Steeple Langford - Census 1851

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Steeple Langford - Census 1851 Steeple Langford - Census 1851 le u d e Address Surname Given Names Position Status Age Sex Year Born Occupation Place of Birth Notes h c S 1 Manor House Farm Swayne John Pile Head Widower 65 M 1786 Farmer Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Elizabeth P Daughter Unmarried 35 F 1816 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Sarah Daughter Unmarried 33 F 1818 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Thomas P Son Unmarried 29 M 1822 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Emily Daughter Unmarried 27 F 1824 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Martha Daughter Unmarried 24 F 1827 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Frances Daughter Unmarried 22 F 1829 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne Henrietta Daughter Unmarried 18 F 1833 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Swayne John P Son Unmarried 16 M 1835 Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Mitchell Jane Servant Unmarried 15 F 1836 House Servant Steeple Langford 1 Manor House Farm Chalk Mary Servant Unmarried 19 F 1832 House Servant Downton, Wilts 1 Manor House Farm Diaper William Servant Unmarried 15 M 1836 House Servant Steeple Langford 2 Farm House Swayne Thomas Head Widower 69 M 1782 Farmer Steeple Langford 2 Farm House Spier Emma Step-Daughter Unmarried 41 F 1810 Steeple Langford 2 Farm House Liversuch Ellen Servant Unmarried 21 F 1830 House Servant Stapleford, Wilts 2 Farm House Shergold Harriett Servant Unmarried 19 F 1832 House Servant Shrewton, Wilts 3 Steeple Langford Giles James Head Married 50 M 1801 Steeple Langford 3 Steeple Langford Giles Ann Wife Married 43 F 1808 Harness Maker Amesbury, Wilts 3 Steeple Langford Giles Ann K Daughter Unmarried 23 F 1828 Newton Toney, Wilts 3 Steeple Langford Giles Elizabeth I Daughter Unmarried 17 F 1834 Durnford, Wilts 3 Steeple Langford Bryant James Apprentice Unmarried 14 M 1837 Harness Maker Apprentice Wishford, Wilts 4 Steeple Langford Newbery Mary Head Widow 74 F 1777 Keeper of Post Office Codford St Peter 4 Steeple Langford Figgins Elizabeth Daughter Married 47 F 1804 Needlewoman Steeple Langford 5 Steeple Langford Blewden Elizabeth Head Unmarried 56 F 1795 Living of family means Steeple Langford 6 Steeple Langford Collins Edward Head Married 47 M 1804 Blacksmith Shrewton, Wilts 6 Steeple Langford Collins Mary Wife Married 43 F 1851 Pitton, Wilts 6 Steeple Langford Collins John Son Unmarried 16 M 1835 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 6 Steeple Langford Collins Anne M Daughter 10 F 1841 Steeple Langford 6 Steeple Langford Collins Susannah I Daughter 6 F 1845 Steeple Langford 6 Steeple Langford Collins George Son 5 M 1846 Steeple Langford 6 Steeple Langford Collins Sarah Daughter 5 F 1846 Steeple Langford 7 Steeple Langford Stevens Thomas Head Married 36 M 1815 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 7 Steeple Langford Stevens Elizabeth Wife Married 34 F 1817 Steeple Langford 7 Steeple Langford Stevens Martha Daughter 11 F 1851 Steeple Langford 7 Steeple Langford Stevens Annabella Daughter 9 F 1842 Steeple Langford 7 Steeple Langford Stevens Ann Daughter 4 F 1847 Steeple Langford 8 Steeple Langford Doughty Elizabeth Head Widow 50 F 1801 Letting Furnished tenants Nettlecombe, Somerset 8 Steeple Langford Dimmer Ann Servant Unmarried 16 F 1835 House Servant Little Langford 8 Steeple Langford Newman Alfred Lodger Unmarried 26 M 1825 Police Constable Downton, Wilts 8 Steeple Langford Straton Alexander Lodger 35 M 1816 In General Practice Scotland 9 Steeple Langford King George Head Married 57 M 1794 Gardener Denton, Wilts ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2015/Ian Mankin Steeple Langford - Census 1851 9 Steeple Langford King Ann Wife Married 57 F 1794 Winterbourne Stoke, Wilts 10 Steeple Langford Williams Charles Head Married 55 M 1796 Ag Lab Maddington, Wilts 10 Steeple Langford Williams Sarah Wife Married 55 F 1796 Fisherton Delamere, Wilts 11 Steeple Langford Giles Robert Head Married 29 M 1822 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 11 Steeple Langford Giles Lucy Wife Married 27 F 1824 Salisbury, Wilts 11 Steeple Langford Giles Thomas Son 8 M 1843 Steeple Langford 11 Steeple Langford Giles Louisa Daughter 5 F 1846 Steeple Langford 11 Steeple Langford Giles William Son 2 M 1849 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston John Head Married 43 M 1808 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Susannah Wife Married 41 F 1810 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Ann Daughter 15 F 1836 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Elizabeth Daughter 11 F 1840 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Emily Daughter 6 F 1845 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Sarah Daughter 3 F 1848 Steeple Langford 12 Steeple Langford Weston Ellen Daughter 0 F 1851 Steeple Langford 13 Steeple Langford Weston William Head Married 77 M 1774 Retailer of Beer Steeple Langford 13 Steeple Langford Weston Elizabeth Wife Married 76 F 1775 Steeple Langford 13 Steeple Langford Weston William Son Unmarried 38 M 1813 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins Henry Head Married 41 M 1810 Ag Lab Winterbourne Stoke, Wilts 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins Jane Wife Married 39 F 1812 Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins Thomas Son Unmarried 19 M 1832 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins Henry Son Unmarried 17 M 1834 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins George Son 13 M 1838 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins James Son 11 M 1840 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins William Son 8 M 1843 Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Wilkins Jane Daughter 3 F 1848 Steeple Langford 14 Steeple Langford Giles Edwin Relative 8 M 1843 Scholar Lyndhurst, Hants 14 Steeple Langford Humphries John Lodger Unmarried 52 M 1799 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 16 Steeple Langford Furnell Isaac Head Married 45 M 1806 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 16 Steeple Langford Furnell Sarah Wife Married 38 F 1813 Crockerton, Wilts 16 Steeple Langford Furnell Joseph Son 7 M 1844 Steeple Langford 16 Steeple Langford Munday William Lodger Widower 66 M 1785 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 17 Steeple Langford Noke Thomas Head Widower 52 M 1799 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 17 Steeple Langford Noke Fanny Daughter Unmarried 21 F 1830 Steeple Langford 17 Steeple Langford Noke William Son Unmarried 18 M 1833 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 18 Steeple Langford Marshall Philip Head Married 44 M 1807 Ag Lab Berwick St James, Wilts 18 Steeple Langford Marshall Luana Wife Married 47 F 1804 Wishford, Wilts 18 Steeple Langford Marshall David Son 11 M 1840 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 18 Steeple Langford Marshall Hannah Daughter 9 F 1842 Steeple Langford 18 Steeple Langford Marshall James Son 6 M 1845 Steeple Langford 18 Steeple Langford Collins William Lodger Married 24 M 1827 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 18 Steeple Langford Collins Maria Wife Married 24 F 1827 Workerwoman Fisherton Delamere, Wilts 19 Steeple Langford Perrior William Head Married 66 M 1785 Shoemaker Wylye, Wilts 19 Steeple Langford Perrior Sarah Wife Married 66 F 1785 North Mundham, Sussex ©Wiltshire OPC Project/2015/Ian Mankin Steeple Langford - Census 1851 19 Steeple Langford Perrior Martha Daughter Unmarried 26 F 1825 Steeple Langford 19 Steeple Langford Perrior Martha A Grand-daughter 0 F 1851 Steeple Langford 20 Steeple Langford Mitchell John Head Married 52 M 1799 Carpenter Steeple Langford 20 Steeple Langford Mitchell Elizabeth Wife Married 59 F 1792 Shrewton, Wilts 20 Steeple Langford Mitchell Charles Son Unmarried 22 M 1829 Carpenter Steeple Langford 20 Steeple Langford Mitchell John Son Unmarried 20 M 1831 Carpenter Steeple Langford 20 Steeple Langford Mitchell Emily Daughter Unmarried 17 F 1834 Seamstress Steeple Langford 21 Steeple Langford Smith Sarah Head Widow 35 F 1816 Pauper Steeple Langford 21 Steeple Langford Smith Thomas Son 8 M 1843 Steeple Langford 21 Steeple Langford Smith William Son 6 M 1845 Steeple Langford 22 Steeple Langford Spurway William B Head Married 26 M 1825 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 22 Steeple Langford Spurway Elizabeth Wife Married 28 F 1823 Stapleford, Wilts 22 Steeple Langford Spurway Mary C Daughter 1 F 1850 Steeple Langford 23 Steeple Langford Dredge Solomon Head Unmarried 44 M 1807 Farmer Steeple Langford 23 Steeple Langford Harris Ann M Visitor Widow 33 F 1818 Long Ashton, Wilts 23 Steeple Langford Harris George Visitor 3 M 1848 Salisbury, Wilts 23 Steeple Langford Blake Mary A Servant Unmarried 18 F 1833 Servant South Newton, Wilts 23 Steeple Langford Marshall Solomon D Nephew 12 M 1839 Winterbourne Earls, Wilts 23 Steeple Langford Diaper Sidney Visitor 4 F 1847 Steeple Langford 23 Steeple Langford Diaper Rebecca Servant Married 43 F 1808 Servant Steeple Langford 24 Steeple Langford Sparey Herbert Head Married 60 M 1791 Pauper Steeple Langford 24 Steeple Langford Sparey Sarah Wife Married 56 F 1795 Pauper Steeple Langford 25 Steeple Langford Blake Stephen Head Married 29 M 1822 Ag Lab South Newton, Wilts 25 Steeple Langford Blake Eliza Wife Married 39 F 1812 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 25 Steeple Langford Weston William Son 11 M 1840 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell William Head Married 37 M 1814 Ag Lab Wylye, Wilts 26 Steeple Langford Seawell Eliza Wife Married 34 F 1817 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell James Son 15 M 1836 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell Jane Daughter 13 F 1838 Ag Lab Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell Mary Daughter 11 F 1840 Scholar Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell John Son 9 M 1842 Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell Harriett Daughter 7 F 1844 Steeple Langford 26 Steeple Langford Seawell Marta Daughter 4 F 1847 Steeple Langford 27 Steeple Langford Carter John Head Married 63 M 1788
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