How to Use This Book ere the name Eliza- g Hebrew; consecrated to God: The beth is used to language of origin and the explain each ele- meaning of the name are given. ment in the listing of g Alizabeth, Eliabeth, Eliza, Eliza- Ha name. See also the bea, Elizabee, Ellizabeth, Elschen, chart on the following page. Elysabeth, Elzbieta, Elzsébet, g Elizabeth: The name of the Helsa, Ilizzabet, Lizette, Lusa: appears in bold type. The book Variations of the name are pro- is in two parts, boys’ names and vided in italic type. Each of girls’ names. They are in alpha- these variations is also listed betical order. When a name as a name with direction to see applies to both genders, there the name of origin, e.g., Aliza- are instructions to refer to the beth, see Elizabeth. name where a fuller treatment g St. Elizabeth, St. Elizabeth Ann is provided, e.g., Erica, see Eric Seton, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, (boy’s name). When the name St. Elizabeth of Portugal, St. Eliz- is a variation of another name, abeth of Schonau, St. Elizabeth you are directed to the original Rose: When there are numerous name, e.g., Eliza, see Elizabeth. with the same name, they g Saint: Next there is the desig- are listed. nation of the name as that of a g Finally, there is some commen- saint or virtue, or coming from tary about the life of the most the Old Testament or the New prominent saint with this name. Testament. Other saints bearing the same g Top 100 Name: Identifies the name can be researched online name as one of the most popu- or in the references provided in lar names. Please note that not the Introduction. all of the most popular names have a Christian or Catholic meaning. Names such as Aliya or Tyler, though popular, have been omitted since they have no Christian or Catholic meaning.

xiii xiv The Catholic Baby Name Book

Saint: The name may be that of a saint or virtue, Elizabeth: The name of or come from the Old or the saint appears in New Testament. bold type. Top 100 Name: Identifies the name as Elizabeth Saint, New Testament; Top one of the most popular Hebrew; 100 Name; Hebrew; consecrated to names. Consecrated God; to God: The Alizabeth, Eliabeth, Eliza, Elizabea, 3Elizabee, Ellizabeth, Elschen, Elysa- language of origin of the beth, Elzbieta, Elzsébet, Helsa, Ilizza- Alizabeth, name and the bet, Lizette, Lusa Eliabeth, Eliza, etc.: meaning are St. Elizabeth, St. Elizabeth Ann Variations given. Seton, St. Elizabeth Rose, St. Eliza- beth of Hungary, St. Elizabeth of of the name

Portugal, St. Elizabeth of Schonau are pro- St. Elizabeth Ann

vided in Seton, St. Eliza- St. Elizabeth (first century) was italic type. beth of Hungary, a cousin of Mary, the Mother of 3 etc.: God. Her husband, Zachary, was When there a priest in Jerusalem. He was told St. Elizabeth are numerous by an angel that his wife, who was (first century) saints with the beyond childbearing age, would was a cousin of same name, have a son. When he doubted this, Mary. . . .: they are listed. he lost the ability to speak until after their child, , Commentary was born. While Mary was preg- about the life nant with Jesus, she went to visit of the most the pregnant Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s prominent story is told in the first chapter of saint with this the Gospel of Luke. name. ------







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Aaren–Abbo 3

Abanoub Saint; Egyptian; king of A gold St. (fourth century) embraced Christianity at a Aaren see Aaron young age and gave away all Aarin see Aaron he had to the poor. While walk- Aaron Old Testament; Top 100 ing to the city of Samanoud, he Name; Hebrew, Aramaic; a saw a vision of the archangel teacher, lofty, mountain of . He was martyred at strength, messenger the age of twelve. Aaren, Aarin, Aaronn, Aeron, Abarran see Aran, Arren, Arrin, Arryn Abba see Abban Aaron in the Bible was the older Abban Saint; Latin; white brother of . He spoke Abba, Abben, Abbin, Abbine, for Moses in dealing with the Abbon Egyptian royal court. He also St. Abban, St. Abban of performed signs which helped Murnevin convince the people that they St. Abban (sixth century) was were on a mission from God. born in Ireland but spent his life St. Aaron of Aleth (sixth cen- in Abingdon, England. Accord- tury) was a , , and ing to tradition, St. Gobnait was abbot at a monastery on Cézem- his sister. It is believed that he bre. He attracted numerous founded Ballyvourney, a - visitors while there, including nery, and entrusted it to her. He St. Malo. also established the churches of Aaronn see Aaron Cell Ailbe and Camross. Abadios Saint; Arabic; eternal, Abben see Abban lasting Abbin see Abban St. Abadios (fourth century) Abbine see Abban was martyred during Emperor Abbo Saint; German; a man Diocletian’s persecutions. After St. Abbo (945–1004) was a confessing Christ at K’balakhis, monastic leader and papal rep- he was thrown from a rocky resentative. He was born in cliff. France. After studying at Orlé- Abakerazum Saint ans, Paris, and Remis, he was Kirdjun brought to Huntingdonshire, Also known as St. Kirdjun, St. England, in 986. He became Abakerazum was a reformed abbot of Fleury in 988. As abbot, robber and bandit who con- he attended the Synod of Basel verted to Christianity. He died and assisted Pope Gregory V. as a martyr in Alexandria. He also helped calm the fears ------





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of many who felt the world was gladiators were sent in to finish going to end at the year 1000. the . He is the patron saint of He was known as a philosopher burying the dead and coopers. and scholar and wrote a life of Abe see Abel St. Edmond. He died of a stab Abedah see Abdón wound on November 13, 1004. Abel Saint, Old Testament; Abbon see Abban Hebrew, Assyrian; breath, Abdas Saint; Hebrew; a servant of meadow God Abe, Abell, Abelson, Able, Adal, A Persian , St. Abdas (d. Avel 420) was born in Chaldor. After Abel in the Bible was the sec- being ordained a priest, he built ond son born to Adam and Eve. up his hometown monastery When he and his brother Cain and school. He brought many offered sacrifice to the Lord, people to the Christian faith, his gift found favor while his for which he was arrested, and brother’s did not. In a fit of jeal- suffered many hardships until ousy, Cain murdered Abel, thus he was miraculously released. making him the first martyr in Abdas later joined a monastery scripture. and became bishop of Kaskhar St. Abel (d. 751) was an arch- (Susa). When relations between bishop and Benedictine abbot. the Christian Church and the Born in Ireland, he accompa- Persian government became nied St. Boniface on missions to hostile, Abdas was one of the Europe. Pope St. Zachary chose first martyred by being clubbed him as archbishop of Remis; to death. however Milo, who occupied Abdiesus Saint; Latin; one who the seat, refused to relinquish serves Jesus it. Abel chose to live in a mon- St. Abdiesus (d. 342) was a dea- astery at Lobbes where he was con in the Christian community named abbot. of Persia. He was martyred dur- Abell see Abel ing the persecutions of King Abelson see Abel Shapur II. Abercius Saint Abdón Saint; Hebrew; servant of God, the very helpful man St. Abercius Marcellus (d. 167) was a bishop of Hieropolis St. Abdón (d. 250) was mar- in Phyrgia during the reign tyred along with his compan- of Marcus Aurelius. Late in ion St. Sennen during the time life, he visited Rome and was of Emperor Diocletian. They commanded by the emperor were placed in an arena with to rid his daughter, Lucilla, of wild animals, but when the a demon. He then went on to animals refused to harm them, Abbon–Abraham 5

visit and preach in Syria and the Abraham Saint, Old Testament; area surrounding the Euphrates Hebrew; father of a great River. He was later imprisoned multitude for the faith and died in 167. Abarran, Aberham, Abey, Abhi- Aberham see Abraham ram, Abie, Abrahaim, Abrahame, Abey see Abraham Abrahamo, Abrahan, Abraheem, Abhiram see Abraham Abrahem, Abrahim, Abrahm, Abramo, Abrao, Arram, Avram, Abibas Saint; Hebrew Bram St. Abibas (first century) is St. Abraham, St. Abraham Kid- thought to be the second son unaja, St. Abraham of Carrhae, of Gamaliel, the famous Jewish St. Abraham of Kratia, St. Abra- teacher of St. Paul. Both Gama- ham of Rostov, St. Abraham of liel and Abibas were early con- Smolensk, St. Abraham the Poor verts to the Christian faith. Abraham in the Bible (Gen- Abibus Saint esis 11:26–25:10), whose birth A deacon, St. Abibus (d. 322 or name was Abram, is known 323) was burned at the stake in as the Father of Many Nations. Edessa, Mesopotamia, under Through his sons Ishmael and Emperor Licinius. , Judaism, Christianity, and Abidianus Saint; African Islam all trace their traditions St. Abidianus was an African back to him. He and his wife martyr. Sarai, who was barren, lived Abie see Abraham in Haran, but God appeared Abiel see Abel to him and told him to depart for a land that he would show Abilius Saint; Latin him. God promised him land Avilius and descendants as numer- St. Abilius (d. 98) (also known ous as the stars. Sarai, who at as Avilius) was the third bishop a very advanced age still had of Alexandria, Egypt after no children, offered Abram Sts. Mark and Anianus. Well her maidservant Hagar. From respected for his chastity and this union, Ishmael was born. knowledge of Christ, he served In Genesis 17, Abram’s name is in that position for nineteen changed to Abraham and Sarai years and eight months. He becomes Sarah. Sarah would was buried next to St. Mark soon give birth to Isaac, prov- the Evangelist in the Church of ing that nothing is impossible Bucalis in Alexandria. with God. God would later test Able see Abel Abraham’s faith by asking him Abrahaim see Abraham to offer this much-loved son as a sacrifice. Abraham obeyed, ------





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but an angel saved Isaac at the their Christian influence on the last moment. After the death of Breton people. Sarah, Abraham took another Abrao see Abraham wife who bore him six more Abudimus Saint sons. He died at the age of 175. St. Abudimus (d. 305) was a St. Abraham (d. 480) was a Greek martyr born on the island hermit and confessor born in of Tenedos in the Aegean. He the area which is now modern was tortured and martyred dur- Iraq. While traveling to Egypt, ing the persecution of Emperor he was captured and held as a Diocletian. slave for five years. He escaped Abuna Saint; Arabic; our father and made his way to Gaul, where he was ordained a priest Frumentius and became the abbot of St. Also known as Frumentius, Cyriacus Abbey. St. Abuna (d. 380) was born in Abrahame see Abraham Tyre (modern day Lebanon) and is considered one of the Abrahamo see Abraham Apostles to Ethiopia. He was Abrahan see Abraham shipwrecked during a cruise Abraheem see Abraham on the Red Sea and was taken Abrahem see Abraham to the King of Axum, where he Abrahim see Abraham became a secretary. After the Abrahm see Abraham king died, he became part of the succeeding queen’s court, Abram Saint; short form of who allowed him to preach Abraham about Christ. He was later con- Abrama, Abramo, Abrams secrated as a bishop of Ethiopia. Abrama see Abram Abundius Saint; Latin; abundance Abramo see Abraham St. Abundius (d. 469) was born Abrams see Abram in Thessalonica and became the Abran Saint; Hebrew; father of a fourth bishop of Como, Italy. mighty nation After attending the Council of Gibrian Constantinople in 450, he was Born in Ireland, St. Abran (d. sent by Pope St. Leo I the Great 515), also known as Gibrian, to the Emperor Theodosius II sailed to Brittany with his nine as a papal representative. He siblings, all of whom dedicated served in this role at the Coun- themselves to God. He lived cil of Chalcedon in 451 and the in a hermitage on the Marne Council of Milan in 452, both of River. All of the siblings are which were convened to refute considered saints because of the Eutychian heresy. The Te