New Contributions to the Native And

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New Contributions to the Native And SHORT NOTES Lazaroa ISSN: 0210-9778 Newcontributionstothenativeandalienflorainriparianhabitats oftheCantabrianwatershed(NorthernSpain) DiegoLiendo 1,JuanA.Campos 1,IdoiaBiurrun 1 &ItziarGarcía-Mijangos 1 Received: 1June2016/Accepted:18July2016 Abstract. AsaresultofafloristicsurveycarriedoutinriparianhabitatsofnorthernSpain,newchorologicaldataare providedfor9alienand6nativeplantspecies.Somespeciesarereportedforthefirsttimeatregionalscale,suchas Carex strigosa , Helianthus x laetiflorus and Persicaria pensylvanica inCantabria.Alsonoteworthyisthefindingof naturalisedpopulationsoftheNorthAmericangrass Muhlenbergia schreberi attheUrumeariverbasin,whichrepre - sentsthesecondreferencefortheIberianPeninsula. Keywords: NorthernSpain;riparianhabitats;nativeplants;alienplants. NuevasaportacionesalafloraalóctonaynativaenhábitatsripariosdelaCuenca Cantábrica(NortedeEspaña) Resumen. ComoresultadodelestudioflorísticorealizadoenhábitatsripariosdelnortedeEspañaseaportannuevos datoscorológicosde9especiesdeplantasalóctonasy6nativas.Algunasdeestasespeciesconstituyennuevascitas regionales,como Carex strigosa , Helianthus x laetiflorus y Persicaria pensylvanica paraCantabria.Destacaasimis - moelhallazgodepoblacionesnaturalizadasde Muhlenbergia schreberi ,gramíneanorteamericanaencontradaenla cuencadelUrumeayquerepresentalasegundareferenciadeestaespecieenlaPenínsulaIbérica. Palabras clave: NortedeEspaña;hábitatsriparios;plantasnativas;plantasalóctonas. Introduction asaresultofahighersummerrainfall. Riparianandadjacenthabitatsofthe Riparianhabitatshavebeenrepeatedlydocu - Cantabrianwatershedhavebeenintenselydis - mentedasbeinghighlyvulnerabletoinvasion turbedinthelastdecadesas aresultofhuman byalienplantsduetonaturalfactorsand populationincreaseandrelatedanthro - processesandhuman-mediatedactivities.In pogenicactivities,suchasagriculture,indus - relationtothis,thepresentworkstemsfroma trialdevelopment,urbanisation,andthe widerstudyfocusedontheanalysisofthe developmentofanincreasinglydensetra ns - presence,distributionandimpactsofalien portnetworkwhich,coupledwiththebenign plantsinriparianhabitatsoftheCantabrian climate,hasresultedinmanydifferentalien watershed(northernSpain).Streamsinthis plantspeciesestablishinginthesehabitats territoryhavethedistinctcharacteristicof (Campos,2010;Liendo& al .,2016). beingnotablyshortincomparisonwith Fieldworkconductedin16randomly MediterraneanIberianriverssincetheir selectedriverbasinshasallowedtheauthorsto sourcesintheCantabrianMountainsarevery presentnewchorologicaldatafor9alienand closetotheirmouthsintheBayofBiscay. also6nativeplanttaxa,someofwhichrepre - Additionally,summerlowwaterperiodis sentingnewrecordsatprovincialand/or shorterandlessintenseinCantabrianstreams regionalscale.Inthiscontext,itisworthhigh - 1 DepartmentofPlantBiologyandEcology(Botany),UniversityoftheBasqueCountry(UPV/EHU). PO.Box644.E-48080 Bilbao(Spain).E-mail:[email protected] Lazaroa 37 2016: 173-182 173 174 Liendo D.; Campos J. A.; Biurrun I.; García-Mijangos I. Lazaroa 37 2016: 173-182 lightingthefindingofnaturalisedpopulations dateandauthorsofcollectionandregistration oftheNorthAmericangrass Muhlenbergia codeintheBIOHerbariumoftheUniversity schreberi (nimblewill)alongtheUrumea oftheBasqueCountry(UPV/EHU)where stream(GipuzkoaandNavarreprovinces), voucherspecimensofalltaxaarepreserved. whichrepresentsthesecondrecordofthis Additionally,somevoucherspecimenspre - speciesintheIberianPeninsula. servedinthefollowingherbariahavebeen Informationonspeciesdistributionhas includedinthepresentwork:SEST(Natural beengatheredfromA NTHOS(Information SciencesSocietyofSestao),VIT(Natural systemonvascularplantsinSpain),GBIF HistoryMuseumofÁlava),ARAN(Aranzadi (GlobalBiodiversityInformationFacility), ScienceSociety)andMA(RoyalBotanic Floraiberica(Castroviejo, 1986-2015)and Garden,Madrid). severalbibliographicalsources.Speciesnomen - Asmentionedabove,thestudyarea claturefollowsEuro+Med(www.emplant - encompassesriparianhabitatsof16randomly,accessed21-I-2016)exceptfor selectedriverbasinsofnorthernSpain(Figure Aucuba japonica Thunb. (Nov.Gen.Pl.3:62. 1781), Persicaria pensylvanica (L)M.Gómez 1).Thisareaincludespartiallyortotallythe (An.Inst. Segun.Ens.2:278.1896), provincesofCantabria,Burgos,Bizkaia,Álava, Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.)C.K. GipuzkoaandNavarre.Fromabiogeographic Schneid. (Ill.Handb.Laubholzk.,1:761. pointofview,thestudyareaisincludedin 1906), Verbena brasiliensis Vell.(Fl.Flumin. the Cantabrian-Atlanticsubprovinceofthe 1:Tab.40.1827)and Verbena incompta P.W. Eurosiberianregion(Rivas-Martínez& al ., Michael(Telopea6:181-183).Foreachtaxon, 2014).Withinthissubprovince,mostofthe thefollowinginformationisprovided:cur - riverbasinsbelongtotheCantabrian-Basque rentlyacceptedname,synonyms,family,type sectorwiththeexceptionoftheSaja-Besaya ofchorologicalnovelty,locality,province,1x1 andEscudobasins,whichareincludedinthe kmUTMgridsquare(ED50Datum),stream Galician-Asturiansector(Berastegi& al ., wherethespecimenwascollected,elevation, 1997;Rivas-Martínez& al .,2014). Figure1. Studyareashowingthefluvialnetworkandtheselectedriverbasins.1:Escudo;2:Saja-Besaya; 3:Miera;4:Asón;5:Agüera;6:Barbadún;7:Cadagua;8:Nervión;9:Ibaizabal;10:Butrón;11:Oka; 12:Lea;13:Urola:14:Oria;15:Urumea;16:Bidasoa Liendo D.; Campos J. A.; Biurrun I.; García-Mijangos I. Lazaroa 37 2016: 173-182 175 Riparianvegetationintheseriverbasins megaforbcommunitieswithahighgrass correspondstotheCantabrian-Basqueand diversitythatgrowinsupra-oro-temperate Oviedesefluvialgeoserie Hyperico androsae - areasofthePyrenees(Rivas-Martínez,2011). mi-Alnetum glutinosae (Loidi& al .,2011), Bothlocalitiesincludedinthisworkareata whichcoverstheterritorybetweencentral significantloweraltitudeinmesotemperate AsturiasinNorthSpainandthe French areas,asweretherecordsfromLiérganesand BasqueCountry.Thisgeoserieconsistsof LaCavadaincludedinGuinea(1953)orthose severalplantcommunitiesthatgrowonthree fromAmpueroandSobaincludedinHerrera distinctenvironments:riverbed,riverbankand (1995).Ofspecialrelevanceisthereference floodplain,withalderforests( Alnus glutinosa ) fromSilióasitwouldextendwestwardthe associatedtotheriverbankandriverbarplant knowndistributionofthespeciesinthe communitiesassociatedtotheriverbedbeing CantabrianMountains.Itwouldalsoindicate themostwidespreadones.Regardingalien thatthistaxonisprobablypresentathigher plants,somespeciesstronglyassociatedto elevationsinthemountainsofthewaterdivide riparianhabitatsarecommonlyfoundacross betweentheSaja-BesayaandtheEbroriver thestudyarea,suchas Fallopia japonica , basins.Thenearestknownpopulationsare Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora and Cyperus era - locatedintheupperPasriverbasinsomekilo - grostis (Liendo& al .,2015). metreseastwards(Aedo& al .,1987;Herrera & al .,1990). Results and Discussion Carex strigosa Huds.(Cyperaceae) Aucuba japonica Thunb.(Garryaceae) Cantabria :Valdáliga,Bustriguado, Gipuzkoa :Hernani,Ereñozu,Urumeastream, Bustriguadostream,30TUN9095,alderforest, 30TWN8589,riparianforest,16m,24-IX- 105m,02-VII-2013, D. Liendo , M. Solís & H. 2013, I. Biurrun & D. Liendo ,BIO50909. Penna ,BIO50695. Aucuba japonica isaperennialdioecious ThissedgeisfoundinmuchofEurope,the shrubnativetoEastAsia(ChinaandJapan) CaucasusandnorthernIran(Laskurain& al ., whichiswidelyusedasornamentalinwarm 2003)butitisaveryrareplantintheIberian zonesofWesternEuropeandtheUSA.This Peninsula.Itischaracteristicofthe Alnion shade-tolerantspeciesisvaluedforitsability incanae alliance(Rivas-Martínez,2011), tothriveinthemostdifficultgardenenviron - thoughwereportitfromaCantabrianalder mentsandnumerouscultivarshavebeen forestofthe Hyperico androsaemi-Alnetum obtained.Theonlypreviousreferencesofthis glutinosae associationincludedinthe speciesintheBasqueCountryaretwoherbar - Hyperico-Alnion alliance(Biurrun& al ., iumsheetscollectedingardensandparksof 2016).Aizpuru& al .(2001)reportedthis Vitoria-Gasteiz(Álava,VIT17944andVIT speciesforthefirsttimeintheIberian 18000).Consequently,ourGipuzkoalocality Peninsulafromamixed-alderforestinUsurbil representsthefirstrecordofthisspeciesas (Gipuzkoa),whichresultedinthistaxonbeing escapedfromcultivationintheBasque includedintheAtlasandRedBookofthe Country. ThreatenedVascularFloraofSpain(Laskurain & al .,2003)asacriticallyendangeredspecies. Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.)Roth Afterwards,JiménezMejías et al .(2007)pro - (Poaceae) videdanewlocalityfromtheBidasoariver basininLesaka(Navarra)andpointedoutthat Cantabria :Molledo,Silió,Ereciastream, thelocalitiesfromAsturiasandGipuzkoa 30TVN1777,disturbedalderforest,273m, reportedinAllorge&Allorge(1941)werenot 31-VII-2013, D. Liendo & M. Solís ,BIO takenintoaccountfortheIberianPeninsula 50828;ValledeVillaverde,Agüerastream, cataloguesincenoherbariumsheetwasfound. 30TVN7886,222m,alderforest,22-IX-2011, Finally,Aizpuru et al .(2010)includedthe I. Biurrun & D. Liendo ,BIO50554. taxonintheRedListofVascularFloraofthe Indicatorspeciesofthe Calamagrostion BasqueCountryasvulnerabletoextinction arundinaceae alliance,whichistheonly andprovidedtwonewlocalities:Beluntza allianceofthe Calamagrostietalia villosae order (Álava)andBergara(Gipuzkoa).Accordingto inSpain.Thisallianceincludesacidophilic availableinformation,thisspecieshasnot 176 Liendo D.; Campos J. A.; Biurrun I.; García-Mijangos I. Lazaroa 37 2016: 173-182 beenreportedfromCantabriasofar,which Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F.Gmel.(Poaceae) meansthatourvoucherspecimenfromthe BustriguadostreaminValdáligarepresentsa Gipuzkoa :Hernani,Ereñozu,Urumeastream, newadditiontothefloraofthisprovince. 30TWN8589,stonyshorewithsandaccumu
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