Project Tools ...... 4

Analysis of financial statements ...... 6

Brand Management ...... 8

Evaluation of business performances and evaluation of enterprises ...... 10

European Management and Business Globalization ...... 12

Eco-marketing selected chapters ...... 14

European union economics ...... 16

E-manufacturing and e-service management ...... 21

English language for specific purposes 4 ...... 23

Joint European innovation programs...... 25

Managing Innovation ...... 27

Financial instruments ...... 29

Integrated business communications ...... 31

Integrated Environmental Management ...... 33

Integrated management systems - selected chapters ...... 35

Information System for SME ...... 37

Corporate restructuring ...... 39

Leadership and ...... 41

Macromanagement ...... 43

Marketing management – holistic approach ...... 45

Media Communications ...... 47

Interpersonal Relations in Organization ...... 49

Managerial approach to business ethics ...... 52

Management accounting ...... 54

Management and Quality ...... 56

Management and Organization ...... 58

Management engineering ...... 60

Intellectual Property Management ...... 62

Quality Management in the Public Sector ...... 64


Human – selected topics ...... 67

Management in Banking ...... 69

Mobility and social care of ...... 71

Models of Social Responsibility ...... 73

Multi-...... 75

Public Relations - Strategies and Tactics ...... 77

Sustainable development ...... 79

Organizational design ...... 81

Fundamentals of Standardization ...... 84

Quality improvement of management and problem solving ...... 86

Business Psychology ...... 88

Business Strategies in the European Environment ...... 90

Business Reporting and Performance Indicators...... 92

Business aspects of Management and Organization ...... 94

Entrepreneurial marketing ...... 96

Entrepreneurial venture and business plan ...... 98

Entrepreneurship Accounting and Finance ...... 100

Entrepreneurial improvement of SME management ...... 102

Entrepreneurship and management of SMEs ...... 104

Entrepreneurship in public sector ...... 106

Applied Marketing Research...... 108

Management of Projects ...... 110

Auditing in the Public Sector ...... 115

Safety and security management systems ...... 117

Energy management systems ...... 119

Environmental ...... 121

Spreadsheet Management ...... 123

Statistics in management – selected chapters ...... 125

Strategic technology cooperation ...... 127


Strategic Cost Management ...... 129

Technology ...... 131

Eco-Innovation Project Management ...... 136

Environmental Risk Analysis ...... 138

Managing Environmental Suitability of Products ...... 139

Projects Appraisal ...... 141

Innovation Project Management ...... 143

Performance and Compensation management ...... 145

Public Sector Project Management ...... 147

Process Management...... 149

Reputation management and social responsibility ...... 151

Resource Management ...... 153

Project risk management ...... 155

Services management and relationship marketing ...... 157

Financial markets and technology of exchanges operations ...... 159

Financial Management ...... 161

French for specific purposes 4 – French for academic purposes ...... 163


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Project Management Tools Teacher:Mihić M. Marko

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: None

Course objective:

 Introducing students to the major methods and techniques of project management.  Teaching students modern methods and techniques in the project realization Learning outcomes

 At the end of the learning process, after fulfilment of pre-exam requirements, passing the exam, students are expected to know and understand the content of the subject, and to be able to use contemporary methods and techniques in managing various projects. Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Evaluation and selection of projects. Planning methods. Methods of organization. Methods of cost estimates. Resource optimization. Methods of risk management project. Analysis of project stakeholders. Project Logical framework.

Practical instruction:

Project initiation. Problem tree. Objective tree. PBS, WBS, OBS, responsibility matrix. Map of key events. Priority method. Planning costs. Empirical, statistical and normative methods of estimating costs. Bottom – up planning. Time phased budget. Actual value method. Cost optimization project. Risk Assessment method.


 Jovanović P., Petrović D., Mihić M., Obradović V.: Tools of project management, FON, Belgrade, in 2014.  Milosevic D.: Project Management Toolbox, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 2003.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:


2 2

Teaching methods Auditory, Illustrative and Demonstrative, Verbal and Textual, Practical Methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Analysis of financial statements Teacher:Kneţević P. Sneţana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquiring knowledge and skills of a comprehensive insight into the importance and possibilities of analysis of financial statements for different users.

Learning outcomes

Acquisition of knowledge and practical tools necessary for comprehensive analysis of financial statements, as well as the complete capacity to interpret and use the results.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Basic knowledge of financial reporting. Management information and accounting policies. Accounting principles and standards. The issue of the assessment of balance sheet items. Horizontal and vertical analysis of financial statements. Data analysis of financial statements. Analysis of financial statements for shareholders. Analysis of financial statements for lenders. Other important aspects of the analysis of financial statements. Falsification and concealment of balance as illegal acts. Projected financial statements. The application of mathematical and statistical methods in the analysis of financial statements. Financial reporting in the European Union. Specifics of financial reporting in multinational companies. Revision of operational realities of the financial statements. Practical instruction:

Elements of financial position - assets, liabilities and equity. The elements of business success - revenues, expenses and results. Cash Flow. Statement of changes in equity. Notes to the financial statements. The use of horizontal and vertical analysis of the specific case. The use of financial indicators in the analysis of financial statements. Design methodology of the balance sheet. Design methodology of the income statement. Design methodology of the cash flow. The application of accounting policies. Valuation. An audit of financial statements.


Young D, Cohen J: Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2013.


Drake P, Fabozzi F: Analysis of Financial Statements, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

Fridson M, Alvarez F: Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide, 4th ed, John Wiley & Sons,2011.

Fridson M, Alvarez F: Financial Statement Analysis: Workbook: A Practitioner's Guide, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Higgins C. Robert: Analysis for , McGraw-Hill, New York, 2008.

White Gerald I, Sondhi Ashwinpaul C, Fried Dov: The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2003.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

30 30

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises and consultations. Students are actively involved in the learning process through interactive discussions, exercises, homework aned case studies.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam 100

Participation in labs


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Brand Management Teacher:Filipović S. Vinka,Kostić-Stanković M. Milica,Štavljanin B. Velimir,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna,Cicvarić Kostić M. Slavica,Milićević K. Vesna

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Introduce students with the basic concepts and principles of branding and train them in the planning, implementation and of the brand management activities.

Learning outcomes

Gaining knowledge, abilities and skills required for building and maintaining successful brand strategy.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Concept of brand. Notion of brand – product, services, organization/institution, geographical location, person, ideas, trade mark. Brand development, from product to brand. Creating brand. Brand values. Brand elements: name, logo, design, packaging, personality, message. The foundation, essence of the brand. Brand positioning. Brand identity. Brand identity planning. Brand image. Brand architecture. Emotional branding. The process and tools of brand communication. Integrated marketing communications. Corporate Communications. Internet communications. Innovative brand communication strategies. Brand life cycle. The process of brand management. The concept of brand equity. Brand equity for an organization. Brand equity for customers. Measuring brand equity. Brand extension strategies. Brand in international business. Global vs. local brands. Country of origin effect. Brand strategies in international markets.

Practical instruction:

Getting to know relevant national and international institutions and organizations. Case studies analysis. The development of brand elements. Developing brand's communication mix. Brand strategy development. Brand strategy development in the international market. Crafting and presentation of the project.



Filipović V., Kostić-Stanković M.,Marketing menadžment, FON, Beograd, 2012.

Cicvarić S. Brend- kreiranje, pozicioniranje i održavanje, Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2006.

Keler, K.L., Slučajevi najbolje prakse u brendiranju, Mass Media International, 2008

Kapferer, J.N., The New Strategic Brand Management, Kogan Page, 2008

Additional literature if needed, and in accordance with lecturers recommendation

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Project Research study:

Teaching methods lectures illustrated with additional audio-visual equipment, interactive discussions, work in small teams, solving and presenting case study solutions, students' independent research, consultations regarding work on project assignment, independent work through learning and preparing project assignment

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam

Crafting and presenting the project 30 Oral exam 60 assignment


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master Academic Studies


Evaluation of business performances and evaluation of enterprises Teacher:Ţarkić-Joksimović A. Nevenka,Benković S. SlaĎana,Barjaktarović-Rakočević M. SlaĎana,Kneţević P. Sneţana,Bogojević-Arsić T. Vesna,Đuričin Dragan,Poznanić Vladimir

Course status: mandatory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Acquiring knowledge in measuring and managing financial performances of enterprises and familiarization with the issue of evaluation of enterprises in different markets of different development level, ownership structure, and in different industries.

Learning outcomes

Teaching students to evaluate financial performances and different business segments, and to manage them.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Concept of business and financial performances. Indicators of financial performances. System for evaluating performances. . Financial aspects of performance management. Concept of evaluation, basic techniques for evaluation and their significance. Other aspects of evaluation. Specific cases of evaluation of enterprises.

Practical instruction:

Measuring financial performances. Altman Z-Score. Ohlson model. Taffler model. Lau model. Integrated systems for measuring performances. Measuring performances’ matrix. Performance pyramid. Balanced Scorecard. Performance prism. Measuring based on business excellence evaluation. Integrated model for measuring performances of small and medium enterprises. Basic measuring techniques. Measuring and managing performances. Creating value through mergers, acquisitions and disinvestment. Examples of evaluation of enterprises which operate in different industries both on foreign and developing markets. Examples of evaluation of enterprises in cyclical industries. Examples of evaluation of young, developing and problematic enterprises. Evaluation of private enterprises and financial institutions.


1. Zarkic Joksimovic N, Benkovic S, Milosavljevic M: Finansijski menadzment, FON, Beograd, 2013. 2. Paladino B.: Corporate Performance Management Best Practices: A Case Study Approach To 10

Accelerating CPM Results, John Whiley & Sons, 2013. 3. Bourne M., Bourne P.: Handbook of Corporate Performance Management, John Whiley & Sons, 2013. 4. Damodaran A., Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset, 3th Edition, Wiley, 2012. 5. Koller T., Goedhart M. and Wessels D., Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, Wiley, 4th Edition, 2005. 6. Kurt Verweire, Lutgart van den Berghe: Integrated Performance Management: A Guide to Strategic Implementation, Sage Publications, London, 2004. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lecturing and mentoring. Students are actively involved in the educational process through interactive discussion, practical work, homework, case studies and workshops.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points colloquiums 30 Oral exam 30 seminar works 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: master


European Management and Business Globalization Teacher:Milićević K. Vesna,Ilić J. Bojan

Course status: compulsory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Mastering approaches, processes, specificities of European management and the essence of the process of business globalization by students. The acquisition of scientific and expert knowledge and skills related to contemporary management in the European and global environment.

Learning outcomes

Competencies related to the complexity of effective business management and creating competitive advantages in terms of Serbian economy and European management. Ability of business communication and with local, European and global environment, with a proactive approach and creativity.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Characteristics of European management. European identity and European business environment. Multidimensionality, contradictions and tendencies of globalization process. The importance of European integrations in terms of business and management. Characteristics and functioning of the European Union in the context of globalization process. Specific features of management in the European Union and other European countries that are not EU members. European company and corporate integration. Contemporary methods and techniques of management in the European and global environment. Globalization and regionalization. Regional economic integration in the world. Global management and global companies. Functioning of global strategic alliances, Internet and networking process. The importance of mergers in the European and global level. Companies in Serbia and challenges of European and global management.

Practical instruction:

Class exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include: analysis of an approach to European management and business globalization, the application of methods and techniques of management in the European and global environment, case study analysis, creative workshops, exercises using the Internet, interactive discussion.



Milićević V., MeĎunarodni menadţment–novije tendencije (selected chapters), Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2009.

Milićević V., Izazovi menadţmenta vezani za evropsku integraciju, Ekonomski vidici, br.2, 2006.

Luthans F., Doh J., International Management-Culture, Strategy and Behaviour (selected chapters), McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2009

Internet sources

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Exercises: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures with the participation of students in interactive teaching, presentation of practical examples, case studies, creative workshops, exercises to solve specific managerial problems in the European and global operations, exercises with the use of the Internet, consultations in the preparation of seminar papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam

Participation in labs Oral exam 55

Seminar paper 35


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Eco-marketing selected chapters Teacher:Petrović B. Nataša,Filipović S. Vinka

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Providing knowledge in the field of ecology, environment and marketing strategies with the aim of applying eco-marketing strategies and tools.

Learning outcomes

Providing scientific and technical knowledge in eco-marketing for strengthening proactive role in focusing on the development and promotion of environmental and sustainable companies, products, services and organizations.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Environmental challenges of the new economy. New challenges of marketing. Environmentally friendly consumer. Basics of eco-marketing. Concept of eco-marketing. Strategies of eco-marketing. Eco-marketing in response to the environmental . The role of eco-marketing in the creation of environmental markets.

Practical instruction:

Workshops. Other forms of lectures, research work

Creative workshops, debates on current topics of eco-marketing, case studies and interactive educational discussions about the biggest issues of environmental economics. The use and application of the eco- marketing matrix. Case study on application of eco-marketing. Environmental protection as a part of corporate social responsibility. Development and production of eco-marketing plan.


Petrović N.: Eko-marketing, skripta. Beograd: FON, 2013.

Petrović N.: Handout-i sa predavanja. Beograd: FON, 2013.

Ottman J.A.: Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation. Chicago: NTC Business Books, 1998.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Presenting content (ppt and multimedia presentations, educational films ...). Interactive work on solving the case study. Discussions on pre-defined and presented problem. Teamwork in creative workshops. Critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information, problems and issues in developing a specific and independent research when making term papers and study of research papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Seminars 40 Oral exam 60


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


European union economics Teacher:Kragulj P. Dragana,Jednak J. Sandra

Course status: compulsory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Providing economic knowledge and a better understanding of the development of the European Union economics. Gaining knowledge of the key principles of the European Union functioning, as well as new concepts of European unity and the future of development policy of European integration.

Learning outcomes

The essential understanding of the basic principles in the conduct of macroeconomic policy of the European Union and the EU's policy in certain areas.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The European integration processes; The genesis of the idea of European unification and development of the European Union; Concepts of integration; The goals of integration ; Economies of scale, technical progress and economic factors of the integration processes; Liberalization policy and the problems and barriers of free movement of goods, services, capital and labor within the EU; The international trade policy: instruments, preferences and protection; EU and WTO; The common industrial policy; The common Agricultural Policy (CAP); The European competition policy; Monetary policy and the single currency "euro "; Exchange rate policy and the importance of the euro as the world currency; The European Central Bank (ECB): tasks, structure, procedures and deciding; The European Central Bank (ECB), monetary and fiscal policies; Budget and European Union Finances; Development, fiscal and social policies; The European Investment Bank (EIB); EU regional and cohesion policy and European structural funds; Unemployment and EU employment policy as a strategy against unemployment; Transatlantic policy; International economic relations; EU environmental policy; The European transition processes; The transition towards the European Union; Economic developments in transition countries; Rounds of enlargement of the European Union and accession countries; Accession criteria, assessment instruments, help for getting closer to the Union and group accession; Transition experiences of new EU member states and candidate countries; Balkan countries on their way to the European Union - CEFTA 2006; The European Union and Serbia.

Practical instruction:

Seminar classes follow the methodical units lectures



Kragulj D., Ekonomija - Osnovi mikroekonomske i makroekonomske analiza, izdanje autora, Beograd, 2013., (selected chapters);

Kragulj D., Evropski integracioni i tranzicioni procesi, izdanje autora, Beograd, 2005., (selected chapters);

Jednak J., Ekonomija Evropske unije, Beogradska poslovna škola, Beograd, 2009., (selected chapters);

Baldwin, R., Wyplosz, C., The Economics of European Integration, McGraw Hill, 2004., (selected chapters);

Pelkmans, J., European Integration: Methods and Economic Analysis, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2001., (selected chapters);

El-Agraa, A, M., The European Union –Economics & Policies, 7th ed.Prentice Hall, 2004., (selected chapters).

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises, case studies and consultations. Students are encouraged and activated through interactive classes.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Presentation of the seminar paper 50 and oral exam

Seminar paper 40



Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies

Course: Electronic learning

Teacher: Gordana Đ. Milosavljević

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 4

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Developing students’ knowledge and skills for a wide application of information and communication technologies in education and learning.

Learning outcomes

Students are enabled to design content for e-learning process, as well as to implement e-learning using specific e-tools for learning and education.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The development of distance education. The basic conceptual definitions: e-education, e-learning, m- learning. Managing distance education system. Synchronization of distance education. The forms of mediation through information and communication technologies. Videoconferencing. Tools for e-learning. Models for e-learning. Personal e-learning environment. Using mobile technology for learning. Communication in e-learning. Psychological aspects of electronic communication. Designing education and information-communication technologies. Educational Software. The use of ICT for knowledge evaluation.

Practical instruction:

Practical application of: e-communication, . Learning via the Internet and mobile technologies. Web 2.0 tools for e-learning. Learning Content management systems - Moodle.


1. Rosenberg m., "E-learning - Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in Digital Age", McGraw-Hill, 2001 2. Alan Clarke: „e-Learning Skills―, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004 3. Iverson, Kathleen M.: „E-learning Games : Interactive Learning Strategies for Digital Delivery―, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005 The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods


Lectures, discussions, implementation of different e-leaning methods, creative workshops, exercises.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Essay 50 Written exam 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


E-manufacturing and e-service management Teacher:Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Compulsory/elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective:

The course objective is to capacitate students to understand management of production and services by using information systems and Internet technologies. Practical knowledge about using electronic management in production/service companies by relevant actual methods and techniques for modelling of production and service processes, standardization and modelling of documentation in production/service companies.

Learning outcomes:

The course outcome is students' capability to understand and accept certain level of knowledge about electronic management in production and service processes, as well knowledge about modern information and Internet technologies, which can be used in management of production/service companies.

Course structure and content:

Theoretical instruction:

Introduction: Electronic business and manufacturing companies. E-manufacturing – definitions, characteristics. Production and service planning in e-business environment, by using Production Planning Agent. Aggregate planning by Internet. Advance Planning and Scheduling by Internet. E-Purchasing. Resources management by Internet. Inventory management based on CMI (Co-Managed Inventory). E- Sales, E-maintenance. E-process/product control. E-distribution. Collaboration between business partners. Integration of information flows in production/service company by Internet. Advances of e-manufacturing and e-service management.

Practical instruction/Labs:

Customer order management by Internet. Web-based ATP systems. Web-based CTP systems. Web-based CTP systems. Inventory management – VMI approach. E-product and e-service design. RFID technologies and usage in production/service company. Internet and . Internet and Demand chains. Standardization and modeling of production documents. Modeling of production/service processes (class diagram, activity diagram, integration scenarios, etc). Case study with relevant models and standards.

Literature/Readings: 1. Greeff G., Ghosha R., Practical E-Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, Elsevier, 2004. 2. Timings R., Wilkinson S., E-manufacture, Prentice Hall, Edinburg 2004. 3. Walsh, E. A., ebXML Technical Specifications, Prentice-Hall, Inc, New York 2002.


The number of class hours per week: 2+2 Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures and practical work on case studies from real business environment.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Oral exam 40

Practical instructions/project/essay 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


English language for specific purposes 4 Teacher:Jakić D. Gordana

Course status: Elective

ECTS points:

Prerequisites: Minimum upper-intermediate level knowledge of English (possible placement testing at the start of the course)

Course objective

The course is designed for students who wish to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for doing academic and research work in English within their profession, both in their country and abroad. The objective of the course is to teach students the basic terminology necessary to do such work, to acquire skills for understanding written and spoken academic texts, lectures and presentations in English, effectively take notes in English, develop competences necessary to participate in discussions and hold presentations on selected topics, write term papers, research and other papers in English and develop appropriate academic vocabulary.

Learning outcomes

During the course, students will acquire terminology and improve skills and competences necessary to do academic and research work in English, follow and understand lectures in English, and do research independently through research and writing papers and presenting them.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Academic Listening and Note-Taking 1; Academic Listening and Note-Taking 2; Academic Listening and Note-Taking 3; Academic Reading 1; Academic Reading 2; Academic Reading 3; Academic Reading 4; Academic Writing 1; Academic Writing 2; Academic Writing 3; Academic Speaking 1; Academic Speaking 2; Academic Speaking; General revision; Students’ homework.

Practical instruction:

Academic Listening and Note-Taking 1- practice in groups; Academic Listening and Note-Taking 2- practice in groups; Academic Listening and Note-Taking 3-individual work; Academic Reading 1- practice in groups; Academic Reading 2- practice in groups; Academic Reading 3- practice in groups; Academic Reading 4 - individual work; Academic Writing 1- practice in groups; Academic Writing 2- practice in groups; Academic Writing 3- individual work; Academic Speaking 1- practice in groups; Academic Speaking 2- practice in groups; Academic Speaking – individual presentations; General revision; Students’




Thaine, C. et al, Cambridge Academic English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Original texts from coursebooks and journals in the field of organizational sciences in English

Jakić, G.: Terminologija u organizacionim naukama – terminološki standardi i standardizacija, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013.

Oxford Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.

M. Landa, Privredno - poslovni rečnik. Grafička knjiga, Beograd, 2004.

P. Emmerson, Business Vocabulary Builder, Macmillan Education, Oxford, 2009.

S. R. Esteras, E. M. Fabre, Professional English in Use: ICT, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 1 Labs: 1 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, analysis of texts in English, exercises, pair work, team work, discussion, presentations, case studies, business essay writing, role-play.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Joint European innovation programs Teacher:Levi-Jakšić I. Maja,Stošić A. Biljana,Marinković P. Sanja

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

The acquisition of knowledge in the fields of innovation and technological business environment in the EU, and the dynamics of technology, cooperative innovative strategies, alliances and networks, as well as European rules and specifics in the area of technology transfer and joint R&D projects.

Learning outcomes Students acquire knowledge about the importance of the broader innovation environment and identify key characteristics of macro-innovation area, primarily European. They learn about the basic concepts, methods and means of connecting into the network of key actors in the innovation chain, especially in the area of joint European research and development programs and innovations. Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The main characteristics of European technological and innovation environment; Conceptual frameworks of the innovation environment and specificity of individual sectors, technological changes and development trends. Indicators of innovation activities - comparisons and specific data for Europe and other world regions and countries; National innovation systems and innovation policy in the EU - analysis of individual countries; Joint innovation programs and projects in the EU; Basic policies of technology transfer and technological cooperation in the EU; Different models of technological and business strategies and forms of realization of joint innovation and technology programs; ICT and European business environment - indicators of development.

Practical instruction: Exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include: case studies, analysis of innovation policies, analysis and comparison of published research results, analysis of innovative programs and projects in the EU. Literature/Readings:

Levi Jakšić, M., Strateški menadţment tehnologije – inovacije, menadţment i preduzetništvo, FON, Beograd, 2001.

Burgelman, R.A., Christensen, C., Wheelwright, S., Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, Mc Graw Hill, 2008.

Biegelbauer, Borras, S., Innovation Policies in Europe and the US, The New Agenda, 2003.

Fagerberg, J., et. al., The Economic Challenge for Europe – Adapting to Innovation Based Growth, EE, 1999.

Archibugi, D., Howells, J., Michie, J., Innovation Policy in a Global Economy, Cambridge University Press, 1999.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures:2 Exercises:2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Presentation of the material in the form of lectures, case studies, presentation of software, active involvement of students in practical research, essays and deepening the theoretical knowledge by the Internet and additional literature research. Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Continuous assessment of students 40 Exam 60 during the semester (essays, attendance, project work etc.)


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Undergraduate studies


Managing Innovation Teacher:Stošić A. Biljana

Course status: Obligatory

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquisition of knowledge in the field - designing and managing of innovation from idea to realization.

Learning outcomes

Ability to design and manage all stages of the innovation process and innovation portfolio, applying management and engineering techniques.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Innovation theory. Innovation concept and typology (specially, OECD classification). Innovation as a development and entrepreneurship foundation. Innovation management from new ideas to implementation. Innovation as management and engineering process. Business model innovation and technology innovation (specially, radical innovation implication, such as ICT). Relation between business innovation and R&D activities. Strategic and organizational innovativeness aspects. Innovation strategy analysis of organizational competitiveness. Innovation project management as an applied field of innovation management. Business idea management (creativity, design and generating ideas, sources of ideas, evaluation and selection). Innovation process models and opportunity for their application in different areas. Open innovation – pros and cons. National innovation system and innovation infrastructure. Measuring innovation. Innovative performance and innovation indicators. Intellectual property in innovation management (inventor’s law – patents as invention protection mechanisms, industrial design, product and service trademark – brands, protection of service innovation, information technology).

Practical instruction: Supporting methods in managing innovation processes in the domain of new products, services, processes, organization, marketing and other areas. Analysis and application of ideation creative methods in generating new ideas, prediction, evaluation and selection of innovation projects. An overview of selected ERP system modules and software of business intelligence (systematic idea management, new product development, portfolio management, etc.). Case studies from the field.



Stošić, B., Innovation Management - Innovation Projects, Models and Methods, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013.


Stošić, B., Innovation in Technology, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 1997.


Chesbrough, H., Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape, Harvard Press, 2006.

Trott, P., Innovation Management and New Product Development, Prentice Hall, 2005.

European Commission, Enterprise DG, Benchmarking of Business Incubators, 2002.

OECD, Eurostat, Oslo Manual - Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data, Joint Publication, 3rd Edition, 2005.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Power Point presentations, research activities through an overview and analysis of the selected case studies, tasks, presentation of seminar papers and discussions, an overview of the software packages from the field (expert systems, knowledge based systems, business intelligence software and ERP modules) through laboratory exercise and laboratory work.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Type and level of studies: Graduate


Financial risk management instruments Teacher:Bogojević-Arsić T. Vesna

Module status: Compulsury


Pre-requisites: /


To provide students with a conceptual introduction to the basic principles and processes of risk management, in a contemporary business setting.

Learning outcome

The module seeks to develop the ability to understand and identify financial risks, and to manage them.



Concept of financial risk. Different types of financial risk. Market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, legal risk, and business risk. Systematic and unsystematic risk. Corporate risk. Risk measurement. Standard deviation. Coefficient of variation. Asset-pricing models. Capital asset pricing model. Arbitrage pricing theory and factor models. Financial risk management. Nature and significance of financial risk management. Risk management tools. Insurance. Asset-liability management. Hedging.

Practical teaching techniques: Exercises, Other forms of delivery, Research work

Concept of financial risk. Different types of financial risk. Examples of market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, legal risk, and business risk. Examples of systematic and unsystematic risk. Examples of different types of corporate risk. Risk measurement. Examples of risk measurement. Asset-pricing models. Examples of application of capital asset pricing model. Examples of applications of arbitrage pricing theory. Financial risk management. Buying insurance – examples. Asset liability management – examples. Hedging with various derivatives - examples.


Bogojevic Arsic V.: Upravljanje finansijskim riyikom, FON, 2009.

S. Allen, Financial risk management, Wiley, 2003.

P. F. Christoffersen, Elements of financial risk management, Academic Press, 2003.

Jorion P., GARP, Financial Risk Manager Handbook, Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2009.


Delivery (Teaching techniques) Other classes

Lectures: Exercises: Other forms of delivery: Research work:

2 2

Methods of delivery

The module is delivered through lectures, exercises, and consultations. Students are actively involved in teaching process through interactive discussions, exercises, coursework, case studies, and workshops.

Assessment (maximum number of points 100)

Pre-exam commitments Points Final exam Points

Test/tests 30 Oral examination 70


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Integrated business communications Teacher:Kostić-Stanković M. Milica,Vlastelica Bakić L. Tamara

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 5

Prerequisites: Public relations

Course objective: To introduce students to the concept of integrated business communications and train them for planning, implementation and control of integrated business communications activities

Learning outcomes: Improved knowledge and skills for designing and implementation of integrated business communication activities and enhanced business communication skills.

Course structure and content:

Theoretical study

Development of the communication theory. Business communications model. The concept of integrated business communication. Research in business communication. Identification and classification of target audiences. Integrated marketing communication. Relations. Corporate identity, image and reputation. Internal Communications. Corporate Communications. Communication with the broader community as a component of integrated business communication. The process of integrated business communication. Ethics and legal regulation of business communication. Skills and techniques of business communication. Verbal communication. Non-verbal communication. Business Etiquette..

Practical teaching:

Practises, other forms of teaching, research work: Analysis of the model of business communication. Simulation of market research and public opinion in the function of formulating appropriate communication strategies towards target audiences. Identification and classification of target audiences - mapping stakeholders. Development of marketing communication instruments. Development of instruments of corporate communications. Development of a plan for internal communications. Development of corporate communications plan. The process of the business communication development . New media and integrated business communication. Practices of techniques of verbal and non-verbal business communication. Preparation and defense of research paper.


Kostic- Stankovic, M. Integrated business communications, FON, Belgrade, 2011.

Filipovic V, Kostic- Stankovic, M. Public Relations, FON, Belgrade, 2011.

Kostic- Stankovic, M. Business Communication, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, 2009.


Kostic-Stankovic M. Marketing communication in customer relationship management, Andrejevic Foundation, Belgrade, 2013.

Additional sources as required, in accordance with an agreement with subject teachers The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures illustrated with additional audio-visual equipment, interactive discussions, small group work, problem and presentation of case studies, role-play, independent research of students, consultations about seminar work and independent work of students through teaching and seminar work.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Colloquium 30

Practical work 20 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Integrated Environmental Management Teacher:Petrović B. Nataša

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Providing knowledge in the field of integrated environmental management and understanding of environmental issues, along with mastering management strategies and skills to independently solve environmental problems, and in order to improve and increase the level of environmental knowledge for proactive action in the implementation of the results of environmental science in practice, both in business and trade, governments and organizations.

Learning outcomes

The course provides students with the development and application of knowledge, understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas : integrated environmental management and its application, the concept of integrated environmental management and a healthy environment and sustainable development and their integration , appropriate research methodology to implement integrated environmental management specific management functions and the overall strategy of the organization, providing environmental expertise for decision making in the organization, effective communication and environmental arguments to represent the rights of the environment.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Elements of general ecology. The main environmental factors . Environmental problems at local, national and international standpoint. Sustainable Development. Integrated environmental management: defining the scope, characteristics, dilemmas, problems and needs. Strategic management of environmental impacts of the activities of all stakeholders of the organization. The use of local, regional and national environmental policy. Environmental responsibility and decision-making in order to protect the environment. Critical evaluation of the environmental impact of the organization, processes and activities.

Practical instruction:

Workshops. Other forms of lectures, research work. Creative workshops, debates on current topics of eco- marketing, case studies and interactive educational discussions about the issues of environmental economics. The use and application of the eco-marketing matrix. Analysis of a case study of application of eco- marketing. Environmental Protection as part of corporate social responsibility. Development and production of eco-marketing plan.



1. Petrović N.: Ekološki menadžment, udţbenik, drugo izd. Beograd: FON, 2012. 2. Petrović N.: Handout-i sa predavanja. Beograd: FON, 2013. 3. Petrović N., A. Nikodijević: Vodič za učešće javnosti u zaštiti životne sredine, praktikum. Beograd: Fond za podršku civilnom društvu u Srbiji, Evropska agencija za rekonstrukciju, AAOM, 2007. 4. Barrow C.J.: Environmental Management-Principles and Practice. London: Routledge, 1999. Drakulić M., Krivokapić Đ., Drakulić R.: Ekološko pravo. Beograd: WUS, Austria, Poljoprivredni fakultet, FON, 2010.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Presenting content (ppt and multimedia presentations, educational films ...). Interactive work on solving the case study. Discussions on pre-defined and presented problem. Teamwork in creative workshops. Critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information, problems and issues in developing a specific and independent research when making term papers and study of research papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Seminars 40 Oral exam 60


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Integrated management systems - selected chapters Teacher:Ţivković D. Nedeljko

Course status: Optional

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: None

Course objective

Understanding the basic concepts, processes and approaches that are associated with integrated management systems.

Learning outcomes

Acquiring knowledge and skills for design and management of integrated management systems.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

1. Introduction to the subject. 2. - 3. Bases for the implementation of integrated management systems. 4.-5. Organizational system and its stakeholders. 6.-7. Standards for management systems. 8.-9. Analysis of the requirements of the standards for management systems. 10.-11. Integrated management systems. 12.-13. Standards for integrated management systems. 14. Introduction to the research. 15. Concluding remarks.

Practical instruction:

1.-2. Identification of outputs and processes of an organizational system. 3.-4. Identification and categorization of the organizational system’s stakeholders. 5.-6. Analysis of impact of the processes on the product quality. 7.-8. Analysis of impact of the processes on the environment. 9.-10. Analysis of impact of the processes on the occupational health and safety. 11.-12. Analysis of the most frequent aspects of the management systems standards integration. 13.-14. Experience in the implementation of integrated management systems. 15. Concluding Remarks. Other kinds of teaching are also included, as well as research study.


1. Nedeljko Zivkovic, „Integrated management systems―, electronic edition, Faculty of organizational sciences, 2012. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:


2 2

Teaching methods

Theoretical instructions, practical instructions, interactive teaching, seminar works, team work and discussion.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Project work 10 Oral exam 50

Seminar work 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Information System for SME Teacher:Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Obligatory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: Enterprise information systems

Course objective

 To make students familiar with modern information technologies for small and medium enterprises.  To make students familiar with spreadsheet engineering.  To make students familiar with computer programs standards, especially with accounting software standard RRS33-2003. Learning outcomes

Students trained to evaluate bookkeeping software quality for specific enterprise and compatibility with RRS33-2003 standard.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

I) Bookkeeping software modules; MS Office usage for bookkeeping; bookkeeping software standard RRS33; example of complex bookkeeping software for small and medium enterprise;

II) Spreadsheet information systems role in business; Spreadsheet errors, tools, education, auditing, management; From software to spreadsheet engineering;

III) Digital economy; information technology and systems characteristics; internet; internet data protection; enterprise information system and internet technology;

Practical instruction: Research study

Students write research paper in accordance with course content, under the supervision of professor; Definition of paper topic, content, work plan, problem and paper presentation.


1. Association of Accountants and Auditors of Yugoslavia, RRS33 - National Accounting Standard (in Serbian), 2003, revised in 2008. 2. Kostić K., Accounting Program for Small and Medium Enterprises " BOŽIĆ" (in Serbian), Demo version, 2014; 3. Pantović V., Dinić S., Starčević D., Modern Business and Internet Technology (in Serbian), Energoprojekt InGraf, 2002, Belgrade, electronic version on:; The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures and PowerPoint presentations. Consultations about research paper.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class and labs 40 Bookkeeping software quality 30 problem understanding level

Research paper 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Type and level of studies: Graduate


Corporate restructuring Teacher:Bogojević-Arsić T. Vesna,Đuričin Dragan

Module status: Optional




To provide an understanding of corporate restructuring process.

Learning outcome

The module seeks to develop the ability to understand and apply corporate restructuring strategies to business problems and phenomena.



Corporate restructuring – nature, goals, and antecedent. Types of corporate restructuring. Organizational restructuring. Portfolio restructuring. Financial restructuring. Participants in restructuring process. Restructuring strategies. Strategies of contraction and downsizing. Financial restructuring strategies. Mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. Valuation approaches.

Practical teaching techniques: Exercises, Other forms of delivery, Research work

Examples of partial, total, portfolio, organizational, and financial restructurings. Examples of divestitures, spin-offs, sell-offs, and equity carve outs. Examples of different types of buyouts’ and recapitalizations. Examples of mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. Examples of distressed company valuation. Valuation of leverage and management buyouts – examples. Valuation of mergers and acquisitions – examples.


Bogojevic Arsic, V., Korporativne finansije (chapter 7), Fakultet organizacionh nauka, Beograd, 2005.

Enrique R. Arzac, Valuation: Mergers, Buyotus and Restructuring, Wiley&Sons., 2nd Edition, 2007.

Baker K.H., Kiymaz H., The Art of Capital Restructuring: Creating Shareholder Value Through Mergers and Acquisitions, Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2011.

Delivery (Teaching techniques) Other classes


Lectures: Exercises: Other forms of delivery: Research work:

2 2

Methods of delivery

The module is delivered through lectures, exercises, and consultations. Students are actively involved in teaching process through interactive discussions, exercises, coursework, case studies, and workshops.

Assessment (maximum number of points 100)

Pre-exam commitments Points Final exam Points

Seminar/s 50 Oral examination 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies (MAS)


Leadership and Change Management Teacher:Jaško O. Ondrej,Petrović Č. Dejan,Mihić M. Marko,Čudanov J. Mladen,Obradović LJ. Vladimir,Jevtić V. Miloš

Course status: Required

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquiring knowledge in the field of leadership and organizational change. Studying the characteristics and behaviors of individuals in managerial positions in organizational systems, as well as all the influential factors that determine successful leadership, in order to define appropriate models and managerial influence and improve the functioning of organizational systems. Studying the process of implementation of organizational changes, their necessity and efficiency.

Learning outcomes

Mastering the concepts of leadership and organizational change, as well as training methods and techniques of leadership and implementation of organizational changes.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Leadership in organizations. The definition of leadership. Review of basic research directions in the study of leadership. Theories of leadership. Personality traits and behaviours of leaders. Situational approaches to leadership. Transformational leadership. Organizational changes. The process of implementation of organizational changes. The role of leaders in initiating, designing and implementing program changes. The concept and definition of organizational changes. Types of organizational change. Levels of organizational change. The concepts of organizational change. Leadership and Change Management. The choice of leaders of change. The process of change management in the organization. The characteristics of transformational leadership. Resistance to change and methods of overcoming resistance. Contemporary models of leadership.

Practical instruction:

Theoretical approaches of leadership. Approaches based on the characteristics of leadership, leadership behaviour and the power and influence of leaders. Approaches and models for the study of leadership. Organizational changes. Models of change management. Conducting the process of organizational change. The leader and change team. Leadership tactics of influence. The power of a certain group or organizational unit. Transforming the goals and strategies of the organization. Redesigning organizational structures. The adoption of new approaches to the organization. Change management and organizational culture. Change management and enterprise development. Change Management and Leadership. The role of the leader in


change management. Tips for managing a team of change management. The case studies.


Northouse P., “Liderstvo – teorija i praksa”, Data Status, Beograd, 2008

Koter Dţ. P.: Vođenje promene, Ţelnid, Beograd, 1998.

Jovanović P., „Upravljanje promenama―, YUPMA, Beograd, 2006.

Dulanović, Ţ. & Jaško, O. (2007). Organizaciona struktura i promene. Beograd

Miloš Jevtić, Liderstvo u promenama, Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2007.

Yukl Gary, Leadership in organization (5th ed.), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Monological method, demonstrative method, case study, learning through mutual work on practical problem solution, independent research and problem solving on the background of given problems.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 10 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Macromanagement Teacher:Kragulj P. Dragana,Jednak J. Sandra

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

The aim of this teaching discipline is acquiring modern knowledge about the complex relationships between economic subjects, where an important role is played by the state. Macromanagement relates primarily to macroeconomic policy, but also a whole range of activities that governments take in order to adequately stimulating the successful functioning of the companies. This course specifically points to the competitive dimension of macromanagement.

Learning outcomes

The fundamental understanding of the problem in the area of macromanagement, particularly within the development strategy, the strategy of foreign exchange rates, pricing strategy and trade strategies, and for proper guidance in identifying important economic events in one country, but also on a global level.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Defining macromanagement; Comparison and the impact of major macroeconomic theory; National specificities of macroeconomics; Macroeconomic analytical instrumentarium and macroeconomic data; Macroeconomic equilibrium; Monetary policy and macromanagement; Instruments and scope of monetary policy; Equilibrium in the goods and money market; Economic policy in the IS-LM model; Macroeconomic model of an open economy; Strategy of foreign exchange rates; Budget, fiscal policy and macromanagement; Government budget; Instruments and scope of fiscal policy; Stability and developmental effects of fiscal policy; Fiscal policy and the crowding out effect; Inflation and unemployment; Inflation and economic development; Development strategies; Inflation, deficit in public spending, monetization of debt, seigniorage and the inflation tax; International trade and macromanagement; Determinants of trade; World prices and comparative advantage; Winners and losers of the trade; Impact of integration on international trade; Trade creation and trade diversion; Foreign trade multiplier; Instruments of international trade policy; Macromanagement in transition economies; FDI and regional economic development; Concentration and the impact of FDI on regional development; Macromanagement in the European Union.

Practical instruction:

Exercise classes follow the methodical units of lectures.



Mohsin S. Khan, Saleh M. Nsouli, Chorng-Huey Wong, Macroeconomic Management Programs and Policies, IMF, 2002., (selected chapters);

Mankiw, N. G., Macroeconomics, New York, 2003., (selected chapters);

Burda, M., Viploš, Č., Makroekonomija, CLDS, 2004., (selected chapters);

Kragulj D., Ekonomija - Osnovi mikroekonomske i makroekonomske analiza, izdanje autora, Beograd, 2013., (selected chapters)

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises, case studies and consultations. Students are encouraged and activated through interactive classes.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Presentation of the seminar paper 50 and oral exam

Seminar paper 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Marketing management – holistic approach Teacher:Kostić-Stanković M. Milica,Janičić R. Radmila,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna,Cicvarić Kostić M. Slavica,Vlastelica Bakić L. Tamara

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: None

Course objective: Gaining knowledge about the theoretical basis of holistic marketing and management strategies that are used by holistic marketing in the development of marketing relationships and creation of marketing networks

Learning outcomes: Acquired basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of new trends in marketing with a focus on creating value for customers / service users.

Course structure and content:

Theoretical study

Concept of holistic marketing. Environmental analysis. Stakeholders in a holistic marketing. Research in holistic marketing. Creation and delivery of value to customers / service users. The concept of customer satisfaction. The components of holistic marketing. Relationship marketing. Relationship management. Network Marketing. Integrated marketing. Internal marketing. Competencies of employees. Internal communications. Socially responsible marketing. Holistic marketing strategy. Communication strategies. The interdependence of the activities of marketing and other functional areas. The concept of the brand in a holistic marketing. Managing a holistic marketing. Planning a holistic marketing. Organising a holistic marketing. Control activities of holistic marketing. Implementation of holistic marketing in profit and non- profit sector. Creating a program mix of holistic marketing..

Practical teaching: Practices, Other forms of lectures, Research work

Case study methodology. Analysis of case studies. Analysis of the environment and stakeholders. Development of a plan for marketing research. Development of a holistic marketing strategy. Development of a plan of holistic marketing. Preparation and defense of project work.


Filipovic V, Kostic-M Stankovic, Marketing Management, Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2012.

Additional litereature as required, in accordance with an agreement with course teachers and associates The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2


Teaching methods

Lectures illustrated with additional audio-visual equipment, interactive discussions, small group work, problem and presentation of case studies, role-play, independent research by students and work through learning.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10

Practical work 30 Oral exam 60


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic study


Media Communications Teacher:Janičić R. Radmila,Cicvarić Kostić M. Slavica,Vlastelica Bakić L. Tamara

Course status: Basic

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: Marketing

Course objective

Course objective is improving knowledge in the field of media campaign planning and integrated functions of promotion mix and media communications, as part of marketing and corporative communications.

Learning outcomes

Understanding and improving skills of planning methodology, realizations and evaluations of integrated media campaign. Aplied knowledge in the field of marketing and corporative communications.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Functions and objectives of media communications. Impact of media communications in marketing and corporative communications. Caracteristics of media communications. New media approach in corporative communications. Analysis of media environment, target groups, sociological impact of media communications. Specific type of communications, television, radio, publications, Internet. Analysis of global media communications. Corporative media communications. Departments for media communications. Planning of media communications. Defining of media communications objectives. Defining of target groups and key messages. Strategies of media communications. Strategies of media communications in crisis situations. Writing of media materials. Conference for journalist. Media events. Interview and answer on questions in media. New media communications. Advertising process. Planning of media communications according objectives and target groups. Creative strategies in advertising. Integrated media communication. Corporative media communications. Ethical aspects of media communications. Evaluation of media communications. Media monitoring and press cliping. Analysis of media communications contents.

Practical instruction: Work on media communications plan on the real case studies from practice. Comparative analysis of case studies. Simulation of press conference. Practice of writing news and material for media. Practice of public speac, inetrview and communications of social networks. Analysis of new media. Analysis of etichal aspect of media communications. Building models for media evaluations.


Vlastelica T., Medijska kampanja – publicitet i oglašavanje, Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2007.

Vlastelica Bakić T., Lalić D., Primeri dobre prakse odnosa s javnošću 2013, FON, Beograd, 2013.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 30 Written exam

Participation in labs 30 40 100


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master


Interpersonal Relations in Organization Teacher:Mihailović M. Dobrivoje,Čudanov J. Mladen

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Understanding phenomena of interpersonal relations in organizational context, characteristics of interpersonal relations in work groups in contemporary organizations.

Learning outcomes

Recognition of interpersonal processes specific for organizational functioning and application of knowledge regarding singularities of individual and group functioning in organizations; improving organizational effectiveness through application of psychological knowledge.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Personality, individual differences, group and organization phenomena. Phases of group development: emergence, development, maintenance and functioning. Interpersonal relations and organizational effectiveness. Leadership – definition, styles, theoretical approaches. Group norms as foundation of interpersonal relations in organizations – definition, characteristics and functions; forming and adopting group norms. Relations in organizations: structure of power, definition and types. Relations in organization: communication structure, types of communication networks, vertical and horizontal communication. Group conflicts: definition and types; coalitions, organizational consequences. Corporative culture: function, modeling and effects of changes on culture. Job satisfaction. Factors of job satisfaction.

Practical instruction:

Instructions for writing essay. Terms: group/teamwork, phases in forming groups. Individual and intergroup elements of organizational effectiveness – discussion. Leadership – discussion and case study. Structure of power: consequences of power – discussion of an example. Problems in communication – case study. Group conflicts – discussion. Corporative culture – case study. Job satisfaction – workshop.



Mihailović, D., Ristić, S., Organizational Behavior. FOS, Belgrade, 2009.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: Workshops: 2 Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, group discussions, case studies, mentor and teamwork for writing an essay on a chosen topic.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written/Oral exam 30

Participation in labs 50



Study program / study programs: Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Managerial approach to business ethics Teacher: Orlic D. Ranko

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

There are four main objectives of this course: 1) to identify important moral issues emerging in different business contexts; 2) to help students understand moral, social and economic environment in which these issues appear; 3) to introduce students with ethical theories relevant for solving moral problems in business context; and 4) to help students develop analytical skills necessary for moral judgment.

Learning outcomes

Gaining necessary knowledge and preparing students to use it in practice.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

World of business, ethics and good life. Business life, law and ethics. Corporations and culture. Rules, roles and responsibilities. Competition, games and decisions. Rationality, goals and means, cooperation and coordination. Conflict of interests and meaning of morality. That is not my problem: definition of responsibility. Social responsibility and participants in organizational life. Free entrepreneurship and social justice. Human rights and international business. Freedom and power: privacy and pressures in work environment. Meaning of work. Personal perspective of business world: friendship, family, sex and marriage. Work well and do well. Conclusion: character and integrity.

Practical instruction:

Exercises follow the topics covered by lectures.


1. Solomon, C. Robert: Above the Bottom Line – An Introduction to Business Ethics, Forth Worth: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994. 2. Vallance Elizabeth: Business Еthics at Work, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 3. Hartman P. Laura: Perspectives in Business Ethics, New York: McGraw-Hill, Irwin, 2002. 4. De George T. Richard: Poslovna etika, Beograd: Filip Visnjic, 2003. 5. Orlic Ranko (editor): Utilitarizam i poslovna etika, Pancevo: Mali Nemo, 2007. 6. Orlic Ranko (editor): Kant i poslovna etika, Pancevo: Mali Nemo, 2004.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, labs, interactive classes: workshops, exchanging ideas and knowledge through group discussion, learning from examples using case studies, mentoring and teamwork mentoring and teamwork aimed at preparing essays on agreed topic.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Essay(s) , homework assignment(s) 30 Written exam 70


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master Academic Studies


Management accounting Teacher:Ţarkić-Joksimović A. Nevenka,Benković S. SlaĎana,Barjaktarović-Rakočević M. SlaĎana

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of management accounting, analysis of financial statements and making relevant financial decisions.

Learning outcomes

Ability to analyze financial statements and create managerial accounting reports.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The concept and content of management accounting. Planning, budgeting and control. Standard costs. Marginal costs and "CVP" analysis. Investing and risk analysis. Making business decisions. Liquidity and cash flows. Reports of management accounting. Management Accounting for Strategic Planning.

Practical instruction:

Exercise, Other forms of teaching, study research work

The preparation of the income statement based on the total and variable costs. The calculation of liquidity, activities, capital structure and profitability ratios. Operating, financial and total leverage. Example of effects of financial leverage. Financial indifference point and breakeven point ofcash receipts and payments. Creating a report on the of total assets, net working capital flows and cash flow statement. Planning the necessary working capital. The optimum size of the order and the optimal production series. Cash turnover, cash cycle and the minimum cash required. Examples of customers’ policies.


Ţarkić Joksimović N, Upravljačkoračunovodstvo, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2008.

Ţarkić Joksimović N. and BogojevićArsić V, Upravljačkoračunovodstvo - praktikum, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2008.

Kaplan R.,Atkinson: A.: Advanced Management Accounting, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Ltd, 2013.

Warren C.: Financial & Managerial Accounting, 12th ed., Cengage Learning, 2013.


Hartgraves A., Morse W.: Managerial Accounting ,6thed., Cambridge, 2012.

Garrison R., Noreen E., Brewer P.: Managerial Accounting, 14th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011.

Maher M., Stickney C., Weil R.: Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses, Cengage Learning, 2011.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises and consultations. Students are actively involved in the learning process through interactive discussions, exercises, homework assignments, case studies and workshops.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points participation during class 10 oral exam 60 seminar works 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Management and Quality Teacher:Filipović V. Jovan,Pejović B. Gordana

Course status: mandatory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Increasing knowledge in the field of and training in the application of knowledge in practice and research.

Learning outcomes

Qualified active participant in understanding of quality management concept and knowledge to apply it into practice and research.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Stakeholders and interested parties, the basics of quality management, corporate management () and quality, a generalization of the quality management concept, strategic quality management, earned quality method (EQM), a generalization of the cost quality concept, integrated management systems, relevant standards for management systems.

Practical instruction, Exercises, Other forms of lectures, research work:

Analysis of case studies, models for management systems, analysis and application of standards for management systems


Filipović, J. i Đurić, M., Sistem menadţmenta kvaliteta, 2010, FON, Beograd

Filipović, J, Krsmanović, M. i Horvat, A., Memadţment i kvalitet (u štampi), FON, Beograd

Hoyle, David, Quality Management Essentials, 2007, Elsevier Limited, UK.

Handbook for the Integrated Use of Management System Standards, 2008, ISO.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs:2 Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 55

Practical classes 15 Oral examination

Essay 25


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Management and Organization Teacher:Petrović Č. Dejan,Jaško O. Ondrej,Mihić M. Marko,Čudanov J. Mladen,Obradović LJ. Vladimir,Jevtić V. Miloš,Filipović S. Vinka,Milićević K. Vesna,Kneţević P. Sneţana,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna

Course status: Compulsory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

 Acquisition of contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management and organization, scientific discipline that deals with the problems of managing organizational systems.  Mastering modern methods and techniques that are used in management and gaining practical experience that is necessary for performing the managerial tasks. Learning outcomes

Student’s ability for implementation of professional knowledge, modern methods and techniques in the processes of planning, organizing, leading and monitoring of different activities, projects and organizational systems.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Management now and then. Theory of organization. Definition and basic theoretical approaches of contemporary management. Managing in a global environment. Social responsibility of managers. Defining managerial environment. Fundamental processes of business management: planning, organizing, leading and control. The organization of the work process. The learning organization. Communication and information technology. Skills and characteristics of a modern managers. Change and innovation management. Leadership in the twenty-first century. International Management. Management and cross-cultural differences.

Practical instruction:

Methods and techniques for the realization of the process of planning, organizing, leading and control. Models of organization. Decision-making process and modern methods for making business decisions. Management based on values. Ethical dilemmas in management. The management of the value chain. Quality as a strategic tool. Contemporary theories of motivation. National and organizational culture. The roles and tasks of managers. Building a career. . Groups and converting groups into 58

effective teams. Case Studies.


 Petrović D., Mihić M., Ilić B., Jaško O., Milićević V., Čudanov M., Filipović V., Obradović V., Damnjanović V., Kneţević S., Jevtić M., "Management and Organization" FON, Belgrade, 2012  Robbins P. S, Coutler M, "Management", Data Status, Belgrade 2005

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Auditory, Illustrative and Demonstrative, Verbal and Textual, Practical Methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 30 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Masters degree


Management engineering Teacher:Radović M. Milić,Slović D. Dragoslav

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

To train students for team work on solving problems of development, improvement, implementation and measurement of business systems through application of process approach, engineering methods (analysis, design, implementation, and improvement) and management (planning, organizing, leading, and control)

Learning outcomes

To improve knowledge, ability, and skills of students needed for team work aimed at solving problems of development, improvement, implementation, and measurement of integrated system of processes, functions, and resources.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Management engineering development; Engineering methods in management; Definition of key business areas; Business process analysis; Bottleneck identification and analysis; Little’s law; Throughput diagram; Operating curves; Process variation analysis; Input/output control; Process design; Conceptual design, evaluation, detailed design; Production/service provision models; Facility layout design; Material flow control; Process improvement; Types of problems in processes; Process problems identification; Process evaluation according to predefined parameters; Improvement opportunities prioritisation; Process improvement methodology selection; Process improvement business case design; Application of business improvement measures; Continuous improvement through Theory of Constraints; Management engineering research; Management engineering consulting.

Practical instruction:

Practical examples of defining key business areas; Basic process parameters (flow rate, flow time, WIP); Production/service provision model selection (make-to-order, make-to-stock, professional services, mass services, combined services); Material flow control systems in repetitive manufacturing (Conwip, Polca); Material flow control systems in non-repetitive manufacturing (Copacabana); Types of facility layout; Models and methods of facility layout design; Process improvement business case design (practical assignments); A3 problem solving; Five focusing steps; Action research, surveys, case studies, simulation research; Management engineering project assignments.



Zandin K, Maynard H.B., Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook – 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001;

Hopp, W.J., Spearman, M.L., Factory Physics, Waveland Pr Inc, Illinois, 2011;

Madison D., Process Mapping, Process improvement and Process Management – A Practical Guide to Enchancing Work and Information Flow, Paton Press LCC, Chico, California, 2005;

Cox J., Schleier J., Theory of Constraints Handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, 2010.

Petrović B, M. Levi-Jakšić, D. Todorović, Profitabilnost proizvodnje, FON, Beograd, 1994;

Slack N., Chambers S., Johnston R., Betts A., Operations and Process Management – Pricniples and Practices for Strategic Impact, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Harlow, 2009.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Monologic method, discussion, demonstration, case studies, learning through mutual work on practical problem solving, individual problem solving, individual work on project assignments, consultations with project assignment realisation

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 25 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 25


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate studies


Intellectual Property Management Teacher:Stošić A. Biljana

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquisition of knowledge in the field of intellectual property management (IPR - Intellectual Property Rights): diagnostics and use of intellectual property rights to achieve competitiveness and business success

Learning outcomes

Intellectual property strategy definition and intellectual property management, aiming to increase competitiveness and overall business success

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Concept and forms of intellectual property. The importance of the intellectual property management for SMEs, large companies and public sector. Intellectual property diagnostics. Intellectual capital and intellectual property rights usage. Intellectual property in the new product/service and process development: factor of protection from imitation and increasing benefit. Intellectual property strategy for rising of innovativeness and competitiveness. Intellectual property mechanisms of protection. Patents as an innovativeness and development indicator. The role of patent information in innovation management. Patent protection and secrecy - advantages and disadvantages. Trademark and brand - law and management aspects. Brand driven innovation. Industrial design and innovation. Influence of appellations of origin on competitiveness increasing. Management features in the field of copyright and related rights. Place and role of the organizations and institutions for intellectual property protection (Intellectual property office, European Patent Office, World Trade Organization, etc.). Problems and possibilities of legal protection in the field of ICT (internet, e-business).

Practical instruction: Intellectual property management – case studies. Innovation appropriability and intellectual property. Diagnostics intellectual property methods - examples. Examples of appellations of origin, technical innovation and know-how, product and service trademarks and customers perception. Indications of geographical origin, 2D and 3D design - case studies and influence on business success.



Stošić, B., Innovation Management - Innovation Projects, Models and Methods, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013.



Drakulić, M., Basics of Business Law, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2001.

Besarović, V., Intellectual Property - Industrial property and Copyright, Faculty of Law Publishing Center, Belgrade, 2005.

The number of class hours per week: 60 Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Power Point presentation, research activities through overview and analysis of selected case study, interactive work through students’ presentation and discussions of the seminar papers (individual or team).

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Quality Management in the Public Sector Teacher:Filipović V. Jovan

Course status: optional

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Introduction to the different models applicable in practice and training for their use.

Learning outcomes

The student qualified to design quality management system in the public sector.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Basic concepts, Principles and terminology of quality management, Customer identification and services design in the public sector, The role of quality and quality management systems in the public sector, The application of management models in the public sector, The application of methods and techniques of quality management in the public sector

Practical instruction:

Case studies in the field of quality management in the public sector, the application of the model IWA 4 i CAF (Common Assessment Framework).


Dragoljub Kavran: Javna uprava: reforma, trening, efikasnost, 2003, Biblioteka ―Reforma drţavne uprave―

IWA 4 Guidance for the application of ISO 9001:2000 in local government

Common Assessment Framework (CAF), 2013, European CAF Resource Centre

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods

Lectures, practice, analyzes of case studies, analysis and application of standards

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 55

Practical classes 15 Oral examination

Essay 25



Study program / study programs: Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Human resource management – selected topics Teacher: Orlic D. Ranko

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Gaining necessary knowledge in: designing organization of basic human resource management processes (defining jobs and work requirements, planning, staffing, developing, rewarding...) and performing work activities within these processes, preparing and making decisions regarding human resources, as well as implementing these decisions.

Learning outcomes

Gaining necessary knowledge and preparing students to use it in practice.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Course introduction: basic terms and jobs in HRM; Ensuring equal employment opportunities; Designing jobs and work tasks; Analyzing jobs and work tasks; Human resource planning and recruitment; Selection; Orientation and training; Human resource development and career planning; Performance management; Compensations; Employee health and safety; Coordination; Research in human resources and HRM information system; Trade unions and collective bargaining; Future of human resource management.

Practical instruction:

Course introduction: basic terms and jobs in HRM; Ensuring equal employment opportunities; Employee health and safety; Analyzing jobs and work tasks; Designing jobs and work tasks; Human resource planning; Recruitment; Selection; Revision; Orientation and training; Human resource development and career planning; Performance management; Compensations: Pay and rewards; Compensations: Benefits; Trade unions and collective bargaining; Revision.


1. R. Orlic, Kadrovski menadzment, Zoran Damnjanovic i sinovi, Beograd, 2005.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods

Lectures, interactive classes: workshops, exchanging ideas and knowledge through group discussion, learning by example using case studies, mentoring and teamwork aimed at preparing essays on agreed topic, presentation method.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in exercises 10 Written exam 30

Tests 40

Essay(s), homework assignment(s) 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Management in Banking Teacher:Barjaktarović-Rakočević M. SlaĎana,Kneţević P. Sneţana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Introduction to the basic characteristics and specificities of banking.

Learning outcomes

Mastering the basic knowledge and practical problems of all banking activities necessary to develop a banking career and do business in the banking sector.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Bank as a financial institution. Types of banks. Bank management. The functions of the bank. Work in the bank. Funds policy. Sources of funds. Monetary and credit policies of banks and their credit potential. Liquidity policy. Liquidity planning. Methods for illiquidity remediation. Credit policy. Types of loans. Issuing of guarantees and other sureties. Bank’s financial statements. Banking risks and risk management. Securities transactions. Payment operations.

Practical instruction: The specificities of banking intermediation. The function of financial intermediation. The money creation and cancellation function. Active banking transactions. Passive banking transactions. Neutral banking transactions. Credit beneficiaries. Terms of creditworthiness. Credit scoring. The loan approval process and collaterals. Credit risk. The foreign exchange (currency) risk. Interest rate risk. Liquidity risk. Payment instruments. E-banking.


1. Dabic, Vasiljevic, Barjaktarovic Rakocevic, Milosevic: Banking management -script, FON, Belgrade, 2013. 2. Knezevic, Barjaktarovic Rakocevic, Djuric, Finansijsko odlucivanje u bankama, FON, Beograd, 2012. 3. Rose, Hudgins, Bank management and financial services, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005. 4. Gup, Kolari, Commercial Banking, The management of Risk, Wiley, 2005. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:


2 2

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises and consultations. Students are actively involved in the learning process through interactive discussions, exercises, homework, case studies and workshops.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Exam 60

Seminar 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate studies


Mobility and social care of human resources Teacher:Miladinović M. Slobodan

Course status: Optional

ECTS points: 6


Course objective: The student should acquire adequate knowledge of the subject matter, and that this knowledge can be applied in their everyday practice and to take appropriate action to remedy the possible problems that follow from specific situations in practice.

Learning outcomes

Mastery of subject matter and acquire the ability to recognize active and solving concrete problems in practice.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Basic concepts and theoretical and methodological approach, social structure: the constitutive elements, the evolution of ideas about social structure, the structure of our society; Some important changes in the structure of our society: the issue of property relations, economic development, Deagrarization and urbanization, changes in education, the population; Social mobility , horizontal social mobility, Vertical social mobility; Formation and reproduction of managers as separate social groups, Labor and Social Welfare, Labour and organized work, Employment and unemployment, Syndicalism, Work conflicts and strikes, Economic democracy and participation, Pension, disability and social insurance, Safety at work.

Practical instruction: Practical classes accompany the content of theoretical teaching


1. Slobodan Miladinović: Osnovi sociologije organizacije, FON, Beograd, 2007. 2. Slobodan Miladinović: Društvo u raskoraku. Beograd. Nova srpska politička misao, 2008. 3. Slobodan Cvejić: Korak u mestu, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd. 2005.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 30 Oral exam 30

Seminar 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Level of studies: Master studies


Models of Social Responsibility Teacher:Filipović V. Jovan

Status of course: optional

Number of ECTS: 6

Condition for taking: /

Objective of the course

Establishment of foundations for managing social responsibility (SR) of organizations, through understanding of systems approach in SR, different models and business cases, and work with SR standards.

Outcome of the course

A student is capable to design and develop a social responsibility system in specific organization.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes: P-01: Relationships between organization and its environment, stakeholders and interested parties, P-02: Generations of organizational social responsibility, P-03: Organizational social responsibility – from declarative to systems approach, P-04: Dimensions of organizational social responsibility, P-05: Internal dimension of organizational social responsibility, P-06: External dimension of organizational social responsibility, P-07: Geographical characteristics of social responsibility, P-08: Examples of national approaches to social responsibility, P-09: Characteristics of social responsibilities in different industries, P-10: Market changes due to the development of social responsibility of organizations, P-11: Role of government: how to achieve balance between laws and voluntary initiatives, P-12: Socially responsible investment, P-13: Governmental framework for organizational social responsibility; P-14: Governmental model for evaluating performance regarding social responsibility; P-15: American and European model of organizational social responsibility

Practical classes: P-01: Introduction to SR model for small and medium enterprises, P-02: How to conduct due diligence in organizational social responsibility, P-03: Key stakeholders identification and engagement, P-04: How to develop organizational SR strategy, P-05: How to establish SR commitments, P-06: How to develop SR action plan, P-07: Training design in the field of social responsibility, P-08: Application of SR commitments, P-09: Checking and reporting on SR performance, P-10: Evaluation and improvement processes, P-11: Policies of organizational social responsibility, P-12: Standard ISO 26000, P-13: Standard AA1000


ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility,

Jon Jonker and Marco de Witte, Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility, Springer, 2006

Standard AA 1000, ASQ, 2005


Standard SA 8000, ASQ, 2005

Number of classes Other

Theoretical: 2 Practical:2 Other forms: Study and research work:

Methods of conducting classes

Theoretical classes, practical classes, case study analysis, analysis and application of standards

Knolwedge assessment (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points

Activity on classes 5 written exam 55

Practical 15 oral exam

Essays 25


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master study


Multi-project Management Teacher:Petrović Č. Dejan

Course status: Compulsory

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

The acquisition of scientific theoretical and practical knowledge of Multi-project management necessary for successful application and implementation on various projects simultaneously. Introduction of students to modern methods and techniques used in the field of Multi-project management.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the learning process, after the fulfilment of pre-exam requirements and after the exam, students are expected to know and to understand the contents of the subject as well as to be able to use modern methods and techniques of the Multi-project management.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Multi-project approach to managing the company. Project oriented enterprises. Basic characteristics of Multi-project management. Models of Multi-project management. Portfolio management. The strategic basis of the project portfolio. Classification of projects. The selection and prioritization of projects. . Multi-project organization. Organization of units for Multi-project management. System of Multi-project management. Grouping of projects. Multi-project planning. Multi-project resource management. Monitoring and control of multiple projects.

Practical instruction:

Methods and techniques for structuring multiple projects - WBS; PBS; OBS and RACI matrix. Methods for evaluation and selection of projects. Methods for determining priorities in projects implementation. Methods of planning, monitoring and control of projects. Implementation of Multi-project management. Multi-project information system. Standard computer programs for Multi-project management.


 Jovanović P., Petrović D., Mihić M., Obradović V.: Program Management, FON, Belgrade, 2007  Milošević D.: Project Management Toolbox, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2003 The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Auditory, illustrative and demonstrative, verbal and textual, practical methods.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Public Relations - Strategies and Tactics Teacher:Kostić-Stanković M. Milica,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna,Cicvarić Kostić M. Slavica,Vlastelica Bakić L. Tamara

Course status: required

ECTS points: 6


Course objective: Introduce students with the concept, activities and goals of public relations. Train students for planning and organizing of public relations.

Learning outcomes: Acquiring of knowledge and skills in the field of public relations. Mastering the methods and techniques used in public relations and their use in the creation of identity, image and reputation of the institution.

Course structure and content:

Theoretical study

Basic characteristics of public relations. The definition and meaning of the concept of public relations. Public Relations as a process. Aims and objectives of public relations. Place of public relations in the organization. Organizing public relations function. The ethics of public relations. Public Relations and International Environment. Public relations activities. Building of institutional identity, image and reputation. Media Relations. Organization of special events. Sponsorship. Lobbying. Public relations in crisis situations. Planning and organization of public relations. Planning of public relations campaign.

Practical teaching: Exercises, Other forms of lectures, Research work

Analysis of case studies of organizing public relations. Defining the process of public relations on the example of a particular organization in the region. Analysis of examples of ethical and unethical practice of public relations. Solving the problem of public relations in international environment. Practical tasks of building of institutional identity, image and reputation. Case studies of organizing press conferences and other media events. Writing press releases. Exercise of public appearances. Workshop of planning public relations. Building of budgeting program of public relations. Models of measurement and evaluation of public relations. Simulation and analysis of organizing various public relations activities.

Literature/Readings: Filipović V., Kostić- Stanković M.. ―Public Relations‖, FON, Belgrade 2011. Wilcox, D.L., Cameron G. T.: ―Public Relations Strategies and Tactics‖, Faculty of Economics, Belgrade, 2006.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, case studies, learning through work together on solving practical problems, self students study research and troubleshooting on the basis of the received tasks,workshops

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 30

Participation in labs 20 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Sustainable development Teacher:Levi-Jakšić I. Maja,Marinković P. Sanja

Course status: Obligatory/Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Knowledge acquisition related to the modern concept of sustainability, with the basic principles, key elements and declarations on which the concept is established. Also, goal is to master the basic philosophy and approach to sustainable development with a focus on sustainable management of technology, development and operations.

Learning outcomes

Ability of students to participate in the realization of sustainable, long-term oriented development, based on secure technologies at the level of a company, economy sectors, national economy, regions, associations, unions, chambers of commerce and other organizations.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Sustainable development - the basic concept and philosophy; The principles of sustainable development, sustainable business and sustainable management of technology; New technologies and the development of society and knowledge-based economy; Opposition and duality of objectives within the management of sustainable development; Technological competitiveness and sustainable development; Technological innovations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and sustainable management of technology ; Expanded concept of technology life-cycle for sustainable development; Models of the value chain and competence; National strategies for sustainable development; The actors of sustainable development.

Practical instruction: Exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include the following topics: development of strategic thinking in terms of sustainable development (support methods); Technological forecasting and sustainable development (qualitative and quantitative); Generic strategies and sustainability; Indicators of sustainable development - analysis and comparison of existing approaches; development of the indicators; reporting on sustainability - Global Reporting Initiative; Case studies in the field of sustainable management of technology, development and operations.


Sempels, C., Hoffmann, J., Sustainable Innovation Strategy: Creating Value in a World of Finite Resources Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Novacek, P., Sustainable Development, Palacky University, Olomouc, 2011

Lasylo, C., Zhexembayeva, N., Embedded Sustainability, Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2011.


Rainey, D., Sustainable Business Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.

Levi Jakšić, M., Marinković, S., Menadţment odrţivog razvoja, FON, Beograd, 2012

Levi Jakšić, M., Menadţment tehnologije i razvoja, Čigoja štampa, Beograd, 2008

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Exercises: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Lectures supported by IT; Case studies; Active involvement of students in practical research; Essays deepening the theoretical knowledge by the literature research; Discussion in class.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Continuous assessment of students during 60 Exam 40 the semester (essays, attendance, project work etc.)


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies (MAS)


Organizational design Teacher:Jaško O. Ondrej,Čudanov J. Mladen,Jevtić V. Miloš

Course status: Required

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

The objective of the course is to introduce students with the concepts of organizational design through the acquisition of knowledge about its basic elements, dimensions and factors, typical and contemporary models of organizational structure and design process of organizational structure.

Learning outcomes

Improving students' knowledge in the field of organizational design and modern solutions in that field; improving skills for resolving structural, strategic and systemic problems in the organization.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Organizational structure - basic concepts. The impact of the strategy on the organizational structure. Fundamentals of organizational design. Approaches to designing organization. Process design approach. The content and process of organizational design. Dimensions of organizational structure - the division of labour, departmentalization, decentralization, coordination, formalization. Factors of developing the organizational structure. Methods and techniques of researching organizational structure. Models of organizational structures. Network models of organizational structure.

Practical instruction:

Methods and techniques of researching organizational structure. Identification and analysis tasks. The division of labour - specialization. Coordination in the organization. Departmentalization and grouping activities. Decentralization of decision-making in the organization. Systematization of jobs in the organization. Rules of drawing organizational chart. Process design approach. Types of authority in the organization. Contemporary models of organizational structure. Control centres.


1. Jaško, O., Čudanov, M., Jevtić, M. & Krivokapić, J. (2013). Projektovanje organizacije. Beograd, Srbija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka. 2. Daft, R. L. (2009). Organization Theory and Design. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Cengage Learning. 3. Kates, A. & Galbraith, J. R. (2007). Designing Your Organization. San Francisco, USA: Jossey-Bass. 4. Recardo, R. J. (2008). Organizational Design: A Practical Methodology and Toolkit. Amherst, Massachusetts, USA: HRD Press, Inc.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Monological method, demonstrative method, case study, learning through mutual work on practical problem solution, independent research and problem solving on the background of given problems.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Oral exam 70

Research 25



Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Fundamentals of Standardization Teacher:Mijatović S. Ivana,Pejović B. Gordana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective: The course is designed for students who have not taken course Standardization I as part of their undergraduate program at Faculty of Organizational Sciences. Course objective is acquiring of knowledge about standardization in business on the level of understanding.

Learning outcomes:

Active participant will be able to: understand importance, purposes and benefits of standardization and standards; understand roles and complex relationships among organizations for standardization in business.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

P1. Standardization and standards basics. P2. History of standardization. P3. Classifications of standards and standardization. P 4. Relationships between standards and markets. Competing standards. Dominant design. Installed base. Phenomena of lock-in and bandwagoning. P 5. Voluntary (formal) standardization. International, regional and national standardization. Formal organization for standardization. P6. Basics of European standardization systems. Standardization in Serbia. P7. Basic of U.S. standardization system. Basics of standardization system of Russian Federation. P8. Consortia based standardization. P 9. Sectoral standardization. P10. Standards development. Interested parties and stakeholders in standardization. Life cycle of standards. Standardization development strategies. P 11. Company standardization. Models for development internal standards. P12. Standardization in management. History of formalization and standardization in management. History of management system standards, P13. and P14. Standardization in product design. Standardization and transfer of knowledge and technologies. Paradox of standardization and innovation.

Practical instruction:

V1. Information about assignments requirements. V2. Case study: History of standardization. V3. Classification of standards and standardization. V4. Case study: Standards and markets. V5. Formal standardization. V6. Workshop: Negotiations in TC workgroup. V7. Case study: Consortia based standardization. V8. Case study: Sectoral standardization. V9. Standards development. V 10. Models for development internal standards V11. and V12. Management systems standards. V13. and V14. Case study: Standardization in product design.



1. Mijatović I., Standardizacija, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, 2014. (u izdavanju)

2. Mijatović I., Nastavni materijali iz Standardizacije u elektronskom obliku (tekstovi, studije slučaja, interaktivne radionice, domaći zadaci i forumi), 2013.,

2. Murphy, C. N., Yates, J.A., The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) : global governance through voluntary consensus, Taylor & Francis, 2009.

3. Hesser W., Feilzer A., de Vries H., Standardization in Companies and Markets, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, 2007.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Interactive lectures, workshops, case studies, on-line tests and on-line discussions.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 25

Home works 10 Oral exam 30

Midterm exam 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Quality improvement of management and problem solving Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Capacitate students to use tools for improving the quality of management in organizational systems (OS), in the area of Quality improvement and Problem solving. They are trained to use meta-management tools (MMT): models, methods and techniques, technical resources and organizational tools. More specifically, the aim is to enable students to identify opportunities/issues in which, using the MMT, they can enhance/ improve the quality of management in the observed OS. Course outcome: The ability of students to use the MMT, i.e. to: a) formalize/model and solve (based on facts/data and their analysis ) problems of non-compliance of quality in OS; b) Implement MMT - the stages of design, creation, maintenance and quality development of management of OS; c) Project methodology for eliminating, reducing or avoiding problems; d) Plan time and other resources to solve problems and improve the quality of management of OS; e) Measure the quality (effectiveness and efficiency) of MMT application; f) Develop MMT and their implementation; g) Present ("Sell") their problem solutions to a procuring entity. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Managing OS, Meta-management and meta-management tools; the role and importance of MMT for enhancement/improvement of quality of management in OS. Problems in the OS as a result of non- compliance of quality management (delays, injuries and deaths, waste and finishing, losing customers, rising costs, etc.). Manifesting and perceiving problems. Data about the problems and their sources. Classification of problems. Purchaser's assumptions of possible problems and their controls. The list of potential causes of problems and their impacts. Model of connections among the causes of problem. The selection of modes of actions to the causes of problem and conditions for their implementation. Project to solve problems and improve the quality of management of a specific OS. Examples of application of the methodology. New research and development of MMT. Students' professional and scientific work. Labs: Specific MMT - applicable to improving the quality of management in OS: in checking the baseline assumptions, detecting real problems, their sorting and selection of problems to solve in the given conditions (time, cost, risk, etc.); identifying the causes of problems, defining their significance and the choice of measures to act against problems, as well as designing operations for actions against problems, and to measure the improvement of the quality of management in OS. In classes and labs, students are presented with MMT for the collection, presentation and analysis of data, for management, generation, selection and implementation of ideas, for the design and maintenance of quality management in OS: Checklist, Pareto diagram, Histogram, Correlation diagram, Fishbone, Flowchart , Development flow diagram, Stratification of data, Affinity Diagram, Brainstorming, Focus groups, as well as the basic elements of advanced MMT: Taguchi method, QFD, FTA, FMEA, FMECA, Kanban, Poka-Yoke, JIT, SMED, Benchmarking, Analysis of influence fields, PDCA, Six Sigma and others. Practical instruction: Work on case studies for specific companies and specific situations, with actual documentation, the real quality problems, real data (and its sources) and solutions. Literature/Readings 1. Omerbegović-Bijelović, J. (1998), Metamanagement and quality of management – monograph (in Serbian), Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd. 2. Aikens C.H. (2011), Quality Inspired Management – The Key to Sustainability, Prentice Hall, International ed. 3. Evans J.R., Lindsay W.M. (2008), The Management and Control of Quality, Thomson South-Western 4. Goetsch D.L., Davis S.B. (2010), Quality Management for Organizational Excellence – Introduction to 86

Total Quality, Pearson Education International The number of class hours per week: Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 by students' choice. Teaching methods Lectures - the presentation of situations and formulation, i.e. modeling problems; creating and solving assignments and real-life cases; processing scientific and professional literature; writing scientific papers (by students' choice). Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Participation in class 10 Written exam 30 Practical instructions/ term paper 40 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master


Business Psychology Teacher:Mihailović M. Dobrivoje

Course status: mandatory

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Course represents interdisciplinary approach to studying behavior, personality traits and psychological processes of business people in implementing and leading business undertakings, with the objective to improve work effectiveness and efficiency while maintaining health and job satisfaction of employees.

Learning outcomes

Application of concepts derived from work and social psychology in different areas of business. Understanding problems of leadership and management from psychological point of view and adopting psychological principles in solving problems in the field of organizational behavior.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Problems of leadership and management, psychological aspects. Individual factors of organizational behavior: abilities, skills and personality traits. Knowledge and knowledge adoption of employees; permanent learning. Innovation, creative process and characteristics of creative people. Employee motivation: theoretical and practical aspects, job stimulation. Organizational factors of organizational behavior. Teamwork and group organizational behavior. Interaction and communication process. Conflicts and frustrations. Business negotiations and public appearance. Manifestations of organizational behavior. Work efficiency. Work absenteeism and turnover. Stress and psychosomatic diseases in organizations.

Practical instruction:

Instructions for writing essay. Identification of individual factors of organizational behavior. Professional selection – case study. Characteristics of creative people – discussion. Skills or knowledge – discussion. Emotional intelligence as a skill. Employee motivation – case study. Identification of organizational factors of organizational behavior. Communication problems in organization – case study. Stress in organizations – workshop. Measuring work efficiency – workshop. Human error in organizations – case study. Presentation 88

of essays.


Mihailović, D., Ristić, S., Organizational Behavior. FOS, Belgrade, 2009.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: Workshops: 2 Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops, group discussions, case studies, mentor and teamwork for writing an essay on a chosen topic.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written/Oral exam 30

Participation in labs 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: master


Business Strategies in the European Environment Teacher:Ilić J. Bojan,Milićević K. Vesna

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Acquisition of scientific and expert knowledge and skills related to managerial design and implementation of business strategies in contemporary European environment.

Learning outcomes

Competencies related to the complexity of the formulation and realization in practice of business strategies in conditions of European environment, with a dynamic approach.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Analysis and prediction of competitive trends in the European environment. Harmonization of competition policies in the European Union. Promoting internal market principles and ensuring free competition between companies. Examples of current missions and business goals of the company in Europe. Types of alternative business strategies in the European environment. Criteria for the selection of strategies. Business Strategies and the Europeanization of business. Alternative pricing strategies. Business strategies of enterprises in Serbia. Strategies of international price competitiveness. Strategies of international non-price competitiveness. Increasing the competitiveness of European manufacturing and service companies. Business Strategies of small and medium enterprises in the European environment. Companies in Serbia and cooperative strategies. Culture and competitive advantages.

Practical instruction:

Class exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include: the application of methods and techniques of management in the selection and implementation of business strategies in the European environment, case study analysis, creative workshops, exercises using the Internet, interactive discussion.


Milićević V., Međunarodni menadžment – novije tendencije (selected chapters), Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2009.


Ilić B., Strategije formiranja cena u uslovima diskontinuiteta (selected chapters), Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2001.

Milićević V., Strategijsko poslovno planiranje – menadžment pristup (selected chapters), Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2011.

Milić T., Liderska strategija novog doba (selected chapters), Zaduţbina Andrejević, Beograd, 2008.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Exercises: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures with the participation of students in interactive teaching, presentation of practical examples, case studies, creative workshops, exercises to solve specific management problems in the design and implementation of business strategy, exercises using the Internet.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam

Participation in labs Oral exam 55

Seminar paper 35


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Business Reporting and Performance Indicators Teacher:Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective:

The course objective is to capacitate students about actual theoretical approach to performance management in company, about system performance management and process of selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), about system of business reporting, different reports and usage of business reports, as well as about approach to create business reports by using spreadsheet engineering.

Learning outcomes:

The course outcome is students' capability to understand and be able to solve problems in production/service companies by using KPIs, to be able to apply methods and techniques of business reporting, implementation of adequate business reports and usage of spreadsheet engineering in defining model of reports for relevant KPIs.

Course structure and content:

Theoretical instruction:

Introduction: Performance management. Basic concept for performance management in . Implementation of performance management system. Differences between KPIs and selection the right KPIs. KPIs in modern management theory. Development and implementation of KPIs in operations management. Methods for selecting target values for KPIs and relevant metrics. KPIs in value chain of production/service company. KPIs in production/service operations in Supply chain. Financial KPIs in decision making models in operations management. Business environment impact on KPIs. Spreadsheet engineering – process modeling and decision making. Spreadsheets in defining report model structure. KPI model automatization with WBA.

Practical instruction/Labs:

Introduction: Performance management in practice. Performance indicators development. Business reporting development and KPI based on spreadsheets. Creating spreadsheet KPI model for production operations. Creating spreadsheet KPI model for inventory management and warehousing. Creating spreadsheet KPI model for product distribution. Creating spreadsheet KPI model for purchasing and procurement operations. Basic financial KPIs in operations management. Basics financial performance indicators in operations management. Advance approach to KPI management. Business by performance indicators.

Literature/Readings: 92

1. Parmenter D., Key performance indicators: developing, implementing and using winning KPIs, Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2010. 2. Carlberg C., Business Analysis for MS Excel 2010, Pearson Education, Indianapolis, 2010. 3. Nugus S., Financial planning using Excel, CIMA Elsevier Publishing, UK, 2006. The number of class hours per week: 2+2 Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures and practical work on case studies from real business environment.

Students are obliged to deliver practical instructions(project as result of active participation in classes.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Oral exam 40

Practical instructions/project/essay 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Business aspects of Management and Organization Teacher:Drakulić S. Mirjana

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 9


Course objective

Introducing students to legal aspects of management and organization. The aim is to provide students with understanding of legal concepts which are included in decision making and management as well as to enable students to enter into negotiations and agreements in national and international business environment as well as manage companies in Republic of Serbia and European Union.

Learning outcomes

Advancement of knowledge and skills in relation to identification of fundamental legal framework of management and organization as well as risks related to business and management decision making.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Scope, development and significance of Business Law. EU Business law. Regulation of management and organization. International regulation. EU law. Regulation on national level. Business entities. Corporate management. Codex of corporate management. legal aspects of application of management principles. Management liability. Business entities organization. Competences of corporate bodies. Transfer of liability within corporation and limitations. e-Business regulation. Advertising regulation. Protection of consumers: national and international. legal aspects of . Intellectual property law: types, registration and international protection. EU Intellectual property. Legal aspects of data collection for business purposes. Types of data. Business obligations. Types and characteristics of business transactions. Employment relationship regulation.

Practical instruction:

Exercises and assignments, research and project work. Development opf legal skills: negotiation. The role of negotiation rules in legal transactions and management


1. Drakulić M., Fundamentals of Business Law, FON, Beograd, 2001. 2. August R., on Mayer D., Bixby M., International Business Law, Prentice Hall, 2008.


3. Schaffer R., Agusti F., Earle B., International Business Law and Its Environment, South-Western Pub, 2004. 4. Vukadinović R., European Union Law, Centar za pravo Evropske unije Pravnog fakulteta u Krgujevcu, Kragujevac, 2006. 5. Keenan D., Business Law, Harlow, Pearson-Longman, 2005. 6. Drakulić M., Drakulić R., eBusiness, Intelectual proprety and law, Pravni ţivot, 2000, vol. 49, br. 11, str. 713-730 The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

3 2

Teaching methods

Interactive lectures, creative workshops, case studies, team work, seminar.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam 40

Workshops 30

Seminar 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Entrepreneurial marketing Teacher:Filipović S. Vinka

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Introducing students to the basics of business market orientation, marketing and basic marketing instruments; training them in the planning, implementation and control of marketing activities in entrepreneurship.

Learning outcomes

Improving knowledge, abilities and skills in analysis, planning, implementation and control of marketing activities in domestic and international environment, with the aim of achieving the goals of entrepreneurial projects.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Concept of entrepreneurial marketing. Marketing Research. Consumer behaviour. Target marketing. New products development. Building entrepreneurial brands. Management. Pricing strategies. Distribution management. . Integrated Marketing Communications. Service Marketing. Marketing planning. Organization of entrepreneurial marketing. Control of marketing.

Practical instruction:

Labs, Workshops, Other forms of teaching, Research studies: Market analysis, application external and internal analysis methods. Simulation of marketing research process. Market segmentation, target segments profiles development and product positioning. Development of new products and brands. Choosing marketing strategies and activities depending on product life cycle. Pricing methods. Development of distribution and sales strategies. Integrated marketing communications strategy development. Analysis of the various integrated marketing communications campaigns. Creating entrepreneurs’ marketing strategies. Creating plan for an entrepreneurial marketing and control of implementation. Development of marketing strategies for the selected environment. Preparation and presentation of project assignment.




Filipović V., Kostić-Stanković M., (2012) Marketing menadžment, FON, Beograd

Additional literature if needed, and in agreement with course lecturers.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods: Lectures illustrated with additional audio-visual equipment, interactive discussions, work in small teams, solving and presenting case study solutions, role play, students' independent research, consultations regarding work on project assignment, independent work through learning and preparing seminar paper.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Oral exam 30

Practice (preparation and 20 presentation of project assignment)

Test/s 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Entrepreneurial venture and business plan Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina,Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Compulsory ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Introduction to basic concepts of opportunity for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial venture (EV), as well as to the structure and process of development and implementation of the business plan (BP). Students are also prepared to continue their education in doctoral studies. Course outcome: Capacitate students to identify entrepreneurial opportunities, find, create and evaluate (through business plan BP) business potential of a business ideas, as well as to start and run entrepreneurial ventures EV. Research and paper publications in the field of entrepreneurship and business plans as well. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Detecting business/entrepreneurial opportunities. Generating business ideas. Creating an entrepreneurial venture. Checking the feasibility of entrepreneurial ideas - through the development of a business plan. Parts of business plan (Idea, Market and marketing, Operations and resources, Organization and management, Finance and risk, Project of realization of a business plan and starting a new business venture, Summary). Using the business plan to bring together stakeholders (gathered around a valuable entrepreneurial idea). Providing the resources needed to run an entrepreneurial venture. Starting an entrepreneurial venture. Management of entrepreneurial ventures. The inclusion of a new business venture in regular operations. Processing professional and scientific papers on EV and BP, as well as the study of specific examples from practice. Labs: Recognizing business/entrepreneurial opportunities and individual preferences for entrepreneurship (RB). Defining entrepreneurial ideas - EI (and its development). Development of BP and modeling EV. BP: Determination of market potential EI. Making parts of BP: Marketing plan; Technology and location; The need for material resources and how to meet those needs; The need for (other) resources and how to meet those needs; Human resource needs; Organization for the achievement of EV; Design of Management System of EV; Economic and financial indicators; Sources of funding and contracting elements; Identification and analysis of risks and responses to them; Implementation plan of the business venture. Making ppt. presentation of BP. Design of introducing EV into regular management (planning). Literature/Readings 1. Barringer B.R., Ireland D., (2006) Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 3rd edition. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall 2. Wickham P.A. (2004), Strategic Entrepreneurship (3rd ed.), FT & Pearson Education, Prentice Hall 3. Paunović B., Zipovski D. (2005), The Business Plan - A Guide for the Preparation (in Serbian), Faculty of Economics, Belgrade. 4. Group of authors (2005), The Business Plan for entrepreneurs, Masmedia, Zagreb. The number of class hours per week: Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 by students' choice. Teaching methods Work with teachers and associates; Team and/or individual work of students; Introducing to practice (entrepreneurs) and work in practices, and for it (making BP); Visits of entrepreneurs and relevant stakeholders from the region; Processing professional and scientific literature and writing papers: professional and scientific (by students' choice). Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points


Participation in class 10 Term paper 30 Practical instructions (Business plan) 30 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Entrepreneurship Accounting and Finance Teacher:Kneţević P. Sneţana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective Introduction to basic categories and problems of financial management and accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Learning outcomes

The acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of financial management and accounting, as well as its implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Financial functions in small and medium-sized enterprises. Financial management system in small and medium-sized enterprises. Institutional and economic environment. Financial planning. Financial analysis. Investment policy. Risk and investment decisions. Management of working capital. Management of liquid resources. Short-term funding. Long-term financing. Financing policy. Dividend policy. Analysis of financial statements - balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.

Practical instruction:

The concept and content of accounting. Accounting records. Bookkeeping inclusion of funding. Accounting including cost and expenses. Accounting for revenue. Closing entries and finding books. Accounting information system. Financial reporting in small and medium-sized enterprises.



Ţarkić Joksimovic N., Benkovic S., Milosavljević M.: Finansijski menadţment (Financial Management), Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013. Ţarkić Joksimovic N., Bogojević Arsić V.: Računovodstvo (Accounting), Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013. Ţarkić Joksimovic N., Bogojević Arsić V., Benković S., Šikanjić B: Zbirka zadataka iz računovodstva (Problems in Accounting with solution), Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2010. Brigham E: Financial Management: Theory & Practice, Cengage Learning, 2013. Brigham E, J Houston: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Cengage Learning, 2009. Titman S, Martin J, Keown A: Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 11th ed., Prentice Hall, 2010.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises and consultations. Students are actively involved in the learning process through interactive discussions, exercises, homework and case studies.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam 100

Participation in labs


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Entrepreneurial improvement of SME management Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina,Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Improving the management of SME by entrepreneurs (in the early stages of SME life), through tracking management activities (planning, organization, implementation and control) and their effects on SME business. "Intolerant" deviations from the desired values are recognized, the causes revealed, corrective action defined (and needed resources), and a plan for the implementation of defined measures is made. Course outcome: Capacitate students for entrepreneurship (entrepreneur's): a) Identifying undesirable deviations of observed indicators (number of unacceptable delay in delivery, complaints and/or injuries at work, low productivity and/or high costs, a decline in market share, slow revenue growth, fair satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders, etc.) b ) Detection of causes of deviations of actual from desired values of observed indicators; c) Generating adequate corrective measures - for all time horizons and all levels of management of SME (from establishment, through growth and development, to the sale or closure); d) The design and management of a project to improve the management of SME. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneur and their competence to manage SME. Entrepreneurial process; Entrepreneurial resources. Establishment of SME : forms of entry into the business . Business partners ( and other stakeholders ), their influence on and expectations from SME. The functioning of SME : Entries and exits and the processes of transformation of resources of SME. Management of SME - according to time horizon (long t.h., medium t.h. , short t.h. ) . Stages in the development of SME. Management of growth and development of SME. Quality of SME management; Indicators of quality management of SME ( and desired values of indicators; tolerance ) . Entrepreneurial monitoring and quality improvement of SME management. Information system for monitoring ( quality ) management of SME . Entrepreneur, corrective actions and change management of SME. Consulting for ( quality ) improvement of SME management. Research and trends in the development of ( quality ) management of SME. Labs: Identifying entrepreneur's competences. Documents and indicators for monitoring the results of management activities. Identifying inconsistency of entrepreneurial quality of management. Identifying and defining the problem. Indicators, tolerance and problems in long term and annual management of SME. Indicators, tolerance and problems with short-term management of SME. Problems in the management of SME - by the stages of SME life cycle. Problems in managing the growth and development of SME. Examples of selection of appropriate indicators of SME quality management. Tools for solving problems and improving the quality of management of SME. Writing term papers on the actual entrepreneurial improvement (removing inconsistencies in quality) of SME management. Literature/Readings 1. Beaver G. (2002), Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, Financial Times and Pearson Education. 2. Summers D.C.S. (2009), Quality Management – Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness (7th ed.), Pearson Education International. The number of class hours per week: Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 Teaching methods Work with the teacher ; Team and / or individual work of students; The practice and practical work and work for practice (term paper / project work ) ; Solving case studies ; Processing professional and scientific literature and writing papers ( professional and and / or scientific ) - by students' choice. 102

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Participation in class 10 Term paper/ project 30 Practical instructions 30 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Entrepreneurship and management of SMEs Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina,Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Introducing to the concept, social importance and support to entrepreneurship (E) and small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as to the ways of turning business ideas into practice (SME), i.e. establishment, operation, conduct/management and development of SMEs. Course outcome: Ability to identify/find/create entrepreneurial ideas and efficiently "assembly" resources - as the condition for their realization; and the capacity for establishment, operational management (planning, organization, implementation and control) of SMEs and management of development of SMEs. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Entrepreneurship (E) and every-day life; entrepreneur; women and youth in E. The place and role of E in the functioning of companies and entire economic and social system. Specialized fields of entrepreneurship: Corporate/Internal E, Green/Eco E, Academic E, Social E, Family E, Home E, Female E, Youth E, etc. Entrepreneurial process; Entrepreneurial resources; Business opportunities. Business Plan (BP) and testing the value of business idea/opportunity. Environment for the implementation of business ideas: centers, incubators, parks; Support of environment. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs): characteristics; role, importance, types. Establishment of SMEs: forms of entry into the business; legal basis for enterprises. Business partners and other stakeholders of SMEs. Functioning of the SMEs: Entrances and exits from SMEs; design and development of products and services of SMEs; SME business connections. Management of SMEs as a System (Planning in SMEs, Organizing in SMEs, SMEs Realizing plans and Controlling the achievement of plans in SMEs). Management of resources and processes of SMEs. Management of SME development: Growth, development and networking of SMEs; Quality management of SMEs; Meta- management and SMEs. Consulting of E and management of SMEs: Consulting agencies, centers and associations of SMEs. Research and trends in the development of E. Labs: Identifying the needs of the environment for E. Identification of individual propensity to E. Defining entrepreneurial career. Defining entrepreneurial idea (and its development). Steps in the development of the business plan (as a tool for checking the feasibility of carrying out entrepreneurial ideas). Inclusion of elements of business plan in plans (by the time horizon). Procedure for the establishment of SME. Resources and capacities of SME. Phases and management tools of SME. Dynamic role of entrepreneurs, owners and managers of SMEs. The growth and development of SMEs. Linking SMEs with the environment. Introduction of specific entrepreneurs and their ventures. Visits to a particular SME. Visits of entrepreneurs. Visits to SMEs. Literature/Readings 1. Scarborough N.M., Zimmerer T.W. (2006), Effective Small Business Management – An Entrepreneurial Approach, Pearson Education International 2. Katz J.A., Green R.P. (2007), Entrepreneurial small business, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 3. Hisrich R.D., Peters M.P., Shepherd D.A. (2011), Entrepreneurship (in Serbian) -7th edition, Mate, Zagreb The number of class hours per week: Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 Visits of Visits to SMEs. entrepreneurs. Teaching methods Work with teacher; Team and/or individual work of students; Introduction to practice and practical work and for it (term paper/project work); Discussion of term papers and project work; Solving real-life case; 104

Processing professional and scientific literature and writing papers (professional and/or scientific) - by students' choice. Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Participation in class 10 Term paper/ project 30 Practical instructions 30 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Entrepreneurship in public sector Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina,Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Introducing the concept, significance and function of entrepreneurship in public sector (public enterprises, state and local government). Connect publicly proclaimed values and entrepreneurial aspect of the work assigned to public sector (PS). The aim is to promote the idea of entrepreneurship in PS, promote and distribute it to all units of PS and encourage them for creative and improved job performance, as well as for increase of quality - efficiency (productivity, reliability, etc.) and the effectiveness of their work. Course outcome: Capacitate students to promote and implement the ideas of entrepreneurship in PS, as well as to improve the organization of PS units so that they are stimulated to recognize/find/create entrepreneurial ideas in PS, to find effective ways of creating the conditions for their implementation, as well as management by implementing such ideas into everyday PS practice. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Entrepreneurship and public values. The concept of entrepreneurship in public sector (PS). The place and role of entrepreneurship in the functioning of public enterprises and the whole social system. Environment for entrepreneurship in PS. Opportunities for entrepreneurship in PS. Identifying, finding and/or creating an entrepreneurial idea in PS. Entrepreneurial process in PS. Entrepreneurial Resources in PS. Business plan and testing the value of entrepreneurial ideas in PS. Environment for realization of entrepreneurial ideas in PS. Support for Entrepreneurship in PS. System for implementing entrepreneurial ideas in PS. Evaluating entrepreneurial contributions to PS. Consulting PS on entrepreneurship. Education for entrepreneurship in PS. Research and development of entrepreneurship in PS. Labs: Realizing the need of PS for entrepreneurship. Generating entrepreneurial "response" to the situation and needs of PS for entrepreneurship. Identifying individual preferences for entrepreneurship in PS. Defining entrepreneurial ideas in PS and verify their values - business plan. Generating adequate value "package" - which assesses the validity of entrepreneurial ideas in PS. Planning the introduction of entrepreneurial ideas into PS practice. Organizing for the introduction and use of entrepreneurial ideas - through practice (of organizational) units of PS. Monitoring the effects of newly introduced entrepreneurial ideas and management of its use. Generating knowledge on improving the system to encourage entrepreneurship in PS. Literature/Readings 1. Drucker P.F. (1996), Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles (in Serbian), Grmeč, Beograd. 2. Diefenbach F.E. (2011), Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector - When Middle Managers Create Public Value, Gabler Research, St. Gallen (at: at 3. Kearney, C., Hisrich, R., & Roche, F. (2008). A conceptual model of public sector corporate entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4(3), 295-313. 4. Zerbinati, S. & Souitaris, V. (2005). Entrepreneurship in the public sector: a framework of analysis in European local governments. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 17(1), 43-64. The number of class hours per week: Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 Teaching methods Work with teacher; Team and/or individual work of students; the practice and practical work and for practice (term paper/project work); Discussion of practical case studies and design of a model for Serbia; Term paper/ project work; Processing professional and scientific literature and writing papers (by students' choice).. Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) 106

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Participation in class 10 Term papers / scientific work 30 Practical instructions (world examples) 30 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic study


Applied Marketing Research Teacher:Janičić R. Radmila,Štavljanin B. Velimir,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna,Vukmirović A. Jovanka

Course status: Basic

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: Marketing

Course objective

Course objective is improving knowledge about use of aplied marketing reasearch in process of marketing planning. Special objective is development of marketing planning by on the base of marketing reaserach, as support. Specific objective is to cover all approach of buiding informaton systems, including defining information systems, collect data, analysis of data, control of collecting process and implementation process on the base of research.

Learning outcomes

Understanding of marketing research methodology as process of continuing process of data collecting and buidling, as well as, process of conclusion on the base of informations. Developing of marketing planning on the base of marketing research.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Marketing research –definition, methodology and process. Aplied marketing information systems. Data base according to sources and contents, statistical data, informations as part of information systems, marketing information systems, marketing decision making based on marketing information systems. Analysis of data sources and methodology of collecting data and processing into the informations. Decision process and chosing the informations from the data base. Model of CRM, as base for informations about clients, customers, consumers, partners, distributors, agencies, concurents and other private and public institutions. On the base of informations about customers/consumers companies can predict future behaviour and use different strategies to improve there position on the market place and to improve connection with consumers/customers. Aplied marketing research is holistic process that include research of market place, concurention, environment, relationship with others instituions, partners, customers/consumers, as well as, internal process in companies. This holistic approach gives opportunities for developing process of marketing decision making. Marketing research on the base of marketing information systems in base for sucessful implementation of marketing strategies on market place. Marketing information systems gives us opportunities for controling marketing decision process and implemetation of strategies and it is the best feedback as control process, which will impact other marketing decision in the future. Marketing information systems is support for prediction of future customer behavior and implementation of new trend according to customers needs. Practical instruction: Research work on the real case studies from practice. Comparative analysis of case studies.



Vukmirović J., Vukmirović D., Marketing istraţivanje, BPŠ, 2011.

Filipović V., Kostić – Stanković M., Marketing menadžment, FON, 2008;

Kotler Ph., Keller R., Marketing Management, DataStatus, 2008.

Hanić H., Istraživanje tržišta i MIS, Ekonomski fakultet, 2004.

Aaker D., Marketing Research, Prentice Hall, New York, 2008;

McDaniel C., Gates R., Marketing Research with SPSS, McGrawHill, New York, 2006.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 30 Written exam

Participation in labs 30 40 100


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Management of Projects Teacher:Obradović LJ. Vladimir

Course status: Compulsory

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

The acquisition of scientific theoretical and practical knowledge of Project Management, necessary for successful application and implementation on various projects and programs.

Introduction as well as utilization of modern methods and techniques of Project Management.

Learning outcomes

Improving students’ competences of practical application of technical knowledge concerning: , cost management, resources management, quality and risk management, as well as communications and contract management in the process of preparation and implementation of projects.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Concept and types of projects. The concept of project management. Organization of project management. Human resource management in the field of project management. Contracting management. Quality management in the field of project. Project risk management. Managing communications in the project. Managing change in the project. Project planning. Monitoring and control of the project. Reporting system concerning the implementation of the project. Standard computer programs for project management. Managing by projects. Project organizations. Program management. Multiproject management.

Practical instruction:

Methods of organization. Structural diagrams. Methods of human resource allocation. Methods of cost estimates. The techniques of network planning. Method of resource levelling. Actual value method. Method PRINCE 2. Defining strategic project portfolio. Methods of operational planning and monitoring of project implementation. Microsoft Project. Case Studies.


1. P Jovanović., Project Management, FON, Belgrade, 2006 2. H Kerzner, "Project Management", VIII edition, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey 2003


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Auditory, illustrative and demonstrative, verbal and textual, practical methods.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30



Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies

Course: Labour law

Teacher: Orlic D. Ranko

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Introducing students with basic terms regarding labour law and social security.

Learning outcomes

Gaining necessary knowledge and preparing students to use it in practice.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Definition, scope and development of labour law; Sources of labour law; Right to work, employment relationship and forms of temporary employment; Unemployment and unemployment benefit rights. Employment and employment regulation; Placement of employees. Vocational training of employees; Working hours. Vacations and leaves. Temporary inactivity of contract of employment; Work attitude and employee liabilities (regarding financial, offence and criminal acts); Termination of employment; Accomplishment and protection of employee rights; Employee collective rights and resolving collective disputes at work; Special regime of employment relationship; Definition, development and appearance of social security. Basic principles and branches; Health insurance; Disability and pension insurance; Revision and preparation for final exam.

Practical instruction:

Exercises follow the topics covered by lectures.


1. Ivosevic Zoran, Radno pravo, Sluzbeni glasnik, Beograd, 2006. 2. Zakon o radu, Sluzbeni glasnik RS. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures, interactive classes: workshops, exchanging ideas and knowledge through group discussion, learning by example using case studies, mentoring and teamwork aimed at preparing essays on agreed topic,


presentation method.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in exercises 10 Written exam 30

Tests 40

Essay(s), homework assignment(s) 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Auditing in the Public Sector Teacher:Kneţević P. Sneţana,Poznanić Vladimir

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquiring knowledge and skills of a comprehensive insight into the importance of internal and external audit in the public sector. Understanding the processes and cycles of audit in the public sector.

Learning outcomes

Acquisition of knowledge and practical tools necessary to perform internal and external audits.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Retrospective of the audit. Auditees. Legal and professional regulations. The audit process. Financial management and internal control. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls. Functions and organization of internal audit. The independence of the internal audit. Content and specificity of internal audit (audit activities, audit process). Policies and procedures for internal audits. Internal audit as a significant prevention of errors in the public sector.

Practical instruction:

International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSA). Examples of the risks of fraudulent actions. Simulation of the analytical procedures. Documentation and working papers auditor. Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies and estimates. The formation of the audit opinion.


1. Carmichael D. R, Willingham, J. J: Pojmovi i metode revizije, Mate, Zagreb, 2000. 2. Gray I, Manson S: The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases, Cengage Learning, 2011. 3. Gauthier J. S: Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting, Government Finance Officers Association, 2005. 4. Bourn J. S: Public Sector Auditing: Is it Value form money?, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007. DOPISATI ORIGINALNI ENGLESKI NAZIV PRVE REFERENCE


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, exercises and consultations. Students are actively involved in the learning process through interactive discussions, exercises, homework aned case studies.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam 100

Participation in labs


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Safety and security management systems Teacher:Mijatović S. Ivana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective: Acquiring of knowledge, on the level of understanding and application, about safety and security management systems in business.

Learning outcomes:

Active participant will be able to understand importance purposes and benefits of safety and security management systems in business.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

P . The concept of safety and security in the business. Basic concepts in the analysis and evaluation of safety, security and business risks. Safety and security in the business organizations. P2. Operational and logistical security and safety in operations. Standardization in the field of safety and security. P3. Risk management. Strategies in risk management. Principles and framework of risk management according to ISO 31000 ―Risk management — Guidelines on principles and implementation of risk management‖. P4. Analysis of ISO 31000 and ISO Guide 73:2009. Concepts and selection of techniques for risk assessment. P5. Internal and external audits in risk management. P6. General principles of security management in the supply chain. P7. Security management systems for the supply chain management system according to ISO 28 000. P8. Establishment and maintenance of security management in the supply chain. P9. Dependability management. Dependability management system. BS EN 60300-1:2008 P10: Requirements for information security management systems. Analysis of ISO / IEC 27001:2011 P11. General product safety. The Law on General Product Safety. Obligations of producers and guidelines for suppliers in terms of product safety. P12. Product safety in the EU. Consumer protection in the European Union. Market surveillance in the EU . Technical regulations related to product safety. P13. Analysis of international standards for the consumer product ISO 10377:2013, ISO 8124-1:2012. P14. General safety requirements for packaging products in the market. P14. The withdrawal of unsafe products

Practical instruction:

P1. Information about assignments requirements. P2. Case study: Principles and framework of risk management P3. Workshop: Safety and security in the business organizations. P4. Case study: Security management systems for the supply chain management. P5. Workshop: Dependability management. P6.


Workshop: General product safety. P7. Case study: Consumer protection in the European Union. P8, P9 and P10 Technical regulations related to product safety P11. and P12. Management system standards. P13. and P14. The withdrawal of unsafe products


1.Standardi: ISO 31000, ISO Guide 73:2009, ISO/IEC 31010:2009, ISO 28000, ISO 28004,

EN 60300, ISO/IEC 27001, SRPS ISO/IEC 27001:2011, ISO 10377:2013, ISO 8124-1:2012, ISO 11156:2011, ISO 780:1997, ISO 11683:1997, ISO 13127:2012, ISO 21067:2007

2. Safety Culture: An Innovative Leadership Approach, Crutchfield N., Roughton J., Butterworth – Heinemann, 2014

3.Newsome B., A Practical Introduction to Security and Risk Management, Sage Publication, 2014.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Interactive lectures, workshops, case studies, on-line tests and on-line discussions.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 30

Home works 15 Oral exam 30

Midterm exam 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Energy management systems Teacher:Mijatović S. Ivana,Pejović B. Gordana

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective: Acquiring of knowledge, on the level of understanding and application, about energy management systems in business.

Learning outcomes:

Active participant will be able to understand importance purposes and benefits of energy management systems in business.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Basic terminology of energy efficiency. The development of standards in the field of energy efficiency. Standards for energy efficiency of household appliances. Standards for energy efficiency of buildings. Standards for energy efficiency in transport. Standards related to renewable energy. Standards for energy management. Design of energy management system (EMS). Defining the scope of the EMS. The development of energy policy. Energy objectives, targets and action plans. Compliance with legal and other requirements. The mechanisms for the analysis of the energy consumption. Mechanisms for monitoring changes in energy performance. Energy performance indicators ENPI. Documentation of SME. Defining criteria for energy-efficient operation. Developing criteria for assessing supplier. Monitoring, measurement and analysis – of the energy consumption. Internal audits of EMSs. Corrective and preventive action in . Management review - general. Requirements for certification bodies of EMS.

Practical instruction:

Requirements for documentation EMS. Document management system management. Defining the scope of the EMS. The development of energy policy. The energy objectives, targets and action planes. Tools for analysis of energy consumption. Tracking changes in energy performance. Energy performance indicators ENPI. Competence in key areas of energy consumption. The criteria for energy-efficient operation. Criteria for evaluating suppliers. Internal audits of EMSs. Corrective action and preventive actions in EMS. Management review - general.



1.SRPS EN ISO 50001, Sistemi menadţmenta energije – zahtevi sa uputusvom za korišćenje, Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, 2012.

2.Eccleston C.H., March F., Cohen T., Inside energy: Developing and Managing an ISO 50001 Energy management system, Taylor&Francis Group, 2012.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Interactive lectures, workshops, case studies, on-line tests and on-line discussions.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 30

Home works 15 Oral exam 30

Midterm exam 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Environmental management system Teacher:Ţivković D. Nedeljko

Status of course: optional

Number of ECTS: 6


Objective of the course

Apprehension of basic concepts, processes and approaches that are associated with the design of a environmental management system.

Outcome of the course

A student is capable to design a environmental management system in specific organization.

Content of the course

Theoretical instruction: 1. Introduction to the course, 2. i 3. Fundamentals for designing a environmental management system (EMS), 4. i 5. Normative regulations regarding the EMS (ISO / TC 207, conventions, laws, regulations, and so on), 6. i 7. Aspects and impacts of EMS, 8. i 9. The requirements relating to the management processes, 10. i 11. The requirements relating to the remaining processes, 12. i 13. Models and approaches for evaluating the effect on the environment, 14. Other EMS models and standards, 15. Final considerations

Practical instruction: 1. Introduction, 2. Definition of seminar paper, 3. Selection and description of the organizational system 4. i 5. Identification of EMS processes, 6. i 7. Development of system documents, 8. i 9. Documentation for regulation of management processes, 10. i 11 Documentation for regulation of the basic processes, 12. i 13. Evaluation of the effects on the environment, 14. i 15. Seminar paer overview and discussion


Nedeljko Zivkovic, „Designing a environmental management system―, authorized lectures, FON, 2013.

The number of class hours per week Other

Lectures: 2 Labs:2 Workshops: Research study:

Methods of conducting classes

Theoretical classes, practical classes, seminar paper, case study analysis, teamwork and group discussion.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points


Seminar paper 50 oral exam 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Spreadsheet Management Teacher:Lečić-Cvetković M. Danica

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquisition of advanced knowledge in modern management of spreadsheets, as important strategic resources in enterprises. Basic spreadsheet management concepts, techniques and methods introduction and adoption.

Learning outcomes

Students’ ability to model and program business functions dependences and relations. Acquired knowledge (about methodologies and software for spreadsheet development, researching in spreadsheet, spreadsheet errors analyzing and error anticipation) allows efficient control system for spreadsheets.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Spreadsheet management historical development and concept; Spreadsheet management principles; Role of spreadsheets in business operations (spreadsheet application in different business areas, education, medicine etc.); Spreadsheet categorization; Spreadsheet usage advantages and disadvantages; Spreadsheet life cycle phases (designing, testing, documentation, usage, publication, modification, archiving); Spreadsheet designing purpose; Spreadsheet development methodologies; Spreadsheet model size; Spreadsheet model users; Spreadsheets testing methods; Spreadsheet documenting methods; Spreadsheet publication and protection; Spreadsheets catalogue; Spreadsheet training and courses; Spreadsheet standards and politics; Spreadsheet risk management; Spreadsheets as modelling tool; Spreadsheet models and functional dependences modelling; Entity–relationship model; Spreadsheet data migration; Spreadsheet errors; Spreadsheet visualization; Spreadsheet analytics and analyses; Comparison of the spreadsheet ; Spreadsheet engineering concept; Human factor in spreadsheet development process; Financial frauds in spreadsheets; Spreadsheet usage in business process (forecasting, simulation, optimization, VBA automation)

Practical instruction:

Development of spreadsheet models; Entity–relationship model design; Data cross-links development; Design of spreadsheet forecast models; Functions and data validation; Design of spreadsheet simulation models; Pivot table data analyzing; Text, logic, financial, and arithmetic functions; Spreadsheet models evaluating standards;


1. Powell S., Baker K., The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, Wiley and Sons, 2004


2. Costa da Cunha M., Model-based Spreadsheet Engineering, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011

3. Winston W., Data analysis& Business modeling: Excel 2010, Microsoft Press, USA, 2011

4. Published papers,, European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group, 2000- 2012

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Lectures and labs are based on practical examples. Research paper includes development and presentation of spreadsheet model in accordance with defined methodology and spreadsheet models development concepts.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class and labs 10 Oral exam 40

Research paper 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: MSc


Statistics in management – selected chapters Teacher:Jeremić M. Veljko

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

The course provides an overview of statistical methods and models which can be used as decision making support in different areas of management. Special attention is devoted to methods that are used in marketing, financial management and quality management, as well as areas in which methods of statistical analysis are frequently in use.

Learning outcomes

Content of this course will prepare students for modelling and solving practical problems in the management by applying statistical analysis methods.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

L01: Collection of data, sample and sample planning, preparation and logically design questionnaire. L02: Automatic control and correction of errors. L03: Hypothesis testing. L04: Parametric and nonparametric inference. L05: Multivariate statistical analysis. L06: Computer supported statistical research. L07: TURF method. L08: Structural equations modelling. L09: AMOS and LISREL. L10: SERVQUAL model analysis. L11: Statistical quality control. L12: Econometric modelling. L13: Financial time series analysis. L14: Practical problems resolving. L15: Practical problems resolving.

Practical instruction:

P01: Collection of data, sample and sample planning, preparation and logically design questionnaire. P02: Automatic control and correction of errors. P03: Hypothesis testing. P04: Parametric and nonparametric inference. P05: Multivariate statistical analysis. P06: Computer supported statistical research. P07: TURF method. P08: Structural equations modelling. P09: AMOS and LISREL. P10: SERVQUAL model analysis. P11: Statistical quality control. P12: Econometric modelling. P13: Financial time series analysis. P14: Practical problems resolving. P15: Practical problems resolving.


1. Metcalfe A.V., Statistics in Management Sciences, Hodder Education Publishers, 2001. 125

2. Rossi P.E., Allenby G.M., McCulloch R., Bayesian Statistics and Marketing, Wiley, 2005. 3. Keller G., Warrack B., Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Edition, Cengage Learning, 2011. 4. Levin R., Statistics for Management, Pearson Education, 2011. 5. Shayib M.A., Applied Statistics, Bookboon, 2013. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: 2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

The traditional way of lecturing, with the use of whiteboard and computer

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 5 Written exam 25

Participation in labs 5 Oral exam 25

Colloquial 20

Seminar work 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Strategic technology cooperation Teacher:Levi-Jakšić I. Maja,Marinković P. Sanja

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

The acquisition of knowledge in the fields of cooperative technology strategy and modern forms of technology transfer, the vertical and horizontal technological cooperation and integration, as well as the requirements for entrepreneurship based on technological innovation to be realized as the growth and development of the organization. Learning outcomes

Students acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of formulation and implementation of cooperative technology strategy and modern forms of technology transfer. Students understand the role of technology development at different levels - national economy, sectors, regions, and enterprises and are able to apply scientific methods to formulate strategies and to develop indicators and measures to monitor performance of technological development. Students are able to apply their knowledge in terms of sustainable technology and business. Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Technological cooperative strategies; Business strategy and technology ; Business and technological diversification and concentration; Vertical and horizontal technological cooperation ; External and internal sources of new technologies; Forms and contents of strategic technology transfer and connectivity - acquisitions, mergers, licenses, franchises, leases, Greenfield, strategic technology alliances; Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship; Growth and development through technological cooperation and integration; Technological development, social responsibility and sustainable development; Technological cooperation and sustainable development; Technological innovations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and sustainable .

Practical instruction: Exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include the following topics: Case Studies; Examples of successful and unsuccessful cooperative development models; National and international cooperation models; Methods and techniques for supporting strategic technology cooperation; Linking methods of strategic management and methods of decision making in management of technology development; Indicators of technological and sustainable development. Literature/Readings:

Levi Jakšić, M., Menadţment tehnologije i razvoja, Čigoja, Beograd, 2010.

Levi Jakšić, M., Marinković, S., Menadţment odrţivog razvoja, FON, Beograd, 2012.

Levi Jakšić, M., Strateški menadţment tehnologije – inovacije, menadţment i preduzetništvo, FON, Beograd, 2001.

Burton, G., White, M.A., Strategic management of technology and innovation, South-Western Cengage Learning,



Shilling, M. A., Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.

Lasylo, C., Zhexembayeva, N., Embedded Sustainability, Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2011.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures:2 Exercises:2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Presentation of the materials in the form of lectures, workshops and group work, case studies, active involvement of students in practical research, essays, deepening the theoretical knowledge by the literature research.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Continuous assessment of students 70 Exam 30 during the semester (essays, attendance, project work etc.)


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: master


Strategic Cost Management Teacher:Ilić J. Bojan

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Acquisition of scientific and expert knowledge related to effective strategic management of costs in conditions of business globalization.

Learning outcomes

Understanding the strategic management of costs to acquire competencies related to successful linking of cost management and implementation of the strategic goals of the company.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The importance of the study of strategic cost management in terms of business globalization. Measurement and use of cost for making strategic management decisions in terms of the variable global environment. Relevance of the results of the break-even analysis in the strategic analysis. Activity based management and competitive strategies. The method of time driven activity-based costing. Value based management. The target costs for the product or service. Managing customer profitability. Strategy, costs and creating value for stakeholders. The newer approach to strategy in terms of costs and business success achievement. Cost reduction. Strategic aspect of performance measurement. Specifics of strategic cost management for European businesses.

Practical instruction:

Class exercises follow the content and structure of lectures and include: analysis of cases from European and international practice, the implementation of cost reduction methods, creative workshops.


Ilić B., Milićević V., Menadžment troškova – strategijski okvir (selected chapters), Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2009.

Hussey R., Ong A., Strategic Cost Analysis (selected chapters), Business Expert Press, 2011


Govindarajan V., Shank J., Strategic Cost Management – The New Tool for Competitive Advantage (selected chapters), Free Press, 2008

Hilton R., Maher M., Selto F., Cost Management, Strategies for Business Decisions (selected chapters), Irwin, McGraw-Hill, 2000

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Exercises: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures with the participation of students in interactive teaching, case studies, creative workshops, exercises to solve specific managerial problems in the process of strategic cost management, consultations in the preparation of seminar papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam

Participation in labs Oral exam 55

Seminar paper 35


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Technology forecasting Teacher:Marinković P. Sanja

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of methods, techniques and models to support strategic and operational management of technology in the enterprise; They may consider objective possibilities, requirements, needs, effects and duration of implementation of technological change, and the introduction of new technologies; Students are trained to apply knowledge to solve specific issues of forecasting, planning, organizing and managing the dynamics of technological change, technological systems, processes and operations in practice.

Learning outcomes: Through this course students acquire knowledge and skills to solve specific issues of forecasting, planning, organizing and managing the dynamics of technological change, technological systems, processes and operations in practice.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:Technology management; Technology and organization ; Strategic management of technology ; Support to strategic management of technology ; Operational management of technology ; Support to operational management of technology ; Technology and competitive advantage ; Technological forecasting : The role of technological forecasting in sustainability ; Delphi , PATTERN , Brainstorming ; Indicators of technology performances in the enterprise; Indicators of technological progress (TP), types of TP, TP rate, Objectives matrix; Technology evaluation and selection methods ; ranking method, AHP; Methods to support technology innovation in the enterprise

Practical instruction: Analysis of application examples and solving problems using different methods in the field of technological forecasting. Based on this students can recognize objective possibilities, conditions, requirements, and effects during the implementation of technological change, and introduction of new technologies; Solving tasks using software; Application of the methods in local companies; Presentation of term papers and project tasks; Case studies; Presentations of application of selected methods in specific companies.


Porter, A.L., Cunningham, S.W., Banks, J., Roper, A.T., Mason, T.W., & Rossini, F.A., Forecasting and Management of Technology, John Wiley&Sons, New York, 2011.

Levi Jakšić M., Marinković S., Petković J., Menadţment inovacija i tehnološkog razvoja, FON, Belgarde, 2011.

Levi Jakšić M., Marinković S., Petković J., PC Tehnologija,educational software, Belgarde, 2005.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures:2 Exercises:2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods: Lectures, interactive workshops, exchange of ideas and knowledge through group discussions, learning through the case studies, mentoring and teamwork; Power Point presentations with case studies; Training students to apply technology forecasting methods and techniques in companies; Solving tasks with active participation of students; Involving students in research work through seminar papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Continuous assessment during 70 Written exam 30 semester, student activities (seminars, attendance, project work etc.)



Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate studies

Course: Training and development – selected chapters

Teacher: Gordana Đ. Milosavljević

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Knowledge and skills development necessary for employees’ training and development in an organisation.

Learning outcomes

The acquisition of basic knowledge and skills in order to qualify students for its practical application.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Social development and education. Training and Development. Strategic approach to education and development. Educational processes in human resource management. Conceptually definition of development. Learning and Human Resources Development. The definition of learning. Conceptual definition of training. Human resource management and training design. Human resource management and training management. The first phase in training design: training needs analysis. Designing training programs. The classification of training programs in terms of content. Designing training implementation. Designing training evaluation. Case studies of a good practice.

Practical instruction:

The exercises follow the units provided in lectures, with special emphasis on the development of managerial skills necessary to organize training programs in an organization.


1. Milosavljević Gordana: Trening i razvoj, FON, 2008. 2. Raymond A. Noe: Employee Training and Development, McGraw Hill, 2010. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises, interactive teaching: workshops, group discussions, case studies, mentoring and teamwork trough out the essays preparation on the chosen topic, method of presentation.


Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate studies


Eco-Innovation Project Management Teacher:Stošić A. Biljana,Petrović B. Nataša

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Designing and implementation of innovation project management models, processes and technology with the dominant environmental factors, the ability to identify specific elements of innovation in the domain of environmentally oriented innovations.

Learning outcomes

Intellectual property strategy definition and intellectual property management, aiming to increase competitiveness and overall business success

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Innovation and innovation projects: theoretical basis and classification. Eco- innovation (ecologically-oriented innovation) in innovation management: identification, definition, performance and features. Eco-innovation projects as a specific innovation project category – key dimensions. Innovation Triangle of eco-innovation projects. Innovation activities essential for managing eco- innovation projects. Innovation strategy elements oriented toward environmental protection. Strategic competence for eco-innovation project managing. Management of eco-based ideas for new products, processes and technology. Eco-innovation project management in organization’s innovation portfolio. Ecological risk of innovation projects. Ecological factors of innovation and new products, processes or technology development. Models for managing the ecologically oriented innovation and new product development (Environmental New Product Development - ENPD). The principles of innovative product eco- design. Minimization of environmental impact during the life cycle of the product. Eco-innovation project management in the context of sustainable development. Intellectual property strategy for eco-innovation. Innovation performance of eco-innovation. EU innovation policy and eco-innovation project incentives.

Practical instruction: Identification of important elements for eco-innovation and innovation projects. Case study: eco-innovative product, process and technology projects. Application of prediction, evaluation and prioritization methods in innovation project management.




Stošić, B., Innovation Management - Innovation Projects, Models and Methods, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2013.


Fussler, C., Driving Eco-Innovation: A Breakthrough Discipline for Innovation and Sustainability, Finantial Times/Prentice Hall, 1997.;

Klostermann, J.,E.,M., Tukker, A., Product Innovation and Eco-Efficiency: Twenty-Three Industry Efforts to Reach the Factor 4 (Eco-Efficiency in Industry, Vol. 1), Kluwer Academic, 1998.

O`Brien, M., Bleischwitz, R., Steger, S., Fischer, S. Europe in transition- Paving the way to a green economy through eco-innovation, Annual report 2013.

The number of class hours per week: 60 Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Power Point presentation, research activities through overview and analysis of selected case studies, interactive work through students’ presentation and discussions of the seminar papers (individual or team).

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: master Course:

Environmental Risk Analysis Teacher:Vujošević B. Mirko,Petrović B. Nataša,Makajić-Nikolić D. Dragana

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: Course objective Course objective is to provide the students with knowledge of ecology and environmental risk management, with emphasis on their importance due to the growing concerns of individuals, business, governments and society, which refers to environmental conditions and guidance on the best ways to manage and attitude towards the environment. Learning outcomes The acquired knowledge of environmental risk management with goal to apply the results of the ecological science in practice and research of the existing, as well as the predicting of the future ecological risk caused by human activities, and developing the systems for their management. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: Definition of risk, risk elements, management under uncertainty and risk. Basics of environmental risk management. Environmental problems. Global environmental problems/environmental crisis. Sustainable development. Decreasing of the environmental risks by applying design for environment/eco-design. Environmental risk identification. Hazard analysis. Methods and techniques for environmental risk assessment: Fault tree analysis, FMEA, E-FMEA, HAZOP, Event tree. Environmental risks in industry. Global warming / climate change: implications for risk management. Resumption of global warming / climate change. Global sustainable science. Sustainable risk management techniques. The growth of environmental and social responsibility. Practical instruction: Plan is in accordance with theoretical instructions plan. Main topics of the practical instructions are standards and available software packages for solving case studies.

Literature/Readings 1. C. A. Ericson II, Hazard analysis techniques for system safety, Wiley, 2005 2. Y. Y. Haimes, Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management, Wiley, 2005 3. Petrović R., Vujošević M., Petrović D.: Optimizacija pouzdanosti redundantnih sistema, Saobraćajni fakultet, Beograd 1993 4. E. N. Laboy-Nieves, M. F.A. Goosen, E. Emmanuel, Environmental and Human Health: Risk Management in Developing Countries, CRC Press, New York, 2010 5. R. Paolo, Environmental and Health Risk Assessment and Management: Principles and Practices, Springer, 2006 6. Electronic materials from The number of class hours per week Other classes: Lectures: 2 Labs: 1 Workshops: 1 Research study: Teaching methods Theoretical classes – traditional. Practical classes manly with the use available software packages for reliability and risk analysis. Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Case studies 60 Seminar 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Managing Environmental Suitability of Products Teacher:Petrović B. Nataša

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Providing knowledge in the field of environmental suitability of products and understanding of the problems caused by the impact of products on the environment, along with mastering the strategies and skills for the development of environmentally friendly products and management of the environmental suitability of the product in order to increase the resources and opportunities to further sustainable economic growth.

Learning outcomes

The subject provides students with the development and application of knowledge, understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: the development of scientific understanding of the major impact on the quality of the products of the land, water and air resources, the development of knowledge about effective methods of managing the environmental suitability of products, the development of expertise in the design and implementation of environmentally friendly products, improved understanding of scientific knowledge of environmental science and management of the environment and natural resources, improved ability to design and management solutions, environmentally friendly products, a systematic study of the environmental issues caused by the negative impact of products on the environment, critical evaluation of the negative impacts of products on the environment and the possibilities of its protection, the use of numerical data for better quantitative assessment of environment.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Products and the environment. The negative impact of products on the environment. Eenvironmental aspects of products. Environmental compatibility of products. Design for the Environment. Cleaner production. Zero Waste. Measurement and evaluation of the environmental suitability of the product. Manage environmental suitability of the product. Sustainable production and consumption.

Practical instruction:

The systematic study of products environmental issues. Improving knowledge and understanding through independent learning and research. Creative workshops, debates on current environmental topics, case studies and interactive educational discussion about the environmental problems. Case study: environmental suitability of the product. Case study: design for the environment. Case study: cleaner production. Case study: measuring and evaluating the environmental suitability of products. Making presentations and presentation of seminar papers and case studies.



5. Petrović, N.: Upravljanje ekološkom podobnošću proizvoda, monografija. Beograd: Zaduţbina Andrejević, 2013. 6. Petrović N.: Ekološki menadžment, udţbenik, drugo izd. Beograd: FON, 2012. 7. Petrović N.: Dizajn za životnu sredinu, skripta. Beograd: FON, 2007. 8. Petrović N.: Handout-i sa predavanja. Beograd: FON, 2013. Barrow C.J.: Environmental Management-Principles and Practice. London: Routledge, 1999.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs:2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Presenting content (ppt and multimedia presentations, educational films ...). Interactive work on solving the case study. Discussions on pre-defined and presented problem. Teamwork in creative workshops. Critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information, problems and issues in developing a specific and independent research when making term papers and study of research papers.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Seminars 40 Oral exam 60


Tabela 5.2 Specifikacija predmeta

Study program / study programs:Management

Vrsta i nivo studija: Diplomske akademske studije


Projects Appraisal Teacher:Obradović LJ. Vladimir

Status predmeta: Obavezan za studijsku grupu Upravljanje projektima (Naučno-stručni)

Broj ESPB: 6

Uslov: nema

Cilj predmeta

 Sticanje najnovijih znanja iz oblasti upravljanja procesom investiranja i ovladavanje osnovnim metodologijama, metodama i tehnikama koji se koriste u oblasti investicione problematike.

Ishod predmeta

 Osposobljenost studenata za primenu znanja iz oblasti pripreme i ocene raznovrsnih investicionih i biznis projekata.

Sadrţaj predmeta

Teorijska nastava

Opšti pojmovi o investicijama. Proces razvoja preduzeća. Upravljanje procesom investiranja. Predinvesticiona studija. Izrada investicionog programa. Kost-benefit analiza. Izrada tehničke dokumentacije. Izgradnja investicionih objekata. Finansiranje investicija. Organizacija sluţbe za investicije. Sadrţaj prethodne studije opravdanosti i studije opravdanosti. Biznis plan. UNIDO metodologija. Ocena investicionih projekata od strane meĎunarodne banke za obnovu i razvoj. Primena kvantitativnih metoda u rešavanju investicionih problema.

Praktična nastava:

Statički kriterijumi. Jedinična cena koštanja. Rok vraćanja investicije - statički. Dinamički kriterijumi. Neto sadašnja vrednost i jedinična neto sadašnja vrednost. Interna stopa rentabilnosti. Rok vraćanja investicije - dinamički. Kriterijum anuiteta. Kriterijum diskontovanih ulaganja. Kriterijum diskontovanih troškova. Kriterijumi nacionalne (društvene) ocene. Metode ocene investicija u uslovima neizvesnosti. Metode kost benefit analize. Prikaz softevrskog paketa Business Plan Pro. Primena spreadsheet programa za izračunavanje kriterijuma za investiciono odlučivanje.


 Jovanović P., Upravljanje investicijama, FON, Beograd, 2006.  Kerzner H., Project Management: A Systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling, John Wiley 141

and Sons, 2003  Jovanović P., Investiciono odlučivanje, Grafoslog, Beograd, 2000.  Jovanović P., Upravljanje razvojem preduzeća, Agencija Viktor, Beograd, 1998.

Broj časova aktivne nastave Ostali časovi: 2

Predavanja: Veţbe: Drugi oblici nastave: 2 Studijski istraţivački rad: 2

2 2

Metode izvoĎenja nastave

Auditorne, ilustrativno-demonstrativne, verbalno tekstualne, metode praktičnog rada.

Ocena znanja (maksimalni broj poena 100)

Predispitne obaveze poena Završni ispit poena aktivnost u toku predavanja 20 pismeni ispit 50 seminar-i 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate studies


Innovation Project Management Teacher:Stošić A. Biljana

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

Acquisition of knowledge in the field of innovation project management from idea to realization, modeling of innovation projects, evaluation of innovation portfolio, determining of performance

Learning outcomes

Identification of innovation projects as a specific project category and ability for managing the innovation projects and portfolio of innovation projects.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: The concept of project and innovation project. Innovation project as a specific project category – key dimensions. The objectives of innovation projects. Managing the innovation projects from idea to implementation. Innovation model as a project – stages, elements, activities. Innovation matrix. Features of radical and incremental innovation projects. Innovation project value created. Managing the portfolio innovation projects – objectives, categories, methods and techniques. Evaluation of innovation project activities compared to strategic dimensions. Resource planning. Organization for managing innovation project. Innovation project teams. Risk management in innovation project (planning, identification, analysis). Monitoring and control of the innovation project realization. Reporting system on the implementation of the innovation project. Software solutions in managing innovation projects and portfolios.

Practical instruction: Examples of radical and incremental innovation models - similarities and differences. Examples of innovation product projects. Examples of project evaluation in portfolio (time, risk, value, type of innovation project, implementation). Examples of the application of indicators for indicating the value created by the innovation project (ROI, ROI2 – Return on Innovation Investment, etc.). Project management methods and tehniques in case of innovation projects. Case studies from the field.



Stošić, B., Innovation Management - Innovation Projects, Models and Methods, Faculty of Organizational


Sciences, Belgrade, 2013.


Webb, A., Project Management for Successful Product Innovation, Gower Publishing, 2000.

Cooper, R., Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 2001.

Kerzner, H.,Project Management - A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, Wiley, 2006.

The number of class hours per week: 60 Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Professional studies


Performance and Compensation management Teacher:Slović D. Dragoslav,Radović M. Milić

Course status: Course on Management Engineering and Business system organisation, Alternative course on Business Process Management program and Management in public sector

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

To teach students and train them for team work on solving problems of production improvement through application of engineering methods (analysis, design, setting and improvement) and management (planning, organizing, leading and control) of performance and compensation system.

Learning outcomes

Improved knowledge, abilities and skills for team work on solving problems, through knowledge acquisition about performance and compensation management.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction: Explanation of basic terms: job, workplace or position, assignment, procedure, operation, performance, compensation. Job analysis and Design. Job description.

Systematisation of job, workplaces and assignments. Job evaluation. Basic compensation structure design. Determination of standard performance – job and assignment performance. Wage incentives model design. Compensation system administration. Compensation calculation.

Practical instruction: Job design and analysis. Job list and description design. Job, assignment and workplace systematisation design. Job evaluation by using global methods – job ranking and classification, by using analytical methods – job comparison and assessment and by using job market price method. Basic compensation design. Determination of standard job performance. Wage incentives model design based on individual and group performance. Scanlon, Rucker and Improshare plan of productivity improvement effect division. Compensation system administration. Compensation calculation. Project assignment preparation and assessment.



Petrović B., Proučavanje rada, FON, Beograd, 1996

Hendersen R.I.: Compensation Management in a Knowledge – Based World, Prentice Hall, New jersex, 2003.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Ex catedra, interview method, demonstrative method, case study, PowerPoint presentations; Practical examples; Individual student research and problem solving based on exercises; Consultation in preparation of project assignment and individual student work through projects;

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam 48

Participation in labs 52


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Public Sector Project Management Teacher:Obradović LJ. Vladimir

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6


Course objective

The acquisition of theoretical and practical scientific knowledge of program and project management, necessary for successful implementation of various developmental and other ventures in the public sector.

Understanding and mastering up to date methods and techniques of the Public Sector Project Management.

Learning outcomes

Empowering competences of students concerning the practical application of technical knowledge to manage: time, costs, resources, quality, risk, finance (budget), contracts as well as communications in terms of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Concept and types of projects. The concept of project management. The project approach in the public sector. The functional approach to project management in the public sector: the organization of project management, human resources management, contracting management, quality management, project risk management, project communications management, change management. Project planning. Project monitoring and control. Reporting system concerning the implementation of the project. Standard computer programs for project management. Managing by projects. Project organizations. Program management. Multi-project management. Project Cycle Management.

Practical instruction:

Writing project proposals by different methodologies (IPA, NIP, UNDP, PMI). Strategic project framework. Situational analysis. Problem tree. Objective tree. Making priorities among projects. Evaluation of projects performance. Key Performance Indicators of project. Public sector projects evaluation. Defining the organizational structure of the project. Case Studies.



1. Jovanović P., Project Management, FON, Belgrade 2006 2. Jovanović P., Petrović D., Mihić M., Obradović V., Methods and techniques of project management, FON, Belgrade, 2007 3. Project Cycle Management Guidelines, 2004, European Commission 4. Government Extension to the PMBOK ® Guide Third Edition, Project Management Institute, 2006 The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Auditory, illustrative and demonstrative, verbal and textual, practical methods.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 20 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Graduate Studies


Process Management Teacher:Radović M. Milić,Slović D. Dragoslav

Course status: mandatory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Training students to apply the process approach, to translate the objectives of the business system processes (performance) indicators and process management.

Learning outcomes

By studying the course, students gain knowledge and skills for the implementation of the process approach and process management.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The process model as a basis for process management; Key processes identification in the business system; Translating objectives of the business system to the key processes (performance) indicators; Designing basis for the key processes management; Defining the appropriate method of process management; Definition of responsibilities for process management; Process management and continuous process improvement;

Practical instruction:

Application of acquired knowledge to specific business systems.

Demonstration of process management examples.



1. Radović, M., Tomašević, I., Stojanović, D., Simeunović, B., ―Inţenjering procesa‖, I edition, FON, Belgrade, 2012. 2. Harmon, P., ―Business process change: a guide for business managers and BPM and six sigma professionals‖, Second Edition, Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007. 3. Jeston, J., Nelis, J., ―Business process management: practical guidelines to successful implementations‖, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008. 4. Von Brocke, J., Rosemann, M.: Handbook on Business Process Management I – Introduction, Methods


and Information Systems, Springer, Berlin, 2010. 5. Von Brocke, J., Rosemann, M.: Handbook on Business Process Management II – Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture, Springer, Berlin, 2010. The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs:2 Workshops: Research study:

Teaching methods

Prepared Power Point presentation, supported by examples relating to the matter; Preparing students for the practical application of knowledge in real business system; Enabling students to solve practical problems by demonstration of specific examples and problem solving with the active participation of students; The training, control and verification of progress on project assignments and essays.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam

Participation in labs Oral exam 50

Essay 50


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Reputation management and social responsibility Teacher:Vlastelica Bakić L. Tamara,Cicvarić Kostić M. Slavica

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Gaining knowledge in the area of conceptualization, theoretical and practical models and methods of measuring corporate reputation, as well as the impact of corporate social responsibility on business performance. Mastering techniques of strategic planning of communication, in order to improve the reputation, through the integration of corporate social responsibility, marketing and corporate communications.

Learning outcomes

Built ability and knowledge of reputation management methodology, planning an adequate communication strategy and managing different dimensions of corporate social responsibility. Successful application of gathered knowledge in improving the reputation of an organization in today's business environment.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The concept of corporate reputation. Reputation in the context of stakeholder perception and in the context of business and communication strategy. Corporate reputation and related concepts. The impact of reputation on other aspects and results of business operations. Modeling and measuring corporate reputation. Model for measuring corporate reputation in Serbia. Cultural determination of the model.

The concept and dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Impact of CSR on business performance and consumer behavior. Managing social responsibility. Evaluation and measurement of CSR. Institutions and indexes of social responsibility.

Communicating corporate social responsibility. Integrating corporate social responsibility, marketing and corporate communications. Ethical aspects of communication. Cause related marketing. "Green marketing". Social marketing. Integrated media campaigns for reputation management. Internal communication for reputation management. Relations with the business community and public affairs. Crisis communication and reputation preservation.

Practical instruction:

Practical examples analysis. Developing a strategic communication plan in order to improve the reputation. Exploring socially responsible practices. Simulation of solving specific business problems.



Filipović, V., Kostić-Stanković, M. „Public relations―, FOS, Belgrade, 2011.

Vlastelica Bakić, T. ―Managing reputation by applying corporate social responsibility in marketing and public relations‖, Lecturer script, 2013.

Vlastelica Bakić. T., Lalić, D. (2013). „Examples of good practice in public relations 2013―, FOS, Belgrade

Fombrun C., Van Riel C., Fame and Fortune - How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2004.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: 2 Labs: Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods

Lectures, Case studies, Business situations simulation, Individual research and project assignment

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Oral exam 60

Participation in labs 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies Course:

Resource Management Teacher:Omerbegović-Bijelović K. Jasmina

Course status: Elective ECTS points: 6 Prerequisites: / Course objective: Introduction to resources (definition, nature, life cycle, importance, methods and conditions of application in the value chain creation, development opportunities and types) and their business potential, as well as mastering the basics of their managing (revenue streams, scheduling, regeneration) Course outcome: Capacitate students for practice of resource management (their acquisition, engagement and disposition hem) - with the use of modern organizational tools (and software) - to maximize the quality of RM; Qualification for doctoral studies. Course structure and content Theoretical instruction: The scientific view of resources (types, nature, specifics); Technological and entrepreneurial potential of resources; Concepts of resource treatments (MRP, MRP II, ERP, E-ERP). The process of engaging resources: purchasing, receiving, storing, manipulating in warehouse, preparation, internal transport, disposition, transformation and exchange; Models and Methods (M&M) to determine the needs for resources, to supply resources (selection of suppliers , insurance and contracting , procurement , transport , storage) and engage resources in workplaces; M&M of solving labor surplus, scrap and waste (recycling, sales, disposal); Components of decision making on waste (technological, material, economic, environmental, ethical, organizational); Managing the process of engaging resources (planning, organization, implementation and control of resource deployment); Resource management and operation strategies; Managing resources to time horizons. Resource management in the systems of service delivery and production. Components of decision making about resources (technological, material, economic, environmental, ethical and organizational). Software support to resource management. Theory and practice (cases) of RM. Methodology of scientific and professional/project work. Labs: Examples of resources and specificy of their attributes. M&M to determine the business potential of resources. Concepts of resource management: MRP, MRP II, ERP, E-ERP. Software support to resource management: MS Project, Microsoft Navision, SAP BUSSINES ONE. Internet and resource business. Negotiation on resources and formation of business contracts. M&M of resource manipulating in enterprises. Standards on resources. Designing systems for resource management. Literature/Readings 1. Omerbegović-Bijelović, J. Planning and preparation of production and service delivery (in Serbian), FON, Belgrade 2006; 2. Arnold J.R.T., Chapman S.N., Clive L.M. (2008), Introduction to , Pearson... 3. Gunther N.J. (2007), Guerrilla Capacity Planning, Springer 4. Drexl, A., Kimms, A., Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II): Advanced Models and Methods for Production Planning, Springer, 1998. 5. Caramia, M., Dell’Olmo, Effective Resource Management in Manufacturing Systems: Optimization Algorithms for Production Planning, Springer, 2006. 6. Goldratt, E.M., What is this thing called «Theory of constraints» and how should it be implemented?, North River Press, Inc., Croton-on-Hudson (NY), 1990. The number of class hours per week: 60 Other classes: Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: 2 2 Teaching methods Mentoring with teacher (small groups); Team and/or individual work of students; Introduction to practice and practical work, (the project/term paper); Processing professional and scientific literature and writing 153

papers: professional and scientific (by students' choice). Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points) Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points Participation in class 10 Colloquium 30 Term paper/ project RM 30 Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Project risk management Teacher:Petrović Č. Dejan

Course status: Elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

 The acquisition of scientific as well as professional knowledge of the project risk management.  Learning and mastering the basic concepts and models for project risk management.

Learning outcomes

Students ability for practical usage of professional knowledge related to the field of identification of risk, risk analysis, reaction planning and risk reaction control.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Concept and types of risk. The concept of risk management. Basic phases of project risk management. Identification of high-risk events. Risk Analysis. Planning strategies and reactions to risk. Risk reaction control. Software support for the project risk management. Possibilities for practical usage of the concept and practical examples.

Practical instruction:

Identification of the probability of risk events. Determining the risk influence on the project. Determining the importance of risk. Planning the reaction to risk. Establishing responsibility and cost of the risk. Tools for monitoring and control of reactive measures. Risk base.


Petrović D, Jovanović P, Raković R., Project risk management, YUPMA, Belgrade, 2010.

Jovanović P, Project Management, FON, Belgrade 2006.

Jovanović P, Petrović D, Mihić M, Obradović V: Methods and techniques of project management, FON,


Belgrade, 2007.

R. Max Wideman (ed.): Project & Program Risk Management - A guide to managing project risks & opportunities, PMI, Newton Square, in 1992.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Auditory, Illustrative and Demonstrative, Verbal and Textual, Practical Methods

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam 50

Participation in labs 40


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Services management and relationship marketing Teacher:Štavljanin B. Velimir,Damnjanović Ţ. Vesna

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective Understanding the specific application of marketing in the service sector and the key concepts and tools to master the process of planning, implementation and control of marketing activities in the service sector. In addition, students are trained for establishing, monitoring and improving customer services relationship.

Learning outcomes Mastering the knowledge that will enable students to analyze and implement the concept of relationship marketing and the development of effective strategies in service business that will focus on attracting and retaining customers and building long-term relationships.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The concept and characteristics of the service. Consumer behaviour and services. Consumer expectations. Consumer perceptions of services. Marketing research as a mean for understanding consumer. Services recovery. Service system. Service development and design. Branding in the service sector. Service environment. Employees’ role in service delivery. Customers’ role in service delivery. Services delivery channels. Managing demand and capacity. Integrated services marketing communications. Pricing of services. Relationship management and service. The concept of relationship marketing and the development of a scientific discipline. Relationship marketing characteristics. Relationship continuum. Relationship categories. Advantages and disadvantages of relationship marketing. The drivers of relationship marketing. Satisfaction. Trust. Commitment. Loyalty. The value for the consumer. Relational marketing plan. Relationship portfolio. Relationship life cycle. Relationship marketing strategy. Necessary organizational prerequisites for the introduction of relational marketing. Relationship marketing implementation system. Internal marketing. Monitoring and controlling activities of relationship marketing. Metrics in relationship marketing. Corporate social responsibility as part of relationship marketing.

Practical instruction:

Analysis of the environment, internal and external analysis methods application. Services market research. Target marketing in the service sector. Gaps model of service. SERVQUAL technique. Development of services marketing mix. Service blueprint. Marketing plan in service business. Loyalty schemes. Loyalty programs. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV). Database marketing. Interactive marketing. Customer relationship management (CRM). Software support.



1. Filipović V., Janičić R., Relacioni marketing, script, FON, 2008;

2. Filipović V, Kostić-Stanković M, Marketing menadţment, FON, Beograd, 2013.

3. Veljković S, Marketing usluga, Centar za izdavačku delatnost EF, 2009.

4. Gummesson E., Total Relationship Marketing, Prentice Hall, New York, 2006.

5. Additional literature

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lectures, interactive discussions, case study, creative workshops participation and presentation of results, preparing project assignment, consultations regarding work on project assignment.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam

Practice Oral exam 30

Test/s 30

Project assignment 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Type and level of studies: Graduate


Financial markets and technology of exchanges operations Teacher:Bogojević-Arsić T. Vesna,Ţarkić-Joksimović A. Nevenka,Barjaktarović-Rakočević M. SlaĎana

Module status: Compulsory


Pre-requisites: /


To instil familiarity with and understanding of financial markets, with special emphasis on securities markets.

Learning outcome

This module develops a knowledge and understanding of characteristics, key participants, securities, and financial markets operations.



Nature, characteristics, functions, and significance of different financial markets. Goals, participants, and characteristics of foreign exchange market. Goals, characteristics, and participants in the bond markets. Characteristics, importance, and goals of securities markets. Banks, investment companies, pension funds, insurance companies, and other participants on securities markets: activities and characteristics. Classification of securities markets. Nature, different types, and usage of equity securities. Nature, different types, and usage of debt securities. Valuation of equity and debt securities. Operations on the primary and secondary securities markets. Concept, importance, and different types of securities market indices. Derivative markets. Forwards and futures: types and significance. Importance and consequences of option contract application. Importance and consequences of swaps usage. Nature and importance of exchanges management. Types of exchanges operations. Order types. Technology of exchanges operations.

Practical teaching techniques: Exercises, Other forms of delivery, Research work

Institutional investors. Investment bank: role and importance. Brokerage houses. World’s major stock exchanges: examples. Equity valuation. Pricing of ordinary and preference shares. Treasury bills, negotiable certificates of deposit, bankers’ acceptance, commercial papers, treasury notes, treasury bonds, municipal bonds: examples. Forwards, futures, options, and swaps: examples. Securities market indices construction. Securities market indices as fundamentals for investment decision-making. Exchanges operations: examples. Ordinary and special order types: examples.


Bogojevic Arsic, V., Trziste hartija od vrednosti, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, 2011.

Fabozzi F., Modigliani F., Jones F., Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions: Pearson New International Edition,



Delivery (Teaching techniques) Other classes

Lectures: Exercises: Other forms of delivery: Research work:

2 2

Methods of delivery

The module is delivered through lectures, exercises, and consultations. Students are actively involved in teaching process through interactive discussions, exercises, coursework, case studies, and workshops.

Assessment (maximum number of points 100)

Pre-exam commitments Points Final exam Points

Seminar/s 30 Oral examination 70


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master academic studies


Financial Management Teacher:Ţarkić-Joksimović A. Nevenka,Benković S. SlaĎana,Barjaktarović-Rakočević M. SlaĎana

Course status: Mandatory

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: none

Course objective

Mastering financial concepts and understanding of the importance and role of the financial manager in the company.

Learning outcomes

The ability to overview and formulate key financial problems in the company and define the model and formulate proposals and financial decisions in the company.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

Financial functions in the company. The system of financial management in the company. Institutional and economic environment. Financial markets. Financial Planning. Financial analysis. Investment policy. Risk and investment decisions. Management of working capital. Management of liquid assets. Short-term financing. Long-term financing. Financing policy. Dividend policy.

Practical instruction:

The impact of monetary and credit system on a company. The influence of capital structure decisions to business operations. The company as a participant in the financial market. Evaluation of investment projects of the company. Funding and borrowing capacities of a company. Financial analysis of the company.


1. Ţarkić Joksimović Nevenka, Benković SlaĎana, Milosavljević Miloš: Finansijski menadžment, Fakultet organizacionih nauka , Beograd, 2013.

2. Brigham E: Financial Management: Theory & Practice, Cengage Learning, 2013.

3. Titman S, Martin J, Keown A: Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 11th ed, Prentice Hall, 2010.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Lecturing and mentoring. Students are actively involved in the educational process through interactive discussion, practical work, homework, case studies and workshops.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class Written exam 70

Participation in labs Oral exam 30


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


French for specific purposes 4 – French for academic purposes Teacher:Cakeljić R. Vesna

Course status: elective

ECTS points: 6

Prerequisites: French language competencies at least at the B1 level (CECRL)

Course objective

Internalizing the rules which govern the use of French for academic purposes (Français sur objectifs universitaires) as a new study course offered with the aim of facilitating the comprehension of courses offered at French universities, as well as internalizing the rules which govern the writing of academic papers and the use of professional literature. Reinforcement of the general knowledge pertaining to the French culture, the university system and student life in France. Further development of intercultural communicative competencies as well as the internalization of oral and written vocabulary for academic purposes.

Learning outcomes

Students have developed the skills related to use of written and oral French for academic purposes in the field of their future professions. They are able to understand lectures given in French, to take notes, write reports, term papers and other academic papers. The students are familiarized with the structure of the French university system as well as the lives of students studying in France.

Course structure and content

Theoretical instruction:

The introduction of the French university system and studying in France: communication, everyday life, culture, administration. Integration of foreign students within the university: writing of professional projects. Understanding the lectures given in French and taking notes (prise de note); comprehension skills, asking questions. Writing homework, term papers and other academic papers (mémoire de master ou d’une thèse de doctorat, compte rendu, dissertation, rapport de stage). Analysis of various types of university-level texts within the students’ professional domain. Oral presentations (exposé). Bibliography, lexical field search, oral presentation skills.

Practical instruction:

Comprehension and writing skills exercises (entrainement à la compréhension et à la rédaction de textes académiques): word order within a sentence (ordre des mots), textual cohesion (cohésion textuelle, enchaînement des phrases), argumentation (expliquer et justifier son propos, récapituler et déduire). Exercises for enhancing students’ presentation skills in French.


 J.-M. Mangiante et C. Parpette: Le français sur objectif universitaire, Grenoble, PUG, 20011.


 S. Garnier et A. D. Savage: Rédiger un texte académique en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2011.

 V. Cakeljić: Lexique des affaires, Ključne reči menadžmenta i informatike, Beograd, FON, 2013.

The number of class hours per week Other classes:

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:

2 2

Teaching methods

Interactive and participative approach, combining input and output related to the professional field of students, individual or group work. The use of the authentic audio/video/web material.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Participation in class 10 Written exam 40

Participation in labs 10 Oral exam 20

Colloquium 20


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Practice Specification Teacher: All teachers involved in the study program

Course status: Mandatory

ECTS points: 4

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Training students to do independent research and professional work in identifying and solving specific tasks in the program of study, in real conditions of practice and / or research laboratories and centers.

Learning outcomes

Gaining experience and mastery of skills in the use of deepening and enriching the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge for the purpose of identifying and resolving specific issues and tasks that occur in the real system.

Course structure and content

Elements of the project task; Defining the objectives and tasks of the research; Identification and description of the basic problems through the development of key thesis; The basic methods, techniques and tools for the project professional practice - selection of appropriate methods TOR and predicted empirical research; Basic elements of the presentation of research results - the principles of successful presentations and various forms and characteristics of individual forms, such as the content of written documents, oral, electronic presentations; Defining a specific project task of professional practice for each student - goals and tasks, duties and responsibilities of the student organization (if it is implemented in a particular organization), mode, form and content of the final report, and etc.


The number of class hours per week

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: Other classes:


Teaching methods

The application of different methods of research, consultations (individual and group). The use of different teaching methods with practical work.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Seminar 50 Written exam 50



Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Research proposal Teacher: All teachers involved in the study program

Course status: Mandatory

ECTS points: 8

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

The main objective is to prepare students for Degree - Master of work, so he is the first phase of development of master work. With the help of mentors, students will be prepared that, with the conquest of the necessary methods and with the use of basic acquired during their studies, scientific-technical and professional application of knowledge, solve a specific problem within the selected areas. As part of these preparations student studying the broader context of the problem, its structure and complexity.

Based on literature student meets with the existing approaches to solving similar tasks and good practice. Based on the conducted comparative analysis of available solutions student brings a proposal of its own approach to solving the complex problems. The aim of the activities of students in this part of the research is to gain the necessary experience through solving complex problems and tasks and identifying opportunities for the application of previously acquired knowledge into practice.

Learning outcomes

Engineer should improve their previous titles acquired those skills and knowledge which enables him to solve the most complex problems. In addition to the knowledge and skills acquired in undergraduate studies, students are trained for research work. Acquire the necessary knowledge in specific scientific fields, methods of scientific research and skills (oral presentation, group communication, etc.). Because creative approach to the interpretation of other people's knowledge and experience can exercise and less scientific contributions. In this way gain a better performance on the market work, and acquired competencies enable them to find employment in research and development centers and institutes, or in companies that are committed to improving their own work and open to new approaches and solutions in the areas of organization and management. In the access student work defines the topic, purpose, research methods, literature you will use.

Course structure and content

The content of the work depends on the particular rešavanog problems and is aligned with the objectives of the case. The work includes the object and purpose of the research, initial hypotheses, research methods, the contribution of access and conclusions.


The number of class hours per week Other classes:


Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study:


Teaching methods

After discussions with the supervisor about topics of the future specialist labor, student, with the approval of the selected mentors and task-specific, starts making the access operation. During the preparation of this paper, mentor conduct regular consultations to learn about the progress of the student, critically evaluate current work and provides additional guidance in the form of student guidance or reference to a particular literature.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Creation paper specification 50 Defense graduate paper 50 specification


Study program / study programs:Management

Degree level: Master studies


Graduate paper specification Teacher: All teachers involved in the study program

Course status: Mandatory

ECTS points: 18

Prerequisites: /

Course objective

Engineer of organizational sciences should demonstrate an increased ability to research in the case of new or unfamiliar problems in this area, linking the acquired knowledge and skills in solving complex problems, and the ability to follow and adopt papers and research results.

Learning outcomes

Graduate engineers - masters improve their previous knowledge acquired those skills and knowledge that they provide better performance on the market work, and acquired competencies enable them to find employment in research and development centers and institutes, enterprises or their own organizations. Students gain specialization in the above sub-group can independently or in a team to solve the most complex problems, because they deepen previously acquired academic skills and knowledge, understanding and skills. Are trained to solve complex problems. They independently investigate, process the data obtained in the research, draw conclusions, write and defend the results.

Course structure and content

By creating and defending the master's thesis students are usavšavaju in the scientific field that is the subject of their master academic studies and acquire a graduate engineer in the field of master academic studies. Engineer - master has deepened academic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the chosen specific scientific field, knows in academia and beyond the accepted methodology for solving complex problems and is able to be independent and creative application in solving the problems that will occur in practice.


The number of class hours per week

Lectures: Labs: Workshops: Research study: Other classes:

Teaching methods

After accepting the diploma master work of a candidate under the supervision of a mentor approach to designing work. Creating work should be carried out in accordance and in the implementation plan exposed in the application work. Candidate in the laboratory and / or field work independently on the practical aspects of the problems solved. In consultation with the supervisor if necessary checks the work plan, in terms of the elements it contains, or the


dynamics of additional sources.

Evaluation/Grading (maximum 100 points)

Pre-exam requirements Points Final exam Points

Creation graduate paper specification 50 Defense graduate paper specification 50