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if:.; ■ t. ; "V ‘'I ^ ■{' r.‘. ;■ .V -I ^ ' .. ■ ' ' -.J.... FRIDAY, SEPTElfflER *, IWO ATorago DROy, Not Pren Run Th« WiMtlitf lAGE FOUBTE&IT^ For th* Weak Raded Fenenrt a t U. B. Waailwt ■ ■ MM - lE a ^ n tn g Jna* 4th. 186$ ' Clear wad salt' I'urtgM Barry A, l^UceUl and Ward P. ituptutw m Yatu 13,125 46*. Snnay sad wanaer. toHitotf- Ponticelll. sons of Mr. and Mrs. A1 ^ u h ty GOP- Memtor *t th* Aodit High aear 80. About Town fred L. Pohtleelli; 30 M cK eeS t alwa^-ample free parking rear of our store**. have returned home after sP^iding Bnnaa *f ObvalathMi M anch«tUir-^A City a^ ViU age Charm ThA Sunday achoal staff of Zldn two monthsa'liwoodbrooH^CSimp in Sets Outing SvanceUeal Lathenun Church will Fltawilllam, N.H. A ^ o n g the awards they receiyjed »there were (OteMlfled A«v«mflQ| m Pec* M) PRICE FIVE CENTS meat Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the VOL. LXXIX, jio. im (TWELVE PA<?E8 —TV 8 E(3TION) MANCHESTEiL CONN^; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, i960 parsonage for fall planning. yeomen’s pin foT^ Srchery, Red At Stafford Cross badge fOr swimming, and sharpshooters’ medal for riflery. The Sunday School staff of Tolland County Republicans will Oovenant Congregational Church Thf-libv. Arnold W. Torer. pasr stage a rally and family outing Reds Send RUmes, Tru^ks will meet Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at Sept. 11 at Like. Mark, West Staf THESE . ARE jU s f PARTS the church. tor of S c con d Congregational W ild SheU [lurch,. will be in charge of radio ford. broadcasts over WINF Sunday at Starling about noon, rain or' Miss Beverly DeSimone. HisS shine, the rally Is open to every Janet Vennart, and Miss ^ItCncy 6:.70 p.m. and dally next wek at Roundup 7:15 p.m. The broadcasts arc spon one regardless of party affiliation. ^O R Y i ■ " D eath ToU sition . Chambers, students at the Ger There will be no admission and trude ly ie r School of Dance, have sored by the Manchester Ministeri ■ - ' . ■ ’'I • , ' . ^ - al Assn. free parking, supervised games, tetum ed from a 1-week study swimming, and boating. Commit course with' the ^ h e Taylor Danc The Anderson Shea Auxillaf.V,;. tee members say it will be wise Now at 16 Police Bullets ers In New Yoric City. VFW, will hold a card pa’ft y to for those who attend to bring night a t the Post'-Home. their own folding chairs.. • Grafenwoehr, Germany, Wound Robber ' Tolland^- County Republican what more could there be? Sept. S (/P)—A 16th American B y ANIMMBW BOBOWIEO <Sof KalonJL’a so-called “miiirial M iss Eleanor Huebner. 42 4 N. Women «5iH sell campaign Jewelry .soldier d i^ today, of injuries Leopoldville, The Congo, sUte." New Britain, Sept. 3 (A>) — . T . WOOD GO. MaliT^'St., left .yesterday by plane and Republican A.ssoclates plan a -....sustained when an over- Here in the Senate, which meets Two men- were tsiptured, one for Bermuda. .She will rpturn food sale. A luncheon featuring Sept. S (A*) — Opjiosition to with far less than full member ICE PLANf Tuesday. well, youU just have to see the unbelievable . charged 8-inch howitzer shell Premier Patrice Lumumba’s ship, angry oppositioh members of them after, being felled by riafn chowd^cj", corn on the cob, hot police-fired bullets, - it the 31 BISSEIX ddgs, hamburgers, homemade cake hit a U. S. Army supply tent. swing toward Leftist dicta demanded that Lumumba cancel The Arm,v.-.NaVy Auxiliary will With ice cream and soda will be Another victim is on yie criti torship mounted today as hfi all the decrees restricting funda Trio Discount Department ICubes-Cruihed-Blockt hold its regular card party Monday available through the efforts of Gollections in our new pin-money cal list. mental . freedoms. , They warned Store on South Main St. early at, 8 p.m. at the chibhou.>!C. presseid his campaign 'to against dictatorship. Castro Rips^ ..... •- the Stafford Town Committee. H i* accident which wnMinded 36 stamp out rebellion in the today. Congressional candidates Antoni oth«r Midler* occurrii,d yuterday They even, drew some support Police Identified the men as , Young..|)eople of Zion Evangeli Sadlak and Horace Seeley-Brown while the 3rd Armored DlvUion eastiem Congo, from Sen. 8. Romandeke, a gov cal L.iithefap, Church will attend George Mallnski, 38, of Philadel will speak between 1 and 15:30 p.m. sportsweai/ corner on the .street floor* wae on maneuvers 30 miles from ' As U.N. officials counted nearly. ernment, senator who urged the phia, who was shot in the back U.S. Ti*eaty a ~^4ew Englahd..^Dlatrict Walther Elephant markers will blaze the the Owchoslovak border. 300 dead in Kasai province Sght- government not to Issue decrees GIANT DISPLAY L.eag;tio convcnlion...a Camp Nor- Ing, reports reached here that the and leg, and Frank Scarono, 45, trail to the' site of the oTrOng In ■nie- Army pressed an investi without consulting parliament. Meriden. z' wirh, '.Huntington, Ma^., to'mor- West Stafford. gation of the accident, believed to Russians had stepped up their aid While criticizing the oppositlonYi Both men have been ch'Mged School Supplies row, Sitjmay and Monday^. ' the PART we can tell you though is be the worst training mishap ever to Lumumba by providing him cries of "communism and,, dicta (M Uefense^ cargo planes. with breaking and entering m the sustained by the 250,000 XI[S. torship,” Romandeke said Lu night season with criminal in troops stationed in West Ger Some of the lO Soviet IL14 mumba should not clpse opposi- ARTHUR DRUG Couple to Marry planes that arrived In Stanley tent. Havana, Sept. 8 (/P) : just as unbelievable! *. # many. j/" Malinski’s condition was de: Smashing the Western l^em* Perso^l Notices D.S. Army investigators "YwUd ville have been repainted with the (Conttnued on Page Six) scribed today as fairly good in ^Vted by Friends the shell was over-charged with words “Congo Republic" on their i New Britain General Hospital. ispJiere’s united front Mgitxat powder. There were also 'indica sides,..these reports said. Stanley:' Red China, Fidel. Castro an> Card of Vhanks ville, capital of the northeast prov Police made this report: wIhIi to expff'Mthanks ain) A pre-nuptial 'party at the.KbfC tions it was badly aimed. < No Herald Patrolmen Edward GunwaJd and nounced last night that Cuba ApprAr.iiiilon to our many\frlf»ndn. reia- The shell struck jiist after the ince or Oriental, is Lumumba’s Home recently honored Misti Marie chief base of operations In the Dbnald Loughrey. who were park will establish diplomatic ties - flv#*R and nrlgfhbnm for artn of Eleanore McDonald df . Weston. morning roll call. It ripped ed in their squad car heard hqm- klnfln»'.*ii! and words of aym ^thy difrlns thi^ugh one tent, exploded in a eastern Congo'. Ahput 100 Russian Labor Day with the Peiping regime. • AVAILABLE lh»i,H]n^RR RTjd at tho tlm r \p f d»*atn Mass., and Ji^mes. Emil Jur.qs of trucks already are Tn^he. interior. mering coming from the store's The bearded prime miniatOr of my drar wiff*. Ircno, and\niolh<*r. Manchester, v.ho will be maiTlad the important hipstitched <kirt,. ^ second and rained fragments on roof and, momenU later, saw a man KRP#‘rially wr w'otild like to thf^k tho a third. Thirteen of the 18 soldiers At last reports, . Lumyrnba’s The Manchester Evening broke the news at a rally og'fauii*. df*oiorn“ anil nurnra of Me tomorrow ip-Weston, Mass. 10 to 18, chMreoal gray, bankers Congo army was locked in r-*fe- there. dreds of thousands of chaariag For weddings, parties morial MoRpltalr in the second tent were killed in- Herald will not publish Mon More thhn l.'iO friends and rela g ra y , black, brown, brass, plum, saw battle with tribal supporters They radioed for police rein followers. He climaxed hla flaty ^ Willard K, l!awlf*y arid tives attended the buffet and dance itantly. day, Labor Day. forcements and spotlights to' light speech by dramatically tearlilg up Kvelyn Haul<»y Johnaoh ■ The ■ vicUms, members of the of Kasai secessionist leader Albert and other functions.' given by Raymond Juros of Mah- loden,'e4mel.' Kalonjl. The fighting was cen Drive carefully.. up the scene. m e Chiba-U.S. mutual (Unns* hhestcr, who will serve as his brplh- 3rd Reconnaissance Squad of the When the help arrived, Grun- vin Memoriam 3rd Armored Division, had jiu t ar tered around Bakwaiiga, capital treaty of 1952 and throwiag airay In lovlnff memory of Mrs. JoeaptUne e r \ bcflt man. ' 5 .9 9 whld and Policeman Norman Bou- the jrieces. ITALIAN-AMERICAN Salmond ' who panaed awa,y 2, rived at the Grafenwoehr training let shouted .a warning at a man inri7. The. bride-elect Is the daughter area. - B luing with defiance, Oastro HALL of MrNand Mrs. Francis McDon whom they saw on the low roof. declared his revolutionary regtaM r 135 Eldridge Street Rhf han not If'fi a« we. thought. MaJ.- Gen. Frederick J. Brown, When he ignored It. Grunwald fired Nor haa ah'* Iravr-lad far. ald of - Weston, Her flance Is the division commander, said the' in- was breaking 'with the Natlonaliat •Jufit entered fjorla moat lovely room, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanlfey Juros, proportioned, corduroy slacks,^ twice and Boulet shot once. (Chinese government and switching Call after 7 p.m.