Социальная психология и общество Social psychology and society 2017. Т. 8. № 3. С. 31—44 2017. Vol. 8, no. 3, рр. 31—44 doi: 10.17759/sps.2017080304 doi: 10.17759/sps.2017080304 ISSN: 2221-1527 (печатный) ISSN: 2221-1527 (print) ISSN: 2311-7052 (online) ISSN: 2311-7052 (online) © 2017 ФГБОУ ВО МГППУ © 2017 Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

Cultural value orientation and gender equity: a review

N. SIDDIQI*, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, , [email protected]

M. SHAFIQ**, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, [email protected]

In the recent past, gender issues have grabbed substantial attention from social scientists, activists and academic fraternity. Right from family to workplace to society at large, attempts have been initiated to advocate equal rights for women in different spheres of life. Despite social activists and policy makers striving hard towards gender sensitization, gender still persists in various domains of life. Therefore, there is a strong need to identify the factors that potentially determine people’s attitude towards gender equity. With this very objective, the current study examines existing literature on gender discrimination and its association with Hofstede’s (1980) cultural values. Following the “Gender-Organization-System Approach”, the present study postulates that gender equality or inequality results from a complex interaction of individual, organizational and societal factors and that it cannot be explained in isolation from the broader socio-cultural milieu. Extensive review of literature indicates that cultural values are significant predictors of people’s attitude towards gender equity and that the extent to which people conform to existing gender roles determine how much people support the idea of gender equality. The study has significant practical implications since, by means of detecting such “causal factors”, more positive attitudinal changes can be brought about and gender egalitarian attitudes can be cultivated.

Keywords: gender discrimination, gender equity, meta-analysis, cultural values, Gender-Organization-System Approach.

For citation: Siddiqi N., Shafiq M. Cultural value orientation and gender equity: a review. Sotsial'naia psikhologiia i ob- shchestvo [Social Psychology and Society], 2017. Vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 31—44. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.). doi:10.17759/ sps.2017080304 * Siddiqi Nasrina — Research scholar, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, [email protected] ** Shafiq Mohammad — Professor, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, [email protected]

31 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3

I. INTRODUCTION categories wherein each of these dimen- sions has two contrasting extremities. The When it comes to gender equality, mere current literature review attempts to un- policy-level amendments cannot make veil the relationship between each of these much difference unless a sense of gender cultural categories and gender equity or egalitarianism is cultivated and fostered the extent to which men and women enjoy at the socio-cultural level. S. Stefanovici equal roles, opportunities and outcomes in (n.d.) argued that “sexual inequity is root- a given society (Kinias & Kim, 2011)[29]. ed within the social structure itself, through the allocation by society of segregated roles for each sex. The very existence of activities II. LITERATURE REVIEW and responsibilities maintain an imbalance of power between the sexes” [43]. Culture, The current piece of work comprises a therefore, is one of the most significant de- systematic and extensive review of 40 pub- terminants of gender equality/inequality lished articles which dealt with the rela- in a given society. Going by this premise, tionship between Hofstede’s five cultural culture-level transformations can prove values, conformity propensity and gender more fruitful in bringing gender parity. In equity. an attempt to theoretically attest the afore- said proposition, the present study analyzes II. I. Hofstede’s cultural values available literature pertaining to Hofstede’s and gender equity cultural value dimensions and their asso- A thorough review of available litera- ciation with gender equality. Moreover, ture indicates that there exists a strong as- the current review also attempts to identify sociation between Hofstede’s cultural value discrepancies, contradictions and knowl- dimensions and gender equality. Each of edge gaps pertaining to cultural values and these cultural values strongly determines gender equality research. how gender egalitarian a particular society is likely to be. I.I. Cultural value orientation , for instance, has been According to R. Williams (1970) Cul- found to be a strong predictor of gender tural values represent the implicitly or explic- parity. In their article on cultural values itly shared abstract ideas about what is good, and their relationship with gender equality, right, and desirable in a society [52]. Further, I. Dohi and M.M. Fooladi (2008) argued G. Hofstede (1980) defined cultural values that collectivistic values practiced by Japa- as ‘Broad tendencies to prefer certain states nese society have contributed immensely to of affairs over others’ [20]. The current the prevailing gender inequities [11]. They study adopts Hofstede’s definition and ex- believed collectivistic values often func- plicates cultural values in terms of the five tion as barriers that cloud women’s ability cultural dimensions proposed by him, viz. to perform well outside the house, in the / Individualism, Low / High public domain. Collectivistic values make Power distance, /, people view women in relation to some- Low / High and one else, such as someone’s wife, someone’s Long / Short-term orientation. These di- mother, someone’s daughter and so on (Gil- mensions are condensed into dichotomous ligan, 1982) [14]. Individualistic values, 32 Теоретические исследования in contrast, make people view women as in such societies, adopted individualism and individuals and they also encourage wom- defined it as “male” and excluded women en to fight for their individuality. This, in from its freedoms. B. Welter (1966) firmly turn, increases gender equality. Further, believes that women still lag behind because H.C. Triandis (1995) bifurcated individu- they are denied individualism [50]. This is alism and collectivism into two categories; undoubtedly a strong statement which em- horizontal and vertical [45]. Vertical indi- phasizes the role of individualism in devel- vidualism is characterized by a strong need oping gender equity. Similarly, J.W. Warren to be independent, autonomous and differ- (1984) maintained that in the ent from others, while showing less con- US is, primarily, a result of masculine iden- cern for equality. Horizontal individualism, tity of American individualism [49]. conversely, refers to a cultural orientation S. Kitayama and D. Cohen (2007) hold wherein being independent is important a similar view and believe that “Individual- but being different is not; where common- istic cultures tend to have more gender equal- alities and shared values are celebrated and ity than collectivistic cultures, because the where equality is an issue of major con- sanctity of the person in such individualistic cern. Following this premise, I. Dohi and cultures overrides his/her ascribed status or M.M. Fooladi (2008) further proposed that social roles.” [30]. vertical individualism is closely associated Likewise, C.T. Johnson (2015) in his with high power distance and masculine book, Meeting the ethical challenges of values, whereas horizontal individualism leadership: Casting light or shadow, ex- entails more feminine values and low power plained why collectivistic cultures tend to distance [11]. This proposition led them to stimulate gender inequalities [24]. He ar- believe that gender equality would be high- gues that collectivistic cultures view wom- er in horizontally individualistic cultures en as an out-group who can threaten the which promote feminine values and discard stability of their in-group, if offered higher power distance. status and position in organizations and/or H.C. Triandis (1995) argued that indi- in the society at large. Which is why col- vidualism emphasizes on the independence lectivistic cultures express a stronger resis- and autonomy of people, which eventually tance to gender equity. empowers them, while dependence on others Similarly, J. Lane and U. Wagschal and the absence of individualism makes peo- (2012) in their book, culture and politics, ple disempowered and weak [45]. C.P. Gil- argued that cultures where collectivistic man (1898) also opined that gender based family systems are more common, are less inequalities have existed ever since the pre- likely to support the idea of gender equality historic era when women initially became [31]. Whereas, cultures with individualistic dependent on men for food and shelter [15]. family structures have a greater likelihood Thus, lack of independence and the absence of rendering support to gender equality. of a sense of individuality in women, has re- Moreover, J.A. Vandello and D. Cohen sulted in gender inequalities. (1999), in an attempt to empirically estab- B. Welter (1966) contended that even in lish the association between individualism/ Western societies where individualistic val- collectivism and gender equity, developed ues are deep rooted, women have never en- an index of gender equality and found that joyed as much individualism as men . Men, it correlated negatively (r = -0.45) with the 33 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3 index of collectivism, suggesting that col- also acts to legitimize it [16]. He suggested lectivism and gender equity are negatively that countries which are high on power dis- associated with each other [47]. Findings tance exhibit more ambivalent gender ide- on their study clearly indicate that increase ologies which, consequently, leads to greater in collectivistic values leads to the decrease gender inequality. Therefore, nations with of gender parity and the contrary holds true high power distance and ambivalent for individualistic values. are low on actual gender equality. Similarly, researchers studying domes- I. Dohi and M.M. Fooladi (2008) also tic violence across cultures have found that argued that in cultures with a high degree the prevalence of domestic violence is much of power distance people do not question higher in collectivistic cultures (Archer, the inequities or disparities prevailing in 2006; Vandello & Cohen, 2003) because the society [11]. Hence, gender based in- such cultures do not believe in the equal- equalities are neither questioned nor they ity of the two sexes (Sanderson, 2010) [2; are viewed as socially unacceptable which, 48; 40]. Moreover, in a cross-cultural study again, gives rise to gender inequity. of aggression in romantic relationships, J. Moreover, J.E. Plueddemann (2009) in Archer (2006) noted that increase in gen- his book, Leading across cultures, asserted der inequalities and collectivism go hand in that “societies with high power distance hand. He asserted, “gender inequality and have less economic prosperity, life expec- collectivism are robustly co-occurring val- tancy, social health general satisfaction and ues across countries” [2]. Further, J. Archer gender equality” [38]. (2006) also found that rates of women’s Similarly, M. Tavanti and P.H. Werhane victimization in romantic relationships are (2013), in their article on Ethical leadership, negatively correlated with gender equality argue that complacency, “glass-cliff” effect and individualism. and power distance lead to unfair distribu- With regard to the relationship between tion of power and influence and, thus, con- power distance and gender equity, there tribute to the perpetuation of gender based are differences of opinions among scholars inequalities in leadership positions [44]. and researchers. Some researchers argue On the other hand, there are plenty of that power distance and gender equality researches suggesting that gender differ- are negatively correlated, with high power ences are greater in Western nations where distance corresponding with lower levels of power distance is relatively low. Research- gender equality. While others hold a con- ers who follow this framework, describe the tradictory view and believe that low power relationship between power distance and distance cultures are generally higher on gender equality as being mediated by the gender inequalities. process of social comparison. Put simply, There is substantial research evidence they believe that gender differences in a supporting the idea that high power dis- society depend on what kind of social com- tance cultures promote unequal distribution parison people are involved in. The basic as- of power between the two genders, thereby, sumption, here, is that egalitarian cultures endorsing gender based inequalities. P. Glick or cultures with low power distance allow (2006), for instance, in his cross cultural for inter-group social comparisons (com- study, noted that power distance does not parisons between the two genders) which only reflect societal gender inequality but eventually produces greater gender differ- 34 Теоретические исследования ences. Whereas, cultures with high power on gender differences, S.H. Schwartz and distance, due to the acceptance of unequal T. Rubel (2005) stated that gender equal- power distribution and a hierarchical social ity does not necessarily reduce gender dif- structure, view such comparisons as ille- ferences {41]. This explains why Western gitimate and socially unacceptable. This, in culture, despite endorsing gender equality, turn, reduces between gender comparisons display greater gender differences as com- and, thus, gender differences. pared to non-Western cultures where gen- Prominent researchers who adopt this der equality is almost non-existing. perspective include S. Guimond, et. al., After analyzing the aforementioned (2007), who found in their investigation studies, it could be concluded that, both, that power distance predicts gender eq- gender differences and gender equality are uity/inequity and reported that in cultures high in low power distance cultures where with low power distance, between-gender inter-group comparisons are more pro- comparisons are made [18]. As a result of nounced and where inequities are seen as which, gender differences are stronger in illegitimate. low power distance cultures. With reference to Hofstede’s Uncer- Similarly, T. Hamamura (2012) found tainty Avoidance and its relationship with gender differences to be more prominent gender equity, there are relatively fewer in low power distance cultures. In a study, studies. However, most of these studies are assessing gender differences in math perfor- indicative of a positive relationship between mance, T. Hamamura (2012) proposed that uncertainty avoidance and gender equality. inter-group comparison is more prevalent In their study titled, “Updating cross- in societies where social inequalities are op- cultural management: Exploring the re- posed. These inter-group comparisons often lationships between cultural values and highlight gender differences and can also gender inequality practices” Bertsch and lead to gender stereotyping. Therefore, he Soderholm (2012) found a positive corre- hypothesized that gender inequity is higher lation between uncertainty avoidance and in low power distance cultures and found gender equity. In their article, the authors the hypothesis to be true [19]. argue that cultures with a strong tendency In their investigation, M. Désert and to avoid uncertain situations through care- J.P. Leyens (2006) also found that males in ful planning, generally show a lesser preva- low power distance cultures share stronger lence of gender based inequalities. Bertsch gender than males from medium and Soderholm’s research findings indicate or high power distance cultures [9]. that gender egalitarianism can be enhanced These findings are contradictory to by thorough planning that helps in prepar- other research evidence which suggest that ing for the probable ambiguities or uncer- the relationship between power distance tainties that may befall in the future. and gender equity is negative rather than Similarly, I. Holmberg and S. Akerblom positive. However, it should be noted that (1998) carried out an extensive meta-analy- these studies tap gender differences rather sis of different studies, conducted within the than gender equality/inequality. In order GLOBE project framework, between1994 to explain why low power distance cultures, to 1997 [22]. They reported their findings where more attempts have been made to in a research article titled, “Primus inter promote gender equity, tend to score high pares: Leadership and Culture in ”. 35 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3

In the study, Sweden was found to be high other studies that suggest that uncertainty on, both, gender equality and uncertainty avoidance and gender equity are positively avoidance. It could, therefore, be concluded related [36]. that cultures that are high on uncertainty Such unresolved contradictions curtail avoidance are also generally high on the pa- our understanding of cultural values and rameters of gender equity. their association with gender-related atti- In a Global Leadership and Organiza- tudes and, hence, call for more exploration tional Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) and research in this domain. study, conducted by M.A. Keating and The cultural value of femininity, as pro- G.S. Martin (2007), it was found that Ire- posed by G. Hofstede (2003), is also crucial land scores average or moderate on, both, in determining the level of gender based gender equality as well as uncertainty equality in a given culture. G. Hofstede avoidance [26]. Similarly, N.B. Amin and (2003) asserted that gender equality is a K.J. Sogra (2014), in their study of female key feature of the cultural value of feminin- entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, India and ity whereas the cultural value of masculini- Pakistan, also reported that Indian women ty is characterized by strictly differentiated entrepreneurs face challenges because of gender roles [21]. gender discrimination and low risk tak- The idea that feminine cultures are more ing behavior, which is inversely related to gender egalitarian is further supported by high degree of uncertainty avoidance [1]. evidence showing a greater participation These findings are suggestive of the fact of women in the public domain in femi- that changes in uncertainty avoidance and nine cultures (Hofstede, 2003). Moreover, gender equity go hand in hand. I. Dohi and M.M. Fooladi (2008) also as- Moreover, K.G. Wheeler (2002) found serted that masculine cultural values con- that equity sensitivity or the sensitivity to- tribute to greater gender inequalities [11]. wards equality is positively correlated with Following Hofstede’s framework, uncertainty avoidance as well as femininity. R. Jeknić (2014) conducted a meta-analy- It suggests that cultures that are character- sis on gender equality in relation to Mas- ized by feminine values and a higher level culinity/Femininity in Croatian cultural of uncertainty avoidance are more sensitive context. His meta-analysis revealed that towards equity and, thus, are also more gen- Croatian culture is characterized by high der egalitarian [51]. degree of Masculinity. With a clear-cut In contrast, K.P. Parboteeah, M. Hoegl distinction between the emotional roles of and J.B. Cullen (2008), in their cross-cul- men and women, this culture emphasizes tural investigation, found a positive rela- on traditional gender roles and scores low tionship between traditional on gender egalitarianism or equality. The attitudes and uncertainty avoidance. Their study also indicates that despite being more research findings suggest that traditional strongly committed to gender equality than gender roles that are characterized by a their predecessors, youngsters in Croatia strict gender-based division of labor and are still more conservative when compared which disregard the idea of gender equality, with their European counterparts. Some of are positively related with a nation’s uncer- the studies highlighted in Jeknić’s (2014) tainty avoidance. K.P. Parboteeah et. al.’s analysis also point out that masculine cul- (2008) findings are in contradiction with tures, such as the Croatian culture, advo- 36 Теоретические исследования cate and maintain gender equality but on a equality, issued by Women’s Commission more “Declarative level”. It suggests that, for Refugee Women and Children (2005), at a general level, people are aware about it was documented that certain social mas- gender issues but, at the same time, lack culinities, such as male supremacy, hamper appropriate knowledge about the rights of gender equality by pressurizing men to con- women and men in real life situations [23]. form to traditional gender norms, which Similarly, L.A. Samovar, R.E. Porter and ultimately reduces men’s participation in E.R. McDaniel (2010) quoted data from eradicating gender discrepancies [53]. 2011 U.S. Senate and House of Represen- Therefore, on the basis of existing lit- tatives elections to argue that stronger tra- erature, one can predict that cultures with ditional gender roles in masculine cultures more feminine values would show lesser give rise to actual gender inequalities. The gender based inequality as compared to cul- authors point out that despite ’ tures with more masculine values. emphasis on maintaining gender based Furthermore, A. Bertsch and G.W. So- equality, only 16.4% women were elected in derholm (2012), while discussing the rela- 2011 elections, which clearly indicates a low tionship between long/short term orien- level of women’s political representation and tation and gender equality, proposed that . Therefore, it could be argued future-oriented countries promote equality that masculine cultures with traditional gen- between the genders by providing equal op- der roles score low on actual gender equality, portunities to both men and women. There- even if they strongly emphasize on the equal fore, gender equality is likely to be higher in rights of the sexes [39]. cultures that are more future oriented than Similarly, in their cross-cultural study those with a short-term orientation [3]. of television advertisements depicting The existing review of literature, there- masculine or feminine values, L.M. Milner fore, indicates that cultural values, as iden- and J.M. Collins (2000) noted that femi- tified by G. Hofstede (1980), are important nine cultures exhibit less social difference, determinants of gender equality and that in terms of social roles, between men and the level of gender equality in a given soci- women. It confirms the idea that feminine ety can be predicted by the cultural values cultures are more gender egalitarian than it practices. Moreover, to summarize the are masculine cultures [34]. relationship between Hofstede’s cultural Moreover, C.G. Emrich, F.L. value dimensions and gender equity, as and D.N. Den-Hartog (2004) also suggest- found in mainstream literature, we can say ed that cultures with more feminine values that greater gender equality is expected in show a stronger concern for gender egali- cultures with higher levels of individualis- tarianism and put more efforts to reduce tic and feminine values, less power distance gender based inequalities. They further and a long-term orientation. However, due elaborated that cultures practicing tradi- to contradictory research findings, the re- tional gender roles advocate the “Male-Fe- lationship between uncertainty avoidance male Dichotomy” with respect to emotional and gender parity cannot be ascertained. gender roles and, therefore, such cultures Thus, an overview of all the reviewed score low on gender equality [12]. studies enables us to identify the inconsisten- In a report on the role of men and male cies, contradictions and knowledge gaps per- involvement in the promotion of gender taining to cultural values and gender equity. 37 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3

II.II. Conformity and gender equity In their investigation, H. Markus and in relation to cultural values S. Kitayama (1991) asserted that individu- The tendency to conform is a manifesta- alistic societies do not prefer conformity tion of human beings’ need for social accep- tendency, as opposed to collectivistic cul- tance and desirability (Deutsch & Gerard, tures where conformity is, both, desirable 1955) [10]. It further signifies the impor- as well as essential [33]. Individualistic cul- tance of society and culture in determining tures emphasize excessively on maintaining people’s behavior. With some cultures plac- individuality and celebrate the uniqueness ing greater value on conformity and oth- of each person; something that is contrary to ers emphasizing more on uniqueness and the idea of conformity. On the other hand, individuality, the pressure to conform to conformity is a necessary requirement for existing societal norms varies significantly collectivistic cultures that are character- across cultures. Conforming to cultural ized by their emphasis on common cultural norms and values has dual benefits, for it norms and shared values. provides social acceptance to the individual Other prominent cross-cultural re- and, at the same time, also helps maintain searchers including S. Oishi, U. Schimmack, peace and order in the society. Neverthe- E. Diener and E.M. Suh (1998), H.S. Kim less, the development of a society can get and H.R. Markus (1999) as well as C.S. Cu- hampered if there is excessive conformity kur, M.R.T. De-Gusman and G. Carlo to rigid, traditional cultural norms that are (2004) also obtained similar results and neither desirable nor beneficial anymore. proposed that collectivistic cultures value Traditional gender roles that are charac- traditions and conformity, while cultures terized by a clear-cut distinction between with more individualistic values promote males and females, especially with regard deviation from traditional norms or the sta- to division of work, are the best example of tus quo [35;28; 7]. such social stagnation. Similarly, Y. Kashima, S. Yamagu- A review of available literature on gen- chi, U. Kim, S.C. Choi, M.J. Gelfand and der equality, clearly suggests that cultures M. Yuki (1995) as well as S.J. Breckler, with substantially higher levels of conformi- J.M. Olson and E.C. Wiggins (2006) also ty and a stronger preference for traditional described cross-cultural differences in the gender roles are low on gender equality and preference given to conformity, in terms of related concerns (Women’s Commission individualism and collectivism. They pro- for Refugee Women and Children, 2005). posed that Western cultures that have been There is also substantial research evidence found to be high on individualistic values supporting the idea that conformity is a promote the notion of individuality and en- byproduct of certain socio-cultural factors courage people to believe in their own opin- and, therefore, the pressure to conform var- ions and preferences rather than succumbing ies across cultures (Peabody, 1985) [37]. to societal pressure to conform. Conformity Thus, if mainstream research literature is in individualistic societies, therefore, is not a to be followed, one can argue that gender desirable tendency [25; 5]. equity in a given culture can be predicted C.K. Yang (1963) too observed that by the gender role attitudes associated with conformity gets way more acceptance and a culture and the amount of preference it appreciation in collectivistic societies gives to conformity. [54]. Consistent with Yang’s observation, 38 Теоретические исследования

R. Bond and P.B. Smith (1996) also found (1999) identified cultural differences in that conformity pressures are stronger in conformity tendency. They argued that the collectivistic societies than they are in in- pressure to conform varies across cultures. dividualistic ones [4]. Similarly, E. Kim Hence, cultures that encourage traditional (2005) too proposed that collectivistic cul- gender role attitudes and exert stronger tures stress more on in-group loyalty and pressure to conform are expected to show conformity than cultures with more indi- greater gender disparity [42]. vidualistic values [27]. Further, according to the Demographic Moreover, while investigating the and Health Survey (2007) conducted in role of pathogen prevalence in predicting Democratic Republic of Congo, domestic cross-cultural variability in individualism/ violence is very common in the region be- collectivism, C.L. Fincher, R. Thornhill, cause it has high levels of social acceptance. D.R. Murray and M. Schaller (2008) treat- It clearly shows that cultures that view ed conformity as a manifestation or behav- gender inequity as socially acceptable, have ioral expression of collectivistic values [13]. higher rates of gender-based inequalities Further, G. Trommsdorff (1995), in his and . People (both males as cross-cultural study of parent-adolescent well as females) in such cultures conform to relationship in changing societies, found these social pressures and perceive gender that conformity was significantly higher in inequality as something “normal” or justifi- collectivistic societies [46]. able [8]. Similarly, researchers studying the re- R. Long (2011) described gender inequal- lationship between cultural values and ity in terms of contextual factors and argued creativity have found that creativity has that different cultures assign different gen- a higher prevalence in individualistic cul- der roles to men and women. And people tures because such cultures promote re- dwelling in a specific cultural context have sistance against conformity pressures and a strong pressure to conform to these gender encourage novelty. Collectivistic cultures, roles. This kind of conformity pressure often conversely, score low on creativity because results in gender disparities and inequalities, of their emphasis on conformity and unwill- primarily, in cultures where males are as- ingness to deviate from socially established signed the role of primary breadwinner and norms (Goncalo & Staw, 2006) [17]. are, therefore, given more prerogatives and These studies suggest that collectivistic supremacy than females [32]. cultural values are more strongly associat- Since, Indian culture is characterized ed with conformity and that cultures with by traditional gender role attitudes, which such values put greater emphasis on con- are based on rigid gender-based division of forming to traditional cultural norms and labor (defining women as care givers and maintaining the status quo. home makers and men as bread earners) and With regard to the role of conformity in a strong male dominance (Chhokar, Brod- determining the importance of gender eq- beck & House, 2007), we can assume that uity in a given culture, a number of studies people with a stronger tendency to conform have shown stronger association between to such cultural norms would score on the individualistic, non-conformist societies higher side on gender inequality and would, and gender egalitarianism. In one such in- hence, be less likely to practice and promote vestigation, P.B. Smith and M.H. Bond gender egalitarianism [6]. 39 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3

III. CONCLUSION tainty avoidance. Hence, in light of these findings, we propose that policies to miti- In totality, the current literature re- gate gender disparities should be tailored view revealed that cultural value orienta- so that they encompass the cultural aspect tion is a strong predictor of gender equal- and thereby assist in creating more gender ity in a given society. It highlights the egalitarian attitudes at the macro-level. various cultural values that can trigger Furthermore, the examination of exist- greater gender egalitarian attitudes and ing literature also evinces the contradic- also accentuates the role of conformity as a tions and gaps that exist in available re- mediator between cultural values and gen- search findings and, thus, highlights the der equity. Broadly, the systematic review need for further exploration. In light of the of available literature indicates that great- current study, future researchers can con- er gender equality can be expected in non- duct quantitative investigations to empiri- conformist cultures with individualistic, cally test the relationship between cultural feminine and futuristic orientation, low values and gender equity and the mediating power distance and high degree of uncer- role of conformity tendency.

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43 Социальная психология и общество. 2017 г. Том 8. № 3

Культурные ценности и гендерные роли: обзор

Н. СИДДИКИ*, университет Джеймия Миллиа Айламия, Нью-Дели, Индия, [email protected]

М. ШАФИК**, университет Джеймия Миллиа Айламия, Нью-Дели, Индия, [email protected]

С недавних пор значительное внимание со стороны социологов, общественных деятелей и представителей академического сообщества уделяется гендерным про- блемам. Предпринимаются попытки отстаивать равные права для женщин во всех сферах жизни: от семьи до рабочего места. Несмотря на то, что обществен- ные деятели и политики стремятся уделять все большее внимание гендерной про- блематике, половая дискриминация все еще проявляется в различных областях нашей жизни. Поэтому существует настоятельная потребность в определении факторов, которые потенциально могут определять отношение людей к гендерно- му равенству. С этой целью в настоящем исследовании проводится обзор литера- туры по проблеме половой дискриминации в контексте идей социолога Г. Хофстеде о культурных ценностях. В соответствии с «гендерно-организационно-системным подходом» установлено, что гендерное равенство или неравенство есть результат сложного взаимодействия индивидуальных, организационных и социальных факто- ров, которые нельзя объяснить без принятия во внимание всей социокультурной среды. Показано, что культурные ценности являются значимыми предикторами отношения людей к гендерному равенству, а степень, в которой люди соответ- ствуют существующим гендерным ролям, определяет, насколько люди поддержи- вают идею равенства полов. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что с помощью выявления таких «причинно-следственных факторов» мож- но формировать позитивные изменения в отношении к равенству полов, а гендер- ные эгалитарные отношения могут быть культивированы.

Ключевые слова: гендерная дискриминация, гендерное равенство, метаана- лиз, культурные ценности, подход, основанный на гендерной системе.

Для цитаты: Сиддики Н., Шафик М. Культурные ценности и гендерные роли: обзор // Социальная психология и обще- ство. 2017. Т. 8. № 3. С. 31—44. doi:10.17759/sps.2017080304 * Насрина Сиддики, исследователь, факультет психологии, университет Джеймия Миллиа Ай- ламия, Нью-Дели, Индия, [email protected] ** Мохаммад Шафик, профессор, факультет психологии, университет Джеймия Миллиа Ай- ламия, Нью-Дели, Индия, [email protected]