Gala Night at the Ballet Handbook Philosophy, Policies, and Procedures

Dear Parents and Students, Port Macquarie Performing Arts would like to invite you to take part in our 2019 production, Gala Night at the Ballet.

A Gala night at the Ballet is a showcase of classical & contemporary dance, featuring some of Australia’s most sought after performers in a collaboration between professional dance companies and Port Macquarie Performing Arts.

The central piece will be the re-staging of the 1999 full length ballet, Armistice, choreographed by Stacey Morgan and performed by dancers who participate in two ballet classes per week at Port Macquarie Performing Arts.

In addition to this piece, diverssments will be performed as part of the Gala. Dancers from The , the , the Melbourne City Ballet and will converge on Port Macquarie for a three performance run August 9 and 10, 2019.

The PMPA Petite Performers and 6 years Superstars classes will combine to perform one group routine, seperate to the production of Armistice. This will appear in Act 1 of the show, dancers will not be required to stay for the entire event and will have the opportunity to watch the remainder of the show after they have performed.

Dedication to this production requires commitment from EVERY MEMBER of the cast, this commitment is the responsibility of both students and their parents. We’ve created this handbook in an effort to clarify what we expect from you in terms of commitments and responsibility to the show, the school, and other students and parents. Please do not agree to participating in this event if you know that your family cannot commit to the requirements. STAYING INFORMED We work hard to make the dance experience organized and fun. Keeping you informed is one of our primary goals. Please read all newsletters and other school information. Newsletters and important updates are emailed to you every Monday at 3pm. The same newsletters and updates posted on the PMPA website, Facebook page, and posted around the studio. If you have any questions regarding the information distributed, we encourage you to contact the office at 65833753 between the hours of 4.00-6.00pm Monday - Thursday. We try to answer email when we are in the office. Feel free to email questions to the office at [email protected]

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Petite Performers & 6yrs Superstars 1 Classical Ballet group routine, seperate to the production of Armistice. This piece will appear in Act 1 of the show, dancers will not be required to stay for the entire event and will have the opportunity to watch the remainder of the show after they have performed if they have a ticket.

Test 3 Ballet, Bronze Medal, Bronze Star, Silver Medal, Silver Star, Gold Medal, Gold Star, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Ballet Armistice - Where this note refers to Armistice, we are talking about the dancers in these ballet classes. Dancers must do 2 ballet classes each week to qualify for this production, this is so that all dancers will be confident with the choreography when it comes time for the show. If more than 5 absences in these ballet classes in Term 2 and/or 3 absences in Term 3, your dance will forfeit their position in the show, even if you have purchased your tickets and paid your performance fee, please be aware of this. We need commitment from every performer.

PART 1a: The Commitment Important Dates By allowing your child to participate, you commit yourself and/or your child to the following dates and events.

NB: For all dress runs, dance gear must be worn underneath costumes until the Friday performance. Please be prompt on drop off and pick up. We do our best to keep to strict rehearsal times. Younger dancers may not be needed for the total rehearsal time, we will inform you closer to the day, the times each age group will be required. Please keep the entire time free in case of dress rehearsals. See dates and times on the next page.

Rehearsal attire - PMPA or Black leotard, hair in a high bun, clean ballet shoes and ballet tights.

PART 1b: Volunteer Information Anyone interested in volunteering to help backstage is welcome and much appreciated. We would love every parent to volunteer for one Saturday show and watch the alternate.

All volunteers will receive an identification badge at the rehearsal, which must be worn in the theatre at all times. Please do not bring guests, including children, with you while you are volunteering. You will be able to see the show as it happens on the monitors in the theatre backstage area.

BELOW ARE THE ARMISTICE REHEARSALS & SHOWS - Print this and put it on the fridge :) Friday 7 June, Friday 14 June, Friday 21 June, Friday 28 June - 4pm - 5.30pm - FULL SHOW RUNS (These rehearsals were not in the commitment form, if you cannot make it, it’s not a problem, please just let your teacher know) Friday 19 July – FULL SHOW RUNS – 10am – 5pm – Studio Sunday 28 July - FULL SHOW RUN & CHOREOGRAPHY GRAND DE’FILE (All Armistice students) - 12noon - 6pm - Studio Sunday 4 August - FULL SHOW RUN - 10am - 5pm - Studio Monday 5 August - 5.30pm - 7pm - Studio - FULL SHOW RUN Tuesday 6 August - 5.30pm - 7pm - Studio - FULL SHOW RUN Wednesday 7 August 5.30pm - 7pm – Studio - FULL SHOW RUN Thursday 8 August – 10am - 2pm – Studio - Armistice Principal’s rehearsal Thursday 8 August – 3.45pm - 8.30pm – Glasshouse - FULL SHOW DRESS RUN Friday 9 August – THEATRE – Full cast 9am – 5pm – Glasshouse No classes at studio after… Saturday 10 August THEATRE – Performers call 12noon – Show at 2pm and 7pm, students will be able to leave between shows, must leave theatre with parents and then return at 5.30pm for second show.

BELOW IS THE SCHEDULE FOR THE PETITE PERFORMERS AND 6YEARS SUPERSTARS Sunday 28 July - 10am - 11.30am - Studio Sunday 4 August - FULL SHOW RUN - 10am - 11.30am - Studio Monday 5 August - 5.30pm - 6pm - Studio Tuesday 6 August - Normal class time Wednesday 7 August - No rehearsal Thursday 8 August – 5pm - 6pm – Glasshouse Friday 9 August – THEATRE – 11am arrival - 1pm pickup - Glasshouse No classes at studio after… Saturday 10 August THEATRE – Performers call 1pm – Show at 2pm, 2.40pm pickup (or at the end of Act 1) return at 6pm for a 7pm show, pickup at 7.40pm (or at the end of Act 1).

Home Study To ensure that the students feel confident about their performance, we ask parents and guardians to encourage them to rehearse their Armistice choreography on a regular basis. A copy of your child’s dance music is available; just email us for a copy. Cost Participation in the Gala not compulsory. If you wish your dancer to perform, the cost will be capped at a flat rate of $95 per dancer, this includes all costume hire, insurances and rehearsal charges. This amount will appear on your Term 3 invoice.

PART 2: Costumes We spend many hours selecting the costumes for each number. No PMPA costumes are to be taken home. NOTE: No jewellery or underwear is to be worn with costumes. Seniors may wear skin tone g-string. Costume cover-ups Students must wear a cover-up when in costume but not performing. A bathrobe or cape work best. The cover-up helps keep the muscles warm and prevents costumes from becoming soiled. The following items not to be seen on stage please - earrings, watches, tattoos, necklaces and nail polish.

PART 3: Tights, Shoes, Hair, and Makeup WHAT TO WEAR / WHAT NOT TO WEAR – Your questions answered! Costume carers from each class will take all the costumes clearly labelled with your child's name. Please ensure the costume and all accessories are returned to the same coat hanger and returned to the mum concerned when your child has finished. Could costume carers please check lists and ensure all students dancing in groups has a costume. There have been changes in numbers in many groups, please check names on list given. Thank you to our costume carers for helping with our costumes, please return to the studio the next lesson your child attends class.

PETITE PERFORMERS & 6 YEARS SUPERSTARS Hair: Royal Bun Tights: Pink Ballet Tights for everyone please - 2 pairs… always have a spare. Shoes: Clean, Pink Ballet shoes with two elastics crossed over (no ribbons needed for this routine)

ARMISTICE Hair: Neat, slick, sprayed High Bun Tights: Pink Ballet Tights for everyone please - 2 pairs… always have a spare. Shoes: Neat, Clean, Pink Ballet shoes with ribbons. All Armistice dancers will need ribbons on their shoes and will need to know how to tie their own shoes. Pointe shoes for those seniors who need them.

Boys to have black socks with your black pants at all times, white socks with white tights.

TIPS: COSTUME COMMON SENSE ✓ Always have a second pair of tights available. ✓ Place costumes in a dress bag for travel. ✓ Place your name in all tights and shoes.

If you do not own the required items for your group here at the studio we have a limited selection of stockings, please ask Lazette at the office desk if we have what you require. MAKEUP 4 main rules of PMPA stage make up -Foundation to match your skin tone -Red lips (not pink, not brown) - Pink cheeks - Mascara. Fake eyelashes for all seniors aged 13yrs plus, long not dark - Eyeshadow - For all students - White eyeshadow on the upper eye, brown eyebrows. - Red lips

No eyeliner wings just a line parallel with under the eye with liquid eyeliner if possible Please wear your PMPA singlets, jackets and black jazz pants or ballet school colours (blue and black) to and from the theatre and between acts.

PART 4: Be Prepared Planning

The show isn’t a one-day activity. Gather all shoes, tights and makeup several days in advance so you’ll know if something is missing or isn’t right. Make a checklist of your child’s routines, listing the costume, tights, shoes, and any accessories, and refer to it to make sure you have all your supplies before going to the theatre. Bring at least one extra pair of tights of each style. Also bring extra hair gel, hairnets, bobby pins, and hairspray. Student Checklist for Rehearsals and Theatre Please bring the following items with you to Dress Rehearsals and the Theatre – • Hairbrush • Hair pins / bobby pins - at least 50 • Hair nets and hair elastics • Small sewing kit • Spare tights (wear new tights if possible and have spares ) • Own make up Water bottle Small towel • Change of clothes – Practice dance wear and general clothes ( zip up top to wear during and after concert ) • CLEAN SHOES for all your items • Lots of safety pins - at least 50

Please take care of all your costumes and return them in the best possible condition. *DO NOT EAT IN COSTUME and keep all food and drink away from them please.

All parents please make sure students have all their bags and requirements packed ready to go the night before. This means clean and spare tights, shoes etc. Go through your checklists and please Double check everything.

Please think about eating at least an hour before you dance, some carbohydrates (pasta/ rice etc) are good for energy output. Bring snacks to theatre and eat in the dock, not in the change room please.

TIPS: OTHER HANDY EXTRAS ✓ Baby wipes/face wipes (to fix makeup mistake or wash hands) ✓ Baby powder (for itchy costumes) ✓ Safety pins (for emergency costume repairs) ✓ Clear nail polish to repair minor holes in tights if there's no time to change them) ✓ Your pain reliever of choice ✓ Band-Aids (the “invisible” kind)

Snacks Please do not send your child to the rehearsal or Performance with snacks or beverages that could stain their costumes. Please eat in the dock, not in the change room. Crackers, energy bars, apples, carrot sticks, and string cheese are good choices. Water is the best beverage; please do not send juice or other sticky beverages. And never give them chocolate to eat on performance day as it melts and goes everywhere! PART 6: Student Drop-off and Pickup Parents or guardians should bring the students to the sign in spot at stage door. Students will then be taken to their assigned dressing rooms, where they will be checked in and placed under the supervision of the parent helpers. Parents are not allowed in the dressing rooms after the children have been checked in. All students will remain backstage for the entire performance. Parents must collect students between shows on the Saturday.

PART 7: Gala Live recording purchase PMPA are using a professional videographer company to produce a professional file of the entire Gala production. The file will be available for download by you at the cost of $40. Please use the form at the back of this booklet to reserve your copy.

PART 8: Tickets Tickets are on sale and PMPA family members are able to purchase tickets in person at box office at a special rate of $45 per ticket. To get this special rate you need to book in person. PMPA special rate is NOT AVAILABLE on the website. All other members of the public tickets are $55. All studio accounts (tuition, costumes, etc.) must be paid in full before family members may purchase tickets. Three easy ways to book your tickets to the concert – 1. Visit (Special PMPA price not available online, please go in or phone) 2. Call 02 65818888 3. Drop in to the box office Cnr of Clarence & Hay Sts, Port Macquarie.

PART 9: Concert Policies – ON THE DAY ALL SENIOR STUDENTS TO ARRIVE AT THE GLASSHOUSE AND BE SIGNED IN NO LATER THAN 15 mins prior to call time WITH YOUR HAIR DONE, FULL MAKE UP AND TIGHTS ON. On stage warm up at 12noon on the day. 2pm show scheduled to finish at 4pm. All students must be on stage for warm up for the second show at 5.30pm. 7pm show scheduled to finish at 9pm. All students will be required to remain backstage during the entire performance, junior students will be watching the production on the screens backstage.

Auditorium rules No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the auditorium or dressing rooms. During the rehearsal and show, when the dancers are not onstage they must remain in the dressing rooms with their supervisors.

Backstage Family members and friends are not permitted backstage or in the dressing rooms during rehearsals or the show, including during intermission and before and after the show. There is a lot of backstage activity in a limited space, and dressing rooms are private areas. Please remind your family and guests to be respectful of these areas. Those who wish to greet performers after the show or present flowers may do so at the stage door. Audience etiquette Enthusiastic applause is encouraged; however, it is never appropriate to scream out a child’s name or yell in any way. Children should not bring handheld electronic games or other devices with sounds and/or lights that could be a distraction for other audience members. If you think they cannot make it through the entire performance, please leave them at home. Because we present a professional performance, we ask that everyone remain seated during the entire performance. If you do leave the auditorium during the show you will be allowed back into the auditorium only when an appropriate break in the performance occurs. This rule is strictly enforced; please do not create a disturbance.

Children must remain seated for the entire performance. If you think they will have a hard time remaining seated during the performance, please do not bring them to the Show. Allowing children to run around or otherwise disrupt the performance is not fair to other audience members. Parents who bring infants to the performance should quickly exit the auditorium if the infant begins to cry or create a distraction for the audience. The glasshouse has a crying room upstairs. The use of video or flash photography is strictly prohibited during the show. It is important that you pass this policy on to your Show guests. The event will be professionally videoed and you will be able to purchase copies.

Thank you for working with us to create a memorable educational experience through performance for all of our students.

Any questions at any time please contact the office. Thank you, Miss Stacey

PMPA Gala Night at the Ballet - Video Download Order Form The deadline to order is the 10 August. Orders are Cash Only to be paid to the office. $40 each Parent name: Student name: Telephone: Email: