The Springfield Dies Residence on Sherwood Koad, with Hopeful Democrats from the Time the Polls Closed at 8 Albert G

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The Springfield Dies Residence on Sherwood Koad, with Hopeful Democrats from the Time the Polls Closed at 8 Albert G TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD VOL. 28t'h YEAR—NO. 4 SPRINGFIELD, N. J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1957 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER IO< A COPY, $3.50 BY THE WAR Township Commit-teemanV 1957 ELECTION TABULATION Vincent J. Bonadies and a ' 1st ' 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6 th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th .12th 13th TOTAL militant Democratic organi- Town Committee zation defeated Henry Gra- BONADIES (D) .... 218 273 214 175 242 221 221 171 200 203. 278 385 130 2931 barz and the Republican ma- GRABARZ (R) .... 172 139 253 363 250 225 112 63 160 92 122 165 92 2208 Governor chine, Tuesday by 723 votes. MEYNER (D) .. .. 177 231 162 154 173 160 148 157 ' 151 190 258 312 J05 2378 It was a crushing victory FORBES (R) ..... 213 181 306 404 323 290 186 81 210 107 146 229 123 2804 for the incumbent who- rolled State Assembly up a record vote (for a Dem- MILLER (D) 150 209 138 127 154 138 140 149 138 175 236 285 96 2135 ocrat in Springfield) of 2,931.' McGOWAN (D) .... 149 210 138 133 150 144 138 147 134 177 226 281 97 2124 Bonadies won in nine of the HUGHES (D) ...... 153 210 143, 132 15G 146 331 150 141 171 224 287 98 2142 thirteen districts. The total WILSON ID) 149 207 137 125 150 136 131 149 135 173 227 290 94 2103 of Grabarz was 2208. THOMAS (R) 217 189 311 403 329 299 181 79 .205 109 146 226 113 2807 In two of the districts lost by CRANE (R) 221 189 315 402 330 296 183 79 210 108 148 232 121 2834 183 312 403 318 . 292 17.7 80 201 111 141 Bonadies, the Fifth and Sixth, GRIFFIN (R) ...... 213 221 111 2763 there was considerable concern VANDERBILT (R) . 216 181 309 409 330 298 181 80 207 109 142 225 116 2803 that he might take a healing be- Freeholders ( cause this is the area where the CARLIN (D) 154 212 147 128 158 144 139 143 174 233 292 104 US 2176 proposed new Route 22' was to- O'BRIEN (D) 152 212 148 133 _ 156 144 141 147 146 176 228 290 98 2l71 cross. Bonadies lost the fiflh by DALZIEL (D) 146 206 145 12S 146 140 132 147 139 175 226' 284 94 2106 a vote of 250 to 242 and he missed BAILEY (R) 217 184 ' 303 401 318 292 175 78 205 107 139 224 111 2752 the- Sixth by 4 votes, t'h-c count ZEREGA (R) 213 181 300 39G 307 285 172 80 201 105 139 222 110 2711 there being 225 to 221. CARR (R) 214 180 300 298 318 289 174 79 201 110 139 223 111 2734 Registered Voters 507 505 632 737 656 568 428 284 485 365 567 655 The momentum of the Bonadies 296 6685 vote was also reflected in the high Votes Cast 404 421 492 564 519 464 343 241 374 308 423 562 231 5346 . ' Charter Study Yes—254Yes- 8 No—760 Residential Vote balloting for Gov. Robert B, Mey- Referendum Yes—2434 No—715 ner's re-election in Springfield. Gov. Meyner received the unpre- Reporter-At-Large cedented total of 2,378, which was even greater than the number THANKS! Will Carry Out who were counted for Bonadies. Other evidence of the strength Easy Win and Hard Drinks of the Bonadies machine was that To the Members of the Charter the local man polled more votes SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS—Jubilant winner in Town Conuniiteeinan Commission: Every Pledge, in Springfield than Sen. sralcolm election, Vincent J. Bonadies pcses triumphantly with his wife and some Democratjc Faithful On behalf of the Governing Forbes, Republican candidate for By PHIL HAFF Body and all officials of the Town- governor, his total Being 2,804. of liis campaigners right after the final tallies were in. ship may I extend to you congrat- While Democratic victory itself ulations for the mandate which Says Bonadies appeared certain when approxi- Springfield Democrats had their frist taste of land- you have received from the local mately 160 volunteer workers re- • electorate. In your forthcoming .ported for election day duty, no slide victory Tuesday night and with it more than a taste studies, you will receive my- whole- Demo era tic Township -one—in the -headquarters hoped — . , - ^can- htU'ti">" thecount would ig6"scf*hlgl«rHeaia.**'" : didate's home. •-.-.•• the cooperation of the Governing Bonadies today described his quarters.this year established in THIS WEEK The Boriadies home at 12 Sherwood road was jammed Body and all Township officials. the recreation room of the Bona- •\: ' of ;;; re-election to the Springfield dies residence on Sherwood Koad, with hopeful Democrats from the time the polls closed at 8 Albert G. Binder, Mayor Township Committee as a p.m. until the results were known at 8.: 35 p.m. After that was humming with excitement To all Citizens of Springfield: great victory for the people from the minute the polls opened DEMOCRATS LAUNCH VINCENIK! The Election the place was jammed with exultant Democrats. of Springfield in keeping until the, last .count was brought Bonadies changed from candi- Election day is. over'and the open the door of municipal in. Telephone squads, automobile Springfield Democrats gave thsxr Republican opponents date to host quickly and sent out paced about the' room cheering issues are resolved. This does pools, baby sitting groups, check- r The , Springfield Republican or- not mean, however, that we can government. to independence a fast loolc at their new political super fuel Tuesday. ~ ganization conceded defeat", even for great quantities of food- and each other up with predictions of ers, runners and .."voter-better— They launched Vincent J. Eonadies into the ltcal poli- drink. No Teliable__repbrts: are- Republican landslides... ... , ..... relax until another November. of action in preference to",5-D ; before the^last_ total, was.;official-. r outers" kept at the list o£ eligi- tical orb t with a resounding rockefc crash that has the Re- ^available or* whea-the*party -broke- ' At 8:10 the first runner from We are still faced witfi~'thVseriotis' ruBbef stamp government. bles with Municipal Democratic ly'taitned, and no time was tosf problem of the new Route-No. 22 publicans reeling and looking around for more and "better in : congratulating Bonadies, the up. one of the polling places arrived "The people of Springfieild de- Committee Chairman Irwin .W.ein— .The large recreation room-, in Highway.- •-• - - — ••* — tnuiquilizers. ' ' " •" "" "" •'" '" '"'' -.•"".' victor ."Tovvnsbip""Comn)itteeni en with the results.- After some, con- serve-: and want- to-continue-the berg as "the Officer of the Day. the Bonadies basement had been fused shouting and shushing,, he Our Mayor must, have the sup- type of municipal government r There r/ere no "if s and ands" about the victory of Bona- Raymond W. Forbes,-Eugene F. a scene of great activity all day The. taste of victory was in the Donnelly and. Candidate Henry read the score: 1st District — port of All the citizens regardless which places no one above criti- air at headquarters the minute dies over the Republican candidate, Henry Grabarz, The long as party workers used it as Grabarz 172, Bonadies 218. of political affinity, for highways cism and which gives top priority present lcne Democrat on the.Township gave GraT>arz and Grabarz paid an early visit to the •headquarters in the efforts to get the first three or four districts re- Bonadies home to personally offer - Everybody cheered. Then every- recognize no political or geograph- to the interests of the community ported the As fee dis- the usually well oiled Republican machine what will go down out th'e vote. Extra phones were body wondered if it meant any- ical lines. while ruling out party politics. their congratulations and best installed, charts made up, and trict workers continued report,, tho dnto the record books as a good shellack'ng. A margin of wishes. thing. Your strong, concerted effort, Jifst," Bonadies said. total had reached a point where 723 votes — and that is the majority for Bonadies-over food served throughout the day for Districts 3 and 4 reported next. in support of the Mayor's fight "Through their vote," Bonadies Bonadies was leading by a little : Later in the evening — at.the the faithful. against this intrusion on our com- Grabarz —:s not what you would call a pitcher's tattle. height of the victory celebration— Everyone knew these were tradi- said, "the people of Springfield over 700 votes with only two more The -Democratic r:cket-ship ripped through the local From 7:30 p.m. on the atmo- tionally Republican area — the munity is _yitally needed if we are have put an end to straight power districts to report. Township Comrnitteeman Frede- sphere changed from buoyant, ac- to remain an individed community Republican syaee barrier, piling up a total of 2931 votes for rick A. Handyille also visited the mayor's neighborhood and Short politics ruled and dictated by These missing districts, however,' tivity tq. tense expectation.- Irwin Hills Village. and not just an exit for a high ruthless county political bosses were the Fifth and Sixth, where •Bonadies. Much of this vcte ccm be attributei to the person- B:>na'dies residence* to offer his Weinberg, chairman of' the local speed thruway. r own congratulations. Bonadies lost them both. Every- whose grip on small communities some of the pessimists in the ally, of the Democratic candidate. There~is evidently the Democratic committee, prepared bedy cheered.
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