Light Authority's House Code Is
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A Newspaper Devoted Complete -News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week VOL. XVII—NO. 46 . FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1955 Every Thursday at IS Qreen Street, Woodbrldge, . 1. PRICE EIGHT CENTS Santa's Weary Messengers Warmed by Glowing Eyes Authority's Sweetness Of Recipients of Your Gifts Given Through Yule Fund and Gratitude of Needy is House Code Great; Tots Thrill as ;j Light Toys are Delivered Is By CHARLES E. GREGORY By RUTH WOI-K WOODBRIDGE — It was bitter Edison : Commissioners z The last stalking ghost cold and; to -make matters worse Approve Measere at it started to snow during the | has been laid, and with it afternoon making driving hazard- Meeting Last Night I the resistance — on spurious ous, especially in the outlying sec- EDISON—A new housing code I" facts and reasoning — of at tion^ of the Township where the for the Township was introduced roads are not the best even in at: last night's meeting of the * ieast one community to normal weather. Township Commission and was | Structo Schools. Our feet became wet and clam- passed on its initial reading-. my cold and then the heater and The. lengthy code, covering ten ^ * * * *_ defroster in the car failed to typewritten pages, sets up stand- |. Franklin Township Tues- function properly. But somehow ards and requirements so that the we kept warm from a sort of in- Township will have the power to | day night voted to take pre- ner glow that came from the establish whether a dwelling is fit f- liminary steps for two Struc- feeling we were helping others at for human habitation, and if found Christmas time— the season of to be of sub-standard condition to p to Schools and has a com- good, will and peace. For we were force the owner to remedy the fe mitment the classrooms will the' small group delivering Christ- condition or to give the Township be ready for occupancy by mas baskets and boxes laden with the authority to tear it down. clothing and. toys to 88 needy Residents living in the Park September 1 of next year. Township families. Although we Avenue ; area adjacent to Wood- This decision came after ex- played the roles of Santa's help- brook Farms questioned at length ers, it was all made possible the ordinance which would zone plosion of a phoney repre- through your generous donations about 170 acres of Woodbjrook sentation that Structo is un- to The. Independent - Leader Farms for light industry. willing to comply with New Christmas Fund. Primarily they were interested Jersey bidding requirements. Even though it meant getting' in'-what type of industry would up at a quarter to five in the locate in that section. The mayor It also came after Dr. Cleve and commissioners told the group morning. and not getting back that although they understood Westby, in charge of con- home until 8 o'clock at night, it that a plant was considering the struction for the State De- suddenly became worth it when location, they did' not know them- I saw a little girl's eyes light up selves what concern it was. partment of Education, told at the sight of a doll crib in which this newspaper's Trenton a baby doll was nestled. All those Mayor Thomas Swales assured the residents that if a new plant correspondent that any dif- weeks, of sorting clothing and wrapping packages with the aid did locate on the Woodbrook prop- ferences between State build- erty it would be carefully scrutin- of High School students had a ized before it was allowed to build. ing requirements and Struc- deeper meaning when I saw a Mr. Swales said that the planning to's design can be reconciled little boy grab a sled we brought board had made the recommenda- him and try it out immediately. tion that the land be converted to 'in five minutes." Most of the older folks could light industry because it was not * * * * hardly say more than "Thank practical for home building be- you," or "God Bless You," but cause of the type of soil. Opponents of the idea we IS EVERYBODY HAPPY?: Fifteen-month-old Louis Elias, Jr., the looks in then- faces said more He pointed out that it was most should build at least one son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eiias, 20 Nielsen Street, Woodbridge, than words. We found one house practical for light industry in Structo School received with is all set to go for the New Year's Eve celebration. Dressed in where, the cupboard was really view of its location to the nearby the traditional costume of the Spirit of the New Year, little bare of food. There were several railroad and the fact that most of great glee an erroneous JLouis looks upon the world with wide, bright eyes filled wiih homes where prolonged sickness the public utilities were already optimism for the future. We, of The Independent-Leader, join meant no Christmas until we on the property. Another industry charge that Structo had knocked on the- door. There were withdrawn from New Jersey with the child in wishing all of you: "A VERY HAPPY NEW would add millions of ratables, he YEAR AND THE BEST OF EVERYTHING." many homes where mothers were declared, adding that with the in- operation because it could bravely atempting to play the CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR THE NEEDY: Abo ye members of the Road Department are shown creasing school problem, these role of both parents, because their getting- ready to load one of the three trucks used to deliver food, clothing and toys to 83 Town- ratables were sorely needed. i • not comply with New Jersey ship needy families last Thursday through The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund. The large husbands had deserted them. During further questioning the requirements._These dwin- Gratitude .Great packages were lined up three deep on the sidewalk from the railroad crossing, past The Full Police. Force Alerted' Independent-Leader to Greiner's Barber Shop. mayor explained that since it was dling opponents whose num- All these people were grateful being rezoned to light industry it ber includes members of the For Weekend Traffic Call indeed and already thank you would remain as such and could cards and notes are beginning to not be used for housing develop- Board of Education could WOODBRIDGE —' Every officer on the police department has arive. A representative note came Radio Car Accident Christmas Fund Helps 88 ment. , '' • .have easil/ ascertained the been alerted for traffic duty call over the New Year's weekend, from an Iselin couple. The man Commissioner Joseph Costa falsity of the charge. I am Police Chief John E,. Egan said today. has been quite ill for some time. backed up the mayor, saying that "The officers all have their orders to issue tickets to all traffic The letter reads as follows: "Your Injures Policeman Families; Total is $2^914 "although we are attempting to sure they also knew that any violators," the chief said. truck has just left such a won- get ratables, we don't want to WOODBRIDGE — Patrolman WOODBRIDGE — Last minute donations, including $100 from impose any undue hardships on school system which can jus- He admonished drivers not to drive if they have been drinking. derful surprise in the way of Christmas happiness and cheer in Joseph Gyenes was slightly in- a nearby plant which asked to remain anonymous, swelled The the residents of the Township." ^ tify and countenance the "Remember," he warned, "al- There were eleven parcels'"'of cohol and gasoline do not mix. two large boxes. So many good jured. Monday afternoon when the Independent-Leader Christmas Fund total to $2,914.04 and as a result 88 needy Township families were supplied with complete Township-owned properties sold at use of 30-year-old portable If you have had a drink or two Cop's Alertness Avoids things to eat, it will last us a long police car he was riding in stopped the meeting bringing the Town- at a party make coffee the last time. The turkey was just the short to avoid an accident and Christmas dinners and clothing and toys last Thursday. schools could certainly find In addition to the $100.00 donation other contributions since ship a total of $15,175 in revenue. one for the road." Service Station Blaze right size for us because we have the car door opened and threw >—if it wished^-justification such a small freezing unit. When last Thursday were: The chief pointed out that the him to. the pavement. for buildings which the fore- Township was free of accidents WOODBRIDGE — The alert- we are enjoying our Christmas $50.00 disbursements will not be' ready Home Fire Causes most authority on construc- on Safe Driving Day, December 1 dinner you will be blessed with According to Patrolman Steph- William G. Connell until next week. It will be pub- and that there were no fatalities ness of Patrolman Andrew Lud- much happiness and an inward en Yuhasz who was driving the $42.00 lished • in the January 5 issue of . $2,500 in Damage tion in the country calls safe, glow for a job well done. I am radio car, they were headed back Woodbridge Telephone Girls over the Christmas weekend. wig, who was making a routine this newspaper. EDISON,-A $2,500 fire, said to durable and functionally ac- "I hope that drivers and pedes- sure in many cases those who to headquarters and were ap- $10.00 check on his beat on King gave of their means and services proaching the intersection .