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December, 1994 CONTENTS

1. General 11. Policyfor organizationwork 1.2.Bases and standardsof environmentimpact assessment 1.3.Target of environmentimpact assessment report work 2. Brief projecL introduction 2.1. Purpose 2.2 lntroduction 3. Baselineenvironmental conditions 3.1 Topography and GeoLogy 3.2 CLimate 3.3 Socialeconomy 3.4 Traffictransportation 3.5 HistorycuLture 4. Environmentquality situalion 4.1.Water qualiLy 4.2 Noise 4.3 AltospherequaLity 4.4Bolton nud 5. Environmentimpact assessment and prolectionmeasures 5.1 Clarificationof EnvironsenLiapact problems 5.2 Impacton LocaL economy 5.3 lapactduring construction 5.4 lmpactafter operation 6. Environmentproteclion-organization and environmentmonitoring 6.1 Environmentprotection organization 6.2 Environmentmonitoring ;Iavestuentfor preventionmeasures of environmentimpact 8 Trainingplan for environmentprotection staff 9. Main points of environmentprotection action plan (see Annex)

I of the environmentimpact assessment ( ElA) reportfor w fojrconstruction project ProvinceinLand Waterway Network Reconstruction Projecl was

the ProvincialEnvironment Protection Research dand

ithclass A certificateapproved by the NationalEnvironment d ency(NEPA)). The reportwas reviewed and approved by the EPA ProvincialEnvironment Protection Bureau in November 1952. The )rurban port and riverbanks

r thepreliminary design report was filishedbetween December uralmud. rch1993 aid meets the National Environment Protection Agency t reportwork

'3,during the UB missionto Eangzkou.the ZhejiangProvincial if Communication(ZPDIC)submitted 1 subprojectsenvironment

-amentreports in EngLish. According to therequirement of the ag of underwatersediments.

ZP*IC compiled1 environmentprotection action plans in lag

subsittedthese to theWorLd Blnk in October. 1553. or iDrganizationwork aingnleepeningand disposalof

c proceduresfor Zhejiang Province Inland Waterway Network

onProject have been completed.

idstandards of EIA ry noise

theproject is in termsof thefolLowing bases and standards: se frommechanic ships.

entprotection law of People'sRepublic of China.

lutidnprevention law of People'sRepubtic of China.

;eutprotection administration law[or traffic project.

2 constructionperids rain water discharge operationperiod 1 portarea rain waterand sewerage waterdiseharge. c. Noise: constructionperiod: non-continuous machinery noise operationperiod: handling machinary operational noise.

2.Brief project introduction

Z 1 Purpose Zhejiang province inlandwaterway reconstruction project includest

Hangzhou-Beijing Grnd Canal( 53. Ykh) Changxiag-Buzhou-

Cha.e lC 12. 5h ) Hangzkou-Shanghai Channel( 72. 3km) Zhapuii xing-Suzhou-Channe1 (42.1bm)(within Zhejiang province, thirteen contracts) constructioa of terminals at liaxingrailway-waterway tansfer port district( 13 berthsfor l10dwt,2 berthsfor 300iwt) XIuzhou railway-waterwaytransfer port district (10 berths for 10Idwt, I berth for 300dwt) and hngzhau inland river bulk cargo operation district (20 berths for 1lodut.3 berthsfor 300dwt) (totaLly 3 contracts).For detailssee Fig.1. The purposeis to increasechannoel navigationaL capacity and port throughput.After projectcomplution, Lhe channel total Lengthwill he

13. t1khwith l2.57kb of 300 Lonnagecapacity,class V channel standard and8.24kh of 15t capacity,class VI chaineLstandard. The design increase throughputcapacity is 5.550 milLioa lons. With the iuprovenett of waterway conditions,the navigational enterprise in thisarea wiLl be more developed and thusenhance the economy of ZhejiangProvince. In addition,after uidenning, dredging and bank protectionm the channel

4 k ws @-@-5 aW X:3-' tw * - ___--i S;4 X'11u--t 53 -4-,< -- t 0>:'-nfS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W t ; b R 1 { n V ' " '' *~~~ ~~~~~~~-'t - C'!" h at' "4 NC_: J z / - - ' - | /

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$,..ln; < 1 - 9 -- v i e ' ' Fid l ContractSketch Map~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Po

t . - '8\._- 2'';ru!lvYfs * / > _ _-' ZhejianginlandWat_rwaysReno/ationproje~~~~~~C.

.. ;: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e. ;. *.,~~ ~~ e y. ; § zt{|:.S.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~60-

ie:tS';|F-;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 3.1Topography and geology The projectis locatedin a LakedeposiL plain inclining from nothrwest to southeastwith flat terrain and a denseriver network. The channel density leaches33.3kv lODkuf. The geologic unit of thisarea belongs to depressionof the Qianlangfold covered by Quate-rnarydeposits. The soil is mainlymuddy soil.


Hangzhou--Ruzhouareais locatedin a subtrapicalclimate region of east Asia with warmand humid wealher. The rainfallis sufficientand concentratedduring the main rain season between April and June; typhoon seasonhas heaviestrains between July and september. Key meteorological dataare:

Temperature3 annualaverage temperature is 15.7lC. highestannual temperature is203C.

Lowestannual temperature is 12.2C.

sax.highest temperature is 39.4-C.

ain.lowest temperature is -l1.91j. Rainfalls annualaverage rainfall is 1290mm.

diurnalsax. rainfall is 289mm.

hourlymax rainfallis 81.1-. Wind: in sum5er,direction is SE, this season has high temperature,

stronglight and rich moisture brought by theocean; in winter.direction is MW. thisseason has lowtemperature and Lessrain. 3.3SociaL Economy

Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Iazhouareais themost developed in Zhejiangprovince with pToductive Land,bountifuL products and excellentnatural conditions.It is alwayscaLled Horme of fishand rice". The totalarea. popuLalion and gross industriaLand agricuLtural output of Hanzhoucity, Jiaxing city and luzhou cityrespectively occupy 3096, 2716 and 4696 of thoseof Zhejiangprovince.

The villageand townenterprise are deveLoped along the channeLs.TIhe farmersare going in for agriculture.industry, comerce, buidingsd transportationfrom agricuLture only on 0.053ha.Land. More and more farmers havebecome labourers in agricuLture and industry. 3.4Traffic Transportation

This areais connectedby a comprehensivetransport network incorperating

Xunhangrailway and Nuhang railway, Highway Rouls 104, 311, 320 and 329 etc. fourstate highways and many provincial highways and waterways. laterwaytransport has a longhistory with inland river cargo transport as the sajor mode. In i992, theinland waterway transportcargo was 61 million tons, turnoveramount of cargowas 7. 1 billionton- km. respectivelyoccupy 3836 and 5236 of thetotal transport amountby railway,waterway and highway. It is predicledthat the inLand waterway transportwilt keep increasing. Because the existing channels are not of sufficientwidth, depth curve radius or bridgeclearance. the capacityaf scatteredloading/uuloading operating districts in Enzgzhou, liaxing and

Huzhoucannot meet thc requirements of economic development. Traffic congestion,cargo loss, ship delay in portand accident etc always happen.

71 Titesehave been the mainreasons for the project. 3.5Histoty' Culture

Hhngzhou,Jiaxing and are threemain cities along the route. The

MistyRain Balcony in Nanhu lake, Jiaxing city hasbeen listet as provinciaL emphasizedprotected historic relic. In 1977,the stone tomb of stonecut pictures in East Han Dynasty was excaveted in Changantown. These pictures are very rarein theworld with super art craft.active shapes and rich contents,Iangzhou is a famoustourist city and has openedtwo tourist routes toSuzhou city mad Vixi city. This reconstructionproject wiLl improvethe conditionfor increasing historical culture and deveLoping tourisa.

4. EnvironmentQuaLity Situation 4.1Water Quality

&ccordingto theannual water quality monitoring results and water analysis, the waterquality in theproposed channels and port districts belongs to classlV-V.later quality in riversections can reach cLasslV, white that i* urbansections is worseaonlycan reach class V) waterquality in river sectionwhere industrial pollution sources are concentratedis seriously polluted andmuch higher than classV ( main poLlutants are BODI COD. petroLeumand hydrocarbons).


Along four channels,noise is seriousduring ship operation.After monitoringat selectedrepresentative points in cities,villages, towns and open fields, itwas foundthat in iay hours, ship f Low is 4-7 ships,5

8 minutes,noise is 70-16dB(A);during night hours, when ship flow is a shipsohr.noise is 63 dB(A), 4 ships/hr,noise is 54 dB(A).These noise levelsare all abovethe daytime value of 70 dB(A) and nighttimevalue

551l(A)for class II regionas specifiedin GB 11339-89cinvironment Noise Stuadardin City Fort aad River Dank Regiow;. In threeport districts, after

pointmonitoring, il wasfound that the averagenoise base valueis

41.5-52.40B(A) during day timeand 31.5-42.4 dB(A) during night time, aLL Less thanthe standard daytime value of 61dB(A)and nighttime valueof

SOMdiA) of class1 regionas specifiedin GB 11339-19ctEnviron=ent Noise

Standardin City Port and RiverBank Region>. 4.3Air Quality

Based on monitoringdaLa, theair quality in thethree proposed port districtshas been assessedwith seLected factors of TSP, S02, NOx.

Accordingto theair qualiLy index/TSP is from0.88 to 0.241. Compared with

airquality standard, NOx except in somepoints belongs to " clearlevel",

in most points is "clearerlevel". In severaLpoints near highway, NOx contentis highbecause it is impactedby vehicLeexhaust gas.


All thechanneLs are open accepting waste water discharged by tDwnand city

factoriesalong the route and toxicdischarges of humanseweage. Based on

anaLysisof channeLbottom mud sampLes and assessmentwith N. L. Nearow poLlutionindex method, it is foundthat the syntheticpollution index

value is from0.74 to 3.97.The heavy metal pollutionis not seriousand

the channelbottom mud is "slightlypolluted". The pollution ranking of

9 each parameteris Zn>Cr>Cu>Pb>Hg>As>Cd.ALthough heavy meLaL pollution exceedsthat of soilbase vaLue,it Lessthan the aLlowablehighest content of acid soiL as specifiedin the < PollutionConlrol Standardof


S. EnvironmenlImpact Assessment and protectionmeasures

5.1 CLarificationof environmentimpact probLem

The majorenvironment impacts of the channelreconstruction is noiseimpact, waterquaLity impact and wastesoil disposal impact; that of the three port districts is air quality,noise and wasteimpact during constructionand operationperiod.

5.2 Impacton LocaLeconomy

().Impact on agriculture

The borrowedland is mainlyto be used forpiling soil and as a construction site. The landfor pilingsoil will be changedfrom wet fieldto dry land.

The amounlof propertieswill be reducedwhich wilt affect the agricultural proiuction.The fieLdscan be recoveredafter several years cultivation. The

Loss of agriculturewill be compensatedyear by year accordingto the average per-mu yield of the lastthree years before leasing. Before returningthe farm land,the contractormust cLear away the remainsof constructionon the leasedlandto recoverthe cultivationcondition or pay for cultivationrestoration fee to the farmerwho will recover cultivation conditionby himself.In addition,the banksof channelsafter alteration will be plantedwith mulberrytrees. The benefitcan be receivedin the second yearwith high economicvalue, which can increaseeconomic benefit

1i and green the banks. The acquiredland for chanmiwidening will be compensatedand aLso sippleanetedby State planning produced land. (2).Land acquisition and resettlement The principlefor landacquisition and resettlement is first to minimize occupyingagricultural land, acquiring land and demoLishinghouses: scientificallydesignning alternatives; reasonably using land; and1 protectingreselttemenL population based on Lawsthus facilitating theworks going smooahly,improve local economy and people's living conditions atong the channelsand ports, while the waterway transport condition is under deve lopuent.

For the landacquisition and resettlement, the affected rangeis lO counties,

52 towns and 107 villages with impacLed populationof 42172 representing 4. 09 of thetotal populalion (1064243) in Hangzhou,liaxing and Iuzkou cities(For details see tables1, 2, and3 drawing2).

(3).Fauna and flora

It is reportedin Elk thataLong Lhe channels there is no directaquaLic breedingproduction. During dredging sediment, the benthic living conditions will be changedand wilt have some impact,but theimpact period wiLl be shortand not extendingafter the work is finished.Because of the channel widening. vegetationalong thesebanks will be affected.These shalL be protectedand replanted to reducethe Loss.

5.3 Impactduring construction (1).Noise impact


Table I

Item Original culluraled I LasidAcquisition AverageCulurated LandPer Person LiM ad PopuLation ___.- ______-___ -- ______...... --..-..-- Remark .Culturated |cuturated |lona-culwuratedTotal Before After Reduction Lanil Population Land Land li:quisition Acquisition Rate Region (ha) (ha) cha) (ha) (ha,'P) (ha, P)

6 Tadisin llangzhauCity 1868.133 30164 19.103 4.467 23.970 0.06073 0.05916 1.27

32Tuwmsin JiaxingCity 64039.613 114747 84.724 12.420 97.144 0.00266 0.08253 0.151

14 Tovmsin HuzhouCity 19056.610 258132 40.233 3.721 43.954 0.01356 0.07340 0.23

total JU4964.576 1064243 144.360 20.608 164.968 0.07968 0. 0



Ite. House Other ElectricWire and Equipaent Structures_ HighPressure Low Pressure Transformer Renark

Region (Sq.a) (lien) (Piece) (Piece) (item)

HangzhouCity 9983 I I? 49 I

JiaxingCity 65605 10 27 132 2

HuzhouCity 48015 5 6 52 2

Total 123633 24 50 233 5 F-4


Unit: 10 Yuan Table

Naue Land Land Compensation Compensationfor AdministrationPrice Contingen- Acquisition Leasing For House Construction cy Total Rem Region Fee Fee Removal Works Fee Rise Fee

Hangzhou City 465.41 65.1 118.78 11.19 14.S4 43.61 36.34 821.34

Jiaxln City 1894.31 065.21 1102.90 49.18 19.83 239.50 199.59 4510.54

Huzhou City 351.10 242.20 064.23 35.57 39.98 119.95 99.95 2258.98

Total 3216.88 1112.72 2225.93 102.04 134.35 403.06 335.88 7590.06 LANDACQUISITION AND RESETTLENENT ORGANIZATION

Fig. 2

Inticatioen Acquisition and Project Administration Office

Resettteuent Division (PAO) Execution Iv

Indication | Expecution

Indication Acquisition ann Branch of PAO Resettle ent Section =Executioen PROCEDUREOFLAND ACQUISIT1I! AND MMOM Fig.3 Indicaliont anI A lResettlenent A-sistance PTOVi-Ciai Land

PAO-_ _ _ |Division [-- Adninistratian Bureau * _ 0 ~Execution-___._

I .I______- Supervision Inlication Execution Indication Evluntion | Examination

Islicatimni Resettlement Branchof Coperation City Land

Section PAO Mdinisiration Br Execution - Entrusting _ Indication|Examination

CountyResettlement Cooperation CountyLaid

Office AdministrationBureau Coordinatl i 1 - - I | Entruting IdicationI ination

TowmResettLement CooperatimTown land

; Office L AdministraIionOrfice


I Village Resetttmel Officer Noisewill be mainlyfrom bucket or grabdredge, auxitary soil bargesand dischargingsoiL ships for dredging and concrete mixers for bank protection. Bit the actuaLmeasured constructionnoise vaLue is less than the

standardvalue and can retchthe LimiLof equivalentacoustic cLass of

buildingsite. During night hours, thenoise willaffect residents. For thisreason, EIA suggests the constructionmethod be changedto avoiding operationdtring night hours. as muchas possible.

02.Water quality impact With respectto theimpact of dredgingon a channeLwater quaLity, it is

pointed out in EIA that the water body will be disturbedduring coastruction.The suspended solids concentration siginificantly wilt increase andmake the water body within the near-field muddy which will affectthe benthos. The impactis localizedand short term and not extend Past thefinish of theworks so thatthe impact range and degreewill be smaLl.In orderto prevent iapact on waterquality of tributaries(there is

no drinkingwater inLetalong the reconstructed chanmeLs) . temporary

isolatingmeasures (like building dams) shall be adoptedat appropriate placeswhere lrunk streams meet with tribuLaries.

(3).Atmosphere quality impact

It is pointedout in theETA thatfor the three port districts during the dry seasonof construction.the suspendedpartucular dust causedby disturbedsoil during earthwork excavation and fillinghas differeAtimpact rangesdepending an windspeeds. Every layer of soiLis of high aoisture contentaccording to thegeologic report. so thatthe suspended particular

12 dust impactis not serious.Onlv in dryseason because the top soil will

containa very lowmoisture rontent.the suspendedparticular dust will have

some impact.In orderto protectpersonnel working on site.EIA reconeends

soue relativepreventive mad mitigative measures. generally based on the "moisteningmethod".

(4).Waste soil impact

Channelreconstruction c widening, drewfging and straightlining will produce a lot of wastesoil. The soil on landwill be used for bank protection,back filLing, strengthening banks and making bricks; Sediment

and soil underwater will be dischargedto old channelsections. Bottom sedimentcontains trace eLements. which probablycause secondary pollution.but thesynthetic poltution index is farless than the highest

allowableamount of acidsoil specified in cControlstandard of polLutant

in agrirulturalmud) , thusmud tobe puton agriculturalfield will have littleaffect on agriculturalproduction. In order to prevent stock piled soilfrom being eroded by rainwater into the rivers. polluted sediment and

soil shalL be coveTedwith clean soil after disposal and the stock piled soil areawill have the drainage ditch anddeposit ponl excavated. After

themud is depositedthe stpernatent water will be allowedto discharge to therivers.

5.4Impact after operation

(I). It isemphasized in theEIA forthe four channels reconstruction that currently,the waterhas been polluted by a lot of industryand hunman seweage from citiesand towns in orderto control waste pollutionand

13 improvewaste quality, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Iuzho mounicipalgovernments ,.d rDA have developeaa draftwa&4W poiltion control plans respectively.In addition.ship wastesfrom operation will be increasedby ship traffic increase.Enough attention shall be paidto such probLessandresponsive preventionand zitigative measures taken. The basevaLue of noisedue Lonavigational operation has been projected to

be over the standardvalue aid will be noreserious with the increasein

trafficvoLuce. The EIAhas suggestedto city pLanningsections that

relativeLypracticable preventive and mitigative measures be madesuch as

zones of tree planting.of noiseharriers forresidents aid the adnimistratiwnof ship noise.

(2). It is pointedout in theEIA forthe three port districts thaL during operationperiod, the main ispact on airquality is suspendedparticular dust from coal andsand during Loading and unloading. The suspended

particulardust amount is controLledby natural and working conditions etc. Basedon theforecasting of air quality. the EIA pointedout two preventive

andmitigative methods of moisteningand improvingthe green beLt to reduce impacton airquality.

For theprotection of waterquality in theport districts, the EIA analysed each kind of pollutionoccuring in port districts and pointedout an alternativetreating seweage in port districts.

In addition.according to prediction.during operation period. the operating

noisein portdistricts will meet the standard specified in < Industrial

Enterprisenoise standard>. The noise around a portdistrict will not be

14 over the daytimevalue of 7IdB(A)as a class11 regionspecified in

, but will be 154B(A)over the standard caused by loading/unLoadingand traffic duringnight hours, it is suggestedthat reasonable planning of operationtime, strictly controlling ship traffic in/out of the port and plantingadditional green zones in port districts could reduce the noise impact.

6.Environmental protecLion organizttion and monitoring Theenvironment protection task for traffic management is assuringthat the trafficenterprises use energy and resources reasonably and controland eliminateenvironment pollution to protect the environment and lokeep the peoplehealthy during construction and operation.

1.1Environmental protection organization-

The environmentproteetion organization for the project is composedof

EnvironmentProtection Division under Zhejiang Province Inland laterway

NetworkReconstruction Project Administration Office 2-3 persons). .

Environment ProtectionSections under Project Administration Office

Branches in Hangzhou,Jiaxing and Huzhou (2-4 persons for each) wiLl be responsiblefor environment prolection work during construction (see Fig 2).

After thecompletion of tieproject, Environment Protection Sections under the ProjectAdministration Office Branches in the threecities wilt be

Lruasferredto the COmmunicationBureanes of the threecities and responsiblefor the environmentaL protection work during operation period.

6.2EnvironmentaL monitoring

15 (1).The environmental problem of thefour channels reconstruction projects- is noise and water quality impacts during the constructionand operatioAperiods (see Annex) Because channel is an opensystem, based on Zhejiangprovincial plan (water environment function region pLan) the water resourceprotection planing offices in RangzhoL Jiaxing and

Xuzhou haveidentified (water environment function region plan) andsel

individuaLlynornal monitoring sectionsmonitored by city and county cavironmentalmonitoring stations. The routinemonitoring sections set by Localenvironment protection bureau are as follows:

* 15 routinewater quality monitoring stations for Beijing-Raagzhougrand canal.

10 rouLinewater quality monitoring stalions for Hangzhou-ShanghaiChatuic t. 19 routienwater quality monitoring stations for Changxing-uzhbou-ShanghaiChannel. * 15 routLinewater quaLity monitoring stations for Zhapu-liaxing-SuzhouChannel.

(Z. The environmentalproblem of the port componentsare mainly air qualiLy changes,noise and water quality impact in theconstruction and operation periods(see Annex ). Accordinglythe port office monitoring stations will be setup in eachport with4 fixedair quality monitoring points, 4 fixed noise moitoring points,I fixedwater quality monitoring point at the outfallof thedrainage system and 1 water qualitymonitoring section downstreamof theport.


Project Administration Office (PAO)

Provincial Cooperation Ervirazentat Exmination Envirom[ental Protection ProLectim Bureau Division

Branchof PAD

NunicipiL, County Cooperation EnviroaientaL EnvironmntaL - Contractox Protection Bureau Protection Section


ClugneL Port CountyMlonitaring Port Monitoring L SLation Station - " _ _ _ _ _ nsi Duiigi'rig 11-tl 11l E '

CVtc ~~~~~~~~~~~tI'~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Jins

~~~~I- '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'*~~~~~~~Iq


itHa-;-'*-; ft.;, p. i Fisa'e" -- *.-*.A l rE! omt n t

~~ ~~g~~G/.Ieij, I ng E,1fi. -*jinlia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fumttraj.huk carg dia rit FDu•4Ncu I , .A n% ! , . ./ I

91 in ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~LC 4tF7Atit'FfICttJj S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I1J~~~~WiI at t*'j--" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ______JTI ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ acs'ara 4'S r I - -. ..Y...!zov~::AMgUIarBvIraneftbItOohtnnIotnaU:LeahODdIrLUiaaKjDsnd±WtuI~WaIaCA~!!! t8st ~~ ~ ~ ~ at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I6 ~ ~ o .' .pp ~ t &I :fl_ _ g S~~~~~~~ta:1a a ... 5r Env Fe n;7t;Gl o RMS A e A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X .ti.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W 7. Traiaingplan for environmental proteclion staff

The trainingfor environment protection staff is an importantmethod to

* Learnadvanced Lechnology and adminislration methods. The trainingunits areas follows:

(01.Doestic trainings B person, I monLh

(2).Overseas training: 6 person/ 1 monLh The totalcost for trainingis 32000 RHB yuan and 40000 US dollars (equivelantto 418000RIE Yuan).

9. TotalinvestaenL for environoontaLprotection

The environaentaLprotection investment for thisproject incLude receiving

facilities,treating of oilywaste water, treating of humansewage, treating

of drainage/wastewatercontaining coal, dust control engineering,

foreslationand trainingof environmentalprotection management personnel.

The totaLinvestment is 4102000.C For detailrefer to Table4).

In addition,the investmentof noisereduction waLLs for the terminalis

not incLudedin the totalinvestment. The reasonis, the proposedthree

terminaLsare alt locatedin the suburbswith a thinpopulation density. The

cnclosures( height of 2.4m)built for safetycan also serve as a noise

barrier.The investmentof enclosureshave already been listedunder 'Civil


9. Key elementsof the environmentalprolection action plan are providedin


.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I * *

: *-


I It.. Oil LiftIr l Parl Ualerlng RabbishPori Greeningl*vltor Anallsis OtherCivi espw 01 Ibtr Frentl Total lb.. CIOOOYuant S.winGe S'ewerag Rim ofl Lwd SlaIim [altecjim t I1O you) NM freatmiTreaturnt TreoAatatTrip ir rar Car ritreniig ast Romse Kalpmw*1 intering Sip Senaratlr Trting

10 SI X. _ hijing RjiuuOra anal

;2 aIani lHuzh. 5sn1zelGOshwet -i S 1sS

sV-.t- .* 41 It - FhGUJ nghJi Whm_ O_m __ S - A

l S 11ing Poelt 5 15 40 to 65 t2 Sl 55 _ S 1s 3

1e1 S6 hu uht i5 I5O 40 la5 i t 53 IS soSO l_

ii, 7 Rwzghw Poll Is A 40 221 of AA too AAA so so i

11 t_ S 45s 41DL Total iS N15 1tO III 255 ILI l06 ISO tlii 1iO

. -- . -. _ _-. _- - - - ______I;"' ,' ' ._- _--. __ .. _..- . ------

i:;" IS.inte the three lestinalsall latsle in Ithe sulbhub rnclosuTespFoposed for safety Caea1l0 Sele aS souno 1c;.. h.ars te wilts. thelrInvestmenl has bees Includedin ie,t of CivilEngineerlng. 1. A, Lifteseoege shillbe dralned Into urbansevers. l 5 ThetbAAu cleaning andIransporting of gtsbageshalt be umderIahenby urbaneayireusental sanilalton dilvislon. s: AAA, Ike land acqilsillie tee of greeninghas heen lilsli ILthst of the eiusinel.

.5^!.1 ,


...... TabLe 16

Enviroaneat Action Plan Esemitive B;Ing Problem Aggency doculents , A..Prcparation phase , MQXAterna::verhe cx:stina:enter une of channeLsnail be ZPDIC of center utilizelds S muonas possible or aLm to widen Line at the sinQLE sidein order to minittze the landa.cu±sion. house demolishing and ;ther strucftures. Reviewingalternatives.

Protect Revetment shall he provided at the newLyexca- ZPDLC farmland vated szde in order to stabilize the revetment and prevent sLope. soil 2eQosion

Communs- Nerialtydemalished bridges shaLl be ruhuilded ZPDIC Mattons tc ensure the licai communications forpecple. PAG

Land SoilsznaLi be used forbric; makr%stoaaui led uJ Luence for muiLberryplsnting,fitLed ir. broker. river for ne.: land!n adsition to oackfiltrevetment PAO el!: and reinforcetwo side Dantks.

\ormaiiy,port s alternatives shal'. onfo-no .I T n ' Lhe4enera waunic:p!atpLanning with :in!muC Landacauts!cn,house demolishin; ani environ- ttentLa, :npacts

aeIXo%5o.r-..ng area- shalibe arraneec separatelv ZPDIC Dlien c: rct. otZ:e. wc%!!n sectiont in accordance w!ti: port ca-efuL:' :-ons!dered 3lan based on topographlcal and Pnf: -CnmenIaLiMpactes. Scrmally coal area * shallic ,roVLoed in the leedtrection cAth

* ~~13

*1~~~ * - *--_. , -- ,;, .- ;=- % l *-. *- .- - pJUhCW.&W * G uLw.b - - r I - -t -_-b __ ingsection and othersfrom being polluted each other.

B.Construction phase Channel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~technical Noise Noisyconstruction activity shall be prohibited Contractorspecification to be carriedout in nightCeg.piling) 103.95 103.05-1-r) 103.05-3-(9) NavigationSingLe side constructing schedule shall be ContractorChameul during arrangedto minimize the influenceof naviga- technicaL constructiontion,channeL patroLLing shaLL be enhanced Navigationspecification to ensuresafe navigation. supervision103.S0 204.91 204.02 material Normallymaterial transportation shalL avoid ContractorChannel trans- the peoktime of navigation. technical portation specification 103.05 Mud- Themud throwingarea shaLl be awayfrom the drink- Ch throwing ingwater source and fishponds as muchas Contrator chanel area possibLe.normaLly shaLl be lOUDmand hOGmfrom specification watersource at up streamand down stream respec- 183.U5 tively.Dredged soil shall not be stockpiledin 203.071 the areaof 30m in welland rishpond. UnpolLuted 203.07-3 soilshall be filledupon the waste soil from pollutingwater hody.

Fishing The fisning activity might be influenced by the Contractor Channel influence LocaLly poliutedwater as theworking acti"ity technical causedby dredgingship. The contractor's re- specification quiredthat omfferdam made by unpollutedsoil 204.03 shal-hseb-bprovidedto-separate the fishpond from inlandchannel.

Cons- HigitnestipuLations shall be strictlycarried out ContractorChannel truction in orderto preventinfectious disease anc fLy tcchnicat camp &masquitc.Man waste shall be collectedin septic Moat specification tankand be awayfrom drinking water source. yifIene 105.01 Packing material shall be recycLed rather than 1Aency105.02-4

=Q z = ______-;= - ;5 :- * ;: -- 5------.----- lhrowiig inLo walrr bodly. llr:iikiiig waLor soaiiir shall be away rrom scuLir. Lank as such as possibic.

Land ALl acrccLed peopLecaused by Lhe land acauisiLiomi I'Ail Chaanet acquision house demolishing and Land borrowing shall ber technical and ri-aso,mblly romupeuisaLcd and praclically arraimeii 'tl I luL specificati relocation in accordance wiLh Lic rctaLcd govcrmcntal pro- 105.01 vision.ALl stone and construction residue shall I.onaI be cLeaned by the Contractor to rehabiliLale ,Ihue,ad (lie Land La be arabLc or lic LocaL farme- shali be paied by the Contractor to rehabtilitate the land by himself.

Cullurr Si lr slall be liroLecbrtl and Lltr local culLuL-r VuI,i IhIiLI4 General rciics relics aulitoriLy shall be informed iti Lime as somc l.saIm coiditioini cuLture relics to be round during construction. 27.1 i-ri ies aultom I lm

Dust Temporary enclosure shall be scLup ii Ice way i*oUiiLaCr[ Port proof of por! area. WatershaLl be sprayed rcaoitarLy technical to ronstrmicLion siIc. specificatic


rairtiaoc DrLinage ditch nad sedimentation basin shall be Uwilani . Part during providced and ctLear waler after seiimenlation technical rainy shall'be discharged intoriver toavoid soil speci ficati oD 5CrI5oII erosion and the second poliuLion. 102.04 102.12

_ -*U5 ;--5;; ;===~~~~~~~2 C.Operation phase


Pollution Ship PastecaLlecting and treatmentfacilities Ship fromship shaLLhe providedfor all ships,oil-water Inspection separaterand tank shallbe providedfor ships. Agency Navigation Company Owner

Noise Noisebarrier and noiseproof equipment shaLl Navigation from he installedon ships,ship shaLLmeet the Comnany naviga- the requirementsof noiseproof. Ship tion Noise controlling and banning sign shall be inspection provided Aqency PAO


Dust The wsatercontents of coaL shall not be less Part than 6Y with watersparving for bulk Loading Eriterprise and stockpilingplace. Wind proofcmver or LocaL fendershall be providedfor longitudinal -vnment.a conveyer.Heignt difference of transfer shalL not he exceed.3m. Ptanting beltsshaLl be provided at Leeward of coal area. Running. speed shalL be Limited to lessen polLution. Water spraying vehicleshalL be proviaei.

Waste sewest t-eatmentssat;on shalt be proviaed:n - water port area to treatthe water in accordance ntner27:se with differentwater quaLityrequirements

21 NoIse Nioiseshall not exceedB5dB(A] in daftisein Part port areatiUi lessthan 65dB(AJin auxiliary Enterprise workinasection. Actions such as noiseoarrieg, Environmental noiseabsorbing, pLanting etc. shallbe taKen Monitoring tc meet the reouirements. station

Rubbish AUl livingrubbish and soLidwaste shall be Port removedimmediately. Rubbish bin shaLI be Enterprise made.municipal rubbish cLearing service Local shaLlbe provided.Medium size rubbishclearing Env!ronuental vehiclesaLlt be provided. Agency

V.aste Oil-waterseparater and tank shaLlbe prov:ted Inspection from for ships ir.accordance with reLatedstipuiations AGency ship waste coilecttngfacility shall be instaliea Nav!uation for treatment in port. Compan Owner Harbour (Note: Supervision

ZPDIC is ZHEIIANGProv,ri::a Design institute of Communicatlons

PAO is ProJect Aoa.intstratiorn Office )

4~ ~ ~ ~~~~~2


.~~~~~~~~~~~~~"..2-----.------*~- Monitoring,

1 construction (j Channelreconstruction project period a. Uaterquality monitoring: The contractor. monitoringitems, CODAw.BODs,SS,volatiLe Local phenoL.CNpetroleuaeNL.a,NO.n.NOaiAs, Cu, environmental in,Cd.P,Cr? Eg. One timein each osuth monitoring luringconstruction period. the lastmonth station beforeconstruction and on thenext day after construction,two continuous days each time.two timesper day (morninganid after- Ttchaical specification noun),especially eight times each month 103.13 Special duringconstruction period for CODAw.BODs, conditions SS. Monitoringposition:the firstregular 19.1 monitoringposition at downstreamof con- structionsite. b. Noise: The contractor, konitoringitems: construction noise Local (includingnoise caused by transporting environmental constructionmaterials), 10Gm away from monitoring constructionsite at bothupstream and station TechnicaL downstream.One day eachweek two times specification eachday (morningand afternoon). Special103.13 (2 Terminalconstruction project conditions 19.1I a. Atmosphere. EuvironmentaL Monitoringitems: SOz.No,TSP. At monitoring

leewardof normalwind direction in - stationfor terminaL and surrounding four fixed the terminaL monitoring points. One time each week. General b. Noise: condilions Monitoring iLems: construction noise 20.1

(including noise caused by transport-

______,__* - .-. = 23_ - _ ==_===_=- _ - ing constructionmateriaLs). The moni- toringpoints ail frequencyare as sme as thatof atmosphere. c. Waterquality: Local Monitoringitems: as sameas thalof lhe Environsentat chonenl.The firstregular monitoring Montoring positionat downstrouaof the terminal. Station soui. ss- One time eachmonth. Technical spccification 2U1.92

2. Operation (1).Channel reconstruction project period a. Waterquality: Local Monitoringitens: as sameas thatduring Environmental constructionperiod. Three times each Monitoring year,namely iL the firstten-days period Station in April.nlky,andNovember. two continn- ous days each time,one timeeach day TotaLlyfifty-niae regular monitoring crosssections. b. Noise Local Monitoringitems: shipping noise of ships. EnvirgnuentaL noiseresources of ships.Totally fifty- Moniloring ninemonitoring points, as same as that Station, for water quaLity,13 away frou banks or Ship the coAstructionaLong the river,sound- Inspection Levelmeter shall be 1.Zmhigher than Bureau the ground.Monitoring frequency and period:two timeseach year aud two continuousdays eaci time.it *o:ao or Z2'W Shipnoise resources: one timeeach year

U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24

._=~~~. . . I ._ - _ _ .. of monitoring,selective examination of Sa skipsof the totalamount. Monitor- ing fornoise resources, engine room. driver'Is cab, and residentialarea. (2)Terminal construction project a. Atmosphere: Environmental Monitoringitem: SOx,NOx, TS? monitoring

Monitoringpoint 1 as same as thatduring stationfor constructiDnperiod. Monitoring frequency the terninal andperiodt: one timeeack quarter.toeepCeflnt'atd'. b. Noise: Environmental MonitoringItems: noise caused by loading monitoriig and uLloadingopiration. The monitoring stationfor pointis as sase as thatfor atmosphere. the terminal One timeeach month,two continuousdays each timemad one time eachday. c. Waterquality: Environmental Monitoringitems: water discharge exit monitaring in terminal,COO&, B0Ds,petroLeum. St) stationfor The firstregular monitoring cross sec- tiheterminals tionwith monitoringparameter equaLing Local to that for channeL. EnvironmentaL Monitoringfrequency and period:one time Montaring

eachday forwater discharge-exit in- . .Station terminal;for the firstregular monitoring crosssection, three times each year, namelyin the firstten-days period in

April,July,and November,two continn- ousdays each timeand one time each day.

25 - .j_W.l &... - -~.-- ---