B O Ro U G H F a C in G D E a D Lin E O N B O N D Totalling $875,000 Set
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h<~*\ *>"->3-4 f-s -J' .^*%5ai>2S8 Borough Facing Deadline On Bond A Panoram a- COVERING rOwNSHIPS Or O S L o c a l HOLMDEL, MADISON People Aod ilARLDORO, MATAWAN AND E v e n t s MATAWAN b o r o u g h J Mftub#f MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1965 t-r 97th YEAR — 20th WEEK tim J*re*,v I’rcJi AjjwUUoo i.i! Ed»luti,'ii A>ft9rta'Jon Singlg Cony "Sen Cents Dedicate Recreation Field Borough Wauls $100 Minimum Totalling $875,000 issue Appeal For JSP Tho M iiU w jii BuHJUfih Council 7wm Tuesday night adopted « five-year Police Warning capital ir-provemt-nt budget total ling SS75,00i>. Tiie budget, altliout;!! M atawan t’olioc. C h I 0 t John , ‘.r-.rrt' lion-binding on future governlnc Meltm today aii.iotm a’d dud ,'iUiri-; Sew er Paym en Is -i bodies, Is required by tin; State ing Monday, overnight parkin« wil! j Division of Local Government and Iw uumiL'd un ul! stru ts in the bw- ‘iv-provldcs n guideline tor .Mpital imj'Ji. I t e li.ui wil'. continue until .. • • i\. " ' ! :a".\ .1 • to be unde.'taiit-n •i r cr Uu* np?dod ha« b«eri : .I'pring ot next year. The fcstt I « .' nvn!b'.‘!r» \y> *i> ;irmr i.i n<‘t' j/ti.i in U> tlu* ic.sii iuoun! nv- through 19’ 1. ordered amvuully <it lliis time tu : i ('.n r i i } Ili-Sli, hyi'n** sni'i <!» i! iuvi.»riii ?i, and t^e um^'int wvJ. bt.-r Next year, capital projects pro- perm it snowplows to nejyrtlan* i |o ri'Mvien'T 1 i< i> iMtj <»i .i >ii<i!»,n'l-j i.s-.iu- hy {;iV-«l,r.n in mu*. jx.'fsd Inclutlo imjjrovp.mentK t-> tht' streets freely. Thnm will b<“ no ■ i-^1 ;K’V* Si“ *'! u on p}>>;r ttivif) Middlesex Rd. watte Si'20,- iram iilfiS giver. tiiis ye.tr. Sum ; jfi'V'l'l*', Up WO;...... .street........... Improvement;:, 1210,000; j mouses will be issued tn violators, : fire I ruck purchase, $25,08# and im- {Chief Melna w n in l. : .Cl t AMA I.- ,l;:i l-t .l-.i. prnvemenl ol propv-riy on Lake J ~ ..... ~ * Two Houses ;! Township recreation I.etfcrts for purposes, . i J20.0i>0. • 1 1. | BlackoutJn «. ff«'t {* t. -i lu 1GC7 . $200,000 h earmarked 'ti ()n o t ,(*! j : lr> Uhii PiiA Charter /nr improv?menl r>f -he water dis- *;L iu*. Ivihutiun system and in ISiJS. (.nrliiT 5200,000 is estimated rvwi- Plcinnors AsUd To : ■ ;;t’nev ;«i> Se,>dro[e From ' : Northeast ..ff .»! -ii- *d to impn'vfc the Church St. water J.i'l ;nf 1 S eparate ir o c li ;! KpciMibiKq Locrt! plant. j Area Commuted Tralflc Control Ordinanrc I 20 <Vnt l : u Mtkv (jiuneil also introduced a torn j Stranded In City f u v -1 btffi •sfim.ii-j-.l tli.w if ; tf• i >». t -s;ut;,i, i* 0 » ."V (• ;iar- prehensive traffic control ordi- • nsiiU’i it ;nr, o! th«* M'»t iwum •; * \ r ;i ih:?. uvt-!> bv th«s nance but deferred setting a date JJuyshnre area commuters Twin •Ij; lUi.tfil Jl t'l's'ls M<Kl' | S c h o o l J aiuhiH.'itn ;hi>at\'s Bnu'vnlent AS- Inr » public heatinson thy inoawre \ Neft. Vu.k were in a mair ,i if'.v fh.iptt*r. Nn. hit. tnilil i*. v Mj be um] ap t 1 « v ? r ’! ‘uesdnv niidit ,iM *t M:ii.mar» M<>pnnjd * '’.‘ii. r< Mi/cib-' ^ of \ . -.V ‘v-v,. -a % o' r- '‘I1 un**; . \\ ,i t <»m* ,iiUm »»t,<,rcm r\ l.d u -ifvl '•0 ttf. ^Irtor j ih >»‘fun)in^ norni. ine ini* ^rtjp 'fri nt.: «tj.>' bouUt » The ordinance ipecllics sirsets MeinfK-ra ot C»uad.iic:m;ji 1* o i Vt*u'» auf oi . e^rrrnrtrtie*. :V.U 'nCt.u. S .u .iii I'l'im .»r. 11 ■ - i' i rL**r **iH u*e, whicU cawed eight north*1 !i# rlghl) Jou-pU Smith, I haplnii :i. i nit;!i( trial . ..adaw tiai uiUm i wheie parking \* permitted only . eaj^ fn t orcifcii \V.»is, Muiawait Tov-nship, dedicated a R‘:w J .nt- ot He? is<aU\s but skipped Now i <i. Kelly «Rd Olfitt-r the l)nj\ \'inn‘of (iRiint I! t;a-. ’ <m< M' ! -■' ..K* Ib** l i!if«- j.d -^i < litf'AinMt recrvntion field, Ihe Alvin R«ss Mrntoria! i*ark ui <•* ;.is.* aMinai uupum' (luitay certain tin e s , permitted^ or. * j ersey, covered mure than 80.003 i»»U. OliV < .1 1 i bv 1,1*1 i SJM-i it oviM tbe and had >la.v I'ilA one side pniy or prohibited enlins i^ y ^ ' at the - bi* tadd IV o . H. mile.i anti afferted iin , Uu1 “ At K in s Att*{f«»na! (»v Kd l.to .;.! • v': »>pl'*! ;ff . ’ hi* .six ■ (loot* ahnut S100 Wi-rtli ui ibni* ly. It also establishes light traffic, lives of over 30.WW.00fl jw tple. ; was dedicated by tht* (fiiatiak anal ib a s ^ d l diamumts it»imi • cou*»s Prisi'dts I*tat! .'••■.I t.\ah V* t| (io'it-.i};f iiir* a *f»r aKi*. tihf : -i.v-i! by onu wdy and th o u g h streets, load- i!,- ti aaa! «{ ih:: 'la U M in Th^‘ failure struck \tanhattai and ' Pr>s( I 7«ln of tht* VVtrrjns nf For- l ^m! a p h y Jit** h r snuiler c^ii Joseph a b*-*lh*‘i nf fui.if </f tii.ji ti idth Uif l.V; It. Jo In addition, the vandab ^toie a lnc; 4t»uc» un<! luxi btaiuw. l‘ h-p ,;!! O’ , '-u v a \ Kr.ui^Kirg n\t*tvopo!itan N«*v.’ Voik ht 5.2H n»ign Wai.-. Sunday :«tteriHHm. The th»* !«• 11» Ai p n 'ic u tid to Com- i;r.t* u.s fsv t'j lhe UM) tt. b* .V.Ni It iiliai) nmmim ut mom'y ard an Council scheduled an adjourned Sjuifj; rJu: Amrn PUS uiiii ^ Kr\j*<irt. Union p.m. when suN'ay.i and elevators jplaygrouiul was ctr*rtf<’:i(f'd trt hnmir; 'I he dt m tm m y w .<n i rd l Jn Itu- ” ‘.>r W n ;i-| imdHrrniJiied anjount id fowl meeting Tues'fay to Authorize the it-1. ; . - i i d 'l.iia .'. an tUnnuiVi «•!* utoppfld trapping Itauuinnds of peo-; nt Aivm Hnis. wlui si tvcd in the jtened bv Vmrei.t (iaun l, & l*a^t ran ! 1 i*' t't;i! Ih ' n itr ipi*d on hif(t .'iti; ibc .Ippl.l tltU'M 0 t !*'-»•»111 • from nuudums lhat had b'-Yn advertisement for bid* t« r e p a ir, thi'ii t;vi,iitii Ai.b :!tf KtMnstnvj* pie -iliriim* on their tiek home. T h e .....................l'.S\ N iv y In...... VV^rfrl Wm t uml was ; f ’ofTini.ir?<!er «{ C/tia«bh ;tn«l I'uif, l}ii* nwi)J»iu> -if A) Riiss li.wi «*f Die ’/tunnf.; fo ile d open. He tatd t)»e enfrv I** Anmur Dr in lhe Iftkt'shie Gar- • 1 ;ms li.i * i1 i tb.'M rai-.**tl mt id.i v. i tt ih **•. stis u lt im a , i-te a nji‘ini>i:r in h'hhI ;«Juiulinji id Uu* •WfS«» >e. ved fiuHM lim fur tlu* \\w. i,t \dn; nf t>ft l!i bv wlncii bclnn imr'.linated hy iMntawan denii development The bulkier. ,91,11 n“lluiul rim,ll'u !!"JcT \ l j ! . i .',ali i *v.\ 'i-diip ;».jm r t i ' r ' f k»;H VP.V fm 3? playnrMind, lien.Wed wp«« Krl fi .11 '>.•(} b>‘»'n ♦*HVlrd on Kf atifcd -f uSf nf | lowfJship pnlict ll«let I'rapertlrs Inc. has *iu,s',n ,R'" 'r v"l’K u ,rdcr' ^ . K , . ttu *»f !i t r .‘ i, w}n» pin (.Mn: ,\ n-ii ».i, ji i;;f loui j f ■* ,l; (nt Itit.iisiij; a In othiT buMiu*vi the iMurd uu- |.M i!!r;l *;t.»! .M/i' 'Wit'll- t!U* iU l* faulted end tho bonding rot.tpany, I w'^‘» Wower tans Hopped iitra u ii at l*iiffA^»d Ave., and ! en lhfiri/ed piijiiK ’JH of J17J..T'U t„ ) ’ ] l \ : ■>;)!.ll. !■' bn *i -I■ .'1*1 nl Northern Insiir.iui'p Co nf New i .'"'thout t ir it i i n t j . sh eiinlrnvlor* tor wotk com* i •«-'!> ir ,t; r uti I Y ork ha« Hgrtsxl onlv t:) pay up j T hM f w ai no train n-rvice from I'nnialii' l I’shnil ' I i • • id li;< im ‘ -\ ii',.: 4ra i i’> t. :ippi fib*f<d <n* the lla iin r Or. Nr h.'.1,»i to $] 1.6(H) to install tiie ktn-«t &■ ; the P*nnfcVlvana l’nilmail Station nir\v uml.': cetiVM^ti^i i« lh»* < tt..r.l .) t . i .A i, , ,J- : : .i.i' . 1 , I ! Jil cording to i[iedfictitiiins. | until after 9 p.m when only a fen d'h> k<*vpon • K;*\sh'»it‘ Kiwan* B o a rd focr«Mj»h. tl :ll»< d <»>} ,> b > I } Burnugli May Sue itr ,iim umUl he moved oil! to rler- ii t lub uiit kpmisor ih iiunth a>\ •d f.n p.if-' fn».r) BoiOUKh Attmrti-v lo n is Atkins ; irifiw l rai'd l«»ain({ t«» New Jersey mia! Aum J.'inn na Piino.tl-t' t,r*> laid ilie boroufjh miiit provide spe-1 iMTil trains also weie halted h: llvnl, Ihur*itn>» Nnw.