Abstracts from the 16Th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
Abstracts Abstracts from the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science Thursday, 19 October, 2006 achieving optimal performance in dance, using specific assessment and therapeutic strategies. 1. The science of qualitative and quantitative research with Success in dance, particularly classical ballet, demands more dancers than talent, perseverance and a good body. It also depends on Lynda Mainwaring, PhD, CPsych., University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; factors outside of one’s control, such as the arbitrary judgment of Steven Chatfield, PhD, Caroline Goodnight, BA, University of Oregon, others. Fortunately, dancers can reduce occupational stress by focus- Eugene, OR; Tom Welsh, PhD, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; irginia ing on their technical skills, emotional expression, interpretation Wilmerding, PhD, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA and creativity. In contrast, deficits in any of these areas can lead to Research informs dance medicine, science and practice by providing job related stress and a poor performance. understanding of a particular phenomenon brought into focus by a This presentation will demonstrate the practical application of particular question. Research questions asked by IADMS members are these principles associated with peak performance in a project with numerous and reach across varied interests, disciplines, and perspec- 24 senior students in a professional classical ballet school. During tives. Such diversity necessitates multiple approaches to the research Winter Term, 2006, these students were randomly divided into “in- process, which includes discipline-specific questions, cross-disciplinary tervention” and “control” groups. Each chose a personal performance questions, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary foci, and diversity of goal, which was evaluated subjectively and objectively at baseline and method and methodology.
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