בס ‘‘ד ל ‘ תשרי תשע“ה Parent Newsletter October 24, ‘14 פרשת נח - שבת ראש חודש Boy’s Division הדלקת נרות : 5:44 Daily Schedule Reminder Arrival: 1st - 5th Grades: Monday - Friday 8:45 am. Sunday 9:15 am 6th - 8th Grades: Monday - Friday 7:30 am. Sunday 8:10 am Dismissal: 1st - 4th Grades: Monday - Friday 4:15 pm. Sunday 1:30 pm 5th - 8th Grades: Monday - Friday 5:25 am. Sunday 1:30 pm Friday: 12:10 pm - All Grades

It is imperative that children arrive on time every day and remain in Cheder for the duration of the entire day. Children who come late or leave early forfeit class routines and miss material being taught. Sunday is a regular learning day in Cheder and many new units are introduced on Sunday. Children who are absent on Sunday will have a hard time keeping up with the curriculum.

Please make sure your children arrive on time and are picked up on time. Children should not be dropped off at Cheder more than 10 minutes before Cheder begins.

Cheshvon Birthdays Mazel Tov! Doni Hecht Mazel Tov to Eli Rosenbluh upon his Bar Mitz- Mendel Cohen vah! Mendel Wolf Wish List Yosef Yitzchok Lewis Below is a list of items that the Cheder can Dovber Teitelbaum use, but don’t have in our budget. If you have Yossi Kagan any of them and are willing to donate them, or Menachem Mendel Sandler purchase them for the Cheder, please con- Nochum Moshe Krasnjanski tact Mrs. Breuer via email at chederchabad- [email protected] or at (845) 356- Menachem Mendel Korer 1213 ext 200. Thank you. Menachem Mendel Simpson  Indoor Games - in case of inclement Simcha Liberow weather Avrohom Gleyzer  Prizes Yisroel Shimon Bogomilsky

May you have a íìñ®í ³ò¾ and grow up to be a source of nachas for klal Yisroel! Class News Rabbi Rosenberg First Grade - Limudei Kodesh

Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov! Hooray! Hooray! What a great day! The day finally arrived and we í ë’’ began learning Chumash this week! We had the honor of Rabbi Shusterman ’’ê ¬−ñ¾ coming to our class and introducing the first šî½õ of êþš−î ¾ôîì . He also explained why Yiddishe kinderlach begin with êþš−î . He gave each boy a copy of the first šî½õ of êþš−î and taught it to them. Later the šî½õ was pasted in their ó−¾ôîì . After lunch we began learning ¾ôîì ³−¾êþë . We all danced with our ó−¾ôîì it was our personal Simchas .

Class News Class News Mrs. Miller Rabbi Simpson Third Grade - General Studies Sixth Grade - Limudei Kodesh

Walking in the hallways of Che- der the excitement and B''H Kitah Vav has been really growing in their learning! eagerness for a year full of learning and growth was very In Gemara we have already learned close to two blatt and the noticeable. talmidim have mastered many new concepts like the 4 shomrim , kefel, kiyan meshicha and gilgul shevuah . In Mishnayos, we are learn- In our third grade class, we ing all about the laws of Yom Tov in Meseches Beitzah. It was keep on discovering such inter- fascinating to discover many dinim on Yom Tov concerning tools, esting ideas and topics. In sci- animals and cooking. One talmid brought in a mortar and pestle ence we are learning all about similar to the one mentioned in the Mishna. In Chumash we are plants. We know the three almost finished learning Parshas Bamidbar. We learned that parts of the plant and their Bamidbar is called Chumash Hapikudim (countings) because of functions. We are all anticipat- all the countings of the Yidden in this Chumash. The talmidim ing to see the results of our went through the counting of each shevet , each degel , the Levi’im, flower experiment. We put the Bechorim and the Leviim eligible for work. We discussed how flowers into water with food counting shows how important and beloved each person is. coloring and we will see how the stem will bring up the colored A Gut Shabbos! water and make our white flow- Rabbi Simpson ers colorful! ב"ה Lma'an Yishme'u Shabbos Table Companion מרכז אנ״ש MERKAZ ANASH Rabbi Shimon Hellinger - Editor 276 פרשת נח

LOVING EACH OTHER (3) “Of what good is Chassidus and yiras Shomayim if the main quality, ahavas The Power of Unity bracha, surely in the realm of ruchniyus, Yisroel, is lacking? And even worse, if achdus is the key to success. Once, when the Baal Shem Tov was one person ch"v pains another.” (אג"ק מוהריי"צ ח"ו ע' רפט, היום יום ח' מנ"א) (אג"ק חי"א ע' קנא) davening together with his talmidim, they fi nished fi rst, and after waiting for a while, they fi gured it would still take a long time, Loving the Beloved Love and Unity so they went off to attend to their personal At the young age of sixteen, the Mitteler Ahavas Yisroel refers to the mitzva of affairs, and later returned. was appointed to guide a group of relating to others by acts of loving- When the Baal Shem Tov fi nally fi nished chassidim of his father, the Alter Rebbe, kindness. Achdus Yisroel refers to the davening, he told them the following and to teach them the maamorim. reasoning and feeling underlying the mashal: A king once saw a beautiful, Once, during a , Reb Aharon acts of love – one's awareness that Bnei colorful bird perched at the very tip of a Strasheler, the Mitteler Rebbe’s close Yisroel are like the organs of one body. tall tree. In order to catch it, he ordered friend and chavrusa, raised his glass and Why does the Torah only command us a few people to form a human ladder with tears in his eyes wished himself about ahavas Yisroel, which leads to the by standing on each other’s shoulders. to be blessed with true ahavas HaShem. actions, and not about achdus Yisroel, the However, while they were getting higher Soon after, the Mitteler Rebbe raised his awareness that will automatically lead to and higher, the lower people began to glass and wished himself to be blessed such actions? break up and so they all began to fall. with true ahavas Yisroel. The mission was not accomplished One explanation is the following: As The participants in the farbrengen began because they were not all connected the a rule, the Torah and its mitzvos focus to debate which of these two loves is entire time. on one's practical actions, and not on greater. Their uncertainty continued the thoughts and feelings behind those So, too, explained the Baal Shem Tov: for several weeks before they decided actions. This is evident from the way the While we were davening together we to ask the Alter Rebbe. After suitable Torah discusses the details of all practical were all connected and I could climb high, preparation and at an opportune time mitzvos. Here, too, the Torah only but when you each left and attended to they presented him with their dilemma, commands us to act in a kindly manner; your personal needs, it all collapsed and to which he replied in his customary the explanations are discussed in Torah I could not achieve what I wanted to. singsong: sheb'al peh and in Chassidus. The Baal Shem Tov further explained that "Both love of HaShem and love of Yidden (תו"מ תשד"מ ח"ב ע' 664) every Yid has a letter in the Torah, and are equally engraved in every Yid's neshama, just as the whole Torah is one unity, so ruach and nefesh. Nevertheless, the possuk too we all have to be connected to each states clearly: 'I have loved you, says other as one, and then we are able to HaShem.' It follows that love of Yidden is achieve greater heights. superior – for you love whom your Beloved loves." ONSIDER HIS (אור החכמה פ' בהעלותך) ! C T (אג"ק מוהריי"צ ח"ג ע' תכג, תלז, היום יום כ"ח ניסן) The Tzemach Tzedek once said: The fi rst  Are the heights reached four letters of the alef-beis – alef, beis, In a letter to a young chossid the through achdus a reward gimmel, daled – stand for the words: Frierdiker Rebbe warns him, “One must or a natural result? Does it Achdus – Bracha, Gava – Dalus. When be very careful not to cause pain or matter how that achdus is there is unity, there is bracha, but when embarrassment to anyone, especially a achieved? there is pride and hence discord, the fi ne young woman, and when it concerns result is poverty. a personal matter, which is unforgivable.”  If a person’s ahavas Yisroel is not related to ahavas To this the Rebbe added: If in dealings He then quotes the Rebbe Maharash on HaShem is it still superior? in the realm of gashmiyus, unity brings the critical signifi cance of ahavas Yisroel:

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Live video consults now available. MachonStam.com Rabbi Shimon Hellinger 718-778-STAM www.SELLMILESNOW.com Kingston Avenue 732-987-7765 415 ספרי תורה תפילין מזוזות [email protected] י' כסלו OUR HEROES Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev .(1740) ת"ק Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was born in the year After his chassunah, he went to study from the Maggid of Mezritch. He served as the Rov of the city of Berditchev and was one of the most famous Rebbes. Reb Levi Yitzchak was known as Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin the “saneigor” (advocate) of Yidden, always finding merit in every th .(1809) תק"ע ,A WAY OF LIFE Moreh Hora'ah - Beis Horaa Rechovot situation. He was niftar on the 25 of Tishrei Reb Levi Yitzchak would always speak in the defense of Klal Yisroel. On Yom Kippur before Kol Nidrei a large crowd gathered in shul, including many who attended shul Gifts on Shabbos only once a year. Reb Levi Yitzchak would run from his place in the front of the shul I was invited for a Shabbos meal and would like to present to the back to take one of these people to the mizrach, while muttering, “Ribono Shel my hosts with a bottle of wine. May I present it to them at Olam! I would not trade the 'worst' Jew for the 'best' goy!” the meal? Once, a Yid approached Reb Levi Yitzchak for a bracha. The Rebbe told him he should do a certain thing and he would be helped. When the man left the room he stood  Chazal decreed that one may not buy or sell on Shabbos or Yom puzzled how he would succeed on such a difficult task. The Rebbe sensed the man’s Tov even if the price of the sale is not mentioned, since one thoughts, and called out to him, “Yungerman! Don’t think about it. You could ruin it.” 1 (Since the power of the bracha was dependent on the man's belief in the words of may come to record the sale in writing. Likewise they forbade the tzaddik.) giving gifts. Here are some exceptions: Reb Mordechai Liepler was active in pidyon shvuyim and freeing young men from  Food: Food and drink intended for Shabbos may be given as a serving in the Czar’s army. Eventually, the government found out and planned to gift since the gift is for the purpose of Shabbos use.2 arrest him, so Reb Mordechai hurried to the Alter Rebbe for a bracha. At that time,  Dish: A dish that wasn’t toivled may be given to a non-Jew so the Alter Rebbe’s granddaughter had just married the grandson of Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev in Zhlobin, and Reb Mordechai arrived during the week of sheva that it can be used (a non-Jew’s dishes do not require tevilah) 3 brachos. When he presented his request, the Alter Rebbe advised him to approach his since the gift is for the purpose of Shabbos use. mechutan, the Rov of Berditchev.  Children’s Groups: Non-food prizes should be given or acquired The gabboim of Reb Levi Yitzchak did not want to allow him to disturb the tzaddik’s after Shabbos. Some are lenient since it is for the purpose of schedule, but when they heard his plight—especially the Alter Rebbe’s instruction— simchas Shabbos and a mitzva.4 they advised him to hide in the room behind a curtain, and then present his request  at an appropriate moment. From his hiding place, Reb Mordechai could watch Reb Levi Lulav and Talis: One may give a lulav or talis as a "matana al mnas Yitzchak’s assiduous avoda. l’hachzir" since it is evident that he is giving it to him specifically for to perform the and not to keep, but one should not First, the tzaddik sat at a table in dveikus as both gabboim inserted spoonfuls of food give it as an absolute gift.5 (For chinuch some6 permit giving into his mouth, with only small portions of it actually being eaten. The meal was soon the lulav as a complete gift to a child, since the prohibition over and the elderly tzaddik was laid down on a bed. His gabboim sat near him, one at his head and the other at his feet, and they simultaneously read from Mishnayos and of matana is on the receiver and for the sake of chinuch this from Zohar respectively. The tzaddik was deep asleep, yet every so often he would prohibition is waived.) stop them and correct their reading. After a short while Reb Levi Yitzchak rose and  Bar Mitzvah Gift: It is best not give the gift on Shabbos. washed neggel vasser. However, when necessary acharonim advise transferring At that moment, Reb Mordechai came out of his place and asked for a bracha. At first ownership of the gift before Shabbos – by having someone Reb Levi Yitzchak told him off for endangering his life by being involved in activities else lift it before Shabbos on behalf of the Bar Mitzvah boy,7 or which opposed the government, but upon hearing that it was at the Alter Rebbe’s afterwards – by stipulating that the receiver will acquire it after instruction he conceded, “If so, you are righteous in your case. Go in peace!” And Shabbos is over.8 that is what happened. (מגדל עז ע' קסז)  In conclusion: One may give a bottle of wine on Shabbos since it is for the purpose of the Shabbos meal.

OMENT WITH THE EBBE 1. שוע"ר ש"ו ס"ד. סי"ז. וראה ארחות השבת פכ"ב הערה A M R ס"ז וצ"ע. 2. שוע"ר ש"ו סט"ו, שכ"ג ש"א. 6. שו"ת בית יצחק סי' ק"ו, ולקטן כל דבר 3. שוע"ר שכ"ג ס"ח. The Lubavitch Way שהוא משום חינוך מצוה מותר לספות לו 4. ארחות השבת פכ"ב ס"נ והע' ס"ח, איסור בידים – שוע"ר שמ"ג ס"ח. ,The Lubavitch standards in outreach activities are set high אבל צע"ג לדעת רבינו ש"ו סי"ז. וראה 7. שש"כ פכ"ט סל"א. though when others were active, despite them being not in line בס' הקטן והלכותיו פי"ט סקכ"א. with Lubavitch guidelines, they received encouragement from 8. שו"ת מהר"י אסאד סי' פ"ג. the Rebbe. The prominent Mizrachi leader and rosh of Kfar Chasidim, Harav 5. מג"א סי' ש"ו סקט"ו ושוע"ר ש"ו Moshe Tzvi Neriah, is one example. In Iyar 5717 (1957), Harav Neriah was in a yechidus where he discussed his successful youth movement ‘.’ He told the Rebbe that often he feels great regret about the fact that in his programs there is no separation of the genders, among other inconsistencies with the Torah way. The Rebbe answered: As long as you understand that this breech is indeed a tragedy - nor es kumt rateven“ מזל טוב! fun a gresere umglick (it only that it is coming to save us from a greater tragedy) - you ”…may continue in your work בשמחה רבה שולחים אנו ברכותינו In contrast, when Lubavitch Foundation of the UK wished to create a similar program להת' מנחם מענדל שי' לוין וב"ג מרים שתחי' שטראקס :in order to curb intermarriage, they received a sharp answer from 770 לרגל בואם בקשרי שידוכין בשעטומ"צ “This is not the Lubavitch way. Even if a Halachic heter is found, this kind of work ”…should be left for others מרכז אנ"ש לזכות ר' שלום מרדכי הלוי שי' בן רבקה Mission Sheets Mivtza Each week onThursday your Mivtza Tzivos Hashem child/ren will receive a The second- Mission Sheet.Throughout annual worldwide poster the week, please help contest. your child/ren complete their Chayolim have until Mission Sheet and enter it Monday,Yud Cheshvan, into the computer or send it (November 3rd) to submit back to the Cheder. Mission their artwork using the sheets from Yom Tov should submission form or any already be entered into the 8.5x11 sized computer or handed in to the paper. Artwork can be office. If this has not yet been brought to the Cheder done, please do so ASAP. Office or submitted via fax (845) 290-9676 or by scanning and emailing to New Mission! TzivosHashem@cheder The special Mission for the monsey.org. month of Cheshvan is washing Negel Vasser. If your child/ren do Negel Vasser a minimum of 5 days each week, they will receive Purchases additional miles for their All items purchased from Tzivos Hashem should account. Please see this arrive by our next rally on Chof week's Hachayol magazine Cheshvon (November 13th). for exciting details about this Mission. Questions

If you have any questions or comments about Tzivos Hashem, please don’t hesitate to mail [email protected] mivtza tzivos hashem Second-Annual Poster Contest 5775

Name: This poster is my original work, using my own creative abilities. School: By submitting this poster, I agree to let Tzivos Hashem use Grade: and distribute my art. Poster Title: Chayol signature: