FILE NUMBER: 163-1275 *. ' : 1 . $ I! Q ¢ v _ l_ § *1 J SEE REVERSE ~ 1-Ort 1-nlgwain 1 1 ~ °1=~'*S$IFI¢_~'_1": cops I 1- lbtataon qcroasa 1s, T1031961

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nt 4'-3'. A R_ev'.' , 6-2-61! _;Nf..f / j Tohon _i Belmont ___ _ .8 .3 X/7/F5Mohr ___. Cu1luhan____ D E C 0 D E D £=D¬P Y A 1 Conrad__.._ DeLouch__ Evans ._._- / clone ___ b:7¬}o-I71Roun E Sullivan __. 1:1 Airgrum miublegfbmTavel 0 __._ Trotter __- Tole. Room.- 'URGENT <:§2J 0-10-61 .8? "3 TO IRECTOR F é -. , ' vw §§§§ ROM LEGAT, OTTAWANO. AA1 ?§*f

%§§ oHARLEs ETsToNAKA; {


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Bv -£Q5;QcT:~A~'. _ H 1 5?. : Y% VA' If theinteiliqence E-o:1iaine'din theabover.n'e'ssage to bedisseminated is outside the Bureau, it is suggested itthat besuitably paraphrasedm order to protect eke Bureau:cryptographic systems. ' 1 -. »._- _.-_-» - -' ~|- ~ e_ .__,_ 7 ii

4-22a Rev. 11-17-59! ¢ . .. ' NUMEROUS REF

SE AR Cl-l 2 Subj:1 Y3 4-22 Rev.Q-50! Supervisor g l _ . - Federalureah ofInvestigation .. S h 1 . RecordsBram! _ RL_ Date_ e/14*/0 1§§§§1eZli5h- s . ~ _----. 19- Prod. _ ' _ . E Name Searching Unit- Room 6527 FILE NUMBER SERIAL Service Unit - Room 6524 i-@- -I i orward :1-.

2-.,r_ Room 2%;V 4 Q42 -5122.2-~43 Type of References Requested: :Reqular Request Analytical Search! F-aria 1% &2?-at/57'5¢ _2 All References Subversive5. Nonsubver: Jf Q-445¬=9*-51 :lSubversive References Only l::lNonsubver'sive ReferencesOnly 1 ii-.2a»Eé9-¢ :lMain .______..___ References Only __ ii Type of Search Requested: :l Restricted to Locality of ______.__ :jExact Name Only Onthe Nose! _- S/V/Z7_ //4?; , G Buildup :l Variations /5:54. .V_ '4/7=v@-1'2. . gm - %2E?.43-//Z/T/£5 * ,7! {' Subject =/Z/7'14/22¢.7? ff-! Birthdate & Place , Address _-___F,e,W+p»Ln9_-_ Lo - ~<f.. 92**_~~*; n ;.1 , , '»z.r-mi- ~57-'~5;7Z5¢l7,/;%/PER"L'H92= .I:,.-;;*A'{_l"iu=..- X $1Y5 S I . m.* 2 1 '.ii ,.< é/iv;//E4I '_ /as > , a4,l7?~ ' '1 {Q /1/a -57 M-fats//-"5"92jPro<.DA rl FILE NUMBER SERIA A3 5£=;7- pea 3-,? ea . 4:. I , Y,>... -Q2527-4_ 4 R £4151 . -_1; -33 L23 '. '1.- 7- @220 - éizsz i/ 4% -4/$244 -M iii ~ ,7 r.¬:.9-.? "?- 6/:9 j /.1? $3 67 S ' V Z516 . / 4- g»--»92$l$l692 '_/.'-3? .--. _l ;? A4:->t~ 2%/7_ 4/2 - éfis; aw. - The destruction o_f this file was - .- C./11' ______authorized by the Archivist of the?- on May 11. 1973. 111 accordarrpe withthe provisions of J ---* Public Law 91-287.

/_§// /,>-/,5:-44 _ t§t,'/jL,/ A . . 1.. i 1. V . . I, A - .. 0 ~.K W ,-. . ! A I

92 !x92 Q - "',- . § Mr. To1son_.._.- . , _ .3 92_< Mr. BelmonL_.- Mr. Mohr____...- rso£RALeu$;A,H _c_ O; [' Mr. Ca11ahan_.- U-< S Am "~ - Mr. Com-ad__.. Mr. DeLoac 3 '-_ 00MMuu:cA¥$H§'§$v1¢£Mr. Evans }.=,;~£; I-Tr. -ialon _____._ 1% '-Rose *=LE~.»;w ~ .. Sullivan .¬§§5 ' :.:3f=**' Mr. Ta.92'el_.___ Mr. Trottez-__._ Tele. Roo1L__ 1 ¢3'9"- Mr. Ingram.__- Miss Gandy____.. ~ :;.'. it: ~ = -'2 i . .... unczur 10-12-s1 :0-su AM znsr JRJD g o nxnzcron, FBI FROM SAC PHILADELPHIA /I63- O/ A CHARLES@ISTON,AKA., souuvusron, rPc.ax-:su1£1. ELEVEN TEN i§§E '§§¬% .SIXTYONE ANDPHILADELPHIA CRIMDELLETTER SEVENNINETEEN *SIXTYONE. RELET SETS OUTCIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDINGLISTON-S


_¢....'92.Y, J _ ~,I.,_-~.!" NEWSPAPERSLISTON-S REFLECTPREPARING HANAGER TO PETITION is! -=_.;_., . t-_,__ PENNSYLVANIA BOXINGCOMMISSION LIFT TOSUSPENSION. nunACK AND ns '10-ss IA AMox rs: UA DA E7-_ ¢_'1 TU021$; J. 2 ..i.;.n g/.7 , h H L-

- *'The followinFBI recordNUMBER 272 757 B , isfurnishedI-OR OFFICIALUSE ONLY. i. °}§,Igg:,,},?,,,g" IAIE AID iwusn *":§¬Z§,}§' cans: ' DISPOSITION

. g . Charles Liston State Penitentiary .. .1 Jefferson City #3723 June 1, Missouri , 3§ 1950 L ié p . '-~_92,... laz-§,',,.._..______.___.._i_ .._.. .. A - - . _. 4.- . ;-E; plead guilty A 5 years" I robbery tirst 3 October 30. s? means deadly "

%§ dangerous -J. 35,. 1952 paroled ;;; VIap0R~-~"~"#mf+~#~j~r---- .. - - Police Department Charles Liston charges! "J7 Saint Louis #68069 robberytirst Missouri January larceny from Police Department Charles Liston 28.1953 the person jg- Saint Louis #68069 charges! Missouri .1. May 5, investigation released January 29, 1956 1953

~, -Fwy. ,§_I. tr ,_..v_> assault to kill January 28, ',:£c..' ' A;-;1.5 1I, Police Department Charles Liston 1957 plead ¥%~Saint Louis #6806 guilty Missouri 92 %;= June 21, sentencedtc ar es Sonn Police Department 1956 9 months in :',,.Saint Louis Liston city Missouri workhouse _ .,,. '{'3 #68069 investigation '--rn 1%»October Al.LlNFOi'lATl'll'OUNTAlNED4. 43/$3-T1956 Z15 T investigating suspicion released on larceny charge of '92investigatii HEREIN,¢ 1;: 92su;e;;92;s:;ia0 MC t WW TRE¢oR»== om Bi. 92 is 00117 1961 suspicion B&E§. stealing 9

z _ .;" _ .-_ .0. , .. ,__, Dircrlor.

The following FBI record, NUMBER 212 15! 3 _ , is rummiea 1-"on OF'FlCIAL Usn ONLY.


-1-".3 Police Department nu: sun Nussrs Saint Louis Al nzcemzo R ESTED OI muu DISPOSITION _792'§_Missouri Charles Liston 512- #68069 u . _,;_ Police Department J71, Saint Louis_A___ . W » =~>~ " Missouri -:10 Charles Sonny V I -. Liston Sept Ir strong ;;f ? !51$3e§i¬i?tnent 28, 195 arming suspicion@511 .' ! #68069 Q August9m1?1i=9e.--.... .: . _. Philadelp is " Charles Liston - -41. . - -~51 Pennsylvania 12, 1959 .-.-1 #3u1+155 ._. ._.._:._..-..__._,-.,-¢_. .._ *2. .._ . 7.-.an lass» 1! inperwmbins ' 1961 an officer I 92 A

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, =5 . ,7" :_>. Q0, - » _.

~;-»..; 5573'?" 9, T Q U p - K a~

.,A; é? _w.

Q .» __ 1; TED STATES or ~e - "~ G"- FEDER A L onB _WA8BING'I'0N E AU OF lI9292:5. 11.5?" TIGATJ 1- '* ' . 3 . 'I I =-* I. _ . . _ ._ ~ Y Q v M I . i Director The following FBI record, NUMBER 272 767 B , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

con-rmauron or-'FINGERPRINTS < -NAME ND MMBER ARRESTED onnzczivzo i Quasi ~ < °'sP°s'T'°",

1 DESCRIPTION: 1 Race: Negroid Sex: Male ' - -*9: . 92- Height 6'1" 92 2! ~ weight 230 , . -» ~.=:-- Hair: Black '.T"~_ . J.-.7 Eyes: dark brown C0P]83i0n: Dark browv Build: Medium . I .,... -~.. .~ Sate ani place of birth¢ 5-8-32 Little Rock Ark -. A;S §_"'._' Leziiencez 3795 Dunlap St Phila Fi .-w . *5 1%. . K_ ...:_

I 4 e; 1. F Q i $3 4 . ":§. 92

L := .--'.


- 1 1 Y 92 r ,§§92_. I l 92


ZB1§lm¢2i-Cm shvwn on . this Zdemiiiruua . . Bucoxd rrpnrsonts . data luxniabod FBI . . by n ,9 'arprini coahibulon When nal dis Ponition in not lhown or Notations lun_beI o_xplanchon olldlClI!Od by ' chcnqa ll anNOT aesind. baud on comrpunlcula ngerprint: with in FBIaqenc Elan conmbuhn but an lama these only nohnqarpnnll. invnliqulivo load: cu being possibly identical nigh |ubjocl oi thin ncord. ' » ,1 =~~ 92 _ A, ~;%ri!%*Pi- --1:" __._._-

- 92 ' ,4 . - C . ' N5 ' FEDERM. BUREAU OF IMESIIGKUON - u. s. ncmzmzm or wsnc: COMMUNICATIONS SECTION. C W 0cT111961 1 _- ._._....~. . ..__ .._..-_- ._____._- _ _.__.-..-. ..-...... _ _-_..-. >'~ '-" " " __ _;_ . ._ ,_ . ";._ um: 10-11-s1 s-as PM ms

.v.-_ scat.- ._. » ~ 322* o nzazcroa, rs: ';=~' , -1256 C?mom sac, sr. LOUIS 163-9 om: PAGE - $7 92 .~ Lg '§,_<¬ cnAm.1:§q.1sro~, AKA. r1>c. azaum. msnm-r. M? tw- = éi M 1??" -.7 C w<=- '5¥D -¢:~< H.-______,. .__ - .»~4.. zun AND ACK PLS - . REC,51 / s-fs PM ox FBI WA gAc J. 5 . ._ 1;-6 OCT 171951 I H! '!'v!lvn___. _92. Belmont__.__

Q 3. _l_NFORM/KTJO?-I CUM/unto Mohr__._ um lsurecmsssafiao Ca11ahan_.._ .92~ T@@BY @%> Com-ad.___... DeLoach.___ '1 Evans___ ~

Mr. Trottez-___ Pele. A Room___ Mr. IngranL__ Miss Gandy__


. ' Q5. Q3 ,5

. - ' 1-0rig 1-Yellow l-Liaison 10-l1'61 M._ .J@ .*92,_¢_. 4- PIAINTEXT 1 '; .»_92-_. _. y1;_'7,§"='"' _';_*c=-'-L,. 2->4-L .;'- ___4"_, e.-~n.', -_7'_': 3'-,~'*'-s =-.0 23¢;-Au».-.» ~_-"~ -_- ?;_- f§__»=_- ~- =.1. --4'.-z_1;_._. ._.-., -~35, - -Q.-.',,..~~ ~u--5..~---~-t""*,~._9'."""'...._-4 "4:-_>.--* ,.v ..=':<_-'=~'~<':*:-='v.- .,¢. .~ -.<..-¢-,,=- . F-""'» ....-:2?" _._ s .L. ; . ,.,.*,r"-.7r.""'_-av-.:-,,4,._~_-_-,,;_;-3-;__* ~.'{-. u I 7. 'v:s-,<,,_>_y~ - ; ._. . f'5,_~;___,, ..._' _._'§§ . ~;~_~-~;- - ~- _'_-J - -- .= ~P_ _ -..-_.<'1'--1"--,~~? 92 ,.~ - ~:- r _¢ _»_4-;--1-*_==-=y_-j ¢._ -_.»:>< -.',;!..--E- 1;-::~ - -_--V-,-92.-._»./.u<»a:_ _» - ....__. »~ ~ ~-_ .92.' ..* .~~_'..- _ -.-.,_ - - .,- _a _.; f? :.',-,f;..~. '1. _- 33, 4: --. . *.- -. --.. v 1_~_ ,, --4 >-:_,.~._.r fl _.vY "*1-:':1}-. S?" V ' E _ _ '51- '.T__=§1a,£-~.--,I:4;;_>-J .>~ ..v.:-_ 1_.. , :1 '-:5,:_;"-_.~:-v. ~.. 7. . 1.-, ,,. - -. _~_~-.:"_>§' ¢.¢, ~-~ -»92.= -' ___.5,+_-.'._. ~- .» _ - - ,q__,_,»_;,,-,3-,¢;_:;-5 1: '--"" {:;£;_~ V . __-Z_;._.;>:? -".: _;=___:.':>_- .~;"-' __ L?-, 1; ' ~ -- - - . ' -..- »- _-92_,-92. ' " _,- ' A, ''" _.,...,," - * ..-Q _ » =_-w" .;_:;.=,-.-~ '~ Fl IZ"_'=-'I* -'= -:5-1". ...,. 9 *~:i=-_;r>=;=i: .. s ,,.._W;-:1:->>-1 ~92 _ * M. .- - q . ~<.-.-1-5-_" -C . * . -- * _-..~ & »5p~ . . . > ..F;»,¢¢-;1 T~~a~a%-:»~_-¢4m+.- 1 , T0 SACS PHILAIELPHIA ".';'f'.1 .'.'i;.;-':";. -.',- - -_-. _>¢;- ._ . >. Y;. __ ,.._ -Ex-E. . 7». -iii V . ST; 7__;', _ u.-T: ~'-£1. it 5.- . -.f_ __:!-j-,-'*. l~.-'5-Z*==r-'92 ~_~. '_. ".. ~ . ._'._T .. :' .: - ....';;;*= " . ;_ _..-;T.'_-.." . Q _., __~_ = ? Q i % " 1&- .,-.Qz Y _:-__1.__ _. -,__;. j Ycu.uzu2§usron AKA somw usron rrc. uzmr, o'rm'A; Auv1§r:s 11., ~<-." _ M I- _ /. : _ _ in _ . .,> , __ .1 .__ , :_.__ _ ;suB._n:cr,1rB1-mnaneg 'n92"os_1'-:v1~:N mi-szvan SIX sgvanB, APP_ARENfLY*'">.5~__"': ' ' /Smzis - 1' - PERMISSION 1 FROM cmmnnm . AUTHORITIES . FOK . m.=.AvY»92mc1_n" FIGBT ~;: '-1"1J'5::'_ ' -. V» ,7 J THERE IN NEAR FUTURE. ~4~=a~=¥ b?1> 1 £2 z. . -..-_ mzrmrlcnxou iuaconn Llsrs st, L0UIS,:;§RR}3,_§_9T;. L on Eémnsan ntm 1z1<;u'rL;"0u:: um-: Fm s1-:v:-an FOR} 'smonc-KRu1192§;'?;L . '5._4 .. :;L._ Am Addzisr L'm21.& vi, . . om: tum; rim: , F61: ?sus1>1_c1on5' . _ flfgz ,. J»;-'-.* .__ .. ''"~"". . - -. _.'§1 PHIIAIIILPHIA Q.RRE$T ON JUNE HELVE, DNE NINE SIX 01$ LIS'l'Elf'AS '1m:xzso1mmc on=1cnn.' j oxmm nsquzsnzn mu on msvosmons 5, sum. REPLY. % _RE ;-40-% ,.; I-= . % / .7 -# 5 "' commas M ¢ % 92 -, é W ____': j .. n_. :~ _». '55 ' -s H: - F£o£RAL tu'::.92":..-3,1 ';;_*:y§f_ 1-, A A_ 2 $94 _ Q ' ~ "r'_- TDAT ' It mcmous sacnon §»§_/ 18 1951 Belmont _____ .._' 1].. z 1 1 #14, Huh: ______;- Callahan .____- V'_§@ Com ad._¢--- DeLouch___i lu1me...... _-_-_ _/~ * Rosen Evans___i- _,_._._-_ 1/

Sullivan ,..____T._ _ _ r _ , Trotter Tove! '' V P* - "Q ','t '''31 " x Tele. Room ___. ' lnqram gum,,______.__-1 nan. noon [:1 TELETYPE uurr » -_

- ..~. ,v f. ~¢ - §_'92, ' .1 . '5movm wanna . '92°_ 'E §..-. 0 'll;i:::--- UNITED STATES GOV MENT Mohr_i.___ ' . Callahan onrad

Memorandum 92 Y eh "° . Mr Q DATE: 3°, Tavel--i- lfllielioom .___. s . Holmes __.i._. FR° = C. A. Evans


5%? - The Director asked "What about this?" in connection with - . iv:§'3=g@ use-> the statement made by columnist Dan Parker in the'New York Mirror" -' _.. newspaper of 4/28/62. Parker, in his column, stated "It is known ~»~v.p_ that only two days ago FBI men were in New York inquiring about certain Philadelphians who have been active in behalf of Liston." Our New York Office advises that no investigation has been 1-fl-=5? conducted concerning Liston,and no contacts*Eave been made by Agents of that office with the State Commission concerning this matter. The New York Office advised that the State Boxing Comission has been making inquiries, but no known investigation has been conducted on a Federal level in New York City. u, ,, ._ J 0 ...92 Our criminal intelligence microphone surveillaices Have: picked up considerable information regarding Liston, which we have furnished to the Department. A summary is being preparQ;on'Liston. ,! _ _ ' 'H I 7. , , . '<>// >.- C .- x.»

R ..v~-' _ 3-.-s. M k F ma; _. an 1.- ..... J-vq _ :4. -_._ E CA as WE e»

RcC-4 -__J/:g%L!{£E;: 9 ' 4 Fb;7C l n1"9£§§e'_;~TR§1I$§1962

.U Q5 . - r. ' . g"""i: ' ' i-- 31- _ --' J Q0. 1 063$ 92;"¬92$' 92 3 - X 4 .0-isr-""-"w. sic-e21 .

92. 3.. 7| . Q3} Ii t,¢-'--'83_.'.',}}.=...."'tuntittwnn.g~:~~¢- 1, . Cali savage Qut in the Garden and _ Co ad a week ago, the bralen Brown: ouch itarce gig whggh has Z . .7» . -_ -» ~,; ,.;'." _ ; left a stench that still lingers in Eva ricer:. _ __..-.~'-' ~: ' Etheiostrlis Someone 0!in the high nation.authority alone mayhhave toug guys lczilicludedt gone sr that enou mm! ; andthatitwaslimetocalla Wosen Jhalt. It this wasn't the case, it Sulliv < should have been. But whatever v .__.__i_ ~'*§=*:' By DANPABKEB Ring the weikin, clan i the bell and ve the driving torce behind the 92'~¬1 substantial yell! Igor whom? F5 th l New York Commission's knock- _ M Trotter______E York State zithletic Commissionwhichs out blow, General Melvin Krule- Tele Room ._._. single act Fr|day,_was converted from a Holmes .--- l of April tools into a fine August bod . c y=;'Z$gt commen" 3°3.3°¬ or mt- r.decision. ~ '_»_"" Gundy _._.__- , rejecting Sonny Llstons application tor For those who are prepared to 1-'~-L. -~ 1 cense, the Commission struck a telling bio shed tears because ew York or decency in the festering fight racket, tha has thus outlawed a million doi- .~5.n= houldhave tar-reaching consequences. It is .~.--3» the rst evidence produced in a long time that iar attraction that would bring Q '-* Television, open and closed, and its ally, th money into the city, let it be Mob, aren't -lling the shots tor boxing co said that what with the mob- missions, promoters and managers. sters sure thiniegambllng oper- *5-"".92: - The Commission's unanimous action too ators, it could more success- "-15:1}. ful in taking mone out of the ~ S; in-act-lcaily everyone by surprise. When it a Pick pool? ct-s_§gnzen- eelI owed the controversial challenger with th ' _"F' tlon unsavorydays record aggé it to was go aheadreasoned with that everyhis appli ob- stacie bad n cleared by interests, pressin Ilstons cause, which could be more Oofrect. s 1! termed their own. The underworld elements ~r! 1?$@ standing. lesttherebe g . any mlsunder-5 In other words, Llstons E-H wasn prisonrecorciié cons er bu as though damagingit was, Q... -~ as the records or -the cutthroats AL92§§9273 ' '3 M. ,. "._' ' with whom he_ associated. This move neatly disposed of the Eeni h n or rehabilitati new... °" "°""""".,I M-3 92 J 1 '5 Y6,92Y-i9§3j§,°9¬ " _~<,,,. 3 D M =. The Wushinqion Post and__i f Times Herald luaybe the kunnsslonvs°_ The Washington Daily News Z .0li Certainly,Will It did-8t6d has been by lo Alblliy. hesi- 1"heEygn1nq$tqr.i._ii_ _ ,.=!_c.». tant to use its power in matters N" 7° "°* T'°° i --1 that cried loudly X0! "S Ilitkb New York Journal-American 1 ;'._ .'. . isvention Justified in recent in assuming years that that one the New York Mm°t__1:.__i word came from the Governor- r maybe, even the Dept. of Jus- I . York Daily News --i tlce. It is known that, only two- days ago. I-.B.I. men were in New York, inquiring about cer- ? /Newt Wk Pmi_ tain Phiiadeiphians who have /92 J , ii-5 New York Times _.____ beenfactive in behalf of Liston.- a; 'eWorket It 18 kn th G , I rt dly .1" I " /£e_N_e92v Leuder__-i---: V gzrknlrgsigii m own the 9 New Mn York were Statet . DH !' fit 59%. - / /' rs; Wall Street Journal ______" ? .0 1. / -tI _ I:.r / . Two recent events in boxing . .. 5 The Nggonul Observer --'-I- :ilr;tmhunbg!actli;esl1?dbiinkers y 'en eyes were on theits id d-':aiii_nt Benn! Fag um: '~. if > - " ;.j i':"f.";37'° l fyb/F!! t, h . . -/ ;__ I3, e:>-"y 4 cg? 4, 3_/173 ~4 Zkfkxntnuznlnn ll; _ i/¢§§§§ J!92K/ To I MR- A -0 R0 DATE:- 23,173.? 1 , ;0vol _: " 4", T'ii";;.T:0 . '"z R'G'H"E ALLWWORMAUOH -1" Holmes _IS. . 'IHARLES $9 _,_a:_,_,,;DATE3_-3°53-B HERENlSUN somw _ News item 4-28-62 indicated three District of Co a Boxi. ~-t= ommissioners consideringissuing license for Sonny Liston £0~her_ » .Il';.-" Both Miller and Lee recommend licensebe issued. sterman imdicated . ,"§¬»'.; wished reviewt NewYork Commissioninvestigation geforedeciding. f§ --, _ ' ;'-,1'>/1*; Directo requested_ summary ' . Listonon and Grewothers. upuncfe1"ira1-d~s*lxip'1§tn1cl1t1' Q,..»_-M./,. /1;.-1..._ _ -1-four, Qrr , awn 3 . s ord1th eschar suchas assault.k1l_]_' ,to O §so4u: l.l.I.G£DJL, ofenitentiary FatherStevens, in950 deve oge PrisonC aplain, a ilityand as Negroboxernewspaperpublisherand withencourageiié 5 .;,. Mitchell wasreleased onuparoe andfollowed career1n Golden Gloves tournaments. He became .5. Golden Gloves champion and later inter- !1at11z1a]_Chamgi0l1.this, Following hebecame professional a boxerand _'__ fell into t e hands of St. Louis hoodlums. He has continued to be OW] at least in part by various hoodlums in New York St. Louis and ~ "Pennsylvania,J"h0. Itale '' and othersas . , ~ JosephBarone,' "suchBlinky I-ranIET.'2_C'arbo, Falermo, Vitale in testimony before congressional committe refused to coment on his interest in Liston. Various individual ave been I 8 listed ashis manager,the last one ofrecord wasGeor Hatz asoffq_ March, 1962. Katz is an old-time fight_promoter from P iladelphia. a Newspaper accounts during the past two years have indi the probability of a match betweenListon and p1' Q heav ywe ht 1g_c h ZIIIKIOII' ' h owever, L beca iston, use ofhis cr1m1nal_' ' -..=;_.'j.' associates, as been turned-downin York and othercit1 .'.],-.~51." IA ce "".k-~:-1 '. -- . l .v_;;"'.I - 1 .' 1/ -.-~.- -.- ; ~i~.~.~_._ _ 92.~ .___,.i a»~' r r.-r~;f ;'*92 >' 1 ~1-

._.-;__ Attorney R. White :~» on 5-5-61. -"esaszr $%¢"~* -:'r*. - 3T-116 Em. ' , , . *7_§' »-"II ___... . 3 cv@$ wq, . riiespz. -~r- ~; -'925i' _1 - ' lmontfor l :theDirector's n .2 ,2 MAY_;.I-iii informationid

92 7 MAY11 195'§"l--,-_-r-. e '7

__ _ '~.'=.92_:~-. ., .- : ;~-:1--.v. 1;; -_ Memorandum to Mr. Rosen _ RE: CHARLES QSONNY" LISTON92.

DETALLS: The Washington Post and Times Herald" of 4-28-62 contained an article indicating that the three District of Columbia Boxing Comissioners were considering issuing a license for Sonny Liston to box here. Jocko Miller, Chairman and Norvel Lee, Member, both indicated they would recommenda license be issued. Captain JosephV ' 3%? Osterman police member of the Comission, indicated he wished to =§%@ review findingsthe the of NewYork Commissionbefore deciding. The 1 Director requeste that a summary be prepared on Liston and the other Liston was born in 1927 in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was one of twenty-five children of a cotton-picking farmer. He left Litt x, m 11- V Rock at the age of twelve to follow his mother to St. Louis, Missouri -1" where she had gone after she left her husband. He grew up in povert and from allindications had to fight for an existence. .' '1'".<$I.'. _, 11"... -'" ' -4 _ ~- . Liston has a long arrest record, having been charged with .92- b violations such as assault to kill, larceny strong-arming, and in 1950 wassentenced to serve five years in the Missouri State Peni- beattentiary for apolice first officerdegree who robbery, wasticketing At oneacar time near he very severelytheresidence of '3?. _- Liston. Whilein thepenitentiary atefferson City,Missouri, %.w Reverend Alois Stevens, Prison Chaplain Frank Mitc ell, publisher '~§x*-3' l= of a wellknown Negronewspaper in St. Louis; and others took an -,_~1-11.,"92.'. f interest in Liston realizing that he had g at potential as a boxer. Following his release from prison under p ole in 1952, he was guided by Father Stevens, Mitchell and a Monro y arrison. He became a ' .,-92"T. _ =" successful amateurboxer and this eareebrought himthe Heavyweight _,, _.,» Golden Gloves Championship in the United States. Thereafter e x. .. . , -:2, .. .-_;, defeated the European champion for the International Golden Gloves and subsequently turned professional. K II A0 - O O1 I1 U l92__ .1- __ 1 __T'_n___ __:&.. . -1,-2 » -» -<.~ .,.;§~§.; r -242% .-. |!

aisaii..~ ,. H -c-=~':_§ 3'":._~'. 1:

_ 2 _ 92_ 5 §921 H*y_1

Memorandum to Mr. Rosen RE: CHARLES "SONNY" LIQTON

Kgfauvera peared before Committee the in McClellan 1960in Comitteeconnection inwith 1958 his andboxing before the interests but on bo

~ 5?

4- ,._. Q-§ 7'. --L-1

_ News r eases in 1961 contained articles indica that Liston, who was ttempting to obtain a match with Heavywe ChmPi°_ElQi.,W§$1grson,his purchased owncontract the lentown hoodl

5%., Newspaper accountsduring the past two years havecontained L? . -He» much information concerning Liston s attempt to secure a fight with ~... ~ Flogd Patterson.Liston hasbeen barredfrom fightingin NewYork 1"; Tr $2-I ; > :1 alt ough it was indicated that a gate and television and radio rights ;§_. would bring approximately $4,000,000 for such a match. Recent news 1; . items indicate that Liston, through his various owners and managers, IL has been exploring the possibility of promoting a fight between him . pf; I and Patterson in the area or possibly even Washington, D C. .

.a i_Z for e e 15526, l>=F92>

_ 3 _

-.~,~-,4. < -. "' E j i,.v' a 1 5


Memorandum to Mr. Rosen RE: CHARLES "SONNY" LISTON "

The "Washington Post Times Herald" of 5-1-62 indicated that Floyd Patterson said he would fight Sonny Liston for the title multimillion-do1%aror never fight a ain and named fight.Jack Chicago Nilon, asnoted a likely siteasListon's for the % Philadelphia adviser,said hewas happgto hear that Pattersonwas going to actually fight Liston before eptember of this year. A f"fsummary 0 1n ormation' d regar 1 L't1S on was f urnis 'hd e :5-92..J;-IQL;.' r ..':__to the then Deputy Attorney General, - ' e on 5-5-61. G v_ -,_- 2-942-l59- 163-1275; 92-2717-487' -I »'=.§=~.., > 4>?<_

-~.:~§.;_ .">; _-,92:91 _.. ;=. - W ,7-»_ .1 - .7..

._,,_v.___._ L96 _,_7 .,_. ;:.'I__ ' >:*'-9, .1-.1"7 92

-~=;. '.-r-'.:..;=: ' .._,~ "14-3 _, --;-.- -A

_ 4 -

ya ,- 1- J 92_'_:

-v --.---1--. L _;-' ..J an "L {NZ _ . _...~- °n_L¢_ if ______A_-Ev cxcin___- ...- _ my Ofcii _ _"I|_:n_1_n_tavoe of rehabilita- ucation.E. ;..._rr.2*" 0e " On]- tion. In tact; I'mone of Judge e u Scall.eys.'ihest_probat.ion offi-; "1-dea'lwithAthis,typ_eof fel- Evans " eisernieeneelcers.'_I_always lhavethree or fw and 1-tam: afight such .,,_ mm-' youngiellows here I'm _ mightbe atii-eat helpY ' Malone-_ ._ ._ helping to keep straightened him. l'=1lont',- what know, 0"?-" :.*7"""- L! - ullivon ,;- Miller, assistant golf pro Itl New_'York knowsabout osen _'dthread like the transcript i 3;. . . ltd! l0¢n't¢r_'. Congressional-1 CountryClub,- of the investigation there twas referring to Judge, Thom- .- Trotter i_. " :.. Jocko Miller, chainnan of; ias C. Scalley of the District "l don'tknow anything nie Districtof Columbia Box-aMunicipal Court, "who fre- about his managerial setup lpg.-_~jC0mmIssion, Slid; quently assigns youths who _ I wrote I-0 Promoter Tan ll Tele iihf that he would recom-~ _come beforehimto _workfor |Bola_n andI-1oyd_Patterson's ,Jocko at the golf course. 1 » manager, Cus DAmato, sug- ,.~ iirenda license for Sonny _So New York turns down gesting Liston ~_sh_ould be ton ithe wantedto box he1e._ Liston," __Mi1ler continued. fought here. That was Just 33;<.n1 _around thetime -theysigned Former Olympiclight heavy-; 3fThe bout will go somewhere l yeight championNorvel Lee,|else and the theater-television for a New York bout. Ii-3 -,ln0thermember of the I!. C.¥ -still will go baoktoNewYork DAmato telephoned me -.0??? F where they will accept taxes and pointed out that New P 5.3015118 Commission,said he§iptrom the theaters." e-_.§ York City had Just about would vote to license Liston. l Norvel Lee is a teacher at guaranteed a million to a mil- l the. Lox-ton, Va., Youth Center. lion and a half dollars '-forthe --32.11 [Leetional workbeen forhas youththe past in 10 where correc- hehelps rehabilitate; bout but he would be agree- 3 YCEPI. _ l young men trom the ages of- Iable toa bouthere i£_someone l 18 to 26 who have been sen- ; .5. would match that sort of Capt. JosephV. Osterman,. tenced under the youth cor- guarantee." -- I > police memberof the boxingiwrections-' . ~ act.Liston. pointed out in his V i ' Previously he was a cor-, commission, said he didnot V iletters that Patterson would _¢- rectional officer, then a teach- not have to worry about crim- LB want to commentuntil he has er, for boys irom 12 to 18 at ~54: inal elements i.t the bout was -;.- a chance to review the find- the National Trainin SchoolE -1 held herebecause Washington ings of the New York commis- "I believe Liston could ad-| -is the headquarters for the bsion in denying Liston a* just, Lee said. I would bei J {willing to vote a license for; _ederai Bureauof Investiga- lbelaeeu- I -'- jhim from what I know now. 4 _. {Miller Has Open Mind The fellow has shownsome <-2 .I have a very open r'nind,"§ _,__ . masses;You hehasn'this muc_'adaustmg'qt. in ,had Z 5-"",;/' 2 1" 1'? Miller said, commenting on, e report that the New .York_

ghtate Athletic- Commission- l had rejected Listons applica-1 92 . itionjor a licenseto ght, ki . ' 6* Floyd Patterson in Gotham Q Of course, there would be; .92 , in1 '92 Lb eI . The hlnqtonPost cmd_____' the formality of an investiga-I . 1 92 Times Herald .-" A > gtion beforeour three-member; The Wuahinqton Dally News _ board," Miller said, but per-Q J sonally I think Liston has ai g TheEvening 1 Std? -right to rehabilitate himself? I i New YorkHerald Tribune_.__._ L: no matter what his policei -.- -H..-1-I record might be. I EA ,7,¢ 1% _@ YorkNew Journal-American__ As for his alleged manage-1 I New York M1rror__.._.i___ associations, we couldl" * New DallyYork ..._._iNews .-3'"! ny a manager a license if he} W '; New York Poet _i-i-_ d notsatisfy standards our . The NewYork Timesii *~-:L'--ut still license Liston. " '2"? I ggiftthink 92u.d.__dggy _ do. _ 2, .| TL/ .- The we;-xei-___.___i a chanceto fighthere. j BEL! I-9'.' - I 5':The New Leader -,--0-1- Wull Street Jourri-ui.i I I 9292/?"~§*'A_

-e S . 19,

:1 Name Searching Unit- Room 6527 I:-:1 Service Unit - Room 6524 I |ForwardFile to ReviewR Attention Return to K -r upervisor Room Ext. Type of eferences Requested. ' Regular Request Analytical Search! All References Subversive &Nonsubversi [::]Subversive References Only [:INonsubversive References Only [:1 Main ____.______ReferencesOnly

Type of Search Requested: :1 Restricted to Locality oi :3 Exact Name Only On theNose! [:| Buildup [:1 Variations Subject Birthdate- Pl- » AddressL 92 " E -I ' . _~ .r92 4 SA 1- ' '_' Localitie '_'.,"U$l{2-"Elr_i§li!8'§|,.,~ | '' FBI . 0 - 1!!!!-L RI Date 1. Initials ___l. Prod. S 1 _ %Z:>"'.i}FILE UMBER.t ¢ SERIAL O2-4} § r7'£72»o- ' ?'7-5 1 :1; 1: r 1 51/$41,-¢ -'7-Z2-'_ Y1,37 4'3 _r-$1 ,K.>-7:/1-¢2,7; mg _.i/ .2!-/0;» -/11¢ 454' -lf§,L"i""'-1 0-0151221..' '/-Q » ~¢ SM, I 7 '1 El/;{§;é$:AZ R 5/ . .51 ti?-r2'7-5 1 t 6/ oz;-5/3-2/it r Iv 1-; 4.22a92'ROv.17 ll S9! '5' _5...NUMEROUS , -if REFE-1CE 1- semen SLIP '4~22L2-50!- " Q. Revlg r-"edera'lof Inv igationBureau Subi: Records Branch Supervisor _ R°°m - ' Searcher ,l¬ R _ Date __E '10 Hilll _.-_j£- :1 Name Searching um- Room5527 >. i .__:l ServiceUnit -Room6524 Prod. [:1 Forward to File Review FILE NUMBER §_@5g l:l Attention HQ is I In e t urn to - 1.} '>}7;" Supervisor Room Ext Type of References Requested: . .¢ .51 ~-as Zr?!-0 - i we r :lRegular Request Analytical Search! E'7YlTReferences Subversive& Nonsubve; :Subversive References Only l:Nonsubversive ReferencesOnly K2 i 5/£75! ::lMain :._._.__ References Only Type of Search Requested: : Restricted to Localityof .__i__._._. SI : Exact Name Only On theNose! : Buildup l::l Variations 92 _-5 TA1¢.@»¢';/x-aLL:2,@"/£__--

Prod. £1 2z171i/Z;A -um E>/~ n "0 . 6/ 49/-z-zsra»;;&_? §":»>'» _§ 555*. s / W. ¢/swa-/0 r

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.~_e;u_ .-. _=_'.,.,.' .._.~._-"T~. l


/ / Z1 *1 4-150 Rev.4-11-as! ,5 §§ 1'


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FBI/DOJ II I1 i" I I . ~ lg 92 . ' alio I on ._--- Con ~ De _ A Evunf r } 92 . Malone _%

. Qyosen =Su1livon ____._._-__.._- K - Tove] Trotter___.___. Tele Room _... ' Holmes ._--- -=15- _ -. - -____-_--~___.-~-__» - Gcmdy ;,-'iTli'é*1Vashington Merry-Go-RolIIIII""". "7 n.-7f 1!-1

.'~~* is/ton s.,Li fe "F ugl I of Wild Puncihf f By Drew Pearsorgj gnit Liston iért Little Rock,bery. Whén he got out on. M; in I . After the big !ght ends in rk., st the age oi 18 with his parole, Liston took up boxing ».*_-sq" other to go to St. Louis. His as a profession but fell into Chicago les tonighg_¬aex-convict,iston, could other apparently left his the hands oi the underworld. we e e hea eight box- ather, for reasons not de- Referring to this, Keiauver ing champion eloped. . - 92 - asked him: I / Q; ______of the "What did you do when you Do you know Frank Paler- _ 1' In view of this -- got to St. Louis?" Kefauver mol"' | .- . . 'é92_%n:éeoet-l?Z/ .1 _"' ked. . - _ . ~ ,5 A23 sslbility. and When-the answer was ai- V .. ': the fact that}; "Well, my mother put me in iirmative, Keiauver continuedr, 149 OCT J. 1362 the youth of g chool, and then after I gotDo you think that people like America are "*3; *_ tarted going to school, other 'ds seen me coming out oi- this ought to remain in the i n c 1 i n e d to sport oi boxing?" ~ 1 -- ' jhero worship, was such a large boy-other - Well, I wouldn't pass judg- it may be well 3 ds would see me coming out t such small kids room. So ment on no one, was the re-p the tobackground examine *__ ply, I haven: been perfect hey would make tun oi me myself." ' ~ of the chal-:~l'earson d start laughing and I longer. * " arted ghting. - "Do you recall that you were arrested in St. Louis on . Much oi it was spelled out Then -I started playing ookey, continued Liston, Aug. 12, 1959, and questioned gwhen Sen. Estes Kefauver, by some police officers con- 4,... and from hookey I led to an- -the Tennessee investigator, cerning your relations with- iprobed underworld control oi ther thing so 1 wound up in Mr. Sarkis? A labor leader. -.4- boxing. . . he wrong school. s. v_ _,_ _ _ . pfor whom Liston served as a1 '.| g "Howmuch education did "What school did you wind goon.! " j The Washington Post and

133.5 - you get?" asked Kefauver. P mp: I don't recall the date. I "I didn't get any." Well, the house oi deten- Times Herold l..- ion." - was arrested sometimes there. ._-:1.-;:"..'_ "You didn't go to school at I don't carry s pencil around The Waahinqton Daily News - lall?" - - ~ "How old were you then? to see how many times I was The Eveninq St

. i ' he! out 3! St. Louis. -Well e captain, Captain 'Doherty,i ldme to my face, it I want-§ ed to stay alive for me to leave f St. Louis. So he said: '1! you , don't, they are going to find. you in the alley!" He moved ' to Philadelphia. Asked further about" his; education, Liston said he still"-¢ could not write. 9'1! you writei. iletters, would you dictate; them to somebody?" - "Yes, I wpuld." 1 5* ' ,1; Who would write the let-5; ter for you, your wife, Ger-L. aldine?" ~ _ I ' P .~92.% iYes,~i! I wanted -to write > one that bad." - ~ B 4- J -2 Patterson Schools _, Z Liston has bought out his? contract with his ght man-it Iager, Joseph P013!Ba:-one 011: Allentown, Pa., for $75,000. /1 But his troubles with the po-_ lice-now in Philadelphia-V ihave continued-almost up to; §the signing of his contract to; tight Patterson. Sen. Kefau-I ver, who has tried to helpj him, told me n short time ago I that in his opinion Liston had {not really cleaned himself up. I. v_4£t'-;:33 Floyd Patterson, who also 7 ,had juvenile trouble, has used § fhis winnings to establish two 2 _ homes for boys in trouble. Lis- Z ton has done nothing 0! this I kind. I 5 "He has s long way to go,i ."- J, but with guidance he could: become a boxer of whom his? fgrace and the profession would ;;he proud. ~ ; Bell smucm. rs|,_

_$-__a- .

4?. Kr 92. N Mohr __:___ ,_' .1 92I _ - Casper __ _ If _,I K Colldhpn -

if Z Cohas ___ ~ vons Molon all irilroevmsrz c AiNEQ%iéi---i. EREHI as Tr tter --ii =13: '__1he'-Wu bin 1 Merr -Go-R0 na__...- DAT!-9.QlJ!:75iB '-_'.'2=. Gcmdjs

3 t1 D507 By - Drew . ffqrson' ;List0nL ¢i92é1.es$

r=~ .__ - _ ,. .- . Ill ed ever El-Idntlpld ,-¢,.___-.. y__assoe!ate, Jack Anderson, J5- ~ .»; B.»-_~..» __ at the AMA naneially sup-Q nrted The doctors strike! --.' hichclosed 91 hospitals and; .,____ Kr92_ ._ ; ""35- every doctor: office in Sas-§ katchewan in July. ' 92 Dr. _C1arkson was even '" quoted*es_. saying that Ande son had never phoned him. P. However; the long-distance =» ..-... - z ny records show that -Anderson did call him. And Anderson,=;'- who takes shorthand, took= down 7 Chrkson: definite ~» statement that the AMA had ~ helped to plan and "nance- the doctors strike. "After he '" thad ma um, Dr. Clarksong got cold feet and asked that he not be quoted directly. :§-1 f The recent _ads by Blue =1-t» Cross and Blue Shield are in- teresting as to both timing_ .and content. lfhey offer am-;,; pli£ied" programs at reason-Y $ able rates" for fprotection" oi » all persons over 65. Q}.;: . 4 No details were given an to -. ;__ 1._ what old folks would have to; pay for these amplied pro-Q; '. Tia? 92grams,_but the ads, which in- L _§7!'_.._.fcidentaliy cost a lot of money, ; said they would soon be op- _I erating one national scale and asked that senior citizens Q. phone their local offices for Q1.-. _-I full details.-' - f' .5:-. When these offices were /,_ called in 31 states, however, Tc. 1.24 ofces had no information ,on rates and benefits of the

"0.---»°"-V '°g"§§'=.u.

--155"; ' "=2. _.-'1' ¢t92~p. .; -_" 3 an-n_s~

Q <- .. :~ , , 92-92 A _ ~ 1;/' 1 0-20 ,- Rev. xo-1s-s2; . I ' B on .%___. I! ° _

%?'§Z6;; ~ C ahanI onrud DeLouch EvansGale iv0n en ______._.______.__. Tavel -N-ii» '-+1. Trotter ____i. . xx-4. Tele. Room __ Holmes _____


, ~ ~1="-~"=_-1? -.. -;- . .- 1;; >_?7. ~ .5,-». 92<'?:92-.,_ xi LITE?!" .F[ l'_;.

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WASHINGTON CAPITAL NEWS SERVICE -___& .. .- "3-I-9 92i;l'ev.l0-I5-62! ~ * n - " ~ ~ - ~ ????????? - Olson / ~ ¢'_' e ; 2 I1 t 92 C Callahan rod Looch

Tl iithtm is u , . f§,°.% _ .= onrzeba - 4&1? "3.- :'!-" y :§4I.' ._'AT§|e-In --va- been trying to _ . E football?" down, I feel that he's in trou- -ado something ° - ble. I-ie doesn't know that he's $10 help others Noit was a little too rough -' avoid similar o l for me. I dont understand it done._ Sometimes, I hold up sositwoow - lpitmls. yet. Like when the football four fingers-how many fin- Q: Patterson has ~ 1»gpiayer gets the ball, one man gers have I got up? And if he will grab him and throw him says four, hes all right; but if "1 money to set e ' 'down. Then the other twelve - r up the uivloyd PCUITQI come pile up on him. What'she says two, I know he cant gused his own * , the use of doing that? see. So I feel the fight should Patterson Houses ' in New 1 be stopped." t o n;~_'.. You think it's enough to in-.. _ York, two homes on the East Now, turning to the most l . have one man against you? LL ide where boys just out of important question before us if Thats right." _ /? - .?r'-!reform school can live during this evening-the problems of The Washington Post u§'@ . U 5;, the first difficult period of What about when you have youthwhat do you think is Times Herold the referee against you?" the most important factor in ._ Q. "Well, as long as he can adjustrt. 1 helping boys keep out of trou- The Washington Dolly News i count up to ten he can't cheat ble?" - - The Evening Star .______%_ on you. - Sonn i ton came to Wash- i Well, I feel it's the home. New York Herald Tribune ____ ingt;o1i"¥or the last Big Broth- I feel that mothers and fa- ers dinner and among other Boxing Caar? thers should know where the New York Journal-American __92____ ., ., .-t-Q things spent some time at .:-W, ls What do you think of the child is at all times. And New York Mirror .______Junior Village, a Government Kefauver bill to have a boxing should have a deadline to get New York Daily News mi orphanage where he tried »tocommissioner r e 4 u l a t e the home at night." fill the vacuum in the lives sport?" o York Post ______i__ i How many children were,;REC-=25 "-of children, some of whom Well, I feel that if he could there is your family? The New York Times ______, "' have never seen, a mother. find a man thats been in the My mother had 14, my fa- The Worker _- Sonny was so occupied that field, it would be fine, but - he was late getting to the din- if he just got a man that ther was married twice, andl w Le ner. "- ' 2 -r there's 25 of us in all." . ° 3 ' dont- know anything about You were born in Arkan- k _ S 11'"/421 u r 1 E At that dinner, in front of boxing, it would just be like sas, and I know your father 800 people, including the Vice a truck driver running a jet was a cotton farmer. Did you President, I interviewed Lis- In other words, you work in the cotton fields? "'5t'!!!'!Iu!92@nes-asst-as-er-.:'._-__. fton on a lot of subjects rang- wouldn't want a politician be- When you moved to St. Louis, ng from Cassius Clay to death ing the boxing czar? about how old were you? ,..-Date ther:ing.Beseispa:-tot; No, I wouldn't. Well, that's when the trou- ithe repartee: You were telling me a lit- ble started. Life was too VI AUG 7 1953 Sonny, do you e r feel tle earlier that the:-eferee bright for my eye, so I would nervous before a fi t?" ~ doesn't always understand find stuff before it got lost" the psychology of the boxer What would y0a-1'ec92n- Not as nervT{| I am.92 . I JUL 23 1963 D '' i J '

1 1mead_.-l-ll-'-l'hig' elm ghgrei you've got crow ed condi- tions, in the way of helping youngsters? ' 92 _' > _1:3; Kefauvex-s OK l _ D :'92. Well, I would recommend - :- 04; ~__~:_ more playgrounds. More . :'~ 92g92_A -0..._'sports and -activity. Give them something to do to keep their x. I.ea l minds occupied--whezfe they - ..'wouldn't be idle." l Did they have playgrounds in St. Louis?" - "Well, yes they did. They ;; had playgrounds -- but it .¢-- wasn't enough for all the kids,E so they let the good kids go

.920?0 ." oit and kept us . bad kids; It sometimes happens in the District of Columbia, too. Its like they say, one bad apple can spoil the whole bushel." - --< -'-_~- Here in the District oi Co- lumbia, we've had some de- bate that children when they are wayward should be pun-§ ished doby you think being of spanked. that? What Well, I feel they should be» spanked; in that way they; wou1dnt run over the teach-; 8§:L--0 '__---av ' Q 1963. Dell-lloluro lzndloato. Ian. :

>:;;;- 4. < _:,i 0> ¢ I I » I >2<6 . _" VINITED _~_ I nsmzxtu. STATESBLREAU.0F'l..'92V£STlGA DEPARTMENT or-*>=s'i*1 5*~§~*- - Y ' F1?" :'1v ' _ _ _ J .. V ' 1".92suI.92'cT01~|zs.1>,'!=.t~-' F .1»e "J ' =9---1V ~ I ~'i '- "

» __1,-t , i TH: y //»_ ,» e ;_ a~ I92 9 - » .~ ""- _' * . <3!.tebxyvv " Dbxwn 34wa~»~

The followingFBI record,NUMBER 272 _767 B , is furnishedFOR OFFICIALUSE ONLY.

CONYIIBUYOI OI ARRESTED OR CHARGE ' . ' FIIIGEIPIXNTS _IAIE AND IIUIIIR RECEWED DISPOSITIDI 3 D . _ _._: .. i 0. I State Penitentiary:Charles Liston June 1, , . l Jefferson City #63723 1950 Missouri e _-»~@~ pleao guilty robbery first < means deadly 5 years dangerous October 30, weapon 1952 paroled charges!" -$3; f . robberyfirst larceny from Police Department Charles Liston 13* the person Saint Louis #68069 January charges! y92>M Missouri Q1: 28.195 3 rele ed Police Department Charles Liston investigation Saint Louis #68069 January 29, 1953 -_;~_-v Missouri inay 5| 1956 assault to kill: January 28, 1957 plead guilty 9 0 Police Department sentencedto Saint Louis , 9 months in £»= Missouri ,_ ~_g %Charlea..__._ _ .....__ _...- Liston _. - June 21 F#68069 11956 city I ,~invostigation workhouse Jr Rolice Department J. tn Saint Louis v Missouri Charle§_§gnny_M October _>~~ C7iston 4, 1956 #68069 Q investigating suspicion _'t released on - .A,__,_~-.T larceny charge of ,§ince_ngerpntntsnnor neither O¥_§92l92 at :_<§."92'S 3___ZD/' investigatin - inxdentxfylng lesour wtnchaccompaniedyourIS and. number 92n 92 "3ret 92b92"92',_ 925 . "9292 92=-?* 'y92,_c NOT l,._...__ FlEC0RDED .....-t thatFBI thismaterialguarantee cannot anyconcernsthem . _ __, in U ff».-,_§_;l;;.»-;' I 1 - r ; suspicion192 fl-_ /ajfg ind'wi&sImomu areinter in -stealing 1/ -. I v , _ -; "" '; k 0 92 Q KM. I " 7' ._H; . _ ' 1 -1 NITF D STATES DEPARTME192T O 'STICE _ llk.' - - ,

v R ' FEDERAL BUREAU 01- INVESTIG ~ 4" I _ ' __. _ 2 g WASHINGTON zs. n. c. Q, -

D 2 I F i 92 _ Director. @ The following FBI record, NUMBER 272 757 B , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. __7 _ 7 _ _ - COITIIIUYOI or " Annzsrzn on .' ' ' nuounnns KAI! ill! NUIIEI Rum cane: msrosmou :_,,| , Po1ice'Departnent 92-~¢ >¢ Saint Louie Missouri -"] Charles Liston Septemb Police Department #68069 Baint Louie r strong .x.- . Missouri 2B- 195; l1'*°1_!929 "______: ._ :=2" Charles Sonny e Liston L August l$1i3§'§igirtnent suspicion V- #68069 12. 1959 gembling .i ,,T__-3»:-:2 Philadelp in Charles Liaton Pennsylvania #341; 155 . impersonating 1961 an officer Zr; ,3:me_ em m nerprints nor an ,.r u1.»? "'?"T17J'7I1g number which is indgxgq '...1, our les accompanied ysur r_=~_ue_ -7- "0 ._{ 3 _ Carin $7-'3-'3f28 In any -magma, 92 ~?<+i Hus materiai concerns the mm YOU are interestsd. ..:p<.~: . 3: I - =1E¢':;= Q-T4 § s .- A,4

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3 Height: 5- re: 1 undo inch i ''U 92 Weight: 230 . 0- Hair: Black lyea: Dark Bizwn 4' Complexion: D tk Brown 1 1 1 luildz Medium 1.- fingerprint tile shows date of birth aI: lay 8, 1933: Place of Bi: £2! LICCIQRock Arka nlaa 1 -. 2aaidence:_5 7 S Dunlap Street Philadelphia Pennsylvani in 1961 :l??f!92n . nurggtewhich iniS is 5° indexed 3" 1 . In our ft! 5 8°°°mPame.d - §92;{r:1anner'2"|:Jy1~| _.aé.1 Fm am t g:ara;t'eci>r:

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Iniormation shown on this Identication Record represents data furnished FBI by nqB1PY'§m ¢°n'ib'°"" Where nal dhposition is not shown or further explanation of charge is desired. communicate with 6'19"? contributing these nqerprints. ' Notations indicated by ' are NOT based on ngerprints in FBI les but are listed only as investiGI¢'° 19°55 . ,.: . ," 92 I 0 . Kl _, ~ 1mI'r 9 ' STA'I'BS~DEPAR'I'MEN'I ::RALBuRmuormv:sT1o""n-' o *~1.r's'r1cn '

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~.?p_y.~ 42¢

. f..'.f,:__ Civil print from Division of Identificatio Albany New Yo: th this record L d:;ret>u7x_-noa to .-T. #74-30-O1contributor Apri was idintified 24, 196gi ... . since ngerprints Pf '" ldenti7!*"8|92e92t92992'number which 35 92"d°*ed . -1-.»;-* 92 5.1"; acwnpanied your request in our filer I FB92 cann guarantee in 8"! '8'e' that thisl'nateria92 concerto W individual-m hm you gm inwid-A

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lnfonnation clxownon this ltlontication Rocord xopzosonts data furnished FBI by §i9°YPYil contributors. Whore nal disposition is not shown or further explanation of loharqa in desired. ¢°m' -.'1 I

92 xw; ,9 . -....s-- 1 - __,§__ . . . 92 FD'3 Rev. 12-13-56!

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umrsn srivrns nnmnrmnnr or JUSTICE rnnnnu. nnanwor xuvzsrrcnron :$"mR4' San Antonio, Texas _ -Q_ August 13, l963 ~ - as " -0- . -_». - ._ -. v- . . T..- . .... ,.

NATION OF ISLAM, formerly L. .. ;--1; known as the Muslim Cult of Islam ::


.. __=._. -

'1. ,4» .>:=~'. .'....i' .-=.~*»I .-_Y-Y __ .4 A characterization of the Nation of Q-'~'-2 '-'1,' Islam is contained in the appendix hereto.

. -A4 '-.~ .._ ' ' . This document contains neither reccmmenda tions nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the -r_¢¢ property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

&"g;,.!!'{.§_.1:f" = '05!' » ' ._

5., -_.,:._.____,:_;t,- = _ .l__- ._,. .__l_-__ .._ ___._ _l ._. _ r, i I ,¢,_,_l_».__>,_- '*'P92-I'~_ ¢. _ _ _, _,____g ______ 92 ¢ 4 ~ ¢ ' 3


t , .

__. .. L4... v' f=:" -Z;»--

The NOI is én¢all-Negro organization which was ____. . _s~:'.i.:? origianlly organized in 1930 in , . Muhammad ii-.=i* claims to have been seleqted by Allah, the1Supreme Being, to lkad the so~called Negro race out of slavery in the wilder- ness of North America by establishing an independent black nation in the United States. Members following Muhammad's teaching and his interpretation of the "Koran" believe there is no such thing as a Negro; that the so-called Negroes are slaves of the white race, referred to as "white is devils," in the United Statesg~and that the white race, because of its exploitation of the scalled Negroes, must and will be destroyed in the approaching 9War of Armageddon." t gt In the past, officials and hembers of the NOI, including Muhammad, have refused to register under the provisions of the Selective Service Acts and have declared .v.,:, _: .1. that members owe no allegiance to the United States. L . .2 y. -. ._,.- . ?

A-m » .;%+;-P 4 Riia

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2 T?" 1-"W 0 ' 2 , . . _~ _. . c, I J C V 5- I ,3 ' UNITED QTQTES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE -.*",. '0._ .w;.1:_;~392 2"5. f FEDERAL BUB-EAIU O! INVESTIGATION >,,~ ' San Antonio, Texas Fihm August l3, l9B3"1; , . P2-.92_ ' ~ .

v r-.-I Q 5 ~ ~/>¢/~ .__ - .1

: 4 ; 3.3 >1 Title NATION OP ISLAM, formerly known as the Muslim Cult of Islam 33:33 --4 ..¥§ 1.


Character '

:*,.i".-oi! Reference San Antonio Memorandum dated and ._¢¢_;; 3 .-1I ' captioned as above § JJTZ1 .-J2;. 4 é

.._-» 92 - All sources except any listed below! whose £7, identities are concealed in referenced communication .~.¢~ -2.=.~.¢< -.~1 have furnished reliable information in the past. .I .1 -51 ~ '1 no"*1

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. »; zr - ,_J "_.~ _ 8,. _~ n-- H ___ W ,_.¢-- . ,.__,._,.---... . ._- ~._, . . - 7 3...». ._ . . . ' 0' _ r. Q H _ v 92_ ! .

8/ 19/ 63

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- A '. mzou 3999'or ISLAM ?% o /l o o ALL92Yf3§92u Q16 ~* '&Er92?§3-92 . n nrmmuu. srcuarrr - no; ; % M _% , ;"'~ 5->~~' ~~-1~-~»~- __...>...:._-, Q iv Z.-.. .' - -,. .' T-- .1. .». _. 4 ___ _ _ . ', V , _ ' _.: .- leSA-airtel a/13/as nun letterhead memorandum um! attached ind 57:: §:_~_ TI-92'-QC? _

_ j 5. P - __ 92 -. , - ,~ -_.- .. ~. ' . ' .. ¢=.,.-. 1 llo active investigationahould beconductaito 92 1* ahould, howevar, eontact ;,,_-%_, 2. raaolvalthia utter. Each office ~ ,_ A infornanta and furniah the Bureauany information indicating ~- ' ~ o -.__..- .- whether there ia any truth to the atateaent made concerning _ - r '*,;_~_7_-_:_53.~I. - ?I»§R=_.'-_¥s';1'-_~ in -"j-7-i-in I . *~p4?_.'~.f*_92~"--'- - 4 :1"-u H ' : x 3': . .. /.1; -.I-

.,_-;:.~='é:* L 1 fmn matter ahouldfba handled eitpedi y and, in 7 .,~'»'- '-d'§'7' Y .. V the avent positive information ia determined, auch information .1 - ahould ba aubaitted in memorandum fora auitabla for diaeeminatio _ -»- _ 7:4- -~ ~.....:...,.- ... - .4, _;4,. - - - _ _ . ;_i1- ~.--_3,-__- _> _ H _ and There a copy ia ptgae attached above-mentioned for the information LEM for of information.Philadelphia wi 'i:§TE 4 ~ YELIUW; 394/! G13! I O - 110- 163-1275 Dissemination Char1es_fYSg_z_'g_n_y1'__Li_istQ;1_1_of the above reference LHM is being held 1" aBé'yance pending receipt of information requested above. ._ -_ -_-»»-~~ ~»»-~---»---~,; I; ~- ~-- » -~~ »- J -~ _ 92. - 1t 92. FD-3:0 -3-62! , . 92 " i ; * " 1 4. I kt .1 ~


MountClipping In Space Below! .,._v .92 v.'% - |


t - .Zl.._.._ 71""-';-l . 4 _ "1.._...._

t ~s Gamly.____.

¢.. Indicate pcqe, name of Lliigmcity and etote.! tw- Z- 'c***:.~'r2.r*tr.;_I92 _9m@!i!°" 3 ," --- . v , . -5- .2 F i-'92s.925'§. » etjlefd ltd/ar /imonb ¥:f-Q: 92 92 Genesis; 92! is By Sandy Smith are co-managers of Liston. 3 managementof Liston TV Sun-Times Correspondent ,1 A spokesman for the Iustioi:;while working on a Califo WASHINGTON - G a n g- gepartrnent emphasized thatpflextortion case, it was disci . egovernment has no evidenci}ls Right To Muscle In 1and's all-powerful Commis- that Liston himself or Katz and mission settled ti squabble be- The California thakedown Nilon ever split purses with tween mobsters er control of ~ scheme developed after the gangsters. , Commission granted Eastern Charles beforeThe burgeoning federal in- it mobsters the right to muscle §_s3_c11IcAe0 sun TIME 1 he won the world's heavyweightquiry into the Commission and on-lcaoo, ILLINOI championship, Justice Depart- , in" on purses of ghters on the -'-e. -its secret society, La Cosa Nos-;West Coast, according to the ment officials said Tuesday. _ tra, revealed how the 12 gang- ~ . Federal prosecutors told The 3 Justice Department. ». sters on the crime cotmcii acted or -Times that an edict frail: Both investigations, the gov- Date: -_...- in 1961 as the boxing -co 92-iemment sources said, showed "-'4- 1 . :.=. e Commission, the supreme 'ssion of the underworld. r Edition: 8-14-53 uncil of organized Author: nded a 1961 quarrel betwe jT'_Ihe power of the O0 :-1 tions to settle the everlasting ' t . the way the Commission func-J Editor: 5 STAR TURF .'.~.-1._-4 -V ion over boxing was traced un de rwor id - wrangies over mon Q I n- _ Chicago and Eastern gangstersihe Federal Bureau of Investi- SANDY SMITH over shares of Listons earnings. y, jurisdiction and territory. Title: Igation in a probe of Barones J OIZN TREZEVA The hoodlutns haggled over ! " . " -... 1! The Federal Bureau of the winnings of Liston when he ! = " "="f§ was a heavyweight contender . . - --~< 1-. under the management of Jo- {tl°°°ivestigation has revealed ° F -Iii ~. seph Pep! Barone, of Phila-i Character: 3-"I":-1-. ._._,- _. _. .4 . -Y »s-.-W»--.1-."-.111.-.1 delphia, the government of- , v$M_ 111-=.:;::*.z= Q.'council of the crime brother- or cials said. ' 2 i ._»;-:»:-'-*-.~~-:-:.;:,~ aw> 1. e Former Manager =-.. --.-.-9. -.» 5" ---"112. .=,:-_v..-.==- - . .. I- hood gangsters call La Cosa Classication: . Nostra--our cause. e Barone managed Liston from , Submimnq Oiiice: CHICAGO 1958 to 1961. At present, The Commission has the fin- '" ac: , al say when hoodlums fall out i 1'. Qggmq _Katz, of Phz]_adg]ph;'q,, QALEBMQ GLIQKMAE and Jack Nilon, of_Chester, Pa., 92 _ financial doling: over which mob shall con- .trol what racket, the EQI 1 ound. . _ - ' ' 4 I/Zj,/L7."i92i -, 192*-0'1 '-F/. -.»RDED vztiisssz4_/ 3 . 191 nus 281-63O 5//s'/I-3 . ,1.----_-4-1»--1-- .s;.92 : DIRECTOR ,..~ 4-

' $0,

P - ~ . Q: .1 , - ecording to the govern- Tné!,_Ul'!'C0mmissit!_r1_Ts_t:"5'm-92 92'92_

posed of mob chiefs from Chi-~~' " ;;;a,¢! < - -:51» om 1,' S0oi|,'howe'ver,' Carbor U M ;.q_'e~cago and eight other cities. The wuM?m: ' n Glickmanpicke:'u1'a5T$'§:ri 1 ~e Chicago gang boss, Momo Sal- Pl!!!'!;!U"Uere mvw W zvatore Moe! Giancana, has case and is serving a 25-yearicent share of I,ist.on*3contracttrue owners of ,.Liston., Ihey Zr .~ I n identied as one of .ps.on um In the same case,-m lS_l5_7. Then, L1stons92 careerpermitted Glickman to keep his was m the doldrums. Promotersit -Q-ah, __. . .. -_._=.--_-;___._ . a IS-year prison sentence wk! share of Listonfor a price. .; - 'dwest gangsters on th 1 imposed upon Palermo: _ showed no interest in him: He During this period, Glickman 1» mrnission. . A ' ' Car-bos control over sco went 21 months without a single .1 ght. __ .r___; , .,__.,, "loaned" $10,000 to Carbo and.. The 1961 dispute over Lis-For sh. at-._w.e. WE °l made other loans reportedly? 4-.0 1* hi the LaCosa Nostra exceeding $35,000 toPalermo.5 '_ --1. ton: contract, federal investi- 960 in testimony? before a Vitale-is " gators said, brought Giancana .S. Senate committee investi The U.S. Senate committee into conict with three other tinvestigating boxing heard tes- _ ml- -4"*" ating boxing. , I members of the Commission -'- Palermospolice record in timony in 1960 that Listons Angelo Bnmo, of Philadelphia,Philadelphia is part of the rec- contract was cut up this way- and two Brooklyn mobsters,ord of the committee hearings. Carbo, 52 per cent; Palermo, Tommy Three-FingerBrown!It shows that Palermo served Pucchese and Carlo Gambino. i a jail term for operating a lot- Rule Against Giancana tery and was arrested nine '12 per cent; Vitale, l2 per -at The hassle reached the Co times on charges including asl -cent, and two other persons imission, which eventually rullriiisault and battery, operating a ;not identified," 12 per cent ainst _ Giancana, after simlldisorderly club, and reckless fachp '. .-» ering for monthson a lowetiuse of rearms. _ In his testimony before vel of gangland, it was re- Vi.talespolice dossier, also a nate- committee, Glickm in the committee record, dis-I escribed his bigimoney de s closes that he served a . Prison , with Carbo on a number f l ealed term for dope peddling. He was fighters but did not "mention l ested 13 times by St. Listbn. __ i lice92as a suspect in murders? From the witness stand, bberies, thefts and _ gamblinjl Glickman admitted pooling 1 'j.'iI%§%f1§%?s ix; erations. ~ 4fight bets with Carbo. He also I 'three All -- Carbo, Palermo conceded that he had given a and .Vitale appeared before total stranger $10,000 to de- *,1'.-ea;-I-1'1;-11* : a af.-'sl:%=l the "committee. All refused to liver to Carbo. Glickman ,,_;==' 55;. '- :,;s_;;;-55;;testify about their control of called the $10,000 a "loan." V F Pf Liston, citing fear of possible SONNY IJSTON He confessed however, that the self-incrimination.! 4 I - Object of gang war transaction was strange, like E72". . The first account "of the dis- H VITALE CARBO Carbos messenger.- ~ _ £1-_-' _': l_i Shun in tonfrld_ _ pute over Liston's contract, The subservient to Giancana, whose Has His Regrets Atthe start, the govcmmliKISun-Times was told, came rackets authority as a Commis- At another point in his com- from the network of informants sion delegate covers and mittee testimony, Glickman ~22; und, four lesser gan_glaiid' eastern Missouri. gures were involved in the used by the FBI to infiltrate said he regretted ever getting Glickmanis a buddy of Gi- bickering over Liston'S ¬li'11and expose LaCosa Nostra. to boxing where, he said, l' _., . A source high in the Justice ancana and Tony Accardo, the robably am wrong and I pa . Department reported that a sub- predecessor of Giancana as the or it." ._ They were identrfiechsas Paul Chicago mobs delegate on the John Frankie!Carbo, 9, one- sequent inquiry by FBI agents Boxing,he added, h I gangland Commission. In 1960, time underworld boxing czar; revealed the full story of the ruined his awning manufac - Glickman was a_ defense wit- Frank Blinky! Palermo, 58, a quarrel. i ing business in Chicago. Philadelphia ght manage _The government spokesmaness at_ Accardos trial 92 "My reputation is gone," barges of income tax frau . Glickman testified. Everybody *> ah» we 5;, = 83,- g,;;92;i;=.i..§2§.*{i§..l1:?.,§2§.°ri:;;lickman waswbserved by. thinks I am a thief and a hood- 8"18"°» Fm 9' k 11': 'a'ce at Accardos lavish Ind lum and a croolr."! _ man, 42,3 Elk;-f-§§im1;°$§ '?°r§§..§ i§13§§iri., °1°.tlii.Iipendence Day lawn parties The dispute over Liston; from 1954 to 1956.! flared late in 1960 when the? 322:3 gain . Missouri prison ggn-'1 I In 1958, Listons contract " Thee 8&1 investigation dis- Ce fox r°bbery"' - "T Palermo-Carbo combine" sud- closed um all four mg secret went to Barone, in Philadel- denly stripped Gltclrman of his shares of Listons contract from I _. _ .. phia.__ As part of the deal,interest in the heavyweight con-1 1958 early 1961, Justice lickinan retained his interesttender. , m am¢is1s"GZ""_ 511 .1-ifwns _ . :' - This action provoked a quick ;' . At the time, the explanationprotest from Giancana. offered by Liston's backers for But the ouster of Glickman, Gui " ¢ '6


essence, the conict was An FBI 'investi eerrtrunat For the Yfn sulta In . the trial of Cag _r o gangsters saw no reason to per- lalerr_no and three other box: mit Chicago influence in the mg figuresjor an attempt to affairs of Liston, then-fighting cut in on the earnings of Don t. tout of Philadelphia; - - Jordan, former worlds wetter. -av, The three Commission big weight champion. 1 ~ ots had been in Carbos cor- The defendants were accused 1% r for years, throwing th of threatening a ght promot. derworld power behind s er, Jackie Leonard, to extort 1 heme to control boxers a share of Jordan's earnings. Carbo and Palermo were con- 12.- presumably taking a slice of his end of the purses. victed in on May t ~_. t ..;' L Moreover, Carbo was al 3U, T967 member of the La Cosa Nostra '95.v 1 family"or gang--headed by 'Pucchese in New York. , Giancana put on the pres- 5', sure to the accompaniment of _ -;,. V wails from Glickman that he was getting nothing for the ,$45,000 he loaned to Carbo * and Palermo. l But Bruno, Pucchese and , Gambino, at the risk of knock- ing heads with Giancana on ,1 the level of the Commission , stuck with Carbo in his d'ecisi _ kick out Glickman. 1 Asks For It At the insistence of Gia - ,» - , the deadlock over Lis- =2' .< tons contract was laid before is-e - 2 the Commission at a conference m ,in Atlantic City early in 1961. .- _ In a conclave in which Gi- E-:1 ;ancana, Gambino, Bruno and , Pucchese participated with oth- _. _, . ii1 ._'-.1- _. ier Commission members, the -. I decision went against Giancana. ~.-a l The Commission ruled that ' *2 .---. the Chicago mob was out of s bounds with the Glickman~Lis- ton caper. Glickman, accord- ing to government informants, . ..-:3 never did recover his share of .-2: tr- §Listons contract. 1 The victors in this dispute, ¥Carbo and Palermo, did not lstay out of trouble for long, ¥however. ' 92 ~ Later in 1961, both were con- 'victed in the boxing extortion conspiracy" in California- where the Commission had gjggighem au_thcl_itL_£o ,musele" ght m'anagers._ A FD-36 R01. 12-I 3-56! "~ 'I

1. r- Q i 1! .

FBI 9- 92 .92M

I Dam: 3/20/63

Transmit the following in Type in plain text or code!

- - Priority or Method of Hailing! -_------1-_-_-_--__-_-_-_.__-.-->--_.--__>

~{!.~. _':;,§

iéé 1---_-_---__-.- !'.';-.'~.92'> TO:DIRECTOR,-FBI- _- ~~ -- ~<~-~---~ C _ s-.., _ V/6FRom:éEGAT, 63-new! LONDON ~ P!-,, m F 1 ~ . somw LISTONI ' ,l,3- /'27Q?/P ' I I. FPC £;r~,»~*JL --'-:vu&O t ,..- _ .1:' _:__ _ 57¢

.. .-5. ~_;" K1 J .:- been some newspaper publicity recent y _",_ :_._,: to make a trip here in the near future. J1 él, 1;-~_1 -. W he had read newspaper articles .,.;~:z record in the -""5"!.,-4.r '?~'.- ."?',. -1';-§_;>92' as? .....l!_,pq Q5 .* v

~=._; -~ .b.I. »-:'-- T

-__--_ -_...


There has ~* * .:¢92

xi --3 I -- ;92'P l ~ 92

Legal Attache London 3/35/53 _ -o» ~ .~- '' '2 - orig. um 1 ' - ,;~ " 1 'Director, FBI 63-127$! 1 - yellow 1. » e 17; ~.Z , »..'. ' som usr5§C'/53* o 8 8°? , ! » i_ 4.. ._._* t ?'° EX-103 45' i/375'/it 3-. xv L-.1 -- » 4 - Re your airtei a/20/63. o . I *%§# 92c:_" kw,' -*2. econ!-. Enclosed are two copies of subjeee Identification ,- . ___ Enclosures - 2 , » ~ o " ' 1.» ._.. 31:55 4-92.p,_.'

5i=g;;:1@,ii 1 - Foreign Liaison Unit detaehed!92_ W92/ .» =:~r. .~.> _'.-1.5 I '@=@~::§'.2 HOTE: A .4 tha

2.3.. J;

L1:-;__. 'P. "*~ ::; >5 - _'_ < ' ~.;.:'7-1 ET--= -i». 4 .-4L92._- 1 " =.-4=_-5 . -,-3&1-5 '~l*".-.2". _ _,.. J all ~11 I .i:_';-7: AU. 92NFURW92T92UY*§ CUNTNNED _ 7;,.,.l_ %i%2;;L%6:a§§®»z°__.<>1:x~9§=P},-3-i 5 .'92Q"H" ;:.J¢f4 1 maze as ' - £221??? 13$? '

1:01-me-I e Telson Belmont___._ ' 2 SF . 1' V - _ , » ;_ Mb C:s;>er_._---______kn =' .' u w "M1-'~ H / . p / -" Czllzhnn ___-_.. n Y DeLoach Conrad____.__- ._.__. -,- . . 1 _ "£I Evans __._.__- "_ _ . - 5; <;q1,______/-_ upctf, U 1 ._= ,1 Rosen i_____ g ; " ' . v Sullivan _.._____. 1 I/f :1 ...___i 92./ 1 L ""5 :*<,_,,§i 92,. 92 . 92,_ _ v _e 1 1 _ f _ 1; l v' .*

92. /O Ir. I. ¢.lulliwan August 88, 1963

-1.. . _ > _; _, .._1_,.. _lelnont_ =~>_~¢ -:.=4.,=;»,.- -..-....1 _ -_ ;»- --*-. F . - . >- _ * » ~ ..~ =- .-.;;_;_ -.-,,_ . -,~ - __ '_ ... - - . -_~.~1-".1.>_ "' -a." 4 n-:""I--- ".~ '21-' ,"*:-' . _. '-<7. .. .---2 --~-,1.-4;-¢_ ', .=.-'.1¢-- ..'- "";~'' ":7" Sullivan * * an-zou or mud -xlrrnnn. nammr - no: o-~ I2?" . ' "3 .- .92-__. -_; '

¢ .$:''U ,1

-_ . - v Dy airtel dated I/18/68 Ian Antonie turniehed a to the E

~ .-§_q;'__:'.'; 3,,_,"* ,59'~~_ I f..;~$1 I» 7.§~--*.*- ,Iew ' ;5-Y" inetructed to determine {Q31-L-TL -::~ T-- ~ ~>§'in. p,. - - Io intonation has been received tron any other aourcee indicating1 that Lieton ie in any way connectedwith the I01. 92.¢._ ab he I0! ie an all-Iegro, antiwhite, aeaireligioue cult which I .;_ .-92' _-4...». . --' preaches hatredoi all white aen. It ia currently under investigation -1g.' J with Chicago an ottice oi origin. .- - g In view oi the above, the intorntion regarding the alleged IO! neaberahip oi Lilton in not being diaaeminated. . *- . F ._ ' - . . I 1" n;,....l'* ICTIOII: Ior in£oraation._.- ~ "=11"-'I e» . ' '» _§_.»f;"'§i ._ >l_'; ".92:a=:sea-r1- » _ A d 0 -_ ~_ ' ' [+- 163-1215 Charles"Bonny" um.! /é3 j L-E b-7C, .-r:~~=-,r+="r"§*T:'*-,?¥1ED 191NOT _ R1f}:_c_"s?;I}§lU 301963AUG __$EP,5-A-J~7 ii.;"?1.--.n;92'n1992§a.0;:&BfZ¬i55-"13Y°3<3 ]_%3¬Y:5!5,,&;'f".'§1TAHf§g§'g?;,3 ~---'~"-- " """"

.- < r 5,3 R» ,' 1.,» f?;.f'- I-0----_---II-P ..... éf. -92 , . _92 :. v Mr. '1:-lsrm___._. » O-36 < {non :--X3-Sal V» M oi!_ Mr. Br-lmont___ Mr. M-11!! ..__..._. Mr. Cnsr-r~1._.__._.. Mr. CnH.1h.92n __.... Mr. .nr.r.'ul.__._ 92 FBI Mr. T'v!,'-av- Mr. I-Tv:1ns._._._ 2-10 24/ DMe= e/23/sa M11!. ]§r!,<4-Q ______Mr. Sulliv:".n_.Q..4 Mr. Tavol Transmit the iollowinq in V Typein plain text or code! M r, '1,-¢,g¢,@,-_____

ae Vic _._____AlRZEL , ALE HAIL ;é§e Poritjor Iethod 0/ Hailing! K v-_

-#% o::~f%§ .' " K Tcle. Runrn ._....._.. 1+.» ' - 92-.'.~.".-T! ?:é7oR, FBI %-eaae4a+' _ Miss Hr»1mcs..__.. Miss G:mdy.___.. FROM: SAC, SAP! A1»T'.'P<'IO 00-9191! P! 361 ggég<§§ i Q RE: NATION or ISLAM, formerly 3?? .5 . known as the Muslim . C ult of I S lam Ayn, gg @CQ5Tn§HED' *-; " aka . ; I IS NQI C-~-"-I {SH -

'!~. ! 00: Chicago Z Re San Antonio airtel dated 8/13/63 and Bureau ¬ airtel dated 8/19/63» ; Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are eight copies 31 j of a letterhead memorandum reflecting information received 92 the San Ant OX1io fice I» .4 __ W -~"§-. v~'§¢*vl 1' @§w i I ave a Chicago F? 92 r '1 Denver, New York, and Philadelphia offices, , C: :-,_.. 3 4 -:@!erz-.~..C -_ -u ._,-',;f:f£ . __< 92 {>17- 4*! E > l §:Bureau Enc, 8! AMRM! -92 - /"- 0 .". * 2-Chicago c ,/ vv <-~ 2-New York Enc. 2! los-2209! AMRM! 4 Abe v <; 2-Philadelphia Enc, 2! <25-zsosu! AMRM! 2-Denver Enc. 2! AM RM! H-San Antonio W -l00-9191! ,/43- /Cl 75 NOT RECORDED 3 92 {§:?1:> I 191 AUG 301962. 1/ I 4-750 Rev.4~l7-35! XXXXXX XXXXXX


FUIPA DELETED PAGE WFURMATIUN SHEET _L Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletedexemption under4 s! withsegregable no material available for release to you. D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. E] lnfomiation pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. E] Documents originatedwith anotherGovernment agency ies!.These documentswere referredto that agency ies! forreview anddirect responseto you.

Pages containinformation furnishedby another Government agency ies!'.You willbe advisedby theFBI as to thereleasability ofthis informationfollowing ourconsultation withthe otheragency ies!.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:

E] For your information: T f2owiis tobe r Er used referencerefrding pages: these


FSI/DO-J »'2 4 I - U13 92 92 Q Q _ - 92Q v '


- 1:'5':'~ ' =31 *1" T . :1: »,i..,. The N01 is an all-Negro organization which was origianlly organized in 1930 in Detroit, Michigan. Muhammad claims to have been selected by Allah, the Supreme Being, to bad the so~called Negro race out of slavery in the wilder ness of North America by establishing an independent black nation in the United States. Members following Muhammad's teaching and his interpretation of the "Koran" believe there is no such thing as a Negro; that the so-called _ _,,., Negroes are slaves of the white race, referred to as "white devils," in the United States; and that the white race, because of its exploitation of the so=called Negroes, must and will be destroyed in the approaching "War of Armageddon." In the past, officials and members of the NOI, including Muhammad, have refused to register under the provisions of the Selective Service Acts and have declared that members owe no allegiance to the United States.

Q'_ 92n-~"9292;_ » .

»._-.> -

"'__-vv V .-5 -3-pq t-~.

_;/ 0 _ i .~-#1 _ . _ 4 92_>._ ,¢= »' a ,' " . 92j>92- - 1 I ' ll jv; r. . =7: .1" AFD W:-12* War" UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 8. 1llRep!y.Ple¢0eRd¢l0 u HIQNQ. San Antonio, Texas August 23, 1983

:.~ ~_

;%- Title , formerly _-J._ _'. A known as the Muslim Cult of »r ~- <_;:.,~ Islam

__: ... Ln!. _. _,,_ Character

3 Reference San Antonio memorandum dated Ian and captioned as above. ..-.=

All sources except any listed below! whose -vi.;v_ -. .-4 identities are concealed in referenced memorandum have '" =2 -4.1,-' P: furnished reliable information in the past. -as . -?§~'~T " .1 ::_


.3?, -. s so* .3 ._

92 <~» .4'~A

_ 1 .-.

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions - of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency, . luv nah tumor: 3 I on aw. uc. no. :1 ';__VL w -rolson UNITEDSTATESOVERNMENT , . 92 B°° ' 0 C as Memorandum . ~ uhon A onrud To = MR. TROTTER .. DATE: 3/12/64 L De 53:5ouch Sullivan _..._.-- Tove! ___._.,-- Trotter ____._.--a A Tele. Room ..-v Hclmes .___-» _{/' FROM = R. C. Andersol Candy __..._._-»

svBJE¢T= cgymnms gsfron FBI #272 '26? B IDENTIFICATION MATTER '_P92-a». _ {.395v. Local newspapers of recent date have devoted considerable space to the arrest oi Liston, former heavyweight champion, by the Denver Police Department. - lvb =2 -. -..

Liston's record indicates he was received in the State Penitentiary,

l-Xni Jefferson City, Missouri, on 6/ 1/ 50 on charge of robbery with dangerous weapon to serve five years and wasgparoled 10/30/52. Additionally, he received nine months in the City Workhouse, St. Louis, Missouri, on 1/28/5'7 after plea of guilty to charge of assault to kill. Liston was also arrested on ve other occasions by the Police Department, St. Louis, on charges of investigation, *1: 4::' AI_-. suspicion of larceny, gambling and strong arm. He did not receive any sentences '.'~-- as result of these arrests. His last arrest was by the Police Department, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6/12/61 on charge of impersonating an officer--no _,_ disposition. ~ .¢ ._S .~. RECOMMENDATIOQT; -ALL MQN ;gNTA!tiED L§'_" . , r92 " K J F-. J"P _ -.R. Information. W .92 §L92§..;t.; %I " 7 9_ / '! ¢

-, . . ¢5MAR 18 1964

v Y, r"/- 4",

I __'_:-- ~ _" . _ _.' I ,/W-._~.-,r_¢:: >- 6-. 1.- 1/ /,.-' - I. Y ' ;______--- ._ 92 I,/*'

3 UNITED STATESc:q!v1:-:15"-;;,.1t'r " . / mn¢Hohr ____-- _L._-- Cos r - lahun Memoranzn Q Conrad 'ro- Mr.Belmony/éf May nun:8',1964 W-EvansDeL0uc K ll ulllvun __--- HOM = c . A. u Evans Tuvel _____._- Trotter ,__,__.__- 'I'-l-_ 44v92- ¢ ' 65 smqscn_ CAOSIUS CLAY SONNY LISTON /_[ nmvvwnxenw CHAMPIONSHIP nmwrcn INFORMATION CONCERNING


.. .3 .<':~;,=¢-~=~- -" 55 -

..;} ACTION: 5;. -

Denver is attempting to determine if the information on the proposed "fix" of the charges against Liston can be disseminated Y!"I "1. discreetly to local authorities to forestall such a "fix" being_made. £.~._.~~ 1:' 1.;_e - K . ' ' . -. ~._»_v-- -_ | '3-uni ___.._ >-1..;§="_§_~ v_.. NOT RF ED 2 MAY 1. 1954 ._:.;¢'_. 4 4. _- ..n is "X1.- 17° MAY 1964 -E » 7 331-. ALL l1lF§*i~1i;"J§??!CQPTAINED' --""""> L, 45;, -':1: :- .- K.Y, HERiii:":1l;5 BY"F n , ,__ ;,4;// 0*?! ._.>....--.19-__-:-',-__. 21/ 92 I , $ 1gr. qh 1 COPY SENTTo MR.'lOLSON 92 *1

¢ i I I

1 1 K I 92 .w 1"

- »-.: -__ _,_-,._ emovuu.an nulemon " no. 92a I-cu_ some-we . .. / nu coo.no. no.11 _ Q T Q1son s ' Belmont ______UNITEDSTATES GOLKRNMENT » _ _ ,,* G5 , Mohr Memorandum » e » SI -as W?- "uni an-.Be nt 1>m==s, June 1954 AC&§k~ °M =c. A. xv3 1 / ALL lNFORW=T920NcormuwM 3J~;%:°°' $1°T="soNNY'Q.1s-ro1PA caaanns I F22eve Cg. 5-7Q ' ..- D -as : 2 On the night of larch l0, 1964, former heavyweight champion 8onny_Liston.vas arrested by a Denver, Cblorado police patrolman and at 76 miles district.



weapon, reckless 1'_;_ -: He entered a plea of not guilty and trial was set for -'.< June 9, 1964, in Denver Municipal Court. Liston was permitted to remain at liberty on bond pending trial.

P ax: 92 On Hay 29,1964, Liston appeared before ;¥§ Dandrivi and D:éDiamond carryingand a concealed afterentering a plea receivedof guilty finesto s ; ¢v " *6: the judge as making the .:' following comments during the ou have been an idol of ~-is mine --- I know you have been "Y afternoon but your %~ ..,, presence herewas necessary. These could involve a Jail .. sentence and l.Ianted to be sure you understand your rights." - '"-12%; 1,4..- According to the news article, after Diamond assessed thefines he -.a|». 92 "iv made the following additional comment toListon: "Hr. Liston, God 1 . - *=-.-=1"-.. love you and bless you in your future. I'm sorrythis had to happen. _-. 4. ~. -T-mumsen. y ,BEC-1/Q3,/;75}¢! Hr. Belmont xiii,- " Hr. ' 11 JUN 25 Hfi W ,4 W Hemorandmn to Ir Belmont Be Charles "Bonny" Liston

.§¬§ ~t;92w. ..,.,_9r.


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