Zander Perioperative Education Zander CST Exam Preparation Course Zander Perioperative Education Certification Preparation for CNOR, CAPA-CPAN, CST and CBSPD Wendy Zander MSN/Ed, RN, CNOR
[email protected] Test Taking Strategies Objectives: 1. Apply Test Taking Strategies for the CST exam 2. Create a Personal Study Plan 3. Eligibility • Registering for the exam • Exam Format • Time Management • Test Taking Strategies Eligibility • Current or previously Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) ▫ Evidence of CST Certification • Graduate of a surgical technology program accredited by CAAHEP ▫ Evidence of proof of graduation • Graduate of a surgical technology accredited by ABHES ▫ Evidence of proof of graduation 1 Zander Perioperative Education Military Eligible • A graduate of a military training program in surgical technology is always eligible whether it was before, during or after having CAAHEP accreditation. ▫ a copy of your DD214 (must state location of the base where program was completed), ▫ a copy of your graduation certificate from the surgical technology training program ▫ a smart transcript Accelerated Alternate Delivery (AAD) Pathway • Have on-the-job training in surgical technology • Are a graduate from a surgical technology program that did not hold CAAHEP accreditation during your enrollment CST Testing Fees First Time Test Takers Exam Fee (AST Members) Exam Fee (Non Members) $190 $290 Current or Previous Certified Surgical Technologist Renewing First Time Test Takers Certification by Examination Exam Fee