&xr*^.^$^Ji-* ^ -\ ^.; The Senior



'^**.C: CIass

JOHN E. KEENAN Vice-President

MARTIN B. MURRAY Treasurer History of the Class of 1933 Shawn A. Sheehan, '33

\THTH parents' warnings echoing in our ears, neatly be-ribboned high school diplomas tucked under our arms and timidity conquering our confidence, three hundred-odd young hopefuls dropped their bags in the cor- ridors of O'Kane and set about the tedious operation of registering as Holy

Cross men. Hoover "prosperity" was at its height, and we were in haste to dash through four years, earn a degree and go out to collect our share of the nation's wealth, so we were more than ordinarily impatient to get down to this business of being college students. After stacking our trunks in the various rooms of Fenwick and O'Kane, we made haste to spend huge sums on banners, pictures, pennants and such truck for our living quarters, get acquainted with our room and corridor mates, and buy many books. Our football-minded classmates reported for the Freshman team, with Joe Ambrose, Don Kelly and Jim Ryan outstanding in the two tie games that were played that fall. We followed the varsity games religiously, learned the cheers and songs, and felt ourselves full-fledged collegians.

The first honor list disclosed that among our pre-eminent students were Ed Hanify, Frank Lovelock, Ed Hidalgo, Charley McGooey, Marty Moran and Ray McNally. The hockey season found our class team going through an undefeated season, with Doc Corrigan and Wally Clifford as shining lights. The Freshman team had a good year, due to the fine playing of Paul Schoenrock, Tom McCarthy, Jim Nicholson and Frank Quine. The prize debate marked our first victory on the platform, and Harry Kirwin, Ed Hidalgo and Ed Hanify blended their ability to defeat the Sophomores. Ray Leddy and Ed Curry had prominent roles in the presentation of the "Merchant of Venice," while Paul Shannon and Lou DePro won their spurs as entertainers on Freshman Night. Song and dance movies were making a valiant stand, and we trooped almost to a man to see "Sunnyside Up." Soon thereafter every victrola on the campus was blaring "Aren't We All" and "If I Had a Talking Picture of You." Rudy Vallee's band was highly popular and his "Stein Song" was beginning to get on our collective nerves. By Easter we had become accustomed to frequent exams, especially those two bluebook ones of Mr. Burke, as well as to frequent presence in Father Wheeler's line of miscreants. With our election of class officers, we became for the first time a united body, with Ed Hanify gaining the presidency and Pat Roche, Tim Murray and Wally Clifford the other officers. Ozzie Grimes was the accepted class baby. Jim Brennan was already the "mad chemist," Tom McKeon, Larry Carroll and Joe Payton were our songbirds. With the coming of spring, our and track hopefuls reported for practice. Our nine was undefeated, with Marty Murray, Al Niemiec and Frank Cammarano as stars. Matt Blake, Ken Cuneo, Tom McNally, Gordon Winslow and Bill Coakley were outstanding on the cinders. The annual tournament went to Jim Nicholson. The depression was an acknowledged fact when we returned as Sopho- mores, and we found that the situation was reacting on our allowances. Jim Zyntell rose to fame on the varsity football eleven, and set the pace for other gridsters. Bill Zeller and Harry Kirwin held important roles in the presentation of "Julius Caesar," Charley Callahan, Harry Furay and Tony Woods were working hard with The Tomahawk^, and many of our members were contributing to The Purple, among them Tom Brack, Bill Zeller, John Dwight, Lewis Wheelock, Frank Cronin and Chris Reynolds. Elections ended with George Moran ascending to the class presidency. Some of us went to the Junior Prom and the accounts of the night set us to anticipating our own Prom of the following year. Tim Murray made a mem- orable catch that saved the B. C. game, thereby climaxing a great season with the Barrymen. Al Niemiec and Frank Cammarano were fixtures in the infield. The year's only sad note was sounded when we received news of Dick Crane's death. He had been one of the most popular and admired classmates. Our return as Juniors found us moulded into a strongly united class, and we were grieved to learn that illness had prevented Pat O'Connell and Harry

Kirwin from rejoining us. The depression was still taking its toll, Bing Crosby and Russ Columbo were at the height of their popularity. Our athletes were important factors in Captain McEwan's eleven that fall, and at the end of the season, Big Jim Ryan was elected to the captaincy. Tim Murray, Ig Zyntell, Mike Favulli and Don Kelly were valued cogs in the Pur- ple grid machine. Those happy days in Beaven sow the memorable jousts between the Dastards and the Gobby Boys, the founding of the Purple Zilch, much noisy fun and not too much study. Ed Hanify won the oratorical contest. Bill Zeller and Frank Morris took The Patcher elections, while The Tomahaw\ editorship went to Ed Hidalgo, Jack Joy and Charley Callahan. Our intra-mural courtsters won the basketball championship, thanks in good part to Johnny McDonough, Paul Schoenrock and Tom McCarthy. George Moran was returned to the presidency for Senior year, with Jack Keenan, Tim Murray and Dick Healy winning the other offices. The Prom, of course, was the high spot of the year, and Paul Shannon put it over in beautiful fashion. Bancroft ballroom was the scene, Lew Conrad furnished the music, America supplied the girls, and everyone had a marvelous time. Baseball time came and Paul Shoenrock won a varsity post, Don May- nard starred behind the bat and our other diamond artists performed in stellar style. Frank Cammarano was elected to the captaincy. Al Niemiec and Jack Haggerty won the school tennis tournament, while Johnny McDonough and Charley Callahan vanquished all foes to earn the doubles title. Our numbers much lessened in the days since Freshman year, we returned last September a bit more serious, fully conscious of the responsibilities that would soon be ours. With genuine sorrow we learned of the death of Ray McNally, beloved classmate. Almost every room in Loyola boasted a radio, and those autumn days were filled with "We Just Couldn't Say Good-bye" and "I'm Sure of Every- thing But You." We were introduced to the mysteries of Ethics and Psyche, with the frequent exams, and soon got into the swing of them. Football came and went, and Jim Ryan's lads put up some mighty battles on the gridiron. Hockey was impossible, though there were several valiant efforts to freeze the rink. Our class team mowed down all opposition in basketball. Tom O'Connell won plaudits for his portrayal of the King in "Hamlet." Tony Woods lifted The Purple to new high standards, ably abetted by Bill Keating, Al Currier, Harry Furay, Bob O'Neill, Dick McCarthy, Frank Morris, Ray

Fitzpatrick, Ed Hidalgo and Ed Hanify. The Tomahawk^ kept to its high plane, thanks to Ed Hidalgo, Johnny Joy and Charley Callahan. Senior Ball elections gave a victory to Gus LaSalle after an exciting campaign. Lou DePro told us more stories of Chevy Chase at the Senior Banquet, and then led a bunch of madmen through a deliriously entertaining program at our reception to the Freshmen. Clubs thrived during the year, mainly due to the efforts of their leaders.

Matt Ashe led B. J. F., Charley Horgan headed the Sanctuary Society, Frank Lovelock roused interest in the Aquinas Circle, Lee Dante founded a Rifle Club, Bill Peters presided over the Economists, and Bob O'Neill and Bill Zeller fathered the Playshop and the Dramatic Society. Bernie Fee managed two successful hops for the K. of C, Charley Callahan put on a great intra-mural athletic program, while the Sodality was ably managed by John Dwight, Gard Gibson, Dick McCarthy and Hugh O'Flynn. We saw and cheered Noel Coward's "Cavalcade," liked Lionel Barrymore in "Rasputin," and sang the praises of "42nd Street." "Shuffle Off to Buffalo" was our song favorite of early spring, succeeding "Please" and "Farewell to

Arms." With the fourth quarter well on its way, we began feverish prepara- tions for entrance to graduate schools, hunts for jobs, and study for the oral.

The continued absence of Walt Clifford, seriously ill, found us hoping and praying that he would soon be himself again. Vagrant memories of our days on the Hill persist on wandering through our brains . . . those group songs of warm spring nights . . . the hilarious

receptions to the freshmen . . . the hardness of the seats in O'Kane Hall . . . hope for the success of the new football coach . . . those discipline reports that invariably demanded explanation . . . hamburgs at George Granger's and

George Weir's . . . dancing at Marshall's and the Alhambra . . . Sunday night

house dates . . . "Minnie the Moocher" . . . fighting through the mob when

Guy Lumbardo played in Worcester . . . Holidays and good times . . . the

hair-cut club . . . late sleep mornings, later known as "optional Mass" . . . demerit slips of all colors . . . blacklist . . . the false alarm of freshman year

. . . songfests which we invariably claimed we should have won . . . snow-

balling on the terrace . . . exile to the blue room . . . seven-forty-seven . . .

swimming at the Boys' Club . . . Saturday nights at the Lake . . . the showers

in Alumni . . . being on the "sick-list" . . . swinging doors in Beaven . . . the

reception to G. K. Chesterton . . . arguing philosophy . . . broken victrola

records . . . bumming cigarettes . . . late bull-sessions . . . football rallies . . .

week-ends in Boston . . . Lent and Ember Days . . . empty post offices boxes

. . . wondering . . . dreams . . . memories . . . Holy Cross. *

\ A


53 Ringold Street, Marlboro, Mass.

Marlboro High School

Sodality 1,2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Intramural Football

4; Freshman Reception 2; Aquinas Circle 4; Worcester

Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Ball Committee.

II this were a catalogue of those on whom smiles the goddess of letters (the kind with stamps on them) Charlie would well deserve the same initial honor which he now enjoys. Mail time held little uncertainty for him; an eye glint with confidence, a poised bearing, Charlie would step to the box, dial his number, and presto—a neat packet of correspondence lay inside. And though Charlie was never much given to the color green, he became condescendingly broadminded when it came to green scented stationery with Framingham postmarks. Entering the present class in Sophomore, after a year at St. Michael's, this mirthy blond stripling bolstered a much needed happy morale, and bridged the void of strangeness so effectively with his immediate response of geniality and good-fellowship. The years taught us much to admire in him, taught us much to value in his sincerity and straightforwardness. Contact with him on the intra-mural field, football, basketball, baseball, won our regard and made us like the thorough sportsman that he was; one who took the breaks as they came, grinning all the while. JOSEPH GEORGE AMBROSE

300 South Maple Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa.

Mt. Carmel High School

Pennsylvania Club 1. 2. 3, 4: Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Football;

Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Freshman Track; Varsity Track

2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Senior Hall Committee.

Joe came unto his own in the last football game of his career. Playing against B. C. on that cruelly cold November day, he gave the spectators such an inspired performance and exhibition as has ever been seen at the Stadium. On offense he tore tremendous holes; on defense he repeatedly smashed up enemy interference.

And as for his punting, nothing like it has ever been seen, even in a College that recalls the prodigious boots of Red Baker and Stewie Clancy. Time after time he lofted towering spirals far down the field, sixty, seventy yards, kicks that had the stands gasping and the opponents stricken. Joe has been like that, though, all through his four years on the Hill, this beautifully proportioned lad from Pennsylvania with his readiness of unbelievable reserve power and effort. He has indeed struck a name for himself among the fellows as a man in the true sense, a plodder, an unevasive worker, a doer and a sturdy friend. He lent willingly of his abilities to all and in the eyes of all brought a new meaning into the title of "A Holy Cross Student and Athlete." MATTHEW JOSEPH ASHE

95 Central Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral High School

B. J. F. Debating Society 2, 3, -I; Vice-President 3, President 4; Sophomorc-

Freshman Debate 2: Patcher Stall 4; Hellenic Academy 2, 3;

Literary Board of Sodality Forum 4; Sanctuary Society 1, 2,

3, 4; Springfield Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Ball Committee; Voted Most Serious

Member of Senior Class.

A tap of the gavel, a quiet but forceful request for attention, and Matt called to order another meeting of the B. J. F., whose destinies bore so fruitful a guidance during the past year. The same sombre, grave voice that opened the debating society meet- ing often relaxed its sternity and proffered a kind and cheery "hello" at our passing on campus, street, or corridor; a greeting which bore within itself the warmth of solid conservatism and the deep appreciation of fellowmen. Matt never fails to strike even the stranger as brilliant, as a thinker, a prober, a serious and contemplative gentleman. His forte was fed by literature, philosophy and history; his all per- vading aspect was truth. His opinion was compounded of sin- ceritv, understanding, modesty and conviction. He took the floor only when he had something worth while to say, and then invariably his sentiments were listened to with deference and with the same respect which men tendered to his excellent person. CHARLES BORROMEO BEIERSCHMITT

215 South Hickory Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa.

Mt. Carmel High School

Freshman Football; Freshman Track; Sodality I. 2, i. I: Intramural

Sports 2, 3, 4; Chemists' Club 2, 3, 4; Pennsylvania Club

1. 2. />, 4; Aquinas Circle; Senior Ball Committee.

He comes from that hard tack, hard cider, hard coal town known as Mount Carmel —Charlie with his placid, composed surety, his reliability, determination, his steady German Stick- to-itive-ness. (lifted with a dead eye practicality, he did not ofl shoot his mark when he turned to Science for elaborate expression, and to the B.S. laboratory for endless hours of experimenting, concocting, reducing strange, vile, and start- lingly beautiful mixtures. He found much to his liking in this atmosphere and environment. In lighter moments Charlie's pipes were his passion. Few will ever forget the picture he made as he sat wreathed in curling smoke, contentedly enjoying a fleeting respite from his problems; tew will forget the aroma of his precious "Miner's Extra," as nearly as powerful as the tobacco itself. It made us wonder and marvel that any man could smoke it steadily and harmlessly, but Beicr did both, he smoked it almost incessantly and boasted that fact while knowing listeners shuddered. All in all it shows his persistence, but if you should ask us, he certainly made a more Shavian gesture to permanence in our memory by the odor of that pipe that by his more modest pen- chant for Science. EDWARD JAMES BENNETT

50 Huntington Street, Hartford, Conn.

Hartford High School

Purple Key 4; Sociality 1. 2, 3, 4; Hartford Undergraduate Club 1, 2. 3, 4;

Dance Chairman 4: Basketball Assistant Manager 2:

Aquinas Circle 4; Senior Ball Committee.

Ed came up from Fordham, bringing a sprightly nature, plenty of intelligence, and a laughter tonic for our occasional blues. Somewhat of a bit late entry, he jockeyed in no time to a position abreast of many of us. Before long he was doing heavy work for the sake of athletics at the Cross and winning the assistant managership of varsity basketball with the least of ostentation and the maximum of efficiency.

The epithet "grind" would not fit him, he was too well bal- anced for all that. He took his studies in stride and was sober, serious and aimful in their concern. Out for the best in an all- around culture, he modified curriculum with play and extra- curricular only in a sane and provident fashion. Ed was no less at any time a friend. His was the estimable propinquity of adopting an interest and regard for all who knew him, giving and abetting in difficulties, helping and encouraging in struggles. To those who had the good fortune to know him intimately, he will always be remembered for his unselfish constancy and devotion to fellow men. I.DWARI) DANIEL BKRG1N

$95 Willow Street, Waterbury, Conn.

Crosby High School

Waterbury Club 1. 2. 3, 4, Treasurer 1, Dance Chairman 2. 5, 1;

Philomath 4: Scientific Club 3; Sodalit) 1.2. 5, 4; Economic

Club 4. Treasurer 4; Flying Club 3; Patcher Business

Hoard 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Senior Ball Committee.

A jolly, gloom-chasing, light-hearted chap, who mysteriously accomplishes a great deal; a joy spreader with a flair for organ- ization and a talent for such direction is the paradox of Ed. The fact that he impressed us not only as an incurable optimist, hut when needs be, a serious and energetic worker, is a tribute of necessity to his essential worth.

When hard work was needed, Ed gave it unsparingly. As treasurer of the Economics Club he gave the office its first im- portance. As for his pride and joy, the Waterbury Club, his efforts cannot he overestimated. First he served as its treasurer; and then as its dance chairman on several occasions. And as his crowning achievement, he organized the Catholic college clubs of his home city into a unit to sponsor an intercollegiate ball at Easter. Perhaps we will best remember Ed as a genial dispenser of hospitality in his ever popular room, a smile on his face, a friendly greeting on his lips, and a welcoming hand out- stretched. MATTHEW FRANCIS BLAKE

S8H 40th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

,S7. Francis Xaxier High School

Track 1, 2, 5, 4: Cross-Country I. 2, 3, Captain 4; Purple Key 4; Senior

Council 4; Patcher Sketch Hoard 4; Scientific Society 3; Junior

Prom Committee 3; Metropolitan Dance Committee 1, 2,

3, 4; lntrannir.il Athletics 1,2, >. 4: Sodality 1. 2, 3. 4.

To most of us Matty's name brings to mind a picture of raw courage that will not be forgotten. It was in the spring of Sophomore year that Matty, an unsung two-miler, was entered in the dual meet with B. C. Lap after lap he plodded along, far from the leaders, and apparently tired and out of the race, with two B. C. runners far ahead of him. The Cross needed

points that afternoon and none knew it better than Matty. Bit by bit his pace began to increase. With the last lap started, he was more than fifty yards behind the leader. Weariness and fatigue were in his every stride; courage alone carried him along. Yards, yards, yard by yard he closed the gap. At the mid-turn he was only fifteen yards behind. Suddenly smooth- ness of stride was gone, timing was forgotten. All he had was the will not to be beaten. He staggered up even with his rival, strained into the lead, across the line—a winner! Words can't add anything to a chap like that, a chap who fights every second, a youth who gives everything he has, a man who just won't be beaten. Matt is like that in everything he does, a worker who plods along and then from nowhere looses a final sprint, staving off all opposition. The Class is

proud to know a man like that, one who will fight till the every end for his cause and our own. JOHN FRANCIS BOYLE

\ Butler Street, Pittston, Pa.

St. I i>h ri'< High School

Sodalit) 1. 2. 5, I; Pennsylvania Club 1, 2. }, -I. Secretary J,

Dance Committee 2, 5; Intramurals I. 2, >, i.

"'The Mayor ol Pittston," as Jack was labelled in Freshman year, is a grinning, wise-cracking lad whose chief mission in lile has been to dispel any clouds ol gloom overhanging Paka- choag. And has he succeeded! Witness how he is welcomed everywhere, the friendships that he holds, and the regret with which we restore him to the mining sector! In repartee he was supreme, and even the best memories can recall no instance in which Red was at loss for a retort that was conclusive and humorous. A mere twist of terms, a satirical comment, or a bit of uncanny mimicry were all he needed to bring down the house in gales of laughter. More than one can blush when they relate how they were put to naught when they attempted to pin him down. A build-up, a setting of the stage, and Jack cut in with a witty comment that ended then and there the case in hand. Never flustered or upset, rather sure and decided and opin- ionated, Jack blazed a merry way through his four years with us, spreading the contagion of his good nature afar, making us realize more the things worth-while. THOMAS JAMES BRACK

1 Brigham Park, Fitchburg, Mass.

Fitchburg High School

Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4; Purple Stall 1.2: Sanctuary Societ) 1.2: 1-itchburt;

Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Economics Club 4; Intramural Baseball 2. 3, 4;

Pat hi k Staff 4: Aquinas Circle 4: Scientific Society 3.

There is something of a gamut between business and poetry, but Tom, with his brain tor figures and his dreamy eyes for verse, has been an out and out exception. In economics and its sister subjects he was the thoroughgoing man of finance, prac- tical, capable, energetic, while in poetics he was the sensitive, appreciative, delicate bard of songs. The successful union of the practical and the idealistic can be accounted for only by the measure of his versatility.

Tom's fellow members in the Fitchburg Club still sing his praises for the able way in which he managed the annual Christmas formal; the business office knows at a glance his incomparablv neat and workmanlike ledgers; the Purple well recalls his sophomore class ode, his opinions on art and litera- ture. Engrossed either in the intricacies of accounting or the realms of the imagination, Tom has moulded a career and a reputation which all of us cannot but envy. WILLIAM ROBERT BRADY

2^7 Stevens Street, Lowell, Mass.

St. John's Preparatory School

Sodalit) I. 2, >, 4; Economic Club 4; Intramural Football 2. Bascbal

2, J, 4, Soccer •>, Basketball >, Tag Football 4; Frosh

Reception 3; Senior Ball Committee.

"And what care I lor a thousand whales?" cried Barnacle

Bill, the sailor. Here in person is that nautical personage, that jolly sealarer, our own Barnacle Bill. From the day, four years ago, when he stepped ofT the gangplank of the Lowell-Worces- ter luxury liner onto the planking of the Blackstone wharf, he has sailed into our friendship and esteem, and we who have known him hate to shove off lor unknown and uncharted seas. Shrewd, jovial, and ever nonchalant, Bill soon proved him- self a smart husiness man and a willing friend. He had a playful habit of entering a room with an innocently beguiling smile, picking up any books within reach, and gently tossing them from a third story window. Still possessed of the same bland innocence, he would trip gaily from the room before the victim could even think of venting his rage. Loving the sea as he did, Bill was always on hand when Aus Maley's ship came in, smilingly ready to foreclose on the green- backed cargo. He was always more than kind though to the crew of stowaways on his own ship's docking, and he had more than one at every port. JAMES EDWARD BRENNAN

M Broad Street. Sacketts Harbor, X. V.

Sac^etts Harbor ll/g/i School

Sodality I. 2, J, 4: Chemists' Club 4; Scientific Society j, 4: lntr.unur.il

Football 1. Basketball 2, 3, Baseball 2. 3; Northern

New York Club 1. 2. 3, 4.

Chemistry was more than another subject to Jim, even more than another hobby. He ate, breathed, lived, and slept Chem- istry and its atmosphere. His days were filled with equations compounds, and experiments, his nights were taken up with preparations of messy concoctions whose evil odors brought dire threats from unfortunate neighbors. Certainly his dreams must have been devoted to acids and bases. Less high-minded classmates of the genial Jim were wont to prostitute his amazing knowledge to the playing of practical jokes. Many a time he has smilingly abandoned serious work to construct water bags that disappear when they have drowned the unlucky victim, cigarettes that exploded, dye that would be used to paint the hands and feet of sleeping innocents, soap that would stain the user's hands, and numerous other mediums of torture. When Jim's chemical mixtures were not giving off sweet fumes to the corridor's disgust, he would take out one of his dozen pipes, all equally old and foul-smelling, and send waves of sickening smoke abroad. That this obliging and genial lad

has not been murdered in his sleep is a tribute to his own per- sonality; any other chemist than Jim would have met Fate long ago. JAMES JOHN BRITT

West Hurley, N. Y.

St. Mary's . I cudc my

Albanj Club •>, 4; Rifle Club 3, 1: Sodality 3, 4; Aquinas Circle:

Scientific Socictv 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Coming up from Vermont's granite hills and the sheltered walls ot St. Michaels, Jim found himself initiated as a member

(>l the "foreign legion" and duly a lodger on Top Alumni. Not that he minded, for the crowd took him to their bosom, Jim, with his sober satire, his panicky wit, and his mellow altruism. Jim was another with a special love for Science, a love which many of us could discern was bound to grow into a prejudice.

So easy was it to start him into a defense of Science, its attain- ments, its value, that many the unwary stranger found a mod- est, self effacing student change from a dispassionate listener into a fiery orator routing his hecklers and the hecklers of Sci- ence. Jim did not rant without reason, he had the scientists cool, calculating logic, a wealth of erudition, and the resources of acquired knowledge to back him. Undoubtedly Jim will soon be handing on his learning to others, convincing them of the true worth of Science, scoring them for any hesitation or disbelief, in all finding people much the same as ourselves waiting to be converted. And he will do


519 Cambridge Street, Worcester, Mass.

St. John's High School

Worcester Club I. 2. 3, 4: Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4; Varsit) Footbal » 3 4-

Scientific Society 3; Aquinas Circle 4; Assistant

Committee Chairman Senior Hall.

On the gridiron George was known to be a player who was steady, resourceful and consistent, able to adapt himself readily to changes of tactics. It would be hard to find another grid- ster who, after playing center for two years, was able to take a turn at guard or tackle and do more than tolerably well. Not a flashy player, but one in at every tackle and never at a loss, he was a valued cog in the Purple grid machine. In the classroom and in all our relations with him, George showed many of the same qualities. His consistency and stead- iness could be taken for granted, his resourcefullness was un- questioned, and his adaptability made it easy for him to adjust himself to any company. The Worcester Club drew many benefits from his sincere and earnest efforts; his enthusiasm brightened many of its activ- ities and his work helped effect more than one success. Few day students had so many and such enduring friendships as George; few fellows have thrown themselves so whole-heartedly into activities; none is more deserving of the friendship we have been privileged to give him. JOHN ROLAND CAHILL, |r.

IS Conanl Avenue, Gloucester, Mass.

St. John's Preparatory School

Tomahawk, I, 2, 5, I. Feature Editor I: Pat< ink Business Staff 4; Tennis

I. 2, i, -I: Freshman Tennis Manager; Economics Club 4; Sodality

I. 2. 3, 4: Boston Club I, 2. 3, 4; [unior Prom Committee;

Intramural Football 3, 4. Baseball 3, 4. Basketball

}, 4: Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

Tennis has been Jack's main tortc here on Pakachoag, and yet this smiling ambassador from Gloucester has found time to plant his mark indelibly on the records as a student, a go-getter, and a fine friend. Jack showed notice as a freshman that his tennis game was to be reckoned with, and for the past three seasons his southpaw spins have bewiledered opponents of the Purple tennis team. He was a member, with Keenan and Nicholson, of the mighty net trio from the ranks of '33. Not only busting in print with his string of victories, he helped edit the news at Holy Cross. For three years he held the important post ol feature editor on the Tomahawk\. His studies did not suffer thereby, but were rather spurred by his extracurricular activities. Many the night could he be seen prowling the wilds of second Loyola seeking a fellow-sufferer in accounting that they might compare mistakes. Jack was also a goller of note, a member of some mighty good football and baseball teams of II Loyola, and if we hear correctly, responsible for the "mystery pass" from Cahill to

Fitzpatrick which invariably beluddled opponets. Try it on the world. Jack, all they have is a line"! MATTHEW JAMES CALDBKCK

31 North Avenue, St. Johnsbury, Vt.

St. Johnsbury Academy

Vermont Undergraduate Club 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Chemists' Club

3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3, 4;

'< Senior Ball ( >i nmittcc.

To most of us B.S. meant a course involving long hours in laboratories, vast amounts of work and hours and hours of study, but to Matty it was an opportunity to study and investi- gate the sciences that he loved. All else was incidental to this energetic experimenter from the Hills of Vermont; science was the cause to which he offered long hours of arduous efforts. Away from his books and test-tubes, Matt was one of the friendliest and most likeable of fellows, but once a new theory or a doubtful experiment weaved its spell, nothing else existed for him until that particular difficulty had been solved to his complete satisfaction.

Our amazement at his vast store of energy is equalled only by our admiration of one who marches so steadily and surely to his chosen goal. Sincerity and straightforwardness like Matt's has not and will not go unappreciated. CHARLES ROBERT CALLAHAN

520 Cumberland St., Westfield, N. J.

Holy Trinity High School

Patcher Advertising Manager I; Tomahawk, I. -• Advertising Manager 3,

Business Manager 4; Students' Athletic Council 2. S. Chairman 4; New

Jersey Club I, 2. Vice-President I, I; Economics Club 4; Sodality

1,2, >, 4; Sanctuarj Societ) I. 2, J, 4; Senior Council 4; Intra-

mural Athletics 1. 2, 3, 4; Riding Club 3; Frosh Base-

ball 1; Varsity Baseball 2: Senior Ball Committee.

There is hard]) a better known figure on the Hill than Charlie. Congenial, enterprising, energetic, he has become one of our most prominent classmen. With somewhat of a mag- netic personality too, Charlie abounds in industry, persuasive-

ness, self-reliancy, gathering to his fold friends from all sides. The Greek headed, curled blonde from Westfield, New Jer- sey, distinguished himself in sports in Freshman year, and since has been bettering his records through the succeeding three years. His enthusiasm and efforts on the part ol intramural sports won him the appointment of Student Athletic Director in Senior year, a post which required devision of varied and attractive programs of recreation and exercise. Guiding the business department of the Tomahawk\ through a year of trying economic conditions, and the Patcher's adver- tising to a peak above the preceding year, Charlie's acumen helped both the weekly and the year book to keep on their feet and the black side of the ledger. If only for these, and not for his hundred other achievements, the class and school should be humbly indebted. EDWARD VINCENT CALLAHAN

8 Pond Street, Worcester, Mass.

St. John's High School

Sodality I, 2, 3, 4: Worcester Undregraduatc Club 1.2. 3, 4; Freshman

Basketball; Junior Prom Committee 3; League oi Sacred

Heart 1, 2, 3, 4: Aquinas Circle 4.

The only thing small about Ed was his stature, in all else he tipped the scales and bettered the best. He was interested in his class work, found time for the athletic field, and survived rather well the hectic meetings of the Worcester Club in which only the strongest survive. After showing the boys in Freshman year that basketball was a mere matter of angles of incidence and reflection, Ed gradu- ated into the higher fields of intramurals. For three years he was high scorer of the day student athletic teams, giving his fellow townsmen something high to aim at in the years to come. Ed has plenty of courage too, daring the sleet, snow, wind and rain, he made many the hatless journeys from his home to this Worcester hill, his brown curly locks jigging in the breeze. We feel sure that there were many admirers along the way whose feminine hearts were set aflutter. Stories from the citv have it that every Worcester Club dance saw some beauty trail- ing petite Lochinvar. Well, he has it coming to him! FREDERICK MICHAEL CALLAHAN

8 Pond Street, Worn stir, Mass.

.S7. John's High School

Worcester Club 1, 2. 5, 4; Sodalitj I. 2, 5, 4; League of Sacred Heart

1.2. J, I; Scientific Socictj 5; Aquinas Circle 4.

Fred is the long oi it in the Callahan family. He and Ed have been playing duets since childhood, in studies, athletics, and society. Fred has many prodigious teats on the intramural held to his credit, possessing a versatility ec]ually well in foot- ball, baseball, and basketball. The Callahans have one adept salesman in the family. Fred is responsible, smile and all, for the support which his Vernon hill friends have rendered to the Worcester Club's affairs. Me had the persuasive oratory, the finesse, the welcome personality to sell ticket, himself, and the spirit oi his own civic-school organization to his customers. Fred's little red book has been a boon to more than a few boarders during these past years. His blind dates for the fel- lows were happy debuts into the enjoyable Worcester circles. His knack of fixing agreeable dates was due to the same char- acteristic of understanding that won him a host of admiring friends, here and abroad. FRANK PETER CAMMARANO

County Street, New Haven, Conn.

New Haven High School

Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball 2. 3, Captain 4: Freshman Reception

I. 2. 3, Chairman 4: Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4: Intramurals 1. 2. 3. 4; Senior

Council 4; Freshman Basketball; New Haven Club 1. 2. Vice-

President 3, President 4; Senior Ball Committee.

In a school that rules the intercollegiate baseball world, the captain of the diamond sport would naturally be an important

figure, but when this same captain is a combination of addi- tional likeable and admirable qualities, he becomes a respected and popular hero.

Frankie is not only the brilliant first sacker in eastern base- ball circles, but one of the school's most popular entertainers. The banquet, program, or reception without Camy's blackface lingo and highly enjoyable singing, fails to be complete. Team- ing with Wally Clifford, the duo was often in demand with their dialogue and homely verse for the various entertainments. Frankie was elected to the chairmanship of the Senior Recep- tion because of his ability this past year, and he developed a show for the College that has been marked as the finest in a decade. As in all things, Frankie has proven that his talents are actual, not virtual ones, they are best identified in what he has so successfully accomplished. CHARLKS RANDOLPH CARROLL

25 Metcalf Street, Worcester, Mass.

St. John's High School

Worcester Undergraduate Club I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2, >. -4: Scientific

Societj 5; Aquinas Circle 4; funior Prom Committee 3

Patcher St. ill I; History Society J.

Our early illusions of poets as long-haired, wide-eyed, small- bodied men, were completely shattered when Charlie began penning his delicately fantastic verse for the Purple back in Freshman year. Charlie was the antithesis of all these im- agined qualities; he was tall and broad-shouldered, his hair was combed and his eyes were invitingly friendly. But despite his refusal to act the role, Charlie was a poet and an excellent one. His verse was airy, crisp, and demurely beautiful, with ideas and imagery far removed from a coldly practical world. We were not surprised when several of his poems were selected for publication in the 1930 anthology of the best college verse. Poetic fancy has not kept Charlie from being a warm and lasting friend, nor from casting a bright cheeriness wherever he went. In fact, poetic mysticism did not prevent him from being characteristically generous in such mundane matters as cigarettes and lunch money. A poet who can be attractively human is our big and big-hearted Charlie. LAWRENCE JOSEPH CARROLL

Main Street, Millville, Mass.

Uxbridge High School

Philharmonic Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football Band

1. 2, 3, Leader 4; Purple Crusaders 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodalitj 4; Senior Ball Committee; Voted Best Musician of the Class.

Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee will fade into insignificance when this crooning son of Millville with the Frank Hazzard voice, leaves Pakachoag to put a little more sun in the grim world. Seriously though, Larry has sung and played through four Cross years with the ease and skill of experience, with a technique that was artistic in itself, with a melodious tone that vox humaned out from the sweetness of the river of milk and honey. And generous about it! He spent of himself and his trombone on the band, the Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Purple Crusaders. Illness removed Larry in Senior year for some weeks, and was he missed in the musical organizations! No keener loss could have been felt than to miss his melody, to miss his purple cape waving as he directed the band through the Alma Maters. There's going to be a gap when he goes in June, a gap that can only be filled by the memory of his singing music and his happy personality. ADRIAN VINCENT CASEY

530 Clay Avenue, Scranton, Pa.

St. Thomas' High School

Pennsylvania Club 1.2, >, 4, Chairman of Annual I). nice I; Varsity

2. >. 4; Freshman Reception Committee 1. 2, J; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4;

Junior Prom Committee 5; Freshman Debating Society I;

Patchek Business Si. ill 4; Sancturay Society 1, 2, 3,

4: Assistant Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

From the town of freightyards and Marywood College came this happy lad, carrying with him a huge bag crammed with golf clubs. Able to mix well and at case in any company, Ade established himself at once as a magnetic figure, and his room became in Freshman, what it was to be for four years, a friendly center of repartee, bull-sessions and night-before-exam gatherings. Ade's magic with his pet clubs made his golfing ability some- thing to conjure with and he became a member of that group of good-fellows and globe-trotters known as the golf team. Urbane and unruffled always, Ade, on one memorable occa- sion, convinced the great Tom Judge that the destiny of the school and country depended on his success in chipping golf- balls from the library terrace into the flower urns in front of Heaven. Tom, who had come to protest, remained to admire the skill of our genial Pennsylvanian; he even wanted to try the shot himself. That accomplishment is sufficient proof of the magnetism of this debonair cosmopolite to whom we bid a reluctant an revoir. EDWARD FRANCIS CASSELL, Jr.

857 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.

St. John's Preparatory School

Boston Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4;

Ruling Club 3, 4; Intramural Football 1, Soccer 2; Freshman

Reception 2; Aquinas Circle 4; Senior Ball Committee.

Here, Mr. Schulte, is your rival, the man who supplied to- bacco to the gang in Loyola, and who had pipes for every con- ceivable occasion. His room was famous through four years as a tobacco headquarters, a great place to drop in for a smoke and a chat. Exams apparently meant little to the gatherings at Ed's rendezvous, and more than one of us marveled at Ted's ability for concentration. A faithful member of the top-Loyola health cult, Ed intro- duced to Holy Cross the bar-bell. His exploits with this instru- ment aroused the envy of his corridor mates and indignant out- bursts on the part of unfortunates rooming below. A year of practice with the twenty-pound plaything gave the big Boston- ian a consummate skill in tossing it about, and the closing months of the year found visitors entering cautiously. While the rest of us worried about exams Ed went on his casual way, utterly indifferent, but reading of the marks invari- ably found him with the leaders. Even three years of premedi cal work failed to remove his characteristic serenity, and we know that nothing life has to offer can upset the unruffled com- posure of the smiling Ed. #fc *^


M)*> Mam Street, Branford, Conn.

fort/ Hi 1/1/ ll/g/i School

New Haven Club 1, 2. 3, 4; Economics Club 4: Freshman Pootbal

Sodalit) 1; Aquinas Circle 4: Scientific Society 3.

Since Branford is hut a few miles trom New Haven, it was only natural that Vin should become a fellow-Rotarian of Frank

Cammarano; that they have been the best of roommates is due in great measure to their appreciation of each other, and their eager haste to defend each other even in the "riding" field. A close student, especially ol the comparative balance sheet and its attendant mysteries, Vin managed to prove himself an able proponent ot the Culbertson system. As careful and clever at bridge as at studies, he played his hands with a superb indif- ference of the enemy and an evident knowledge of his own tactics. Almost invariably, to his partner's joy and his oppon- ents' disgust, his methods of play were successful in every respect. There are rumors of a trip to Gotham during which time he was not only a social lion but decidedly unstudious. Vin denies the tale, but Frankie smiles a blandly knowing smile and says nothing. Even the best of roomies have their private jokes. NATHANIEL FRANCIS CHANDLEY

15 Richmond Avenue, Worcester, Mass.

Classical High School

Worcester Club 1, 2. 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4: Aquinas Circle -1;

Scientific Society 5.

Nathaniel is a decidely inappropriate name for this "take it or leave it," good-natured chap from the Heart of the Com- monwealth. All the pictures of solemnity, austerity, and that staid old New England Puritanism that are conjured up by the name of Nathaniel are dispelled by a single glance at the pres- ent subject's countenance. The usual year book, story of day students truding up Lin- den Lane at 8.55 does not hold true of Nat; he drove up the Zero curve with a roaring motor and a shouting horn at 8.59 or thereabouts each day of class. For him to arrive before class time would have been an event capable of producing gasps of wonder and amazement in his class fellows. Nat's serious side was philosophy; his sporting feat tennis. On the court his swift, decisive strokes, his clever footwork, his smashing drives and aces, were wont to discourage his major opponents. Nat stepped even livelier and swifter mentally. His philosophy, though compounded for a great part from the school of hard knocks and experience, was as potent in downing his adversaries or the adversaries of truth as his bang-up net work and forward drives with the racquet. FRANK JOSEPH CIARLEGLIO

4X Canterbury Street, Hartford, Conn.

\i eaver I h^h School

Playshop 4; Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Hartford Club I. 2, 3, Vice-President i;

Intramural Football I. 2; Freshman Reception 2, 3, 4,

Executive Committee 4: Senior Ball Committee.

After tour years ot hearing his musical name mis-pronounced in a thousand and one ways, Frank was just as patient and cheerful about it as any human being could he. The variant sounds that have been given the family name of this near-Hart- ford classmate, it added together, would reach certainly from here to somewhere or other. Our reception to the freshmen in Junior year brought about the discovery of Frank's ability as a comedian. No entertain- ment since has been without his necessary antics and clowning.

It will be difficult to forget his humorous characterizations, especially as the broken-English speaking Chico who stacked trouble on the stage and blew up gales of laughter in the audi- ences. With his rosy face, his hankering for an exchange of smiles and fun, Chico has wound the heart strings of friendship to many of us. He has built his lot free from partisanship, taking and giving to all freely, generously. When the years have gone by time will find us gently thumbing his page again and again. JOHN O'BRIEN CLARKE

257 127th Street, Belle Harbor, L. I., N. Y.

Xavier lli^h School

Cross-Country I, 2, 3, 4; Track 1,2, 3, 4: Metropolitan Club 1,2, 3, 4;

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Scientific Society 3; Aquinas Circle 4.

Whenever anything was brewing on Loyola I, disinterested observers knew immediately that John O'Brien was loose again, destroying the peace and quiet of that homelike corridor. A member of the track team for four years, Johnny did not con- fine his running activities to the cinders and boards but saved much of his energy for sprints and football games indoors. More than one classic dash down the length of the hall was arranged and supervised and even run by the untiring Johnny.

His face is perhaps not "a map of Ireland" (that classic- phrase) but it leaves no doubt as to the lineage of this red- cheeked, energetic, boisterous chap from New York's suburbs. All the wit and good nature of the Irish is found in him, plus the ability of getting ahead. Despite his characteristic light-heartedness, Johnny, more than many of us realize, was a brilliant student. The old days of Latin and Greek were taken with as much ease as he now grooms his philosophy. An agile mind, considerable back- ground, and a thorough acquaintanceship with his subjects were his marks. His tasks became creditable accomplishments. WILLIAM THOMAS COAKLKY

20 Courl Street, Augusta, Me.

Cory High S< hool

Football 1. 2. i. 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Maine Club I. 2. i. 4; Sodality 1, 2, 5,

4: Aquinas Circle 4: Scicnitfu Societj >: Senior Ball Committee.

Though we had known Hill to he a great quarter-miler and a real team man, the public at large did not come to appreciate the fleet-footed Dovvn-easter until this past indoor season. With the graduation of Hernie McCafferty last June, track followers wondered who would take the place of the great flyer, and the indoor season had hardly begun when they placed Bernie's mantle over the shoulders of speedy Bill. The acclaim that writers and fans gave Bill for his great winter performances as lead-oil man lor the crack Purple relay team and lor his speed on the cinders this past spring, had been given him by us long before. Even as a freshman runner, Bill displayed those qualities of tight, speed and endurance that have placed him with the track greats of the East. Through Sophomore and Junior years he was a real team runner, one who could be depended on all the time. The praise that has come to him this year is well-deserved, and none were more pleased than we that Bill's ability had been recognized. On the campus, as on the track, Bill was a sportsman and a gentleman. Friendly and likeable, his sincerity and self-efface- ment made us admire him the more. JAMES FRANCIS COLLINS

21 Summit Avenue, Norwood, Mass.

\<» tcocxt High School

Sodalit) 1. 2. 3, 4: Boston Club I. 2. 3, 4.; Pre-Medical Society 2. J. 4; Golf

Team 2. 5. Captain 4: Jntramur.il Sports 1. 2, 3, -I: Senior

Council: Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3.

This long-legged, long-driving lad from Norwood first attracted our notice by the easy manner in which he sent golf balls on tremendous flights over the so-called fairways of the hill and dale course above the chapel. Not content with that, he served further notice of his prowess by the utterly reckless way in which he risked life and limb in those bloody interclass football games of Freshman year. By this time his merits were evident, and Jim became a friend on whose steadfastness we could rely. Long hours of practice on the greens and fairways of the course a-top the Hill added the finishing touches to Jim's al- ready sound golf game, and he was a regular member of the links aggregation as a sophomore, playing a game that was brilliant without being erratic, Jim's ability manifested itself by the uniformly low scores he turned in. Elected to the captaincy by his fellow-golfers, his leadership has been noteworthy and inspiring. An amiable and obliging friend, Jim's sunny disposition has been as marked as his golfing ability. Gracious in doing favors, generous to a fault and essentially likeable, Jim has held a high place in our affections. TIMOTHY JAMES COLLINS, Jr.

7 Washington Avenue, I [olyoke, Mass.

Sacred Heart lli^h School

Sodalit) I. 2. 3, 4; League oi Sacred Heart 1. 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 4;

Knights "I Columbus 2, $, 4; Class Secretary 2. 3; Intramurals

2. J, 4: Holyoke Club 1.2. >. 4, President 4, Dance Chairman

>; Patchek Board, Assistant Advertising Manager 4;

Freshman Reception 2. 4: Freshman Debating;

Senior Ball Sub-Chairman 4; Aquinas

• Circle 4: Assistant Committee

Chairman Senior Hall.

It's difficult indeed to pick out qualities that make Tim the great fellow that he is; it's mainly the fact that he is Tim that has brought him so much popularity and friendship. All the characteristics are there, but they merge into the composite of likeableness, sincerity, co-operation and personality that is Tim. Possessed of a remarkable personality, Tim's entrance into any gathering was the signal for Old Man Gloom to disappear. Optimistic, too, he justified this trait by gaining some 5,000 miles of travel out of a dilapidated old Ford that he found on a Connecticut beach. We spent months in Junior year waiting for that wreck to fold up and fall apart but, defying every law

of science and common sense it held together, made numerous trips to Holyoke and way stations, and finally brought its owner a profit. That enterprise was magic on Tim's part. Liked and respected, Tim became class secretary at the begin- ning of Sophomore year and held the post for two years. Char- acteristically he refused to run again for the office this year. In his office, as in everything else, Tim won our esteem tor his tact, his geniality and his ability. LAWRENCE WHALEN CONNEEN

38 Deering Street, Portland, Me.

St. John's Preparatory School

Maine Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pre-Medical Club 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Aquinas

Circle 4; Scientific Society 3; Assistant Committee

Chairman Senior Hall.

It's not without reason that we have christened this visioning son of Maine "The Flyer Man." Time and distance were hated foes of Larry's, and he battled them all through four years on and off the Hill. It may be that he has torn a page from the notebook of II. G. Wells and found the secret of the Time Machine, but whatever the original source the result has been a Larry who refuses to be confined to one place, but who journeys far afield, both in the literal and figurative sense. As a practical Flyer Man his journeys all over the East in that blazing Ford roadster need only be mentioned. Mileage meant nothing to him except more space to be erased; time was but the brief period of going from one spot to another. In his ideas he has likewise flown, often far above us. His devotion to science presages great accomplishments on the part of our restless Portlandite. He has soared high, likewise, in our friendship and we recall pleasurably the jovial hours of com- radeship he brought vis. WILLIAM SAMUEL CONWAY

646 Carew Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral I Ugh School

Musical Clubs 2. 3, I; Orchestra 2, i, 4; Freshman Debating; St. John

Berchman's Societj I. 2, J, 4; Aquinas Circle; Scientific

Societ) 5; Senior I'ull Committee.

It is not at all surprising to find young men, particularly col- lege men, lacking in dignity, restraint and sense of duty. We look for these qualities in maturity rather than youth, and hence it is a bit unexpected to meet a person like Bill, who, though vibrant with the spirit of youth, visions the future and seriously makes ready for its exactions. From the very beginning Doc arrested our attention. His balance, his poise and his air of responsibility made us realize that here was a man intent on a real education. Doc knew from the first what his goal was and he has pursued his course with an admirable singleness of purpose.

The picture of Bill, as it stands, is incomplete, for it leaves him without the warmth of heart and appropriate friendliness that were his devoted to his friends as to his ends, Bill was essentially human. GEORGE WILLIAM CORRIGAN

86 Elm Street, New Haven, Conn.

New Haven High School

Freshman Football; Intramural Ilockc 2. J, 4. Football 4: Varsity

Baseball 2, 3, 4; Freshman Reception Committee 4: Sodality

I. 2. 3, 4: St. John Berchman's Society 1, 2, 3, 4;

Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Typical of all that a good fellow should be and yet possessed of an amazing ability for concentrated effort. Doc brought with him from New Haven a great versatility in sports and an inex- haustible fund of tales of the Elm City. A varsity baseball man for three years, a member of the championship intramural foot- ball team, and star goalie in hockey, his athletic ability w^ent without question. That he was chosen on the all-college foot- ball team and would have been a sure varsity hockeyman had the sport been continued only add to an already high athletic reputation. As for those tales of New Haven, any night in his room would find Doc expounding to listeners reasons for the great- ness of his home town and particularly of Hillhouse High. That he had us believing most of his yarns despite vociferous protest from residents of other Nutmeg State towns only goes to show the suave persuasiveness of the man. He was always ready to lend a hand in any class venture, thereby further adding to his standing as a willing worker and a loyal friend. STEPHEN JOSEPH COSTELLO

83 Frances Street, Portland, Me.

Cheverus Classical High School

Manic Club 2. J, 1, Vice-President 4; Sodalitj 2. i. 4; Purple Patcher 4;

Purple Kej 3, -I: Intramural Soccer 3; Aquinas Circle, Vice-

President 4; Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Steve enlarged rather than maintained the tradition of the Costello family at Holy Cross. A man of hrain and hravvn, wit and culture, an agile theorist and mental gymnast, this son of Maine ahsorhed in his makeup of a scholar and gentleman that which the Roman Terence sang gloriously of "Nothing human is foreign to me." Primarily a student, Steve displayed an aptitude for knowl- edge and reflection, a true measure of judgment, an unper- turbility of purpose, and a general affability toward deep prob- lems of thought and human conduct. Naturally in philosophy his greatness came to light. The master of disputation, the spirit of the circles, Steve rarely allowed Kant and his crew the even tenor of their ways unruffled by a philosophical barb or two. Essentially Catholic in character, he was essentially cath- olic in his outlook upon life and mankind. The fineness of his moulded personality, a personality born in the matrix of Christian principles and an honest culture, has had an undeniable influence upon the men of his own class and the school; certainly it is to be a potent force and power, a restraining influence, and an objective star of guidance without these walls. FRANCIS JOSEPH COSTIGAN

46 Summit Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral High School

B. J. F. Debating Society 3, 4; Junior-Senior Prize Debute 3. 4: B. V. M.

Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4: Springfield Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality Correspond-

ence 3, 4; Purple 2: History Academy 4; Sanctuan Society 3, 4:

Patcher Literary Hoard 4: Aquinas Circle 4: Dramatic Society

2; League of Sacred Heart 1, 2, 3, 4; Playshop 4.

A truly cultured youth, a sincere and earnest friend—such is Frank. His polished manner, his well-nigh perfect presence, his ease of speech, all these make him stand out. Not that Frank is a mechanical type—far from it. On the contrary he is a vital, glowing lad, with a love of life and an appreciation of what goes on about him. The Philomath has had few more faithful members, and Thursday nights more than once found him bringing the whole assemblage at the Leonard Debating Hall to his point of view. A compelling speaker, he wears down opponents by the stubborn sturdiness of his direct logic. This ability aided him no little when we entered the jungles of philosophy, and Frank has been among the leaders in the various treatises for two years. Consistent, steady, debonair and accomplished Frank need have no worries about the world. It cannot help but bow and make way for his firm and certain passage. KENNETH JOSEPH CUNEO

1 1 Early Avenue, Medford, Mass.

Medjoid High School

Track I. 2. 3, 4; Cross-Country 1, 2, i, 4; Captain J; Boston Undergraduate

Club 1. 2, 3, 4: Rifle Club 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4: Student Council

4: Junior Prom Executive Committee 3; Purpli Patcher Indi-

vidual Photographic Editor 4: Intr.inuir.il Athletics 2. i, 4:

Aquinas Circle 4: Scientific Societj 5; Senior Hall Committee.

We need make no predictions as to the future of a man who, acquiring the jewelry concession and holding it through two years of unparalleled financial conditions, still made a success ot the venture. There can he no uncertainty about the pros- pects of one like Ken, who could perform a feat like that any- where and especially here at the Cross. Ken has given us more than one other indictaion of accom- plishments to come. As a varsity track man, he was a cour- ageous and heady hait-miler, adding many a welcome point to the Purple totals in various meets. In cross-country he soon won a regular berth, made a constant improvement and was elected to the captaincy in Senior year. Displaying a determination and application far above the ordinary. Ken worked hard at everything he did. Hence his deeds in every field have resulted from honest effort and deep- rooted sincerity. Needless to say we have wanted and valued his regard. JAMES ALBERT CURRIER

Mountain at North Street, Island Pond, Vt.

Presentation Mary High School

Holy Cross Purple 1, 2, 3, Exchange Editor 4; Physics Society 3: Sodality

I, 2, 3, Chairman of Literature Committee 4; Freshman Debating;

B. J. F. Debating 2, 3, 4: Philomath Debating 4: Aquinas Circle

4: History Academy 2. 3. I: Greek Academy 2, 3; Dramatic

Society 2, 3, 4; Playshop 4: Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3. 4;

Purple Patcher, Manager Publicity 4: Vermont

Club, President 4; League of Sacred Heart 1.

2, 3; Freshman Reception 1, 3, 4.

Albie is our model of energy plus efficiency, the one man who can perform a dozen tasks at once and still have time to argue philosophy and quote poetry. Visitors to his room never failed to marvel at the ease with which Jalbert could at the same time lead a conversation, address copies of the Purple to brother and sister colleges, do a bit of typing and smoke a cigarette in his own inimitable style—his eyes aflicker with interest and his pet Chinese cap reposing on his head. Businesslike to the nth degree, Al could always be depended on to know assigned matter and have notes for it typed neatly. He did not limit his activitv to studv however, as testified by the dramatic society and the Purple, both of which were aided considerably by his consistent efforts. Al almost left our ranks at the end of Sophomore year, but the urge was too great and he was back again for Junior, a bit late, to be sure, but in the flesh and decidedly welcome. We would have missed Jalbie during these last two years, just as we'll miss him now that he finally must leave us. EDWARD FRANCIS CURRY

27 Summer Street, Quincy, Mass.

Boston College High School

Dramatics 1, 4; Debating I; Glee Club 1: Boston Club I, 2, 3, 4; Patcher

Suiil 4; Riding Club 2, 3; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3.

After breezing through Freshman year with little or no worry, Ed decided to try something a hit more difficult and accordingly cast his lot with the pre-meds. Not once in the three subsequent years has he been heard to regret his choice, but instead has followed his courses with a zeal and enthusi- asm characteristic of a real devotee to science. For all his lengthy efforts in the pre-med field, Ed has found time to lend his co-operation to several college activities. For pure art, his characterization of Prudence Truelove in our Senior Reception to the Freshmen was unsurpassed. Despite the wig's obvious tendency to slide over one eye, Ed made his playing of Prudence one of the hits of that laugh-provoking show. A fellow who can earn high marks in chem courses and meanwhile play seductive sirens on the stage needs no words to prove his versatility and adaptability. That's why we know Ed will be in the forefront in anything he does. JOHN JOSEPH CUTRONEO

8506 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

St. Francis Xavier I l/g/i School

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; History Academy 4; Scientific Society 3; Debating 1;

Metropolitan Club 1. 2. 3. 4; Aquinas Circle 4.

It took only the early weeks of Freshman year to make us appreciate Jack's worth as a conservative, steady and dependable classmate. He brought with him from Flatbush a solidity and sturdiness that has been called a New England characteristic, but it is a Brooklyn virtue to all who know Jack. Third Fenwick was the first habitat on the Hill for Jack, and his room in that now neglected corridor was as popular a gath- ering place for the conversational-minded as was his Third Loyola meeting-place. In those entertaining gatherings. Jack played an excellent straight man to Joe Mandry's rib-tickling humor. His own ^harp wit was often the source of some cutting irony. Always reliable when a task required a man of real deter- mination, Jack was often called on to shoulder responsibilities that would have staggered a chap of lesser proportions. It was because we knew him that we called on him so often. FRANCIS LEO DACEY

4 I lorn Street, Lowellj Mass.

Lowell I hi! li School

Football Band I. 2, 3, 4; Concert Band I; Orchestra 2, J, 4; Freshman

Debating; Tomahaw\ I. 2, 3; Patcher 4: Sodality I: Sanctuary

Societ) 1: Intramurals 5, 4; Chairman Lowell Club

Dance 3; President Lowell Club 4: Aquinas Circle

4: Scientific Society >: Senior Hall Committee.

!t takes a great youth to he tactful and forceful at once. We can say no more of Frank than that he went through two years as a head-waiter without making an enemy; he even made numerous friends in the process. Those of us who remember the advances of the hungry hordes can only shake our heads and marvel at the man. In the band, too, Frank, was a faithful and prominent mem- ber. For four years Frank has been high in the ranks of the Purple horn tooters. Every game and drill found Frank saying

"Present," which is a record of some sort or other. "Dace" has also been in the foreground among the social lights of the class. The frequent trips of the Musical Clubs about the East left more than a few hearts fluttering at the presence of Frank and his curly locks.

It is hard to predict how the Refectory can get along in the absence of Frank, but it will have to struggle on while the world learns to appreciate the many qualities that have made Frank our friend. THOMAS JOSEPH DAILEY

54 Overland Street, West Fitchburg, Mass.

Fitchburg lli^h School

Fitchburg Club 1, 2, 3, President 4; Sanctuary Society I; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4;

Intr.iinur.il Baseball 2. 3. -\; Patcher Staff 4; Aquinas Circle 4;

Scientific Society 3; Senior Ball Committee.

A picture can't do real justice to Tom. Envision six feet of lanky likeableness, a pair of Irish eyes, a contagious grin and you have a real portrait of this pride of Fitchburg. Wit was his main forte, and Tom pleasantly plagiarized the material of every prominent comedian to his listeners' delight. Newcomers to the ranks occasionally tried to protest only to realize that the humor was being dispensed with a high originality and a thoroughly personal touch. Behind his modesty, Tom was possessed of ability that he kept in readiness tor worth-while occasions. Not many of us knew his talents as an orator until this new Robert Emmett took the rostrum on a well-remembered occasion and pro- ceeded to deliver a speech that was brilliant in content and delivery. Elected to the presidency of the Fitchburg Club, Tom pro- ceeded to place that organization with the foremost of the undergraduate clubs. Thanks to him the club has enjoyed the greatest year in its history, adding more laurels to Tom's brow. ALEXANDER JOSEPH DALBEC, Jr.

Main Street, Oxford, Mass.

Oxford lli^h School

Worcester Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Sodality 1, 2. 3, 4; Pre-Medical Society

2. 3, -(; Scientific Societ) 3; Aquinas Circle 4.

The prielc and joy oi the bus company, the lad with the ear to ear grin that could melt the hearts of stern professors, the Oxford branch of the Worcester Club—Alex! We used to wonder in those early freshman days at the regularity in which the Oxford bus stopped at the loot of the Hill each morning; we became indebted to this same vehicle when we learned that its mission was to bring A! into our midst and to add an extra bit of sunshine, rain or shine day, to our dispositions. Expansively good natured, Al's presence did the provocative thing in making us hit on all fours; and when he toured the rooms at lunch hour with his Oxfordian witticisms, we rarely hesitated in being lulled to a sanity of humor. Modest as he was, his quiet depth of seriousness lay hidden in his devotion to the pre-med course, and only his figure at work or in research at all hours in the library led us to discern what lay beneath a healthy smile. LEE FISCHER DANTE

1835 Park Road, N.W., Washington, D. C.

St. John's College Ilig/i School

Manager Cross-Country and Freshman Track 4; Scientific Society, Secretary

3, President 4; Rifle Club 4, President 4; Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4;

Greek Academy; Knights of Columbus 4; Southern Club, President

4; Assistant Manager Varsity Football 2; Economics Club 4;

Sodality 1; Senior Council 4; Junior Prom Committee;

Patcmkr Literary Board 4; Senior Ball Committee.

"Ten little fingers, ten little toes, wouldn't count all that Lee

Dante does." A bit of a crippled rhyme, but certainly it would be a sorry mess if you tried to rhyme Trigger with any definite type or pattern. He was different, unique, unusual in the best sense. He did so much and so well, initiated and carried through uncounted undertakings, sang curricular and extra-cur- ricular in high c, that there is little left save to wonder if he could have possibly missed anything. The only thing we might affirm as missing at present is a mustache. Not long ago he was a member of the famed Purple Zilch Mustache Club, and when the depression annihilated the other members, it remained for Lee to keep the stiff upper lip in hair. Medals, honors in studies, head of a club and a society, are but few patent examples of his endeavor. He was a good shot in all things and proved it by founding the Rifle Club at the Cross. A fine conversationalist, Lee's stories have often held us spellbound. At least one chap has held Lee spellbound him- self by asserting ignorance of what hominy was; it had this militant Southerner aghast. By the way, what is hominy, Lee? GEORGE DONALD DAVET

430 Mentor Avenue, Painesville, Ohio

Campion Preparatory

Ohio Club, Purple Key, Junior Prom Committee; Sodality I;

Pat< hi r Staff 4.

Don is an illustrious member of the community at Paines-

ville, Ohio, and he insists that Cleveland is near his home town and not vice versa. The Rotarian spirit must burn brightly in Ohio, for no slur on the Mid-West goes unnoticed when Don is in the company. Four years or having Painesville serve as an object of comment, mostly unkind, has reconciled Don and he now smiles serenely through any attempt to get a rise. His deceptive silence made him go unappreciated until we realized that Don was playing an essential part in making suc- cesses of school activities. The work he did for the Purple Key during the past year was deservedly acclaimed. We often regretted that lab hours kept him from us a great part of the time for he brought into any gathering a wholesome spirit of fun and humor. Having occupied a reserved suite in the Winter Garden dur- ing one never-to be-forgotten season, he earned the name of Darrett, a title pronounced with a decided roll of R's. No one cause brought about the name, according to the christeners, but rather a series of happenings that had to be avenged in some wav. His section-mates can assert that he was an outstanding scientist in B.S.; all of us vouch for the fact that he is a grand chap in every respect. THOMAS JAMES DEGNAN, Jr.

-4M Charming Street. Worcester, M.iss.

North High School

Worcester Club 1, 2, 3. -\: I).i\ Scholars' Sodality 1, 2, J, 4; Aquinas

Circle -1; Scientific Society I, 2. 3, 4.

The A. A. efficiency corps would have been sadly incomplete without the presence of Tom. No one else had his tact and graciousness in convincing football and baseball patrons that they were in the wrong seats and would do him a personal favor by taking the right places. That he could do this difficult and trying task without offense is a strong proof of Tom's per- sonality; it is even rumored that members of the fair sex sat in the wrong seats just so he would move them. Particularly active in the Worcester Club, Tom's efforts on behalf of that group were deserving of the praise he received. Any committee work entrusted to him could be depended on to be done thoroughly and effectively. Electing to major in the field of education, Tom brought to that course a characteristic enthusiasm and a will to work. The rank he achieved came naturally from his efforts. Even-tem- pered always, devoted to his friends, honest in all things, Tom was and is a friend to treasure. PHILIP WESLEY DELEHANTY

Whitehall Road, Rutland, Mass.

St. John's Pveparatoi v

Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Sanctuarj Socict) I. 1, .->, -1; C'l.iss Football 2; RiHe

Club 4; Aquinas Circle; Patcher Business Hoard;

Outing Club 4; Senior Hall Committee.

Unofficial corridor-caller extraordinary, scholastic philosopher par excellence, leader ot the three showers a day movement, Phil played an important part in the life of Second Loyola and the entire class. Countless are the demerits he saved by his good-natured efforts to rouse his corridor-mates at seven o'clock on winter mornings; he was invited to perform the task because he was the only man on the corridor certain to rise early every morning. Even Sunday and holiday mornings found

Phil out of bed at ghastly hours; he is the one man in the class who never attended the 10.30 Mass on Sundays. Remarkably apt in keeping his temper, Phil was the essence of serenity. One incident in which tear gas figured almost upset him, but he was laughing with the rest in a very few minutes. Nights before philosophy exams found him in great demand, and he was invariably generous and gracious in dis- tributing his knowledge to less-learned brethren. Ready to serve at any time, he was a man to trust, to admire and to like thoroughly. > <*: I

j£ k k


6400 Georgia Street, Chevy Chase, Md.

Devitt Prep

Freshman Reception 2. 3. 4; Banquet Toastmaster 3, 4; Sodality 3. 4:

Varsity Basketball 2; Intramurals 3, 4; Purple Key 4; Play-

shop 4: Senior Ball Committee; Voted Wittiest Member of Senior Class.

Lou, with his unceasing fund of funny stories, his soothing Southern drawl, and his uncanny ability at impersonation, has become an institution at college gatherings of any importance. No smoker, reception, rally or banquet can even hope to be complete without the presence of the cigar-chewing lad from Maryland.

It was way back in Freshman year that Louie, coming down from the icy draughts of the Blue Room, convulsed a capacity crowd at our reception to the upperclassmen. Since then, he's seldom had a rest; he's always been in demand for some activ- ity or other. Who can forget his "Dr. Rockwell;" or that 300- word-a-minute "Groucho Marx" of his; or.? but the list is almost inexhaustible.

If ever a youth brightened the hours of his friends, if ever there was a humorist who was always good-natured, always uncom- plaing—then it is our Louie. With the fast-working brain that hides beneath that red thatch of his. Lou can be counted on to take advantage of every opportunity that comes his way. GEORGE T. DERBY

M Lincoln Street, Spencer, Mass.

Spencer High

Worcester Club I, 2. J, 4; Sodalit) I. 2. 5, 4; Knights of Columbus 1, 2,

3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Socictj 5; Senior Ball Committee.

George was not one ot those tabled day-duckers who "trudged up the hill every morning." After coming in from the wilds of Spencer every class day lor tour years, one does not trudge, one either skips or strolls. George, depending on the day and mood, did both. Being essentially light-hearted he perhaps skipped more often than strolled, but that is beside the point. To the activities of the Crusader Council, the Worcester Club and the Sodality, George brought an earnestness and willing- ness to co-operate that soon singled him out. The modern virtue of co-operation was his to an enviable degree, and more than one extra-curricular success owes much to him. Our contacts with George led us more than once to envy those Spencerites who could enjoy his homely humor and crackling wit all the day long. We hope that they appreciated him as much as have we here on the Hill. JOSEPH JAMES DONAHUE

95 Lancaster Street, Worcester. Mass.

North High

Worcester Undergraduate Club I, 2. 3, 4; Sodality I. 2. 5, -1: Scientific

Societ\ 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Hardly one of the Worcester delegation came to our notice and friendship more quickly and easdy than Joe. A few days of acquaintance with him made us feel, thanks to his friendli- ness, that we had been hoon companions for years. He has kept and added to this feeling all through our years of esteem for him, and we envy the Worcesterites forunate enough to be his friends when we leave Pakachoag. We felt no hesitancy ahout asking favors ot Joe; he was invariably ready and willing to do anything that he could for us. Activities that had his support needed little else; Joe could be depended on for prodigious work and self-effacing endeavor. It was only natural that he should rank as a leader in day- hopper ranks. His Section B accomplishments of Soph and Junior years are campus history; no one else could have Joe's savor fa/re in the face of hot professorial questioning, his facility in expounding the matter, and his complete absence of nervousness. Joe is one reason why we dislike thoughts of leaving the Heart of the Commonwealth.


935 Madison Avenue, Albany, N. Y.

Vincentian High School

Sodality I, 2, J, 4; Albany Club 1, 2. 3, 4, Sccretarj 2. Vice-President 3, 4;

Freshman Debating; Philomath 2. 5; Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4;

Junior Prom Committee 3; Crusader Council 2, 3, 4,

Outside Guard 3: Rifle Club 4.

Our perennial Peter Pan, Kmpty has wended his way blithely through four years in a decidedly unperturbed fashion. More than once his perfect aplomb has made us envy him his citizen- ship in the Never-Never land and wish that we could keep for- ever some of the magic he scattered wherever he went. Even Peter Pan must be practical, so Tom not only was more than successful in studies but managed to win himself a high place in the list of activities. He took his fling at baseball, made a name for himself in various tennis tournaments, and devoted the winter months to skating. And what skating! Feminine hearts at Elm Park almost stopped beating when this airily graceful lad pirouetted on his blades. Clever at fancy skating, amazingly fast in competition, and thoroughly at home on the ice, Tom was our leading exponent of his native Adirondack sport. Prominent in K. of C. artivities, Tom won an office in Cru- sader Council, and quite ably fulfilled the post. Everything he entered had a new zest and spirit when our Holy Cross Peter Pan came along. ROBERT PAUL DONOVAN

129 West Central Street, Natick, Mass.

Natic\ High School, St. John's Preparatory School

Freshman Football; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Football 2, 3, -4; Varsity

Track 2. 3, 4: Sodalitj I. 2. 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 1. 2, 3, 4;

Boston Club 1. 2. 3, 4; Freshman Reception Commit-

tee 4; Senior Ball Committee.

Son of: the famous "Piper," whose track accomplishments at tha Cross are legendary epics of another era, Boh preserved and added to the luster of the family name. Possessed of great natural ability, to which he added a lightning-like hrain, Bob won the acclaim of Purple followers for his deeds in the field of sport. Despite his lack of weight, he was a brilliant halfback and won himself a starting berth on the football team as a sopho- more. Fast, shifty, quick to change pace and deceptively elu- sive he was a great broken-field runner, a fine pass receiver and an exceptionally good defensive back. On the boards and cinders he added to the Donovan track accomplishments as a dash man. The qualities of determination, courage and sportsmanship that distinguished him on the atheltic field were present in all his relations and no campus figure had more friends and ad- mirers. A man of his character needs no wishes of sood-luck. EDWIN FRANCIS DOOLAN

433 Reading Street, Fall River, Mass.

Dm fee High School

Philharmonic Orchestra 1.2. 5, 4; Band 2. 3, 4; Patcher Sketch Hoard:

Sodalit) 1.2. >, I; Sanctuary Societj 1,2. !. -I; Freshman Debat-

ing; lntr.iiniir.il Sports 1,2. !. ); Aquinas Circle; Fall

River Club 1,2. 5, 4; Senior Hall Committee,

Head-waiters and suavity go hand in hand, and when we say that Ed was the head-waiter ideal we need not add that he was the owner of a tact and graciousness almost beyond belief. With his roomie, Frank Dacey. he headed the stall at the Emporium, doing an excellent job of it. Lending his musical ability to Mr. Bouvier's organization, Ed became a shining light in the Philharmonic Orchestra. A director's dream, he was invariably present at rehearsal, an accomplishment supreme in itself. The football band claimed his attention in the fall months, and he was likewise faithful to that purple-caped crew. Eager to lend aid to any worth-while program of activity, Ed was one of the few who thought seriously before accepting any plan of action. That the spirit of good-fellowship was not foreign to him is evident from the number and quality of his friendships. JOHN BERNARD DORE

4 Palter Park, Cambridge, Mass.

Cambridge Latin School

Boston Club 1. 2. 3, 4; League oi tlic Sacred Heart 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramural

Sports I. 2, 3; I'm pic Key; Aquinas Circle; Scientific Society 3.

Harvard must have been a bit unwary when she let this son of Cambridge elude her and cast his lot with the Crusaders of Holy Cross. For sturdy reliability and genuine trustworthiness

Jack has few equals; that he is also possessed of a charm com- pletely subduing all it meets is but another bit of evidence to the fact that he is a man quite apart from the ordinary run. Display and Jack are at opposite poles and realization of all he has done must necessarily come from some other source. Reticent, without being unduly so, friendly, without being ostentatious, Jack was a disciple of Horace in espousing the golden mean. Not at all impulsive or precipitate, he gave care- ful thought to any proposal, but once adopting it he gave to it all the energy and ability he possessed. His support, silent and unheralded though it often was, gave a decided impetus to any undertaking. Real accomplishment has been his. EDWARD LEO DOYLE, Jr.

M) Doncaster Street, Roslindale, Mass.

Boston Public Latin School

Musical ("lul>-- 1. 2. 5, 4, Executive Manager 4; Boston Club 1, 2, 3, 4;

Intramural Baseball I, 2. 3, 4; Intramural Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir

1, 2, 3, 4: Senior Council; Senior R.ill Committee.

We will he very much surprised if any joh ever proves too irksome and laborious for the industrious Ed. As business manager or the (dee Club he had to attend the thousand and one trying details of arranging concerts, housing, transportation and meals. The near-miraculous success he has won in this field is proof enough of his business and executive ability. As manager ot two intramural championship teams in Sopho- more year, Ed set a mark for successors to shoot at. Not con- tent with that record, he set a new one, that of being fired and hired three times in two days at the refectory. It will be hard to forget the night of Ed's debut as a reception entertainer, when, supported by a chorus of husky Third Fenwick chorus girls, he sang his way through "On Wisconsin." Following the course of accomplishment that he has already partly traversed, Ed's arrival at his goal, say we who know him, is almost a certainty. WALTER JOSEPH DOYLE

48 Jordan Street, Wakefield, Mass.

\Va liefield High School

Intramural Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramural Football 1, 2, 3, -\\ Inrtamural

Baseball 1,2, 3, 4; Philomath 2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle.

Intramural sports were the avocation of our imperturable Walt. Christened the Blond Blizzard during the first afternoon of intramural football in Freshman year, the appellation has clung to the good-natured Wakefieldite through four years of more than moderate success on the intramural athletic field. Football, baseball and hockey have all claimed his attention in season and his ability has been of considerable aid to his various corridor aggregations. An ambitious student, Walt has expended more than the usual energy in the field of study. He studies hard, just as he plays hard. His work, thanks to his efforts, has been con- sistently successful, and never has he given any evidence of undue strain. His efforts as Top Loyola songbird were not unheard but were certainly unappreciated by callous corridor- mates. Still unperturbed, the Blizzard sings on. WILLIAM GEORGE DOYLE

57 Webster Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral ///;'/; School

!•'. Sodality -I: B. J. 4; Scientifu Socictj I: Springfield Club 4:

Aquinas Circle -I.

Alter a long absence from the Hill, Bill hied himself back this year to win his way into our friendship and esteem. The months he has spent with us have brought him into close com- radeship with us and have made us think ol him as an old friend. Though presenting a rather serious aspect to those who have not learned to know him, his intimates can testily that his humor is crackling and edervescent. His wit is sharp and dry and he is continually offering Will Rogerisms that often better the original. Kurdens are taken in a matter-of-fact way by Bill; he goes his way undisturbed and placid. He not only marched through the B.S. course, but fount! time for lengthy and profitable experimentation in the field of photography. His achievements in that field have been remarkable, yet no word of them has ever passed his lips, proving his possession ot modesty of the higher sort. Determined and undemonstrative. Bill is a man of essential worth. STEPHEN JOHN DROTTAR

3 Maple Street. Chisholm, Me.

Liter rime Falls High School

Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball I: Freshman Baseball; Varsit)

Baseball 2. >: Maine ("tub I, 2. i. 4; Senior Ball Committee.

Smiling his way through some of the toughest breaks a man could get, Steve's sportsmanship has been a quality to marvel at and admire. After a brilliant start as a freshman pitcher, Steve had the misfortune of having an ailing arm keep him from becoming one of the Purple's regular hurlers. All the requisites of a great pitcher were his, speed, curves, control and brains, but an arm that refused to respond to treatment kept him from attaining pitching success. Philosophical about his heart-breaking misfortune, Steve showed us a gameness and courage that would be hard to equal. Earnest and intent in all he set out to do, Steve was a self- sacrificing friend, glad to help on any occasion. He grinned at fortune and misfortune alike, taking both like a man, and win- ning himself considerable respect in the process. A sportsman in every respect, he played the game every moment. EDWARD JOSEPH DUFF

100 Dunster Road, Boston, Mass.

Boston College lli^h School

Glee Club ?; Sodality 3, 4; Scientific Socict) 5, 4; History Academy 3, 4;

Philomath 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 3, I; Patcher Literary Board;

Outing Club 3, 4; Boston Club 3, 4; Dramatic Society

4; Oratorical Contest 3; Choir 3; Aquinas Circle.

Erudite and debonair, Ed is a broad and cultured young man of discriminating taste, decided individuality and keen insight. Eiterary in his leanings and preferences, he has made his mark, on the Hill as a critic, conversationalist and writer. The out- side world recognized his critical ability with the publication in Columbia of his splendid essay on Hilaire Belloc as a poet. Seeking all he can in the held of broad knowledge, Ed has been active in the affairs of the Philomath, History Academy and Dramatic Society. To all he brought a keen interest and an intelligent curiosity; from them he gathered much that was valuable and helpful. Not content with surface meanings, he probed deep into all subjects, exacting finally a knowledge that was thorough and of practical application. Concerned only with what appeals to him as valuable and memorable, Ed won our regard by the direct way in which he carried out his purposes. Not satisfied with opinions he studied and evaluated for himself and to his own advantage. Holy Cross has prepared him; opportunity will find him ready. PETER ADELARD DUMAS

18 Dover Street, Worcester. Mass.

South High School

Hellenic Academy 2; Day Scholars' Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4: One-Act Play

Night 3; Purple Contributor; Worcester Club 1, 2,

3, 4, Dance Committee 4.

Disputes, philosophical, political, social and otherwise, ended with the entrance of Peter Adelard; it took but a few moments of his forceful eloquence and incisive criticism to show the one and only conclusion that could possibly be reached. Knowing him as we did, we could but marvel at the swiftness of his brain and the invariable correctness of his judgments. This skill at deduction, plus a native wit and a glittering expression, made Peter a brilliant conversationalist, and, what

is more, one whose words carried weight. More than once, on the platform at Fenwick, Peter's keen logic cleared up difficul- ties for those of us less gifted. But we valued Peter not only for his scholarship and keen- ness, but for his friendliness and geniality. More than once his cheer lightened otherwise drab moments, and made us pro- foundly grateful to the City of Worcester for lending us such a prize. JOSEPH VINCENT DUNN

24 Adam Street, Pittsfi cut, Masi\iass

St. Joseph's High School

Freshman Basketball; V.umu Basketball 2; Freshman Football; Glee Club

1, 2. 3, 4; Choir I, 2, 5, 4, Student Director 4; Intramural Sports

3, -1: Sodalit) I. 2. 3, 4: Berkshire Club I, 2, 3 4, Presi-

dent 4; Patches Business Board; Freshman

Receptions 1 , 2, J, 4.

After starring on the freshman basketball team and winning his letter with the varsity in Sophomore, Joe was deprived of further opportunity tor fame as a hoopster when the net game was dropped as a varsity sport. Junior and Senior years found him outstanding in intramural basketball and as a member of an independent team that compiled a fine record. Joe's tenor voice has been raised in song since his first day on the Hill. It has aided the Choir, lent color to the Glee Club and provided some great entertainment at banquets and receptions. His Cab Calloway imitation is still in great demand wherever he goes. Once, just to prove his determination, he sang the same song from New York to Worcester, completely subduing an interfering band of horn-tooters. Resourceful and possessed of great initiative, Joe has suc- ceeded in all he undertook throughout tour years on the Hill. Graduation finds him taking with him our liking of him as an athlete, an entertainer and an all round good-fellow. JOHN THOMAS DWIGHT

[045 Madison Avenue. New York. N. Y.

Newman School

Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4. consultor 4: Sanctuary Society 1.2. J, 4. President 4;

Purple 2. 3, 4. Poetry Editor 4; Historj Society 2. 3, 4. Vice-

President 4; Metropolitan ( 'lul< 1, 2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle.

Perhaps the best-read man at Holy Cross, it is characteristic of johndee that his voluminous library is located not only in his own room, hut has branches in several other habitats on Second Loyola. First of all, despite the cases and troughs, the books are too many for one room, and secondly, John likes and wants his friends to gain pleasure from anything that is his. His verse began to attract our attention in the Purple in

Freshman year, and has continued to do so ever since. He is the only undergraduate poet whose works are really read, pon- dered over and discussed. Sometimes his verse is delicate and fanciful, another it is revealing and realistic, still again it is experimental and unique. Hut always it is thoroughly absorb- ing in content and exquisite in expression. He would be the first to protest at being called an intellectual, hut he is, in the highest sense of the word. But, better still, he has been a human and admirable fellow, winning our admiration and attracting our friendship. MARTIN JOHN EARLS

2SI Dresser Street, Southbridge, Mass.

St. Mary's I"iigh School

I. Sodality 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Societ) 3, 4: Freshman Debating; B. J. F.

!: History Academy; Hellenic Academy; Playshop 4; De Y:iler;i

Historj Ias.in Purse 3.

The library and Marty were linked inseparably all through our years on the Hill; no member of the class could think of one without the other. The fact that he was a star member of the staff did not keep the pleasant-faced Southbridge lad from tak- ing advantage of the library's opportunities; he read and studied conscientiously and intelligently. Marty's smile behind the desk helped more than a little to lighten up the severity and solemnity of the reading room. And when one needed help in locating a volume, Marty was always willing, even anxious, to help. Many are the books he routed from some obscure corner of the stacks for a worried searcher. His record as a book-finder for four years was per- fect; he almost missed on one memorable occasion but a fur- ther check disclosed that the book sought had been already borrowed. In class and on the campus Marty has been just as friendly and co-operative as he was in the pillared building atop the too- numerous steps. He takes back to Southbridge the gratitude and friendship of us all. THOMAS WINSLOW EDDY

11 Court Square, Rutland, Vt.

Rutland High School

Glee Club 2, 3; Freshman Basketball; Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4;

Freshman Reception 2: Dramatic Club 1; Lonely Hearts Club,

President; Vermont Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

When Tom joined our ranks, a bit belatedly, we had reason to cheer and throw out our arms in welcome, for he brought us invaluable friendliness and sincerity. An affable, easy- going gentleman in his off-moments, Tom could be serious and painstaking when the need arose. Extra-curricular activities took up much of his attention, and whether it was the Vermont Club, or intra-mural sports, Tom was always in the van. Characteristically, he gave unsparingly of time and effort to all. Tom had his lighter moments, too. Who has not heard of his Lonely Hearts Club, that organization whose aim it was to nurture budding romances and plant the seed of new ones? Tom, of course, was president and official correspondent for this famous First Loyola organization. The fact that its suc- cess was more theoretical than real was not Tom's fault; you just can't improve on nature. Men like Tom are hard to find, but, once found, hard to forget. That's why he'll live long in the memories of all of us. FRANCIS POWERS EDGERTON

12 Rock Street, North Adams, Mass.

St. Joseph's High School

Sodalit) I, 2, 3, 4; Berkshire Club I, 2. 3, I: Sanctuarj Society 1, 2,

J, I: Band I. 2. ^, 4; Economics Club I; Aquinas

Circle; Senior I!. ill Committee.

Were we limited to one word in describing Frank, that word would undoubtedly he—Sincerity. It is a quality that has marked and characterized him since his arrival here from the heart of the picturesque Berkshire's. Frank has been sincere in all his dealings, quietly and honestly so. Blended with eagerness and restraint, that trait has made his society sought and his advice heeded. Musically inclined, he gave his talents to Mr. Bouvier's aggre- gation ot hopefuls and tor tour years he was a part of every college musical event. The football hand was his love, and no one dared utter a word against the group while Frank was near. To say he was quiet would be to do an injustice to this lad, for it would tail to take into account the fact that he knew when, and where to be silent. But when noise and fun were in order, North Adams' favorite son could often be found among the leaders of the frolickers. Even in his fun he stayed within limits, staying far away from the extremes that he always avoided. i^™


11 Station Plaza. Great Neck, L. [., X. Y.

Xavier High School

Sodality I. 2. 3, 4: Intramural Spoils 2. 3; Executive Committee of

Junior Prom; Metropolitan Club 1. 2. 3, 4. Dance Committee 4;

Aquinas Circle, Committee Chairman Senior Hall.

Known previously only to a select tew. we can now announce to the public at large that there was such an organization as the Vernon Hill Ramblers Societ\. founded and headed by the affable Carl. After pondering the idea for two years, he swung into action in Junior year and organized the society that was to rouse Worcester society. Carefully choosing his men, he enrolled but a few under his banner, and after modest beginnings, saw his brain-child thrive and flourish this past year. Known to his fellow prc-meds as "the man of many hours," Carl made a name for himself in the lab as an expert dissecter of rabbits, stray cats and occasional unfortunate mice. Char-

acteristically persistent, he was painstaking in all his lab experi- ments as in all his other helds. He pondered before acting, but once he made up his mind, there was no turning this placid Teuton from his path. His energy and industry won our admiration, as his geniality won our bearts. MICHAEL JOSEPH EAVULLI

10 Peabody Strict, Worcester, Mass.

St. John's High School

Freshman Football; Varsitj Football 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4; Worcester

Club 1. 2. 3, 4, Secretarj i, Chairman Christmas Dance 1: Crusader

Council 1. 2, 3, 4; Freshman Reception Committee 3, 4; President

Ph.B. 1. 2: Senior Ball Committee; Voted Best

NatuiTil ol Senior Class.

"The Pride of Shrewsbury Street"' was the appellation fast- ened on the burly Mike way back in Sophomore year when he was first attracting the notice of spectators and the fear of opponents on the football field. We have known and respected Mike for his determination and sincerity in all he undertook, have no hesitancy in supplementing that phrase with another, "The Pride of Holy Cross." Beset by injuries all through his football career, Mike won wide admiration for the game and philosophical way in which he accepted his misfortune. When he was able to perform on the gridiron, he invariably struck terror into opponents by his speedy diagnosis of enemy plays, his furious tackling, and his unstoppable charging. Entrusted with the chairmanship of dances by the Worcester Club, he devoted himself to the affairs' success and invariably put them over. When friendship was needed, he gave it; when cooperation was sought, he was among the first to vol- unteer. Possessed ot a naive sincerity and a characteristic friendliness, Iron Mike is high up in our ranks. ROBERT VINCENT FAY

1 1 Sharon Street, Boston, Mass.

Boston Latin School

Patch fr Literary Board; Hellenic Academy 1, 3, 4: History Academy

3, 4; Philomath 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4: Chairman Publicity 4;

Boston Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Scientific Society 2; Freshman Recep-

tion Committee 2; Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4:

Aquinas Circle; Senior Ball Committee.

Boston could have done 33 no greater favor than that of sending us as thorough a gentleman as Bob. It took us only weeks to learn that here was a lad who was dependable and trustworthy, one whose quiet culture was not openly displayed but nevertheless truly characteristic. Once the borders of intimacy were passed Bob was a thor- oughly delightful friend. Conversation with him was truly an art; his words were sound and timely. Nor was he too much inclined to the serious. The noble art of flourished in his rooms and all comers were gaily welcomed. The fact that some of these sportive events soon took on the aspect of a general room-wrecking did not discompose our Bostonian friend one whit. "We'll fix it later," he'd say and the merry bloodshed would go on. It'd be hard to find another like Bob, one who has found the middle path of the ancients and strolled or gamboled along it as he and the occasion saw fit. BERNARD HENRY FEE, Jr.

1131 Beach 12 Street, Far Rockaway, N. Y.

Xavier lligh School

Sodalit) I. 2, 3, 4; Patchlr Litcrarj board; Freshman Night, Reception u>

Freshmen 2, 3, -I: Sanctuary Society 1.2, 5, 4; Metropolitan Club 1, 2.

•>, 4, Dance Committee 2, !. 4: Assistant Manager Varsity Football

2: Manager Varsitj Goll 4; Athletic Association 4. Secretary

4: Intramural Sports 1,2, >, 4; Knights oi Columbus I.

2. 5, 4. Officer 4. Dance (4i.nnn.in 4: Freshman De-

bating Society; Philomath >. 4; [unior Prom

Committee; Varsit\ baseball Squad 4;

I 'all Senior Committer ; Aquinas Circle.

With his unceasing wise-cracks and his "New Yorkcsc," Bernie early won a high place in the esteem oi '33. The years

since freshman have made us realize that he is more than an entertainer, that he is capable of real achievement. Witness th:' very creditable winter hop he managed lor the K. ol C. as a striking example.

Bernie was one of the first to discover the -possibilities oi the Pakachoag course, and his interest in the ancient game of goll

led to his selection as manager ol this year's links team. I Ic arranged a noteworthy schedule, and proved himsell that idea! of athletic directors, a manager who didn't get the whole world worrying about details. On those cold autumn days Bernie was a familiar figure in the press-box, whenever Holy Cross was playing. As "spotter" he was worth his weight in gold to harassed sports writers who wanted to know, "Who made that tackier" His ability in this exacting role won Bernie the plaudits ol sports writers all over the East, and a game without Fee "announcing" was lacking one of its most colorful features. One ol '33's most colorful members, Bernie will be hard to lorget. We envy those with whom he will come in contact, lor Bernie cannot help but bring the m the cheer and comradeship he gave us here on the Hill. -^


50 Riverside Avenue, Rennselaer, X. Y.

St. John' i . icademy

Sodalit) 1. 2, 3. -I: Albanj Club I, 2. 3, 1. Vice-President 4, Chairman Dance

Committee 4: Intramural Football, Baseball, Basketball 1, 2. 3 4;

Aquinas Circle; Economics Club 4: Pat< hi r Literary Board

Sanctuary Socict\ 4; Scientific Society 4.

Our memoirs of happy collegiate years will never he com- plete without the inclusion ot this elongated Albanian. The

mention ot the name Feily, alone, will he all that is needed to cause vivid recollections of a delightful year spent in his company. Returning to college after a two vear ahseuce, he had to

make himself known to a strange class. But it was an easj thing for this likable Empire Stater to make acquaintances, even though he did not participate in extra-curricular activities. Personality is an act of selling oneself—joe certainly did that—and not only did we accept what he offered in the way of the Feily personality, hut also bought what he sold, for Joe was one of those very progressive young salesmen that are so

numerous up here on the hill. It was ludicrous to see a fellow attempt to manifest that so-termed sales resistance when Joe offered his high-powered line of salesmanship. Naturally a good conversationalist, a story-teller versed in the ways of life, and the possessor of a splendid repertoire of mirth-provoking anecdotes, there was never anv danger ol that embarrassing lull in the conversation when foe was present. And as our parting informal shot—a great "Guy" and a real friend. RAYMOND JOSEPH FIT/PATRICK

62 Pleasant Street, Waterbury, Conn.

Crosby lligh School

Manager oi Freshman Baseball 4; Assistant Editor-in-Chiei and Sketch

Editor, Patcher; Intramural Football, Baseball I, 2. 3, 4; Freshman

Debating Society; Philomath 2, 3, 4; Waterbury Club 1. 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2. President 4: Scientific Society 3; Dramatic Society

2, 3; Playshop 4; Tomahaw\ i, 4, Editorial Hoard 3, 4: Freshman Reception Committee 2, 4; Aquinas

Circle; Purple Board 3, 4: Sodality I. 2, 3, 4;

1- Athletic Association 4, Treasurer 4: I h lenic Academ\ 2: Senior Ball Committee.

Fit/, represents a versatility that all of us must somehow ad- mire and aspire to. His were the virtues and talents that al- lowed initiative and lahor to he spread in many fields, that brought to them an enthusiasm and organization power, that definitely made him outstanding in our midst. A list of his achievements at school reads long and excellent. Fitz was primarily and prominently, and we might say emi- nently, the journalist and author. The Purple's pages often held his short stories, poetry and criticism; The Tomahawks his vital editorials. At the same time he acted as correspondent for several papers, engaged in a newspaper controversy, and often dashed off some mighty fine verse for the Boston news- papers. Nor was his person absent from other fields. He took up oratory, becoming a talented one, entered intramural sports, won his coveted letter as Freshman Baseball Manager, directed the courses of the Waterbury Club, and found a little extra moment in which to found the Purple Zilch Club in Junior year. We would be unduly ignorant and uncharitable if as a class we did not recognize and commend the labor and spirit which Fitz moulded into the making of the Patcher of '33. His tre- mendous task and exceptional performance ranks him second to none as a recipient of praise for the edition of the present volume. We are all humbly grateful! JAMES LOUIS FLAHERTY

1611 West 51st Start, Norfolk, Va.

Maw v High School

Southern Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Sodality 1. 2. >. 4: Crusader Council 1. 2. 3, 4;

Purple Key 4: Sanctuar) Societj 3. 4: Intramural Football.

Baseball 1, 3. 4: Freshman Debating Society Aquinas Circle: Senior Ball Committee.

In years to come the name ot Lou Flaherty will always he connected even for those among us who knew him least, with a certain dignihed chivalry, compounded, no doubt ot that affable, courteous, obliging disposition which has evinced itsell so forcibly throughout his college career. Lou is hrst and foremost a "man's man." Someone has called a sense of humor a saving grace. In

Lou's case it is a Godsend. Can any classmate ever forget that highly infectious, chuckling laugh: The answer is emphatic- ally "No." As a student he has few peers. An honor man since his Freshman year, it was not until his last two years that he came into his own. Philosophy was. trulv, fresh and blood to him. After class Lou liked best to hike. Few there were indeed to dispute his claim to champion in this field of sport. We don't know to what held of endeavor he will devote his ener- gies after leaving Holy Cross, but we may safely predict a brilliant and successful future for one of the best-liked fellows in the class. JAMES EDWARD FLANAGAN

32 Pleasant Street. Portland, Me.

Portland High School

Varsit) Football 2, 5, i: Freshman Football; Maine Club 1,2, J, 4, President

4; Sodality I, 2. 3, 4; Chairman Freshman Reception Committee

J; Patchek Literarj Board; Junior Prom Committee;

Committee Chairman Senior li.ill.

The bosom friend ol our football captain, and his comrade through our college years, it was only right that the red- thatched Jim should substitute when an injury forced "Cap" out ot the lineup last iall. Fighting for |im. Red played an inspired game at tackle all season, opening holes, ripping enemv lines and making ringing tackles. Though the gallant Red had not seen much previous service on the varsity, his exhibitions last year won the plaudits of every fan in the stands. He has been displaying talent like that in the pinches all through our days at the Cross. When we needed a chairman for our Sophomore reception, he stepped trom the background to organize and direct a program that scored a smashing hit. His Celtic grin and his warm "Hi" have helped spread his sunshine all over the campus. He is everyone's friend, sympa- thizer and adviser, and he takes back with him to Maine our ad- miring friendship and our sincere respect. PETER JAMES FLANAGAN

{ \ ) Mountfort Street. Portland. Me.

Cheverus High School

Maine Club I. 2. 3, 4: Intramural Football, Baseball 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1.

3, -4: Sanctuan Socict\ I. 2. 3, 4: Freshman Debating Society.

Arc you bothered with a problem: It so, just call on this Northern gentleman to extricate you with diplomacy. His artis- tic mouldings ot the unshapely clay of truth presents an ardu- ous task to find a parallel in history. His knowledge or when the situation calls tor the low voice—the clenched hand and the broken whisper is paralleled only by that of Shakespeare himself. But none applied himself more diligently to the books than this gentleman so well versed in the gentler art of persuasion. Four years have brought no dimming of his "Joie De Vivre," for Pete has a sense of humor rare among the sophisticates of a crass and materialistic world. Even in the collegiate atmosphere of quips, quibbles, quarrels, puns and pranks, there is some- thing solid and tranquillizing about this Portlandite. His is the touch of the artist—the soother of unsettled minds. Hence we hope some day to see him turn author and let the rest of us know, how, when, what to do. SIMON ALBERT FLYNN

142 St. Jerome Avenue, 1 [olyoke, Mass.

IIolyol(c lli'^h School

Holyokc Club I, 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, I; Freshman Reception Committee

2, •$: Intramural Basketball, Baseball, Football 2, 3; Scienitfic

Societj $: Assistant Committee Chairman S nior Ball.

There is no more genial and entertaining a chap than this friendly son of Holyoke. Blessed with wit remarkable for a product of even as Irish a city as the one near Mt. Tom, Si has left grins and chuckles behind him through four years. Even the rigors of the pre-med course tailed to take from him a characteristic light-heartedness that has made a welcome mem ber of any gathering, social or otherwise. Si did not confine himself to curricular affairs; on the field of intramural sports he was a familiar figure and his hearty enthusiasm marked him there as in the classroom and on the corridors. He gave valuable support to his teams in interclass basketball and football, meanwhile having a merry time himself. His serious efforts, devoted to the Sanctuary Society and the Sodality, were likewise noteworthy.

Spirit like Si's is contagious and we know that everywhere he goes he will be as well-liked and appreciated as he was by us who have smiled through four years with him. MERTON JOHN FOLEY

17 Fayette Street, Portland, Me.

Cheverus High School

Sodalit) I: Sanctuarj Society I, >, 4; RihY Club 4; Maine Club I, 2,

>. I, Treasurer 1, Dance Chairman 4; Aquinas Circle; Patchi r

Literary Board; Senior Ball Committee.

Coming two pages alter his companion and confidante ot iour years, this is probably the farthest apart that Mert and Pete have been since Freshman days. They studied, they played and they vacationed together, each one bringing a striking individuality to a notable friendship. Mert has been the unruffled, nonchalant and persuasive member of the duo. Business problems have failed to daunt him, either in theory or practice. He proved the first by his acknowledged success in the Economics courses; he demonstrated the second by man- aging a Christmas dance for the Portlandites and making it a financial success despite the depression and unfavorable cir- cumstances. Honorary president of the small men's club, he made that body a group to respect, for his accomplishments in the class- room and on the athletic field gave evidence of a quick brain and an india-rubber body. He had the faculty of knowing when to expend energy, a trait that will stand him in good stead when he starts on a career. LEO ROBKRT FORI)

2^ Ayraull Street, Newport, R. I.

Dc Li Salic . Icademy

Sociality 1,2, 5, I; Newport Club 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 >anc( Chairman 4; Intramural

Basketball 1, J; Economics Club 4; Sanctuary Society I. 2.

i. 4; Aquinas Circle; Senior I!. ill Committee.

Unobtrusively winning confidences and gaining lnendship tor tour years, Leo has just made vis realize that he has been a powerful factor in the deeds ol '33. It has taken us a long time- to realize how important a classmate Leo has been, but our delay will not keep us from praising and valuing his friendship. Electing to enroll in the ranks ol those who sought to explore the land ol economics, Leo was perhaps the only chap in that group who did not occasionally rant and rave over balance-sheets and ledgers. He fell from his high estate only once, and then he spent a whole night debating whether he should throw his Schuman or his Kester out the window. Outside ol that one occasion, he kept his serenity and his temper despite the waitings ot Ins fellow victims.

It is useless to say that lie lias made our years at the Cross pleasanter ones, lor our modest Newportian would certainly say, "Don't lie silly." HARRY BEEMAN FURAV

3429 80th Street. Jackson Heights, L. I.. X. Y.

Xat'iei High School

Tomahawk, I, 2. 3, 4; Dramatic Society 2. 4: I'm pic Hoard I. 4; Metropol

t.'n Club I. 2. !. I: Sanctuan Societ\ 4; Sociality >, 4; Aquinas

Circle 4; Scientific Socictv .>: Patchlr Hoard.

Included in the score or more Xavier candidates tor Holy Cross was Harry Beeman Furay. So in September 1929 he commenced four years of lively indoor activity by rooming with his restless schoolmate, Ed Hidalgo. It must he recalled that the veritable museum which was tlvir happy home on third O'Kane, second Alumni, second Beaven and finally sec- ond Loyola was always the scene of arguments, billows ot smoke, make-up testing tor the Monster Club, political machinations and all the busy clamor of a revolutionary news- paper in hot action. Harrys outside activities delighted Worcester's business section. Theater managers knew him by his first name, while the Mannixes counted that a dull day when Harry did not barge in to chance that restaurant into a circus, a meal into a vaudeville act. But his versatility is not limited to this. Harry was seldom the outdoor boy. but when he was, then those low '80s meant something on a golf course. Our only regret was that Harry would never "hole out" the talents with which he. is so gifted. But there will be plentj of days and years ahead for that sort of thing, and those days will soon dawn brightly for this gay New Yorker. WILLIAM PATRICK GAIN

Fairview Avenue, Jefferson, Mass.

St. John's lligh School

Sodalit) I. 2. 3, 4; Worcester Undergraduate Club I. 2, 3, 4; Intramural

Football, 1. 2: Aquinas Club 4: Scientific Society 3;

Senior H.ill Committee.

In those distant Freshman (.lays when day students were those strange creatures who came to class every day and then disappeared. Bill was one of the hrst to make us realize what a likeable crew they were. His ready smile and friendly "Hi" helped rid many of us oi the strangeness and newness of those first months on the Hill. The years since then have hut confirmed our original opinion and made us like Kill the more. A good-natured, helpful soul. Bill is everybody's friend. Many are the tales ot woe that have been poured into his sympathetic ears; invariable were his encouragement and helpfulness. You can tell things to Bill; he'll always understand and help. In class, in intramural sports, in the activities of the Worces- ter Club and the Day Students Sodality, Bill was ever willing to work, to do what he could. He'll go through life that way, always working and helping out others. He's that kind of a fellow, than which we can sav no more. .' '


]93 Prospect Street, Northampton, Mass.

St. Michael's High School

Hoiyoke Club I, 2, 3, 4; Chairman Program Committee 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2.

3, 4: Sanctuary Society I, 2. 3, 4; Freshman Reception Committee

2, 3; Patcher Business Board 4: Ouitng Club 4: Fresh- man Debating Society; Intramural Sports

i, 4: I >ramatic Society 1.

For years Ed was plagued with the noisiest of roommates, yet never caught their hlatant disease. As a roommate he was perfect: Ed knew when and how to study, but never per- mitted that good habit to become a vice; light-adjusting, clock- setting and a liberal interpretation of late sleeps were arts as he practiced them. Luckily for him, outside activities did not alwavs monopolize his easy hours, so he found opportunity to pull on a jacket and go for a tramp over the hills, to act as host for the conversationalists, the radio fans and the constant vis- itors to his room, and to accompany his friends on explorations of Worcester. And most often he had a patient ear and ready sympathy for their ever-varying moods and frequent confi- dences. Ed's pet complaints were indeed rare, and his happy moments were days and months in duration. Ed wants to teach. And in him students will recognize a teacher quick to reward sincere efiort and ability, a patient and unassuming guide to knowledge. Marks? Let Ed's pupils expect full credit for their work, plus a generous percentage for reciprocating the loyalty that is his. That makes 100%. And that makes Ed. So his must be the portion ol the white-haired boy! GARDNER SCUTTER GIBSON

522 Shalor Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio.

University of Dayton Prep

Sodality I. 2. 3, 4; Member ol Sodalit) National Advisory Board .%

Sodalit) Consultor 5: Business Chairman 4: Rilli- Club 4; Junior I'rom

Committee Sanctuan Societt I: Ohio Club J, 4;

Crusader Council K. ol C. I. 2. 3, 4; Dramatic Societ) 5, I;

K. ol C. Publicitj Chairman 4; Patcher Literary Hoard

4: Crusader Riding Club 5, 4: Senior Ball Committee.

Riding out oi what we, despite his expostulations, insist is the West, Gard proceeded to establish himseli on the Hill, win countless friends, enter several activities and settle down for tour yeais ol study. Of knowledge he has gained much hut of culture there was little that an academic course could add to the innate gentlemanliness ol a man like Gard. When the RiHe Club came into being he was one of the prime movers, and his experience as a reserve officer served him in good stead. That the infant organizations has grown and

flourished is attributable in large part to his determined efforts.

The Crusader Council, too, availed itseli of his willing and eager efforts, as did the Sociality and the Sanctuary Society. An enthusiastic follower of modern literature. Gard majored in elective English, helping many a less widely-read fellow-stu- dent through trying hours before exams. We know that Day- ton, like the Cross, cannot fail to appreciate as hue a chap as the soft-spoken Card. "^


11461179th Street, St. Albans. X. Y.

La Salle Military Academy

Freshman Cross-Country; Freshman Track; Metropolitan Club 1. 2. 3, -I:

Scientific Socistj 1. 2: Sodality 1: Aquinas Circle -\.

Johnny was one-halt of one of the class' outstanding sets of inseparable roommates: one can hardly think of him without

likewise adding Ken Cuneo. Difficult indeed would it be to hnd two more fellows who supplemented each other as well and as thoroughly as these. Coming from the backyard of Forest Hills, Johnny soon introduced to the mysteries of tennis balls that almost talked at his command. Twists, spins and curves, all kinds and all varieties were the magic that baffled those unfortunate enough

to meet Jack on the courts. At times it was positively uncanny. Another member of the B.S. corps, Johnny worked long and diligently in the many hours required. But once outside the classroom he took his place as a bright conversat.onalist who always had something interesting to say. When he had any-

thing to say, those who appreciated Johnny knew that it would be worth while hearing, and they were seldom disappointed. DENIS FRANCIS GORMAN

23 Hollis Street, Worcester, Mass.

St. Peter's High School

Worcester Undergraduate Club 1. 2, >. 4; Patcher Literary Hoard 4;

Sodalitj I.J, •>. 4; Intramural Football 1, 2, 3, -1; Intramural

Basketball 1.2, i, 4; Intramural Baseball I, 2, 3, 4; Club

Dance Committee 3, 4: Senior Ball Committee.

In every class there is that select group who seem to overcome scholastic barriers with the utmost facility, the group who con- sider studies in a superlatively lax manner, yet whose scholastic standings will bear the closest examination. In such a category we posit "Dinny." No doubt there are situations that call tor a tear instead of a laugh, but "Dinny" has yet to encounter them. If there was a chuckle or a roar in a classroom you could be sure that he had a share in it if he was anywhere near the scene of the disturbance. He had many playful tricks, yet his ready grin saved him more than once from his just deserts. In spite of his tricks however, he was the friend of many. He was a staunch supporter of the Worcester Club and he helped make its dances a success, if only by his presence. And so we bid farewell to this well liked Worcesterite who takes things as they come, who smiles at things others would worry about, the boy with the serious face and twinkling eye. MARTIN OSMUND GRIMES

30 Young Street, Newport. R. I.

De La Salle Academy

Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4: Patcher Stall 4; Rhode Wand Club 1: Newport Club

2. 3, -I: Intramurals 1. 2. 3. •): Junior Prom Committee j: Freshman

Reception 2. 3; Freshman Debating; Senior Ball Committee.

Cast by fate in the extremely difficult role of class youngest,

Ozzie has come through like the thoroughbred that he is, win- ning our thorough admiration in the process. Smiling his way through a Freshman year ot unmerciful kidding, he graduated from the prodigy class into the ranks of those whom we feel privileged to call our friends. Xo one without the essential sportsmanship and sincerity of Oz could have acquitted himself as nobly as he did. Few in the class have won as much respect for character as this hard- working product ot Newport, with his unfailing good-humor and simple straightforwardness. He wended his way success- fully through three hard years of pre-medical work, and only his intimates know the etiorts expended in that course. A man in every sense of the word, Ozzie leaves us to study medicine, taking with him our deep-rooted friendship and sincere admiration. JOHN JOSEPH HAGGERTY

•5 31 Second Avenue, New York City

St. Francis Xai'icr High School

Sodalit} I. 2, !. 4; Freshman Debating; Metropolitan Club 1, 2, -5. 4;

Patcher Staff I: Scientific Society 5, 4: Aquinas Circle 4;

[nterclass B.imIi.iII 2. J, 4; Senior B.ill Committee.

For pre-med to find time to indulge in various extra-curricu- lar activities is rare enough, but when he wins the school tennis title, plays with and manages his corridor baseball team, is active in the Aquinas Circle and the Scientific Society, then it is time to ask whether a new miracle has come to pass. Jack, however, has taken it all very casually, as if it were the accepted thing. The tact and diplomacy he had to exercise in managing his corridor-mates on the baseball field would alone entitle him to recognition, but he has done other things as well. In the class- room there was no more faithful and conscientious student. In the laboratory there was no more ambitious scientist, and on corridor there was no more likeable a soul. We envy those med students who will but make his acquaint- ance next fall, for he cannot help but bring them, as he did us, a personality that was serious, admirable and engaging. EDWARD BENNO HANIFY

413 High St., Fall River, Mass.

Durfee High School

Freshman Debating; Philomath 2, 3, 4, President 4; Prize Debate 1; Varsity

Debating 2, 3, 4; Tomahaw\, Chairman Editorial Board, 3, 4; Class

President 1, 2; History Academy 3; Oratorical Contest Winner 3;

B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Pah in n Staff 4; Executive Com- mittee Senior Ball: Voted the Best Speaker of Senior

Class; the One Most Likely to Succeed; and the One Who Has Done the Most lor Holy Cross.

Hardly a single event in recent years has so influenced and impressed Holy Cross as the Senior Banquet oration of 1933. The speech that a spellbound audience heard that night incor- porated and climaxed the history, talents and powers of a respected and distinguished man. It is remarkable how immediately in 1929 his energy, his sane and square thinking, the power of his pen and oratory, made him an indispensable figure. The class still remembers how, as a Freshman, Ed was called into action in the momen- tous debate against Boston College. From that night Holy Cross never faced a serious opponent without his eloquence and depth of thought. He always contributed a tone of dignity and reassurance which made his fellowman conscious of the elements of great- ness. Unable to ever satisfy himself with superficiality in thought, friendship, duty or action, unwilling to ever compro- mise with the dictates of principle and common sense he im- pressed his every product with the seal of penetration and pro- foundness. In this one man we have discovered all the sym- pathy of understanding, the good humor of real wisdom, the determination of genuine character, and the force of full talents. With his editorials he molded thought, with his eloquence he stirred action, with his presence he evoked respect. To Ed belong all the rewards of greatness and all the greatness of rewards. THOMAS BKRNARD HAROLD

503 Brandywine Avenue, Schenectady, N. Y.

Schenectady High School

Sodality I. 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Societj I. 2; Albany Club I, 2, 3, 4; Freshman

Debating; B. J. I-'. Debating Societj 4; Freshman Reception 2;

Aquinas Circle I: Economics Club 4; Band 3, I: Phil-

harmonic Orchestra I, 2. 3, 4; \'<>u

1 )i eamicst <>l ili< S( nior c 'l.iss.

It took us a while to get beyond the compound ot dignity

and modesty that is Tom, but once we penetrated this wall of reserve we lound another true son ol Holy Cross. Once having won his friendship we realized that behind his mask ol quiet our upper New York friend hid a world of ability and a wealth of brains. Each year lound Tom toting his viola about with the orches- tra, and that group could boast no more staunch a follower than T. B. Gallant and knight-like, he was much in demand when post-concert dances were in swing; seldom was Tom lacking a fair partner, no matter what city or season of the year. Not everyone can sit down and work out satisfactory mathe- matical problems, cross-word and jig-saw puzzles, philosophical difficulties and such, but Tom possessed the temperament and the ability to do so. In fact he even made them up for himself on occasion and took a keen delight in unravelling them. And patience was but one ol Tom's many virtues. —


32 Duxbury Road, Worcester, Mass.

North High School

Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4; Worcester Undergraduate Club 1. 2. 3, 4:

Intramural-. I. 2. 3, 4: Senior Hall Committee.

An appreciable gift from the class of '32, Phil has made us grateful to them for such a prize. A friend of boarders and day-hoppers alike. Pinky carries with him an easy spirit of ca- maraderie that is withheld from none.

In few places is he out of his element. On the football and baseball fields, in the classroom, in Worcester Club doings

Pinky is equally at ease. Perhaps his most characteristic habitat is the Canteen, where he mixes a mean hand of bridge with snacks of George Granger's concoctions. Lunch time and free periods inevitably saw Phil and his cohorts establishing them- selevs there, engaged in bridge or bull sessions, often both.

In bridge Phil is ever sure of himself. He takes no risk with- out realizing the consequences, but when he does take a chance he does with an insouciant and devil-may-care attitude. In life he is less disposed to take a chance, but when he does the goal is worth the attempt. JOSEPH JOHN HASTINGS

12 Coachlace Street, Clinton, Mass.

Clinton High School

Worcester Undergraduate Club I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality I, 2. 3, -I;

Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 5.

We have yet to find out just what it was about that early morning ride over trom Clinton each day that brought Joe to the campus in such high spirits, but whatever it was it has earned our lasting thanks. Nine o'clock class, which found the rest of us trying to get awake, invariably saw the Squire bright- eyed and contagiously cheerful. We took it as such a matter of course towards the end of our days on the Hill that it would be hard to foretell the consequences had Joe appeared with a frown on his face. We knew that Joe was earnest and ambitious about his stud- ies, but we failed to realize how much, until this year when Wednesday nights regularly saw the Squire trekking from home and fireside to attend meetings of the Aquinas Circle. Interest like that will be hard to stop, so we have every confi- dence that Joe's cheer will win the world as it has us. GEORGE MARTIN HAULMAN

100 Snow Street, Fitchburg, Mass.

Fitch burg High School

Fitchburg Club 1. 2. >. 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Purple Key 4;

Scientific S<>ciet> 3, -t: Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4: Aquinas Circle -t.

After shuttling back and forth from Fitchburg each day of Freshman year, George decided that he would brave the ter- rors of Alumni Hall and enroll as a boarder. For three years now he has lived with us, and we have only one fault to find: "Why didn't he live with us in Freshman as well?" In three years of companionship with George none of us has ever known him to lose his affability and poise, despite the most persistent heckling.

George's easy grin is a compound of all that is needed to make friends, and once a friend of George's, it is hard to value his enough. The greatest favors were performed for his

friends casually and gracefully; pretension is utterly foreign to George. Even the rigors of B.S. failed to take from him an iota of his easy good-fellowship and good-ntaure. In fact he seemed to thrive on lengthy assignments and log lab hours. All of which

is quite unfathomable to his A.B. friends, who marvel at, but

nevertheless, appreciate a lad who can be all that George is. RICHARD JOSEPH HEALY

156 Grafton Street, New 1 (avert, Conn.

New I hwc 11 Il/gh School

Sodalitj I. 2. 3, 4: New Haven Club 1. 2. 3, 4: Patcher Staff 4; Head

C ll.iss Cheer Leader 4: Secretary ol Senior ; [unior Prom Committee

3; Intramurals I. 2. >. 4; Freshman Reception 1. 2. .3, 4;

Purple Key 4; Senior Council; Senior Ball Committee.

The arrival ol trouble and difficulty usually found us paging Dick, tor he could erase clouds of worry more quickly and com- pletely than Dorothy Dix. Just the retailing of grievances to our Elm Cityitc seemed to help things along, for his cherriness

was catching. It was no wonder that we elected Dick to serve as class secretary in Senior year. As head cheer-leader Dick led our cheering section through

the football and baseball seasons. Always begging for still more noise, he was determined and tireless in his efforts. Intra- mural swimming has no more enthusiastic disciple than Dick and his ability in the pool was far better than the ordinary. None of us was possessed of a more honest enthusiasm than Rich; he threw himself heart and soul into activities, carrying many others along with him. Vigorous and fortright, he gave to '33 all his spirit and energy. NORMAN LOUIS HENAULT

Sterling, Mass.

Fitchburg High School

Sndaiit) I. 2. 3, ): Aquinas Circle 4; Fitchburg Club

I. 2, !, 4; Scientific Socict) i.

It would be hard to find anywhere a more perfect gentleman than Normie. Never do we recall lum giving offence, neglect- ing any possible courtesy or tailing to oiler the hand or sin- cere friendship. Nor was it mere external deportment on his part that won us so completely; it was a dominant quality ot his nature. Though boarding with us for but a single year, the King has wielded a not unimpressive influence. His days in Heaven gave us a chance to learn that he was a conoisseur ot pipes and tobacco, a genial host and a willing companion on any esca- pade. 1 hen, too, we learned to appreciate the breadth of his knowledge and viewpoint, and to admire his taste and range in reading. Modern letters hnd Normie an ardent follower; few names in 20th century literature are unfamiliar to him. His conversa- tions on literature were enlightening and enjoyable, and he gathered about him a coterie of friends with similar interests. Helpful, sympathetic and cultivated he brought us an influence that was decidedly broadening. WALTER EDWARD HENRY

36 Townsend Street, Worcester, Mass.

.S7. John's High School

Worcester Undergraduate Club I: I).i\ Scholars' Manager <>t

Intramurals I, 2. 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific

Society 5; Senior Ball Committee.

Walt deserves a few medals for his tireless energy as manager of the Worcester Club's teams in the various Held of intramural sports. For four years he has held down that thankless post in splendid fashion, cajoling friends to help make a full team, begging and borrowing equipment, and always enthusiastic about his squads prospects, no matter what the sport. The bridge fiends of the Canteen had an able ally in Walt and every spare moment between classes found him devouring the pasteboards in Mr. Granger's select beanery. There must have been some good reason why Walt was sought as a partner, for he invariably was in demand when he came in to play. Cordial and companiable always, Walt's arrival at any gath- ering was a signal for jollity and good-fellowship. Pressure of studies or other duties never took from him his easy-going tern perament, and his pleasant grin. EDWARD JOHN HIDALGO

50 West 72iul Street, New York City

St. Francis Xavier High School

Metropolitan Club I, 2, 3, 4; Tomahaw\ 1. 2, 3, 4, News Editor 3, Editor- in-Chief 4; Freshman Debating; Philomath 2. 3, 4; Chairman of Executive

Committee 4; Junior Varsit) Debate 3, 4; Oratorical Contest 1, 2; Freshman

Prize Debate; Patch] k Staff 4; Sodality I, 2, 3, 4: Purple Hoard 4; Band 1,

2; Philharmonic Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusaders 2. 3, 4; Senior Council 4;

History Academy 4; Freshman Tennis Team; Sanctuary Society 1;

Dramatic Society 1.2. 5, 4, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4: Playshop

4; Scientific Society 3; Senior Ball Committee; Voted Most

Brilliant and Energetic Member o! the Senior Class.

Edward Juan Hidalgo! Long years from now the gallant sound or his name will evoke him from the past and we shall see him as he was when his vitality entered like a tonic into every phase of our life: Hidalgo, the persuasive and dramatic, opening the Holy Cross case in the debate with Harvard or thrilling an audience in Fenwick with his prize-winning ora- tion, "Disraeli and Intolerance;" Hidalgo, the consummate actor as Cassius or Polonius in our Shakespearean productions; Hidalgo, the capable editor of the Tomahawk^. Surely this man was well named our most brilliant and energetic. An immortal by right of his deeds written ineffaceably in the annals of Holy Cross, there are aspects of his personality that the collegiate record cannot imprison. His finished man- ner, reminiscent of old Spain in the days of her power, his unobtrusive urbanity, his intellect that irradiates a subject like a powerful light, the rugged substratum of his manhood, the unflinching spirit with which he met his own troubles, the unfeigned sympathy he extended to others in theirs, that unfor- gettable bearing of his that would make him distinguished, alone in the desert or the salon of a lord—these are the ingredi ents of his personal immortality in the hearts ol his friends. WILLIAM VINCENT HINDLF

655 Broad Street, Providence, R. I.

Classical High

Knights oi Columbus, Warden 3; Purple Kej 4; Rhode Island Undergradu-

ate Club 1.2. 5, 4, Dance Chairman 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Sci-

entific Societj 5; Committee Chairman Senior B.ill.

Thirty-three boasts a "wise old owl" in the person of Bill, for we have come to realize that in him is packed much of the wisdom of the smallest state ol the union. Our classmate from Providence always has the right thing to say at the right time and says it always in such a way that any other words but his would be inadequate Disconsolate pre-meds found that Hill offered a pleasant anti- dote to the rigors of that course and frequently took advantage of their discovery. His room was seldom empty, for he wel- comed visitors and entertained them mightily with his brittle comments and crackling humor. More than one of his bon mots was repeated all about the campus soon after he uttered it. Possessed of a maturity and restraint that tempered his im- pulsiveness, Hill was the almost ideal composite of heart and intellect. We listened to his words and realized their value enough to heed them. WILLIAM GEORGE HINEV

Maple Street, Spencer, Mass.

David Prouty High

Worcester Undergraduate Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Intramural Basketball I, 2, 5, A;

Intramural Football 1. 2. >, -t: Intramural Baseball 1. 2. 3, 4:

Freshman Reception 2; [unior Prom Committee 3; 1 lis-

torj Cluh 2; Senior Ball Committee.

A considerable amount of terpsichorean ability, an amazing nonchalance, a captivating smile, a facility of knowing just what to study tor exams—add these ingredients together, blend them well, and you have Bill. No college dance in Worcester

was without his presence it he could possibly manage and it goes without saying that he was in great demand as a dance partner. His good humor and irrepressible spirits were as evi- dent on the waxed boards as on the campus. Pre-exam times that found most of us tearing our hair in worry had no horror for Kill; he asserted that exams should be taken as a matter of course and practiced his doctrine. We envied him his constant ease of spirit and marvelled at his get- ting consistently good marks.

Optimistic and radiantly cheerful as he was, he had no diffi- culty in making and holding friends. His carefree air helped lighten many an otherwise worrisome hour, and we owe Spen- cer a debt of thanks for lending us Bill for four years. RICHARD JOSEPH HOLLORAN

5653 Cleveland Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

St. Lotus University High

H. V. M. Sodality 1,2. 5, I: Freshman Reception 2; Freshman Track;

Junior Prom Committee 5; Pat< in r Si. ill 4; Purple Key 4; Western

Club 1,2, \ I: Intramurals 2, >, 4; Aquinas Circle 4;

Voted Most Optimistic ol Senior Class.

Our first meeting with Dick tour years ago found him rais- ing our spirits with a cheery "Everything'll be all right." As we recall it we were tremendously grateful to him for his radi- ant optimism. Many the time since has he uttered the same phrase, and each utterance has encouraged us in some difficulty or lifted the weight in some misfortune. Our gratitude would have to he o! infinite bounds to adequately appreciate and thank him for being such a constant pillar of sanity and wholesome humor. The class did vote him as the "most optimistic," but you must not confuse him as a Pollyanna, Dick's optimism springs from an honest and forthright nature, is genuinely sincere, and consists not in words alone, but in deeds. The huge task of photography for the yearbook, and the work in charge of favors for the Junior Prom of last year, made plain to the eye what stuff this Missouri lad was made. Dick was a lad of abundant nervous energy too. He threw himself into everything he did completely. Even his friend- ships were intense, vital, permanent things. Few failed to come under the benign influence of his characteristic sanguine- ncss. THOMAS WILLIAM HOLLY

8 Hall Street, Worcester, Mass.

North High

Worcester Undergraduate Club 1. 2. 3, 4: Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4; Freshman

Reception 2: Intramural Baseball, Basketball, Football I, 2. !. -I:

Junior Prom Committee 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Here is the man who managed one of the greatest collegiate dances in Cross history, the Worcester Club's annual Easter formal at the Bancroft. Judging from present town talk, that brilliant event will be commented on for years to come; even

Worcester's fair ones insisted that it was the "duckiest" hop they had attended in ages. Tom earned recognition as a star in intramural athletics, playing with the Worcester contingent for four years in every imaginable sport. Other interests of his were bridge, which he played incessantly, unwelcome vocal solos, and anything that promised of fun or excitement. The day-hop ranks boasted no more popular member than Tom, with his easy good-fellowship, his readiness to perform a service, and his fund of pirated wisecracks. His carefree ease has seen him through all sorts of situations and can hardly fail him ever. CHARLES STANISLAUS HORGAN, Jr.

2460 Devoe Terrace, New York City

Regis High

B. V. M. Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Sanctuarj Society 1,2. 3, 4; Master Ceremonies

4; Metropolitan Club I. 2. 3, 4; Pat< in R Stall 4; Purple Key 4; Intra-

mural Athletics 2. 3, 4; Hellenic Academy 2. 3, 4: Philomath 2,

3, 4; Historj Academj 4; Outing Club 3, 4: Aquinas Circle

\: Prize Debate 4: Senior Council; Senior Ball Committee.

Charlie broke into print when he stirred things up in the

Philomath's election campaign. It was he who dared enter the debating hall weighed down by a huge G. O. P. elephant on his coat lapel. It was the very same Charlie who later made an assemblage of fervent Democrats rise en masse to give him a rousing cheer after he had made a particularly powerful Repub- lican campaign speech. Quite an achievement! Besides his debating and lecture tours, his philosophical studies, Charlie's pet joy was his Outing Club. We say "his" advisedly, for it was his enthusiasm that started and his zeal that kept the organization going in the face of difficulty and discouragement. Probably there was that spirit of the pioneer in Charlie, crusading for something or other that led him to become the official photographer of the Monster Club. Superbly and enthusiastically he photographed senior monsters left and right. What he didn't do to the possibility of recognizing the pictures might only be done by a California earthquake. Charlie's soon to be on the masthead, not at sea, but perhaps on the pages of the Bronx Home News. He intends to become acquainted with another angle ol "breaking into print." a


322 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brooklyn Preparatory School

Freshman Debating; B. V. M. Sodality 1. 2. 3. 4: Metropolitan Club

1, 2, 3, 4 , Dance Committee 4: Sanctuary Society 4: Intramural

Baseball 3, 4; Scientific Society 3: Aquinas Circle 4.

Reputation, someone has said, is what people think of you; character is what you are. Both in one case must be congruous, for Jim is respected by those who know him for what he is— young man of consistent purpose and unwavering mode of conduct.

Most of the time Jim is the quiet, unobtrusive, scholarly Jim, who has a retiring demeanor, a level headedness about him. Sometimes though he bursts forth, the Jim of lively spirit, adventure, and he is ready for prank, clowning, and a whole- hearted good time. In Freshman year, Jim was the main support of the theatres, the cinema, legitimate, but since then has settled down to more important pastimes—such as handball. It is not true, however, that Hyp begins studying for the June orals in September—he never starts before March. WILLIAM FRANCIS JONES, Jr.

1}) Second Avenue, Waterbury, Conn.

Crosby High School

Waterbury Club I, 2. 3, I; Aquinas Circle 4; B. V. M. Sodality I, 2, 3, 4;

Scientific Society 3: I'mui r Stall 4: Senior Ball Committee.

Hill came up Irom Waterbury to go to college, and to col- lege he has. Kaleidoscopic as things are in four years, studies, sports, friendships, socials, college oilered its best wares to Bill and he graciously availed himself of them all. In a scholastic way Bill drew out his brilliance in the years of philosophy. Mis mind was a receptacle of such order that its greatest room was tormed and open to rationalization of pre- cept, truth, and beings. A fund of intelligence especially adapted to disputation and philosophical circle, Bill stood with the foremost in the principal course of study in his college career, in the expounding of such matters to others. Making his the all-around education, Bill, in a debonair man- ner, made many friends, worked helpfully in extra-curricular movements, and had quite a little time left to devote as a social being. They say that at the end of four years in Worcester there are as many female hearts agog and sighing over his de- parture as when he leit the Brass City to begin a college educa- tion. JOHN MICHAEL JOY

141 English Street, New Haven, Conn.

Hi11 house High School

New Haven Undergraduate Club 1. 2. 3, 4, Dance Chairman 4: Tomahatv\

1, 2, 3, 4, Managing Editor 4: B. V. M. Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4: Aquinas

Circle 4; Intramural Sports Editor 3; Senior Ball Committee.

Jack fulfills in our mind the adage that the Lord will provide. Looking back over his years on the Tomahawk^, and his Senior year as managing-editor, for the newspaper, many of us thank our stars that this journalist from New Haven was sent us. With a genius for tact and a Hair for management, Jack helped the Tomahaw\ attain a prominent position in the world of college newspapers. Those of us who can recall "Monday going to Press Nights/' will never forget Johnny doing a thou- sand things at once. He could lay out a page, suggest a new headline, give a new angle to a story, supply a missing article, smoke a cigarette, and make side-splitting remarks all at the same time. That's quite an assignment, even for a managing editor! We hope Jack will not forget his talent for journalism nor lose his enthusiasm for news, things, people, and action. Per-

haps we may have our hope soon realized, he is undoubtedly cut out for journalism and an editorship. THOMAS FRANCIS KANE

517 Southbridge St., Worcester, Mass.

South High

Worcester Undergraduate Club I. 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4; History

Academy 2. 3, 4: Patches Staff 4: Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

It ever we wondered at not seeing Tom around the campus, wc hesitated but little knowing how busy he really was. Living in Worcester, he made two and perhaps three trips back and torth each day. And during free hours he worked in the li- brary, stacking, in charge of desks, departments and the like. In between times he studied, and he must have been talented for his marks were good, and went in lor intramurals, played bridge in the Canteen, etc., slept. Besides he found the oppor- tunity to attend all the affairs ot the Worcester Club, the proms, the meetings of the History and Scientific Societies, and the many lectures and musicales on the Hill. There was quite a bit ot bad luck hounding Tom during his four years of college, so much at times that it left many of us wondering at the braveness and character of a man who could take the worst courageously and often with a smile. Of what- ever quality of manhood such is compounded, we admired it much in you, Tom! WILLIAM EDMUND KANE

179 Beacon Street, Worcester, Mass.

North High

Sodality 1, 2. i, 4: RihY Club 4; Worcester Undergraduate Cluli 1. J. 3, 4;

Intramural Track 3; lntr.inuir.il Football 2: Junior Prom Committee 3.

Bill is one of those chaps lor whose claim we envy the staid old Heart of the Commonwealth. His popularity with his fel- low Worcesterites is equalled only by the esteem in which we ot the hinterland hold him. It's hard to define charm, but what- ever it is, Bill possesses it in a high degree. In him, it's more than an attractive personality and a likeable demeanor; it's something more basic that draws all of us to him.

Never excited, never unduly roused. Bill is really a most de- termined lad. Sincerity of purpose is in his every word and ges- ture, plus a most engaging frankness that brooks no respect of false values. Early in our college careers we found these out and since then have continued to regard Bill as a firm friend in all circumstances. One of the leaders of the Canteen crew. Bill wields a magic power that his followers are at a loss to understand but love nevertheless. It's typical of Bill that he does things; he doesn't waste his time talking about them. JOHN AMBROSK KKARNS

t Fairlawn Street, Fitchburg, Mass.

Fitchburg High School

Fitchburg Undergraduate club I, 2, J, 4; Sodality 1,2, 5, 4; Economics

Club 4; Intramural Baseball 2, -1. 4; Scientific Society '•>.

It you can successfully picture one man as composite oi the

thoughtful 1 [amlet and the roguish Puck, then you have an excellent idea of just what "Midge" is like, ('lass and exam time iound this product ot Fitchburg in deep concentration, hrovv furrowed with wrinkles ot thought; other moments found

him putting to shame the mad antics ol the Marx brothers as he- cavorted in his own inimitable fashion.

Talk ot selt is so foreign to "Midge" that it was months before we knew he had joined our ranks three years after his graduation from high school. That tact made us appreciate the more his attainments m the scholastic held, and admire him for returning so easily to the routine ol study. "Midge" gains his education not only from books, but from

a study o! lite. 1 le is constantly adding to his store ol knowl- edge, thereby proving the justice of our faith in his intellectual ability, and increasing our enjoyment ot him as a light-hearted gloom-chaser. THOMAS PATRICK KEARNS

91 North Avenue, Meriden, Conn.

Maiden High School

Class Hockey I, 2, 3, 4; lntr.imur.il Baseball 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketba!

2, i, 4; Hartford Club 1 . 2, 3, 4; B. V. M. Sodality 1. 2, 3, 4;

Freshman Reception 3; Scientific Society J; Aquinas Circle 4;

Assistant Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

Clad in velvet and lace, Tom would make a romantically appealing Spanish nobleman of the silver screen, but the fact that he happens to be a lively young American does not make him any the less gallant. The Spanish exterior of Ronny, Peter de Courcy and Don Carlos (all meaning Tom) covers a glow- ing Irish heart, full of tempestuous enthusiasm and vital energy. His daring as an intramural athlete, scorning protective devices, has aided him to considerable success in hockey, base- ball and basketball. It was typical of Tom that he would risk all on one blazing attempt, but it was not all pure recklessness, as his teammates can testify. Junior year saw Tom come into his own as an authority on what to know for Mr. Drumm's English Lit exams; his own marks gave proof of his ability as a student of letters. The same year saw Tom form the Unholy Three, that trio of globe trotters and excitement seekers. Bringing a new zest into any activity, Tom's participation was a certain indication of the success of any undertaking. JOHN GERARD KEATING

24 Congress Street, Fitchburg, Mass.

Fitchbwg High School

Glee Club 2. .•>, 4; Economics Club 4; Fitchburg Club 1, 2. 3. 4: Aquinas

Circle 4; Scientific Society, Senior B.ill Committee.

There is a rush and flurry on First Loyola, a series of excited questions, a delving into closets and drawers and we know that jack has something "on" tonight. A few moments and there comes into view an immaculately dressed young Lochin- var, resplendent in white waistcoat and tails, sartorially perfect from head to foot. Often as we have seen it, we still are a bit amazed at the rapid metamorphosis of our bandying, wise- cracking friend into the poised man of the world. Though social prowess is his main forte, Jack has earned recognition in other fields. He is a valued member of the Glee Club, his mellow tenor lending not a little to that group's harmony. In the inner workings of the Fitchburg Club he was an important cog, an inevitable fixture on all hop commit- tees. Jack's warm smile, quick repartee and subtle sense of humor made him a welcome addition to any gathering. A light- hearted optimist, his buoyancy was contagious. Wherever he goes there will be smiles, good spirits and mellow friendship. JOSEPH EDWARD KEATING

South Gorham, Me.

G or ha m High School

B. V. M. Sodality 1. 2. 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Outinj.

Club 4: Intramural Football I, 2, 3, 4; Maine Club 1, 2, 3,

4; Scientific Society 1, 2. 3, 4: Freshman Debating,

Aquinas Circle 4: Philomath 2.

A snap judgment might characterize Joe as stolid, but real knowledge of the man would force a characterization of him as truly philosophical. One of our outstanding scientists, Joe sub- jects everything to the close scrutiny of a brilliantly analytic mind before giving it his approval. He was an ideal friend in times of stress; with his advice the way was made clear and direct and with his help the accomplishment was half-com- pleted. Room-gatherings found Joe quiet most of the time, but now and then injecting a brief phrase that summed the situation tersely. It was hard to value his presence justly; it was only after he left that we knew how he had guided the conversation, and with him gone there was an obvious void. It was useless to attempt to add anything to what Joe said; his aphorisms were succinctly complete and worthy of a Heine. Characteristically modest about his brilliant record in the Col- lege's most arduous course, Joe gave to Thirty-three a personal- ity that scorned pretense and sophistry, offering sincerity and simplicity instead. —

i U ' vJ


SSI East Birch Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.

Marquette University High

Patchi r Star! 4: Purple >. 4; Manager Editor Purple 4; Philomath 4

One-Act Plays 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 3, 4;

Freshman Reception 2, I; Economics Club 4; B. V. M. So-

dality 1,2, >. 4: Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society i.

Bill offers many sides to his personality hut all of them con hrm our admiration and affection for him. Pitcher extraordi- nary, poet of exquisite taste, defender of Morton Downey, authority on major and minor league baseball, corridor song- bird and all-around good fellow Bill has been an exhilarating tonic. Never do we recall him losing any of his priceless enthusiasm; anything he liked was to Bill a "knockout" and occasionally there was some dear favorite that qualified as "a super knock- out." He kept up his devotion to Downey, in fact increased it, despite the criticism and year-long heckling of the whole of Second Loyola. Bill's poetry, a big feature of the Purple, revealed the subtle delicacy of taste and inherent love of beauty that make up his nature and give promise of great literary accomplishments from this he-man poet. Bill enjoys every moment of life, and has helped us with his happy philosophy and bubbling enthusiasm. JOHN EDWARD KEENAN

12 Abbott Street, Worcester. Mass.

Classical High

Class Vice-President 4: Worcester Club 1. 2, 3, 4: Sodalitj 1, 2, .-5, 4; Fresh

man Tennis; Varsitj Tennis 2. .•>. 4: Intramural Baseball 3, 4; Intra-

mural Basketball 3, 4: Economics Club 4; l'wcmit Staff 4.

A flashing figure in white races from one side of the court to the other, maneuvers an unwary opponent out of position and zips over a shot impossible to return. Such is Johnny on the tennis court, where he is excelled by few. In life he's like that. too; a dashing, breath-taking lad, full of spirit and enthusiasm.

Whatever he goes into, Johnny throws himself into it with boundless energy and ndiant optimism. "It can't go wrong," he often says, and the contagion of his feverish zest spreads to all with whom he comes in contact. Into the activities of the Worcester Club Jack threw himself heart and soul, and more than one of that active organization's successes owes considerable to his limitless zeal. He cant help but take the world by storm, this breath-taking, impulsive, enthusiastic son of Worcester. FRANCIS DONALD KELLY

1542 North Broadway Street, Baltimore, M<

Loyola High

Freshman Football; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3;

Southern Club 2, J, 4; Junior Prom Committee, Intramural Basketball)

2, 3, 4; Freshman Reception 2, 3, 4; Senior Ball Committee

Fullbacks, in the popular mind, are slow-footed, plugging, stolid individuals who keep pushing away at the opposing line all atternoon. We can't speak lor the others of the species, but

we insist that Don is the antithesis of all these notions. Fast, brilliant, shitty-footed and heady, he hurtled and squirmed his way through enemy elevens in breath-taking fashion for three full seasons as a varsity man.

There is no more winning personality on the campus than that of this soft-voiced, easy-mannered Baltimorean. Even the victims of his insatiable desire for practical jokes had to admit that the tokes were brilliantly executed and genuinely funny. Always ready to lend his not unpleasing voice to any vocal outburst, Don was a member of many an impromptu campus quartet. It is remarkable how one chap can be as entertaining, gallant and genuinely friendly as Don has been. JAMES FARLEY KELLY

162 Furman Street, Schenectady, N. Y.

Schenectady High School

Intramurals 1,2,3, 4: Scientific Society 3; Albany Club 1. J. 3, -4: Sanctuan

Society 1. 2, 3, -I; Sodality I. 2; Aquinas Circle -I: Senior Ball Committee.

(Jiving a considerable amount of thought to every project, Jim had the ability of communicating his air of concentration. The difficulties he proposed were never without substantial foundation, and more than one of them forced profs to reflect considerably before answering. Not that Jim is purely a de- structive critic, but he insists on clarity of thought. His success in the classroom has shown the merit of his system beyond dis- pute. After study hour there was no merrier companion than this same Jim, and his wide circle of warm friends showed that his cheery good-fellowship was duly appreciated. A veteran mem- ber of the refectory staff, Jim was as good-natured there as else- where, which, after all, is the real test of manhood.

We have found it futile to make any reckless claims in Jim's presence; not only will they fail to hold water under his study, but they fall flat before his rugged sincerity of purpose. JOSEPH PATRICK KELLY

479 East 144th Street, New York, N. Y.

./// Hallows Institute

Philomath Debating Socict) 4; B. V. M. Sodalit) 5, I: Dramatic Society 4;

Histor) Acadcmj i, 4; Rifle Club 5, 4; Scientific Societ) J;

Aquinas Circle 4; Senior Ball Committee.

Joe's warm spirit kept his Notre Dame friendships and loy- alties and doubled them at Holy Cross. In philosophy he had few peers, yet he was not above leading some of his benighted friends through the Fundamental Forest and the Advanced Abyss. Nor did he have to resort to wild argument and heated words to penetrate those woolly scalps. Joe saved his oratory to defend Tammany, Brooklyn, the Bronx, his earlier education, his insatiable hunger and his many friends. Outside activities never became a passion for him—he had sense enough to treat all of them as occasional indulgences. The Outing Club at- tracted him occasionally, but never on its more foot-wearying undertakings. The History Academy would welcome him, then miss his presence. And this moderation in all things is pre-eminently characteristic.

When Second Loyola would meet in its many loquacious ses- sions, it would often attempt to make Joe deny that he could run beneath chairs and desks. His easy manner invited this kidding, while his constant good nature, ready sympathy and pleasant company made his presence essential to every gather- ing. His are the qualities of purposeful endeavor and strong friendship—and these command respect. ROBERT JOSEPH KENNEDY

176 Beacon Street, I lartford, Conn.

Hartford High School

Aquinas Circle 4: Scientific Socivt) 4; Soilalit) I. 2. 3, 4; Hartford

Club !. 2. 3, 4: League of Sacred Hart 1, 2. 3, 4:

Assistant Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

The roar ot a car racing up Linden Lane announced Bob's arrival in our midst four years ago, and he has raced his way through lour years of gaining friendships, alarming pedestrians and week-ending in Hartford. We needed no clearer idea of Sir Malcolm Campbell than a picture of Bob's brakeless road- ster hurtling along the highway.

Once out ot the driver's seat. Bob is no longer a madman, but a sane, likeable human being. He had no superior in catch-as-catch-can argument, as many of us learned to our sor- row in those lengthy bull-sessions of Alumni, Beaven and Loy-

ola. Wise listeners never took sides till they found which one Bob would espouse; then they Rocked to his banner, confident that verbal defeat was almost impossible. Without any conscious effort on his part Bob has drawn to him scores of friends, and once in Bob's spell there was no thought ot leaving this lanky, philosophical Hartfordite. THOMAS ANDREW KENNEDY

42-38 79th Street, Elmhurst, N. Y.

Newtown High School

Metropolitan Club 1, 2. 3, 4; B. J. F. Debating 2, .5, 4; Sanctuary Society

I, 2. 3, 4: Sodality i. 2, 5, 4; Intramural Athletics 2, 3, 4;

Track 1 : Tomahawk. 2. 3, 4: Scientific Society 3;

Aquinas Circle 4: Senior Ball Committee.

Four years ago the thriving metropolis of Elmhurst, N. Y. was quite unknown to all of us; now, thanks to the salesman- ship of the above pictured young man we can talk of its charm with the easy familiarity of a native. Apparently Elmhurst is more than a town to its inhabitants; judging from Tom, it is almost a religion. But, to hear his glowing descriptions, it must he well-worth seeing. Parting sorrowfully from his beloved haunts, Tom soon be- came prominent in our midst. Intramural athletics, debating and the St. John Berchmans Society all drew his attention and subsequently his efforts. Characteristically he has been faithful to them all. As a member of the Tomahawk^ stalT, he distin- guished himself as a faithful and untiring worker. Steady and reliable he gave commensurate time to his studies and was one of the few not worried by the shadow of approaching exams. Tom's domain on Second Loyola was a popular rendezvous for those interested in chatter and wrestling, both of which indoor sports flourished under his benign influence. More than one neighbor's sound slumber was rudely interrupted by the thud of falling bodies from Tom's room. That their com- plaints took no more drastic form than muttered grumblings is somewise quite a tribute to the serious-minded youth from Elmhurst. THOMAS FRANCIS KENNY, Jr.

132 Hart Boulevard, Staten Island, N. Y.

Xavier High School

Sodality 1. 2, 3. 4; Student Council 4: President of Student A. A. 4: Metro-

politan Club 1, 2. 3, 4. Dance Committee 3: Junior Prom Com-

mittee 3; Assistant Manager oi Baseball 3, Varsity Man-

ager 4; Intramurals 4: Pat< hi r Editorial Board 4.

Quick-witted and talented in the give-and-take that marked bull-sessions, the "Boss" made himself known as a capable patron of debate on a variety of topics. He even offered his room for this purpose although his patient roommate's tenden- cies were far less argumentative. The Boss and "Geetz" were equals in size but opposites in tastes. After an intermittent three years of apprenticeship spent in retrieving from the murky Blackstone and the pockets of the knot-hole gang, Tom supplanted the famous three-man club of ex-baseball managers and became guardian of the var- sity team. To say that he filled the duties of this important

post ably is superfluous, for Tom has the happy faculty of making all his activities brilliantly successful. In the field of studies few possessed greater diligence or achieved greater reward for efforts well spent; in the field of friendships none was more sympathetic or more understanding than this earnest student, active Crusader and staunch com- rade. WILLIAM EDWARD LANGLOIS

25 Trowbridge Road, Worcester, Mass.

North High School

Rand I; Scientific Societj 3; Intramural Track -I; Worcester Club

1, 2, 3, -1: Treasurer 4; Sodality 1, 2. 3, -1; Aquinas Circle 4.

It is surely a mark ol rare esteem to be entrusted with respon- sibility by ones fellows, especially in financial matters. Bill's election as treasurer ol the Worcester Club in his senior year speaks volumes in his favor. With Bill as watch-dog, the treasury dollars, usually so elusive and unstable in action, have behaved themselves in so exemplary a fashion that Bill has long since discarded his bottle ol red ink, the time-honored em- blem of his office. When not busily engaged in the realms of high finance. Bill usually spent his time evading the door-man at Tech dances.

Genial Bill is now known unofficially as the good-will ambas sador between our two local institutions, having easily out- distanced all other claimants for this honor. It is a mystery to all of us how Bill found time to hit the books in the midst of his other activities, but figures do not lie, especially when in- scribed upon the Dean's quarterly reports. Honor grades are common occurrences in Bill's young life, and he accepts them with the quiet modesty which denotes the true scholar. CHARLES JUSTIN LaSALLE

18 John Street, Valley Falls, R. I.

Cumberland High School

Patcher Staff 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman

Reception 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Freshman Baseball; Musical

Clubs 1, 2, 3, 4; Crusader Riding Club 3, 4; Rhode Island

Undergraduate Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Scientific Society 3; Song

Fest Leader 2; Sanctuary Society; Chairman Senior Ball.

Vitally and energetically alive, Gus has spent every minute of four years doing something. He signalled his arrival on Mt. St. James by reporting for the band and becoming a valuable member of that group. It did not take him long thereafter to make his mark as an intramural athlete, an ambitious student and a genuine good fellow.

The class showed its respect for Gus' ability by naming him chairman of the Senior Ball, that gala event which climaxes four years at the Cross. We who know Gus have no doubt but that the formal will be the finest possible and we look forward to it in anticipation. For four years Gus has been everyone's friend. He has never been too pre-occupied to drop a greeting or too busy to aid an acquaintance. In that lies the secret of his deserved popularity. MARTIN DAVID LEACH

Kimbell Strut, Brookfield, Mass.

,S7. John's Preparatory School

Baseball 5; Freshman Team; Sodality 1. 2. •!, 4; Worcester Club

1. 2. >. 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Societj 5; Assistant

Committee Chairman Senior Hall.

Practically every means of transportation except the kiddie ear has been used by Marty in his daily journeys from Brook- field. Railroad, bus, motorcycle, hitch-hiking—all these he em- ployed during our first three years. Dissatisfied still, he chugged his way here every day this year in an ancient vehicle ol uncertain vintage. This decrepit collection of spare parts pants, sputters and groans, but it gets here invariably, to Marty's supreme joy. Marty transferred his baseball talents from Brookeld Com- mon to Fitton Field in Junior year and survived all Jack Barry's cuts to win a uniform as regular. His work with the diamond artists was faithful and steady. One does not look for the sensational in Marty, but seeks and finds a steady dependability that enables him to reach his chosen goal surely and consistently. His progress in life can be no surer and certain than his successful advancement here in Col- lege. RAYMOND GREGORY LEDDY

3238 76th Street. Jackson Heights. L. I.. X. Y.

Xavier High School

Totv.alhiwl^ 1, 2. 3, 4; History Academy 2. 3, -1; Philomath 1, 2. 3, -1.

Vice-President 3: Varsity Debating Team 2. 3. 4; Hellenic Academy

2, 3. 4: Sodality 1. 2. 3. 4: Publicity Committee 4; Metropolitan

Club 1. 2, 3. 4: B. J. F. Debating 2. 3; League of Sacred

Heart 1, 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4: Patcher

Stafl 4: Aquinas Circle 4: Senior Hall Committee.

Ray came to Pleasant Springs Hill from Xavier High where he had won for himself the name "Fine AU-Around Scholar." Certainly in the passing of the four years his title has more than been justified. We recall with a certain pride the occasion on which Ray first gained collegiate prominence, the night of the Freshman Banquet, when as toastmaster presiding he displayed such brilliance, cleverness and scintilating humor as has rarely been witnessed. From that night on. Ray's figure as a campus luminary shone with the brightest. His special interest in forensic activity led him to be chosen in Sophomore year as a member of the var- sity debating team. Three whole years of splendid work in this field have left hardly a peer. Ray took interest in many things alike. He became a charter member of the History So- ciety, expended much time and ability in the Greek Academy. wrote remarkably well through four years on the Tomahawk^, had outstanding success in the Classics and Philosophy, and with a square saneness, managed a broad, well-rounded educa- tion. While many of us talked, defined, and quoted friendship, Ray forgot words, and let himself and actions speak. JOHN RICHARD LENEHAN

362 Manton Avenue, Providence, R. I.

La Salle Academy

Rhode Island Glub 1. 2, 3, President 4; Intramural Baseball and

Basketball I, 2, 3; Tomahawk, 2; Freshman Reception

2, 3; Sodality 1,2, 3, 4; Science Club 3; Aquinas

Circle 4; Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

Thesis— J. Richard Lenehan is a likeable fellow possessed of a quick-trigger smile, a ready wit, a keen sense of humor and a flair for biology. Exposition:

1. J. R. Lenehan (before we prove the thesis) —the lad known as Dick.

2. Likeable—An entity is likeable when it works immediately and directly on an appetitive faculty so that we are con-

sciously attracted to it. 3. Fellow—chap, guy, egg, etc. 4. Quick-trigger smile—a pleasing, contagious expression, char- acterized by a lateral upward extension of the lips; displayed on the slightest provocation. 5. Ready wit—as opposed to slowness or dullness of wit. 6. Keen sense of humor—an alert appreciation of the subtleties of humor. 7. Flair for biology—an incessant, aching, throbbing love for the science of living organisms as well as a peculiar ability for the subject. Proof—The thesis is self-evident, as anyone knowing Dick will readily admit. ALBERT JOHN LEPORE

271 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, Mass.

North High School

Worcester Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Purple

Kev 4; Scientific Society 3: Senior Ball Committee.

Here is the handsome signor trom Shrewsbury Street who smiled his pleasant way into our hearts from the very first and whose hair-cutting forays on top Loyola made Favulli's room a center of interest. If all the money that was owed Al at various times were added together it would make a lot of ton- nage. However, this curly-headed Worcesterite was too good natured to let mere money interfere with his art. That Al's merit was recognized despite his modesty was seen when he was one of those named to the Purple Key this year. His conscientious and effective work more than justified his selection for Al does nothing without doing it well. Everyone on the campus knows him by name for it is almost impossible to resist friendship with this sunny smiling lad. DOMINICK JAMES LEPORE

46 Spring Street, Thompsonville, Conn.

Enfield High School

Rifle Club 4: Hartford Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Purpli Patcher 4:

Intramural Activities 4: Freshman Reception 3;

Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3.

It is said of (!. B. S. that, were he to enter a hall and find two hundred persons on one side ot an argument and only twenty- five on the other, he would unquestionably join the minority.

Dom, too, is like that; his sympathy is always with the under- dog and his mind refuses to accept any doctrine just because others do. His objections to philosophical theses would fill vol-

umes, but once convinced of a point he held to it tenaciously.

Apart from the pursuit of knowledge D. }. was the most en- tertaining company imaginable. He was an uncanny mimic, an able story-teller and a devastating purveyor of ironic wit.

One entered his room with an expectant air; it was impossible to predict what was going on, so varied were the moods of the Thompsonville Terror. The program varied from arguments about scholastic philosophy to impromptu three-ring circuses with Dom as ringmaster. Always, though, you could be cer-

tain of good times and good fun with D. J. ROBERT LEO LONG

44 Tower Street. Forest Hills, Boston, Mass.

Boston College High School

Varsity Football 2. 3; Freshman Football; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4;

Economics Club 4; Freshman Reception 2; Intramurals 4;

Track 2; Boston Club 1. 2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4.

Not satisfied with a room that was the center of a corridor's wrestling activity Boh decided he would have a haven of physi- cal culture as well. With that in mind he instituted early morning setting-up exercises, purchased a bar-bell, juggled weights on the slightest provocation and did everything possible to annoy his neighbors.

Intramural athletics of every sort had Bob as a participant, but football was his love and he excelled in the gridiron sport. He played with the freshman team and was on the varsity squad for two years as well, displaying an ability above the average.

Though he waited till Junior year to join our class. Bob im- mediately made his way into our midst. Every worth-while activity drew his support and patronage, while his adaptability to any circumstances helped him make friends with many. FRANCIS JOSEPH LOVELOCK

^42 East 1 2th Street, New York City

Xavier High School

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4: History Academy 2, 3; Debating Society I; Metropolitan

Club 1. 2, 5, 4: Patcher Staff 4; Aquinas Circle, President 4;

Scientific Society 3, 4; Pre-Medical Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Winner of

Philosophy Medal 3; Voted Best Student of Senior Class.

Sheer determination and tireless labor have characterized Frank for four years, and, added to a native ability, have made him one of the outstanding men in the class. He has excelled in every subject in the curriculum, he has been active in extra- curricular societies, and he has won himself a host of friends. His professional understanding of junior philosophy earned him the coveted Philosophy Medal last June. Both his ability as a psychologist and his qualities as a leader were recognized when he was elected to the presidency of the Aquinas Circle this year.

Attention to even the tiniest of details has marked Frank in his days at the Cross; his notes fulfill a professor's dream, neatly typed and absolutely complete. That he has seen his goal and marched toward it steadily cannot help but reflect on him the highest credit. WILLIAM JOHN LUBY, Jr.

102 Windsor Avenue, Meriden, Conn.

Maiden High School

Tomahawk. 1.2; Waterbury Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sociality 1,2; Intramural

Athletics 2, 3. 4; Pre-Medical Society 2, 3, 4; Scienitfic Society

3; Aquinas Circle 4; Executive Committee Senior Ball.

It was only natural that the Silver City should send Hoi) Cross a silver lining in the person of Bill. Seventy-five inches of good nature, he fairly radiates friendliness and good-fellow- ship and brings with him into any gathering an air of easy familiarity that breaks down any barriers of constraint.

Bill achieved fame in his days on Third Fenwick by being the only member of our class who failed to receive a demerit. By the beginning of Sophomore year there were dire plans afoot to lock him in his room, to feed him a sleeping powder or use even more drastic means, but Bill solved the problem himself by finally missing Mass one autumn morning. The pre-med ranks have had no more faithful member than Bill; he even devoted Saturdays and Sundays to his experiments.

Friendship with Bill is a thing to treasure, for the lanky Meri- denite can be relied upon to help in any circumstance. GEORGE FRANCIS LYNCH

38 King Street, Worcester, Mass.

South Ihg/i

Worcester Club 1, 2, 3, -4; Sodality I, 2, 3, -1; History Academy

2, i. 4; Patcher St.ill 4; Intr.inuir.il Baseball 3, 4, Scientific Society >; Senior Hall Committee.

Here we have the second member of that inseparable trio of Kane, Lynch and Sheehan, comrades by day and by night And while on the Hill, George has clearly evinced those quali- ties which make for true popularity. His is the cheerful dis- position which readily makes Iriends; his is the sincerity and loyalty which keeps them. It is because of these sterling char acteristics that acquaintance with George quickly ripens into friendship and esteem. And that is the reason why, after four years of comradeship, he is one ol the most popular of our fellow students.

In addition to his other tasks, George found time to act as an efficient cog in the city public library system. In fact, he is one of the chief reasons why bigger and better branch libraries are built. With his characteristic energy and enterprise, George will soon find the pearl in the proverbial oyster. And as a stu- dent, as a real gentleman, as an apostle of true good-fellowship, Holy Cross regretfully parts with him. LOUIS EDWARD LYNCH, Jr.

2853 Webb Avenue, New York, N. Y.

Regis High

R. V'. M. Sodality 1, 2. 3, 4: Sanctuary Society 2, 3, 4; History Society 2, 5,

4; Freshman Debating; Philomath 2, 3, 4; Purple Key 4; News Editor Tomahawk'. Assistant Business Manager Patcher; Metro-

politan Club 1. 2. 3, 4: Outing Club 3, 4; Aquinas Circle

4; Intramural Baseball 3; Senior Ball Committee.

Gobby Boy-Dastard football games lost half their zest when Lou withdrew from battle, due to a minor disaster, a wrenched knee caused by a tuft of grass. But while interest waned, Lou found a better pastime taking Outing Club trips, extended jaunts on snow trains and skiing down into flumes. At the same time this enthusiastic outdoorer found plenty to do indoors. Lou retained the ideal of a sound mind and a sound body ever. His efforts on the Tomahaw\ were splendid ones, and his logical debates in the Philomath were as good. Of

all the honor students in the class, Lou was one to maintain a uniformly high scholastic standing throughout his course. On and about corridor Lou was a good listener, but a better narrator. His summer vacations seemed to have been crowded with more experiences than were chronologically possible, but there was an authentic ring to all of them. Personally Lou was serious, unobtrusive, the essence of discretion, with a gift for caustic comment and sardonic humor. Now and then he- took perverse delight in the unusual though unjustifiable side of any discussion. FRANCIS XAVIER MAHONEY

121 Pine Street, Manchester, N. H.

St. Joseph's High

B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Manchester Club 1, 2, 3, 4,

President \ 4; Freshman Reception 2, 3; Intramural

Baseball 2, 5, 4; Aquinas Circle 4.

Frank, introduced domestic science as an extra-curricular course on Top Beaven, thereby causing clouds of smoke, satis- fying his voracious roommates and attracting hungry juniors by the score. Equipment ranged trom bent spoons to an electric stove that grew warm as it pleased, but the meals were sub- stantial and frequent and there was always a good time.

Hardly a more genial a host than Frank, his welcome was always friendly and sincere. He had the knack of guiding con- versation into pleasing channels and possessed an amazing store of interesting information that he dispensed when vitally in- terested.

The Manchester Club drafted Frank to manage its Christ- mas dance and he devoted his holidays to making the affair a substantial success. The enthusiastic way in which he put the affair across was the very same as that which he did so many things at Holy Cross. Frank was born to do things well! WILLIAM EDWARD MAHONEY

11 Woodleigh Avenue, Greenfield, Mass.

Greenfield High School

B. V. M. Sodality L, 2, 3, 4; Worcester Club 1; Holyoke Club 2, 3, 4;

Rifle Club 4; Intramural Baseball, Track 2, 3, 4; Economics Club

4; Junior Prom Committee; Scientific Society 3; Aquinas

Circle 4; Assistant Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

Down from Greenfield four years ago came the gallant Bill, carrying with him a set of golf clubs, a catching grin and an ability for friendship. All three have remained with him dur- ing his stay at the Cross; golf has claimed him each spring and autumn, while the smile and the ability to win friends have been with him every season of the year.

Bill came into his own when the Rifle Club was organized, and he was elected vice-president of the infant organization.

Not only did he help the club in its regular activities, but he was outstanding in the various matches that were contested with other colleges. First Loyola had no more popular rendezvous than Red's room. Any visitors were certain of a hearty welcome and a good time with Bill, which accounted for inevitable gatherings there. AUSTIN PHILIP MALEY

106 South Chestnut Street, Mt. Carmel, Pa.

Mt. Carmel High School

B. V. M. Sodality 1.2, 3, 4; Intramural Baseball 2, 3, 4; Junior Prom

Committee; Aquinas Circle 4; Secretary of Aquinas Circle 4.

Having a certain pride about such tilings, Aussie early and firmly insisted that his name was pronounced May-ley hack in the coal regions, and by a process of logic, learned when one is a Junior, should he pronounced the same way in the heart or

New England. The fact that we have learned to pronounce it correctly, with the exception of a professor or two, is ample credit to this easy going and light hearted young man from Pennsylvania. One of the great periodic events of our tenure on Pakachoag was the arrival of Austy's monthly check, an event which brought about all sorts of complications. The processes by which Aussie managed to strike an even balance would amaze an Einstein—perhaps he could understand it. In more sober terms, however, Aussie, prescinded from his engaging wit and florid enthusiasms, was serious and deliberate; in less sober ones, the "real McCoy." LAWRENCE JOSEPH MALLEY

62 Pleasant Street, Thompsonville, Conn.

Enfield High

Hartford Club 1, 2: Springfield Club 3, 4: Aquinas Circle 4;

B. V. M. Sociality !. 2; Senior Ball Committee.

Larry is a member of that now famous Foreign Legion, that group which has suffered exile in distant buildings. Larry should he general of that army, tor he has never, in four years, roomed in the same building as the rest of us. The misfortune was ours, not his, for we know we have missed much that rooming with him would have given us. Larry was no stranger, by any means; he lent himself to all the class activities, he dropped in frequently for visits, and we returned them tenfold. Perhaps his rooming away from us gave him a clearer slant on the class, for his advice was invariably sound and sober, his criticisms were undeniably fair and constructive, and his view- point was always broad and considerate. An avid reader and a faithful student, Larry did not fail to help us with his knowl- edge. JOSEPH FRANCIS MANDRY

ID" Si.nc Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

,S7. Francis Xavier High

B. V. M. Sodality I. 2. i. 4; Metropolitan Club I. 2. >, 4; Tomahawk.

2, .3, 4, Columnist 4; Purple Key 4; Intramural Handball 2, i, 4:

Intramural Baseball 2. 5, 4; Outing Club I; Scientific So-

ciety >: K i fie ("lull 4; Aquinas Circh 4; Voted

Best Sense <>l Ilmnm <>l Senior Class.

It is rather difficult to place the blame tor any mischief on one whose eyes meet yours in a blandly innocent stare, and whose whole demeanor bespeaks the cherub. Hence the reason lor Joe invariably escaping blame and censure for any misdeeds over a four-year period. More than a few of us have envied Joe this ability as we watched his innocent look win him com plcte freedom from suspicion.

Joe's dry laughing gas has sent more than one class into panic and the shakes to the discomfiture of profs who naturally could not even begin to suspect the wide-eyed youth who looked at them with such seriousness.

Humor has characterized foe all during his college career. It we were not listening to his frequent wisecracks on all sorts ot subjects we were hugely enjoying his popular column in the Tomahaw\. One who sees the humor ol a situation as easily as does Joe cannot help but thoroughly enjoy life, and those who smile their way through it with him cannot help but come under his cheery influence. MAURICE BERNARD MARTIN

1407 Dwight Street, Holyokc, Mass.

St. Jerome's High

B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Executive Committee of Sodality 4; President

Section F 1; Intramural Handball 2, 3; Intramural Baseball 2, 3, 4;

Intramural Basketball 2, 3, 4; Patcher Staff 4; Holyoke Club

1, 2, 3, 4; Purple Key 4; Sanctuary Society 4; Junior Prom

Committee; Freshman Reception 2, 3; Scientific Society 3.

Here, without a doubt, is one of '33's most popular members. "Hobby," with his Irish geniality, his unfailing generosity, his sturdy loyalty, has won for himself hosts of friends. Unspoiled and unaffected, Hob has often made us admire his utter lack of artificiality, his complete air of naturalness. He has two pet loves, Ireland and the Democratic party. Un- lucky indeed is the person who dares utter word against either of these in the presence of the youth from Holyoke. All the fire of a burning Irish eloquence will turn against him; all the enthusiasm of a great patriot and party man will attack him, until the unfortunate will wonder why he brought up the mat- ter in the first place.

Such is "Hobby." We admire him for his sincerity and his simplicity; we value his friendship; we thank him for all that he has done for the class, the school, and for this year's Patcher. DOMINICK ROBERT MATTEO

197-02 89th Road, Hollis, N. Y.

,SV. Francis Xavier High

Tomahaw\ 1: Metropolitan Club 1. 2; B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2,

5, I: Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3; Watcr-

bury Club 3, 4; Senior Hall Committee.

If you seek, a man of rash impulse, don't pause at "Geetz," lor his nature is directly contradictory to your requirements.

But if you want someone who is deliberate, mature and thoughtful, then you need look no farther. Even in those dis- tant Third Fenwick days, he stood out for his qualities of steadiness and restraint.

A keen student of literature, "Geetz" was in his element in the elective English courses. His reading covered many fields in many aspects and he gained tremendously from it. As a classmate, he possessed a quiet sincerity that marked all deal ings; it would he difficult to find a truer gentleman.

His chief activity was largely a literary one and concerned it- self with the deeper, more serious English classics. Quiet and peace were the backgrounds in his search for what was best in reading and writing. Dividing his affection for his more con- templative existence was his habit of returning home at frequent intervals to keep in close touch with doings in New York. For both propensities "Geetz" was to be envied, in both he was happy. **l ^^^


1316 Newport Avenue, Pavvtucket, R. I.

St. Raphael's Academy

Rhode Island Club I, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Baseball; Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4;

Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Intramural Soccer 2, 3, 4; B. V. M.

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Scientific Society 3; Aquinas Circle

4; Assistant Committee Chairman Senior Ball.

Fresh from a conquest of Rhode Island's high school athletes, Don came to the Cross to dispel completely and forever the old belief that a truly great catcher must be of mountainous size. College baseball knew few men faster on the bases than Don, while behind the plate and at the bat he ranked with the best. Small but wiry, Don brought to the Barrymen a native sprint- ing ability that had been polished oft by Track Coach Bart Sul- livan.

Owning an attractive personality, Don found no difficulty in winning a high degree of popularity on and off the campus. He did not devote himself exclusively to athletics but managed to find time for activities with the Scientific Society, the Sodality, the Rhode Island Club and the Aquinas Circle. In these fields just as in baseball, there was none more genuinely enthusiastic than Don; he brought to them all an invigorating zest. HOWARD FREDERICK MOLTENI

-tSl Gregory Avenue, Weehawken, N. |.

St. Peter's Preparatory School

B. V. M. Sodalitj I, 2, J, 4: New Jersey Club 1,2. J, 4;

Intramural Basketball 2, .-!, 4: Scientific Society 3;

Aquinas Circle 4: Senior Ball Committee.

Presenting in person the demon chemist of First Loyola. Howie has spent most of his stray moments analyzing whatever hair tonic, mouth wash or tooth-paste he happened to have handy. His experiments were always entertaining, if not in- lormative, tor Howie is a master showman and invests each step of the procedure with a compelling air of mystery. Athletically, Howie proved that smallness of stature need not necessarily he a handicap. On the basketball court he was fast, shifty, elusive and a sure shot. His haskets had the habit of coming just the right moment, and more than once the pride of Weehawken brought a last-inning victory to the class team. Radio fans liked to gather in Howie's room, for his taste in regard to air performers was excellent and his knowledge of their personalities illuminating. To everything he did Howie brought a fast-working brain, a quick wit and a brimming cheerfulness. n


1M Colfax Street, Fall River, Mass.

B. M. C. Durjee High

Fall River Club 1, 2, 3. 4: Rifle Club 4; Freshman Debating; Aquinas Circle

4; Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

A disbeliever in what he termed "the sillier conventions," Dan thought nothing of starting oft lor class in slippers and smoking jacket. Nor does that mean that he held class lightly; on the other hand, there were few more industrious and ener- getic than Dan, but he did believe in personal comfort. The pre-med course claimed him and he joined that group of heavy- scheduled, hard-studying men of the laboratory.

Illness forced Dan's absence from college for several weeks this winter but, nothing daunted, he made up his work in jig time and proceeded to go on with the class. To anyone else

that would have been a major achievement, to Dan it was the most ordinary of accomplishments.

Willing to give and accept advice in the right spirit, Dan was high in the councils of 33. His quiet conviction was per- suasive in itself and impossible to combat. GEORGE BERNARD MORAN

1956 Crotona Parkway, New York, N. Y.

Regis High School

Class President 3, 4; Metropolitan Club 1. 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, President

4; Freshman Debating; Freshman Prize Debate; Assistant Manager

Baseball 1,2, 3; Philomath 2, 3; President Senior Council 4; Chair-

man Patron Board P\ renin; Junior Prom Committee 3;

Intramural Sports 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Purple Key;

Sanctuary Society I, 2, 3, I; Rifle Club 4; Executive

Committee Senior Ball; Voted the Most Popu-

lar: the Best Miser; and the One Who

Done ihe Most tor the Senior ("lass.

Words of praise can add little to the accomplishments of a youth to whom his classmates entrusted the arduous duties of class president. As our leader during Junior and Senior years, George has been outstanding and has justified all the confidence that 35 placed in him. Cheery, smiling, Cieorge invariably brightened any gathering with his wit. He was more than a "good fellow;" he could he serious, thoughtful, duly grave when the occasion demanded.

The rights ot the class never suffered if George could help it; he worked hard and earnestly in our behalf. Appreciation can pay him little for all that he has done. Showing himself a real leader, George's name will go down in Holy Cross annals as the truly great head of a great class. He leaves us with our friendship and gratitude. We have had and will continue to have every confidence in George. We know it has been justly placed. MARTIN LAWRENCE MORAN

289 West Street, Leominster, Mass.

Leominster High School

Fitchburg Club 1,2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Economics Club 4; Intramural

Baseball 2, 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Scientific Society 3.

Publication of the very first honor list in Freshman year dis- closed that Marty was ranking with the leaders in class. Some of us did not know him well then but since that time we have had no stauncher advocate or firmer friend. Despite the handi- cap of trekking from and to Leominster every day, Marty has been extremely active. Intramural baseball had no finer out- fielder, while Marty yet had time to interest himself in the doings of the Aquinas Circle, the Outing Club, the Historical Society and the Scientific Society. Those third period bull-essions of Top Loyola almost daily attracted Marty, and others listened respecttully when Marty held the floor. Solid and thoughtful, he was worth listening to when he had something to say. Marty needs no press agent; his record speaks for itsell without any elaboration. EDWARD JOSEPH MORIARTY

82 North Hast Street, Holyoke, Mass.

Rosary Ihi^h School

B. V. M. Sodality I. 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Society 4: Holyoke Club 1, 2, 3, 4,

Dance Chairman 4: Scientific Society 3; Intramural Baseball

2. 3, 4; Intramural Basketball 2. 3, 4; Class Baseball

2. 3, 4: Freshman Reception 2; Aquinas Circle 4.

The Holyoke crew is incomplete without Ed; they would think of planning no activity without consulting their "Dan," as they have christened him for some unknown reason. Rip brought into that group as to everything he entered an inim- itable Irish initiative that scoffed at obstacles and almost invari- ably reached its end.

Every field of intramural athletics attracted Ed. He shone in baseball as a first-sacker, in football as a pass receiver, in bas- ketball as a shifty forward. He was one of the first to support the Riding Club and served as its vice-president this year.

Ed's soft, persuasive voice made it decidedly easy for him to express his opinions; every word was utterly convincing. In no company could you ask for a better companion than this winning Celt; his personality conquered any barriers of un- familiarity. J. FRANK MORRIS

540 West 142nd Street, New York, N. Y.

Regis High School

B. V. M. Sodality I, 2, 3, 4: Sanctuary Societ) 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman Debating;

History Society 2. J, 4; Purple Key 4; Outing Club 3, 4: [ntramurals

2, 3, 4; Tomahaiv\ 2, 5, 4. Sports Editor 4: I'm pic 2, 3, 4, Moon

of Hooks Editor 3. Sports Editor 4: Business Manager Purple

Patcher; Metropolitan Club 1. 2. 3. 4: Economics

Club 4; Philomath 2, 3. 4: Assistant Manager

Baseball 1, 2: Senior Council; Golden

Screw Club 2. 3, 4.

Here, dear reader, is our year-book's capable and energetic-

Business Manager. Here, before your eyes, is the author or "Purple Pennings,'' that thought inspiring column in our Col- lege weekly. Here, too, is the creator of those clever and bril- liant essays in the Purple. You must have guessed it: J. Frank Morris, writer, debater, business man, sportsman, and famed hitch-hiker, all rolled and molded into one pleasant, jolly, good fellow.

Frank is a sports' lover supreme. He wrote sports, played sports, read sports and watched. Leader of many floor teams, he gave the bum's rush to care, wear and tear, and made some messy looking shins in the undertaking.

Space on this page is really too small to record a discussion of all of his activities, Patcher, Purple, Tomahaw\, Philomath,

History Society, etc., but it must be stated in plain, bold print that Frank was really a charter member of that most exclusive club known as the Golden Screw. He became entitled to en- rollment on completion of his two years' training along the banks and in the depths of our Thames. Since his dormitory days of 1929-30 season, through the long (Frank says overlong) stay in Alumni and the completion of his sojourn on Second Loyola, he has established a name that connotes honor and friendship. The vears can never give it any other! FRANCIS JOSEPH MOYNIHAN

22 Tracy Avenue, Waterhury, Conn.

Crosby High School

Sodality 1, 2, 3, -t; Aquinas Circle: Economics Club 4; Waterbury

Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Dance Committee 4; Two Strike

("lull 3, 4; Scientific Society 3.

For the best and soundest of reasons Moynie has been given the appellation ot "Cozy." No difficulty comes without him having a solution; no problem proves too abstruse for his fast- working brain; no situation finds him unprepared. Frank never decides on a course of action without providing several alternatives, and without making provision for possible even tualities.

Casual acquainatnees would classify "Cozy" as quiet, but no one who has lived with him for four years would even think of using that adjective. When there was excitement on the

corridor, Frank was either at the bottom of it or at least a co- conspirator. Coing at his best he offered in one person the antics of the Marx Brothers, Stoopnagle and Budd, and Ed Wynn, with a dash of Guncotton Gus thrown in for good meas- ure.

His ability to study without seeming to and his aptitude for concentration kept him in the forward ranks as a student. There was no better tonic for dull moments than Frank, nor a disease more infectious than his happy personality. JOHN FRANCIS MULHERN, Jr.

Spring Street, Taunton, Mass.

St. Mary's High

B. V. M. Sociality 1, 2. 3. 4; Boston Club 1,2,3. 4; Intramural Football

2, 3, 4; Intcrclass Football 2; Aquinas Circle 4.

One of the happiest couples in the class was Jack and Col. Early in the years at Holy Cross, through admiraiton and af- fection, an affinity grew that has mellowed into a lasting friendship. We all can easily understand why Jack was like- able, he possessed the commonsense virtues of wholesomeness, generosity, optimism, and substantiability. Then too. a hand- some poise, good looks, curly hair, and a decidedly infectious grin, were wont always to increase bit by bit your liking for him. jack used to hike after class. The country, the woods, scout- ing river bends and streams, picking apples in the fall, were his haunts. Many the day too he walked townwards, and the stores and people along the way became accustomed to hearing the sprightly step and to seeing the "all's well" smile. It's cer- tain they will not forget it any sooner than we. Of course Jack insisted on some rigid study hours in his room, but oftener than not, a happy congregation that grew boisterously happier as wit followed wit would invest itself within. Time flew, care too, Jack had a kind and pleasant manner of making both disappear. DANIKL RICHARD MURDOCK

58 Pleasant Street, Everett, Mass.

Everett High

Cheerleader 4; Secretary Economics Club I: Purple Key 4; Aquinas Circle

•I: Intramurals 2. 5, I: Sodalit) 2, J, 4; Junior Prom Com-

mittce; Boston ('.lull 1, I )ancc Committee i, 4;

Senior K.ill Committee; Sanctuary Society 4;

Freshman Reception 5; Patcher Staff.

Dan has led a busy lite at the Cross, and although his length ot stay has only been three years in our midsts, attending Bos- ton College in Freshman, he has more than made up this loss by increased activity.

His ability was spread over many fields. Taking part in prom committees, the Economics Club as an officer, prominent on the Board ol Editors of the Patcher, Journal Salesman, Dan showed consumate skill in handling all with due efficiency. Not daunted in intramurals, a vibrant cheer-leader, a kind host, he made his mark a lasting one in the minds of all. In curriculum Dan did more than well. There was some- thing peculiar and uncanny about his being able to study deep into the hours ol the night, becoming wider awake as darkness darkened and then passed. Because he was so serious and steady, sure and intent, we are certain that his efforts have rewarded him. Dan needs but little yet, perhaps time will give him this. FRANCIS XAVIER MURPHY

163 Main Street, Westfield, Mass.

St. Mary's High

Sanctuary Societ) 2. 5; RiHc Club 4; Outing Club 3; Springfield

Club 1, 2. 5, \; Freshman Reception i. 4: B. V. M.

Sodalit) I. 2. 3, 4; Aquinas Circle 4; Intramurals 3, 4.

Here is the Sage of Westfield, whose witty aphorisms helped pass many an otherwise dull hour and whose constant good- nature belies a seriousness of expression. That profundity of countenance was a great help to F. X. in having his funny stories gain their full effect; it enabled him to keep a straight face at the very heights of his incredible yarns. Unsuspecting victims, gazing at his rerious face, invariably took his Mun- chausen adventures as gospel truth.

In class, Frank yielded to none. He proved his ability with

Horace in Freshman year and he is still in the forefront as he revels in I. Q.'s and such this year. Always willing to lend any possible co-operation, even at the cost of time and energy, Murph was a fine man to have as a friend and all of us were discerning enough to take advantage of that fortunate fact. Loyal and well-disposed he could be depended on whatever the circumstances. JOSEPH DANIEL MURPHY

383 Washington Street, Whitman, Mass. Whitman High

B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Boston Club [, 2, 3, 4; Intramural

Baseball 2, 3; Freshman Reception 2: Aquinas Circle 4.

The lad from Whitman early impressed us as one who would be a loyal and steadfast friend, and Joe, in his quiet way, has made us admire those qualities that make him the level-headed youth that he is. Industrious, thoughtful and serious, his influ- ence has been ever helpful, and his opinions have always been truly wise.

Joe had a room in Alumni, in Sophomore year, that was so strategically located for various forms of carefully-planned, practical jokes that it was almost impossible to find out just who lived in those famous quarters so numerous were the guests. But Joe went through it smilingly, even helping a bit himself now and then, and unfortunate indeed was the one who chanced to pass into Alumni when a band of reckless sopho mores had nothing to do and Joe's room to do it in.

It is not easy to say good-bye to one such a friend as Joe, but he can rest assured that he carries with him the good wishes of all who knew him as he is, a real and steadfast friend. THOMAS FRANCIS MURPHY

11 Edgewood Road, Worcester, Mass.

St. John's High

Worcester Club I. 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1. 2. 3, -4: Junior Prom

Committee; Intramural Sports 2. 3, 4.

A poised, suave young man who awed us with his easy assurance strolled across the campus in the fall of '29 and Tom Murphy had joined our ranks. That awe of the early days changed to a real liking and appreciation when we came to know Tom better as the days went by, and the years since then have seen our friendship for him ripen. A good mixer and at home in any company Tom scorned factions and was equally friendly to all. One of the most popu- lar of the day students he was an active force in several under- takings, and none who came in contact with him could help but like him for his affable friendliness.

Tom was at his best in the social world of Worcester, and no collegiate affair of any importance could hope for any sort of completeness without his presence. Polished and adaptable, he was equally at home at Marshall's and the Bancroft, than which it is impossible to say more. The Worcester Club won his enthusiastic support, and his committee work was always well and ably done. The polished assurance that has stood him in such good stead on the Hill cannot help but smooth his way wherever he goes. GEORGE CHARLES MURRAY

31 Mapleten Street, Brighton, Mass.

English High School

B. V. M. Sodality I. 2, J, 4: Boston Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Aquinas

Circle -I: Scientific Society J.

Speed is characteristic ot George Murray; being restless and quick by his very nature, he no sooner thinks of a thing than he starts to work on it. And yet his impulsiveness has never proved detrimental for (leorge has achieved splendid iesults in everything he has undertaken.

It labor in studies points to the road leading to success then this "red head" from staid old Brighton is foreordained thereto. Abounding with nervous energy, a "go-getter," a veritable spark of dynamite, there is no resisting his progress. It is character- istic of him that when appointed to the decoration committee ot the Boston Club dance, George immediately set about bor- rowing a hammer and tacks.

Although sincere and resolute in preparing his classics, a spirit of levity and frivolity was never absent. Naturally quick at repartee and well equipped with original puns, his retorts and sallies were always enjoyed by the most serious and exact- ing. MARTIN BRENNAN MURRAY

52 Groveton Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral High

B. V. M. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Springfield Club 1, 2. 3. 4: Freshman Reception

3; Class Treasurer 1. 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity Base-

ball 2, 3, 4: Freshman Football and Baseball; Intramural Track

2, 3, 4; Intramural Hockey 3; Senior Ball Committee;

Voted Best Athlete in Senior Class.

Football crowds are notorious for watching only the ball carrier and when the figure of Tim Murray began to streak, across the stripes very regularly last fall, fans kept asking

"Where's he been till now?" We who had known him as a great blocking back for two years could only say that at last Tim had come into his own and that he well-deserved the plau- dits that were being heaped on him.

Recognizing his worth early, we elected him to the post of class treasurer and have kept him there through four years of growing admiration for his sturdy sincerity and rugged sim- plicity. Even the added hours of the pre-med course in Senior year kept Tim from throwing himself heart and soul not only into athletics but other campus activities as well. The Cross may see other surging halfbacks battle their way for precious yards; there may be other outfielders on the Hill in days to come whose marvelous fielding and thunderous bat- ting thrill admiring crowds. But we feel sure that there'll never be another man like the Marty we admire as an athlete but love as a friend. MYLES REYNOLDS McALEER

35 King Street, Worcester, Mass.

South High School

Worcester Club 1, 2. 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 3, 4, Assistant

Stage Manager 4; Executive Committee, Junior Prom J; Patcher

Si. if] 4: Reception Committee I; Purple Key 2, 3; Intra-

murals 1,2: Playshop 4; Senior Hall Committee.

Those stage settings used as backgrounds at plays in Fenwick Hall were due in large part to Mac's efforts. For two years he has functioned most efficiently as assistant stage manager for the Dramatic Society, faithful to every duty and the man for any circumstances. It was no easy task for Mac to make the many necessary trips up Irom the city hut he made them smil- ingly and willingly. Mac spent so much time on the campus that he almost lived among us. Needless to say, he was always welcome in any room he had a fancy to visit, lor his bright personality brought a touch ot warmth with it. Blending good nature with a well- defined sense of responsibility, he possessed a poise that was enviable. Energetic and capable, any task entrusted to him was in safe hands. JOHN DANIEL McAULIFFE

31 Haynes Street, Worcester, Mass.

5/. Peters High

Worcester C.luh 1, 2, 3, 4: Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4: Aquinas Circle 4:

Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Wherever there was Worcester Club activity during the past four years you could rest assured that Maxie was highly in- volved. Whether it was intramural athletics, a club dance or some impromptu gathering, Maxie was invariably there in per- son and amazingly active. It was exciting to watch energy fairly exude from him as he rushed ahead into making plans, playing football or baseball or even as he dominated a conver- sation. He revelled in something to do and his boundless spirit carried others along with him.

He had his more relaxed moments, too, and they were as highly characteristic of the man. Calmly, logically and force- fully, Jack would expound his personal views in a manner that was compelling and convincing. Those were the moments when we liked to listen to him, when his quiet argument would clear up a point beyond a doubt. JOHN THOMAS McCARTHY

149-17 12th Avenue, Whitestone, L. I., N. Y.

Xavier High School

Frosh Football, Basketball; Varsity Football 2, 3; Sodality 1, 2; Philomath

3, 4; Philomathic Lecture Team 4; Prize Debate 3; Oratorical Contest

3; Dramatics -1; Scientific Society 3; Purple Key 4; Frosh Reception

J, 4; Metropolitan Club 1, 2, 3, -1; Aquinas Circle 4;

Assistant Committee Chairman, Senior Hall.

Few fellows in the class have been as energetically active as Jack, whose activities ranged from football to debating but whose efforts never slackened despite difficulties of the moment. Jack made his mark as an outstanding man in Freshman year, when he played frosh football and basketball, achieved success in debating and won his place with the honor men in scholas- tic ranking. Philomath had many able speakers this past year but Jack could stand comparison with any. His persuasive delivery, his fine ennunciaiton and his dramatic force all aided him in prize debating and as a member of the Philomath's lecture team which held debates in many eastern cities.

Serious in time of study, affable in other moments, Jack had the happy knack of adjusting himself thoroughly to cir- cumstances. He was equally at home on the lecture platform and in an informal discussion. In both places he displayed that open frankness and genuine simplicity that have made us value him as a friend. RICHARD JOSEPH McCARTHY

13 Sitnik Avenue, Chicopee, Mass.

Cathedral High School

Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Sanctuary Societ) 1.2. 3, 4; Springfield Club 1. 2, 3, 4.

Vice-President 3. President 4; H. J. F. 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; Heiienic

Academy 2. 3. 4: Purple !. 4: Editorial Board, Toniii/iiiw/(_ 4;

Patcher Stafi 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4: Orchestra 2. 3. 4: Aquinas

Circle 4; Scientific Society 3; Senior Hall Committee.

Music is the essence of Dick; it is in the delicate fancy of hi., poetry, the fluidity of his prose and the rhythm of his conver- sation. Add to these the fact that music in the concrete is his hobby, he being a valued member of the Philharmonic Orches- tra, and it can be readily seen that the thesis is proven. A gentleman of many sides, Dick's prowess has continued to amaze us. He is a poet, an essayist, a debater and a musician and far abo\e the average in all roles. His gracefully expressed verse in the Purple won high critical praise; his essays were thoughtful and scholarly. As a debater he was forceful and logical, and woe to the opponent who made a misstatement when Dick was on the platform. He reached his oratorical peak this year as a member of the varsity team, and the cumulative force of his solid arguments, almost unanswerable at times, helped the team to more than one win in forensic competition. As a conversationalist Dick was heeded and respected. What he said was not only interesting but true. Hasty conclusions were never his; his method was slower and more painstaking but invariably sure. A task entrusted to him is one that will be done well; Dick would ask no more. THOMAS JOHN McCARTHY

46 Fairfax Road, Worcester, Mass.

Classical lligh School

Worcester Club i. 2. 3, 4; Sodalit) 1.2, }, 4; Intramural Athletics I, 2, 3, 4;

Band 1,2, 3,4; Orchestra 1.2, 5, 4; Scientific Socictj 5;

Committee Chairman, Senior Ball.

Our two Tom McCarthys gave us a lot oi trouble the first year we knew them as we just couldn't tell them apart. Both were faithful performers in the intramural circuit, and it was only when we realized Tom J. played with the Worcesterites that the grinning lad hailed from the Heart of the Common- wealth. It was easy to pick up friendship with Tom; easy- going, good natured and thoroughly likeable he made us feel thoroughly at home. Tom won his big fame on the night of our Senior Reception to the freshmen when he pranced all over O'Kane's stage as Budd to McClure's Col. Stoopnagle. We'd realized all along that Tom was a genuine wit, but the reception further empha- sized that point as the terrific freshman applause gave witness. Known variously as the Sage of the Canteen, the Lion of the Library, and the (Jay Young Blade from Vernon Hill, Tom smiled a greeting to any of these titles. When fun was in order Tom was the man to provide it and we owe him a great deal for lightening many a moment. THOMAS WILLIAM McCARTHY

172 Princeton Street, Springfield, Mass.

Cathedral High School

Intramural Basketball, Football 1, 2; Sodality I, 2, 3, 4: Springfield Club

1. 2, 3, 4; League <>l the Sacred Heart 1,2, J, 4: Aquinas

Circle -1: Scientific Society >.

Springfield Tom has earned the reputation, after four years of athletic accomplishment, of being the most versatile intra mural athlete at the College. He starred in every sport, whether

it be football, baseball, basketball or what have you. What is more he brought into every contest an enthusiasm and love for the game that took it from the realm of just another dull after- noon to the heights of a genuinely-contested struggle. Mac brings into everything he enters a personal zest that refuses to consider obstacles and that wins its way to the finish despite handicaps. He never gave up, either on the athletic field or in any single one of his endeavors. Determination and patience were marked characteristics of all his attempts.

In the class there was none more ready to lend a helping hand, more willing to make a sacrifice, or more anxious to be a sturdy friend. That his optimism caught us in his influence only shows the vigorous force of Springfield Tom.