UNITED NATIONS ~For the International Criminal Tribunal Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violat

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UNITED NATIONS ~For the International Criminal Tribunal Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violat (,- ) UNITED NATIONS InternationalCriminal Tribunal ~for the CaseNo.ICTR- 2000-56-I Prosecutionof PersonsResponsible for Genocideand Other Serious Violations of Date" InternationalHumanitarian Law committed in the territoryof Rwandaand Rwandan ENGLISH Citizensresponsible forgenocide and other suchviolations committed inthe territory of Original"FRENCH neighbouringStates, between 1 January 1994 and 31 December1994 r THE PROSECUTOR VS. k.. 0 AUGUSTIN BIZIMUNGU AUGUSTIN NDINDILIYIMANA 7) FRANCOIS-XAVIER NZUWONEMEYE \ INNOCENT SAGAHUTU AMENDED INDICTMENT (Joinder) TheProsecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, by virtue of the power vested inhim under Article 17 of theStatute of the Intemational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (the "Statute ofthe Tribunal") charges: AUGUSTIN BIZIMUNGU, AUGUSTIN NDINDILIYIMANA, FRAN(~OIS-XAVIER NZUWONEMEYE and INNOCENT SAGAHUTU with CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE, GENOCIDE or in the alternative, COMPLICITY IN GENOCIDE, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, and VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE 3 COMMON TO THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS AND ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLII, offences punishable under Articles 2, 3, 4, 22 and23 of theStatute of theTribunal andunder Rwandan Criminal Law, to the extent that the latter is notcontrary to theStatute of the Tribunal. PII03-0075(E) 1 I Translationcertified by LSS,ICTR [ PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c3a125/ TheProsecutor v.Augustin Bizimungu, Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Frangois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye, Innocent Sagahutze I. THE ACCUSED A ugustin Bizimungu ° AugustinBizimungu was bom on 28 August1952 in Mukaranjecommune, Byumba prdfecture,Rwanda. Atthe time of the events referred to inthis indictment, Augustin Bizimungu held the post of . Chiefof Staffof theRwandan Army. He wasappointed to thatpost on 16 April1994 and was promotedto therank of Major-Generalat the sametime. Previously, he hadbeen the Commanderof MilitaryOperations in Ruhengeri prdfecture. In his capacityas Chiefof Staffof the RwandanArmy, Augustin Bizimungu exercised , authorityover all soldiers in theRwandan Army. Augustin Ndindiliyimana AugustinNdindiliyimana was bomin 1943,in Nyaruhengericommune, Butare prefecture, , Rwanda. At thetime of the events referred toin this indictment, Augustin Ndindiliyimana heldthe post , of Chiefof Staff of theGendarmerie nationale. Hewas appointed tothat post on 2 September 1992. In hiscapacity as Chiefof Staffof theGendarmerie nationale, Augustin Ndindiliyimana . exercisedauthority over the entire Gendarmerie nationale and had disciplinary power over all gendarmes,even when the latter were on temporarydetachment. Francois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye Francois-XavierNzuwonemeye was born on 30 August1955 in Kigali-ruralprdfecture, , Rwanda. At thetime of theevents referred to in thisindictment, Franqois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye held , thepost of Commanderof theReconnaissance Battalion (RECCE) within the Rwandan Army. In his capacityas Commanderof the ReconnaissanceBattalion of the RwandanArmy, . Franqois-XavierNzuwonemeye exercised authority over all the units of thatBattalion. Innocent Sagahutu 10. InnocentSagahutu was born in Cyanguguprdfecture, Rwanda. PII03-0075(E) I Translationcertified byLSS, ICTR PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c3a125/ TheProsecutor v. AugustinBizimungu, Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Franfois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye, lnnocent Sagahutu 11. At thetime of the events referred to in thisindictment, Innocent Sagahutu held the post of Second-in-Commandof the Reconnaissance Battalion (RECCE) within the Rwandan Army and of companycommander of A Companyof thesaid Battalion. He held the rank of Captain. 12. In hiscapacity as Second-in-Commandor Acting Commander of theReconnaissance Battalion of theRwandan Army, Innocent Sagahutu exercised authority over all the units of that Battalion. II. THE MILITARY POWER STRUCTURE 13. The Forcesarmdes rwandaises (FAR) was composedof the Armderwandaise(AR) and the Gendarmerienationale (GN). 14. TheForces armdes rwandaises did not have a unifiedgeneral staff. They were supervised by theMinister of Defence,under the direct authority of thePresident of theRepublic, the Commander-in-Chiefof the Forces armdes rwandaises. 15. Boththe Chief of StaffoftheRwandan Army and that of theGendarmerie nationale were each assistedby four bureaux: G-1 (Personnel andAdministration), G-2(Intelligence), G-3(Military Operations)andG-4 (Logistics). 16. Regardingthe Army, the territory of Rwandawas divided into various sectors of military operations.Each sector was headed by a militarycommander. The troops were divided into companiesand units within each sector. There were several elite units in the Rwandan Army, includingthe Presidential Guard, the Para-CommandoBattalion and the Reconnaissance Battalion. 17. Accordingto thelaws in forcein Rwandain 1994,the Rwandan Army was responsible for defendingthe national territory and, if necessary, cooperating with the Gendarmerie nationale in maintainingpublic order (see ordonnance l~gislative no.R85/25 dulO mai 1962 portant crdationde l’Armderwandaise) [Legislative Ordinance No. R85/25 of 10 May1962 relating to theestablishment of the Rwandan Army]. 18. TheGendarmerie nationale was, for its part, responsible formaintaining public law and order andenforcing the laws in forcein Rwanda.Its members were assigned to publicsecurity territorialcompanies and brigades (see Ddcret-Loi du 23 janvier1974 portant crdation de l’Armderwandaise) [Legislative decree of 23 January 1974 relating tothe establishment ofthe Gendarmerie]. 19. As of 1973,in Rwanda,the Gendarmerie had replaced the National Police force which had beenabolished and integrated into the National Army (see Arr~t~ Prdsidentiel no.86/08 du 26 juin1973 portant integration de la Police dans l’Arm~e rwandaise) [Presidential Decree No. 86/08of 26 June 1973 relating to theintegration of the Police force into the Rwandan Army]. PII03-0075(E) 3 [ Translationcertified by LSS,ICTR I PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c3a125/ TheProsecutor v. AugustinBizimungu, Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Francois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye, Innocent Sagahuttt 20. Eachof themilitary forces (Army and Gendarmerie) could, following well defined procedures, whennecessary, join forces in order to fulfill its public service mandate (see Ddcret-Loi du23 janvier1974 supra) [Legislative decree of 23 January1974, supra]. 21. Underlaw, officers ofthe Rwandan Army had the duty to enforce general rules of discipline in respectofall soldiers under their authority, even those who were not members oftheir units (see ArrOt~Pr~sidentiel no.413/02 du 13 d~cembre1978 modifi~, portant R~glement de discipline des Forcesarmies rwandaises) [Amended Presidential Decree No. 413/02 of 13 December 1978establishing theRules of Disciplineof the Rwandan Armed Forces]. III. CHARGES, including a CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE FACTS: COUNT 1: CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE 22. The Prosecutorof the IntemationalCriminal Tribunal for Rwandacharges Augustin Bizimungu,Augustin Ndindiliyimaua, Franqois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye and Innocemt Sagahutuwith Conspiracy to CommitGenocide, an offencepunishable under Article 2 (3) (b)of the Statute, inthat, before 6 April 1994, and, after the tragic death of President Juvdnal Habyarimana,between 6 Apriland July1994, in Rwanda,Augustin Bizimungu, Augustiu Ndindiliyimana,Franqois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye and InnocentSagahutu decided and executeda common scheme with some or allof the following: Presidents Juvdnal Habyarimana and ThdodoreSindikubwabo, Prime Minister Jean Kambanda, Defence Minister Augustin Bizimana,General Ddogratias Nsabimana, Colonels Thdoneste Bagosora, Gratien Kabiligi and AnatoleNsengiyumva, Major Aloys Ntabakuze, Major Protais Mpiranya, the MRND Chairman andofficials, Mathieu Ngirumpatse, Joseph Nzirorera and Juvdnal Kajelijeli, Prdfet-Colonel TharcisseRenzaho, Nyaruhengeri Bourgmestre Charles Kabeza, Joseph Kanyabashi from Butare,and numerous other administrators, soldiers and civilians who espoused their cause to destroy,inwhole or in part,the Tutsi ethnic group which was one ofthe component elements of theRwandan population; PursuanttoArticle 6(1) of the Statute: either by their acts or obstinate refusal tomobilise the Forcesarmies rwandaises tofulfill their legal mandate to maintainand safeguard public peace, theAccused, in concertwith the other actors mentioned above, planned, incited, ordered, committed,or otherwise, aided and abetted the planning, preparation or execution of the plannedextermination ofthe Tutsi ethnic group, as follows: 23. In late1990, after the massive attack launched inside Rwandan territory by theRwandan PatrioticFront (RPF) - a politico-militarymovement which recruited its members essentially fromthe Tutsiof thediaspora- Government officials from the Mouvement Rdpublicain Nationalpour la Ddmocratieet le Ddveloppement(MRND) and a numberof Hutumilitary officersinpositions of authority inthe Forces armdes rwandaises hadconceived the idea that theneutralization, indeed even the extermination ofthe Tutsi population ofRwanda would be PII03-0075(E) [ Translationcertified by LSS,ICTR [ PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c3a125/ TheProsecutor v.Augustin Bizimungu, Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Franfois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye, Innocent Sagahutu thebest approach inorder to defeat the invaders and, by the same stroke, prevent the sharing of power,which seemed increasingly inevitable, given the configuration of forces at the time. 24. Between1991 and July 1994, that radical doctrine steadily gained in consistency, focusing on specificobjectives andadopting bellicose plans of action that heralded exclusion.
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