A. Whitei (Kenmore, May 19 15, White A424496 (BRI)
ASSOCIATION OF w.D- "REGISTERm BY AUSTRALIA POST - PUBLICATIOR NUMBER NBH 380gmU I LEADER : Peter Hind, 41 Miller Street, Mount Druitt, 2770. SECRETARY: Moreen Woollett, 3 Currawang Place, Como West, 2226. TREASURER: Joan Moore, 2 Gannett Street, Gladesville,2111. SPORE BANK: Jenny Thompson, 2 Albion Place, Engadine, 2233. Another year draws rapidily to an end and its time to remind members that fees fall due in January for the 1389 year. It is perhaps timely too to reflect on our Group's activities and to make a plea for more contributions from members, on this occasion not in a direct financial sense. There is benefit for most of us in knowing morer%' about the practicalities of propagating and cultivating our native ferns. All members have experienced successes and failures, please wr' so those experiences can be passed on to others through this Newsletter. Later in this issue there is a request -directed to members wha bought ferns at the recent Wildflower Exhibition iH Sydney ta report the results achieved. If you purchased ferns bcught-in at the time of the Exhibition we would greatly appreciate your help. This issue we welcome a new member-Ian Higgfins from Victoria. Ian has written and said that the following ferns are native to the Castlemaine area: Adiantum aethiopicum, Blechnum minus, B. nudum, Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia, Lastriopsis acuminata, W%~~OS~TQS rutifolius, Doodia media, Marsilea drumondiiMarsilea "(2lI'khtS foregoing are being grown by Ian- how many members wead lik% *Q bear from Ian about the conditions under which the CheilaSEbe~ Plurosorus rutifolius in particular are growing ),CkwbBX~~&&& sfaberi, L Pellaea falcata, Pteris tremula, Polystichum prolif&&.Ul As&enium r flabellafolium, Azolla filiculaides, Blechum chamber&,i, CakcAZa dubia,Cyathea australis, Pteridium esculentum and ~phioqlossum lusitanicum.
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