if:.; ■ t. ; "V ‘'I ^ ■{' r.‘. ;■ .V -I ^ ' .. ■ ' ' -.J.... FRIDAY, SEPTElfflER *, IWO ATorago DROy, Not Pren Run Th« WiMtlitf lAGE FOUBTE&IT^ For th* Weak Raded Fenenrt a t U. B. Waailwt ■ ■ MM - lE a ^ n tn g Jna* 4th. 186$ ' Clear wad salt' I'urtgM Barry A, l^UceUl and Ward P. ituptutw m Yatu 13,125 46*. Snnay sad wanaer. toHitotf- Ponticelll. sons of Mr. and Mrs. A1 ^ u h ty GOP- Memtor *t th* Aodit High aear 80. About Town fred L. Pohtleelli; 30 M cK eeS t alwa^-ample free parking rear of our store**. have returned home after sP^iding Bnnaa *f ObvalathMi M anch«tUir-^A City a^ ViU age Charm ThA Sunday achoal staff of Zldn two monthsa'liwoodbrooH^CSimp in Sets Outing SvanceUeal Lathenun Church will Fltawilllam, N.H. A ^ o n g the awards they receiyjed »there were (OteMlfled A«v«mflQ| m Pec* M) PRICE FIVE CENTS meat Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the VOL. LXXIX, jio. im (TWELVE PA<?E8 —TV 8 E(3TION) MANCHESTEiL CONN^; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, i960 parsonage for fall planning. yeomen’s pin foT^ Srchery, Red At Stafford Cross badge fOr swimming, and sharpshooters’ medal for riflery. The Sunday School staff of Tolland County Republicans will Oovenant Congregational Church Thf-libv. Arnold W. Torer. pasr stage a rally and family outing Reds Send RUmes, Tru^ks will meet Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at Sept. 11 at Like. Mark, West Staf­ THESE . ARE jU s f PARTS the church. tor of S c con d Congregational W ild SheU [lurch,. will be in charge of radio ford. broadcasts over WINF Sunday at Starling about noon, rain or' Miss Beverly DeSimone. HisS shine, the rally Is open to every­ Janet Vennart, and Miss ^ItCncy 6:.70 p.m. and dally next wek at Roundup 7:15 p.m. The broadcasts arc spon­ one regardless of party affiliation. ^O R Y i ■ " D eath ToU sition . Chambers, students at the Ger­ There will be no admission and trude ly ie r School of Dance, have sored by the Manchester Ministeri­ ■ - ' . ■ ’'I • , ' . ^ - al Assn. free parking, supervised games, tetum ed from a 1-week study swimming, and boating. Commit­ course with' the ^ h e Taylor Danc­ The Anderson Shea Auxillaf.V,;. tee members say it will be wise Now at 16 Police Bullets ers In New Yoric City. VFW, will hold a card pa’ft y to­ for those who attend to bring night a t the Post'-Home. their own folding chairs.. • Grafenwoehr, Germany, Wound Robber ' Tolland^- County Republican what more could there be? Sept. S (/P)—A 16th American B y ANIMMBW BOBOWIEO <Sof KalonJL’a so-called “miiirial M iss Eleanor Huebner. 42 4 N. Women «5iH sell campaign Jewelry .soldier d i^ today, of injuries Leopoldville, The Congo, sUte." New Britain, Sept. 3 (A>) — . T . WOOD GO. MaliT^'St., left .yesterday by plane and Republican A.ssoclates plan a -....sustained when an over- Here in the Senate, which meets Two men- were tsiptured, one for Bermuda. .She will rpturn food sale. A luncheon featuring Sept. S (A*) — Opjiosition to with far less than full member­ ICE PLANf Tuesday. well, youU just have to see the unbelievable . charged 8-inch howitzer shell Premier Patrice Lumumba’s ship, angry oppositioh members of them after, being felled by riafn chowd^cj", corn on the cob, hot police-fired bullets, - it the 31 BISSEIX ddgs, hamburgers, homemade cake hit a U. S. Army supply tent. swing toward Leftist dicta­ demanded that Lumumba cancel The Arm,v.-.NaVy Auxiliary will With ice cream and soda will be Another victim is on yie criti­ torship mounted today as hfi all the decrees restricting funda­ Trio Discount Department ICubes-Cruihed-Blockt hold its regular card party Monday available through the efforts of Gollections in our new pin-money cal list. mental . freedoms. , They warned Store on South Main St. early at, 8 p.m. at the chibhou.>!C. presseid his campaign 'to against dictatorship. Castro Rips^ ..... •- the Stafford Town Committee. H i* accident which wnMinded 36 stamp out rebellion in the today. Congressional candidates Antoni oth«r Midler* occurrii,d yuterday They even, drew some support Police Identified the men as , Young..|)eople of Zion Evangeli­ Sadlak and Horace Seeley-Brown while the 3rd Armored DlvUion eastiem Congo, from Sen. 8. Romandeke, a gov­ cal L.iithefap, Church will attend George Mallnski, 38, of Philadel­ will speak between 1 and 15:30 p.m. sportsweai/ corner on the .street floor* wae on maneuvers 30 miles from ' As U.N. officials counted nearly. ernment, senator who urged the phia, who was shot in the back U.S. Ti*eaty a ~^4ew Englahd..^Dlatrict Walther Elephant markers will blaze the the Owchoslovak border. 300 dead in Kasai province Sght- government not to Issue decrees GIANT DISPLAY L.eag;tio convcnlion...a Camp Nor- Ing, reports reached here that the and leg, and Frank Scarono, 45, trail to the' site of the oTrOng In ■nie- Army pressed an investi­ without consulting parliament. Meriden. z' wirh, '.Huntington, Ma^., to'mor- West Stafford. gation of the accident, believed to Russians had stepped up their aid While criticizing the oppositlonYi Both men have been ch'Mged School Supplies row, Sitjmay and Monday^. ' the PART we can tell you though is be the worst training mishap ever to Lumumba by providing him cries of "communism and,, dicta­ (M Uefense^ cargo planes. with breaking and entering m the sustained by the 250,000 XI[S. torship,” Romandeke said Lu­ night season with criminal in­ troops stationed in West Ger­ Some of the lO Soviet IL14 mumba should not clpse opposi- ARTHUR DRUG Couple to Marry planes that arrived In Stanley­ tent. Havana, Sept. 8 (/P) : just as unbelievable! *. # many. j/" Malinski’s condition was de: Smashing the Western l^em* Perso^l Notices D.S. Army investigators "YwUd ville have been repainted with the (Conttnued on Page Six) scribed today as fairly good in ^Vted by Friends the shell was over-charged with words “Congo Republic" on their i New Britain General Hospital. ispJiere’s united front Mgitxat powder. There were also 'indica­ sides,..these reports said. Stanley:' Red China, Fidel. Castro an> Card of Vhanks ville, capital of the northeast prov­ Police made this report: wIhIi to expff'Mthanks ain) A pre-nuptial 'party at the.KbfC tions it was badly aimed. < No Herald Patrolmen Edward GunwaJd and nounced last night that Cuba ApprAr.iiiilon to our many\frlf»ndn. reia- The shell struck jiist after the ince or Oriental, is Lumumba’s Home recently honored Misti Marie chief base of operations In the Dbnald Loughrey. who were park­ will establish diplomatic ties - flv#*R and nrlgfhbnm for artn of Eleanore McDonald df . Weston. morning roll call. It ripped ed in their squad car heard hqm- klnfln»'.*ii! and words of aym ^thy difrlns thi^ugh one tent, exploded in a eastern Congo'. Ahput 100 Russian Labor Day with the Peiping regime. • AVAILABLE lh»i,H]n^RR RTjd at tho tlm r \p f d»*atn Mass., and Ji^mes. Emil Jur.qs of trucks already are Tn^he. interior. mering coming from the store's The bearded prime miniatOr of my drar wiff*. Ircno, and\niolh<*r. Manchester, v.ho will be maiTlad the important hipstitched <kirt,. ^ second and rained fragments on roof and, momenU later, saw a man KRP#‘rially wr w'otild like to thf^k tho a third. Thirteen of the 18 soldiers At last reports, . Lumyrnba’s The Manchester Evening broke the news at a rally og'fauii*. df*oiorn“ anil nurnra of Me­ tomorrow ip-Weston, Mass. 10 to 18, chMreoal gray, bankers Congo army was locked in r-*fe- there. dreds of thousands of chaariag For weddings, parties morial MoRpltalr in the second tent were killed in- Herald will not publish Mon­ More thhn l.'iO friends and rela­ g ra y , black, brown, brass, plum, saw battle with tribal supporters They radioed for police rein­ followers. He climaxed hla flaty ^ Willard K, l!awlf*y arid tives attended the buffet and dance itantly. day, Labor Day. forcements and spotlights to' light speech by dramatically tearlilg up Kvelyn Haul<»y Johnaoh ■ The ■ vicUms, members of the of Kasai secessionist leader Albert and other functions.' given by Raymond Juros of Mah- loden,'e4mel.' Kalonjl. The fighting was cen­ Drive carefully.. up the scene. m e Chiba-U.S. mutual (Unns* hhestcr, who will serve as his brplh- 3rd Reconnaissance Squad of the When the help arrived, Grun- vin Memoriam 3rd Armored Division, had jiu t ar­ tered around Bakwaiiga, capital treaty of 1952 and throwiag airay In lovlnff memory of Mrs. JoeaptUne e r \ bcflt man. ' 5 .9 9 whld and Policeman Norman Bou- the jrieces. ITALIAN-AMERICAN Salmond ' who panaed awa,y 2, rived at the Grafenwoehr training let shouted .a warning at a man inri7. The. bride-elect Is the daughter area. - B luing with defiance, Oastro HALL of MrNand Mrs. Francis McDon­ whom they saw on the low roof. declared his revolutionary regtaM r 135 Eldridge Street Rhf han not If'fi a« we. thought. MaJ.- Gen. Frederick J. Brown, When he ignored It. Grunwald fired Nor haa ah'* Iravr-lad far. ald of - Weston, Her flance Is the division commander, said the' in- was breaking 'with the Natlonaliat •Jufit entered fjorla moat lovely room, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanlfey Juros, proportioned, corduroy slacks,^ twice and Boulet shot once. (Chinese government and switching Call after 7 p.m.
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