Dr. Nirmal Raju M.A. , Ph.D Designation : Professor E.mail :
[email protected] Books Published : 1. Empowerment of Dalits, 2011. 2. Anthyodaya, 2011. 3. Ummatturu Prabhugalu, 2012 4. Ummatturu Kings – A Study, 2012 Publications : 1. „The Mari time contacts of Malnad Karnataka and its Impact on Society (Seminar Proceedings) : “ The Contact between Keladi Kingdom and the Dutch”, Sagar, 2012 2. Mysoru Darshana (Ed: Dr. Rajendra): “Mysore wodeyars and Dasara festival”, Mysore, 2012 3. The Princely State of Mysore under Dewan Sir Mirza Ismail (Ed: Chinnaswamy sosale) : “The Development of Major and Home Industries During Mirza‟s period”, Bengaluru, 2012 4. Environment, Tourism & Development(Seminar Proceedings): “Cultural Heritage Tourism- A Case Study Of Karnataka‟‟, Mysore, 2012 5. Environment, Tourism & Development(Seminar Proceedings): “Cultural Heritage Tourism- A Case Study Of Mysore District‟‟, Mysore, 2012 6. Empowerment of Dalits : “The History of Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar”, Mysore, 2011 7. Empowerment of Dalits : “Dr.B.R. Ambedkar as a Historian of India”, Mysore, 2011 8. Empowerment of Dalits : “Historical Perspective of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar‟s Thought on Economic Development in India”, Mysore, 2011 9. Empowerment of Dalits : “Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and The Age of Globalization”, Mysore, 2011 10. Empowerment of Dalits : “ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar - A Social Reformer”, Mysore, 2011 11. Empowerment of Dalits : “Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and the Uplift of Oppressed and Depressed classes in India”, Mysore, 2011 12. Empowerment of Dalits : “The Role of Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and The Revival of Buddhism”, Mysore, 2011 13. Empowerment of Dalits :“Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and Socio-Religious Movement in 20th Century”, Mysore, 2011 14.