Product Supply Catalog Intercity Paper Company, Inc
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Intercity Paper Company Company Paper Intercity Product Supply Catalog janitorial • food service • paper BUILDING VALUE SINCE 1906 METRO PAPER INDUSTRIES TISSUE GROUP Kimberly-Clark Jewel Landscape Logo Applications CMYK Product Supply Catalog To be used for applications between 1-3/4” To be used for applications between 2” t NATIONAL CHECKING COMPANY janitorial • food service • food janitorial • paper Blue: 100/52/2/12 Green: 100/9/58/45 To be used for applications 8” and Specialty Quality Packaging MORCON, INC. Product Supply Catalog MORCON, INC. PAPER PRODUCTS janitorial • food service • paper PIC Intercity Paper Company, Inc. 401-722-4599 | Fax: 401-727-4502 | Intercity Paper Company 401-722-4599 1093 Elmwood Ave., Providence, RI 02907 Intercity Paper - JS3.indd 1 12/20/2013 4:01:35 PM 7.875" * 10.75" The one that does it all. As we all know, germs can hide almost anywhere. Finally, one product — Clorox® 4 in ONE Disinfectant & Sanitizer — gets rid of germs in lots of places. And you don’t need to pre-clean. Whether you’re cleaning schools, hotels, offi ces or even long-term care facilities, you now have one-step disinfecting and sanitizing — at your fi ngertips. *Dust mite matter, cockroach matter, pet dander. †Kills odor-causing bacteria in air. Use as directed. NI-21581 PROJECT TITLE PG# / BRAND PROJECT MANAGER / EXT. COLORS NOTES: STOCK ART & PHOTOGRAPHY PPD CFB 4inOne kick off 39944 / PPD Vartan Yearanos / x4194 Dielines do not print USAGE FILE NAME SPEC. / NI# DIMENSIONS M RIGHT FILE NAME or DESCRIPTION and SOURCE NI-21581_PPD_CFB_AD_4inOne NI-21581 7.875" W x 10.75" H 39944_4InOneSpray_Spray14.psd/Compoite image— CY Stock(name below) & Ron Essex(hand model release) STAGE PRINT PROCESS / #COLORS RELEASE DATE / VENDOR R1 MECHANICAL PREFLIGHT TBD / (4) 08/09/13 / i4Color K 95206348_Shutterstock_RM_Sofa_jpg ROUND1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DATE 08/06/13 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 00/00/00 ARTIST CL--------- PROOF RG--------- V1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK INDESIGN CS6 1221 BROADWAY #287 OAKLAND CA 94612 5120-2013 Clorox File: NI-21581_PPD_CFB_AD_4inOne Date: 08.09.2013 Operator:MB Proof#: 1 510-271-6569 Work Order Number 93662 Print Method: Litho Printer: Advertorial Print Queue: SWOP Callico Manufacturer ID Codes AD RDA ADvAntAge GM global MateRiAl Tech (GMT) QP sQP AO AmeRicO hB Hamburg IndustRies RB Reckitt BenckiseR At AtlAs Paper Mills HM HoffmAsteR Rc RubbeRmAid CommeRciAl Bc AeP INDUSTRIES hU HuhtAmAki RD RDA VintAge BO Bobrick WAshroom iP impact Products Rm ROchester MiDlAnD BP ROcktenn GSD / FOlD-PAk JD DiveRseY SC SCA North AmeRicA/Tork BR Brown PapeR Js ECOlAB sF SanfacOn IndustRies BU BULMAn kA Kari OUt Corp. SG SIMPLE GREEN cB AeP INDUSTRIES KC kimBeRlY-clark SI SpiR-it CC cONTINENTAl KK Koala Kare Products sJ San JAmar cD CallicO kO North AmeRicAn/Safe SteP SK STOkO/ EVONIK STOCKHAUSEN CH chicopee kP KutOl Products sO Solo Cup CI cARLISLE KS keYstOne Cap SS sheila Shine CK Converpak lB lBP MAnUFACTURING, INC. ST steccOne CL steRnoCanDleLamP lP tiDi Products SV Savin cO ColgAte PAlmOlive mA MarcAl/SounDvieW sW Super Win Enterprises cP clorox ME meRit sZ simOniz UsA CT Cascades mO MorcOn tO Tolco CorporatiOn cY SofiDel AmeRica Corp. MT METRO PAPeR tP Tri-PAk DA Dart ContAiner Corp. mU Muncie NoveltY TT AMES TRUE TEMPeR Dc OCCIDENTAL CHEM/PELADOW NC NatiOnAl Checking tW Greenwave DF Detroit Forming, Inc. NK Norpak Corp. Un Unger Products DO DopacO nP Sani-ProfessiOnAl Us ULTIMATE SOlUTIONS, INC Ds the DiAl CorporatiOn OA OAkRiDGE PRODUCTS vR VEND RITE MFg. DU Duro BAg Co. OD OIL-DRI CORPORATIOn VV VVF Amenities DY DYmOn /ITW ProfessiOnAl OR OReck WB WAterbury Products EK ELKAY PlASTICS PA PActiv WD WD-40 EN ENERGIZeR PB Pizza Products Wi Winchester CartOn ET ettore Pg Procter & GamBle Wn WnA Comet Fk Fabri-Kal Ps PAPeRsOURCE WP WesteRn PlAstics gD Gordon PapeR PW PRessware Wt HuhtAmAki/WinterfielD gJ Go-Jo Products Qc Quality CartOn manufacturers occasionally change product design and specifications. When these changes occur between publications of our catalog they are beyond our control. Therefore, certain product designs and specifications may be different than those illustrated in this catalog. We appreciate your under- standing as these changes will occur. Also, practical production methods make it impossible to illus- trate every product that we carry in this catalog. however, the products shown are generally the most representative of the manufacturer’s line and or those in most common usage by the trade. For infor- mation about unlisted, additional or new products, please telephone us. not responsible for errors or omissions. Thank you. Table of Contents Table of Contents A. Towels, Tissue & Dispensers .............................................................. 2 B. Wipes & Wipers ................................................................................. 19 C. Food Service ....................................................................................... 25 D. Can Liners ......................................................................................... 74 E. Bags ..................................................................................................... 76 F. Skin Care ............................................................................................ 83 G. Hospitality ......................................................................................... 95 H. Chemicals ........................................................................................... 96 I. Batteries ............................................................................................. 126 J. Floor Maintenance Equipment ....................................................... 127 K. Pads, Sponges & Abrasives ............................................................ 129 L. Brooms, Brushes, Mops & Accessories ......................................... 131 M. Utility & Window Cleaning Tools ................................................. 140 N. Personal Healthcare Products ........................................................ 145 O. Trash Cans, Receptacles & Carts .................................................. 147 P. Rest Room ......................................................................................... 150 Q. Grounds Maintenance .................................................................... 151 R. Industrial Packaging ....................................................................... 153 SECTIONS e c t i o n AA Towels,Towels, TissueTissue & & Dispensers Dispensers Standard Roll Toilet Tissue Atlas Green Heritage® Bath tissue White, soft, absorbent, overall embossed, RDA Advantage™ Renature® toilet wrapped. Safe for all septic systems. Made tissue from 100% recycled fiber. Value and performance, combining softness with bulk and superior absorbency. Safe for all item Size Desc. Pack sewer and septic systems. At-274 4.5" x 3.1" 400 shts 2 ply 96/cs item Size Desc. Pack AD-A2240 4.5" x 3.75" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs Atlas Green Heritage® Bath tissue AD-A2250 4.5" x 2.4" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs Light weight dispenser carton, easy to store, AD-A2270 4.5" x 3.5" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs product made from 100% recycled paper. Exceeds EPA minimum guideline for post Vintage® Small Roll Bath tissue consumer waste content. Overall-wrapped in attractive packaging for maximum sanitation. Exceptional whiteness, item Size Desc. Pack At-220 4.5" x 3.1" 400 shts 2 ply 20/cs absorbency and softness. Suitable for all restroom applications. Embossed; 100% Heavenly Soft® Bath tissue recycled. Meets the EPA guidelines for Get the at-home comfort with our premium post-consumer waste. quality bathroom tissue. Consistently bright, item Size Desc. Pack soft and absorbent. Biodegradable, and septic RD-A25140 4.5" x 3.75" 1000 shts 1 ply 96/cs safe. Made with fiber from sustainable sources. classique toilet tissue item Size Desc. Pack 100% Recycled. Meets the EPA guidelines for cY-410002 4.1" x 3.5" 1000 shts 1 ply 96/cs post-consumer waste. Heavenly Soft® Bath tissue Consistently bright, soft and absorbent. Biodegradable, and septic safe. Made with fiber item Size Desc. Pack from sustainable sources. cD-c48422 4.25" x 3.62" 420 shts 2 ply 48/cs controlled Use toilet tissue item Size Desc. Pack 100% Recycled paper. 11" - 12" Perforated cY-410000 4.5" x 3.5" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs sheets. Heavenly choice® Double Layer Bath tissue Innovative process fuses 2 piles into one to item Size Desc. Pack cD-c402052 3.6" x 205' 205 shts 2 ply 48/cs create a double layer tissue. Made from 100% recycled materials. Processed chlorine free. coral toilet tissue Biodegradable and septic safe. Consistently 100% Recycled. Meets the EPA guidelines for bright, soft and absorbent. post-consumer waste. Septic safe. item Size Desc. Pack cY-410010 3.96" x 3.5" 500 shts 96/cs Heavenly Soft® Bath tissue - Retail item Size Desc. Pack Pack PS-c965015 4.5" x 3" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs Consistently bright, soft and absorbent. Biodegradable, and septic safe. Made with fiber Atlas Green Heritage™ Bathroom from sustainable sources. tissue Green Seal Certified® Made from 100% item Size Desc. Pack cY-410021 4.1" x 4.0" 176 shts 2 ply 24/4/cs recycled fibers. Exceeds EPA guidelines for post-consumer waste. White, soft, absorbent, Metro Paper Vista Bathroom tissue overall embossed, wrapped toilet tissue. Safe Individual wrapped. 100% recycled. for all septic systems. item Size Desc. Pack At-275 4.5" x 3.1" 500 shts 2 ply 96/cs At-250 4.5"