|||||||||||||||| US00556943A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,156,943 Whitney (45) Date of Patent: Oct
|||||||||||||||| US00556943A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,156,943 Whitney (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 1992 (54) HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGERY SYSTEMS 4,895,790 l/1990 Swanson et al. .................... 430/32 AND METHODS Primary Examiner-Marion E. McCamish (76) Inventor: Theodore R. Whitney, 5500 Fenwood Assistant Examiner-Janis L. Dote Ave., Woodland Hills, Calif. 91367 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Merchant, Gould, Smith, (21) Appl. No.: 520,629 Edell, Welter & Schmidt 22 Filed: May 8, 1990 (57) ABSTRACT The current limits of resolution of multi-element optical Related U.S. Application Data systems are exceeded by reducing the number of ele ments while introducing at the critical aperture a blazed 62) Division of Ser. No. 108,435, Oct. 23, 1987, Pat. No. transmission grating having grating rings of low bend 4,936,665. ing power defined by multiple plateaus. By illuminating 51 Int. Cl’................................................ G03C5/00 the optical train with monochromatic light that consti (52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 430/321; 430/323; tutes a multiplicity of distributed sources having a sub 430/324; 430/329; 430/22 stantial temporal coherence but spatial incoherence and (58) Field of Search ................... 430/321, 329, 324, 1, by varying the slopes and widths of the grating rings, 430/2, 323, 22; 350/162.16, 162.2, 162.22; local phase delays are introduced that adjust aberrations 359/565, 569, 572 in the optical system, providing an aligned composite (56) References Cited wavefront. The system and method may be used for presenting an image, as for a wafer stepper, or for view U.S.
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