Helston Chiropody and Podiatry Practice

Corns, Calluses and Cracked Heels Ingrowing Nails Verrucae Heel Pain Fungal Nail Infection Forefoot Pain Athletes Foot Gait Related Problems Lower Limb sports Injuries Shin Splints

First Floor, 10 Coinagehall St, (via Coinage Ope), TR13 8EB. Tel no. 01326 564671




Team Rector Canon David Miller, St Michael’s Rectory Church Lane, Helston, (572516) Email [email protected] Asst Priest Revd. Dorothy Noakes, 6 Tenderah Road, Helston (573239) Reader [Helston] Mrs. Betty Booker 6, Brook Close, Helston (562705)


Churchwardens Mr. Peter Jewell, 47 Saracen Way, Penryn, TR10 8PS (376948) Mr John Boase 11,Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ (01326 573200) Organist Mr Richard Berry Treasurer Mrs Nicola Boase 11 Cross Street, Helston TR13 8NQ 01326 573200 PCC Secretary Mrs Amanda Pyers


Churchwardens Mrs. Anne Veneear, 4 Tenderah Road, Helston (569328) Mr. Bevan Osborne, East Holme, Ashton, TR13 9DS (01736 762349) Organist Mrs. Anne Veneear, -as above. Treasurer Mr Bevan Osborne, - as above PCC Secretary Mrs. Henrietta Sandford, Trelubbas Cottage, Lowertown, Helston TR13 0BU (565297)


Clergy Rest Days; Revd. David Miller Friday Revd. Dorothy Noakes Thursday Betty Booker Friday

(Please try to respect this)


The Rectory, Church Lane Helston

April/May 2017

Dear Everyone ,

Easter and Flowers

I write this magazine article to you as Helston Churchyard looks as beautiful as ever in Spring. The magnolia is acting as a wonderful canopy over the main steps into the churchyard. The churchyard itself is adorned with the richest assortment of crocuses, primroses and daffodils, to mention just a few of the flowers on show. The flowers at Wendron Church are also appearing together with the beautiful yew tree planted by the late Alan Rowe, former churchwarden of Wendron, which is doing very well. Plants and flowers can create a message which complements any words that are used. Say it with flowers, so the saying goes.When we do it is very powerful. Particular flowers are associated with different festivals. Violets and daffodils for Mothering Sunday, Lilies for Easter, Lily of the Valley,Bluebells and Gorse for Flora Day. St John's Wort and Michaelmas Daisy were meant to come into flower close to or on the festivals they are called after.St John the Baptist's Day is June 24th and Michaelmas is September 29th. The rich red of peonies and the bright red of gladioli are both sometimes used at Pentecost. Both are the colour of flame, symbolising the fire of God's Holy Spirit touching the apostles and all others waiting for the Spirit to come in a fresh outpouring that first Day of Pentecost. Inside church the contrast between the plainness of Lent with no flowers except on Mothering Sunday and the abundance of flowers on Easter Sunday can be quite dramatic. We celebrate the living Lord 4 Jesus who has burst from the tomb of death, which could not hold him.One way we do it is with flowers, often planted as seeds or bulbs, which burst through the soil and celebrate the lengthening of days with new life. Thank you to our loyal team of flower arrangers in both churches who beautify the buildings we worship in considerably by their efforts. This week is the last week when Nigel and Angie are running the New Inn, nearly next door to Wendron Church Thank you to Angie as a flower arranger and thank you to both of you for all the good you have done and the community life you have promoted these last ten years that you have been running the pub.We will miss you.

With every good wish for the remainder of Lent and for a joyful Easter.

David Miller,

Rector of Helston and Wendron


Services at St Michael’s 1st Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 All-age Worship with Holy Communion 2nd -5th Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 Parish Communion(CW) Monday to Thursday 9.00 Morning Prayer

Thursday 9.30 Holy Communion

Evening & other Services:-as advertised in the Pew- slip

Services at Wendron 1st Sunday 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion (CW) 2nd Sunday 10.30a.m Morning Worship 3rd - 5 th Sunday 10.30a.m Holy Communion (CW) Other Services:-as announced in the Sunday Pew-slip

Services for Holy Week, Easter & Ascension Day See diary on page 28, or watch pew slip and website www.stmichaelschurchhelston.org.uk

Flag days for April/May

16 th April…………Easter Day 21 st April…………Birthday of HM The Queen 23 rd April…………St George 25 th April…………St Mark

1st May……………St Philip & St James 6th May……………Helston Flora Day 14 th May………… St Mathias 25 th May………….Ascension Day

6 From The Registers Baptisms “ May they evermore dwell in Him, & He in them”

Helston Wendron

St Michael’s Register Harry David Peter Campbell Details not available- Lily Frances Hughes To be included in next issue


Helston Wendron


Funerals “May they Rest in Peace, Rise in Glory & evermore surround us with their love ”

Helston Wendron

Barbara Tregonning Mary Barnett *********

In Memoriam- WW1 victims - 100 years ago

Thomas John Chewoeth died 23/4/1917 Aged 23 Private1st Battalion Duke of ’s Light Infantry ------Basil Raymond Noel Granville died 23/4/1917 Aged 23 Captain 7 th Battalion Royal Fusiliers ------Greater love hath no man than these

That a man lay down his life for his friends.

As with all the local WW1 Service personnel who gave their lives in WW1, the St Michael’s Church bell will toll 100 times at 11am on the anniversary of their deaths


On Tuesday 26 th January, Melanie Howes came to the Mothers’ Union to speak about “Dementia Friends”of which she is a trained volunteer. It is a social action movement that supports & understands those with the disease. The five key points she made were:- 1. Dementia is not a normal part of ageing 2. It is caused by a disease of the brain 3. A common type is Alzheimer’s, one of over 100 types of Dementia. 4. Alzheimer’s is slow in progressing. All types of Dementia are progressive 5. Dementia can cause memory loss. Perception can be affected, communication is difficult. One in fourteen are likely to have some kind of dementia. It is possible to live with dementia & there is more to a person than dementia. Information can be accessed via U-Tube ‘The Bookcase Analogy’ Finally we were given an exercise as to how many steps it takes to make a cup of tea. It is thought that it would take up to seventeen steps for a person with dementia to do this simple task.

An enlightening lecture ended with a Vote of Thanks from our leader & prayers from Rev David. ------At our next meeting on 23 rd March, Rev Dorothy read “The Season of Lent” by Dennis Bretcher. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, a time of introspection, self examination, repentance, with elements of fasting, thanksgiving, prayer & visits. Formerly a time of preparation for baptism at the Easter Vigil when a whole community would support those preparing for Baptism. In some cultures, e.g Brazil & Trinidad, the three days before Ash Wednesday, Shrovetide, is Mardigras or Carnival time. In the early church ashes were used to mark the forehead of penitents. Now it is extended to the whole congregation emphasising the consequences of sin. During Lent the colour of sanctuary linen changes to purple symbolising the pain of crucifixion, the colour of 8 royalty. Some church’s use unbleached muslin or grey for mourning. During Holy Week a large cross is erected, draped in purple or black. Sometimes used as a prayer cross, these burnt at the time of the stations of the cross The fourth Sunday in Lent is Mothering Sunday, a day off to visit Mothers by young people with long working hours when distances from home were great. Palm Sunday is a time of expectation leading to Easter Sunday when we reflect on out Lent Pilgrimage, a time to respond afresh, a call to repent & allow grace to transform us.

Francis M Searle for Mothers Union

******** The Ultimate Kitchen Garden

For the garden of your daily living

Plant three rows of peas; 1. Peas of mind 2. Peas of heart 3. Peas of soul Plant three rows of turnips 1. Turnip for meetings Plant four rows of squash; 2. Turnip for service 1. Squash gossip 3. Turnip to help one another 2. Squash indifference 3. Squash grumbling Plant three rows of thyme 4. Squash selfishness 1. Thyme for each other 2. Thyme for family Plant four rows of lettuce; 3. Thyme for friends 1. Lettuce be faithful 2. Lettuce be kind Water freely with patience, 3. lettuce be patient cultivate with love and there 4. Lettuce really love one will be much fruit in your another garden because you reap what you sow


Once again we're asking for your help for Flora Day on Saturday 6th May 2017, when St Michael's will provide all-day refreshments in the Andrew Hall. Flora Day is on a Saturday again, so we look forward to welcoming lots of people. This is a wonderful social event, and a good fund-raiser for the church, as we usually make over £1,000 on the day. We need your help to make this a successful day, so please think about what you can do. We encourage people to bake cakes & buns, and prepare sandwiches & savouries. We need plenty of people to help on the day, serving food and drinks, and washing up. It's always a lovely friendly atmosphere so do come and join us, so that it isn't always the same willing volunteers. We know that most of you like to be out watching the dances, but please see if you can offer an hour of your time to help out. There will be lists in Church from mid April, asking for offers of your time and talents.

Thank you very much. - Heather (563706) and Jean

Mobile 07795463149 email [email protected]


Crossword Puzzle

Answers Page 21

Across 7 Bigger (6) 8 having charge of a diocese (6) 10 eg Rome or Lisbon (7) 11 Mother-in-law of Ruth (5) 12 Garden home of Adam and Eve (4) 13 Christian symbol (5) 17 She _____ no-one (Zeph 3.2) (5) 18 Description of the horse ridden by 3 across in Revelation ch. 6 (4) 22 ..they _____ the winepresses (Job 24.11) (5) 23 City where the disciples were first called Christians in Acts ch. 11 (7) 24 Country (6) 25 More hallowed (6)

Down 1 Darken (7) 2 Fell like the bindings on Samson’s hands in Judges ch. 15 (7) 3 A king’s wrath is its messenger, according to Proverbs ch. 16 (5) 4 Animal whose cubs are scattered in Job ch. 4 (7) 5 Fire an arrow like Jehoash in 2 Kings ch. 13 (5) 6 24 across whose 10 across is Madrid (5) 9 Priest (9) 14 Angel of the Abyss in Revelation ch. 9 (7) 15 Included in the canon of the bible (7) 16 Ropes for fastening animals (7) 19 ..the basin with its _____ (Ex 31.9) (5) 20 God (5) 21 ..observe them on the delivery _____ (Ex 1.16) (5)

11 There’s always something going on for the whole family The team at Trenance, near Mullion, have the envious task of producing chocolates for a living. Watch from the viewing gallery, try a sample in the shop & then be tempted to make your own selection from a large range of hand-made chocolates 01326 241499- trenancechocolate.co.uk but there’s lots more besides chocolates…..

An all-weather attraction for all ages!

12 St Michael’s at the Guildhall

Please note that on the last Monday of each month, St Michael’s has a table at the Guildhall with displays and a raffle. Members of the congregation have been very generous in donating raffle prizes and we urge people to tell their friends and come along if they’re able. As usual Deb is there with her jewellery and refreshments; also Karen with hand made bunting , cards etc. Hope to see you on March 26 th and /or April 24 th . Elizabeth Davis


Christian Aid Week 14 th – 20 th May 2017

Christian Aid was born out of the need to support refugees after the end of the Second World War. In 2017 we mark the 60 th Anniversary of Christian Aid Week and we will focus on the plight of Refugees today.

Christian Aid Envelopes will be distributed in the pews at Helston Central Methodist, St. Michael’s Church, and Wendron Church

House to House Collections House to House has diminished over the years but we still have a nucleus of dedicated collectors and several areas look forward to us calling. Please sign-up on the Schedule at the back of the Church if you would like to Collect – if you have a particular area not on the list please ask.

Thank you Susan Summers. 13 to Marjorie Holmes who celebrated a BIG birthday recently. Marjorie revealed to the St Michael’s congregation that she attributed her long life to drinking water, eating fish and walking. She has been a member of the St Michael’s congregation for longer than most people can remember, usually sitting at the back of the church Marjorie says she had three brothers & three sisters & the girls had to attend church three times each Sunday. She remembers how they had to change their best clothes each time they went home & change back again for the next service. She attended St Michael’s School in what is now the Andrew Hall from the age of 5 years. She also attended Mrs Hendy’s Bible class & is in the photgraph on the next page. Even then she was next to her friend Betty Tripp who she always sat next to in church until recently since Betty has been unable to make it to church. The two have been friends all their lives. Marjorie was confirmed when she was 16 & later married at St Michael’s by Rev Moon. In more recent times she worked for many years at the Helston Qxfam shop after it opened nearly 30 years ago

Lent Lunch in aid of the Kimbilio Mission to be held at the Guildhall on Wednesday 5 th April from12noon to 2pm No charge but donations please

Cake stall and Raffle

Everyone welcome A good place to meet your friends


Bible Class ( early 1940’s)

Back Row Josaphine Mathews, Mary Bokenshire, Betty Collins, Rev Moon, Left-right (nee Rowe) (nee Thomas) (nee Thomas) Sheila Burge Betty Tripp Marjorie Holmes (nee Kempthorne) (nee Lethbridge) (nee Stephens)

Front Row June Scott Irene Harper Mrs Hendy Unknown?? Left-right (nee Angove) (nee Donald) Sylvia Williams

15 A Message from Mustard Seed

by Jake Holyer . I’ve been involved in Mustard Seed ever since it was born in 1992 when some of the town’s youngsters were hanging around, or even sleeping, on the streets of Helston. The miracle that God wrought to help these people was amazing as Christians from different denominations came together to pray for guidance. We had the desire to welcome, and care for, people on the edges of society. At first we opened up the Guildhall on Sunday evenings, after church, and young people came in to enjoy refreshments, games and a ‘God Slot’ talk. Anne Moyle, to whom the vision of Mustard Seed had been given, (i.e. Christians coming together in prayer and joining together as God’s hands and feet) felt we needed our own place to develop this work. We looked for an empty premises and God pointed, through my mother, Heather, to a property with a flat upstairs; namely 16 Wendron Street. There was a slight problem! We had no money! So we prayed and, as the building was coming up for auction, we asked well-wishers to give us interest free loans, with which we could bid. Going, going, gone! This three storey building was now ours and, a little later, we were able to pay back the loans and purchase the next door ‘taxi office’, which is now the Foodbank supply point. Fast forward……………. I come into the Open Door Café daily to enjoy good food, friendship and fellowship. The café is partly run by students with learning disabilities. Mustard Seed helps them develop personal and catering skills and “enhances physical and spiritual well-being”. We provide a safe place that is open to everyone. The first Friday of every month, at 7.30am, anyone who has the desire meets together to pray for the project and other things happening in the world. This is followed by a free, cooked breakfast. This year, being our 25 th anniversary, we are thinking of ways to celebrate God’s

16 faithfulness in meeting so many needs. One idea was to suggest friends make a Lent offering (in a free, decorated jar) of 40 pence per day for 40 days. Another is to become a friend of Mustard Seed and regularly donate a monthly sum. We will have a photo display in the café during May and we would like it if more people from the church and wider community come in to ‘taste and see that the Lord is good’ in this very special place. Being visually impaired, I am helped by Mustard Seed just ‘being there’. People can see how it helps me and that the gifts God has given me (praying, chatting and sharing my faith) I am able to put into practice at the Mustard Seed. St Michael’s Connection Crossword 1 February/March 2017 .

The winner of an all-you-can-eat breakfast at the Maytree Restaurant was Sandra Chambers . As there were 12 correct entries, the names were entered in a draw. Congratulations to the following: Victoria Dower, Olive Allen, Amanda Pyers, Dianne Eddy, Barry Cornish, Mary Wellstead, Michael ?, Elizabeth Goodfellow, Sandra Chambers, Jean Williams, David Miller, Heather and Michael Thorn. Our thanks to Briege Thomas the crossword whiz who thought up this enjoyable puzzle the answers of which are as follows:-.

Across: 1 Spruce, 4 Daughter, 9 Ankara, 10 Ignorant, 11 Sunday, 12 Hat trick, 13 Don, 14 Island, 17 Sandbag, 21 Morose, 25 Egg, 26 Barracks, 27 Bonnet, 28 Cast-iron, 29 Ordain, 30 Serpents, 31 Chance. Down: 1 Starship, 2 Rekindle, 3 Curtains, 5 Afghan, 6 Grotto, 7 Tragic, 8 Retake, 12 Hot dogs, 15 Dab, 16 Jam, 18 Gomorrah, 19 Mountain, 20 Sentence, 22 Abacus, 23 Eraser, 24 Canine, 25 Eke out. The connection:- EASTER

17 St Michael’s Rota It would be a great help if anyone unable to attend on a particular Sunday would attempt to find a replacement for their duty.

April 2 nd – Lent 5 9th April – Palm Sunday Lay Asst, J Boase M G-Kane Epistle E Goodfellow Prayers D Barlow M Thomas Sidespeople J Lawrence/A Hearne S Chambers Offertory Junior Church N Boase Server M Searle N Boase Crucifer Nigel Sarah Coffee Amanda/Katherine H & M Thorne

th rd nd April 16 - Easter Day April 23 -2 of Easter Lay Asst, M Searle N Boase Epistle M Thorn H Thorn Prayers Clergy A Holyer Sidespeople L Martin/M Wellstead J Eddy Offertory M & S Prior S Roach Server Mandy Betty Crucifer Louise Mandy Coffee Mothers’ Union Congo Link Flowers All Nan & Kath

April 30 th – 3 rd of Easter May 7th – 4 th of Easter Lay Asst J Boase M G-Kane Epistle M Searle M Thomas Prayers M G-Kane M Thorn Sidespeople S Chambers K Bolland Offertory A Hearne/J Lawrence Junior Church Server M Searle N Boase Crucifer Ken Nigel

Coffee D & J Eddy Amanda & Katherine Flowers Janice & Di Felicity

See Notice board for remainder of May’s Rota 18 Wandering thoughts for Easter – from Tony Pudner

We are not yet into Lent as I write this but I discover Supermarkets have Easter eggs for sale already. They are all done up in their attractive packing ( more cardboard to recycle) to tempt me. But I am a careful shopper & I like chocolate, even in Lent. So I worked out that if I buy a plain bar I get far more chocolate than I do in an egg.

But of course, I’ll end up buying Easter eggs, if not for myself then perhaps for my wife, my children, my grandchildren, - after all Easter& eggs have always gone together- think of all the symbolism of eggs & new life. So come the day, off will come the wrapping & the light weight chocolate egg will be in hand & you’ll have to break into it. But what’s inside?

And that’s really the question about Easter isn’t it? That a chap called Jesus was crucified by the Romans is beyond doubt because that was the way they got rid of trouble-makers in those days & plenty went that way. They did on a Friday as a bit of a sop to the Jews because they didn’t like their Sabbath bloodied. But then came this tale of resurrection- whatever that word means- and some things in the world have never been the same since.

Studdert Kennedy (aka Woodbine Willie) the Army chaplain of WW1 wrote a poem entitled “Faith” He ends it with this verse

“So through the clouds of Calvary–there shines His face, and I believe that Evil dies, And Good lives on, loves on, and conquers all– All War must end in Peace. These clouds are lies. They cannot last. The blue sky is the Truth. For God is Love. Such is my Faith, and such My reasons for it, and I find them strong Enough. And you? You want to argue? Well,

I can’t. It is a choice. I choose the Christ.”

He seems to be saying we must all find out what’s inside our egg So let’s get cracking

19 Combined Churches Knitting Group

The Knitting Group meets once a month to gather together the knitted items which have been made at home each month. Some of us knit at the monthly gathering but we also enjoy a chat and a cup of tea

As you can see from the photograph, one of our knitters , Mrs Shirley Medlyn, has been very industrious. After two months she came with:- 16 Pom Pom hats 8 Fisherman Hats 7 Balaclavas which we thought was well worth mentioning in our Church Messenger.

We knit items for:The Karen Tribe in Burma, Hats for local fishermen (following a request from on Radio Cornwall) and also for Moldova Knee blankets are also knitted for the local Residential Homes in Helston and for Moldova Well done to all concerned and especially to Mrs Medlyn!!!

Trainee Reader.

Welcome to Esther Brown from St Bartholomew’s Church at who is training to be a Reader. She is currently on placement at St Michael’s and at St Wendrona’s and will be at both churches over the next few weeks

20 Paul Philips came across this piece of history connected with Wendron church

Cistercian Order & Wendron Church The Abbey at Rewley in were given the advowson of St Wendon church & its chapels before 1284 by Edmund and its tithes and glebe lands, Edward the Black Prince [1330 – 1376] added the advowson of lands at and its church and this was approved by the bishop... Advowson is the right in English law of a patron to present to the diocesan bishop a nominee for appointment to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice or church living, a process known as presentation. The word derives, via French, from the Latin advocare, from vocare “to call” plus ad, “to, towards”, thus a “summoning”. In effect, an advowson is the right to nominate a person to be parish priest.…

The motto on the coat of arms of the Cistercian Order, translated from Latin reads ‘Citeaux is our mother’

Crossword Answers from page 11

Across 7 Larger 8 Bishop 10 Capital 11 Naomi 12 Eden 13 Cross 17 Obeys 18 Pale 22 Tread 23 Antioch 24 Nation 25 Holier

Down 1 Blacken 2 Dropped 3 Death 4 Lioness 5 Shoot 6 Spain 9 Clergyman 14 Abaddon 15 Canonic 16 Tethers 19 Stand 20 Deity 21 Stool

21 Hi Folks! What have you been doing for Lent?

You may think this is a bit of a cheeky question for your Canine Correspondent to ask but the fact is that I’ve had a pretty penitential time myself as I’ve been on retreat. My master went swanning off around the globe and left me in kennels for two & a half weeks. In dog time that’s a lot more than forty days and forty nights & it wasn’t nearly so comfortable there as I’m used to at home. I’m not sure whether all this sacrifice has made me into a better character but the plain truth is I don’t want to think that you humans are getting off the hook!!

So I have a suggestion…. If you haven’t given up your sweets or fags (or whatever)… how about taking up Jake’s suggestion on page 16 and giving 40p per day to Mustard Seed… 40p per day – that’s less than the cost of my dog food! Alternatively you could give it to Kimbilio or Christian Aid (see pages 13&14) which would help to feed all those poor hungry people that we see on the tele’ who I bet would be really pleased even to eat my Winalot.. Makes you think doesn’t it?

Anyway, I hope you will respond generously as I don’t want to think that all that time I had for reflection in those kennels has been in vain.

Have a Happy Easter – Watson

The answers to last months quiz were as follows:-

1.Par 2.Looe 3.Mousehole 4., 5.St Michael’s Mount 6. Brill 7. 8.Constantine 9.Rock 10,Helford 11.Sandplace (near Looe) 12. 13,Grampound 14. 15. 16.Doublebois 17. 18.Summercourt 19.Lizard 20.Falmouth

(I had a few alternative answers but these were the ones I was given by the person who gave me the quiz. Sorry, I’m still not sure how they got the answer to 4 but nobody supplied anything better.) Thank you to the various folk who sent in their answers.

22 This Month’s Prize Easter Quiz

This month’s quiz is a hymn quiz which usually seems to be fairly popular. It is all very straightforward- all you have to do is to find the first line of the hymn from the initials that you have been given. However, as it is a Prize Quiz there is one little complication. To stop you all from scurrying off to look at the index in your hymn books, I have not given you the first letter of the first line. Please send your answers to the editor by the end of May. The winner will be the first to be drawn from the correct answers on Sunday 28 th May - so you have lots of time

1. _ P T I D S 2. _ O M S T S D 3. _ J T O M 4. _ H G O H I 5. _ S O E I C S 6. _ P T O E D D 7. _ C O F 8. _ C O O G A K 9. _ P T H B C S 10. _ I B A T 11. _ O H O H D 12. _ T T L T A 13. _ F E G O L 14. _ U W A G M 15. _ B I M H 16. _ S L M S Y 17. _ D T F I A T 18. _ A L S 19. _ I T P O C W G 20. _ W A Y H O 21. _ G L T B H 22. _ S H S 23. _ O T A P 24. _ C A R 25. _ I A G H F A


Wendron Bits & Pieces

Our Church Warden tells me that it has been a fairly quiet time in the Wendron parish and that he is holding over his usual “Bits and Pieces” until the next issue. However he reminds everyone that the Annual Vestry and annual parochial Church Meeting will be held on 6th April. Please make an effort to attend

********* Mary Barnett RIP

Everyone will be very sorry to hear of the passing of Mary Barnett who has been so much part of the Wendron Church family for so many years. Mary attended Helston Church School and then Helston Grammar school and at that time attended St Michael’s Church from childhood. However she moved to join Max at Wendron Church when their children were small and was then in charge of the Sunday School & flower arranging. Like Max she was a keen bell ringer and was Secretary of the Western District of the Ringers Guild. She was also a founder member of the Club for the blind & visually impaired. The Messenger was priviledged to report on the Diamod Wedding of Mary & Max last summer as they were such a well known and popular couple in the whole area. We will miss seeing Mary in her place in the Wendron choir stalls each Sunday and we send our sincere condolences to Max and rest of the family

24 St Wendrona’s Rota Please inform the Churchwardens if you are unable to fulfil your duty . Can sidespeople can please be on duty 15 minutes before the service to welcome people and hand out service books. Thank you for your help April 2 nd Lent 5 April 9 th – Palm Sunday Reader A Veneear H Sandford Intercessions R Spencer B Osborne Offertory M Cowley/J Parker Sidespeople P Haywood/I Osborne C Loveday/B Osborne Cleaning H Sandford H Sandford Flowers None A Haywood

April 16 th – Easter Day April 23 rd – Easter 2 Reader B Osborne J Haywood Intercessions M Cowley R Spencer Offertory C Loveday/C Bryans B Osborne/H Sandford Sidespeople R & B Osborne M Cowley/J Parker Cleaning I Osborne/B Osborne I Osborne/B Osborne Flowers A Haywood H Sandford

April 30 th – Easter 3 May 7 th – Easter 4 Reader J Parker M Cowley Intercessions B Osborne M Cowley Offertory M Cowley/J Parker C Loveday/C Bryans Sidespeople P Haywood/I Osborne C Loveday/B Osborne Cleaning M Cowley/A Veneear M Cowley/A Veneear

Flowers H Sandford F Symes

th st May 14 – Easter 5 May 21 – Easter 6 Reader C Bryans R Spencer Intercessions R Spencer B Osborne Offertory H Sandford/B Osborne Sidespeople R &B Osborne M Cowley/J Parker Cleaning H Sandford H Sandford Flowers F Symes A Gilmore

May 28 th – Easter 7………………………………… Reader A Veneear Sidespeople P Haywood/ I Osborne Intercessions M Cowley Cleaning I & B Osborne Offertory M Cowley/J Parker Flowers A Gilmore 25 “Own Recipes” (from hand written recipes, mostly collected from ladies From around the West Country

Cheese & Spinach Flan (serves 4)

Shortcrust pastry flan case 150g (6oz) Fresh Spinach, finely chopped 75g (3oz) Grated cheese 3 eggs beaten 4 tbsp milk Pinch of nutmeg Ground black pepper

Sprinkle spinach & cheese into pastry case Beat eggs & milk together, stir in seasoning Pour egg mix into flan case Bake for 25 minutes (190 deg)

Greek Holiday Property Rental

Anchor House is situated on the Greek Island or Pores overlooking the busy town harbour. The island is just off the north coast of the Peloponnesus with easy access from Athens airport via the port of

Piraeus. The accommodation sleeps four in two double bedrooms on separate floors with a double sofa bed in the living room. There is a family bathroom and the second bedroom has an unsuited shower room.

Further information can be found on www.ownersdirect.co.uk (Property reference GR504)

10% of any rentals received as a result of this advertisement will be donated to The Kimble Children’s Trust


. April is with us once more & we have been appreciating the lovely spring flowers, shrubs & tree blossom. March was fairly dry, not very cold & with increase temperature all plants & shrubs seem to be ahead of their time. The soil should be warming up, seedlings of a good size can be planted outside, like lettuce, leek, onion, broadbeans which have been purchased or self grown. Sweetpeas are easily grown in pots in a warm place. You should pinch out the tops when four leaves are grown. This encourages further side shoots. The ground should be composted and bamboo canes placed in the growing area. The established plants are grown against each cane. Plants will need a little help to climb so using cotton attached to the cane & passed round the plant will get climbing taking place. Mulch any shrubs at this time of year to avoid any loss should a hot dry spell take place. Vegetable seeds can be sown in prepared ground in late April & early May. Primo cabbage, sweetcorn, beetroot, parsnips & broadbeans are all plants for open well fertilised soil. In May runner beans can be grown in 3 in pots, one seed per pot. Prepare your frame& place one matured plant per cane. Just give them a little help to climb, cotton is very useful. You can purchase well established tomato plants for planting inside a greenhouse or conservatory, using good compost, direct into soil or in pots with a good drainage system. You can support tomatoes on strings in the greenhouse or tied into canes. Not forgetting that your flower seeds can be sown according to the instructions on the packet. Be moderate when watering.

Enjoy your gardening Ron Allen .

27 Diary Dates

26 th March Mothering Sunday- Distribution of posies- both churches Last Saturday in each month 25 th March, 29th April,27 th May 2.00-3.30pm Messy Church (a joint Anglican/Methodist initiative) held at the Methodist Church Last Monday in each month 27 th March,24 th April,29 th May St Michael’s stall in the Guildhall with information & raffle( See Page 13 Wednesday 5 th April 12noon-2pm Lent lunch in the Guildhall In aid of the Kimbilio Mission see Page14 Thursday 6th April Wendron Vestry & annual church meeting April 9th Palm Sunday Distribution of palms at both churches Holy Week Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 10th-12th April 7.30 pm Holy Communion & sermon (Combined at St Michael’s Maundy Thursday 13 th April 9.30 Holy Communion 7.30 Agape Meal, Strippping of Altars & Gethsemene Watch (both combined services at St Michael’s) Good Friday 14 th April 2pm Combined devotions at the foot of the Cross- Hymns & readings until 3pm- At St Michael’s Holy Saturday 15 th April Walk of Witness 10am starting from the Budgens carpark Decorating church for Easter Easter Day 16 th April- Normal Services at both churches to include The blessing of the Easter Gardens Flora Day 6th May- Refreshments serviced at the Andrew Hall all day- Helpers needed –see page 10 Christian Aid Week 14 th -20 May. House to house & Tesco collections Helpers needed please see page 13 Ascension Day 25 th May- see pew slip for service times

Other information is published on the pew slip or on the web site www.stmichaelschurchhelston.org.uk

28 PCC Members St Michael’s Helston

Canon David Miller-Chairperson Rev Dorothy Noakes ( P/b ) Mrs Betty Booker Lay-Reader ( B&P/b ) Mr Peter Jewell-Churchwarden (B) Mr John Boase- Churchwarden ( B) Mrs Nicola Boase-Treasurer Mrs Amanda Pyers-Secretary Mr Michael Thorn( B & Deanery Synod) Mr Richard Berry( B) Mrs Sandra Chambers ( I) Mrs Jean Williams (I) Mrs Heather Thorn (I) Mrs Elizabeth Davis (I) Mrs Marjorie Searle( I) Mr Gareth Howarth (B) Mr Jake Holyer Ms Louise Douglas ( I)

Committees: B=Buildings, I=*Internal Affairs, , P/b=Playbox

CMS Link - Mary Charnock, Susan Summers. Junior Church -Beccy Miller, Sandy Windsor, Greta Ross (Treasurer), Electoral Roll Officer- Sandra Chambers. Safeguarding officer – David Miller –Volunteer needed to take on this role! Magazine Editor - Simon Roach

Helston Bell Ringers Bob Woods (Captain) Roger Nott (Vice Captain/Tower keeper) Margaret Pryor (Sec), Philip Booker, Nicola Boase, Jean Williams, Philip Woods, Stanley Pryor, Simon Roach, Amanda Boxer, Kate & Nigel Bolland

Ringing Practice night is on Tuesday’s at 7.30 pm at St Michael’s except on the first Tuesday in the month when it is at Windrow. New ringers and visitors are welcome

Helston & Wendron Mothers Union Branch Leader/Enrolling Member.-Mrs Kathleen Oliver, 10 Castel Wary Close, Helston TR138SF 01326 573256 – New Members are always welcome!! Please contact Kath if you wish to join.

29 St Wendrona’s PCC Wendron

Canon David Miller-Chairperson Mr Bevan Osborne – Churchwarden/Treasurer/Deanery & Diocesan Synod Mrs Anne Veneear - Churchwarden Mrs Isobel Osborne- Deanery Synod Mrs Carol Bryans – Deanery Synod Mrs Henrietta Sandford – Secretary Mr Philip Haywood, Mr Bob Ayres Mrs Jennifer Haywood

Mrs Sue Spencer Electoral Roll Officer (not on the PCC)

Wendron Bell Ringers – Ray Spencer, Mary & Max Barnett The St Michael’s Ringers usually try to ring for morning service at Wendron on the first Sunday of the month though the Sunday may change occasionally to fit in with special occasions e.g. Harvest Festival etc **********

All items for the June/July magazine will need to be with me at the latest by Sunday 14 th May. Please email to simonroach@talktalk .net or send to me at Whealhaven, Clodgey Lane Helston TR13 8PJ (tel 01326 561067 or 07870702034 or alternatively see me in church,

Thank you to all who heeded my request to send in more material for the magazine. I received much more than usual which of course makes the editor’s job much easier. If you were one of the one’s who responded.. please keep it up. If not.. please see what you can do to make our church magazine more interesting.

I’d rather have too much material than not enough and would welcome fresh ideas!!! Simon- Editor


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