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AICHI PREFECTURAL GOVERNMENT URL Httpプ/Www Prefa Ch Ip/Ncchlsusho OverrieⅥ ′and Location 覺‡暉勒郎 ― 雰y蛉 ―m鶉 鰊心 綺彦褥暑謬賤瞼餃仄漑鯰冬辣蜻凸楊 5 Reasons to Choose Aichi tぃ 0し Orial Structure and lvlarket tnvironment 8usiness iack Record i 膿 陸 r t ③ rit ③ 2 Leading global companies, ][ |‖ ooncentrated ‖騰Tl, P3 in Aichi. 晩 山 :nvestment EnviЮ nlnent and incentives Living=nvironment ③ 3 Merit Low oostS and Greatliving environment good incentives make and support networks, expanslon easy, 211 ⑨忙 R13 ③ 醗 由 5 Suppon Organizat,ons Supporting Your Business Expandon hto対 面 b∫跳wi 艤M」 n Access Pdnts ´ `` //´ \ / \ / __ 1//~~` 、 \ ヽ \。dЮ . Japan ヽ Hon。 lu lu IGuam ch m nhcw Singapo`oま ky° Osaka lン T° Aich: Located ln∩ earv the center of Japan,Aichi orers convenient 91obal access,a h19h conCentrat on of、ハ/orld leading mant:facturers,and lo、′υ shir‐Npin9 cOsts even thollcjh it'S one ofJapan's three maor 81etropoltan areas There are luSt SO many reasons to expand into Aichi 靱議登購議‡‡y ttξ‡醸鬱:爾 鬱竜撫鬱赳議参 。Create employment and boosttaX incoine ・ A promising,nat on eading marketfOr your business ・Improve and divers fy localindustries ・ Opportun ties to do business,v th top。 10bal companies o An exce‖ ・Expand markets foriocal companies ent business env ronment(central」 apan, ・Put exist ng infrastructure and resources to use 900d infrastructure) 。An exce‖ entinvesiment env ronmenl oOCal ・Increase local compett veness through international eXposure companies w th hi9h levels oftechnical expettise) ・ Improved brand recogn tion in Japan and Asia ・Internationa:ze ourselves and learn more about o Supportfrom nat onal and loca1 9overnments the word and chambers oF coinlnerCe N39oya A「 ,o■ sa lUO at,o1lo「 sma‖ a iorait ma n,us=O For bus 13ss pJr,oseS I S 」R N8,O,3 Sini on is the sianin9,Oint iOI vmOusJR k,lt=isl and lle13tsJ 131 1nes ocated l]km awayイ「o m centia ‖agoyo T13 Port o`t a「 ,o■ las a ded eated ior smal lus,3ss Nagova Tlo rastest Sh nkansel bJleti「 81w19=ty]J T――一 New Ъ me[xprFSSWay a「 o「 讀seeJ「 10 pivaC,`じ r passengers to Tokyo 11 95 m nutes orto Sh o Osaka,40 M kavvaハ nlo Ttlme Expressway % I P。 ■。i↓ ICent,ai, ―-2 ↓‐°hasぃ 吊賠f古 Centrコ i son3 oFl13 mam ntema OnJ IJb 3,p。 lsin Uapol o青 oi 19 a SJbSiani al aclal The Pon o`Na90ya ls one 31 Japan slead 19 netl13rk`of bol,lom3=lc and llternalonal いtemauola oO slos COmp exes「 es,ols O e 1 91ts 24 1ou「 sa 03y as 3 sky,ateWay 10 i13 lor handing th=lar98st trading aiη oJ,t and ChJbJ R391oo T13 a rpon has a gieai lota amoJnt or car90 311 0001ec119 wll 2 9oo9ra,hioal aJvantalle loo as it ean take as ap,「 ox mate y 160 oouniles and re9 ons itte as 23 m lutesto reacl Nagoya byi「 3n ― [x。 ,● ●●¨,,0● dOI● 。●StruOlo● 3「 ound the wold 鵬 山 industrial Structure and i』 arket Environment ③ 1 圏 蝠瑕隕蒻晰辟漑蛉彦凸鑽又蜃蜻仄綺輻鶉鉤鶉綺警檄麟 隧蛉鰺琲判蜻瑕餃鶉響眩鰊圏 蜻Hむ hり Concentrated,Wide… Range Produc■on Capadty Aichi Prefecture has been」 apan's n0 1 manufacturer by value of goods product on every year since 1977 聰A Balanced industrial Structure A ch s famous fortranspona」 On equ pment ke automob es and s though1 0f as an ndustna prefecture,butA ch a so has strong commercia agrcu tura and fishing sectors ЮverJI PrefecturJ Produclo可 lValue Of ManuFactured ProductsI 31.855〔}〔 38.21‖ St 〕‖」apan P,1 ln」 apan lAnnua Sa es of Goodsi 1AgttcuLural Produclon Valuel 43.41〔〕2 (〕 2.9癬 hapan 7 61‖ 」apan 聰 Leattng hdus‖ esI曲 響ll器 断 9.2% 24makdcttegmes 16.6%14.3%14.2% ndustla Mach nerv 肝軋lla:‖ 酔鰍柵謂器腺:rll織 γ 8.4% [Shipment value of automoive products and app‖ ances] cOmmentt Machmew sted ttasucs ∝Bnts:3小 船JSll・ ″,」 せtも 7.0% 1‖ 癬ュla需 請 1黎 woods.い OoOen Plodu∝ s 283'も 13.5%1 1.2%9.6% 8.6% A ch 減 Textles Fじ nture‐ F xtures Qhe「 Products 1鰤M「 Rubbe P O嚇 蟷 GDP and Trade Data we Ю proud ofhow oureconomystacksup uobJし ●hiemalond Companson of GDP 1010) ●tldme Of GooOs mpo"d and ttponed ThrOugh A cn Pons(2011)Deta Ach Prdectuに Trade Po■ mp。 ■[xPo■ Tren“ 2011 pan o,cr,, ¨ Ach S070b‖ o■ (07・ lo千 J● ¨ Foodstuts and An mas 316 5 Mach neゥ and eOu pment に 89776 Rat∬ Ml霧 GDPI● b‖ 。●,。 iU S dolol■ :A ch plele,t● |● la● ●0● ●1, 1.が |り D,|。 (Aotomoし les 3,3731) 9036 (bllon yen, (bll。 ■len, Large― scale indust,trade sho、 vs are held in Aichiforthe purpOse of expanding markets 薇Cross― lndustry Trade Shows and encoura9ing exchange bet,veen var ous industres Messe NagOya 2012 Mechatr。 市os Techndogy」 apan 2013(MECT201助 」apan international Aerospace Exhib tion Locat on(date)Po耐 luesse N890ya(Nov 2012) Locat on{date,Pon Messe lla9oya(OCi 2013) 2012(JA201 2) Exhib tors1 672 cornpa lies and Organizai ons. Exh blors 400 oompan es and or9an z3t Ons Localon(date,POrt Messe NagOya and Cenira UaPan 1 286 booths 1 500 boolhs nr A「 Oort(OCt 2012, ヽtendance:61398 Atendancei 30 000(Planned) Exhibiors i 664 companies aod or9an 2atons 975 booils Bein9 one oithe largesi company exhibllons in the ChJbu area t promotes market expans on fac市 tates … cross ndustr al associat on and provid● ・s informat on about exhib iors'super ortechnolo91es prOducis and 動轟滉襴 輛聾撚鮮・ 営慕:ri嶽纂ψ services The exhib ilon is held every autumn trades■ niormalon exchange n Na9oya,Asas a● eSi manufactulng hub of aerospace equ pmeni Aichi Prefecture enioys nat On、 A′ de top rankil19 in l1 0ut of 24 market categor es for valし e of goods shipped,inclLid r19 transportat cll equipment,steel,alnd productlon iη achinerv 饉》The Heartiand of the Auto industry 鰊A Passenger Aircra■ Manufactunng Hub Ach s・ 」apan s manuractuttng capla'thanks to ls aulomOuve nduゞ ry The Chubu re9 on,wh ch nc udes A chi s Japan s ar9est aircra■ ―prOduc ng The h gh eve oftechn ca expelt se and deve opment expen se here has re9 on,accounlng fOr about 50%of Japanゝ total productbn The」 apanese led io the evolul on or electrc vehicles and Plug n Hybr d Vehicles MRJ passengerlet waS deve oped n A ch,and the structure pa1ls of the nexi generatOn BOe ng 787 s be ng produced here as we‖ ● Ma n Compan es Carrying the“ Made n Aichr Brand ●Boeing 787 parts made by」 apanese manufacturers tt,=ol=〔 les 日,=J■ ][d]` D[NSO Co「 ,or=iOn byota hdJ● ¨s Coゅ o“ lo, ¬|■ 馴,F●、日■ !■ Kawasakl`|い Heavy ndustles ttd TokJ Rka Co L10 Lpla Auio 3ody cO Lid Kawas3拍 ‖eavv And othe“ And dlgrs lndusti es[ld AS‖ NSEK Co[m lmade Out OF JT[X「 Cor,oralo, AS‖ NAW Co[td A san ndustry Co Ltd Ach Ste Ooi,oialon Futaba lndusti al oo tid ヽいo KoOyo Coい 0 Ach Mac卜 ,e nduい ry Co [[J D]6o Meta Co[tJ Musash Sem tsu ndJstry 1lolo日「J:`|:● Pa「 is Co Lll ⅢI`nI‖ ,11111= Toyota Cosa cO ttJ AnO others Toyo● 3oshoku: CopO除 lon TOka Rubber ldust● s tlJ S1lROKIi Corporaion Mlll,● Chuo Spr ng cO [to 1111,1 1om,atm,11 Imas=n[|,ctlo[|,cti lndJttnalo lndJ cO [Ш Kawasaki Heavy lndustles L10 And dheis Ano otle鯰 Japal A「 orai DeveDpmeo1 0o「 ,o「 a10m Plvate SectorA3`os,ate Da● '2o08 Eo価 o嘔 Ma「o12000 蟷En宙 ronmentalリ ーFnendり Manufactunng Products that show cons dera‖ on forthe env ronment,l ke Green Energy prOducts,are constanJy be ng deve oped n A chi ‐ 8o:3『 Ooま lecto証 Pattels So胡 1観 鶴 S議 諧眼『 (鶉 aS}Setteries Dlie‐ Settsitized 8oloF Oo:‡ s Solar oo‖ ector po,ver systetns are pegged for Energy storage systems us nO sod um― surur Wlh these sdar edに ,dyes absorb 19ht and then use in large‐ scale po,ver generat on,as in solar (NaS)batte面 es can store three lmes more energy re ease e ectrons,thus generaOng power The co or power p ants than the lead― acid bateres and they have a and shape ofthe pane s are free y custom zab e, useful ife or up lo 15 years mak ngthem dea forthe wa s and w ndows of homes orthe roofs and doors of automobles Da do St88 Co Lld NGK nsu ators tld AISHIN SEIKI Co Lt0 ‐ Oor‐ 断o観 nted BG競 ory oharOo『 劉700¨ Ser:es S職 :捕 kaRsen Carbo翻『 iber Oo酷 posittes fo『 暦YoPttY Wlh ts ow a「 flclon contours and regeneraive Carbon lber composte matela s have valous brakes,the N700 consumes 32%ess energy applcalons nc ud ng a rcra■ plmary members and Th s s a compact,n gh y elf Glent energy than the o,ginal Shinkansen Oulet irain automobles,and they are atracl og atenton and convener that changes household AC current to are expetled to contlbute to redud on of C02 llC currentin orderto charge the high― vo tage em ssons ulrOugh we ght sav ng so ulons bateres of a p ug n hybnd 4 Ъyota nousti es Cor,o「 at On N PPON SHARYO LTD Toほ y ndust13s oo Business Track Record Merit ll彦 褥賤‡瘍晰漑檄漑鉤磯麒謬警 翡彦魃N蛉 癸會彦鼈1艤 Automolve ln randOm Otteつ C肥 Hideakl iЛ uraki Dde of Octobe鳥 2013 。reShokubJ」 apan co,Ltd edg面 m● apa0 Wy Umた Representat ve Drector Pres dent Expans on (scheduled) As a neMliont Venture company fOunded by umicore(Be191um)and NlppOn Shokubai Co.Ltd,Umicore Shokubal was eSablshed n Manch 2012,lo conduct manuFacturng/sale/R&D oF automojve catalysts Heredter,」 apanese automot ve manuFacture・ ,v‖ coninue to increase produci on volume overseas Wih such overseas development among these manuFacturers,overseas produci on of automotive pans is becOming crucial To meet the demands of Japanese automouve manufactuЮ rs h ths context,a technca cenorに schedded to commence operaions(OCtOber 2013)h TokOname Cty,Aichi Prefecture,to develop automotve catalysis sutable to the automoi ve p Oducton region in colaboraton trih automolve manuFactuЮ rs ln addtion,automot ve catalyOs developed in this ne、 v company、 v‖ be produced in Umicore's automoi ve catalystね dores Cleα n・ r around the、 vo‖ d and delvered to local automotve manufacturers in a timely manner Aichl Prefecture is located in the middle of Japan,alo,ving easy access io automotve manuFa‐ lurers'headqua ters ヽ4oreover Alchi provides vanOus subsidles and preferentaliax treatment These are the reasons、 vhy Ae chose Aichifor our new venture our iSち sile`か ッ Tokoname CIy,wheЮ Ouriechnca centerに behg establshed,も Ocated attacenuy tO the Oft shoc Centra」 apan htemdon劇 AIゅo計 (Centrar),and
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