OverrieⅥ ′and Location 覺‡暉勒郎 ― 雰y蛉 ―m鶉 鰊心 綺彦褥暑謬賤瞼餃仄漑鯰冬辣蜻凸楊

5 Reasons to Choose Aichi

tぃ 0し Orial Structure and lvlarket tnvironment 8usiness iack Record i 膿 陸 r t ③ rit ③ 2 Leading global companies, ][ |‖ ooncentrated ‖騰Tl, P3 in Aichi.

晩 山 :nvestment EnviЮ nlnent and incentives Living=nvironment ③ 3 Merit Low oostS and Greatliving environment good incentives make and support networks, expanslon easy, 211 ⑨忙 R13 ③ 醗 由 5 Suppon Organizat,ons Supporting Your Business Expandon hto対 面 b∫跳wi

艤M」 n Access Pdnts ´ `` //´ \ / \ / __ 1//~~` 、 \ ヽ \。dЮ . ヽ Hon。 lu lu

IGuam ch m nhcw


ky° Osaka lン T° Aich: Located ln∩ earv the center of Japan,Aichi orers convenient 91obal access,a h19h conCentrat on of、ハ/orld leading mant:facturers,and lo、′υ shir‐Npin9 cOsts even thollcjh it'S one ofJapan's three maor 81etropoltan areas There are luSt SO many reasons to expand into Aichi

靱議登購議‡‡y ttξ‡醸鬱:爾 鬱竜撫鬱赳議参

。Create employment and boosttaX incoine ・ A promising,nat on eading marketfOr your business ・Improve and divers fy localindustries ・ Opportun ties to do business,v th top。 10bal companies o An exce‖ ・Expand markets foriocal companies ent business env ronment(central」 apan, ・Put exist ng infrastructure and resources to use 900d infrastructure) 。An exce‖ entinvesiment env ronmenl oOCal ・Increase local compett veness through international eXposure companies w th hi9h levels oftechnical expettise) ・ Improved brand recogn tion in Japan and Asia ・Internationa:ze ourselves and learn more about o Supportfrom nat onal and loca1 9overnments the word and chambers oF coinlnerCe

N39oya A「 ,o■ sa lUO at,o1lo「 sma‖ a iorait ma n,us=O For bus 13ss pJr,oseS I S 」R N8,O,3 Sini on is the sianin9,Oint iOI vmOusJR k,lt=isl and lle13tsJ 131 1nes ocated l]km awayイ「o m centia ‖agoyo T13 Port o`t a「 ,o■ las a ded eated ior smal lus,3ss Nagova Tlo rastest Sh nkansel bJleti「 81w19=ty]J T――一 New Ъ me[xprFSSWay a「 o「 讀seeJ「 10 pivaC,`じ r passengers to Tokyo 11 95 m nutes orto Sh o Osaka,40

M kavvaハ nlo Ttlme Expressway

% I P。 ■。i↓ ICent,ai, ―-2 ↓‐°hasぃ 吊賠f古

Centrコ i son3 oFl13 mam ntema OnJ IJb 3,p。 lsin Uapol o青 oi 19 a SJbSiani al aclal The Pon o`Na90ya ls one 31 Japan slead 19 netl13rk`of bol,lom3=lc and llternalonal いtemauola oO slos COmp exes「 es,ols O e 1 91ts 24 1ou「 sa 03y as 3 sky,ateWay 10 i13 lor handing th=lar98st trading aiη oJ,t and ChJbJ R391oo T13 a rpon has a gieai lota amoJnt or car90 311 0001ec119 wll 2 9oo9ra,hioal aJvantalle loo as it ean take as ap,「 ox mate y 160 oouniles and re9 ons itte as 23 m lutesto reacl byi「 3n ― [x。 ,● ●●¨,,0● dOI● 。●StruOlo● 3「 ound the wold 鵬 山 industrial Structure and i』 arket Environment ③ 1 圏 蝠瑕隕蒻晰辟漑蛉彦凸鑽又蜃蜻仄綺輻鶉鉤鶉綺警檄麟 隧蛉鰺琲判蜻瑕餃鶉響眩鰊圏

蜻Hむ hり Concentrated,Wide… Range Produc■on Capadty has been」 apan's n0 1 manufacturer by value of goods product on every year since 1977 聰A Balanced industrial Structure A ch s famous fortranspona」 On equ pment ke automob es and s though1 0f as an ndustna prefecture,butA ch a so has strong commercia agrcu tura and fishing sectors ЮverJI PrefecturJ Produclo可 lValue Of ManuFactured ProductsI 31.855〔}〔 38.21‖ St 〕‖」apan P,1 ln」 apan

lAnnua Sa es of Goodsi 1AgttcuLural Produclon Valuel 43.41〔〕2 (〕 2.9癬 hapan 7 61‖ 」apan 聰 Leattng hdus‖ esI曲 響ll器 断 9.2% 24makdcttegmes 16.6%14.3%14.2% ndustla Mach nerv 肝軋lla:‖ 酔鰍柵謂器腺:rll織 γ 8.4% [Shipment value of automoive products and app‖ ances] cOmmentt Machmew sted ttasucs ∝Bnts:3小 船JSll・ ″,」 せtも 7.0% 1‖ 癬ュla需 請 1黎 woods.い OoOen Plodu∝ s 283'も 13.5%1 1.2%9.6% 8.6% A ch 減 Textles Fじ nture‐ F xtures Qhe「 Products 1鰤M「 Rubbe P O嚇 蟷 GDP and Trade Data we Ю proud ofhow oureconomystacksup uobJし ●hiemalond Companson of GDP 1010) ●tldme Of GooOs mpo"d and ttponed ThrOugh A cn Pons(2011)Deta Ach Prdectuに Trade Po■ mp。 ■[xPo■ Tren“ 2011 pan o,cr,, ¨ Ach S070b‖ o■ (07・ lo千 J● ¨

Foodstuts and An mas 316 5

Mach neゥ and eOu pment に 89776 Rat∬ Ml霧 GDPI● b‖ 。●,。 iU S dolol■ :A ch plele,t● |● la● ●0● ●1, 1.が |り D,|。 (Aotomoし les 3,3731) 9036

(bllon yen, (bll。 ■len,

Large― scale indust,trade sho、 vs are held in Aichiforthe purpOse of expanding markets 薇Cross― lndustry Trade Shows and encoura9ing exchange bet,veen var ous industres

Messe NagOya 2012 Mechatr。 市os Techndogy」 apan 2013(MECT201助 」apan international Aerospace Exhib tion Locat on(date)Po耐 luesse N890ya(Nov 2012) Locat on{date,Pon Messe lla9oya(OCi 2013) 2012(JA201 2) Exhib tors1 672 cornpa lies and Organizai ons. Exh blors 400 oompan es and or9an z3t Ons Localon(date,POrt Messe NagOya and Cenira UaPan 1 286 booths 1 500 boolhs nr A「 Oort(OCt 2012, ヽtendance:61398 Atendancei 30 000(Planned) Exhibiors i 664 companies aod or9an 2atons 975 booils Bein9 one oithe largesi company exhibllons in the ChJbu area t promotes market expans on fac市 tates … cross ndustr al associat on and provid● ・s informat on about exhib iors'super ortechnolo91es prOducis and 動轟滉襴 輛聾撚鮮・ 営慕:ri嶽纂ψ services The exhib ilon is held every autumn trades■ niormalon exchange n Na9oya,Asas a● eSi manufactulng hub of aerospace equ pmeni Aichi Prefecture enioys nat On、 A′ de top rankil19 in l1 0ut of 24 market categor es for valし e of goods shipped,inclLid r19 transportat cll equipment,steel,alnd productlon iη achinerv

饉》The Heartiand of the Auto industry 鰊A Passenger Aircra■ Manufactunng Hub

Ach s・ 」apan s manuractuttng capla'thanks to ls aulomOuve nduゞ ry The Chubu re9 on,wh ch nc udes A chi s Japan s ar9est aircra■ ―prOduc ng The h gh eve oftechn ca expelt se and deve opment expen se here has re9 on,accounlng fOr about 50%of Japanゝ total productbn The」 apanese led io the evolul on or electrc vehicles and Plug n Hybr d Vehicles MRJ passengerlet waS deve oped n A ch,and the structure pa1ls of the nexi generatOn BOe ng 787 s be ng produced here as we‖ ● Ma n Compan es Carrying the“ Made n Aichr Brand ●Boeing 787 parts made by」 apanese manufacturers tt,=ol=〔 les 日,=J■ ][d]` D[NSO Co「 ,or=iOn byota hdJ● ¨s Coゅ o“ lo, ¬|■ 馴,F●、日■ !■ Kawasakl`|い Heavy ndustles ttd TokJ Rka Co L10 Lpla Auio 3ody cO Lid Kawas3拍 ‖eavv And othe“ And dlgrs lndusti es[ld AS‖ NSEK Co[m lmade Out OF JT[X「 Cor,oralo, AS‖ NAW Co[td A san ndustry Co Ltd Ach Ste Ooi,oialon Futaba lndusti al oo tid ヽいo KoOyo Coい 0 Ach Mac卜 ,e nduい ry Co [[J D]6o Meta Co[tJ Musash Sem tsu ndJstry 1lolo日「J:`|:● Pa「 is Co Lll ⅢI`nI‖ ,11111= Toyota Cosa cO ttJ AnO others Toyo● 3oshoku: CopO除 lon TOka Rubber ldust● s tlJ S1lROKIi Corporaion Mlll,● Chuo Spr ng cO [to 1111,1 1om,atm,11 Imas=n[|,ctlo[|,cti lndJttnalo lndJ cO [Ш Kawasaki Heavy lndustles L10 And dheis Ano otle鯰

Japal A「 orai DeveDpmeo1 0o「 ,o「 a10m Plvate SectorA3`os,ate Da● '2o08 Eo価 o嘔 Ma「o12000 蟷En宙 ronmentalリ ーFnendり Manufactunng Products that show cons dera‖ on forthe env ronment,l ke Green Energy prOducts,are constanJy be ng deve oped n A chi

‐ 8o:3『 Ooま lecto証 Pattels So胡 1観 鶴 S議 諧眼『 (鶉 aS}Setteries Dlie‐ Settsitized 8oloF Oo:‡ s

Solar oo‖ ector po,ver systetns are pegged for Energy storage systems us nO sod um― surur Wlh these sdar edに ,dyes absorb 19ht and then use in large‐ scale po,ver generat on,as in solar (NaS)batte面 es can store three lmes more energy re ease e ectrons,thus generaOng power The co or power p ants than the lead― acid bateres and they have a and shape ofthe pane s are free y custom zab e, useful ife or up lo 15 years mak ngthem dea forthe wa s and w ndows of homes orthe roofs and doors of automobles

Da do St88 Co Lld NGK nsu ators tld AISHIN SEIKI Co Lt0 ‐ Oor‐ 断o観 nted BG競 ory oharOo『 劉700¨ Ser:es S職 :捕 kaRsen Carbo翻『 iber Oo酷 posittes fo『 暦YoPttY Wlh ts ow a「 flclon contours and regeneraive Carbon lber composte matela s have valous brakes,the N700 consumes 32%ess energy applcalons nc ud ng a rcra■ plmary members and Th s s a compact,n gh y elf Glent energy than the o,ginal Shinkansen Oulet irain automobles,and they are atracl og atenton and convener that changes household AC current to are expetled to contlbute to redud on of C02 llC currentin orderto charge the high― vo tage em ssons ulrOugh we ght sav ng so ulons bateres of a p ug n hybnd

4 Ъyota nousti es Cor,o「 at On N PPON SHARYO LTD Toほ y ndust13s oo Business Track Record Merit

ll彦 褥賤‡瘍晰漑檄漑鉤磯麒謬警

翡彦魃N蛉 癸會彦鼈1艤

Automolve ln randOm Otteつ

C肥 Hideakl iЛ uraki Dde of Octobe鳥 2013 。reShokubJ」 apan co,Ltd edg面 m● apa0 Wy Umた Representat ve Drector Pres dent Expans on (scheduled) As a neMliont Venture company fOunded by umicore(Be191um)and NlppOn Shokubai Co.Ltd,Umicore Shokubal was eSablshed n Manch 2012,lo conduct manuFacturng/sale/R&D oF automojve catalysts Heredter,」 apanese automot ve manuFacture・ ,v‖ coninue to increase produci on volume overseas Wih such overseas development among these manuFacturers,overseas produci on of automotive pans is becOming crucial To meet the demands of Japanese automouve manufactuЮ rs h ths context,a technca cenorに schedded to commence operaions(OCtOber 2013)h Cty,Aichi Prefecture,to develop automotve catalysis sutable to the automoi ve p Oducton region in colaboraton trih automolve manuFactuЮ rs

ln addtion,automot ve catalyOs developed in this ne、 v company、 v‖ be produced in Umicore's automoi ve catalystね dores Cleα n・ r around the、 vo‖ d and delvered to local automotve manufacturers in a timely manner Aichl Prefecture is located in the middle of Japan,alo,ving easy access io automotve manuFa‐ lurers'headqua ters ヽ4oreover Alchi provides vanOus subsidles and preferentaliax treatment These are the reasons、 vhy Ae chose Aichifor our new venture our iSち sile`か ッ Tokoname CIy,wheЮ Ouriechnca centerに behg establshed,も Ocated attacenuy tO the Oft shoc Centra」 apan htemdon劇 AIゅo計 (Centrar),and OfFers easy nternatona access Therefore,Tokoname Ctyも a stttabtt p ace for companes oOhng nto Z″ ′´″f /´ internatonal development

AutomoJve C肥 Wy pncd limled・ nda Ettittn Ap‖ 12008

ヽ′′e are an lndian auto palts manuFacturer w th over 50 different kinds of parts and a focus on meters ヽ´/e make p oducts for」 apanese automob‖ e and motorcycle cOmpanies in our plants in lndia ヽ´υe estab‖ shed a branch in Japan in orderto improve relat onships、 vth c‖ ents,speed up informat on exchange,and get technical approvals Compared to otherindustr es,the automot ve industry ls fast― paced,and speed can be the difference between、 vinning and losing,so we declded it,vas crucialthat vve estab sh a branch here Our main business here is focused on pans technOlogy and spec verfcat on As sales∨ olume increases,vve intend to increase the number of employees stat oned here Aichlis Ful of enerqy,thanks to the presence of Toyota and its secondary and teに iary subcontractors ln sp te Ofthe tempOrary economic slo、 vdown caused by the Lehman bankruptcy,Ithink Aichils more res‖ lentthan places lke Osaka and vv‖ l rebound quickly `´′hen personnel come overfrom the head ofTice in lndia,ヽ ve take them to see places Ilke NagOya Cast e and N tta l Temple They enioy the experence that」 apanese cu ture offers,so diferent frorn that of lndia

Thermal Processing C肥 y BOdyCOte Japan K Kに 脚 nuand E紺∬n MarCL 2008

Our company ls a thermal processing company based in lvlacclesf eld,England Formed in 1923, 7t7e'∨ e since e× panded into more than 28 countres around the vvor d ln lllanch 2008,、 ve decided to put our global meta‖ urgy technology to use and bu‖ d ne、v relat onships lrth Japanese companies by establshing a corporat on in Japan and orerng prOcessing ser∨ ices to Japanese companies Ourthermal processing current y takes places at overseas factor es,but,ve have plans to bu‖ d our ovvn factor es v7thin」 apan as 、ve‖ vl e recelve orders from al overthe vvor d,and vvth ourJapanese operat ons,vve hope to expand into the aerospace and energy industr es in panicular Though there are so many companies w ih headquarters in Tokyo and branchesin NagOya,、 ve chose to bu‖ d our headquaners in Aichifor se∨ eral reasons:many of our exist ng customers and prospect∨ e business partners are here,many frms are a ready cooperat ng vvth fo e19n frms or contract n9 outthe r manuFacturng to them,costs here are lovverthan in Tokyo,and vve find being in the center of」 apan to beidea geograph 1ls AICHI Iも ・´´′ ca‖ y speaking ヽ´′e look forvvard to expanding our business in a re91on、 Vth a cu ture of manufactur ng `′

Metal Molds y Dttan Hengガ Ⅷ脚 n PЮdЫ on Mou‖ Mmuねdu陀 o%Цd.cma m鶏 鵬smσ Ettittn Apr,20

Our company,estabished in 1991,is a manuFacturer and seler of metal molds headquartered in Dalan, China Since t、 vo―th rds of our sales vvere to」 apanese companies,vve decided it vvould be a g00d idea to Operate d rect y in Japan,and in」 anuary of 2008,vve expanded lo Alchi and set up Offices there This has been to our great advantage,as ve've been able to expand our relat onship netvvork to include al concerned pattles The reason we chose Aichi、 vas that t's the heartland of manufactur ng ヽ′Ve are stepping up Our Opera― t ons and looking for business oppOrtun ties no matter hovv sma‖ the lob `´′e are hoping tO bu‖ da sho、 vroom that vv l a‖ ovv us to sho、 vcase those products Of Ours that vv‖ l appealto the」 apanese l y message forfore19n companies、 vho are looking into expansion in Aichiis this:to do business in 」apan,you need io do things the Japanese way You have to insttute qua ty controls that conform to 」apan's str cttest ng systems AIso,Aichiis a great place to enioy yOurleisure time Beautrul scenery and many greattour st spots can be found notfarfrom NagOya Cornpanies from rrlany diierent countr es and fields operate inノ `Chl There are also many 9reatlocal companies that have expanded their operat ons abroad Here's、ハ/hatthose companies have to say

Adhesives,Coa‖ ng elc ln randOm Orden C肥 y LORD Far East,lnc.Os肉 2田 1 繹 ‖指:‖;ZuOmaO Ettittn Maェ

)あ I榊 %o熙 鐵 鶉 減 鯰 ∬眈吻∬椰1財‖職IttWT。 ・■ Fttc‐琳鱚鰊魃端罵Ⅷ∫蒻贔ま珈鰍l酬喘腱鰤鶉 郡朧柵i柵 ‖鰊 鼈 L` 鰊 瘍』榊ⅢI輔鰍1黎 欄I慟1祠職‖lI輻Jance h ierms ol lze.commuing lmes,plces and oveiseas acces A恣 oいまead ofTokyds lud bus ness cdture thnk there`warmheanedness

Chemicals CR::Ty Du Pont Kabushiki Kaisha(usAl ‖棚常鼎鵬 肥∞山r熙品n」帥u針ゝЮ65 Our company ls in the sclence business,and、 ve conduct developmentin five“ areas:agr cu ture,transporlat on, electronics,construct on and mater als,and safety and protect on We have developed its operat Onsin the malor cly,NagOya,s nce ts estab‖ shment Further,the automolve centel establshed n November 2005 to As :Tき 出 認 品 欝 記 cW『温 服 だ γ 棉11:早 』ま(b鼎き得肺 Tttξ i罵鳳 巻酬 ξ♀ξ 拌 |′ ♀:λ development act v ties tha contr bute to」 apanese innovat ons =品 :・ INNOVA「 Iθ N 温ed ‘ lh]#]:部 :111ま 慧1lif澤::41il:!|1椰ま:∬:櫛憲::‖!重ギ!|:鼎 iFi郡 l・ ‥ ′ access to overseas countr es thanks to the opening Ofl :ill捲 11・ 式|」ll 1 ■ My message brov∝ seas"msttnMng abom expandMi服 、 ヽ なFl::|lξ :掘 ITRき 品 ♀1攪 ‰ 3胤t"e 冊:翡柵:ネ :'1♀よ::,器 :8‖ 綸ξ8階 :謂 酬ly:dgq gb□ tendsttng cOmpanes htt Opoま e heЮ 'ま Aviation Company PPG」 apan Ltd(usA) 1,1980 Name l[]::‖ ぶ轟sm鰤 ⅦDedα Ettittn Ap百 PPG lnduSrles ls based in the uS and is a manufacturer of paints,chemicals and glass The company entered into the」 apanese market v71h chemical salesi hov ever itis no、 v developing businesses mainly in paintycoat ngs for varous purpOses,and a rcral 漱闘甜 il器棚 齢鵬 郷隔魔帥 鮮 curЮ nJy bttdmg anOther suppOn cenier h Miyosh Cty lAに hP蠍 繁樹 ‖登籠∫ぎ鼎 i鶴}脳籐 i]継品動 Business expansion in A,chi PreFecture is dttr buied io the fact that the area is the center For the a rcral indusi‐ y As PPG's ぬpanese cuSoma●n heacd mdudり aЮ based h and ao‖ ]で絆席眉冊ξ::治 盤鵬 印ま』:謄幣淵鳳 :8:tttU鏑 ♀器棚ξ鍵頸 将a躍:Tlよ♀‖♀:mttc m“帆αnmOnd mabs ″ 鷺 Athough some m19ht say that Alchi has a charactersi caly closed attude,many people who vist Aichifrom'認 al overthe、 vor d ミ lndudmg the us PPG hdustles)pant outthdtthe areat enMronment,where nature and theは test hfrastructure are 、vel― balanced,has a lot of slmlartes to overseas countres Aichi also produces excelent human resources,and is consldered a sutable area for overseas companies tO set up the r」 apanese offices

Av auon C肥 y Magnate Technology Co.,Ltd.鮎 ShollKozuka Ellif:n Novembet 2008 冊 I "ao

Our company is a specialzed manufactul℃ r of high―precision ainoraFt pans,w th Our main factor es located in

一 Kaohsiun9,Taivvan Our pr mary products include engine cases,landing gear parts,and heat exchange parts, ・ F 一 manufactured for markeis in Japan and the V′ est ,Ve also make food machine"pans,f‖ m machiner/pans,and semiconductor pumps(Orthe Japanese market There were t,vo main reasons、ve estabished a branch in Alch our cients are here,and being in Aichilets us fu f‖ l orders quickly There are also many aerospace companies in and around Aichivvorking hard to develop new markets

vly advice to foreign companies expanding into」 apan concerns one main poini ・hO、 v are you planning io develop relat onships vv th」 apan before you sett e your business here?"lt's crucialto bund relationships and lay a foundat on ナタlo),争 11 frsi and then to move your business here afterwards d tanspO"mon hiastrt d“ q g00d Юad ll本 のι。)ノ イリ柵 il:iど 柵fi3時 器跡:R籠1晰 il鴨 計稽と器搬 む器 pa 9 6 朧層習鑽創駅1訴 頸翻 ,ヽ 1イ ,1ス ,マ n4,, M篤 ∬階朧螂柵躙瀑ヂ猟 rng your business to v/onderful Aichi Prefecture =躍=燎=詳 3uslness Track Record Merit

ll晰 徊漑‡彦晰蜃務漑蛉‡蜻⑮警 心漑鰺‡礼覺會晰鶉暑璽

Renewab e Energy ln randOm ordel C肥 y Krannich Sohr K.K.cerman, 脚 総麗PKawttda E腑 ∬n」 anl ar1 2馴 3 Krannich Solar KK vvas estab‖ shed in 2012,as a Japanese arm of Krannich Solar GmbH&co KGヽ vhich has its headquarters in Baden― Wulttemberg in south、 vest Germany Krannich Solar specta zes in engineerng services and market ng business of solar po、 ver generation systems,and has achie∨ ed top― class sales performance in Cermany, A hiCh has one ofthe lar9est solar pO、 ver generat on markets AIso in the Japanese market,vve promote recyclable energy amon9 our customers as pall of key energy po cies The reason our」 apanese office was estab shed in NagOya C ty,Aichi Prefecture、 vas that the Tokal area,center ng On Alchl Prefecttlre,had a su table meteorolo9ical env ronmentfor solar po ver [nt#鵠 generat on business and provided generous suppott to our business expans,on into Japan at |:″レprefectura/c ty/assocl試 ion levels Fulthermore,Aichi Prefecture has integrated var ous essent al technologies, and has a number of high― qualty cOmpanies Aichiis an attract ve area for overseas companies enter ng into the」 apanese market,as t offers a fotlndat on to alo、 v mutua complement/― existence/― development vvth such companies

Flnancial services

CI憎 a) 2 驚fy shinhan BankJapan(KoЮ :‖‖♀}』,E紺配n Seplem嗽 矧

Shい han Bank Uapan(SB」 Bank)cOmmenced operalons n Septembei 2009 as a menlber olthe Shnhan ttnaldtt GЮ up COI Ltd The Shnhan Fhancは GIoup ttes consumerinances,secultes and nsurances,and ls core member s the Korean maOrbank,the Shnhan Bank,thal has a tola of 60 oveseぉ ne卜″orks n 14 courlles ncudng Amelcal Engand,Sngapore and Chna

The Shnhan Bank was eゞ abished wlh eapla frOm Koreans ivng n Uapal,and ihe iral Uapanese b● nch n Osaka opened n 19861 wth funher branches openng n Tokyo and Fukuoka,developng is busness n depost・ lloans loЮ gn exchange and mOney exchange SubsequenJy,Shnhan Bank Uapan was eslabish“ Shnhan Bank Uapan caries on alihe buSnesses of is uapanese branches,andも expandhg is buЫ ness nelwolks throu9h the openn9 offour branches 10Saka― Uehonmachl∪eno.Yokohama,and Kobo,a detached o"Oeい Shh"ku and exchange counters tt Hanedゴ Fukuoka arpOns

Ach Preleaure s charadelzed as havng a arge economy,vgorousヤ adng acuvmes and a arge popualon of`Ocan p∞ pe Weaにo have a number なるSυ εご事oicustomers who use our depostseⅣ ёesthrough mpersondilades lnterna banhn91 dcl h thtt aea To proMde ngh quttty seⅣ besto them だな cuslomers,a NagOya bianch opened n 2012 f. 7nハ I`げ Ach has lch h`oimalon′ dda as atradm9 hub,andも proacive m attracung oves∞ s compattes to the area through the openng of an hdustl引 oca on semhar and the o陥 lng ol mlous suppOn measures cg,The GFalc N"oya ntal時 e(GM)BuSness aaば up Suppo蔵 PЮ91am lorloに gn compattes ocatng h ACh,ac)Achヽ a raabe and atrad~e desinaton loi companbs tha are cOnddelng bulness expandon

Ohtama,Ltd.(Germany) 躙謝蹴嵐cm E紺配n Rttual劉 1

TUV SUD Ohtanna,Ltdに a10 nt hvestment company Of oHTAMA Co.Lld,a eadng magnetc sh ed manu● cturer m 」apan,and TUV― SUD Japan,the Japanese subsidiaり of the blgged internalonal cenfica10n Organizat on in the vvo‖ d, Germanys TUV_suD Group The TUV―SUD Ohtama's Tokal ENC Center conducts testng including suppressing unnecessary electromagnelc、 vaves from electrcal appllances and lmitng the electromagnet c、 vave effects on other applances VVe also orers suppon services such as analyzing varous electromagnetc vvave problems and suggestng concrete solut ons The company ensures the secrecy Of clentiniormat on vvth ts completely separde test Facltes and electronic securty sydems

Tokai EヽИC Center decided io expend into Aichl Prefecture to meet the needs oi companies in the prdecture,and also Alchl has a cluster of companles not only in the automotve industw but also in the defence,av aton and space indusines A varety of companies that develop cutting― edge technolo91eS have gathered in Aichi PreFecture VVe beleve that vve can strengthen Our corpOrate ab ity by wOrking wth these great companies and st mulat ng each otherin this area

lT・ Consuiting C肥 y lnfosys ttmted onda h,2“ 2 冊 Ⅲ‖躙♀:ss DⅣ d"mm Mmttα E躍簡n MaЮ

Infosys Lld,based in Bangaloe,lndia,is a globa eaderin lT and consuilng service Since the estabishment of is」 apan branch in Tokyo in1997,Infosys has designed and delvered technolo9y― enabled business solut ons for g10bal corpOrat ons.and has created and oiered the G oba Deivew Mode(GDM)that enab es corporatOns lo proude the bestiechno oges and ta ents by dN dmg and redistr buing wOrk t0 10catons、 vhere sutable human resources and cosi perormance are avalable As we esiablsh a new branch and make our way nto the manuFactuing bus ness,our FIsi cho ce Was A ch PreFecture,the bi9gest manufactulng center n」 apan ln Aichi where numerous manuFactunn9 cOmpan es have accumulated,we trylo emp10y as many people as possible in the Tokai region and provide lT suppOrt service lo global cOmpanies in manufactur ng and other areas lli business .憲 Today,companies must think globaly to sustain ther business l1/e、 vould ike to give support to companies that a e interested in global η ‐ expanslon and that seek unique skl s,and to assistthem lo achieve sales gro、vth、vth profts We、 vl also promise our actve suppottio ・ウ: l年 r:° companies thd are conslderng expanding the r business in lndia VVe look for、 vard io、vorking、vih yllu ″t^`,■ 4d.`′ 、 7 フ Aichl Prefecture is such an aliractve place noi only because t has an accumulaton lli manufacturng companies but also because t Orers baerlv ng env「 onmentthan tokyo l myser am very happy thユ ive n Nagoya NdCttR:器 Main Foreign Companies Active in Aichi 翼 ]:涌罪 譜 l:里 11,(『 i31il配 ξ 『 劇:Rff other except onal companies operai ng here as =瞥Ae‖

ln randOm Ordeり

C sco Sysiems G K USA VOLKSWAGEN Group Aubll拙 nlormalol● chno oOy equ Omelt uapan K K 13熙衡Wng, cermany DANA UAPAN,LTD Auto paiも uSA Nikon― Esslor Co,Lid [yeOlass lenses France Du Pont Kabushiki Chem cas Kaisha USA Saint― Gobain K K Automouve g ass France

PPG Uapan Ltd Coat19s,Chem ca s and G ass USA Sanof‐ Avents K K Pharmaceulca s France Automob e sa es,auto pans Ford」 apan Limited USA Valeo Japan Co,Lid Aulo,aiも deve opment and sa es France Automl電 Pf zer Japan inc PharmaceJicJs USA Ll.lS Japan K K OSpace Bd9um ∬:「 認 lИ agna lnternat onal Um coc Shokuba Aulo pans Canada Japan inc Japan co,Ltd BASF INOAC D讐 Po yurethane foam Germany es Smttmd Polyurethanes Ltd STM croe ectron cs K K 七柵:柵1棚潔 Bosch Rexroth Co,Ltd Auiomouve iechn0 09y Germany TOYODA VAN l10PPES JD D amood rolary Oressers UK

Dalan HenOx n Prec s on Doerken」 apan K K Rust and co「 ros on fes iant pa nts Germany Prec s on mo Os Ch na MoJ d ManuFacture Co,Ltd

Semens K K Automolve lechlo oOy Germany Sibelco uapan cO,Lid SlにalJrth n O ass pands sい gapOle

ProLo9is D sllbulon system Oeve opment transpOl management USA Rockwe‖ AutomaJon Contro system deve o,ment USA 」apan Co Ltd and sales Bodycote」 apan K K Therma process ng UK Adven s no med a deve opment, MCDecaux nc France adven■ ng space sdes lKEA」 apan K K Furntu祀 Sweden ■)Osaka BANK OF CHINA F nanc a seⅣ ces Ch na

lleusot uapan cO Ltd Oヽ lore deve opment Ch na

NIHON RITへ TSU, nc Systems des On and deve opment Ch na

Shinhan Bank Japan F nanc al seiv ces Korea


New Tome Expressw可

| San En llansh n Expだ ssway

Port o`↓ M kawa T Tokyo

――――― Other ra‖ ways

―――――――― Shinkansen 3ulet■ ai n ―…―¨― Expresswav ExPresSWay (under construct on, 3uslness■ack Record Merit 麒祓骰郎瘍瘍魃 ね郎 1赳 湧は麒魃蓼 魃彦痣凸隋覺赳彦綺嗽繭

Aviat on ln iandOm oden

yM「 Date SUBSⅢ HEAW ⅢDUSTRES,『 D― NagOyaAerospace Syslems Octobel 1956 Ⅷ脚 Estabished

At NagOya Aerospace Systems,、 ve do cuti ng― edge a rcrafl and spacecraft nnanuFactur ng Aichits attract ve because of the Polt of Nagoya which is extremely convenient for distr but on ヽ′Vhen transpolting items such as a rcraFi fuselages o∨ erseas, ve normaly ship by bOat,butin the case ofthe Boein9 787.s wings,、 ve transpOlted them by shlp to Centra r,and sentthem on specialtranspon a rplanes from there Since vve re in the middle of」 apan, 1's qute convenientto get tems from our panner cOmpanies Another advantage is the

Q 鼻電 証 _]欄 [鴛 塁 ヽ柵 T増 馨]ボ 熙 II堤 [聾 樫:蕩 嬰鷺習冊 魁需 act vely support companles operat ng in Alchi ヽ′Ve feel stron91y that a lot of effon has been putinto bulding relat onships w th local companies

Cutt ng Too s C冊 lry osG CORPORAT10N ‖悧l:鵠:1淑鳥]£ :levdopmen Eゞ∬よed March,1938

Founded in 1938,our company manuractu es and se‖ s precislon cuti ng tools Since ourfounding,、 ve've expanded overseas to vvhere ve novv have manuractur ng and business centers in 29 countres,serving cients in a w de range ofindustr es including automob‖ es,aviat on,electr cal applances,and construci on The attract on of A,chifor us is its locat on in central」 apan, ts focus on the auiomob‖ e industry,the presence ofthe Poに ofヽИikavva― Japan's largest vehicle― exporting pOrt, ts outstanding manufactur ng technologies, and lis unsurpassed technicaltrack recod,something、 ve‖ worth boasi ng about Fulthermore,in Higash ヽИlka7va 17vhere OSG is located,the people are honest,the unemployment rate is lovv and managers treat employees lke famJy― one can ea‖ y sense the connmun ty sp rtthat has establshed itsef here ヽИy advice to fore19n companies on expanding yOur business into Alchi would be this:Aichl,vvhich divides 」apan bet、 veen east and vllest,has a unique cu ture and unique‖ festyle,and lihink that F yOu frst deepen your understandin9 of」 apanese po‖ t cs and history vv th thatin mind,estabishin9 a business here lv go a lot more smoothly

Automolve C冊 y TOyOta Motor CorpOralon 冊 Eま ∬よed August,1937

Here in Aichi、 vhere ToyOta is headqualtered,we have logist cs infrastructure thatincludes the Central 」apan lnternat onal A rpOrt,the Pon of NagOya,and an automoble expressAay net、 vork Aichlis also located in the center of Japan l be eve thatthe outstanding human resources and concentrat on of great companies here make it possible in particularto manuFacture products to a veり high level oF qua ty Since its founding,Toyota has pursued a phJosophy of・ make vvhat companies need'and“ contr bute to business by making cars"ヽ ′′hat's mostimpoltant at Toyota is that we“ put customers f rst,and have an outstanding corpOrate cu ture"Th ough creat v ty and ingenu ty,vve have achieved a・ corpOrate cu ture that cher shes technological development'No、v more than ever,Toyota ls makin9 vehicles to meetthe needs of companies and enich peoples'lves ヽ´′e vvantto make TOyOta a nevv car company fOrthe

t、venty― f rst century

9 M ISU3 SH H口 WY NDUSTR ES LTD H IA Lat,ch velo 3 21 OSG CORPOR紆 10N byota Motoi Corporalo, Plus PHV Main Japanese Companies(Manufacturers)with Bases in Aichi Note:The companies lsted here areluSt given as examples oi companies doinO businessin Aichi bUtthere are many other except onal companies operat ng here as、 vel

On randOm Ordel

AnlaOa Mac1 le Too s ASNハ ″Co Ltd Aub Pans C面 Ⅷ 7 Hand Saw Mac1 les Ц辮寵1ド Co.tt0 "SШ "some md岬 L● iniofmalon■ ehno ogy A SN SEK Oo,Ltd Auto Pans .面 Ⅷ J"■ 7 Brぼ hef oOustles tld Ц柵柵晰 [OJ Omeni .P I18蔦 "sdm3詢 DENS0 0or,oral on AJtomot ve Contr。 l systems 1綱121囲 OT〔 KT CofOorat ol Stee119 Svktems 霧当邸悧 i:器襴i訛謄」111器 Automolve lt31o「 aB0 ` NOAC CoipOrd on |]121盟 Makね Co「 poralon Pow3rЪ o s Extei o「 Pans ;:当 鼎騰彎 ぶ縄鶴蝿総7 Deve opment oFtlo RVR U誠 岬」 銅d Mol Se k Oo,ttd Mach ne bo s and卜 MiEV M鼎♂ Ml器 巴m NGK Spark P uo cO,Ltd Automolle Spa「 k P u9s m踏‖‖:器‖珈 鵠鴨鴇蹄岬 Okuma Corpralon Mach ne to s Suzuk Motor eorpO.,On Motolcyc es and OuiloarO Mlllors R00kd[1い nes OSG CORPOPAT10N Cuttng ЪЫs ―■yokawa P ant 響雛IPξ段:翻1.[` HJい M‖ Ш m Man Iamazak Mazak Tokal Rika Co Ltd Aせto Pans Ⅷngs br me BOd■ Mach ne Too s 岬 鉛肝 '副 9787 Oofpofat on Ⅷ¨“m HJA R∝ Toyoda Gose Co ttd Aせto Pa■ s m∫‖1鵬 翔 はヽwm" Toyota Motoi Corpo子 aloo Fo「 ged Pans and Pans ―Ma n P ant lo「 Hyb口 d thces Daldo Steet Co Ltd Specia Stee s byota Motor Co「 po「 alon Eslma Crown and Mark X ―Motomaol P ont Juken ЮgyO oo Ш Smal Precs on P ai c Pa應 byota MoO「 Co「 po「 alo■ L3χ ls LS anOし andcrJlser NP'ON SHARYO LTD― Ralway Cars an0 10u゛ la Taha「 a ttant ヽ。kOⅥ Manlldum9 0ena Vehicles Toyota Motor Co「 poralon iO Au「 s ald Corola NGK lsu aoに tto一 E ectlca tOu Oment ano Takaoko円 ant 時matt Ope『 alols Cel"『 Ceiamた %ns Toyota Motor Corporalon Cam嘔 ,lus a■ dPЮ m的 ―Tsutsuml P ani Olaya&Oo Ltu Re9ular and Sp8oial St381s

byota Auto BoO,Co tll A plam Noa and Hace Mtsub sh Molos Cor,oralon Ou‖ ande「 PHⅣ ヽ「ay lndJsti es lnc Paゞ es ano chem ea s

byoto 3osloku Cor,olalol Al o P8■ s

Toyobい Jus● ,o子 alol AJTo Pa“ ~ =s Co「 ム

‐b Osaka

L N PPON SHARYO LTD N700 Seles BuletTram ヽ

Toyoda Cosd Co,し tu OpbdectiO■ o Pat.

MIsub sh“ rertt cOrpO「 alo■ MRU ~~NeW TOm● ヽ Expessway

― ― , ‐ ‐ヽ ヽ ― Central Japan ‐ I ~~ internat onal L A rpOn Po晨 of↓ /´ NGK nsu atos Ltd Kinuura ――― ヽプ (Centra r) 一

PoH of↓ Boein9 3oe n9 787 M kawa o]bkyo

JR Otherは lways Shinkansen Bulet■ain Expressway 101 ExPresSW可 Ⅲnder consirucJon) investment Environment and incenttVes Merit 樹蝿慾艤⑫⑫鍼‡胸餞◎爾鷺lvtty 亀9番 ③爾畿畿S麒

曜》Cost Comparison of Japan's Th「 ee Maior Metropolitan Areas Among the three malor metropolses,the ease of expand ng nto A ch stands out 狐

●ヽ I南 tt hヽ JI ●″●●:,,1''「 ●●1 0,,,に っ,Fl,o■ 1● ■ 0籠 ,■ 1,Pll● ●`」| 011● ,,,「 tt h iti oll● ,● ●●ハJI `コ `り IIome n=1勲 l oOsts OI ce Relta Costs vVages ior Men Wa9es ior Women

l′ 131 0′ 335 335′ 6◎0 盆35′◎⑮◎ yo■′ m` yoい ′いo yen′ mo 緞 靱 鰈 "' yen′ 600






0 lndustr al Land Commercial Land Resident al Land Home Rentals O「 ice Rentals IИ en ,Vomen 瞭'棚 計鼎ξ鼎押譜t滞 柵1冊 lttt tM l=lw Oi‖ ea‖ ヽt,う oo an`WJia“ 馴 ど 淵欝 )

GDinformation and Office Space for Entrepreneurs Suppon s ava ab e in A chlfor entrepreneurs and fOr sma‖ and med um― s zed bus nesses branch ng nto new areas

0」 ETRO nvest uapan Bus ness Suppon Center 隕隕 蝠屁鰈吻囃 隕Aichi Venture House Naka‐ ku,NagOya 25 Rent free′ actual¥2.500(per m1 0rSO 鰈」ETRO lnvest Japan Bじ siness Suppoは Center Naka‐ ku,NagOya 4 Rent free/actual transponat on fares or so 颯Nagoya Business lncubator Kanayama Nakagawa― ku.Na9oya 25 Rent ¥53,600‐ 307.800 orso 鰈Nagoya Business lncubator Shlrakane Sho、va― ku,Nagoya 50 Rent¥72,500‐ 256,800 orso Creation Core Nagoya Molyama ku Na9oya 19 Rent Y131,040峰 510,720 orso 漑師mce EKmmgeP″ a Molyama ku,Nagoya 10 Rent ¥63,420-78,907o,so b,m輌 mm∞ ∞Ю 63 Rent ¥21,000-164,673 oiso 隋 髪 Toyohash sc ence Core 1 1 Nete There may be imes when al iactties att booked and henee Jnavalab e p ease do not hestate lo ooliaci「 BAC(See baok cov8``or deLls, There are many Oぃ ei nco,ator iac‖ ¨s n addl ollo above menlo13d● ol1 3s 「 ■|「 |::=,|=:i● 客i=■ ■ri=||● ●.11■ ,|■ ||:|,F■ IT二 IJ「 111■ :■ ,■ ti■ t=■ ■ ,「 FIす 1. =fl■ ,「 |, =こ =,'t■ :ヽ■■ ● TI=1=||■ 11■ r● ∵:● ●。11■ ll i:t is tl=,I=千 11:「 fl 1111 =● 0● 「=|=:=fl'■ |:1111:=|=「 =tt● 「 ,ァ ● ■11■ ■■●■ =1■

拳i兵 il■ ぎ轟ご警 Subsidy =11●program tO promOte lnvestments in the Cutting― Edge Sectors of the 21st Century 制鑑TI鮒 躇 誰版器ittIW繹鷲儒勲‖:i権 鴫鸞蓋紺[掬濡T:報blTe E19ible expenses Expense ol acqu ring lxed propen,rexcluding land, SubSidy amount Jo:o Ob101,=l For11!=s,meiヽ Jnd=`:0 011ol l=n sJIЫ O・.t,lo 101に ',=n Sub● dy nes R“ e紺糧Rt“ 盤りⅧ躍酬:::籠‖籠‖寓瀾協1「 :ittll]Ⅷl tttamm禍 腑硼膳‖鴨肥惣よ説sub.dy “ nge.y l advanced mdelJs 5 nandechndo9に ApttcaЫ eldds I TrT躊 s6Ы ttech∩ do¨ s ::`乱『寵写:∬[鳥。:;電 ::a:Ь )棚留1崎、e9oveinor Subsidy program tO p「 omote lnvestments forthe Creation of Ne、v Aichi

山°19¨ anl htt nd“ ttdけ m=G"‖ Apは caЫ elddS l鼎 け Ⅲ 即 町 』ぱ継:l酬liT躙:T:lW川盤:Ψ‖ξ県縄:ヽ P‖]lL需 lh即8vJ3,m81l d RelJ ona l,Justi al e Jstis"Ю hi019,PrO■ 0101 oF[sl.lbisime1l o,New 3し ,loss Fallj=s8ヒ Appicab e ields Reqo ements nveatment amOunt Number ofiul― ■me emp10yee for a subsidy Faci ties operaled in Lar9e compan es 2 5 bllon yen or nlore 100 or more musi be ma nioい ed A chl PrefeciJre for over 20 years sMEs 100 1n I,on yen orl¬ ore 25 or more must be inaintoined

E oible expenses Expenses(orile acqtis ion of fixed assets(excludin。 |.・ nd cosl Amount Lin■ lb‖ on lndependeni PrefeCtura subs dy upて o500m‖ on yen Subs dy rates 10・ .lndependent prefeciJre sJOc● y rates up lo 5● ● ) ■peB Suppon the estaЫ es h netts atthe core ofthe sup口 y chan App「 cab e■ e Os Re9ard `hmentng Po nil cOmpa出 re e,antieds are l Feds oFr`tela s and pans at,he co,e oFthe supp,cha n'F e ds be on9119 to exPandi'9 markets nveatment amount Nunberoffu i me employee l number Oiemp Ovees musis be ma nta ned for4 years atthe sanle 1 500m‖ lon yen or mOre しarge col¬ panies leve as before the Great Easi Uθ pan Earthquake Requ rements :5 btt on yen or more ′ 20 0r more increase in the nulnber offul tinle el¬ Ployees for a subsidy Facior es l numberof emp oyees musi be ma nia ned ior 4 years atthe same SMEs 20 mm On yen or mOre leve as belore the Great Easi Japan[aけ oquake 1 5orro「 e ncr‐ ase n the numberOffu‖ lme emp Oyees E19● e expenses Expenses forthe acOJ`l on OF lXed asseis leXC ud■ 9 and cOSI Amount Lim■ l bilon yen Subs dy rates 10● .「he rde C reduced lo 5● .for eqttpmentい vestmanis at exに 1い gpい nts, Subsidy program lo Suppoに R&D forthe Creat on of New Aichi Md ttuね u“ αいeG¨∞「 Ap¨ caЫ e mds鰤 ・“ 「 督駆;|1盤 糧淵 rimn■『胃電:器:|[思l意苫 “ (鉤 Al iechno o9,le ds s● ppo■ sbソ A ch Centerior ndustrv 8nd Sc ence rechn。 。9,

TWllTι鯉場R]‖l黒撃t:liv器 いな謙鰐1『λ::干 |‖:晰}T畔『‖:潔鴫‖澤‖l轟‖挽なも:性ll■1‖ :caェmm m。 創℃ Юq」 Юments l111犠 :鶏 11譜 lΨ 39ened R8D“ Jn wher・ =髯 メ 『ξ 」 ‖ ρ=lomed bl a conSO山 棚∬槙[Ⅲl:‖ 111:i∬ 詰:lli詰 :冨 |:∬ 鼎器ヽneⅢ enγ まb19Ю tth ndJ=11=s aealem a n,l oolemreits colaboは te i=`or co m mere a,v ab e ieOino o9 esl13¬ mpro、 e Ach ndu■ りヽcompetileness Eqb…mTS罰 革1嬬騨‖師聯椰T雷澱1#靴‖番1祠 辮輛!聾鼎静蠣鮒榊li椰榊動珊蹴| Amount Lim■ 200m‖ on yen n the case of SMEs generaly 100 m‖ on yen Subs dy r_tes n genera1 1'2 fo「 L3rge COmpanes and 2/3 n al olher cases NeW Bu● ness Prom。 lon Tax hcenttves(Abatemenl of Red Estate Acqttstton Ta対

Target bus ness AerOspace lη anuraciJ‖ n9 Bus nesses(eo「 alufactiln9,deJgnated by lhe 9overnorio,each tar9el atta Ta● et per od From the des 9nated dale to 31 March 2016 The esiabに hmeni¬ ust have nequ remenis l An amountof eapla nvesiment of morethan 100 m‖ On yen・ ExPenseS tO acqJre bJ d ngs or deprec alon assets(eXCepi and, 2 Fveo,more iul lme emp oyees Smal and medum szed compan es 314 o`the rea estate acOJ 31 on 18χ MIga■ on cost The amount oithe rea estate acqu st on tax Other 181ge Sセ ed compan es, 1'20千 1,e rea esin,● acqu sl on tax Tax lncenJves for New Bus nesses Underthe Bus ness Fac‖ n es PrOmolon Law(speC a Deprec alon) arget pelod uni 31 March 2014

r翻#鰍s ttli曹 |‖鼎幡理動1鮮響腎II腺孤ギ椰朗摘当∬『!量蠍鼎裾冨‖FWiWiou Amountim t The deprec ab e asset acqu sl on alnount s 5 b l on yen(3b‖ lon yen,per inanc al year S"IJ depr∝ diOn昭 s Bu10 ngs 3● ● mach nery 15● . The owera nounis appl tO f006 prOducers and compa由 es■ lhe,91cuture Forestry anJ nsh n9 sectors Long_Term insta“ lment Payment System for Real Estate Subd v s ons(app cab e lo ndustna snes Owned bythe A ch Publo Enterplse Bureau) PenOd up to 10 yearsIJpiOien i mes nc ud n9 1he nt a paymenl AmoJnt or面 .。 r more oFthe coniracted alnount(lo be pa d wlh n 15 daysf「 om ihe●●ay after the contract s concじ ded) `Jp"mem 10・ Payment method PaJneni mus be madeい stJヤnenis oi:le amountremJヽ ■9 aler deOuc119 11e hiJ p8,mentFrom the contracted aFouniIPa,ment date The date olthe ooolacl Land Lease System(applcab e to ndustna"uJ snesa1lJa■ Owned by the A ch Publ c Enterplse Bureau)

Uses Fo「 indusir a′ distr bt]lon′cOmmercial use Lease type Flxed‐ term leasehol● for bJsiness PJrposes(lo-20 years)

Annua cnt [=rJ〕 6¨ |●l ant,たで,Jes Na● ■1010,Jり :● a:|=3moJ「 J悧 1101xと |:SA:|%Jstω ■o● s=iに : ∞ ,■「 !ね =mlJJ■ ヽ8,|1lue oJI:=ol■ 側●1l oiヽ コ●sio a max mum ol,x mol■ One‐ lme payment tlepOsl:lrOnth`:メ y rent x rent iOr 1 2-24 monい “ s Key lnoney“ NIA“ 靡r:震° ,露 器朧lTT剖背鵬(塀 嚇嵐:YWa旧 嚇.whn ' :8:棚 淵ギ∬車燻}T窄 Fore gn Company lncent ve PrOgram('suppon thrOugh the Greater NagOya nn a」 ve)

E19 b e compan es compan es that ar● at east 50%lore 9■ owned and llat are estaOlshi,9 ntrl compan es oi branche=|,11e G eater Nag。 ,a re9 onlAchl Gru and lle Preた olJ es, 理 事愧 癬 蝸 珊 蝙 鶉 柵 融 Mヽ suppOrt funds ,JPio 500 000,● ■pe ComPan, 'upi。 500000,en perCOmpan, 1:∵ :i:書 1,|':き ::,■ さ豊i i重 子,:: 譲葬馨婁電ヨ言曹言巽羹曇羮¥言 了黍韮釘:義 菱電曇羹ぎ


・ Prices in Aichi Among the three maiOr nnetropolnan areas,hv ng in A ch is easiest,and A chi pHces are the lowest

index 996 1085 1020

Prefecture Ranking(higher rankings mean higher pr ces) 10 1 4

警MaiOr ser宙 ces for Fordgn Nalonals From ifestyle information to tourist and event guides,supportis ava‖ able to help you live in」 apan

Aichi lnternational Association llaka― ku.Na9oya te9a and geneiaヽ sues,Uapanese an9uage dasses,olo Consu‖ alonJnformalon Counter+81‐ 52‐ 961‐ 7902

NagOya international Center llakamじ ra― kし ,llagoya tega and genera ssues Japanese anOuago oasses elo lnformat on Counter+81-52-581-0100

There■ にnlan,olher ns1lJlons t13t Pro■ de COnsuhalon and Japanese anguage c aSSes th oughOuithe p efecture

義Number of Medicallnstitutions That Provide Services in Foreign Languages Engish 1′ 800 185 1′ 179 382 1′ 392 4′ ,38 There are over 8,000 medicalinstitutions in totalin POnuguese 127 24 154 62 316 683 Aich that have star whO speak foreign languages c,,ぉ 176 23 138 .。 ea僻譜鼎Ptt.wa・ 。s‐ 39 179 555 German 168 22 131 34 161 516 Spanish 120 17 126 40 183 486 French 115 14 93 33 124 3ア 9 Korean 122 16 92 31 117 378 Otherlanguages 128 16 93 32 119 388

Total 2′ 756 317 2′ 006 653 2′ 591 8′ 323

Medた ai nlormtt on Center Aichi MOem‐ Mmaml Nakamura kulNagOya Med ca consuna」 On [very■ esday,Thursday and Saturday(anernOOn呻 +81525887040

幸Educational institutions Accepting Foreign Children KasJOallnterchan3● lnternational schools are available for cont nuous educat on from T。 。saka

three years of age unt‖ high school gradual on КoZ● | ● Owal Seto Na90ソ a ぃtettF:亀: NagOya Toyoia lnternat onal School

D rect OnS Ъm° はpesw" ・ Nearest S131onsl 亀 Ke20,Slat O■ |IRI

Kezo1 31=to■ |バ clし 00,日 al“ 3, ‐ Oral Asal Siaion IMete13し Selo L nel San3o Siato● MetetSu Seio L nt, L ¨輛 ・NearestビxprFsswa,Exls Kast,931 1lterchange tT。 ,,el TO T● k)。 同誠 ●ha■ me laⅢ =Jk:1"olo ll,「 le lH,aナ

Founded Preschool(ages 3-4) En91sh Na9oya 2686 M nam hara,Nakash daml Approx 340 international School MOnyama_ku,NagOya in 1964 throu9h high SChOol (aCCredtted by WASC and BO) 「vell lれ ou9:l it's● :le ofご apan's three lTa,o「 llletropO lan are■ 3,AtC:li has al‐ aburidance of natural beauty‐ al¬ e at ihe beacll,う v a river,orin the l¬ otコ illains is riever far ar ay ヽ、し1':l nave ct,「`a ieisurei,ti■oO,■ plete support,i:ncluding ian9uage assista,lce,ヽ ″1lle yOu iive in .lapari

りNature,Hヽtory,Cunure,MetrOpdb鷲 ゝ邸譜:」1]:鴨尾:]]∫ αlttl騎二駅ま∫T畿:∫漑ich is remarkable Regardless of the season,there's so muchfun to be had stro‖ ing through the plefecture's histor cal totryns

Surrounded by mountains, r vers,and the sea,Aichi has so much to onioy a‖ year round Takein the sprng blossoms atlnuyanna Cast e, a nat onaltreasure ln summer try your hand at marne spOns On the Chta Peninsula ln autumn.go see the autumn leaves at Korankei ln vv nter,9o sking at171t Chausu One ofthe region.s big attract Ons is ts outdoor act v ties OKorank● OKol● ahama

,ヾ agoya,Okazak and lnuyama a‖ developed as casJetowns n A ch As a resu t.even loday you can see histor cal remains here and there throughout these c ties Nagoya Caste is one of Japan.s Three Great Cast es and a chershed symbO1 0fthe c ty

OAtsuia』 ngu Shlne ONa9oye Caste

Aichiis fu‖ of cu tural fac ties,from concen ha‖ s to museunns and ar1 9a‖ er es Tokogawa Art Museum. vvhich houses nine nat onal treasures among its pieces,is a prvate museum run by the Owan branch ofthe Focusing On artFacts from the Edo perOd. vlhich spanned near y 300 years,this museum is a must― see forlearning about 」apanese histoγ ●A ch Arts Center ●Tokugawa Att Museum

Looking dOwn from the top of ny Tovvet One is amazed at hO、 v green the c ty is A thou9h itS a metropo s, urban NagOya is fu‖ of parks that add to its appeal


ONa9oya Ctyscape at N● ht 008■ s21 ●T√ Ъwer Research Facilities(R&D) There are many experimental and research fac‖ ties that pFOVide technical support,ranging frclm national inst tutions to research inst tut ons affiliated、 v th universities and pr vate enterpr ses

艘 り:i ver,lles a l(11)13■ = |,sit tiOrls,711こ Xper,l,crlial aぅ O ReEcarch l acl1los

c,ope all!陀 s,arch Researcl ol J nte o0111 0ns an1 0「 uO le,eo,meni lor t scast=calsci n the nea・ lutuit en,lonmenl lJu0 19 1o,| Walo,,Unl=「 Ы●ReSCa ch ilsltute oi[11rolilenlll MeJに lo Jヽ ooso olJttine O seas=10 al=tes immun0 0い o,t stast pan s te,lourO C9 00 10Ve o,mtni br,l ill供 o■ s and Jise`st

Resc8К h ol low

Vale″ 'fbOO!ea,h='Omena physo o9 oa FJnd ons d tlo lumal bo01 3 o o9,Natona nslluい P'ys o o9 cal Se ences ano lsitute O「 Mo etu=rSc enee, l oas o「 esearch on thc FJlol o,s and re8ot o,s of moleeJ es lalolJ J● verJ1 0o「 ,OialCn`o′ Toy,has■ ul ltis,oF Te=hndo,y いe oevJo,mentい ,「 acicJ「 ss Oお ■¨naり ′eSearけ 1 t]:■ oltsllspttd hi=面 scu lコ ツR“ Шth hstttL and Cotter・ lltt R=s:aに I Fa引 Ⅲ Celじ |__ :dUCabi rJttngi。 =seach"mtresearch cЮ

圏 iメ al,,t:i cE、 PcI ミ]● :iε :″ !,(ヽ Pesearcti llisi ti11lo■ ι

and 関ch Cente,br hlu゛ enee■ chn¨ gy oci evemelヽ sp陀 8`1!ihe bel=1ls“ sc ence ttthlo o9y 011`:Ve o,mtn1 0i10`1l oo 1lman ttsoJrCeS

"ano S● Nt価lmo廂 輌硼matt m`脚 tm"|■ mttTは lnel叫 ●輛薦●Ы セ011111価 JagJ mmJ∞ 1調 tⅢ 9J祠 鰤 |1卸 | “ “ “ [OiOemiolo91oal and prevenlve ttse,ch せia91osis and therapeJll=「 A chi Cancei Center ReCeaCh nsttute =searcl carcino981=olliol elc ioi

nsttute lo「 Deve o,meil・ll Reseach A ch‖ uman Serv ee Ceit=「 =ol1 0uin,b bom=dta and soc]sC elees wh ch su,,ol,oisons with do,o opmenta

81K[N bk=i Rubbei nJJsties C,labo a ol Res=areh ol nJr・ ,9 oare rJbots a,O deve opllent oi robd oontrol eqJ pmeni The nまlmle d Ph,sta and Chemta Resmith (円 K[N moo,ottted admい たtiatve acenc" 日乖こ両面面 受in03 msllute 「 Devdopment Or ite‖ 901i iobots and tthaЫ itaial wstemS bas,don ЫdouO日 tollrd pinJptts

Japan F l,Ceram cs Center oi nlate181s(plma‖ ly ceramics, ,rOduelol meJ)ods and appmisを I In=11oJs Na,ostructures ies==ol by t etlon m erosco,yじ Omputalo,3 matena s sc ence throJ!11に t,lne p e ,apan ttne c=ramts Cent=i N8,ostructJtts Research[abo「 =lory caに u alo■ s and is contibじ iol lo ndJstⅣ ConsJl=ion onlldustia tec1lo o9 es m]t=la s ald systems te・ ln,l oolliact iosearthl tra l11!l and Nagoy`Mun o,3‖ nduStia nesearch nsituit inlormal on ollle ag ng,rooess ano the onset oF 9=latle d seases devo o,me,va,,Icalol oitreatment h lnsiluie Nalonal Cell● rior Celatlos anO Gero,lolo會 y ReseaК anO,「 eve,l ol oi such Oiseases

duSr a Ap口 1, 剛]Sma Cenl“ ,∞ J。 ":Ш Support Organizations oursuppOrinetwoFkiS Watting t0 0鷲 er you complete assistance Overseas Offices ofthe A ch Prefectural Government l」 ETRO Aich Offices) 」ETRO PARIS IAichi OfFice) JETRO SAN FRANCISCO IAichi Officel 」ETRO SHANGHAllAichi OfFice) ‐ /O JETRO PARIS C′O JETRO SAN FRANCISCO C′O uETRO SHANGHAI 27 Rue Oe Berri 75003 575 /arkei Street Su te 2400 21 si Floor Shanghal lnternat onal Trade Centr Pans FRANCE San Francisco CA 94105 U S A 2201 Yan An XI Road Shan3ha1 200036 CHINA ■|+331426174001d崎 ● Tet+14153921333●対24動 Tel+8621‐ 62700489(ext 2800) Fax:+33‐ 1‐ 4261 1946 Fax:■ 1-415 788‐ 6927 Faxi+86-21-6219-9328 E mal a chlpsqeti0 9olp E‐ maに a ch sfOietro go ip E‐ mal PCS― a ch@ieir0 9。 ,p

Aichi― Nagoya lnternational Business Access Center o― BAC)

|― BAC provides one― stop seⅣ ice cater ng io foreign companies consider ng estabishing a presence in Aichi Prefecture Advisers、 vho are expens in matters ofinvesiment and business in」 apan are at your servlce AOdress llth Floor Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and lndustv Buldin0 2-10-19 Sakae,Naka‐ ku,NagOya Alchi 460-0003」 apan

認 A場 臨 TEヒ 185222354い い К +m52 223 5404 E mm gene口 o bacゎ URビ htp″ www lbacゎ /

(つ いfOmetOn onthe Aё n―NagOya cgOn (6)10fOnnaton on human resources (2)nlormaloo on bus ness mdch ng and pOtenta busness pattnes に)nfOrmaton on hous ng,“ uca on med ca serv ces and other amentes Setγices o)nfOrmalon on nceniv、 avalabe O)COnSui ng and adv ce on requred permts and approvals and almin straJve 14 hformatbn on bcalonsfor昴 じes and produclon ladは Os prOcedures lor buslness sian_ups l)nfOima on on tiansponalon n,astrudure (9)lntroduct on of professional and supponing businesses

Greater Nagoya lnitiative Center(GNiC)

ぃλ詰増刷l TEL+81522237340 =ヽ:+81 52 223 7341 E malい vest@9redernagOya org uRし http″ヽvww 9reaternaOoya org

」apan External Trade Organization lJETRO)Nagoya Office

Address NagOya Center BIlg Annex 81 2‐ 2-22 NIshikl Naka‐ kU,NagOya 460-0003 Japan

l潟錦割th TEL+81-52-211-4517局 へX+31-52-202-0750 URし hip〃 www"tr0 90わ 均drOttapan/nagOyd7 Foreign Governmental Establishments in Aichi Prefecture Several gOvernltlents have oonsulates or oo網 sttlates‐ generaliooated in Aichi, Consulate‐ General ofthe Republic of Koreaノ Consulate―General of Brazi1/COnsulate‐ Ceneral ofthe People's Repub‖ c of China/ Consulate‐ General ofthe Republ c of peru/Amer can Consulate/Canadian Constllate

鰺 Contact nforma● on 醸曖飩眩鰤弛鰤邁な幸I壼手幣I lnvestment and Trade Division 3-1-2 Sannomaru,Naka― ku,NagOya,Alchi 460-8501」 AP7AN DEPARTMENT OFINDUSTRY AND LABOR Te +81-52-954-6356 Fa× :+81-52-961-7693 匡―ma‖ ncchttsusho@pЮ f a chL gip AICHI PREFECTURAL GOVERNMENT URL httpプ/www preFa ch ip/ncchlsusho/