AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference 2021 Workshop Real-Time Insights

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AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference 2021 Workshop Real-Time Insights AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference 2021 Workshop Real-time Insights for Optimizing Healthcare Delivery: Translating Evidence into Action May 18 10:30AM - 3:00PM VIRTUAL EVENT With the continued impetus to move from fee-for-service to value-based care, one major challenge health systems are facing is how to best enable real-time insights to enhance provider decision-making to improve care delivery. Recently, impactful use cases have emerged in a number of healthcare delivery scenarios to demonstrate the value of real-time insights; however, while many of the use cases are centered around the use of individualized insights learned from data, there has not been consensus on how best to embed data-driven insights in clinical workflow and how to better enable behavioral changes at the point of care. This workshop will bring healthcare system and informatics leaders together to pinpoint the challenges and opportunities in identifying, creating, implementing and utilizing clinical AI/machine learning solutions, and outline best practices for a successful implementation. The workshop will be structured into three sessions. At the first two sessions, participants will hear from three health system leaders, clinicians, and informatics experts about their experiences with real-time insight solutions (for 15 minutes each), and then they will join a roundtable discussion that will include a Q&A session with the moderator and from the audience/attendees. For the last session, the conversation will focus on the health system user point of view, and engage leading quality and safety experts. At the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to: 1. Identify important use cases in the three key areas where the use of real-time insights could transform practice in healthcare delivery. 2. Define a set of success criteria for how healthcare organizations could use a platform-based approach to incorporate evidence in the everyday clinical decision-making process on the frontline of care delivery and best practices for enabling behavioral change to secure adoption, engagement and trust. 3. Identify pathways to incorporate the use of real-time insights in healthcare organizations. May 18 10:30AM - 3:00PM Eastern Time Agenda Item Time Discussion Intro 10:30-10:40am Overall workshop goal and set up Working Session 1: 10:40-11:25am Panelists will discuss real-time insight solutions in practice; how Panel presentations they developed, implemented, and results seen so far. Strategy and Selection 11:25-12:00pm Panelists: Philip Payne, Maxim Topaz and Vikas Chowdhry Roundtable (Moderator: Gretchen In the follow-up roundtable of the first session, we will further Jackdon) dive into the understanding of what are the pros and cons of the different implementation strategies selected in the use cases and whether there exists any common set of contributing factors to the success or failure observed. Lunch break 12:00-12:30pm Working Session 2: 12:30-1:15pm Panelists will discuss real-time insight solutions in practice; how Panel presentations they developed, implemented, and results seen so far. Engaging Clinical End Users 1:15-1:50pm Panelists: Dr. Jonathan Gleason, Dr. Dan Durand Roundtable (Moderator: Brian Yeh) In the follow-up roundtable of the second session, we will further dive deeper into engagement and adoption strategies, best practices, common learnings, etc. Coffee break 1:50pm-2:00pm Working Session 3: 2-2:45pm The third session will focus on evaluations as well as the user point of view; discuss what providers are seeing in practice, what they want, ways to evaluate solutions and better meet the Monitoring and needs of those on the front line. Evaluating success Panelists: Prof. Derek Angus, Dr. Ed Chen, Amy Miller, Roy (Moderator: Suchi Adams Saria) Closing 2:45-3:00pm Closing Remarks (Suchi Saria) Speakers/Organizers: ● Dr. Suchi Saria, PhD is the John C. Malone Associate professor of computer science and statistics at the Whiting School of Engineering and of health policy at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is also the founding Director of the Machine Learning, AI and Healthcare Lab and the founding Research Director of the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare at Hopkins and the CEO. Her research has pioneered the development of next generation diagnostic and treatment planning tools that use AI and machine learning methods to individualize care. In sepsis, a life-threatening condition, her work first demonstrated the use of machine learning to integrate diverse signals to make early detection possible (Science Trans. Med. 2015). In Parkinson's, her work showed a first demonstration of using readily-available sensors to easily track and measure symptom severity at home, which can serve to optimize treatment management (JAMA Neurology 2018). Dr. Saria also is the founder of Bayesian Health, which leverages best-in-class machine learning and behavior change management expertise to help health organizations unlock improved patient care outcomes at scale by providing real-time precise, patient-specific, and actionable insights in the EMR. Recently, Dr. Saria won a grant award from the FDA and is collaborating with them in the development of frameworks for the evaluation of safety and reliability of AI. She was named by IEEE Intelligent Systems as Artificial Intelligence’s “10 to Watch” (2015), MIT Technology Review’s ‘35 Innovators under 35’ (2017), World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader (2018), DARPA Young Faculty Awardee (2016) and a Sloan Research Fellow (2018). She was invited to join the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering (2017) and the National Academy of Medicine’s Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine (2018). She has given over 250 invited talks and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Machine Learning Research. ● Prof. Derek Angus, MD, MPH, FRCP, FCCM, FCCP is the Distinguished Professor of Health Policy Management and Chair of Critical Care Medicine of both the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the UPMC Healthcare System. He directs the CRISMA (Clinical Research, Investigation, and Systems Modeling of Acute Illnesses) Center. He co-directs the UPMC ICU Service Center. Dr. Angus has led large NIH-funded multicenter studies in the critically ill, the most recent of which is ProCESS (Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock), a 40-center study focusing on how to best provide early resuscitation for septic shock. Dr. Angus has published several hundred papers, reviews and book chapters, and is currently section editor for “Caring for the Critically Ill” for JAMA. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Presidential Citation Award of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the Master of Critical Care Medicine from the American College of Critical Care Medicine, Best Doctors of America (2005-present), etc. Dr. Angus is a member of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the American College of Chest Physicians, the American Thoracic Society, the Association for Health Services Research, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the American College of Critical Care Medicine. ● Dr. Edward S. Chen, MD is Medical Director of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Dr. Chen has led the implementation of several data-driven initiatives for improving patient safety and QI. ● Dr. Jonathan L. Gleason, MD is the Executive Vice President and Chief Quality Officer at Jefferson Health. He has extensive experience leading patient safety initiatives and improving care quality in healthcare systems. Dr. Gleason’s focused interest is balancing technology, analytics, process improvement, and human factors to achieve high reliability through excellent operations in healthcare. Dr. Gleason has developed systems to achieve significant reductions in hospital readmissions, healthcare acquired infections, mortality, and serious safety events, while reducing disruptions to operations. His academic work has focused on patient-centered surgical outcomes and has produced intellectual property including validated web-based applications and medical devices. ● Dr. Daniel J. Durand, MD serves as the Chairman of Radiology for LifeBridge Health, where he leads a team of board-certified sub-specialty trained radiologists and technologists. Dr. Durand earned his medical degree at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and subsequently completed fellowships in musculoskeletal and molecular imaging at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology and holds a Certificate of Added Qualification in Pediatric Radiology. Dr. Durand has over 20 years of experience in healthcare, science, and technology and has authored over 100 scientific papers, abstracts, oral presentations, editorials, and speaks regularly at national conferences on topics related to medical innovation. His writing has appeared in some of the world's best medical journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Dr. Durand previously served as the first Director of Accountable Care for Johns Hopkins Medicine, where he led operations and strategy for one of the nation's largest ACOs. Prior to Hopkins, Dr. Durand was a Vice President and member of the executive leadership team at Evolent Health, a healthcare IT start-up where he helped grow revenues from $8 million to $130 million prior to Evolent's successful IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. Prior to Evolent, Dr. Durand worked as an Associate with McKinsey & Company out of the Firm's Washington, DC office. ● Dr. Vikas Chowdhry, PhD, MS, MBA, is the Chief Analytics and Information Officer at Parkland Center For Clinical Innovation (PCCI) with 15+ years of healthcare experience. He works closely with data science and clinical teams at PCCI to develop machine learning driven technologies and products that can empower clinical and social services providers and individuals to create communities that are healthier and more productive. Additionally, Vikas has a keen interest in the area of leveraging incentive programs to influence patient behavior.
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