Three Discomycetes (Helotiaceae) New to Taiwan
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Fung. Sci. 20(1, 2): 41–45, 2005 Three discomycetes (Helotiaceae) new to Taiwan Yei-Zeng Wang National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan (Accepted: June 6, 2005) ABSTRACT Three discomycetes, Bisporella sulfurina, Hymenoscyphus lutescens, and Ionomidotis frondosa are described and illustrated. These species are new to Taiwan. Bisporella Hymenoscyphus Ionomidotis Key words: , , . Taxonomy yellow apothecia and narrow ascospores. Lizon and Korf (1995) doubted that B. claroflava Bisporella sulfurina (Quél.) S.E. Carp. Myco- (= B. discedens) is conspecific with it. The ana- taxon 1: 59, 1974. (Figs. 1, 4, & 5) morph of B. claroflava was described as a Apothecia gregarious, saucer- to plate- Cystodendron sp. by Carpenter (1975) and shaped, 1–1.5 mm wide, centrally short stipi- Johnston (1988) later decided it belongs to tate, disc brightly yellow, receptacle smooth, Bloxamia. I did not find any anamorphic state white. Ectal excipulum 50–60 µm thick, com- on these collections but observed Bloxamia posed of thick-walled, gelatinized, undulating anamorph on some Taiwanese collections of B. hyphae, 2–5 µm wide. Medullary excipulum of citrina (Fig. 4). textura intricata, 300–350 µm thick, hyphae hyaline, 3–5 µm wide. Asci 8-spored, cylindri- Hymenoscyphus lutescens (Hedwig: Fries) cal, 80–85 × 4.5–5 µm, pore turning pale blue Phillips, Brit. Discom. P. 131, 1887. (Figs. 2 in Melzer’s reagent. Ascospores ellipsoid, 1- & 6) septate, 9–12 × 2.5–3 µm, 2–3 guttulate. Para- Apothecia white, disc plane, 1–2 mm wide, physes filiform, 1–2 µm wide. Anamorph not short stipitate, ochraceous when dry, margin seen. slightly raised. Ectal excipulum of textura Specimens examined. Chiayi: Nanhsi For- angularis, cells 15–20 × 15–30 µm. Medullary est Road, on dead wood with Nectria sp., coll. excipulum of textura intricata, hyphae 3–5 µm S.Z. Chen, WAN 290, Jun. 13, 1996 (TNM wide. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, pore turning 4708). Nantou: Juiyenhsi Nature Reserve, on pale bule in Melzer’s reagent, 70–90 × 7–8 µm. Hypoxylon sp., coll. Y.Z. Wang, WAN 961, Oct. Ascospores ellipsoid, 10–13 × 4–5 µm, 0–1 24, 2002 (TNM F15032). septate, full of guttules. Paraphyses filiform, This species is characterized by small lemon sparsely septate, straight, 2–3 µm at apex. 42 Fung. Sci. 20(1, 2), 2005 Fig. 1. Bisporella sulfurina. A. An ascus. B. Two pharaphyses tips. C. Four ascospores. E. A part of ectal excipulum. Bar = 10 µm. Fig. 2. Hymenoscyphus lutescens. A. An ascus. B. Three pharaphyses tips. C. Five ascospores. D. A part of ectal excipu- lum. Bar = 10 µm. Three discomycetes new to Taiwan 43 Specimen examined. Maioli: Kuanwu, on µm. Ascospores short ellipsoid, 5–7 × 1–2 µm, rotten wood. coll. W.N. Chou, WAN 1016, Mar. with guttules, slightly curved. Paraphyses fili- 23, 2004 (TNM F16522). form, straight or curved, apex 1–3 µm wide. Lizon (1992) described the paraphyses con- Specimens examined. Nantou: Juiyenhsi tain yellowish guttules, but I did not observe Nature Reserve, on rotten wood, coll. W.N. this characteristic in this specimen. Chou, WAN 974, Feb. 25, 2003 (TNM F15044). Taichung: Anmashan, on rotten wood, Ionomidotis frondosa (Kobayasi) Kobayasi & coll. W.N. Chou, WAN 964, Oct. 30, 2002 Korf in Korf, Sci. Rep. Yokohama Natl. (TNM F15035). Univ. Ser. 2, 7 : 19, 1958. (Figs. 3 & 7) This species is characterized by lobed apo- Apothecia black, ear-shaped at maturity, thecia with postulate receptacle surface, and lobed, gregarious, 0.5–2 cm long, 0.3–1 cm curved paraphyses. The ascospores of this col- wide, margin irregular. Receptacle furfura- lection are slightly larger than those of Japa- ceous, brown, tissues releasing dark purple- nese collections (4–4.5 × 1.0–1.4 µm, Zhuang brown pigment in KOH solution. Ectal- 1988). excipulum 50–75 µm thick, of texura angularis, cells 7–15 × 5–7 µm, thick-walled, immersed in Acknowledgements gel. Medullary excipulum 250–300 µm thick, of texutra intricate, hyphae 2–4 µm wide. Sub- Thanks are due to Miss S.Z. Chen and Mr. hymenium 20–30 µm thick, hyphae densely in- W.N. Chou for providing specimens studied in terwoven. Asci 8-spored, clavate, 35–40 × 4–5 this paper. Fig. 3. Ionomidotis frondosa. A. An ascus and two pharaphyses tips. B. Four ascospores. C. A part of ectal excipulum. Bar = 10 µm for A, B, and 20 µm for C. 44 Fung. Sci. 20(1, 2), 2005 Fig. 4. Bloxamia anamorph of Bisporella citrine. Bar = 20 µm. Fig. 5. Habitat of Bisporella sulfurina. Bar = 3 mm. Fig. 6. Habitat of Hymenoscyphus lutescens. Bar = 4 mm. Fig. 7. Habitat of Ionomidotis frondosa. Bar = 6 mm. References (Helotiales) in Slovakia, Czechoslovakia. Mycotaxon 45: 1–59. Carpenter, S.E. 1975. Bisporella discedens and Lizon, P. and R.P. Korf. 1995. Taxonomy and its Cystodendron state. Mycotaxon 2: 123– nomenclature of Bisporella claroflava (Leo- 126. tiaceae). Mycotaxon 54: 471–478. Johnston, P.R. 1988. The Bloxamia anamorph Zhuang, W.Y. 1988. Studies on some discomy- of Bisporella discedens. Mycotaxon 31: cete genera with an ionomidotic reaction: 345–350. Ionomidotis, Poloniodiscus, Cordierites, Lizon, P. 1992. The genus Hymenoscyphus Phyllomyces, and Ameghiniella. Three discomycetes new to Taiwan 45 臺灣產三種盤菌的新紀錄 王 也 珍 國立自然科學博物館,臺中市館前路一號 摘 要 本文描述三種臺灣的盤菌,硫色小雙孢盤菌 (Bisporella sulfurina)、透明膜盤菌 (Hymenoscyphus lutes- cens) 與複聚盤菌 (Ionomidotis frondosa)。均為臺灣的新紀錄。 關鍵詞:硫色小雙孢盤菌、透明膜盤菌、複聚盤菌。 46 Fung. Sci. 20(1, 2), 2005 .