
Topic: vs. System Learning Objective/Outcome: Compare the functions of cell to the functions of an . Keywords/Questions Notes

What organ system is The is similar to the skeletal and cytoskeleton similar to?

Compare They both provide and allows for movement within the cell cytoskeleton, skeletal system, and muscular system.

What organ system is The is similar to the the cell membrane similar to?

Compare cell They both separate and protects the internal from the external membrane and the environment and it regulates loss integumentary system.

What organ system is The mitochondria is similar to the digestive system mitochondria similar to?

Compare They both break down nutrients to produce energy mitochondria to the digestive system.

What organ system is The and are similar to the similar to and ?

Compare lysosomes They both store waste and removes waste and vacuoles to the excretory system.

What organ system is The nucleus is similar to the the nucleus similar to?

Compare the nucleus The both provide instructions for the functioning of the system and nervous system.


Cells are highly organized which allows for specialization of each cellular process. Through this specialization it ensures that each process occurs properly and efficiently within the cell. This is similar to how the body works as each system dedicated to a certain process that intertwine allowing for to work as one unit.