Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan Final Report
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A part of BMT in Energy and Environment CoffsNEW CITY Harbour PLAN Coastal Zone Management Plan FLOOD HAZARD OVERLAY CODE Final Report January 2013 Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan Final Report Offices Brisbane Denver Mackay Melbourne Prepared For: Coffs Harbour City Council Newcastle Perth Sydney Prepared By: BMT WBM Pty Ltd (Member of the BMT group of companies) Vancouver K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET BMT WBM Pty Ltd BMT WBM Pty Ltd 126 Belford Street Document : R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.Final.docx BROADMEADOW NSW 2292 Australia PO Box 266 Project Manager : Verity Rollason Broadmeadow NSW 2292 Tel: +61 2 4940 8882 Fax: +61 2 4940 8887 ABN 54 010 830 421 Client : Coffs Harbour City Council Client Contact: Malcolm Robertson Client Reference Title : Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan Final Report Author : Verity Rollason Synopsis : As a companion document to the Coffs Harbour Management Study, this Report presents implementation details for the recommended management actions for treating risks from erosion and recession and from coastal inundation to assets and land within the Coffs Harbour LGA coastal zone. The management actions target those assets at immediate ‘intolerable’ risk from coastal hazards, with potential management options for assets at intolerable risk by 2100 detailed for use if and when required. REVISION/CHECKING HISTORY REVISION DATE OF ISSUE CHECKED BY ISSUED BY NUMBER 0 20/02/12 PEH VPR 1 28/02/12 PEH VPR 2 03/08/12 PEH VPR 3 13/11/12 PEH VPR 4 16/04/13 PEH VPR DISTRIBUTION DESTINATION REVISION 0 1 2 3 4 CHCC 1e 1e 1e 1e 1 BMT WBM File 1e 1e 1e 1e 1 BMT WBM Library 1e 1e 1e 1e 1 K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX CONTENTS I CONTENTS Contents i List of Figures ii List of Tables iii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose and Context of the Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan 1 1.1.1 Objectives of the Coffs Harbour CZMP 2 1.1.2 Scope of a Coastal Zone Management Plan 2 1.1.3 Study Area 3 1.2 Coastal Management Process in NSW 6 1.3 Risk Based Approach to Preparation of this CZMP 6 1.3.1 Structure of the CZMP Documents 11 1.4 Community Consultation and Engagement 12 2 MANAGEMENT ACTION IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS 16 2.1 Implementation Action Plan: Existing and Future Risks 16 2.1.1 Plan Funding 16 Asset Management 18 Beach and Dune Management 27 Environmental Planning and Further Studies 31 Planning and Development Controls 39 Monitoring 43 Non-Council Asset Management 46 Community Education 47 2.2 Management Strategy Maps 48 3 PLAN EVALUATION AND REVIEW 74 3.1 Performance Evaluation 74 3.1.1 Primary Performance Measures 74 3.1.2 Secondary Performance Measures 74 3.2 Factors for Success 75 K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX LIST OF FIGURES II 3.3 Plan Review 76 4 REFERENCES 77 APPENDIX A: COFFS HARBOUR EMERGENCY ACTION SUB PLAN A-1 APPENDIX B: ASSET RISK REGISTER B-1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Coffs Harbour LGA Study Area North 4 Figure 1-2 Coffs Harbour LGA Study Area South 5 Figure 1-3 Risk Management Framework (ISO 31000:2009) adapted to Coastal Zone Management 8 Figure 1-4 Conceptual Framework for Application of Coastal Management Options11 Figure 1-5 Coffs Coastal Zone Management Plan Structure Part 1 13 Figure 1-6 Coffs Coastal Zone Management Plan Structure Part 2 14 Figure G-1 Management Strategies Pebbly Beach 50 Figure G-2 Management Strategies Station Creek Beach 51 Figure G-3 Management Strategies Red Rock Beach North 52 Figure G-4 Management Strategies Red Rock Beach South 53 Figure G-5 Management Strategies Corindi Beach North 54 Figure G-6 Management Strategies Corindi Beach South 55 Figure G-7 Management Strategies Mullaway Beach 56 Figure G-8 Management Strategies Safety Beach 57 Figure G-9 Management Strategies Woolgoolga 58 Figure G-10 Management Strategies Hearnes Lake Beach 59 Figure G-11 Management Strategies Sandy Beach 60 Figure G-1 2 Management Strategies Emerald Beach 61 Figure G-1 3 Management Strategies Moonee Beach 62 Figure G-1 4 Management Strategies Moonee Creek 63 Figure G-1 5 Management Strategies Sapphire Beach 64 Figure G-1 6 Management Strategies Campells Beach 65 Figure G-1 7 Management Strategies Diggers Beach 66 Figure G-1 8 Management Strategies Park Beach 67 Figure G-1 9 Management Strategies Boambee Beach North 68 Figure G-20 Management Strategies Boambee Beach South 69 Figure G-21 Management Strategies Boambee Creek 70 Figure G-22 Management Strategies Sawtell Beach 71 K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX LIST OF TABLES III Figure G-23 Management Strategies Bongil Beach North 72 Figure G-24 Management Strategies Bongil Beach South 73 Figure G-25 Management Strategies Bundagen Head 74 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Risk Tolerance Scale 9 Table 1-2 Prioritisation for Risk Treatment Based upon Estimated Timeframes 9 Table 2-1 Strategies, Actions and Potential Funding Sources 16 K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX INTRODUCTION 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Context of the Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan The Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) aims to provide strategic guidance on coordinated, integrated and ecologically sustainable development of the coastline affected by coastal hazards, and the protection of fragile coastal environments into the future. The plan shall provide the basis for future management and strategic landuse planning of the Coffs Harbour coastal zone, to provide for growth and development without putting at risk the natural, cultural and heritage values of the coast. The Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA) is situated on the NSW north coast approximately halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. The coastline extends for nearly 80 km, and includes numerous beaches of small to medium length. Beach erosion events have occasionally threatened Coffs Harbour’s beaches in the past. Ongoing recession has also been experienced on beaches north of Coffs Harbour. The interruption of natural northerly sediment transport by the harbour construction has resulted in recession of the shoreline to the north, with the most substantial retreat (25 - 100 m) experienced at Park and Campbells Beaches. To address ongoing recession, coastline management plans were completed for Park Beach and Campbells Beach in 1998 and 1999, respectively. This Coffs Harbour CZMP shall update these plans and provide a consistent management approach across the LGA, focussing upon areas at greatest risk from coastal hazards. The mid north coast is expected to experience a population growth rate of ~ 1.1% per year over the next 25 years. This growth rate is amongst the highest in regional NSW, with Coffs Harbour expected to support a high proportion of the North Coast population growth target (DP, 2009). Coffs Harbour City Centre is planned as a regional centre and Woolgoolga as a major town on the Mid North Coast. Existing and future development (residential and recreational) within the coastal zone will require careful consideration of the likelihood and consequence from coastal hazards, including climate change impacts, to ensure development is undertaken as appropriate to the level of risk at present and in the future. This shall reduce the liability of Council from poorly planned or inappropriate development in the coastal zone, given the known risks. Furthermore, the beaches of Coffs Harbour are a major focus for recreation and are the basis for much of the tourism in the region. The beaches of Coffs offer a range of recreational opportunities, from untouched and unpatrolled natural beaches (such as Moonee and Bongil), to more accessible, patrolled beaches with more highly developed recreational facilities (such as Park and Sawtell beaches). Given the high social importance of Coffs beaches to the resident population and visiting tourists, both of which support a range of businesses directly and indirectly, there is additionally an economic imperative to preserve the sandy beach and dune environment. Council therefore resolved to prepare a Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Coffs Harbour coastline, to define the level of risk from coastal hazards and provide a co-ordinated approach to K:\N2017_COFFS_CZMP\DOCS\R.N2017.001.04.CZMP.FINAL.DOCX INTRODUCTION 2 management of coastal hazards. This report documents the Management Plan component of the Coffs Harbour Coastal Zone Management Plan. 1.1.1 Objectives of the Coffs Harbour CZMP The objectives and principles for this CZMP are aligned with the goals and objectives of the NSW Coastal Policy 1997, and the objectives of the Coastal Protection Act 1979 and former NSW Sea Level Rise Policy Statement 2009. The objectives of the plan are to: 1. Recognise and accommodate natural coastal processes and hazards, and outline strategies to deal with threats to existing development and to ensure new development is not exposed to such threats; 2. Incorporate the effects of climate change (including sea level rise and changes to storm intensity and frequency) within the hazard assessment, and prepare actions to manage high risks that arise due to climate change; 3. Provide for the management of redevelopment or new developments to ensure that the value of assets at risk is not increased, with provisions for scale and setback of redevelopment to additionally ensure the aesthetic or ecological values of the coastline are not compromised; 4. Guide the development of design and planning standards and guidelines to control the height, scale and setback of development to protect public access and ensure beaches and foreshores are not overshadowed; 5.