Thomas Kyd,David Bevington | 160 pages | 02 Mar 2010 | MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PRESS | 9780719043444 | English | Manchester, United Kingdom Spanish Tragedy: Study Guide | SparkNotes

Highly popular and influential in its time, The Spanish Tragedy established a new genre in English theatre, the revenge play or revenge tragedy. The play contains several violent murders and includes as one of its characters a personification of Revenge. The Spanish Tragedy is often considered to be the first mature Elizabethan drama, a claim disputed with 's [2] and The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd been parodied by many Elizabethan and Jacobean playwrights, including Marlowe, and Ben Jonson. Many elements of The Spanish Tragedy, such as the play-within-a-play used to trap a murderer and a ghost intent on vengeance, appear in Shakespeare's Hamlet. Thomas Kyd is frequently proposed as the author of the The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd Ur-Hamlet that may have been one of Shakespeare's primary sources for Hamlet. Lord Strange's Men staged a play that the records call Jeronimo on 23 February at The Rose for Philip Henslowe[3] and repeated it sixteen times to 22 January It is unlikely, however, that the performance in February was the play's first performance, as Henslowe did not mark it as 'ne' new. The Admiral's Men revived Kyd's original on 7 Januaryand performed it twelve times to 19 July; they staged another performance conjointly with Pembroke's Men on 11 October the same year. The records of Philip Henslowe suggest that the play was on stage again in and English actors performed the play on tour in Germanyand both German and Dutch adaptations were made. The play has never been filmed or staged on television. The exact date of composition is unknown, though it is speculated that it was written sometime between and Most evidence [ clarification needed ] points to a completion date beforenoting that the play makes no reference to the Spanish Armadaand because of possible allusions to the play in Nashe 's Preface to Greene's Menaphon from and The The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd of Absurdity from — Due to this evidence, the year remains the most likely year for completion of the play. Kyd's play was entered into the Stationers' Register on 6 October by the bookseller Abel Jeffes. The The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd was published in an undated quartoalmost certainly before the end of ; this first quarto was printed by —and published not by the copyright holder Jeffes, but by another bookseller, Edward White. On 18 December that year, the Stationers Company ruled that both Jeffes and White had broken the guild's rules by printing works that belonged to the other; both men were fined 10 shillings, and the offending books were destroyed so that Q1 of The Spanish Tragedy survives in only a single copy. Yet the Q1 title page refers to an even earlier edition; this was probably by Jeffes, and no known copy exists. The popular play was reprinted in In an apparent compromise between the competing booksellers, the title page of Q2 credits the edition to "Abell Jeffes, to be sold by Edward White". On The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd AugustJeffes transferred his copyright to William White, who issued the third edition that year. White in turn transferred the copyright to Thomas Pavier on 14 August and Pavier issued the fourth edition printed for him by William White in This Q4 contains five additions to the preexisting text. Q4 was reprinted intwo issues, two issuesand All of the early editions are anonymous. The first indication that the author of the play was Kyd was in when Thomas Hawkinsthe editor of a three-volume play-collection, cited a brief quotation from The Spanish Tragedy in Thomas Heywood 's Apology for Actorswhich Heywood attributes to "M. Inscholar Douglas Bruster theorised that some awkward wordings in the "Additional Passages" of the fourth edition resulted from printers' errors in setting type from the now lost original manuscript. Furthermore, after examining the "Hand D" manuscript widely accepted as in Shakespeare's handwriting from the play Sir Thomas MoreBruster opined that the speculated printers' errors could have resulted from reading a manuscript written by someone with Shakespeare's "messy" handwriting, thus bolstering the likelihood that Shakespeare wrote the Additional Passages. Before the play begins, the Viceroy of Portugal rebelled against Spanish rule. A battle took place in which the Portuguese were defeated and their leader, the Viceroy's son Balthazar, killed the Spanish officer Andrea before being taken captive by the Spanish. Andrea's ghost and the spirit of Revenge are present onstage throughout the entirety of the play and serve as chorus. At the beginning of each act, Andrea bemoans the series of injustices that have taken place and then Revenge reassures him that those deserving will get their comeuppance. There is also a subplot concerning the enmity of two Portuguese noblemen, one of whom attempts to convince the Viceroy that his rival has murdered the missing Balthazar. Though it is made clear early on that Horatio defeated Balthazar and Lorenzo has essentially cheated his way into taking partial credit, the King leaves Balthazar in Lorenzo's charge The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd splits the spoils of the victory between the two. The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd comforts Lorenzo's sister, Bel-imperiawho was in love with Andrea against her family's wishes. Despite her former feelings for Andrea, Bel-imperia soon falls for Horatio. She confesses that her love for Horatio is motivated partially by her desire for revenge: Bel-imperia intends to torment Balthazar, who killed her former lover Andrea. Meanwhile, Balthazar is falling in love with Bel-imperia. The Spanish king decides that a marriage between Balthazar and Bel-imperia would be an excellent way to repair the peace with Portugal. Horatio's father, the Marshal Hieronimostages an entertainment for the Portuguese ambassador. Lorenzo, suspecting that Bel-imperia has found a new lover, bribes her servant Pedringano and discovers that Horatio is the man. He persuades Balthazar to help him The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd Horatio during an assignation with Bel-imperia. Hieronimo and his wife Isabella find the body of their son hanged and stabbed, and Isabella is driven mad. Revisions made to the original play supplement the scene with Hieronimo briefly losing his wits as well. Lorenzo locks Bel-imperia away, but she succeeds in sending Hieronimo a letter, written in her own blood, informing him that Lorenzo and Balthazar were Horatio's murderers. Hieronimo's questions and attempts to see Bel-imperia convince Lorenzo that he knows something. Afraid that Balthazar's servant Serberine has revealed the truth, Lorenzo convinces Pedringano to murder Serberine, then arranges for Pedringano's arrest in the hopes of silencing him too. Hieronimo, The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd judge, sentences Pedringano to death. Pedringano expects Lorenzo to procure his pardon, and Lorenzo, having written a fake letter of pardon, lets him believe this right up until the hangman drops Pedringano to his death. Lorenzo manages to prevent Hieronimo from seeking justice by convincing the King that Horatio is alive and well. Furthermore, Lorenzo does not allow Hieronimo to see the King, claiming that he is too busy. This, combined with his wife Isabella's suicide, pushes The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd past his limit. He rants incoherently and digs at the ground with his dagger. Lorenzo goes on to tell his uncle, the King, that Hieronimo's odd behaviour is due to his inability to deal with his son Horatio's newfound wealth Balthazar's ransom from the Portuguese Viceroyand he has gone mad with jealousy. Regaining his senses, Hieronimo, along with Bel-imperia, feigns reconciliation with the murderers, and asks them to join him in putting on a play, Soliman and Persedato entertain the court. When the play is performed, Hieronimo uses real daggers instead of prop daggers, so that Lorenzo and Balthazar are stabbed to death in front of the King, Viceroy, and Duke Lorenzo and Bel-imperia's father. Unfortunately, this also means that when Bel-imperia's character commits suicide, she also dies. Hieronimo tells everyone of the motive behind the The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd, bites out his own tongue to prevent himself from talking under torture, and kills the Duke and then himself. Andrea and Revenge are satisfied, and promise to deliver suitable eternal punishments to the guilty parties. The play is ostensibly Senecan with its bloody tragedy, rhetoric of the horrible, the character of the Ghost and typical revenge themes. The character of the Old Man, Senex, is seen as a direct reference to Seneca. The play also subverts typically Senecan qualities such as the use of a ghost character. For Kyd, the Ghost is part of the chorus, unlike in Thyestes where the Ghost leaves after the prologue. Also, the Ghost is not a functioning prologue as he does not give the audience information The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd the major action on stage nor its conclusion. Revenge is akin to a medieval character that acts as a guide for those The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd a journey. The Spanish Tragedy was enormously influential, and references and allusions to it abound in the literature of its era. Ben Jonson mentions "Hieronimo" in the Induction to his Cynthia's Revelshas a character disguise himself in "Hieronimo's old cloak, ruff, and hat" in The Alchemistand quotes from the play in Every Man in His HumourAct I, scene iv. In SatiromastixThomas Dekker suggests that Jonson, in his early days as an actor, himself played Hieronimo. In modern times, T. Eliot quoted the title and the play in his poem The Waste Land. The most substantial of these five is an entire scene, usually called the painter scene since it is dominated by Hieronimo's conversation with a painter; it is often designated III,xiia, falling as it The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd between scenes III,xii and III,xiii of the original text. Yet most scholars reject the view that Jonson is the author of the additions. The literary style of the additions is judged to be un-Jonsonian; [ by whom? And John Marston appears to parody the painter scene in his play Antonio and Mellidaindicating that the scene must have been in existence and known to audiences by that time. The five additions in the text may have been made for the revival by the Admiral's Men. Scholars have proposed various identities for the author of the revisions, including Dekker, John Websterand Shakespeare—"Shakespeare has perhaps been the favorite in the continuing search It can seem surprising to find Shakespeare, house playwright for the Lord Chamberlain's Menas a putative reviser of a play associated with their rival company the Admiral's Men. Yet Sir Thomas More provides a precedent of Shakespeare working as a reviser in a surprising context. It is also quite possible that the play remained, in different versions, in the repertoire of more than one company, and that the Jonson additions for Henslowe refer to the adaptation of one script while the additions in the Quarto represent those to another version, not for Henslowe but for the Chamberlain's Men. It is notable that Richard Burbagethe Chamberlain's lead actor, was a The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd player of Hieronimo's part. The morality of revenge has been a source of discourse for years, and as revenge is one of the key themes of the play, a lot of debate has been made over it. In one theory, Steven Justice proposes that the fault lies The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd in Hieronimo, but rather in the society at the time. The court turns Hieronimo to revenge in pursuit of justice, when in reality it is quite different. Some critics claim that Hieronimo's attitude is what central Christian tradition calls the Old Law, [31] the Biblical notion of an "eye for an eye". The nature of murder and death, performed and as natural phenomena, is also questioned. Smith considers how the decade in which the play is set, is relevant to the its mentionings of hangings, murders, and near deaths throughout. Horatio is hanged, Pedringano is hanged, Alexandro is nearly burnt at the stake, and Villuppo is assumed tortured and hanged. He vividly describes in these The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd as well as others the frequency of murder and torture in the underworld. Murder and death make up the tragedy theme that holds true through the last scene of the play. Another theme is social mobility—characters such as Lorenzo and Pedringano are driven by their ambition and desire for more power. Pedringano especially so as he is a servant, belonging in the lowest rank of the hierarchy. His efforts to curry favor and go beyond his 'place' with Lorenzo leads to his resulting downfall as he is barred from social mobility, a mere tool in the end. In addition to that, Hieronimo and his family are labeled as a "middling sort" by many scholars. Scholars cite oeconomia as the philosophy Kyd is adhering to in the play. The structure in essence is a "play within a play". The play begins The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd a background of why Hieronimo wants to seek revenge. He is seen as a minor character and eventually becomes the protagonist to add to the revenge plot. When he becomes the main character, the plot begins to unfold and become the revenge story that it is. Kyd incorporates the buildup to the revenge The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd a way to show the internal and external struggles of the characters. The Spanish Tragedy Summary | GradeSaver

Note on the e-text: this Renascence Editions text is based on that of the J. Dent and Sons London edition by J. Schick of Munich University. Transcribed by Risa S. Bear in March The six additions made to the play after the payment made to Ben Jonson are included within brackets and in italics. The text is in the public domain. For nonprofit and educational uses only. Send comments and corrections to the Publisher, rbear[at]uoregon. Banquet Royal suites. Three Watchmen. Servants, etc. Enter the Ghost of Andrea, and The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd him Revenge. The Army enters; Balthazar, between Lorenzo and Horatio, captive. Enter Viceroy, Alexandro, Villuppo. Enter Lorenzo and Balthazar. Enter the Banquet, Trumpets, the King, The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd Ambassador. Enter Hieronimo with a drum, three knights, each his scutcheon; then he fetches three kings, they take their crowns and them captive. Enter Lorewo, Balthazar, Serberine, Pedringano, disguised. Enter Alexandro, with a Nobleman and halberts. Enter Lorenzo. Enter a Messenger with a letter. Enter Hangman with a letter. Enter King, Ambassador, Castile, and Lorenzo. Enter Jaques and Pedro. Enter three Citizens and an Old Man. Enter Hieronimo. Save my bond! Bazulto remains till Hieronimo enters again, who, staring him in the face, speaks. Enter Balthazar and Bellimperia. Enter Hieronimo and a Servant. Enter Balthazar and Lorenzo. Enter Hieronimo; he knocks up the curtain. Enter the The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd of Castile. Enter Balthazar, with a chair. The Spanish Tragedy. Now say, lord General, how fares our camp? Speak, man, hath fortune given us victory? Victory, my liege, and that with little loss. Our Portingals will pay us tribute then? Tribute and wonted homage therewithal. Thanks to my loving brother of Castile. But tell me now, hast thou confirm'd a peace? These words, these deeds, become thy person well. Nor thou, nor he, shall die without reward. What means the warning of this trumpet's sound? A gladsome sight! I long to see them here. It was, my liege, the prince of Portingal. The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd, Don Balthazar! And thou, Horatio, thou art welcome The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd. And I shall study to deserve this grace. To me, my liege. To me, my sovereign. This hand first took his courser by the reins. But first my lance did put him from his horse. I seiz'd his weapon, and enjoy'd it first. But first I forc'd The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd lay his weapons down. Let go his arm, upon our privilege. Say, worthy prince, to whether did'st thou yield? I crave no better than your grace awards. Nor I, although I sit beside my right King. How likes Don Balthazar of this device? Horatio, leave him not that loves thee so. Is our ambassador despatch'd for Spain? Two days, my liege, are past since his The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd. And tribute-payment gone along with him? Ay, my good lord. But wherefore sit I in a regal throne? This better fits a wretch's endless moan. Here let me lie; now am I at the lowest. Quij acet in terra, non habet unde cadat. Suppose that she could pity me, what then? Why wail I then, where's The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd of no redress? O yes, complaining makes my grief seem less. No doubt, my liege, but still the prince survives. In Spain—a prisoner by mischance of war. Then they have slain him for his father's The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd Alex. That were a breach to common law of arms. They reck no laws that meditate revenge. His ransom's worth will stay from foul revenge. No; if he liv'd, the news would soon be here. Nay, evil news fly faster still than good. Tell me no more of news; for he is dead. Stand up, I say, and tell thy tale at large. O wicked forgery! O trait'rous miscreant! Hold thou thy peace! I saw them drag it to the Spanish tents. Ay, ay, my nightly dreams have told me this. Ay, this was it that made thee spill his blood: [ Takes the crown and puts it on again. But I'll now wear it till thy blood be spilt. Vouchsafe, dread sovereign, to hear me speak. Away with him; his sight is second hell. Villuppo, follow us for thy reward. Would thou hadst slain him that so slew my love! But then was Don Andrea's carcase lost? Yes, second love shall further my revenge! And here he comes that murder'd my delight Enter Lorenzo and Balthazar. Spanish Tragedy: Plot Overview | SparkNotes

In the introduction The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd the play, the Ghost of the Spanish courtier Don Andrea explains its history. After Andrea was slain in a battle against Portugal, his Ghost made its way through the underworld, only to find itself sent back to earth. The character Revengehis guide, tells him that he has been sent back to witness his former lover Bellimperia kill Balthazarthe "author of [his] death. In the opening act, the Spanish forces return from their victory over Portugal. The The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd gives an account of the battle to the King, explaining that they have reached a state of "peace conditional" and that they have captured the Portuguese prince Balthazar. The Duke of Castile's son Lorenzo and the Marshall Hieronimo 's son Horatiohowever, dispute their respective roles in capturing the Portuguese prince. The King rewards them both. Meanwhile, in Portugal, the Viceroy laments his son's death. The loyal Alexandro tells The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd that his son is in fact still alive. Another nobleman, Villuppohowever, declares that he saw Alexandro shoot Balthazar in the back. Alexandro is immediately imprisoned. The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd two begin to fall in love. In the same scene, Balthazar also expresses his love for Bellimperia. The Portuguese ambassador arrives, and Hieronimo stages a masque for him and the King. The act closes with Revenge foreboding a general demise. In the second act, the King of Spain attempts to arrange a marriage between Bellimperia and Balthazar. Bellimperia, however, is in love with Horatio. As the two make their way to a secluded bower, the servant Pedringano betrays them to Lorenzo and Balthazar. Horatio is hung from an arbor and stabbed to death. Hieronimo enters to find his son's body and vows revenge. The Ghost expresses dismay at the turn of events, but Revenge advises him to be patient. The Viceroy discovers the truth about his son in the third act. He immediately sets Alexandro free and condemns Villuppo to a painful death. In Spain, Bellimperia is held captive, but manages to send Hieronimo a letter in which she reveals the identity of Horatio's killers. Lorenzo, on the other hand, attempts to purge all evidence of the The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd. He makes Pedringano shoot Serberine Balthazar's servant who was present at the murder sceneand then plots successfully to have Pedringano himself hanged. Pedringano's last undelivered letter to Lorenzo, however, falls into Hieronimo's hands. Hieronimo thus confirms Bellimperia's accusations and resolves to demand justice before the King. At home, his wife Isabelle "runs lunatic. Like his wife, Hieronimo shows distinct signs of madness. He contemplates suicide, but again vows to first exact revenge for Horatio's death. The Portuguese ambassador, meanwhile, arrives with good news: the Viceroy has The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd to the marriage between Balthazar and Bellimperia whom Lorenzo has just released from captivity. Hieronimo calls for justice before the King, but undermines himself by falling into a frenzy. Later, several citizens come to petition Hieronimo, but once again Hieronimo is carried away in an ecstatic fit. The Viceroy himself arrives at the end of the act. While the nuptial celebrations are prepared, the Duke confronts Lorenzo and Hieronimo about the negative rumors surrounding the two. Hieronimo denies any wrongdoing on Lorenzo's part, and Bellimperia seems to have reconciled with Balthazar. The Ghost is alarmed at such an unexpected turn of events, but Revenge once again reassures him that all is well or, for the characters in the tragedy, quite The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd. In the final act, Bellimperia and Hieronimo work together to exact their revenge on Lorenzo and Balthazar. Hieronimo wrote a tragedy in his youth, which the two young men now act out for the royal audience. Back in the arbor where Horatio was murdered, Isabella commits suicide. As for Hieronimo's play, the plot is executed smoothly, and Lorenzo and Balthazar are killed on stage. Bellimperia, too, commits suicide. The King, the Viceroy, and the Duke are all horrified when they discover that the play seemed to merely be a simulation. They demand to The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd Hieronimo's motives, but The Spanish Tragedy: Thomas Kyd latter bites off his tongue, stabs the Duke, and finally commits suicide. If the Spanish King behaved wisely, the tragic death of so many people did not occur in The Spanish Tragedy. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I agree that the King's actions were responsible for numerous deaths. Had he not required his daughter to marry a man she didn't love, she might not have run away with Horatio, and all of the deaths that subsequently occurred might never have Would you ever consider swimming in a cenote? Why or why not? And going to Mexico is not on my bucket list. I'm sorry, this is a short-answer literature forum. We are unable to assist students with essays or other writing assignments. Their role in the tragedy is to The Spanish Tragedy study guide contains a biography of Thomas Kyd, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Spanish Tragedy literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Spanish Tragedy. Remember me. Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. Study Guide for The Spanish Tragedy The Spanish Tragedy study guide contains a biography of Thomas Kyd, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.