spectrum of in vitro activity against Candida spp., C. able in both intravenous and oral formulations. neoformans , Aspergillus spp., Zygomy0cetes and Voriconazole injection is supplied as a sterile other opportunistic and endemic funga2l pathogens lyophilized powder in a single-use vial containing 200 57,59,60,61,62,63 . Posaconazole has not been assigned in - mg of active drug and 3200 mg of sulfobutyl ether - terpretive breakpoints by the CLSI. F,or purposes of cyclodextrin sodium (SBECD) 16. Therapy can be initi - comparison, Pfaller et al. 64 applied6the voriconazole ated with a loading dose of 6 mg/kg intravenously MIC breakpoints to posaconazo.le (susceptible, 1 every 12 hours for 2 doses, followed by a maintenance µg/mL; resistant, 4 µg/mL). An global antifungal sur - dose of 4 mg/kg intravenously every 12 hours. If pa - veillance program examined the in vitro activities of tients are unable to tolerate this dosage because of side posaconazole, voriconazole, ,and fluconazole against effects, the dose may be decreased to 3 mg/kg intra - 3932 isolates of Candida s0pp. and 237 isolates of C. venously every 12 hours. neoformans obtained from over 100 medical centers Patients who are able to take oral may worldwide during 2001 2and 2002. Voriconazole and be switched to oral voriconazole. Oral therapy ( table ts posaconazole were very active against Candida spp. and suspension) for patients weighing 40 kg can be (97-98% susceptiblela. t MICs of 1 µg/mL) and C. neo - initiated at 200 mg orally twice a day and increased to formans (98-100% susceptible at MICs of 1 µg/mL ). 300 mg orally twice a day if the response is inade - o Candida albicans (MIC 90 , 0.015-0.03 µg/mL) was the quate. For patients weighing <40 kg, the dose should most susceptiblevspecies of Candida to both agents be halved. If a patient is intolerant to treatment, the and Candida glabrata (MIC 90 , 1-2 µg/mL) was the oral dose may be decreased 40 . Oral doses should be least susceptirble. Both posaconazole and voriconazole taken at least 1 hour before or after meals, because were moreeactive than fluconazole against all Candida food reduces the rate and extent of absorption spp. and C. neoformans 24 . (bioavailability reduced by 22%) 16, 36 . In a hrecent study, posaconazole and several com - Based on the marked interindividual variability of t parison antifungal agents were tested against 19 ,000 voriconazole levels, the achievement of therapeutic cliniocally important strains of yeasts and molds 62 . drug levels appears to be mandatory to correlate serum MIC 90 values against all yeasts and molds were 1 concentrations and treatment efficacy. Thus, voricona - µmg/mL. In this comparative study, posaconazole was zole therapeutic drug monitoring improves the efficacy emore potent than fluconazole against all organisms and safety of therapy in critically ill patients. Dose ad - tested and was frequently more potent than itracona - justments must be recommended for elderly patients h zole, voriconazole, and amphotericin B. Among the and subjects with chronic hepatic impairment and renal triazoles, posaconazole was the only agent that exhib - 17 C insufficiency . In patients with moderate to severe ited consistent activity against the Zygomycetes. renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance <50 mL/m. in), Posaconazole has also shown good activity against the accumulation of the intravenous vehicle, (SBECD), oc - vast majority of organisms that cause aspergillosis, can - 16 J curs . Oral voriconazole should be administered to didiasis, cryptococcosis, chromoblastomycosis, myce - these patients unless an assessment of the benefit/risk toma, and phaeohyphomycosis, confirming its to the patient justifies the use of intravenous voricona - potential as a useful agent for patients with serious sys - zole. In that case serum creatinine levels should be temic mycoses 62 . monitored and, if increases occur, oral voriconazole The posaconazole MIC 90 for 1903 yeast isolates therapy must be taken into account. from France was 1 µg/mL (range, 0.015 to 8 µg/mL). Ninety percent of isolates with fluconazole MICs of 8 µg/mL (n = 509) and 90% of those with voriconazole POSACONAZOLE MICs of 2 µg/mL (n = 80) were inhibited by 2 and 8 µg/mL of posaconazole, respectively. C. neoformans Posaconazole is structurally derived from itracona - isolates were highly susceptible to posaconazole, and zole by replacement of the chlorine substituents with slightly higher posaconazole MIC values than those fluorine in the phenyl ring and hydroxylation of the tri - 50 of voriconazole were found 63 Posaconazole has azolone side chain 56 . Posaconazole was approved by . shown potent in vitro activity against Aspergillus spp. the FDA in September 2006 for prophylaxis of inva - 57,59,61,65 A global antimicrobial surveillance program sive Aspergillus and Candida infections in severely im - . evaluated the in vitro activity of posaconazole, ravu - munocompromised patients 57 . Subsequently, conazole, and voriconazole compared to those of itra - posaconazole has also been approved for treatment of conazole and amphotericin B against 239 clinical oropharyngeal candidiasis as first-line therapy as well isolates of Aspergillus spp. and other filamentous as for treatment of fusariosis, chromoblastomycosis, fungi. Overall, posaconazole was the most active com - mycetoma and coccidiomycosis infections in adult pa - pound, inhibiting 94% of isolates at a MIC of 1 µg/mL tients with refractory disease or in those who are in - 66 . Diekema et al . 61 examined the in vitro activity of tolerant of certain commonly used antifungals 57, 58 . posaconazole, , voriconazole, ravucona - zole, itraconazole, and amphotericin B against 448 re - In vitro susceptibility testing cent clinical mold isolates. Posaconazole, voriconazole, Posaconazole has emerged as having the broadest and caspofungin are more potent than amphotericin NEW AND INVESTIGATIONAL TRIAZOLE AGENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INVASIVE FUNGAL INFECTIONS 55

B against A. fumigatus . All three new triazoles and pergillosis who were refractory to or intolerant of con - caspofungin were more potent than amphotericin B ventional antifungal therapy 81 . Two phase III clinical against A. terreus 61 . Furthermore, posaconazole is studies for posaconazole indicate that the drug was at also effective against C. neoformans and Fusarium least noninferior to a standard-of-care azole antifungal 57,59,65,67 spp. . The MIC 90 values for posaconazole agent for preventing IFIs caused by Candida or As - against C. neoformans isolates were 1 mg/mL. pergillus in highly immunosuppressed patients 82,83 . In

Posaconazole has MIC 90 values ranging from 0.25 to the first study posaconazole was compared with flu - >8 mg/mL against Fusarium spp. The antifungal ac - conazole for prophylaxis against IFIs in patients with tivity of posaconazole includes Rhizopus spp., B. der - graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) receiving im - matitidis , C. immitis , H. capsulatum and other munosoppressive therapy 82 . At the end of the study dimorphic fungi 57,59,65,68 . period the authors concluded that posaconazole was similar to fluconazole for prophylaxis against fungal in - Pharmacokinetics fections among patients with GVHD 82 . The second trial compared posaconazole with both fluconazole and Posaconazole is available only as an oral suspen - itraconazole as a prophylactic treatment of neutropenic sion. Dosing frequency and prandial state appear to be 83 69,70,71 patients after receipt of cancer chemotherapy . The the main factors influencing its absorption . In a finding showed that prophylaxis with posaconazole randomized, open-label, crossover, single-dose study a was superior to prophylaxis with fluconazole or itra - high-fat meal increased the bioavailability of posacona - conazole in the prevention of proven or probable IFI zole by 40%. Subjects were given posaconazole 200 and resulted in lower mortality from any cause and mg as suspension with a high-fat breakfast, as suspen - longer survival free from proven or probable IFI 83 . sion with a non-fat breakfast, or as table ts with a high- 70 Based on the results of two randomized controlled fat breakfast after 10 hours fasting . In the fasting clinical studies conducted in HIV-infected patients 84,85 , and fed states, administration of an antiacid did not sig - posaconazole was also approved for the treatment of nificantly influence the bioavailability of posaconazole 70 oropharyngeal candidiasis as first-line therapy in adult (+ 15% fasting, -12% fed) . Mean area under thJe patients with refractory disease or in those who are in - curve (AUC) and C were four times greater when max tolerant of certain commonly used antifungal agents 58 . posaconazole was administered with a high fat mea.l 70 Clinical evidence suggests that posaconazole is effica - than when it was administered after fasting . Simi - Ccious against infections caused by filamentous fungi of larly administration of posaconazole with a nutritional the Zygomycetes class and of Fusarium spp., that are supplement (Boost Plus) increased the C and AUC h max 72 often unresponsive to other azole antifungal agents values . 86,8e7,88,89 . In a study of healthy male volunteers administered posaconazole 800 mg/day under fasting conditions, m 200 mg four times a day and 400 mg twice a day dos - Adverse events and interactions ing was associated with increases in C and t com - In eaorly clinical trials in neutropenic patients and max max pared with once-daily dosing. These data suggest that patients witth fungal infections , the most adverse events divided daily administration (every 12 or 6 hours) sig - were similarhto those seen in the comparator or nificantly increases posaconazole exposure under fast - placebo arms 69,90 . The most common of these are 71 e ing conditions . Posaconazole is extensively nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain and diar - distributed into body tissues including, bone, central rhea. Elevated livrer enzymes may be observed. nervous system and eye tissue 73,74,75,76 . It is highly Posaconazole inhibits CYP3A4 and, thus, has the bound to proteins (>90%) and has a long half -life (t ) potential for significvant pharmacokinetic interactions 1/2 ranging from 25 to 31 hours in healthy subjects 69 ; with drugs metabolizedoby this isoform 79 . Administra - whereas t 1/2 is shorter (from 12 to 17 hours) in patients tion of posaconazole with other substrates and/or in - with IFI or a history of bone marrow transplantation ducers of this enzyme ls.ystem requires caution 79 . 77 . Posaconazole is primarily metabolized in the liver , Drug-drug interactions with posaconazole can be ex - undergoing glucuronidation to inactive metabolites 78 . pected, leading to a contraind2ication for coadministra - Although posaconazole is not a substrate of hepatic tion of posaconazole with 0some other drugs. CYP3A4, it has been found to significantly decrease Coadministration of posaconazole and rifamycins the hepatic activity of this enzyme 79 . Posaconazole is could result in a loss in thera,peutic efficacy of mainly eliminated in the feces (77%) as unchanged posaconazole due to reduced systemnic pos aconazole compound and a small amount (14%) is excreted in the exposure due to induced metabolism. Two pharmaco - urine 73 . Limited renal elimination allows use of kinetic studies in healthy subjects found .th6at posacona - posaconazole without age restrictions associated with zole increases cyclosporin and tacrolimus possible renal dysfunction 80 . concentrations 91 . , 2 Clinical studies Dosage and administration 0 Compared with other antifungal agents posacona - For prophylaxis of IFI s, the recommended dosage zole appears efficacious in patients with invasive as - of oral suspension is 200 mg three times/day until0th8e 56 A. DE SARRO - E. LA CAMERA -0M.8 T. FERA resolution of neutropenia or immunosuppression. For 2.8 and 2.8-5.0 L/h after oral and intravenous ad - the treatment of fungal infections the recommended ministration, respectively) 94 . 0 dosage is 800 mg daily given in two or four divided The effect of loading doses of isavuc2onazole was 57 doses . A loading dose of 100 mg twice/day on the investigated in a multiple-dose pharmacokinetic study first day, followed by 100 mg daily for 13 days is rec - in 24 healthy male subjects 95 . Lo,ading doses of ommended for the treatment of oropharyngeal can - BAL8557 were equivalent to 1006mg (followed by didiasis 56-59 . Each dose of posaconazole should be once-daily maintenance doses of 5.0 mg) or 200 mg given with a full meal or liquid nutritional supplement (followed by once-daily maintenan nce doses of 100 mg) to enhance absorption. If a patient cannot tolerate of BAL4815. After both routes of administration, Cmax feedings, alternative antifungals should be considered and AUC of BAL4815 increa,sed proportionally to the 57 . administered dose. AUC va0lues reflected a four - to five - fold accumulation of active drug in plasma during once- daily dosing, which is in 2line with the long elimination ISAVUCONAZOLE half-life of BAL4815 determined after the last admin - istration (mean, 84.5l. to 117 h). All adverse events re - BAL-8557 () is the water-soluble ported were mild or moderate 95 . pro-drug of BAL-4815 (isavuconazole). After oral or o Positive phase II results for isavuconazole in the i.v. administration, BAL-8557 is rapidly cleaved into treatment of esovphageal candidiasis revealed both clin - isavuconazole, in a reaction catalyzed by plasma es - ical efficacy and a safety profile comparable to stan - 94 terases . Isavuconazole (BAL4815) is a promising dard therapyrbut with a potentially more flexible dosing novel broad-spectrum triazole in late-stage clinical de - schedule 96e. A pivotal phase III program including tri - velopment that has proven active in vitro against As - als in invasive Aspergillus and Candida infections is pergillus and Candida species. h ongoing. An in vitro investigation evaluated the antifungal t activities of isavuconazole, voriconazole, and flucona - o zole against 1007 isolates of Zygomycete , Candida , RAVUCONAZOLE Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Scedosporium species 31 . m Isavuconazole and voriconazole had a MIC 50 and Ravuconazole (formerly BMS-207147 and ER- MIC , respectively, of 1 and 1 µg/mL and 0.5 and 1 e30346) is an investigational triazole agent structurally 90 µg/mL against Aspergillus spp. and of 0.015 and h related to fluconazole and voriconazole. It is highly ac - 0.03 µg/mL and 0.25 and 0.125 µg/mL against Can - tive in vitro against major pathogenic fungi such as dida spp. (including fluconazole-resistant strains) 31 .C Candida spp., C. neoformans, A. fumigatus and der - Isavuconazole was compared with six other .anti - mathophytes 97,98,99 . The in vitro activity of ravucona - fungal agents against 162 C. neoformans isolates zole has been documented in several multicenter 92 J from Cuba . Isavuconazole and posaconazole seem studies in a large number of clinical isolates of Can - to be potentially active drugs for treating cryptococcal dida spp. worldwide 23,100 . 92 infections with MIC 90 values of 0.016 µg/mL . . The in vitro activities of ravuconazole and Seifert et al . 93 compared the in vitro activities of voriconazole were compared with those of ampho - isavuconazole and five other antifungal agents against tericin B, , itraconazole, and fluconazole 296 Candida isolates that were recovered consecu - against 6970 isolates of Candida spp. obtained from tively from blood cultures. For isavuconazole, over 200 medical centers worldwide. Both ravucona -

MIC 50 /MIC 90 ranged from 0.002/0.004 µg/mL for C. zole and voriconazole were very active against all Can - 23 albicans to 0.25/0.5 µg/mL for C. glabrata . Isavu - dida spp. (MIC 90 0.25 µg/mL ) . Cuenca-Estrella et conazole was more potent than fluconazole against all al. 100 investigated the in vitro activities of ravucona - organisms tested and often more potent than itra - zole and four other antifungal agents against 1796 clin - conazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, and flucyto - ical yeast isolates, including fluconazole-susceptible and sine, confirming its potential as a useful agent for -resistant strains. Ravuconazole was active against the patients with serious systemic Candida infections 93 . majority of fluconazole-resistant isolates; but for 102 The first pharmacokinetic data of isavuconazole in of 562 (18%) resistant isolates, mainly Candida trop - humans were obtained in a single-ascending-dose study icalis, C. glabrata, and C. neoformans , ravuconazole after intravenous and oral administrations of its water MICs were 1 µg/mL. A SENTRY Antimicrobial Sur - soluble pro-drug (BAL-8577) in healthy subjects 94 . In veillance Program that compared in vitro activity of this study C max values of isavuconazole were observed ravuconazole and currently marketed antifungal agents 1.5-3 h after oral drug intake or at the end of the 1 h against 1548 clinical strains of yeast and filamentous intravenous infusion. Isavuconazole was characterized fungi, confirmed the enhanced potency of ravucona - by a large volume of distribution (155-292 and 304- zole against Candida spp., including fluconazole-resis - 25 494 L after oral and intravenous administration, re - tant isolates . MIC 90 values for the most prevalent spectively) and a long elimination half-life (56-77 after Candida spp. were: C. albicans 0.008 µg/mL ; Can - oral administration and 76-104 h after intravenous ad - dida parapsilosis 0.12 µg/mL ; C. glabrata 1 µg/mL ; ministration) 94 . The plasma clearance was low (1.9- 0.12 µg/mL; and Candida krusei NEW AND INVESTIGATIONAL TRIAZOLE AGENTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INVASIVE FUNGAL INFECTIONS 57

0.5 µg/mL 25 . ium spp .) ranged between 0.06 and 0.2 µg/mL . In a study of 239 clinical isolates of Aspergillus Ramos et al. 109 evaluated the in vitro activity of spp. ravuconazole inhibited 92% of the isolates at a albaconazole and compared it with that of fluconazole MIC of 1 µg/mL 66 . Yamazumi et al. 98 tested the in and itraconazole against 283 clinical isolates of Can - vitro activities of ravuconazole against 541 clinical iso - dida spp. Albaconazole was more potent against Can - lates of C. neoformans and found that MIC 90 was dida spp. than both fluconazole and itraconazole, even 0.25 µg/mL . against some C. albicans and C. krusei isolates with Pfaller et al. 67 demonstrated the excellent activity decreased susceptibility to fluconazole (MIC 16 µg/mL ) of ravuconazole against 1811 clinical isolates of C. 109 . neoformans ((99% of isolates susceptible at MIC of 1 The activity of albaconazole was examined in vitro µg/mL). Against the Zygomycetes, ravuconazole and against a series of C. neoformans isolates for which itraconazole were the most active azoles, with modal the fluconazole MICs were as high as 64 µg/mL 110 . MICs of 0.5–2 µg/mL 101 . Albaconazole was active against all isolates 110 . Alba - Cuenca-Estrella et al . 102 analyzed the in vitro ac - conazole showed an in vitro profile similar to those of tivities of ravuconazole against 575 clinical strains of the different antifungals tested (MIC 0 .06 µg/mL for Aspergillus spp. and 348 nondermatophyte non- As - all the strains) against 70 strains of Malassezia spp. pergillus spp. Ravuconazole was active against As - 111 . Ortoneda et al . 112 confirmed the generalized re - pergillus spp., other hyaline filamentous fungi, black sistance of Fusarium spp. (MIC 90 16–32 µg/mL ) molds, and some Mucorales . Species such as Sce - against albaconazole. However, an additive effect was dosporium prolificans , Fusarium spp., and Scopu - observed for most of the Fusarium spp. tested when lariopsis spp. were resistant to ravuconazole 102 . albaconazole was combined with amphotericin B 112 . Ravuconazole is currently in clinical development Albaconazole is undergoing Phase II clinical trials 5, and is available in oral and intravenous formulations. In 113 . Albaconazole has been shown to be rapidly ab - a multiple ascending oral dose study, ravuconazole sorbed in humans. C max values were reached in 2-4 h, showed good oral bioavailability and a half-life of 5-7 and the drug was widely distributed through body flu - days 103 . A long elimination half-life (76-202 h) anJd ids 114 . high protein binding (98%) were demonstrated in an -. A clinical multicenter study compared the efficacy other phase II trial 104 . and tolerability between five single oral doses of alba - Linear plasma pharmacokinetics were observed in Cconazole and fluconazole 150 mg single dose in vul - healthy male subjects after intravenous administration vhovaginal candidiasis 115 . A single dose of albaconazole of a water-soluble pro-drug of ravuconazole (BMS- 40 mg seems to be more efficacious than fluconazole 105 105 e 115 379224) . No toxicity was described . at 150 mg . In an ascending oral dose study, single doses of m ravuconazole (from 50 to 800 mg once daily) provided plasma levels above MIC of Aspergillus and Candida o CONCLUSIONS species after 7 days of dosing in healthy subjects 106 . The netw triazoles show excellent activity in vitro In another phase II trial, three regimens of ravu - and in vivo hagainst clinically important fungal organ - conazole (400 mg as a single dose, 50 mg once daily for 5 days, and 200 mg once daily for 5 days) were isms and are likeely to be as effective as amphotericin B used to determine the efficacy of the drug in the treat - for the treatmentrof most IFIs in patients with a com - ment of oropharyngeal candidiasis in HIV infected sub - promised immune system. jects 104 . The most effective regimen was 200 mg once Voriconazole andvposaconazole have a very broad daily for 5 days with 85% of the subjects cured or im - spectrum of antifungal activity that includes Candida 104 spp., filamentous fungoi and the dimorphic endemic proved . Ravuconazole shows promise for the treatment of mycoses. Voriconazole isl indicated for the treatment 104 107 of invasive aspergillosis an.d serious infections caused oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis in im - munocompromised patients and toenail onychomyco - by S. apiospermum and Fu2sarium spp. that are re - sis in immunocompetent patients 108 . fractory to other antifungal agents. Voriconazole is available in both intravenous an0d oral formulations, fa - cilitating the transition from parent,eral to oral therapy. ALBACONAZOLE This is convenient for patients and helps contain costs. Drug-drug interactions and side effencts, inc luding he - Albaconazole (ALBA, UR-9825) is a new, broad- patoxicity, skin rashes, photosensitivity., visual distur - spectrum triazole antifungal agent presently under clin - bances and hallucination must be taken6seriously into ical investigation. It has shown potent activity against account by clinicians. , a broad range of organisms, including pathogens re - Posaconazole is the first member of the triazoles to sistant to other antifungals (such as fluconazole or itra - have comparable in vitro activity to amphot2ericin B conazole) 30,109 . Capilla et al. 30 reported that the against the Zygomycetes . Posaconazole plays a 0signif - albaconazole MICs for the majority of filamentous icant role for the prophylaxis of IFIs in severely im - fungi ( Aspergillus spp, Paecilomyces spp. Scytalid - munocompromised patients. Currently available o0nl8y 58 A. DE SARRO - E. LA CAMERA -0M.8 T. FERA as an oral suspension, posaconazole requires adminis - 42(10): 4419-4431. tration with food or as a nutritional supplement to as - 15 Vanden Bossche H, Dromer F, Improvisi I, L0ozano-Chiu sure adequate bioavailability. M. Rex JH, Sanglard D. Antifungal drug resistance in pathogenic fungi. Med Mycol 1998; 36 Suppl. 1: 119-128.2 Finally, the role of other antifungal triazoles (isavu - 16 Ghannoum MA, Rice LB. Antifungal agents: mode of ac - conazole, ravuconazole and albaconazole) that are cur - tion, mechanisms of resistance, and correlatio,n of these mecha - rently under development will be clarified in upcoming nisms with bacterial resistance. Clin Microb6iol Rev 1999; 12(4): years. Isavuconazole’s extended antifungal spectrum 501– 517. . covers most yeasts and molds including fluconazole re - 17 VFEND (voriconazole) table ts and injection [package in - sert]. New York : Pfizer, Inc, 2002. n sistant Candida strains, Aspergillus and Zygomycetes. 18 Jeu L, Piacenti FJ, Lyakhovetskiy AG, Fung HB. BAL-8557, a water-soluble pro-drug of isavuconazole, Voriconazole. Clin Ther 2003; 25(,5): 1321-1381. can be given by injection or orally. Ravuconazole 19 Wildfeuer A, Seidl HP, P0aule I, Haberreiter A. In vitro shows promise for the treatment of systemic fungal in - evaluation of voriconazole against clinical isolates of yeasts, fections such as candidiasis, aspergillosis and crypto - moulds and dermatophytes in2comparison with itraconazole, ke - coccal meningitis. In addition, it is also active against toconazole, amphotericin B and . Mycoses 1998; most species of the Zygomycetes class. Although isavu - 41(7-8): 309-319. . 20 Perea S, Fotherglill AW, Sutton DA, Rinaldi MG. Com - conazole and ravuconazole offer extended half-lives parison of in vitro activities of voriconazole and five established compared with other members of the triazole class, it o antifungal agents against different species of dermatophytes using is not clear that they carry other distinguishing char - a broth macrodilutvion method. J Clin Microbiol 2001; 39(1): acteristics. Albaconazole is also active against flucona - 385-388. zole-resistant Candida spp., C. neoformans , 21 DonnellyrJP, De Pauw BE. 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