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Vebraalto.Com BUILDING PLOT FOR SALE Land to the rear of 196 Croston Road, Farington Moss, Leyland, PR26 6PP BUILDING PLOT WITH OUTLINE CONSENT FOR DETACHED BUNGALOW ■ Favourable village centre position ■ Outline consent for detached bungalow ■ Will include gardens and car parking space ■ Full and final design to purchaser's specification Offers in the region of £70,000 Land to the rear of 196 Croston Road, Farington Moss, Leyland, PR26 6PP Description Tenure Compact but rare and favourably located building plot The site is believed to be freehold and free from rent with outline planning consent for the construction of a charge. Purchaser's legal advisors must of course detached bungalow with car parking space. Full details check title documentation and planning consents. of the planning permission can be found within the South Ribble Borough Council planning portal under Asking Price reference number 07/2018/9678/OUT. Offers around £70,000 are invited. Location All prices quoted are exclusive of, but may be subject The site is located just off Croston Road within a central to, VAT at the standard rate. position in the Farington Moss area of Leyland. Croston Road connects Lostock Hall in the north to Leyland Plans & Photographs Town Centre. The position is convenient for local Photographs and plans are provided specifically for amenities and facilities and very close to the A582 illustration and identification purposes only. They are not bypass with good links to the A6, M65 and M6 to scale and should therefore not be relied upon by motorways. The position is approximately 5 miles from interested parties. Preston City Centre, 3 miles from Leyland and just over Viewing Arrangements 9 miles from Chorley. Strictly by appointment with the sole agent, Garside Waddingham 01772 201117. For identification purposes, the plot is more particularly indicated on the plan attached. Misdescription Act These details, whilst believed to be correct, do not form Planning any part of an offer or contract. Purchasers should not Outline planning consent (under reference rely on them as statements or representation of fact. No 07/2018/9678/OUT) has been obtained for the person in this firm’s employment has authority to make construction of a single-storey detached dwelling. The or give any representation or warranty in respect of the property will have frontage to, and vehicular access property. No appliances or installations have been from, Lowerfield, just off Croston Road. Full details of tested. All measurements are approximate. the planning can be obtained from the agent or direct via South Ribble Council's planning portal. Unit B1 Pittman Court Pittman Way, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 9ZG Tel: 01772 201117 Fax: 01772701498 Web: Email: [email protected].
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