New Australian and Australian State Lichen and Lichenicolous Lichen Reports
J Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 90: 269- 291 (July. 2001) NEW AUSTRALIAN AND AUSTRALIAN STATE LICHEN AND LICHENICOLOUS LICHEN REPORTS 1 2 3 4 D. ALLEN , H. T. LUMBSCH , S. MADDEN AND H. SrPMAN ABSTRACT. Based on recent acquisitions of the Australian National Herbarium since 1982, mainly the collections of J.A.Elix and H.Streimann, new distribution data are presented for 162 species. This includes 31 species new to Australia: Acarospora reagens, Co/lema fragrans, Cyphelium australe, Dictyonema ligulatum, Dimerella pineti, Diploschistes farinosus, D. gyrophoricus, Dirinaria compli cata, Heterodermia isidiophora, Hyperphyscia pruinosa, Megalospora atrorubicans ssp. atrorubi cans, Myriotrema bahianum, M. compunctum, M. terebratulum, Ocellularia aurata, 0. berkeleyana, Ochrolechia africana, Opegrapha .filicina, 0. phylloporinae, Peltula marginata, Physcia dimidiata, Porina sphaerocephala, Porpidia cinereoatra, Pyrenula corticata, Pyxine cylindrica, Thelotrema platysporum, Thyrea confusa, Trapelia involuta, Trichothelium triseptatum, Trypethelium aeneum, Umbilicaria nylanderiana. Most of these are tropical taxa, found in Queensland. The other species are newly recorded for one or more Australian states. Seventeen years have elapsed since the last significant report (Elix & Streimann 1982) of new lichen records based on collections held at the Cryptogamic Herbarium of the Aus tralian National Herbarium (CANB). However, interesting and significant finds have been reported by various authors in revisions and in the Australasian Lichenology (formerly Australiasian Lichenological Newsletter) with many of these reports based on CANB col lections. The CANB collections have grown significantly since 1982 with the donation by Prof. J.A. Elix of his lichen collections and the continuing collecting program to northern Aus tralia which have added significantly to the knowledge of Australian lichenology.
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