Prime Raie Now 15%%, i t A New High Vd. XCIXi'flo. 41 — Manoh^iter, Conn., Friday, November 16.1979 • Since 186'^> 20< Slngte Copy • 15< Home Ddlwnd I NEW YORK- (UPI) - Citibank much into weekly money supply fluc­ boosted its prime lending rate on cor­ tuations, meaning it may not see any porate loans by another quarter point immediate credit-tightening is to IS 3/4 percent today, a new high necessary. that banking analysts said was likely William E. Gibson, vice president to spread throughout the industry. of Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co., said the huge increase could be The nation's second largest bank one of "a number of blips. I think the t ' - t ! noted the formula it uses to set its Fed understands that and will not be prime called for a 16 percent rate, under intense pressure for further but the bank limited its increase to 15 tightening. I would guess we'll see a 3/4. Banks have come under inten­ sizable drop next week.” sified political criticism as the The situation is complicated prevailing prime has rocketed this further by the Iranian crisis, in which year from 11 1/2 percent to its the cutoff of U.S. oil purchases from highest levels in history^ Iran also could affect the value of the The increase follows the Federal dollar. Reports that Iran had refused Reserve report late Thursday that to accept further payments in dollars the nation’s basic money supply for its oil sales sent the U.S. currency soared 33 billion in the most recent plummeting on foreign exchange week, a jump far bigger than markets Friday. expected and one that further con­ However, Iran’s oil boss Ali Akbar fused the outlook for the Fed's Moinfar denied the reports. monetary policy. , “So far we have not issued any Analysts said the Fed could react orders to the effect that we shall not by raising its discount rate — the in­ accept the U.S. dollar,” Moinfar told terest it charges on loans to member UPI in a telephone interview. banks - from its current level of 12 For consumers, the prime rate in­ percent to as much as 13 percent. crease eventually will translate into This would be a message that the higher interest rates and tougher-to- central bank i n Is further credit­ get credit at any price. H i^er in­ tightening is needed in its anti- terest rates also add to inflation and inflation fight. economists have expected the record On the other hand, the Fed itself interest charges to worsen the has cautioned against reading too nation's economic slowdown.

Dems T o Allow ■ Early Primary ^Woodsy OwV Visits School (UPI) - NaUonal exemptions. The early primary Demoratic leaders today unanimous­ Environmental Protection, Forestry ly voted to allow Massachusetts to is seen by political observers to be a “Woodsy Owl’’ visited Manchester’s Martin School state Department of hold an early presidential primary, a boost for Kennedy’s presidential Thursday to exchange ideas with students on how to keep Division. Mrs. Masi, left; children are Steven Lammey, move likely to help Sen. Eidward prospects because the Massachusetts America clean. The visit was arranged by Ann Masi, first Carolyn Hart, Joseph Howe, (Kristopher Lindsay, Jessica Kennedy’s campaign against Presi­ Democrat, even Carter backers con­ grade student teacher at the school. Mrs. Masi’s brother was Aucoin and Bryna Pasternak. (Herald photo by Pinto) dent Carter. cede, should easily defeat the presi­ The voice vote by the pemocratic dent in his home state. The momen- Woodsy Owl for the program made available through the National ConomlttM'a CpmpUaoce taooMwntod hr an Mrty victot7 is Review Oomniisekia avert* a poten­ ex)M)cied to help spur Kennedy’s can­ tially bitter fight between state and didacy. national Democratic officials. Several cmnmission members said Tbe action means Massachusetts before the vote they were annoyed at Hostages Face New Threats will be able to bold its primary a the behavior of M a^chusetts Party week before tbe 11-week “window Chairman Chester Atkins, who they proposal by Iranian authorities for TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Moslem Qpm, having canceled all next month. \ period” that party leaders had set said didn’t do all he could have to the phased release of some of the students holding the U.S. Embassy engagements for the next three In , doctors treating Shah aside for the states to select convince the state Legislature — of weeks because of fatigue and a brief Mohammed Reza Pahlavi said hostages. delegates to the Democratic which he is a member - to push back today threatened to use harsher measures against their hostages if illness. Thursday they plan to use a non- National Convention next sununer the primary date. Atkins is a big The students, who also seized a the United States allows the shah to Tehran’s Uxi drivers joined the surgical procedure in about two which will pick the party’s presiden­ Kennedy supporter. three-member NBC-TV News crew be moved to any country except Iran. march in solidarity with the students weeks to remove a gallstone from his and questioned them for several tial candidate. But Peter Kelly, commission The threat, broadcast over and drove past the embassy, blaring bile duct hours inside the embassy Thursday, , and chairman and one of Carter’s earliest horns and carrying bunting and The students holding the embassy supporters in 1976, said it was not loudspeakers at the occupied em­ pledged none of the hostages would which like bassy, was hailed with shrieks of posters of the ayatollah. are demanding the extradition of the Massachusetts had picked their “our purpose to punish the voters of be freed until Washington returns the “Down with America” and “Death to Their wives and children also shah, a demand flatly refused by' delegates in 1976 before tbe window Massachusetts because of the con­ deposed shah or Khomeini gave his Carter” by more than 100,000 entered the protest. As they drove Washington, and the latest medical period, have also been granted duct of a single individual.” approval for their release demonstrators returning from past, the cabbies shouted “Death to news contradicted an earlier report Moslem sabbath prayers at Tehran America” and were cheered by the shah would return to Mexico Highly placed official sources in University. demonstrators jamming both sides of within 10 days. Tehran and in (Jom, the ayatollah’s headquarters, said talks for the “If the shah is moved from the streets. President Carter, in his harshest The ruling Islamic Revolutionary phased release of some of the Language Disdain America to any country except Iran, language yet in reference the situa­ Council announced formation of a hostages - women and non- as we have demanded, harsher tion, denounced the embassy seizure decisions will be taken regarding the new Cabinet today, but it was not Americans first - were being pushed Thursday as an “act of terrorism,” by acting Foreign Minister Abol hostages,” a student announced. known what effect — if any — the ap­ but said the crisis required “patience Said a ‘Disgrace’ The threat against the hostages pointment of the 15 new ministers Hassan Bani-Sadr. and measured acjion” as well as would have on the stalemate at the But a student spokesman in the em­ was the first since Ayatollah “firmness,” CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) - Ibe dis­ disadvantage,” Rassias continued. Ruhollah Khomeini reprimanded the embassy, bassy, contacted by UPI Thursday, dain Americans show toward foreign “ It also leaves the impression we’re students last week for threatening to Khomeini’s announcement that he He said Iran ‘‘must know that the rejected the idea. “We do not agree with any such languages is a “national disgrace” not interested in learning about their kill the hostages if the United States will not see anyone until Dec. 5 United States of America will not attempts,” the spokesman said in a that diminishes our prestige abroad culture or their ideas. attempted any rescue. That warning raised the possibility the crisis in­ yield to international terrorism or to telephone interview. “Our stand is and threatens our seoirtty at home, a “I think if we don’t change, we will was not repeated since. volving 62 Americans and about 40 blackmail.” Dartmouth College professor says. become not only a silent partner in Khomeini. 79, spent the sabbath in­ other people, held hostage for the A spokesman for the Moslem the stand taken by the Imam the family of nations, but an ignored doors at his religious headquarters in 13th day today, could drag on into militants in the embassy rejected a (Khomeini).” “Unless we right this wrong,” said partner,” Rassias said.. Professor John Rassias, “we face The cure for America’s growing disaster as a nation. There’s Just no linguistic Isolation lies at home, other way to put it.” Rassias believes. Rassias, a S2year-old French in­ “We found in our report that the CRCOG Rejects Study Draft structor at Dartmouth, was one of 2S crux of the problem was dull, boring, individuals appointed by President uninspired, uncommitted tedchers,” The members were almost un- Buckland Commons would shift he said. “Even when languages are HARTFORD — The Regional Plan­ South Windsor. Carter a year ago to study the While the commission members animous in the opinion any new of- existing jobs, from 1,700 to 2,000 of declining role foreign language# play taught, they are taught so poorly that ning Commission of the Capitol Region Council of Governments agreed with most of the conclusions fice building would merely mean a them, within the region, in American life. we cut our students off at the pass.” shift of existing jobs from one place Commission members were con- Tbe blue-ribbon panel, aptly en^ Thursday night declined to accept a in the report, they balked at a conclu­ A large part of the problem, to sion a proposed 500,000 square feet of within the region to another. vinced the same premise holds true titled tbe President’s Commission on draft of an impact study of the Rassias’ way of thinking, is that office space would create about 1,600 The council staff has made the for office jobs. Theodore Brin- Foreign Languages and International when students are taught foreign proposed Buckland Commons development in Manchester and new jobs. assumption new retail outlets in the damour, Manchester’s represen­ Studies, finished up its work earlier languages they are taught how to talk tative on the council, was one who this month and presented its findings about things like “their sister’s held that opinion. to tbe White House on Nov. 7. yellow pen” or “a family outing at Office space is the last construc­ The results, in Rassias’ mind, were the bank.” tion the developers of Buckland (Am­ startling. “It’s garbage. What does that have mons expect to undertake, after com­ “Ihree out of four Americans can’t to do without anything?” he asked. mercial and residential construction. sp e ^ or write a foreign language “Foreigners are portrayed as Idiots If the potential office jobs are con- ramfortably,” Rassias said. “Andl in unrMlistic situations. sidered shifts instead of new employ­ only 8 percent of our colleges and un­ “Tbe student is never taught how ment, it would also affect the con­ iversities require languages for ad­ tbe French mind-ticks, or bow tbe clusions the staff has drawn about mission. Russians feel, or the Chinese think,” East Hartford and tbe good old The financial community is told trips to and from tbe development, “It’s a national disgrace that cuts be said. “Lanjpuges should be taught The Weather days of neighborhood movie by energy specialists that solar reducing the number that could to tbe very heart of our national within the frameworks of the theaters —before the multi-screen power is an economically feasible regarded as new trips for the region, security,” he added. “It’s hampering cultures. Mostly clear tonight ; becoming way to tackle tbe nation’s oil crisis. The draft report was referred to an cloudy by dawn. Blostly cloudy palaces arrived on the scene. Page our posture overseas.” “Tbe two should go hand in hand. 8 Page 20 i , executive committee which will In Russia, Rassias related, There’s a one to one correlation Saturday but clearing by evening. J decide how to instruct the staff in diplomats are given a 10 percent between communication and . Detailed forecasts on Page 2 inside Today revamping the report. Most of the raise for every foreign language they culture,” Rassias added. ^ members of the commission hope to learn fluently. And the boons is good All of this might lead one to believe In Sportt Labor Conunissioner P. Joseph (Masslfled...... ; ...... • bg able to attend the meeting of the that Rassias is a purveyor of doom Pieraro apparently makes s«ne Comics...... executive committee and to par- for up to three languages. Trio of attractive scboidboy foot­ and gloom, a pessimist who has given progress in his attempt to resolve Editorial ...... ticipate in the discussion. “Over here, we Just pat our ball games Saturday ... Yale after diplomats on the rump and say 'go, up hope. “Au contralre," the the long, bitt«' strike at the (Min Entertainment...... "j* Manchester has approved a zone perfect season against Harvard ... Corp.’s Winchester Arms plant in go, go','' he said. "It's inconceivable professor tells us, adding that be Carl YastrsemaU speaks up. Page (MMtuaries...... •...... change for the development, which to me that sre send ambassadors New Haven. Page 2 Peopletalk ...... •. would straddle the Manchester-South firmly believes we can turn 11 overseas who can’t speak tbe ourselves around. Famed attorney Louis Nixo- asks ResUmrants ...... ■•••J Windsor town line. The application languages. If Rassias bad his way, foreign tbe Oonnecticot Sqireme Court to - Sports ...... »*■“ (or a zone change in South Windsor “We go to an International con­ languages would be reuuired in The Old Days grant forma- stockbroker Murray TWevlston...... bas been withdrawn, but it is ference and they can do it in our secondary schools and a pierequlsite BntMtatannent cohmmist Allen (Sold a third trial in the slayings of Update ...... ‘ • expected the developers will resub- . language but we can’t do it in theirs. for admission and graduation from Widem recalls tbe Astor Theatre of his former In-laws. Page 7 .W M th e r...... * ^ t i t . It puts us at a tremendous linguistic college. a - EVENINO HERALD. Fri- Nov. IS. m » EVENING HERALD. Fri,, Nov. 16. 1879 — 3 UConn Professor Blames America for Iran Crisis By United Press International Iran. Schwartz drew parallels between students staged a pro-America rally this,” said rally organizer Peter Jor­ One 20-year-old engineering stu­ A professor has told hundreds of Uftonn has only 10 Iranian students Hitler’s Germany and the U.S. today to support Carter’s actions and de­ dan. “That’s what they’re doing in dent identified as Farid said, “The Mpckite University of Connecticut students and none was involved in the and said the students were being mand to release of the hostages. Iran.” way they have been asking questions protesting the Iranian hostage situa­ demonstrations. "sucked into” blind patriotism in the One speaker told the students they Meanwhile, a number of the 61 Ira­ is like they are giving us an order.” tion the American government was same way Germans were before should not be hostile to the Iranian nian students at the University of any hope of restoring his sight. finishing with 120,207 votes or 52.9 announcement In Parliament At a noon rally sponsored by the "We are here to study. We haven’t representatives to the White House ting ready to leave. We are not responsible for the crisis. World War II. students at UConn. Another speaker Hartford complained Thursday of done pything wrong. I don’t care Three weeks ago, doctors at percent to defeat W. Otis Higgs Jr., Thuraday, Prime Minister Margaret campus (tommittee Against Racism, Strong Words briefing that listed talks by Energy Moslem." liie confrontation occurred at one Professor Tobias Schwartz said the Many students heckled Schwartz, admonished t o students for burning treatment by federal interviewers what is going on in Iran or what is Columbia-Presbyterian Homital in who had 107,232 votes or 47.1 percent. Thatcher unmasked Sir Antony Secretary Charles Duncan and With a glance over his shoulder, of two raliies held Thursday by “imperialist” U.S. government and yelling they were protesting Iranian an Iranian flag. "We can’t be doing questioning their visa status. going on here. I don’t Involve myself, WASfflNGTON (UPI) - President Manhattan drilled a hole In the front Higgs, who spent eight years trying Blunt, 72, whose confession of spying Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Gerami pulled a silver chain from his students who waived American flags the shah were responsible for the blackmail and an attack on American but 1 love my country,” he said. Carter told cheering delegates at an of Stewart's left eye and screwed in a to become the city's first black (or the S ^ e t Union in the 1946s and shirt and displayed a tiny silver and burned an Iranian flag in support current tension and t o U.S. should pride. AFMHO convention Thursday "The plastic bolt conUdnlng tiny lenses • mayor, lost for the second time to 'SOs has been a government secret cross. "Ihe shah’s regime, it was of President Carter’s actions against return the shah to Iran to stand trial. At a later demonstration, about>300 United States of America will not Not All Alike good. My family was accepted. Now but it may not be permanent. After Chandler. He could not hide his for 15 years. Buckingham Palace yield to international terrorism or to we don’t have security. All the keeing his ^montb-old son for the bitterness. said his knighthood was canceled blackmail." It was the strongest (UPI) - Not all Iranian Moslem students do what first time, he said Tbnraday, "I "I would submit to all of you here effective today. Two Men Indicted statement he has made on J||/I r a ­ students are like the ones who waited (Ayatollah) Khomeini wants or, what couldn’t ask for more ..." Dr. tonight t o t the real loser tonight is nian crisis since it began nearly two Anthony Down, who performed the the city of Memphis,” he said. This Thanksgiving Thursday in a corridor outside the he wants, they do. I need help now.” weeks ago. He also warned Iran’s U.S. Immigration and Naturalization surgery, said, “This is his only eye. If Althou^ both men urged voters to Blunt, whose whereabouts are not On Fraud Charge leaders they will be "held accoun­ GIVE A WHITE, MILK OR DARK MUNSON’S CHOCOLATE PIE. Service office. They seemed defiant this (the telescope device) falls out consider only the Issues, race known, served (}neen Ellizabeth and table” if any Americans being held Sight Restored and gets inflamed, he'll be per­ became a factor in the election. “I’m her father. King George VI, as guar­ BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — Two men, including a college SOLID CHOCOLATE FLUTTED DISH FILLED WITH — certain of the righteousness of veterans’ advisor, have been indicted on federal charges hostage at the U.S. Embassy in manently blind — period.” sorry race got into it,” Chandler dian and chief adviser on the MUNSON’S UNIQUE CHOCOLATES. their country’s demand for the return NEW YORK (UPI) - After losing they bilked the government of $4,500 in educational Tehran are harmed. of the shah. But Mehdi Gerami — at his vision three years ago in a fight said. "But there’s no doubt there was priceless royal art collection from the end of World War II until he benefit funds. Today the president talks with the other end of the hallway — with his wife, who threw a mixture of some voting along racial lines.” A Third Term retired. Buckingham Palace said The two-count indictment, handed uj> by a U.S. grand some 40 governors about conserva­ whispered timidly to a reporter, lye and ammonia in his face, Jesse jury in Bridgeport Thursday, charged Paul M. Gillis, 28, MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) — Mayor Thursday there was no question of tion steps to offset the loss of 700,000 ‘"rhey killed my brother. I can’t go Stewart, a former railroad worker, Spy Unmasked of Waterbury, and Patruck Griskus, 32, of Naugatuck, GIFT BOXED Wyeth Oiandler Thursday won an un­ his having had access to secret state barrels of oil. All SO governors were back over there. I need refuge in the tried five different hospitals before with defrauding the federal government. precedented third consecutive term. LONDON (UPI) - In a bombshell documents while he worked there. TO DELIGHT FAMILY invited, but some chose to send United States. My family is ... get­ he found surgeons who offered him It said the pair conspired to submit a forged transcript AND FRIENDS indicating Gillis was a Western Connecticut State College student entitled to veterans benefits. At the time, Griskus was a veterans’ advisor at the .Peopletalk. college. Gillis was not enrolled at any educational institu­ Peraro Brings Progress tion, U.S. Attorney Richard Blumenthal said. Blumenthal said Gillis was allegedly paid about $300 SEE OUR Comrade Critic per month in veterans education benefits from June 1977 50 LB. TURKEY until August 1978 and shared the funds with Griskus. The metaphors may be mixed, but the message is ON DISPLAY To Negotiations at Olin If convicted of both counts, the defendants would face a clear — Izvestia doesn’t maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. care much for Henry NEW HAVEN (UPI) - The in­ Kissinger or his book. tervention by state Labor Com-' Says the Moscow missioner P. Joseph Peraro has tOVItT IIMNIArwItl ' newspaper of “The-^| brought about some progress in ef­ Car Hits Two Boys; 6 White House Years” — forts to end the long strike at Olin -44^-1 "Kissinger enjoys Corp.’s Winchester gun manufac­ Crossing Unguarded ^publicity. His self ad- turing plant. EZ3- 'miration makes him But t o faint glimmer of hope may HARTFORD (UPI) — Two young boys struck by an UPlWtATMIII PCTOCAtT • always ready for any be only an agreement by both sides to auto at a crossing where an assigned guard failed to show political striptease. So return to the table for further talks to up were in critical condition early today with head and in­ For period ending 7 a.m. EST 11/17/79. During Friday one shouldn’t be sur­ end the walkout that began July 15. ternal injuries. night, rain or showers will be found throughout most of prised that among the Peraro met Thursday for the third Christopher Ball and Terrance Tullock-Reid, both 8, the Pacific coast states while some snow falls in. the items he takes off are time in two weeks with Olin officials were walking from the Cathedral of St. Joseph School vicinity of the lower Lakes region. Mostly fair weather is detente, peaceful and representatives of the machinsts Thursday when they were struck by a vehicle at the in­ indicated elsewhere in the nation. coexistence and disar­ union and- said some progress was tersection of Collins and Huntington streets. mament.” made. Beauty Finalists There are no stop signs at the intersection. CANDIES Weather Forecast Then - “ ’The 1,500 Asked what progress had been Deputy Police CTiief Neil Sullivan said an investigation pages of his book are 1,- made the four-hour meeting, Peraro Three finalists in the 1979 Miss World beauty contest held in Royal was started to determine why a policeman assigned to “Because Everyone's Taste Is Different" 500 pages of fig leaves. ’The more leaves he tries to would only say that both sides had Albert Hall in London, Thursday, are from left. Miss United Kingdom, the intersection failed to show up after the regular Clearing and becoming win­ put on himself, the more he divulges of what he agreed to meet with him again next crossing guard told police she would not be available. Mostly sunny today. Mostly 18-year-old Carolyn Seward, second; Miss World 1979; Miss Bermuda, •ROUTE 6, BOLTON • HARTFORD CIVIC CENTER • WEST FARMS MALL dy today. Highs in the low to really thinks.” Tuesday. Both boys were taken to St. Francis Hospital and mid 40s. 6 C. Mostly clear ear­ clear tonight and cloudy 21-year-old Gina Swainson and Miss Jamaica, 18-year-old Debbie ly tonight becoming partly Saturday. Wave heights 3 to 4 But even if it can’t decide if he’s doffing or don­ Labor Department spokesman. Medical Center where a spokeswoman early today said OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 9 to 1 cloudy by dawn. Cold with feet to^y and 1 to 2 feet ning, Izvestia concedes the memoir is “witty and Dick Picks said, "I think the fact that Rachelle Campbell, third. (UPI photo) they remained in critical condition. lows in the upper 20s and low tonight increasing Saturday. entertaining.” two previous meetings broke up 30s. Mostly cloudy Saturday Extended Outlook without any future sessions planned but clearing by evening. Extended outlook for New and this one adjourned with a new Washington School Breezy and milder with highs England Sunday through Pilgrimage meeting date is perhaps encouraging near 50. Probability of Tunday: Efrem Zimbaiist Jr. waxed downright poetic in itself." precipitation decreasing to Marks Book Week Mass., R.I. A Conn.; Fair, ’Thursday on his first He said, "The commissioner near zero by late this after­ and milder each day. Highs 45 N visit to Israel. Says he, believes that as long as parties are noon and tonight 20 percent to 55 on Sunday warming to 55 m"An CHESTER — Washington School celebrated “I wasn’t p'^epared for talking, there is progress.” Saturday. Southwest winds 10 to 65 on T u e^ y . Overnight National Children’s Book Wiek with a variety of special to 20 mph shifting to the majestic sweep of The possible breakthrough in talks lows 25 to 35 on Sunday rising came only hours after a pipe bomb activities. A book fair was held all week in the media northwest 15 to 25 mph and to 35 to 45 by Tuesday. the countryside, the gusty today. West wind gorgeous coastline of was thrown through a window of an center. Special programs were offered from 10 to 11 a m. Vermont; Variable and 1 to 2 each day. around 10 m ^ tonight and 10 cloudineit and warmer Haifa, the magnificent Olin office. The explosion caused $5,- to 20 mph Saturday. through the period. Cbance of grandeur of the desert IX)0 danuige to the floor, ceiling and , On Tuesday, Mrs. Marcia Kenefic, principal, told itorlM to to ebUdren. On Jtobw *tor««w to*iiori’9 Long Island Sound showers late Sunday and early furniture of the office. and th e beauty of third grade presented a skit entitled “The Books (tome Long Island Sound to Watch Monday. Highs ranging in the Police were investigating the inci­ Jerusalem.” Alive,” On TTiursday, Mrs. Johnston, first grade teacher, Hill, R.I., and Montauk Point, 40s to mid 50s. Lows in the 30s ’The 56^ear-old star of \ dent which Olin spokesman Richard told the story, “The Giving Tree,” and on Friday, Mrs. 0 N.Y.: Sniall craft advisories and low 40s. the “FBI” series, whose ^ Cannon said occurred about 2 a.m. at are in effect. A cold front and New Hampshire; Linda McKenzie and her fourth grade class presented a Russian-born parents the gun manufcturer’s Metals moved off the coast today Fair Sunday. A chance of puppet show. left Judaism and Research Laboratory on Sheldon followed by high pressure, showers Monday. Fair The activities for Book Week were planned by the christened him an Avenue. brisk northwest winds and Tuesday. Overnight lows war­ No one was in the office at the time School Library Committee consisting of teachers, ming from the 20s Sunday Episcopalian, was colder air. Northwest winds 20 of the bombing which was discovered students, the principal and the library staff. to 25 knots with stronger gusts morning to the 30s by Tuesday spiritually lyrical as by a security man making his rounds, A book fair poster contest was held and the following today, westerly 10 to 15 knots morning. Daytime highs in the well. He says he came to students were winners: Tony Granato, Michael Henson. toni^t and southwest 10 to 20 30s north and 40s south Sunday Israel "drawn by God Ciannon said. V An estimated $1,000 in damage was done to an executive’s of­ Christine Goodwin, and Erinn Jarvis. They were per­ knots Saturday. Visibility warming to the 40s north and the son — Jesus,” adding "But I got a much greater The office borders the main Olin fice at the Olin Metals Research Laboratory in New Haven mitted to choose free books from the book fair. generally better than 5 miles. 50s south by Tuesday. sense of God the father — Jehovah, which in my complex and fronts the area where A Library Activities Contest was held with Michael mind have been vague.” 1,350 union machinists have been Thursday when a pipe-bomb was hurled through a window and Henderson, Scott Fultz and Dawn Magowan the winners. The prose came on the subject of acting: “If I picketing since walking off the job 17 exploded. Olin Metals is located in the same complex with Library Committee members are Mrs. Kehefick, prin­ Across the Nation never did it again, I wouldn’t really care.” weeks ago. Cannon wouldn’t say strike-bound Olin-Winchester sporting arms manufacturing cipal Mrs, Sarah Elsesser, media specialist, Mrs. Pam whether the company believed the plant. (UPI photo) City Fcst Hi Lo bombing was related to the strike. Heuser, library assistant. Mrs. Donna Phillips, PTA Albuquerque c 61 33 Mi/waukee pc 43 31 Jamc^Is Jumpin'* library chairperson, Mrs. Linda McKenzie, Miss Judy AnchOTage pc 47 37 Minneapolis pc 41 28 Paterson, Miss Betsy Anderson, teachers, Patty Bluings c 59 37 Nashville c 62 43 If you’re on composer Bob Jam es’ Christmas list, Gorham, Frances Fallon and Christine Goodwin, and Birmingham c 60 39 New Orleans c 63s34 don’t be surprised if the jazz fusion keyboard artist TOWN OF MANCHESTER Lisa DeLisle, student. Boston pc 45 40 New York pc 47 43 doesn’t have time to buy a gift. BrownsviUe, Tx pc 71 58 City c 68 38 James plans a series of New York concerts the c 58 38 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Buffalo cy 37 22 Omaha week of Ciec. 18. 'The theme, says a spokesman, is a c 60 47 PhiUdelphia pi 47 43 Charleston, S.C. "dedication to the city" and will include jazz ver­ New MMH Director Charlotte, N.C. pc 54 Phoenix c 82 50 sions of songs associated with New York. Chicago pc 48 Pittsburgh cy e9 36 Starts Job Monday Develand cy Portland, M. pc 42 36 The week of concerts begins at the Bottom Line pc 45 34 Portland, Ore. r 49 nightclub, moves to Town Itell and ends at Carnegie NOTICE OF LEAF PIOKUP Columbus Dallas c 59 38 Providence pc 45 36 Hall. ’The idea is to thank Big Apple denizens for MANCHESTER — William S. Abbott who has been ap­ Denver c 61 31 Richmond pc 53 40 being fans of James, a leading proponent of The following streets are schetoed for leaf collection Uiis coming week. Home owners, on the streets listed pointed an assistant director at Manchester Memorial Des Moines c 53 30 St. Louis c 66 33 "crossover” music that hits both jazz and rock below, who wish to have yard leaves collected are requested to rake leaves to Um STREET UNE.This should Hospital, will begin his duties Monday. Detroit pc 43 26 Salt Lake City pc 55 26 music charts. be done prior to the Monday of the week of collection. Property owners are r eq ^ ted to make certain t o t no He will assume responsibilities for those departments pc 70 44 Duluth cy 35 26 San Antonio foreign objects such as stones, branches, cans or any other material, OTHER THAN LEAVES OR GRASS, and hospital functions formerly managed by Michael R. c 77 53 El Paso pc 63 41 San Diego are pie<-d In the windrows. Mixed leaf piles WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. In case of Inclement weather, t o Gallacber. Gallacher, assistant director of Manchester Hartford pc 44 39 San Francisco cy 65 t9 Quote of the Day leaf program may be delayed a few days. Please DO NOT CALL HIGHWAY OFFICE regarding unlisted Memorial since February of 1975, will assume respon­ Honolulu pc 83 71 San Juan c 86 75 streets as t o schedule is flexible depending upon work load and weather conditions. sibility for administrative duties formerly directed by Houston c 70 54 Seattle r 53 46 Norman Mailer, telling talk show host Dick Paul E. Moss who left in September to accept the ap­ IndlanapoUs c 49 2i Spokane cy 40 w7 Cavett about his financial woes during a PBS taping The itreeU listed below are scheduled (or the week of November 19th. Jackson, Mss. c 64 31 Tampa c u3 47 for broadcast Nov. 20-21: "I wrote myself into debt pointment as administrator at Milford Hospital. Jacksonville c 67 36 WasUngton pc 53 48 ... I owe my agent, Scott Meredith, $200,000. Scott Pearl Street Kansas City cs66 32 WichiU c 64 32 could have told me, ‘You owe me $195,000 and stop Academy Street Finley Street Lyndale Street Pitkin Street Las Vegas c 71 44 c-clear; cl-clearing; cy- buying steaks.' Thanks to him, we’re living Aahworth Street Florence Street Maple Street UttleRock c 69 48 cloudy; f-falr; hzdhaze; m- reasonably well.” (Glenwood Street to Foster Street Middle Turnpike East Purnell Place Los Angeles c 84 61 missing: pc-partly cloudy: r- Autumn Street) Glenwood Street (Woodbridge Street to Putnam Street Louisville c 56 37 raln; sh-showers; sm-smoke; Birdi Street Greenhill Street Town Line) Raymond Road Douglas Hr Memphis 'C 63 48 sn-snow; sy-sunny: ts- Glimpses Bixaell Street Hamlin Street Munro Street Richard Road Miami Beach pc 75 6x thunderstorms ; w-wMy. Bolton Center Road Hannaway Street New Bolton Road Robert Road Fraser Hr • White Spruce Gil Truedsson, designer for Tiger of Sweden Boulder Road Harrison Street Noranan Street Scarborough Road men’s wear and 1979 0>ty Special Award winner, Clinton Street H(dl Street Oak Street (Main Street School Street Planted In a border, these 6 has been named by NBC S^ rts to design wardrobes Cottage Street Knighton Street to Autumn Street) Spruce Street trees provide • Wind Break for male and female commentators for the 1960 • Privacy • Very Nice Winter Cromwell Street Lake Street Parker Street (East Wellington Road Olympic Games in Moscow ... Chery Rixon, Eldridge Street Lancaster Road Center Street to Westniinster Road Effect • Or uae aa a live Manchester Area Businesspeople: The Almanac Penthouse magazine Pet of the Year, will appear in Elwood Road ' Lindman Street PorMl' Street) Christmas Tree and Plant Outdoors the Steven Spielberg movie, “Used Cars,” to be afterwards. Tag Now and We Will Now, if you advertise in the By United Preu International shot on location in Phoenix, Ariz. ... Yvette Hold ’til Christmas Today is Friday, Nov. 16, the 320th day of 1979 with 45 to Mimieux will be in New York next wedc to publicize Manchester, Coventry, and Rockville follow. Walt Disney Productions’ $20 million deep space Manchester To Advortloo To Roport Nowo Yellow Pages, you can put Red in your The moon is moving toward its new phase. adventure "Black Hole,” in which she co-stars with East Hartford — Glastonbury The morning stars are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. MaximiUian Shell, Robert L. Forster, Joseph Bot­ For a classified advertisement, call To report a news Item or story idea: 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Yellow Pages ad. Use The evening stars are Mercury and Venus. toms and Anthony Perkins. ... Ev«nlng Hwrald Manchester .... Alex Glrelli, 64^Z711. SPRING A Those bom on this date are u n to the sign of Scorpio. hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford .. (2iris Blake, 643-2711. •WUNCORN USPS 327-500 Red to call attention to Bell Famed American composer W.C. Handy, known as the through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury.. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 •DOOR SURPRISE Published dally except Sunday and dosed, classified ads may be placed by Andover...... Donna Holland, 642-2711 your fihn’s name, phone "Father of the Blues," was bora Nov. 16,1873. American cflling 643-2718. DECORATIONS PLANT DUTCH System actor Burgess Meredith also was bora on this date in 1900. certain hoUdays hy the Manchester Bolton...... Donna Holland, 643-2711 Publishing Co., Herald Square, P.O. For information about display adver­ Coventry ___Guy DeSimone, 649-9096 •D R D MATERIAL BULBS TO OUTAM number or special services. On this date in history; tising, call Thomas Hooper, advertising Box 591, Manchester, Coon. 06040. Hebron ... Patricia Mulligan, 22641206 •WREATIIIANIIG AGARDEN Y ello w In 1007, Oklahonu became the 46th state admitted to Lottery Numbers director, at 643-2711. South Windsor. Jody Kuebnel, 644-1364 Ask about Red when your the Union. Havf • Complaint?, Vernon .. Barbara Richmaod, 643-2711 sumis OF SPRMG COLOR P a g e s In 1933, the United States established diplomatic Winning daily lottery dumbers drawn Thuraday In New To Stiboerlbo Yellow Pages Representa­ N « n — If you have a question or To report or inquire about special •HOUSE PLANTS 20% relations with the communist Soviet Union. England; complaint about news coverage, call To subscribe, call Customer Service news: tive calls on you. Southern New England Telephone In 1963, former President Harry Truman went on Connecticut: 136. Frank Burbank, managing editor, 643- at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to Business...... Alex OlrelU, 643-2711 nationwitondio and television to deny charges by the Massachusetts; 4179. 2711. 5:30 p.m. Mondqy through Friday and 7 U.8. attorney general that he had a p ^ ie d Harry New Hampshire; 9721. Chontoaon— If youhaveaproUarp lo 10 a.m. Satuf^y. Opinion...... Frank Burbank, 6434711- Southern New England Telephone Yellow Pages representatives will begin selling Dexter White to high government office (Director of the Rhode Island: 3534. • regarding service or delivery, call Suggested carrier tales are 90 cents Family ...... Betty Ryder, 6434711 advertising for the Manchester-Rockville phone book starting Monday, November 19. International Monetary Fhnd) knowing t o t White was a Winning weddy lottery numbers drawn Thuraday In (hutomer Service, 647-9946. Delivery weekly, $2.90 for one month, $11.70 (or SporU...... Earl Yost, 642-2711 th to months, $2340 (or six months, and Rout* 4L BoNon ^‘Groir Wtik Russian spy. knew Englanid; should be made by S p.m. Monday Office hours are 9:20 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Satnr- $46.n for one year. Mall rates are 643-7802 In 19M, t o Soviet Union orbited a 17-ton aclentific (tonnectlcut; 44,244,131648. The lucky color was green. available on reqtot. Monday through Friday. 'space satellite. Maine: 73136. day. OPEN DAILY A.M. TO BdlO'F.M. 4 - EVENING HERALD. Fri„ Nov. 16, 1979 EVENING HERALD, Frl., Nov. 16.1979 - 8 require immediate attention interfere. Too many costly __. ^ .V'TfV' House Favors ^Editorial* studies have been allowed to iHaudiratf r Curuimj Hrralft .7- - . Manchester — A City of Village Charm Tornado Help The Director’s Big Job Founded Oct. 1, 1681 Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, ^ HARTFORD (UPI) — A measure granting up to |520,- Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (20>3) 643-2711. ' 000 in tax relief for residents of three towns struck by a killer tornado last month has been sent to the Senate. AudN BufMu of Ctroulotlon Mombor. Unhod Proto Intomotlonal Even before it has been gather dust after an initial was structurally sound. House members, in their first full day of considering sworn into office, the new enthusiastic attack on them. Consider the words of Lee Stovon Harry. Exocutlvo Editor bills during a special session on energy, Thursday passed Cuotomor Sorvtoo — 647-9946 FrMk A. Burbank. Managing Editor .the measure on a unanimous vote. Board of Directors of Weber, who prepared the Raymond F. Robfnoon. EdHor-Publlahof HaroM E. Turkington. Editor Emarltuo report. He said, “If Mrf They also voted 13-12 in favor of a measure doubling the Manchester, has begun a dif­ The consultants who did the bond authorization for the Energy Conservation Loan ficult task, one which will study present a contradictory Weiss (General Manager Fund from |3 million to $6 million. provide plenty of work for picture. They say, in effect, ■Robert Weiss) wasn’t the The tornado measure would allow the towns of Wind­ them over the next few the structure of the govern­ manager. I'm not sure sor, Windsor locks, Suffleld and East Granby to abate be dependent upon the here. While the charter taxes for damaged property. months if they give it the ment is cumbersome and anyone else could manage the abilities, the personality, the provisions may hamstring Rep. John Pier, D -W in^r, told his colleagues the attention it deserves. badiy organized. They also organization as it is set up methods of one person. the government, they also measure was needed because it would be toiigh for the initially say it works well because the now.’’ He said further, provide a safeguard against people to get a tax bill for "property that isn’t there.” The big job at hand is to The storm, which struck without warning Oct. 3, left people involved make it “Weiss is able to handle the The first obstacle to over­ capricious changes to suit a three dead, hundreds injured and |250 million in evaiuate suggestions made in work. large responsibility because come is the decision on particular administration. damages. sheUand crew In a study of town government he’s been in Manchester a whether to divest the town “We’ve suffered greatly. My town of Windsor Locks This is just one of the 12 new colors organization and, where ad­ long time, not because it is a charter of references to in­ still has not gotten back on Its feet,” Rep. Joyce Wojtas, If that is so, it raises a matters the directors will D-Windsor Locks, said. She said it will t ^ e months, and visable, to implement them. good organization.” ternal structure, as the con­ question. If the personnel in have to evaluate in the com­ maybe years, for the towns to recover from the tornado. jLe\ your initials show on our sultants suggest. The bill provides for the state to reimburse Windsor, classic Shetland crew. A fine town government can make a ing months. They will need The directors started the Windsor Locks and Suffield for 90 percent of the un­ machine washable poor system work well, The implications of those energy and perserverance collected taxes, up to a total of $520,000. job Tuesday. They must con­ wool/acrylic. would they not accomplish a statements are unpleasant to It is easy to understand the and some sympathy from the The $3 million increase in the bonding for the energy tinue it even as matters that Powder blue, lot more with a system that problem of the directors conservation loan fund was just what (lov. Ella Grasso candy pink, contemplate. We should not citizens. requested when she called the lawmakers back to the special session on energy matters. sand dust, An amendment to increase the authorization to $10 sham rock, million was killed. Rep. Irving Stolberg, D-New Haven, natural, rust, said the $6 million “will clearly do it” until the ^sailor blue, navy, // Legislature returns for the regular session in February. The Herald in ^ashington V we SAVS WE IUANT6 K m T 3 0 7 T £ R \ The measure was amended so families which have an y hunter, adjusted gross income of $30,000 or less are eligible to ^ brown, mint, apply for low interest loans of $400 to $3,000 for energy rose. Sizes 34-40. Rep. Abraham Glassman, D-South Windsor, chairman of an ap­ conservation devices and installation. The House also tacked on an amendment which would The Doormat propriations subcommittee, presents state employee labor contract allowing homeowners to apply for loans to replace the sweater, * 1 6 F&l for ratification Wednesday during first full session of the Connecticut Administration officials are now existing furnaces - which one lawmaker called a “logical * 1 9 By LEE RODERICK vV/ Legislature since it was convened in special session Oct. 31. Rep. Boyd inclusion” — and to use any system generated by wood with 3 initials. talking about telling Khomeini to WASHINGTON — America under Hinds Jr., D-Hartford, is at right. (UPI photo) for hot water heating. Jimmy Carter has become a doormat take his oil and go to hell. That's the for the world. It used to be a beacon, first sensible suggestion they've but seldom if ever has the lamp of the come up with. The second ought to be Statue of Liberty beckoned dimmer to to deport the thousands of disruptive Legislators OK Seven Pacts the world’s huddled masses yearning Iranian "students” in this country — to breathe free. immediately after the resolution of HARTFORD (UPI) — The Legislature has and we're going to pass it,” said Rep. John over the $39.4 million budgeted. At this writing the hostages are the current crisis. approved seven state employee contracts with Mannix, R-Wilton. The difference is to be made up with $15.3 still being held at the American em­ Iran is but a symptom of a disease average pay increases of 7 percent that will He said the money needed to pay for the in­ million in state surplus funds and with the T houghts cost $27 million over two years. creases in wages and benefits will have to be savings plan Gov. Ella Grasso instituted at bassy in Tehran. on the rampage in the highest circles Although there was some partisan pulled from operating expenses. Mannix mid-summer, ordering all agencies to cut an This is no time for of the U.S. government — a disease of retrenchment and retreat. While The Myslery of Creation: squabbling, the contracts easily made it claimed the ogly way the difference could be average 4.2 percent off their 1979-1980 budgets. provocative ac­ Why? through the House and Senate Thursday. made up would be to increase taxes. The contracts approved Thursday covered not confined to the Carter ad­ tions on words Little Heather now climbs up onto Bargaining agreements still are pending with "When you vote for this, you're voting for a vocational-technical school faculty and ad­ ministration. it has reached that could further the foot stool to turn on the water prisoq guards, state police and highway tax increase," he said. ministrators; community college faculty; endanger the lives epidemic proportions under it. faucet and run her hands back and maintenance workers. The seven contracts approved by the education administrators; institutional ad­ of these men and The administration first put the forth under the water. She gets “It's a sad day here today because we don’t Legislature during its special energy session ministrators, and, judicial department women. world on notice that tens of excited with her climbing ac­ have a plan (on how to pay for the contracts) cover 4,221 of the 44,(K)0 state employees. The employees. pacts ratified so far are running $17.6 million There once was thousands of Cuban troops in Africa complishment, and stops frequently a time for decisive action in Iran — were no problem. In fact, in the in­ to clap her hands with joy. She's ‘cashmln’ cowls of famous words of Andy Young, they just as there was a time for decisive celebrating the miracle of running cashmere-soft ‘nomelle’ were a "stabilizing force." action in so many other trouble spots water. Solons Nix Condo Change Ban Having thus broadcast American — but Carter let it slip by. In­ When the cast was taken off my creasingly, he seems utterly in­ flabbiness of will. Carter proceeded HAR’TFORD (UPI) - door” approach to the con­ homeowners wouldn’t be wholesaler is going to shut amendment that would arm and the doctor said it was counted in determining The closest thing to capable of leadership until after all to make certain the point was clear: Condominium conversions, dominium boom problem, off supplies to a dealer. make it illegal for an oil healed, I could use it to do anything I which'^ is leaving tenants whether they're also eligi­ cashmere ... our the tenable options have been Intelligence flights over Cuba were Washington Window not emergency fuel money, The wholesaler also would dealer to require that wanted, I couldn't believe him. It dominated talk in the who can't afford to buy ble for tax breaks. have to notify the dealer’s homeowners buy more famous ‘Gotham’ cowls foreclosed. halted (making it impossible to was too amazing to believe. Conaacticiit Senate their apartments stranded. They re w o rk e d a city and the Office of than a minimum of KM of Nomelle® wash­ The deposed shah, far from being detect the Russian combat troops), it I don't quite understand how yeast Thursday as lawmakers The bill without a proposal requiring 14 days able orlon. A pretty was announced that American troops Policy and Management. gallons in one delivery. the beast described by the murderous works, so I still find rising bread decided against going with moratorium, he said, "is notice when an oil or gas The Senate added an gift for yourself or Ayatollah Khomeini, Was brought would be pulled out of Korea, and the The Politics of Repentance dough one of the miracles of crea­ a temporary moratorium going to have one tough a friend. Machine wash down not when he had an iron grip on friendship treaty with Taiwan was tion. The illusion I suffer from as an on converted apartments. time in the House.” The and dry. 10 new colors) Iran, but when — at the urging of the abrogated. apparently sophisticated American, The Senate first ap­ Senate the second time Sizes S-M-L. Save *2 Now the nation is faced by the proved an amendment by around rejected Chitillo’s' U.S. State Department — he in­ By ARNOLD SAWISLAK trol and Chappaquiddick "was a cir­ and Sen. Charles Percy it is that once someone explains how CHRISTINAS OPENING on every one! stituted liberal reforms whose social SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union Sen. Louis Cutillo, D- amendment but added WASHINGTON (UPI) - One of the cumstance (for) which I did have a of used the mea culpa ap­ something happens, I think I know another to phase out the consequences he couldn’t control. — a treaty clearly favoring the Waterbury, to put a first questions that arose when it responsibility.” proach successfully in seeking se­ why it works. moratorium on con­ heating system require­ the sweater, The shah was America’s most Soviets — and Carter is warning the became clear that Sen. Eldward To those who claim there is more cond terms. After 10 years, Kennedy I think I know all about it. And then dominium conversions un­ ment after April 1, 1980. NOV. 17th and 18lh $15 valuesi United States Senate that it must trustworthy friend in Uie crucial Mid­ Kennedy was going to run for presi­ almost surely wishes the questions I’ve lost a lot of joy and wonder in my til April 1, then changed The proposal passed 29-7 ratify the treaty or risk arousing the to the Chappaquiddick story (the dle East for two decades — coming to dent was: “How is he going to handle about Chappaquiddick would end. life. Think about it. We can describe their minds after hearing and now awaits action by 1 2 . 9 9 anger of the Russian Bear. theories are as varied and extreme FRESH HOT APPLE CIDER the aid of the West time after time as Chappaquiddick?” But he knows better. If he is going to what happens as bread rises, but can the proposal would never the House. FREE Make no mistake — the star of as any that have attached themselves with 3 other countries turned their backs. The answer appears to be "head to the JFK assassination), Kennedy run for president, he is going to hear you answer why it does that? make it in the House. The Senate approved and COME BROWSE THROUGH world communism is on the rise and Initials After he is deposed by a ruthless on.” The reason may be "to get it replies that his version “happens to them and give answers. If he tries to When Eve was made from Adam, Cutillo said the bill itself, sent the House a bill that the star of democracy is in descent. would make sure any OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP gang masquerading in the robes of over with.” be the way it was.” cut off the questions, they will only God made Adam sleep, so that he which requires separate 1 5 . 9 9 Their paths can still be reversed — it heating systems for each emergency fuel aid Islam, what does the shah get for his In recent interviews, Kennedy has There really is nothing new in any become more frequent and hostile. would not see one of (iod's creative is not too late — but this can only condominium, was a “back granted to elderly 20% OFF ALL FALL many years of trouble? He gets the been confronted bluntly with of this. It is essentially the same But in the absence of new informa­ mysteries. To this day, all of the back of the hand from the Carter ad­ happen under bold new leadership in questions about the 1969 accident in tion about the episode, both the mysteries of God’s creating work are ARRANGEMENTS America. response Kennedy has been making ministration and a curt warning that which a young woman campaign to questions about the accident for questions and answers eventually ultimately hidden from us. There can Lawmaker Takes Oath it would be “inconvenient” for him to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Rus­ 1287 Main 81. Rt. 17 worker drowned when his car went some years. There appears to be in will cease to be news. Some people be great joy in that thought. HARTFORD (UPI) — Secretary of State Barbara B. ask asylum in the United States. sian exile who speaks as eloquently GLASTONBURY off a bridge on Chappaquiddick the Kennedy answers what political will continue to ask them hoping to (Children have a mlschievious joy Kennedy Thursday swore in the state’s newest law­ V Only after contracting cancer — a to America today as France’s Alexis 633-4880 Island. consultant Hank Parkinson calls the catch Kennedy in an inconsistency or when they .keep a secret from maker, Rep. Mary Ellen D. Flynn, D-Hartford, in a brief truly inconvet^ient turn of events for de Tocqueville did in an earlier age, Kennedy (1) did not change his ac­ “a calculated repentance strategy.” make him angry, but many will lose someone else, and can't wait until ceremony at the Capitol. last year noted that “from ancient U.S. foreign pbjicy makers— is he in­ count of how the accident happened, In the newsletter “Campaigning interest. they can tell it all. I’ll bet that joy is Mrs. IHynn won a special election Nov. 6 to replace times decline in courage has been vited to Americ^Did the Carter ad­ (2) described his own behavior in Reports,” Parkinson quotes former That may not happen, in the I960 a mark of our Creator, who wants us Rep. James J. Kennedy, D-Hartford, who resigned to ministration err in inviting him to considered the beginning of the end.” prevent his law firm from having a conflict of interest in failing to report it until the next day political operative Victor Gold as campaign. But while Kennedy ob­ to celebrate the mysteries of this I believe Solzhenitsyn was right in handling cases involving the state. seek medical help here? No! The as “irresponsible,” and (3) said “I saying when a candidate's opponent viously is trying to win the Creation, rather than think we can error was made at the time of the his analysis — but wrong in his Kennedy is the secretary of the state’s husband. am a very different person than prior "confesses the errors of his ways and Democratic presidential nomination explain them away. revolution in Iran when we broadcast application. Most Americans, I’m to that tragedy.” throws himself on the mercy of the this time, his presidential What mysterious joys have you sweaters to the world that, when the chips are convinced, would still put their lives Kennedy said in some ways the ac­ court of public opinion, anything can possibilities would be far from ended witnessed today? The Health Care Idea ddwn, America deserts its friends. on the line for freedom if only they cident was more traumatic to him happen, regardless of what the polls if he lost to Carter. The Rev. John Holliger Little wonder that the Iranian out­ had leaders courageous enough to tell than the assassination of his brothers say.” So getting Chappaquiddick out of Vicar, Whose Time has Come, laws were emboldened to pull the tail ahhh! kitten-soft the truth about the dangers we face. John and Robert because those were Gold said both Mayor John Lindsay the way could be an early investment St. George’s Episocpal Church, of the American paper tiger. God give us such leaders. luxelon<® sw eaters things that happened beyond his con- of New York, Gov. Brendan Byrne of in a 1984 presidential campaign. Bolton NCC/HMO is a new way to provide health care for you and your family. m n M m fm m r -----J Your favorite ‘Designers'* Washington Merry-Go-Round M P f W w n i y It is offered through employers as an alternative choice to your group mock-turtle sweater with back-zip convenience. health insurance program. Now in the softest Orion® acrylic. Nixon Helped Nazi Gain U.S. Refuge For one monthly prepaid premium, Collectible colorsi “•very the HMO provides and covers virtu­ HtM Old rose, port, ally ALL your health care needs, alabaster, straw, By JACK ANDERSON Malaxa was a Howard Hughes-like for Malaxa, although they knew thousands of families bad lost loved thlno" hospitable as the Nazis. He regained Permission was initially properly from physical exams and routine of­ misty green, 6 WASHINGTON - Another bUck business wizard whose character in-. about his fascist, money-grubbing a luge portion of his huge fortune denied, but Malaxa won an appeal, ones to the unspeakable cruelties of eluded equal parts of amoral the vicious Iron Guard Malaxa so fice visits, to lab tests, hospitaliza­ brown. chapter in Richard Nixon’s history background. and used it to stay in the United and the favorable decision was af­ Sizes 34-40. has been hidden in secret govern­ ruthlessness and unbridled lust for To their shame, immigration ^States, with the friendly help of a firmed by then-Attorney General fanatically supported. tion . . . even medication. ment files for nearly three decades. money. He fled to the United States bosses schemed to allow Malaxa to' number of congressmen, including William Rogers, another Nixon Dollar Dilemma As a California senator in 1951, Nixon in September 1946 and remained here, stay in the United States, even after cronies of Nixon’s, who introduced friend, (hiriously, after Malaxa got Treasury Department bureaucrats Ask your Perwnnel Department until his death in New Jersey in 1965.' eagerly assisted one of Europe’s being briefed by CIA on his unsavory private bills on his behalf, sources back through tte border, plans for haven’t given up on pushing the un­ about the HMO... or call 683-0767 His real-life adventures in the United most notorious and wealthy Nazi background, according to the secret told our associate Jack Mitchell and the plant slowly faded into oblivion. popular Susan B. A n t^ y dollar coin for more information. the sweater, * 1 6 collaborators to remain in the United States were more bizarre than any files. Gary Cohn. The late FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover on unwilling consumers. m A teoM W Q r o y a l ! fictional account. Su f b To Sw v b A ■ States and keep the Midas-like for­ In one confidential memo, then- The documents reveal that when and other intelligence bosses were To change the controversial coin’s Open Houses are held at the NCC/ This colunrui followed Malaxa’s tune he had CIA Assistant Director Lyman Nixon was a senator, be was unduly also aware of Malaxa’s unsavory poor image, the U.S. Mint is quietly ICE CREAM CAKE HMO Health Center every Tuesday with 3 Initials, • 1 9 double-dealing, including his ties Kirkpatrick told Immigration reaped from the concerned about Malaxa's financial past, but took no action against him. ■ working on a new alloy for the doleful Onr three flavor cakes, madel and Thursday evening from 6:30 to suffering of his with Nixon, from the moment the executive W.W. Wiggins th at progress. In 1951, for example, be An Internaal Revenue Service in­ dollar. This will end the coin’s with rich creamy vanilla,J ! 7:30 PM. . all from sportswear, persecuted coun­ Nazi sympathizer first alighted on “ (Malaxa) is considered entirely un­ urged the Defense Department to vestigation disclosed that Malaxa similarity with the 2S-cent piece, or U.S. soil.. Now the shameful history chocolate, and strawberry Icej downtown Manchester trymen during scrupulous ... a dangerous type of permit the Western Tube Company to had given fancy Cadillacs to as many so the coin’s backers hope. cream, or frozen pudding. f of Malaxa’s collaboration with top man from the standpoint of being an World War H. build a plant in California to as 56 influential people. Including the The new colors under considera­ Decorated with heavy] p/MM allow 3 waaka lor Initialing. The mysterious American officials has been fully opponent of a truly democratic manufacture'seamiess tubing for oil wife of one leading Washington of­ tion are a brassy, yellow-gold alloy cream ... or try onr PECAN j Nail was a documented in recently declassified regime” in Romania. wells. Western Tube’s treasurer, ficial, during the days when some of Md a reddish-gray combination NUT iUNX or onr famoas ()r-, fabulously rich flies obtained by Sen. Max Baucus, The CIA further divulged that curiously, was none other tiuin the same “red baiting” politicians made of copper, with a pinch of fltelll'i Spamopl, Jimmy Roll' V. aad Cake ala Mode. North Central Connecticut Romanian industrialist named D-Mont., who is investigating Nazi Malaxa gained his own ends Malaxa, and the vice president of the were publicly pllloring State Depart­ nickel. Health Maintenance Organization Nicolae Malaza, whose far-flung activities in the United States. “through bribery” and “is positively company was an old Nixon friend. ment clerks and movie stars for their But the feminists who lobbied for a federally qualified HMO Malaxa’s flight to America was known to have thrown bis support at When the Romanian Nazi found alleged Communist connections. the Anthony likeness on the coin financial empire provided tanks and 'ICECREAM CO. > 99 Aah Street, East Hartford CT guns to the vicious Iron Guard, noted dishonorably aided by a host of high- one time or another, to the various himself in danger of being banned In the end, Malaxa’s blood-tainted aren’t Jumping for joy yet. Treasury for its zealotry in persecuting the ranking U.S. government officials, totalitarian regimes” which ruled from re-«itry into the United States golden board spoke louder than the officials haven’t bera able to develop MiMiMwwf el OiSMB-s‘SANQUET SPUMOtr Jews and maintaining Hitler’s reign diplomats and Wall S ti^ t lawyers, oppressed Romania. after visiting Canada, Nixon lobbied few (dfidials protesting the notorious a mix of alloys that will work in ven­ 17 waanaN sv, MaNCNtaraa mo«a sm .of terror in Romania. many of whom actually went to work Malaxa found American greed as hard for Maiaxa’s cause. Nazi’s presence in a country where ding machines. 6 — EVENING HERALD. Fri- Nov. 16. It7» EVENING HERALD. Fri.. Nov. 16, 19TO - 7 Nizer Represents Gold If New Trial Is Granted

HARTFORD (UPI) — Famed Attorney Louis Nizer handling of the case. Nizer made no direct mention of it School Uoblo says he will most likely represent convicted murderer in his argument, but Waterbury State’s Attorney Francis Murray Gold if the state Supreme Court grants his McDonald did. request for a new trial. “ It’s hard for me as a lawyer who’s practiced law-all Basketball Nizer asked the Supreme Court Thursday to grant Gold his life in Connecticut in a small Industrial city to defend a third trigl in the 1974 slayings of his former in-laws on William Kunstler,” McDonald said. S’n’ B Fantasy Laser Telephone Debuts But he said Kunstler was “ unflinching in his devotion to Yom Kippur, saying, “ I’m here because an innocent man has been convicted of murder.” his client’s cause. He did an outstanding job defending Lots of Fun scribers, carrying 4,032 conyer- MONROE (UPI) - 'The use of "She said my voice was as clear as The aging New York lawyer argued that a Superior Murray Gold, not only In the courtroom but in the media, aatlona at once, a SNETCO laser beams that would replace could be,” Mrs. Shelton said. “ She Court Judge wrongly barred Gold’s defense attorney too.” W ell Performed spokeswoman said. For Donkeys thousands of milesof telephone wires said she could hear us just fine.” from trying to prove another man fatally stabbed Irving Nizer presented his argument by reading passages to carry messages between callers The spokeswoman said the Mrs. Shelton said her brief conver­ from the trial transcripts to a packed courtroom that in­ An interesting sports event took and Rhoda Pasternak in their home on Sept. 26, 1974. Sock 'n Buskin has been an MHS In­ assassinate them. has been given a successful preview lightwave system — which is more sation with the governor was "just an cluded Gold’s parents and attorney who came to see the There is, of course, a trial to place in Clark Arena the'night of He said Gold’s 1976 conviction for “ as blo^ y a murder stitution for 60 years, and it has con- in Connecticut. efficient and economic than exchange of pleasantries.” man whose books they’d read. assure the guilt of the "defendants," as you can get” was based solely on circumstantial sistentiy tackled productions usually Nov. 7. Gov. Ella T. Grasso and a rural traditional telephone systems relying Sanford, who committed suicide by slashing his throat attended by the street people of the evidence so skimpy that the high court should also dis­ reserv^ for older performers. It was a basketball game; but it Monroe couple Thursday introduced on electrical tramsmissions - even­ Setback Card Party six weeks after the killings, was described by Nizer as a city. The rest of the play concerns was not the average basketball game miss the murder indictment against Gold. More often than not, these works what the Bell System said was the tually will be used throughout the GLASTONBURY -T h e GUston- Nizer repeated the defense contention from Gold’s first “ mad dog.” The attorney said Sanford threatened the itself with the "assassination." played with two teams of five country, although she said, “ that’s are well-done, and leave the audience nation’s first residential lightwave bury Emblem Club will sponsor a trial that another man killed the Pasternaks. That trial couple after Pasternak represented his wife in a case. But I have already given away too relatively tall people. with admiration for the youthful per­ communication system. some years off.” whist and setback card party Satur­ ended when jurors couldn’t reach a verdict. But Gold, a “ He was known to many as a ‘mad dog,” ’ Nizer said. much of the storyline. It suffices to This game was played with two formers. “ Hello, I’m speaking to you over a The Monroe system is believed to day, Nov. 17 at the Elks Lodge on former stockbroker, stood trial again and was convicted “ Unlike (Jold jBanford had a motive. He was furious with say that "Madwoman” is a morality teams of four people who couldn’t “ The Madwoman of Chaillot,” the beam of light,” said the governor to be the first residential lightwave Woodland St. at 8 p.m. three years ago Monday. Pasternak.” ( play, pitting good versus evil. Iliis is dribble or pass as In an ordinary system in the country, spokeswoman troupe’s fall production, is no excep­ Leslie and Harriet Shelton. EM and Mary McKeever will be the Witnesses in both trials testified Bruce Sanford, 29, of the seccMid level of the production, game because they were all riding, Clara Melia said. tion. The governor’s call, placed from callers. There will be door prizes and Waterbury, confessed to killing Pasternak, 71, a promi­ This fantasy has two levels of the one that is not apparent as it or attempting to ride, a group of the Capitol, was bounced off Ms. Melia said Monroe was chosen refreshments. nent Waterbury divorce lawyer, and his 66-year-old wife. Mak« Your Thanksgiving Day ought to be. ^ell-trained donkeys. meaning, and while the actors are lightwaves and transmitted along because "of its tremendous growth But in the second trial, in which Gold, 46, was It is more the fault of the The annual MHS donkev basketball Dinnor Rosarvation At not always successful in their thousands of hair-thin glass fibers in potential.” The company has no im­ represented by noted defense lawyer William Kunstler, playwright than of the actors who game is always an unusual but enter­ Sunset Rebekah attempts to convey both levels, one a four-mile long underground cable mediate plans for lightwave systems the judge barred the jury from hearing the testimony. 171 TtHag^ Tgnipiki, BoMhoattr generally do more with their roles taining event, especially for all those MANCHESTER —Sunset Rebekah can only applaud their efforts. to the Shelton’s Bam Hill Road in the rest of the state, she said. Gold’s other lawyers have criticized Kunstler's T h f j The Newest And Most who must battle these stubborn beasts will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the ITiis is an extremely difficult play than is expected of high school per­ farmhouse. Mrs. Shelton, who owns an in­ Modern Islander formers. “ The Madwoman of of burden. Most people had never Marine Hall on Parker St. Members to perform with any semblance of The cable, installed last summer surance agency in Monroe and lives Restaurant In The Area Chaillot" has an unusually large cast ridden a donkey. are reminded to bring gifts for iMor conviction, and Sock 'n Buskin along Routes 25 and 111 in Monroe at on a dairy farm her husband used to for a Sock n Buskin outing, at least Nevertheless, all the students and Stonegate Children’s Home. merits plaudits for having chosen the a cost of $5(X),IX)0 by the Southern work, said she and her husband spoke 25 strong. This fact makes it difficult teachers who participated did their Refreshments will be served with Thanksgiving DInnar Sarvad production in the first place. New England Telephone Co., can with the governor for about five for a reviewer to pick out particular­ best to get the basketball through the Marion Straughn as chairman. From 11 AM to 9 PM Briefly stated the play concerns serve up to 1,400 telephone sub- minutes. the discovery of oil underneath the ly fine characterizations, but a few proper hoop. APPETIZER, Choice of One people cannot go unmentioned. The traveling donkeys and their Happy Hour Chickan Gumbo Soup-Chiltod Tomato Juico-Chiltad Fruit ground of Paris. The president of WG LAHTO>Dl'RY< 4-6 PM trainer appeared at MHS with theik Fruit Cup twelve corporations (played loudly Aima Bronisz, as the Madwoman , SomBthlng for E vryow Tuaa-Sat by Robert Lenhardt) wants to dig up has taken a demanding role and done trainer all ready for the game. Thp ENTREES the oil in order to make profits, but much with it. She is required to walk, teachers and students arrived early Calory ond Olivos-Tossod Groan Solod With Fronch Drosting talk, and act in the manner of a ready to play the game, but not sure DAVIS FAMILY the poor of Paris, after learning of •LARGE SALAD BAR •WARM FRESH BREAD the oilman's intentions, consult with woman at least four to five times her of what they would encounter wheu COUNTRY Cl, I H SAMPLE WEEKEND SPECIALS the Madwoman of (lhaillot. Countess age, and by means of lighting, they reached the basketball court. on a bed of rice 5.95 Roost Young Tom Torkoy with stuffing ond Aurelia. makeup, and fine acting, the desired The donkeys’ trainer related to u} ^lianLi^ivin^ dinner FRESH BAKED SWORDFISH ...... CHKKENKEV gravy with cronborry touco...... 5.95 FRESH BAKED OR FRIED HADDOCK...... 4.9J| The Countess (played convincingly effects have been achieved. Miss the rules of the game, as well as CHOICE OF APPETIZER TABLE SURF&TURF with baked potato 7.50 Roost Primd Rib of BtMf Au Jus . . . 7.45 Bronisz will continue to distinguish some of the behaviors of the donkeysk FRESH GOLDEN FRIBO SCALLOPS ...... 4 .M Dinnor Indudot: Brood ond Buttor, Moshod by Anna Bronisz) decides upon a The president, left, played by Bob “The Madwoman of Qiaillot.” 'The play, Assorted Juices Apple Cider FRESH GOLDEN FRIED FISH ...... Of Fronch Pototoos. Condy Yoms, Swoot counter-plot; she plans to gather all herself in future productions, here at We found out that we were to ridi Lenhardt, presents his plan to drill for oil in which opened best Friday, will be present^ Harvest Soup Florida Fruit Sections ROAST SIRLOIN WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE BACKSTAGE (FRI -I- SAT) DONTMISS Poos, or Mixod Vogotobios, Too or CoHoo. the men responsible for this MHS or elsewhere. the donkey as much as possible fot CHOICE USDA SIRLOIN STEAK ...... 6,2I| Mew England’s Most Authentic detestable scheme in her cellar, and John Gibeault, a longtime stalwart Paris to the Baron, (Steve Kahaner) while tonight and tomorrow night at 8 in Bailey two people standing on the floof SALAD BAR Al>ev« Rtrvtd with potato A Bated of S'nB, plays a penniless ragpicker. the waiter (Glenn Packman) looks on in a Auditorium. could not pass the ball to each other Tossed Green Salad a Choice of Dressing YOU MAY BRING WINE OR SPIRITS 50’S Group He delivers a few excellent speeches scene from Sock ’n’ Buskin’s production of and, in order to shoot for a basket, wi French, Italian, Ruuian, or Blue Cheese to the Madwoman, and his presence, Cukes s Radishes s Tomato Wedges s Pickled BeeU had to be sitting on our donkey. I OpMl 11AM-8PM 6 4 9 -5 4 S 7 CaMor Plaia VELVETS & CATKINS one of obvious experience, lends sup­ Red Onions • Pepper Rings e Carrots I After the starting teams, whicjj Men.-Sat CompM* Menu AvallabI* Exit 93 off 1-88 Junior Prom port to this generally inexperienced consisted of eight randomly chosen Bacon Bits • Croutons s Black Olives FBONT STAGE; AMOS T. (d is c jo c k e y ) Peppercini s Pickle Chips • Jardiniere • Garden Salad cast. irter Ends For Students seniors, had gotten acquainted witi Fropw «iai» aMMirtd piCTuaa i.D. Others, in minor roles, contribute their donkeys, the first of the threl Three Bean Salad s Country Com Relish Approaching The first quarter of the school year still as difficult to be admitted to the waiting period associated with to this reviewer's overall impression games began. ; is over. For this we can all be nation's top schools as it was during college applications; while the rest ENTREES of the play. They are too numerous to • A few of the donkeys were quite ROAST TOM TURKEY w/Stuffing A Giblet Gravy. $7.25 thankful. Sophomores are wondering the baby boom. Of the world waits until April IS for TWUKSQVIBMYSffCUL list here, so I will mention a few of cooperative, but some of them didnH If you'ven out shopping recently, how they ever made it through the Put simply, every college is easy to decisions, some seniors will know bv ROAST PRIME RIB OF BEEF, au Jus...... 8.95 the more prominent. Julie Barnes, as December 15 of their intend’s reac­ like having anyone on their backs si you've most likely seen a great many first segment of their high school get into with the exception of the BAKED STUFFED JUMBO SHRIMP, Drawn butterr •Warm Frtali Braad •Vagalabla the Countess' maid Irma, sets a new they had various ways of removinS 15, 16. and 17-year-old beauties with career, juniors realize what an uphill ones to which you ar^ applying. This tion to their applications. Either ad­ Special Hills Dressing...... 8S5 •Potato stage record for entrances and exits; their riders. ; •Larga talar Bar their mothers in tow, flocking around battle they face, and seniors are tom is known as Maldment’s Law, and mit, defer (you must then wait with BROILED RIBEYE STEAK...... 9.25 she too provides a solid base for the One donkey made his rider chase •Daaaart •CoHaa the sparsely-stocked racks of between intense desires to get into has necessitated much fingernail- the rest), or “ Ha-Ha, You Really action of the play. him all over the court and would Pilgrim Harvest Vegetables DESSERT TABLE evening gowns. college and equally intense desires to biting on the part of even the best Think You Can Come To This Rick Spiller’s prospector is a near­ proceed to throw him when he tried Served Family Style Selection of Home Style Pies This can only mean one thing — the get out of Manchester High. students at MHS. For such students, School?” msivm perfect portrayal of the way in which to mount. After the two, eight-minutp Junior Prom is swiftly approaching. Some of these seniors have taken the Eternal (Question is, “ Can I get I myself have chosen this manner CHEESE TABLE Europeans picture Americans; periods had been completed. Team t Girls are worrying about what the college admissions process in?” of application. On December 17, a American Port Wine D i!iV l!iK A lir« wealtny, arrogant, not carying a whit had beaten Team 1 with a score of i- color will best play up their eyes,* seriously. They can be observed with Certain sly seniors have made Monday, I will be either wearing a Wisconsin Cheddar Coffee Tea Milk umm for anything Continental untU It can 4. : CMMroii UMiar 12 3JS who will have the exact same dress, armloads of books, none of which life a bit more tolerable by applying smile or sack-cloth and ashes. Wish make them a dollar. The second game was a batUk Children’8 Portions and whether their date will wear a have anything to do with their to their “ dream school” (one at me luck. - Gary Selinger Mark Gadoury, as the slightly between a different team of student (Under 12 Pleaae) $1.50 Less pea-green tuxedo or one in shades of courses. These books bear such titles which they stand little chance of senile Dr. Jadin, furnishes comic (Team 3) and four brave teachers. ^|y|^|Mfvc|tion|^^ hsiMi 9 fcogats • WMtanneiit’ burnt amber. Arthur Murray has as “ The Fanatic’s Guide to the being accepted) via an early decision relief with his unique brand of Foreigners' Both teams had difficulty scoring', been packed with herds of eager Colleges,” "How To Break 1000 on plan. French accent. Jennifer Joy's but the victory went to the students young Romeos learning how to waltz. Your SAT," and “ Financial Aid (or Under this plan, the confident Constance is the typical spoiled rich with a 2-0 score. And it's all for that one night of the Future Pauper.” senior sends his application to his woman; Miss Joy’s facial Visit MHS The final game was the cham­ JOY THANKSQIVING glory: Noven oer 30. Other seniors have taken up per­ desired school early in the fall, say expressions when not speaking hint pionship between the winners of the But such an extravaganza takes manent residence in the Guidance before the beginning of January. The INNER WITH US WEHEBimi6lll66ACN at her obvious talent as an actress— two previous games. It lasted for plenty of planning. A group of ap- Office, poring through every college college then makes a decision based Something exciting is happening at iGROUl^ she will be a fine asset for Sock 'n only one eight-minute period, which proxiniately twenty people have been catalogue they can get their hands upon the most current information MHS Nov. 15 to 18! The American AT THE Buskin in the future. Finally, is long enough for anyone to have to dutifully meeting after school in a on. Still others are trekking acroM available to them on the student, and Field Service Club will be hosting the Michael Wright's Pierre is slightly spend with an uncooperative animal. STEAK OUT !ROUND heroic -.t ■•npt to make this year’s the country, visiting schools in all fif­ mails a decision months before the annual AFS Weened. y Served overdone but otherwise convincing. Team 3 ended up the final victor. prom one that will remain in the ty states. They spend the majority of others learn of their fate. Of course, Foreign students and their hosts I K French This play has many things to say to The evening proved to be a lot of TRADITIONAL THANKSGIVING WAIm Cole memory for years to come. their time setting up and going to in­ there is a catch. Generally, when from the neighboring towns of fun for the many spectators and the The chosen theme is "We May a modem audience, among them the terviews, with little time spent in applying under this plan you must sign Somers, South Windsor, Windsor DINNER THANKSGmiSG question of individualism versus ef­ approximately twenty seniors who THAT'S Never Pass This Way Again," which school. your life away to this college; if they Locks, Simsbury and Hebron will be ficiency. The production, intended as participate4. None of the riders were DINNER ' KltS^'THe will be played (along with many Why this pressured atmosphere? It take you, you have to go. staying with various Manchester /rncKEL Been/sBdc/d a fantasy, succeeds only too well at seriously injured, although quite a $5.95 cfifftfran undor 10 $ 3 . 9 5 | other songs) by the chosen band. seems that although nationwide This eliminates much of the AFS members for the weekend. Our AT THBOBCmOBOUHOf this aim to really deal with any few people were quite sore tte next Clockwork. colleee enrollment is declining, it is foreign visitors come from Brazil, AT IMH£B TOURlMmiSSemsO moral questions. morning. Juniors, sophomores, and rtgular monu alto avallabl# (sonm:m'S0We/j,ra/ The prom will be held in the high Swetjen, Japan, Denmark, Finland Perhaps it would take a inow- parents can look forward to the AB£B/V7l£0 » w e / z OZ school cafeteria. True, the cafeteria and 'many oteer countries. AmOFfpO&TYDfiAfTBESi seasoned theater group to bring'out HighSehool Happenings return of Buckeye Donkey Basketball AND RAFFA’S does not look like much by day, but Arriving Thursday _ afternoon, fD R O N tyS f' THE OFFER'S these conflicts in more detail. I fear Next Thursday’s annual next year. — Bette Sbeldon AT THE COLONY ROOM...... eOODACR THRUSAT FTiOM on Nov. 30 it will be camouflaged The Manchester High Boys and Nov. 15, our guests will attend MHS Aoasf BtuJ/sd turkey with gibUt grmvey mnd enmberry $m» that although S’nB has done a fine Thanksgiving Day football game OPENING VL CMCA! in shades of blue and silver. It will Girls Cross Country Teams ran away classes on Friday. The foreign A BOUNTIFUL BUFFET 15.75 IN FORA OREATZUNCHAND begin at 8 p.m. and run till midnight. job, this time they have "hitten off with top honors in their divisions this between Manchester High School and students will speak to many classes ASZBEERl'l^e more than they are able to chew.” whhALLSflhUngt So, if you've been forlornly eyeing season. Both teams captured their cross town rival Elast u th ollc High about their countries and visit to the Options For Retervutioiu rrcommendetl However, if you attend theater for Feul Kmltopini, FrunrsUe or MmnmU...... 7.50 your dancing "pumps” — laying inert respec tive CCIL titles. School should prove to be a game that United States. $7.05 cMMiWfi und*r 10 $3.951 enjoyment, not for a Hamlet-like dis­ you won’t want to miss. East’s Broiled frroh filet of toU ... ^...... $.75 in your closet — why not take them The girls’ team garnered fifth The AFS Qub has prepared a busy Baked ttuffed Shrimp...... cussion of good and evil, you won’t be MAIN STIEET out and dust them off? place in the State Girls’ Cross Coun­ record this fall is 6-2 while agenda for this special weekend. Ser­ Turkey Day NOV. 22nd NOON - 9 P.M. 2815 Main Street. Broiled Netr York Sirioiu Steak...... 9.50 disappoint^ in “ The Madwoman of Rooit Frime Rib of Beef...... 0.95 GLASTONBUIY Ask that special person to join you try Open Championship Meet, and Manchester’s is 2-6. Hopefully the ving as chairpersons for activities RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Glastonbury 6 5 9 - 1 3 5 5 near the Putnam Bridge for an evening of dance, song, and Chaillot." the boys’ team placed third in their twos will become threes in both are Carol Kingsbury, Lisa Brunette, ' What will you be doing on Nov. 22? socializing — tickets are on sale now The play's final two performances respective Open. As a result of senior cases. — Joanne Weiss Brad Woodhouse and Patty Cone. Digging into Gramma’s Butterball 646-6166 Ves Baldwin appreaing At the Junctiaa of Ete. 2 A : will be held tonight and Saturday at 8 turkey? Curling up in front of the set (where else but the cafeteria?) — Tim Devalve’s individual fourth place­ Starting off the fun on Friday H A P P Y H O U R Do,iv. 4-6 3u at the Piano Bar 6590162 Sara Elman p.m. in Bailey Auditorium. — Gary ment in the race, he and the other top Aridian Here evening, is an International Dinner at to watch Macy’s and Glmbel’s Bar Drinks 75' Sellnger finishing seniors earned trips to Seat­ Listening to the daily notices as a the Concordia Lutheran Church on extravaganzas? Bundling up in THE Pitkin Stifet. The dinner begins at preparation for the traditional MHS- tle, Washington, in June, to run in the sophomore, I would hear an an­ ENTERTAINMENT IN OUR nouncement for some club called Ari­ 6:30 and all members are requested East Catholic game. Or limbering up where TK GOOD TIES NS FOIMD National Coaches Association Cross STEAK OUT LOUNGE NIGHTLY Country Championship. Rumors that dian. Being an underclassman, and to bring a main dish, salad or at the bottom of Main Street, in RT.U VERNON these four would be asked to prove not even sure I was pronouncing its dessert. Later in the evening, preparation for the Turkey Day themselves as true cross country title correctly, I never questioned its members and guests are invited to a Race? runners by running across the coun­ functions as I feared I’d be the party at the home of an AFS If you’re not sure yet, you should try to Washington, have been dis­ laugtog stock of the sophomore member. give careful consideration to the missed as only rumors. class. Saturday afternoon, at 1:30 AFS latter two possibilities. The •CANDLELI6HT Weekend participants will join other traditional rivalry between the two • * * Finally, as a senior, I learned that Appearing... R e s ta u r a n t Aridian was an Art and Literary MHS students as all cheer the Manchester schools will begin at Magazine produced entirely by the Manchester football team to victory. 10:30. Manchester High has Service Slated students of MHS. That evening, the group will meet at possessed notoriously bad luck In / f ^ flOlTON INED. thru SUN. The MACC Community Interfaith In its IS odd years of ezlstnice, Ati-- the high school to see Sock’n Buskin's past years, but there’s no time like jli^ksgiving Day Dinner the present for turning that luck Thanksgiving Service where the dian has been a trend setterW other production of ’’Madwoman of W Appetuerg "k programs in schools in Manchester. .ChaiUot.” Following the play, a par­ around... Round Table Singers will be making Jumbo Sk^trjjnp CoektaUCoekt ... ^ JVMIORi One, called High Flights, is a junior ty will he given for our guests. In any case, the football game will SEFTEMBER their tenth annual appeance, it to M s! a u fi ii' ■ Baked FreneK^Qmfon Soup ...... "■...... r)i6tori( take place the night of Sunday, Nov. high version of Aridian contrived by Rounding off our super weekend, offer everyone a glimpse of the Baked Stuffed Muskroanu...... 2.95 PROM 18. liie program will begin at 7:30 the students at Illing. Mr. and f m . Alan Walch, who are homecoming King and Queen. They Thankigiving Baked Stuffed Clanu...... "2-2S ^arlborougi; p.m. at the South Methodist Church This year, with the aid of an am­ hosting Manchester’s foreign will be chosen the night before, at the Plan to take the family to Flano’s for W En tree * W on Main j|treet in Manchester. Peo­ bitious staff, Aridian has hopek of students, have invited both guests Alumni Dance. This will be held In > / T b $ ^ IZ T a u m i Thanksgiving. We roast whole turkeys for parties Homtl Turkey with all ike Trim m iugi...... "6.95 ple of all faiths are invited to attend. more output of their works. The club and members to a special Sunday the gym, and will ,begin at 7:30. All CUUMrenUmlmmgerli) ... ..*3.50 O of six or more people. We box the leftovers for you The Round Table members will is divided into two sections for the brunch at their home on 213 Blue students are welcome to attend. i / Nnpaniiteal M Belted Hem with Pineapple •6.95 A Now Englaud dining tradition tlnee 1740 to take home. ..*5.50 proceed down the aisle in pairs, purpose of efficiency. Leading the Ridge Drive. Unfortunately the road race, which CUId.rreUmm(mudtrl2) ... starts at ten o’clock, and football ALSO OUR REGULAR THANKSGIVING Prime Rib o f B eef...... •B.9S Historic Marlborough Tavern wearing the choir robes that repre­ literary aspect, is Editor Carol Students are asked to bring ..H.50 g a m overlap. It is possible, however, MENU TO CHOOSE FROM Rsslaiirsst it CkiU.renlem(m»4sr IS) ... sent each of their congregations. Donovan, and her Aulstant Editor pastries, danish, doughnuts and other Baked Stuffed Filet of Sole •7*95 - ^ 1 Other groups taking part in the ser­ Cindy Kurowski. munchles. to catch both by sacrificing kick-off TW ftof# w hm ysa c m bay a drtek af CMU.r

Letters, Digits By LANEY ZUBOFF ^of a'phyilcian’s ability to love. But the two separate I to form a deep contrast between the a is now on view in the MATRIX Gallery of the Wadsworth The film, produced and directed by Jerome Heilman, Marsha Mason portrays Dr. Kendell, chosen by Buffy Atheneum. The show runs through January. depicts the emotional crisis of a 17-year-old girl, Boffy "Showboat,” a musical, nightly except Monday as her acting physician, and gives a brilliant perfor­ Weekend Ms. Shaw, "amused and bemused, awed and enraged” ' (Kathleen Beller), who is dying a pidnfuUy slow death through Dec. 2 at the Coachlight Dinner Theatre, mance as tbe woman physician torn between m c^ by the way computers can codify life’s essentials Into ' from progressive terminal cancer which leaves her East Windsor. (522-1266 or 623-8277) feeling physically inadequate from its discovery, forcing exittence with work a i the only activity or a more "A Long Way to, Boston, a musical, through cold, impersonal numbers, devised her own code by', fulfilling life with the acceptance of the love of an ' assigning a value to each letter of the alphabet correspon-:: the amputation of her 1 ^ from the knee down. Saturday at the (Joodspeed Opera House, East Had- associate at the hoipital, played by Michael Brandon. But dam (873-8864) ding to its numerical position. With this system she has But the film is different from other movies of its type, equally aa Important as her personal tumwil, Dr. Kendell ThaVs Entertainment produced a witty series of works parodying our number-« mixing several ingredients that wouldn't ordinarily be a “Jitters,” by David French, American takes it upon herself to choose between a life support premiere of a backstage comedy, through Jan. 13 in ridden society. i compounded with the death theme, such as the system for Buffy, near the end of her life, or Buffy’s The artist will deliver a lecture Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 8. Stage n . Long Wharf Theatre, 22 Urgent Dr., request to "die with dignity.” Connecticut Turnpike, New Haven. (787-4284) p.m. at the gallery. ; ’The film is special to tbe Hartford area because it was • "A Company of Wayward Saints,” a production The Atheneum Is open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 'Tuesday,* Astor Theatre filmed here. A majority of scenes were filmed beginning of Saint Joseph College’s dramatic group, Queenes Wednesday and Friday; 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday; and- October 1978, at Manchester Memorial Hospital with Companye,, a bawdy comedy of the 16th century in 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Z local hospital personnel acting as extras. Footage was a dinner theater format, Friday and Saturday, shot in Hartfort's Elizabeth Park, and along the streets dinner at 7 p.m., and performance at 8:30 p.m. at Is Remembered Photography at UConn Z of Hartford. The first scene draws a great deal o f . the college. (232-4571 ext. 267) STORRS—Minnesota photographer Gary Hallman will- audience response as Dr. Kendell approaches Hartford > “Dylan Thomas Growing Up,” performed by off 1-84 while listening to WPOP news. Some of the renowned actor and playwright Emlyn Williams, flowed out of Hollywood. The figure, con­ exhibit some of his new works at the University of” By ALLEN M. WIDEM Connecticut’s Jorgensen Auditorium Gallery from Nov. earlier shots depicting Buffy in school and were taken at Saturday at 8 p.m. at Trinity College’s Austin Arts Eiven at peak ^operational time, the sidering major productions sources, is Hall High In West Hartford. Center, Hartford. (527-8062) Nov. 23 well under the 200 mark now. 26 to Dec. 12. There will be a public reception Nov. 28 Astor Theatre, off East Hartford's Main from 7 to 9 p.m. in the gallery. The viewer can’t escape cancer’s deteriorating effects • "Damn Yankees," Nov. 23 through Dec. 30, Street (facing Burnside Avenue), never Longer runs — some attractions, es­ on the body, which Ms. Eleller nails down in a stirring per­ Tuesday through Thursday at 8 p.m.; Friday and pecially at Showcase Cinemas — mean "Pictures are interesting to me, not in spite of, but pretended to be more than it was — a often because of their faults,” Hallman says. “I continue * formance, aided by the props, including wigs showing Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; homey, courtesy-first, close-to-just about movie-going isn't as constant a habit as loss of hair from chemotherapy. Wednesday matinees at 2 p.m. and Sunday matinees previously. Back in the heyday of the to consider photography a provocative, illustrative every point in town. Buffy’s Illness has a peculiar disruptive effect on her at 2:30 p.m., at the Hartford Stage Company. (527- Astor Theatre in East Hartford, it was not medium, and because of its subtle revelations, continue This was years ago, of course — long to find it a challenging one.” parents, played by Ned Beatty and Susan Clark, because 5151) before Burnside Theatre blossomed off uncommon for programs to change twice her mother, usually the powerhouse of the family a “The Plain Princess,” presented by Storybook a week. At the same tim er a so-called The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 Burnside Avenue, many, many years prior a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. becomes so weakened by the turn of events she can’t even Theatre, a resident art group of Greater Hartford to construction of what was to be the "blockbuster" of a movie can outpace respond to her daughter’s painful cries for help. Instead (immunity College, Saturday and Sunday at 1 and everything that's gone before in the an­ It also is open 45 minutes before performances in the largest, multiple-screen "plex” in auditorium. she sits on the stairs and let’s her husband take*over, an 3:30 p.m. at the Tower Theatre, Hartford Insurance Connecticut, the six-screen Showcase nuals of moviedom. And the objective, un­ a i^ re n t rarity In that household. Group, Hartford Plaza. (246-9909 or 242-4838) Cinemas, off Silver Lane. derstandably, is to come up with more V 'Tbe thing that frightened Buffy most about dying was Producer-Director Jerome Heilman • "Partners," written and composed by Jeffrey "blockbusters,” in itself not as easy as Holiday Craft Show The Eastwood Theatre (now known as what she called her "stale bread theory.” She believed (center) was on location in October 1978, at Moss, a new musical, through Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. may be thought generally. AVON —“The Art of Giving, The Giving of Art,” a * Cinema One), off Main Street, to the south there was a chance her mind would remain active for Manchester Memorial Hospital, filming Tuesday through Friday; 4 and 8:30 p.m. Saturday of the Astor, opened some 40 years ago, Mariette Hartley and her son wear T-shirts denying any relationship holiday exhibit and sale of distinctive crafts, will be held- awhile, after the body was immobile, because brain cells and 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Long Wharf Theatre, give or take a year. It showed motion pic­ If memory serves, Lester Markowski to ‘James Gamer. Actually, she is married to French-bom director at the Farmington Valley Arts Center this weekend, Nov. - in the center would survive, the way the center of a piece some of the most important sequences of 222 Sargent Drive at Connecticut Turnpike. tures amid certainly more resplendent at­ was manager of the Astor Theatre many, Patrick Boyriven. (UPI photo) 23 to 25, and Nov. 30 to Dec. 2. Z of bread remains soft while the outside turns brittle. “Promises In The Dark.” Other parts of the • "Fiddler on the Roof," tonight, Saturday and mosphere than the Astor. But the Astor, many years ago. He had been in a similar Pewter by James Gagnon, glass by Peter Pellettierl"; Buffy keeps referring to “(Jatch 22” and a scene where film were filmed around Hartford and at Hall Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the Marlborough Tavern, like many a theater essentially status at proven Pictures Theatre (just and sculptured jewelry by Rena Koopman are among" a man is kept alive artifically with tubes and machinery, High School in West Hartford. The recogni­ Junction of Routes 2 and 66, Marlborough. (295- "neighborhood" in character and content, around the comer on Main in Hartford ScotVs World word of top-rated craftsmen in the show. - something she doesn’t want. tion factor heightened the audience response 9358) The arts center is a Avon Park North in Avon. long before flourished with a program of from the Strand). Somehow or another, Certain lines in the script provide a shudder of sym- because of the familiar scenery. (Herald • "Romeo and Juliet,” through Dec. 23, at 8 p.m. motion pictures. There was a fleeting for Buffy. When she l^ o m es agitated trying to Tuesday through Friday: 4 and 8:30 p.m. Saturday again, if memory serves, the enterprising photo by Pinto) reaching-out for international attention Lester had an amateur night. Talent came University of Hartford : K more about her future, for example, she tells her and 7:% p.m Sunday, at the Long Wharf Theatre, with a short-lived Greater Hartford in from distant points. Mariette Hartley WEST HARTFORD —Exhibitions this month at the doctor "excuse me, I never died before” 222 Sargent Drive at Connecticut Turnpike, New Drama Festival. The disappearance of the Astor (as well Hartford Art School, University of Hartford: One of tbe last sequences in the film has an equally Connecticut to foster his opinions and an understanding of Haven. (782-4284) To understand how the Astor func­ as the Proven Pictures and the Strand in Joseloff Gallery: "Imitation of Life," through Nov. 28. poignant effect. Dr. Kendell is out roller skating with the his film. Music tioned. one had to appreciate the fact that Hartford) from the rolls of area theatres Student Gallery: Student exchange art from California doctor she has finally succumbed to date when she sees a He has said he believes each person should be allowed • Dresden State Orchestra, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. at in the long-ago— i.e., pre-television, if you does not imply a point-of-no return as far Not Garner’s Wife Arts, Los Angeles, through Saturday; Dina Generali, young girl, who bears a strong resemblance to Buffy, trip to decide just what measures should be taken to prolong Bushnell Memorial Hall. (246-6807) please! — motion pictures, and, radio, as cinema presence in the immediate Nov. 19 to 21; Sue Tyska and Lisa Go^heim, Nov. 26 to and fall. Her smiling expression quickly changes to dis- life, when death is imminent. • A poetry and music presentation by Marria certainly, constitute a prime source of area. The State and Circle Theatres in palr and in the next scene she is standing over Buffy, who wife in the commercials. 30. He also admitted having dilficulting selling the movie Sassi, poet, and Allison Jacob, jazz flutist, entitled entertainment. Movie-going was an in­ downtown Manchester are not viable, cir­ By VERNON SCOTT is trapped by the tubes she wanted to avoid. Her "It was a fluke," Mariette said. "We Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through because of its delicate subject matter. “Seasons Of The Moon.” Nov. 21, at 12 p.m. at the grained habit, movie-going was to a ca 1979, but the United Artists Eastern HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - M ariette breathl^ comes in artifically induced quick spirts, and were signed for just one commercial. Friday. For more information, call 243-4393. "Promises In The Dark,” takes a realistic and honest Center Church House, Hartford. (249-5631) generation of pre-World War II era folks Theatres’ triple-screen plex in the Hartley is NOT Jim Garner’s wife, the sound is disturbing, especially in light of the fact Buf­ After they’d filmed the spot Jim and I look at a depressing topic. This is one film the movie-goer • "An Evening with Eklward Elgar and Friends,’ what television-watching became for the Manchester Parkade and the Vernon although she constantly is mistaken for fy fought to die naturally. giggled a little and then improvised a cou­ should know the general theme of to decide whether or with soprano Irene O’Neill, Friday at 8 p.m. at the immediate generation that followed. Cines (operated by Manchester’s Mrs. Garner thanks to 30 bantering TV At Real Art Ways The movie’s conclusion reflects Heilman’s own views ple of lines. Our ad libs added an extra Actress Marsha Mason on location at not to be subjected to the sad saga. Trinity Epsicopal (^urch. (527-8133) To be sure, movie-going is still very Menschell. Theatres) are very much camera commercials they’ve done HARTFORD —Two exhibitions have opened and will, on death. This movie is rated PG and is now showing at the Show­ dimension. Manchester Memorial Hospital while making • Pianist Monty Alexander and his Quintet. Sun­ much with us. Television watching, out­ operational. They weren't in business in together the past year and a half. run through Dec. 8 at Real Art Ways Gallery, 197 Asylum Heilman has made recent appearances throughout case Cinema in East Hartford. “The sponsors liked what we did and day at 7 p.m. at the Sheraton Tobacco Valley Inn, side of the avid-watcher category, has 1940. Garner confidently extolls the virtues of St. "Promises In The Dark" in which she plays used the improvisation. It came out so Windsor. (242-6688) become a focus of special attention. The As any businessman will readily con­ the product while Mariette whimsically "Meta-Loonah Sweet” is an exhibition of recent pain-, the doctor to a young girl dying of cancer. well they signed us for a flock more. • "Fleetwood Mac," in concert Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. top-rated series, a la "Laverne & cede, there’s more of a gamble in puts him down or lightly refutes his pitch. tings by Michael Madore, a Hartford native who has been (Herald photo by Pinto) Recently they renewed our contracts for TV Tonight at the FYovidence Civic Center, f^ovidence, R.I. Shirley," whatever, are anticipated by everything today. That applies to motion Together Gamer and Hartley project working and exhibiting in New York City for the last two another 19 months." (401) 331-0700) TV-watchers nowadays as much as, say, picture theaters, too. The era of what the quintessential married couple who years. • 4^= • The Trinity College Concert Choir will present Andy Hardy and James Cagney and every Curiously, Mariette had done 100 other “ Torture of Women” is a major collage-painting cycle* S Paopta'aCaucua 12:30 2-.30 were "neighborhood” theaters ended enjoy the easy give and take of a close ftOO Sa)fa«il SMio O Movla "Tha Naughty its fall concert Friday and Sunday at 8:15 p.m. in cowpoke a ridin’ on the range, cinema- because of rising costs as well as because commercials in the past without creating by New York artist Nancy Spero. Z d Movta "ClBudlna" (1974) relationship. undue excitement among Hollywood TV O (Wartngten Waafc In rWvtaw Dtahann Carrot), Jamaa Eart Nlnatlas" (1945) Bud Abbott. the Goodwin Theatre of the Austin Arts Center, wise, those long years ago. What was a of the development of handsome new In actuality. Garner is separated from The Real Art Ways Gallery is open Tuesday through C JiUSSw"" Lou Coatallo. and film producers. i Jofew'tWM 8:30 Jonaa. Trinity College, Hartford. (527-3151) novelty in television, per se, has become a “plexes” dotting the countryside. The his wife and Mariette is the dutiful wife of Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. ; l|gz«M (iq npHarvOdflln 12:37 3 K)0 • Harry Chapin in benefit concert, Sunday at 8 "We’ve even been praised by reviewers, m k^FlUNEnR source of steady watching — for special Astor Theatre of East Hartford served is French-bom director Patrick Boyriven. f i Our Mlaa Brooka d Movta "Tarror On Tha d Movta "Lisa And Tha Dovll" p.m. in Welte Hall on the New Britain campus. (827- one of whom said our commercials were I SIrMti 01 San FranoMoo OWaltmatWaak Batch ' (1973) Dannia Waavar. Tally Savalaa. Elka shows, for series, folks anticipate. public well 40 years ago. If indeed it were But Mariette’s domestic exchanges with • A capsule look at cinema better than any entertainment show on the Gallery 24 Exhibit 0plm ( I t a n n y H H •A*8 *H Manchester. (646-4900) Marlborough pudding and coconut cakes. S jfioidfi QMfiROf) HB-MT-SaiSmaTHIIITS important holidays in the early New wife.” of working in commercials. MIDDLETOWN —Wesleyan Potters’ 24th annual • “The 39 Steps,” Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Hart­ Turkeys will be roasted in tin reflector She ordered a batch of T-shirts, one of AVALANCHE EXP6E88 (PO) - Laa Mania, HaAM Stew, Uadi iy«A*a*H I Our MMi Brooks England calendar. In the days before it But the blurbs have brought Mariette exhibit and sale will open Nov. 24 and continue through ■ Evaaa. (Str IferlHar) A coaM of mala, aboat (pactapa) a defacUii( R aw lu “UP ’ ford ^ b lic Library auditorium. Free. ovens on the hearths of many village which is emblazoned: “I Am Not Mrs. ICNooAndThaMan became an official national holiday, the more attention than 36 segments in the Dec. 16 at the Wesleyan Potters (Yaft Center, 350 S. Main -• laadar who li plaead oa a train (why?) aad tha attaoipta oMkt h ^ (ayi ta SthraataACrawd 9 Baal 0 ( Buma And ARan in SMOKE" 10-jd I • “Heaven Can Wait,” Saturday at 8 p.m. at homes. Jim Garner” Her infant son wears itap tha tnla. Some exdtlnf nremanta, hat nxatly a lot o( dwoUaf tad SOMiVanOyka date for celebration was set by proclama­ An 1830s Meetinghouse service, defunct “Peyton Place” series, “The St. dreadfal icUb| aad Uaaa that art atUy. OBADE: C-aiMm 11:30 Palmer Auditorium, Connecticut College, New another reading: ’’No' 1 Am Not Jim SUoTaoDough d Mary Tylar Moore “WARRIORS" tion from the governor of each state. shortened from its original length of Hero" series and her role in the classic Oustanding examples of New England studio crafts will London. (442-5391 Garner’s Baby.” B6EAKING AWAY (PG) - Dtaala ChrW ijhir. Dtaali QaaM, Daaial SM Ko|ak These printed proclamations were ap­ western movie, "Ride The High Country” be on display; the selection changes daily. T R a Dukaa ( H a n a r d PrattySabyi • "Cries and Whispers,” Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. at several hours for visitors, will be Mariette had never met Gamer before laan, JacUa Earta Baiay. (laaMadc camady) Thla Amaricaa fUm It tha 0 ! aC harla'a Angela propriately read from the pulpit after Sun­ presented at 1:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The in which she starred with Randolph Scott Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, Fridays until 9 p.m. Uad at tUM tha Praach do ta waO; warm, tm a y, a IttUt romaaUc. Uad ap " Dana Hall, Connecticut College, New London. (442- they were signed to portray husband and )aat rl|hL it'a at( it Btoomlaftoa. lad., a coUafa tawa, tha aaniBtr tha (DilOaMMIy Comady Fool- ill llnilt;il Aili'.t:. ^ day meetings, for Thanksgiving was con­ service, based on original texts, includes and Joel McCrea. bdfclnale 5391) local bojf Baally latUat thty doa't inlad hatag “towalat." Btltfly, H‘i tha • “Notorious,” Nov. 20 at 1:30 p.m. in the West sidered a religious holiday. traditional Thanksgiving music by the “R achy at bicyda rad af - ha( ao mach hattar. A Hat Joh hy thaaa (oar NHLHookay MimHR Vernon c>nt K j At Old Sturbridge Village this signifi­ yoBif acton. GRADE: A a S M M la “ABrldoaToo O S T o m g M Hartford Public Library. (236-6286) village's singing school. Square Dance Set SFar" (1077) Saan Connary, Rob­ Movta "Charlia Chan In k<)uli . ; F- A story aboal haviif tha cant early 19th century event is recreated A demonstration firing of muzzle­ ert Radford. In tha ninth day at London" (1934) Wamar Otand, courage ta ba what yoa are. Lecture in full and authentic detail, with all the LUNA (R) - M daytarRh, Malthow B n y . (DraM ) n i i It tha atorr OparaUon Martial Qardan. with RtyMNand. loading guns in a mock Turkey Shoot will MANCHEISTER — The Manchester Square Dance Club at a taanam widow, aa o p n alar, who hacianaa phyMeaBj taralvad wllh mw COMUY HIT N • "Rethinking the Education of Women," Nov. 19 sights, smells and sounds that accom­ htr tdoltaotal loa. n o acUif la aicaUtat - dayW gh E a tta n har ~alca AMad troopa a mda away from fi) OapRontd ABC Naan JONATHON WINTUa , „ take place at 1:45 p.m. near the village will hold an open dance , at Verplanck School Saturday I MtAOOWLARK LIMON TiM with Bella Abzug, former U. S. Congresswoman as panied the preparations and the celebra­ |lrl" mold — hat tho (Urn moral fUfaOy aad la too loiif. Ada dtamatly lha bridgt, mounting caaualtlat 12XX) Runnm common. from 8 to 11 p.m. Russ and Anita White will cue the w an that parti o( tha Rim may ha loo lalawn lor aomo rtaw an It’a tn a . cautt tha plan to bt canciOad. dnaNMSIaBitr ■TIE FISH THAT keynote speaker for a program of workshops begiiH tion. The traditional Thanksgiving Day rounds. lacaat ta aacomfortahla rtewiaf. GRADE I (Conduilon) d Movla "SokMarBlua"(t970) SAVED nTTSM M ttr nlng at 7 p.m. at Eiastern Connecticut State College, In the early 19th century sons and dinner, available by advance registration, Guest caller for the evening will be Tim Ryan from Candioa Baroan, Polar Strauaa. Willimantic. (423-4902) daughters returned to their childhood M ETEOR (PO) - Sam Oaaaary, NaaHa Waad, BrMa Eatah. (Adra» Dr. Soon On Habrom is sold out. Reservations will be taken for Middletown. He is club caller for square dance clubs in tan) n ia ta tha lataat dtaaitar motia, aad tha pnhiam aow ta a hafi • "From Birth to Rebirth," Ancient Egypt home for Thanksgiving, traveling the un­ Woodbridge, and in Chicopee, Mass. He has been calling chaak at malaor, aoomlaf toward! m tad Ihaca’a no way la atop IL Bat through the High Renaissance, through Dec. 12 at 10 paved roads by horse and buggy or on foot. since 1970 and is one of the younger callers in the area. waie Mayba tha Raaalaa aid AaM rkm aclaattala, w «h l^ ta fa te , cm hlait it oat o( tho ahy. Good apodal etfadi aad adow aidUa( mam tala - a.m. at the Wadsworth Atheneum. (278-2670 ext, Ryan received his master of science in engineering aa waU aa aoma praliy dmnb oaai. G R A D E B DONTMISS 271) from the University of Connecticut in May and is THE MiATER MANCIKiTBI E t Cetere Channel 3 To Revive employed by Cahn Engineers Inc. of Wallingford, as a R IM E T H E (R) - Baaai MMtar, AMa Daaaa, Pladaak ranwta. (Drama design engineer. w M maalc) n ia aloiT ol tha made dacUaa a( a Jaalt JepUa-Ukt alaRir ta CHAMIEI OF COmiBMSE • The Manchester Philatelic Society stamp show, afly tad aaplaaaaBi, hat tramaadaaaly tHacUra aad m a iW >04la r 't par- Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at llling Junior High Carol Sing in Hartford Mr. and Mrs. John McHigh will have door duty, while locmaaea ta m ly oalaUBdi^ aad y ^ Bad yaaSitU tcklat wHk har, at Mr. and Mrs. Doug McPhee, Mr. W. Mercer, Anne heeaai dn«a aad maa datlroy har. CaaUoK Galtar laagatfc. G R A D E A PRODUCT SHOW School, East Middle Turnpike, Manchester. Free. Millis, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Montie will serve HARTFORD - WFSB-TV will revive a from Greater Hartford’s bilingual schools RUNNIR sniM H ES, THE (PG) - Dick Van Dyha. XaEbaa Qatalii, M useum s Hartford tradition by sponsoring the first refreshments. M tanaa MaptsSaa. (Draaaa) Prodarar dliarlar Staalay Xraaaar always and organized by Ms. Gail Cohen. All club level dancers are invited and spectators are ataas high, and doas ao agala with IMS Him vaaMoa of a play ahaat a pataaL a Wadsworth Atheneum, 600 Main St., Hartford. Channel 3 Christmas Carol Sing, to be held a aaa. h ramaaea (tR tr a laahtaa) aad a aimdar. Tha taaakla ta tt aoaada ovtn too KXHmroht Musical coordinators for the carol sing welcome. Saturday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. on the lawn of are Gerald Mack and Steve Metcalf from OMta txdliat Uum It Is, aad Iks Dim la vary alow gataf. n a imnar nwy (M7-9111) _ , sbm dda, hat tha H im U O a d o w n G R A D E r ' a Yale University of Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel St„ the Old State House. the University of Hartford's Hartt College W H B I: S i L i fiHLp NoVa 17 « 18fli New Haven. (432-4200) Channel 3 will televise the sing live from of Music. Special thanks go to Donald II (R) — MM Andriwi. PnMey Moire, Be . (Ramaada eamady) ------M g lS c h o o l • New Britain Museum of American Art, 56 7 to B p.m. Weatherman Hilton Kaderli Mattrln, director of the college, for Tonight on CATV Yon>t heard ahem f 9 i who rati glrii on a eeale ofdam ltiaiW alLIhltla thoal a|H w lw lsaia.M dkaw thal amaaaaiHBt a ih ^ aflatfa a Lexington St., New Britain. and Ann Btitler of “PM Magazine" vrill volunteering the services of Mack and MANCHESTER - Tonight at 7 on Cable TV-U, Com­ m^ aitaif.iawaniathaBalaadhtraawhrldign f Hadtatai 0 tj a Aldrich Museum, 258 Main St., Ridgefield. (439- host the event, expected to draw more kan.RtalBaadcltaB(aB-aadnaMa

Release of lien Klavins and Velta Klavins, property Elizabeth C. Keith of Manchester, Woman Mayor First Connecticut Small Business at 120-122 Mather .St., $85,000. Nov. 23 at St Mary’s Church. pick her own town attorney. Investment Company against Lloyd Thomas R. Griswold and Karen J. By BARBARA RICHMOND council meetings. One change, which Robert R. Martin and Mary J. Mar­ During the meeting Mayor Herbst r f A. and Betty L. Lumbra. tin to Charles E. Burnham and Bengston of Manchester, Dec. 8 at Hrrald Rr|iorl 1.6 three-year average. The figures they feel that bring something to read. designed for weekend prciects. Features tem allows shifting Ihe XL*-2's balance to Kimlv H Peck include automatic chain oiling, fingertip match different cutting jobs Complete with administrators. Dr. Ber­ trends can be reflected amount to 18 the first year. 27B £s4juire Drive For those who forgot, the controls, all-weather ignition. Softone** 12" Power Tip* bar. targe fuel and oil tanks. nard Sidman, superinten­ faster in the projections. 56, the second. 73. the Manchester. Conn Soltone'" muffler and automatic chain oil­ 116040 library distributed shop­ muffler Available with 10 ' or 12" bar. dent of schools, and yii ping bags full of paper­ NOVEMBER CLOSEOUT! ing. backs and magazines. "The reaction was total­ ly positive,” Mrs. Shultz Women Withdraw Prohuir Nolici- ProhuU* Ntilirt* said. Many said they'd like BBOW WNOIESAIE PRICES ON DUtimi AMERICAN SHIRTS C ourt of P robalp. I> isln cl ol Court ol P ro b ate. D istrict of SU PER 2 Manchester Manchester VI SUPEK 2 NOTICE OF HEARING to have a silent reading WITH UNION lAREL “fRUIT OF THE LOOT REG 184.95 NOTICE OF HEARING CHAIN SAW REG 169.95 Police Complaints ESTATE OF Ll’CRETIA MABLK ESTATE OF HAROLD 0 PUGH period once a week, but (tILLETTE. deceased deceased Mrs. Shultz said once a 144.99 ACCESSORIES l^l^suam to an order of Hon William Pursuant to an order of Hon. William • GUIOC BARS tale 148aS.8 E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated November AH the features of the XL-2. plus 20% more vi E FitzGerald, Judge, dated November *T-SHIRTS...... AEjdiMtngJknrtiJft] 4p*u>i'*(V>S<->i$> J*id IL H''. Komeiite's triaxial anti-vibration system 6. 1979 a hearing will be held on an month is more likely power Rubber covered handlebar for extra Iqi rrvOes VERNON^Complaints filed against Vernon Police of­ 6. 1979 a hearing will be held on an reduces operator fatigue Front hand guard application praying for authority to application praying that an instrument —otherwise the event may AT 11.S0 EACH vw m M IS- PEA OOZ. SUS eacA AMATS W 'It. PEA MI. comfort Twin Trigger* dual control system • U W C H A M sell certain real esUte located m V.w.fl»olVfrt f l j n f l fall and rubber covered handlebar for greater ficer Jamesj Hodges, Nov. 13, by two Rockville women, purporting to be the last will and testa- become humdrum. and 14" Power Tip* bar • WOODCUTTER'S KIT Wintted. Conn, as in aaid application ^ment of said deceased be admitted to SevenmokI a5M?0 li» jALrtVL'*>rsin.i'iK'nA, control and comfort Safety interlock trig­ were withdrawn Thursday, Police Chief Herman Fritz on file more fully appears, at the Court She envisions a number ger 14" Power Tip* bar probate as m said application on file (UtkJM Moving Day said of Probate ou November 29. 1979 at more fully appears, at (he Court of beerdsfrutofthe • barI cmawom. 11:00 A M. of other events that could •SWEATSHHITS so/so “ toor reb a te on Nov 29. 1979 at 3:00 P.M. Ol txRtmtuSSgdllundiunvs Tuesday afternoon police received a complaint from Pearl J. Hultman. • r u T r m Pearl J. Hultman. The 18th century house slowly moves along found under several layers of wallpaper and a Susan Welch of 142 Vernon Avenue alledging that Hodges A u't. Clerk Ass t, a erk $5 4 nKjI liwwdrpin 023-11 YOOfflS OR « S" PER OOX. • ^ tR O U N D n lf Church Street in Newington Wednesday. The campaign was start^ to save the house. 024-11 f CM vhAFpwvng oi wti dum i uHftt physically assaulted her. SSiO ADW.TS or PER DOZ. • DIRTN GAUGE JOINTER house was slated for demolition when pain- (UPI photo) 'Ihe same day Hodges voluntarily resigned from the kltd* u«n dvpth iduf' SUPER EZ* 150 •nuGUDSANorU ^ Police Department, citing personal reasons. Later that lomjvdwicuMfd IdmcAn^k- .lng

( 7 ■ - - 16 - EVENING HERALD, Fri.. Nov. H. W » EVENING HERALD. Fri,, Nov. 16, 1979 — 17 I for Solo 23 Hornet For Solo 23 23 IS H»lp W»nt*d I t Htip HTm Im I I t IM p W iM d I t Http HTMMd It /M|p irw iM It Nomot For Solo 2 3 Noffloa For Solo Homaa For Solo Htip WtlHtd 23 Homol For Solo 2 3 Homoo’ por Solo 23 PART TIME CLERICAL INVENTORY CLERK / RN-LPN wanted (or 3 p,m,-U PART TIME. Want cash for POSITION for main office of p.m. and 11 p,m-7 a.m, iiii(ta. the holidays? For every day? UKIIINCHr JUNIOR SECRETARY to HEW HOMES BY AHSAIOI South Windsor Bank A Trust Division Controller. Will be Heralb Apply director of nurilng. It’s easy with the phone In MACHINISTS Company. Hours: 9 a.m. to 1 responsible for paper stock in­ Hornet Presently Under Construction Salmonbrook Convaleacent your own home. Call 240-7773. m„ Monday thru Friday. lor fuNy aquIppMl MTvlM NEAUOm GLASTONBURY- Outstan­ S'l’RANO REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ventory control and related Available for Inspection Home, off Honie Street, Wt h m ladoiy opoUngt tor &eavy telephone contact and •l■llen. Must bo ding 3 Bedroom Ranch. Large Glastonbury. Pleaae call 633- Machinists reports. Inventory txportoneod and dopon- Choice Lots Available In the living room. Immense eat-ln M6MI6R Mutt bt tbit to rttd Biutprlntt light typing involved. Call ex^rienceClaaaaa PART TIME DRIVERS ask for Mr. Prague. MANCHESTER - Raised choied selections make an at­ ‘COLONIAL LOVERS D E U O H r “PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP" (ParWi Ctntor) iqual Opportunity hours. Send brief resume to: EARN EXTRA MONEY AT Ranch. 4 bedrooms, 2 20 - Instructiona Wantad needed. Nights and weekends. YOUR HOME operating a CAPE - 7 Rooms, 3 Bedrooms, tractive package. Visit our Price juat reduced! Anxious Immaculate, tastefully decorated 7W j:i: Hebron Road, Boilon I;-; Einptoyofe Sidney 0. Melius, P.O. ^ x RELIABLE SITTER SNACK BAR OPERATOR- PART TIME MEDICAL Remodeled Kitchen and l/2baths, family room, 2 sight at Hillstown Road and Qimpletely remodeled Duplex. Vinyl REAL EITATE Call 649-5199. 777, Hartford, 08101. typing service! Information: owners-means big saviim on this rm^. Colonial. FP, eat-in kitchen, lots of sided, designer kitchen, iw baths Apply In poroon los WANTED for 7 months old in­ Waitress & Counter Girl. RECEPTIONIST / Baths. Aluminum siding, in- fireplaces, 2 car garage. Bamwood Drive, or call for extremely nice remodeled Qilonial. IW 23 _ Homes for Sale fant in my home. Those still in ASSISTANT. Mature person send stamped, self-addressed cabinets, dishwasher, fam. rm., in­ ^autifully carpeted, built-in dis­ ... Downtown Main Street area. ground pool with patio and Porter Street area. Call owner additional details. Peterman baths, sunny spacious rooms, 3 car gar­ 24 Lots-Land for Sale SOUTH WINDSOR SALESMAN- Opportunitv for TELEPHONE ANSWERING school need not apply. Must wanted lor a busy doctors of­ envelope to: Linda Frost. 46 sulated, economical to heat, fenced hwasher, insulated, Andersen windows •Bm! LuneMon _ Full and part time. Call 643- 646-3116 after 5PM or all day Agency. 649-9404.646-1171,649- 25 Inveatment Property exciting position. Knowledge SERVICE OPERATORS for Welles Rd, no. 220. Vernon, privacy. Group I. Philbrick age, Recently painted. Call today fea,- yard w/pool, ONE YEAR HOME )lto l ^ — AUTO PARTS have references. 649-0312 fice in Manchester. Hours Saturday and Sunday. systems. Better than new! 26 Business Property of stoves helpful. Base plus 1442. Agency, 646-4200. 4844. WARHaNTY! 364,900. For RotarvaUona, — weekends, evenings etc. Paid after 4 p.m. flexible, some experience a . 06066. 27 Resort Propel telMmck Road commission. Full medical .V CALL 043-44M 28 - Real Estate Wanted South Windsor training, major medical. Mr. helpful. Duties Incluluae typing, benefits. Paid vacation. Call Fish, Hartford. S2S-112S. PRODUCTION CONTROL filing and assisting. Send Sltuotlon Wontod 15 MIIC. tlRVICEt Mrs. Gray 525-1931 COORDINATOR on Aircraft resume to Box A, c/o IN TOWN Ardeloo for Safa 41 Articio, lor Solo 41 ArtIcIo, lor Solo — 41 Articlot lor Solo 41 31 Services Offered BOARD CLERK - for parts. All company paid ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Manchester Herald. TEEN-AGE DRUMMER EAST HARTFORD - Older 32 — Paintmg-Papering Regional District No. 8, Board benefits. Interviewing 9:30 O FN U R tim desires work with teen-age l8t time off«r«d, CNntrtlly frame house. 2 bedrooms, O B O i r . 33 — Building>Contracting lOCNttd 6 room Rtnch, ovtr- BLACK & WHITE of Education. Part time posi- a.m. to 4:00 p.m. D ^ m ic • Also • AUTO BODY REPAIR - Full group. Call 649-3970. large kitchen, living room, REAlIOm TREMENDOUS NUMBER THE COLD WINTER IS 34 — RoofingMt and familiar Burnham Street. East Hart­ Apply: The Pop Shoppe. 248 pupils per teacher. FREE in­ with Ihit arM. Apply in paraon; ford. telephone 528-9845. PLA N N E E D S NURSES AIDES- 7 to 3 and 3 days per week. Monday thru rights. 379.900. Call exclusive outbuilding. 7.5 acres. Ad­ Two Family ATTENTION TOTALPHONE DISHWASHERS - Part time DEM ONSTRATORS. No to 11. Part time and full time. Friday. Drivers License a S^ncer Street. Manchester, troductory lesson with this ad. agent. Carol Cable-Wagner. 4-6 2 family. Separate gas Call 6464306. or 646-3549 ditional acreage available. SUBSCRIBERS' Do you need nights and weekends. Apply at co llectii^. No delivering. Enjoy working in a very plea­ must. See Mr. Carter in per­ between 10 AM and 4 PM. Beazley Co. Realtors. Equal 3138.900. Fireside. 643-8030. furnaces. Garage. S*nr/cM OffBnd 31 Services Offered 31 Palntlng-Paporlng 32 Building Contracting 33 FLOWER FUHlOa BUS BOYS - Full time lunch Tacorral 246 Broad kreet. help receiving your calls? and dinner shifts. Apply at Save on Gas. Call Linda, 647- sant and home like at­ son at:X arter Chevrolet. 1229 housing opportunity. 443-4470. Available immediately. U iM l Cawlaf ttraat Manchester. DIRECTOR, LUTZ JUNIOR ■ C4M TREE SERVICE - Free Temporary or permanent Cavey’s Restaurant, 45 ^ s t 9054. mosphere. helping our elderly Main Street, Manchester. 359.900. PAINTING BY DAN SHEA - LEON CIESZYNSKI Personal Attention . Very patients. Good wages and MUSEUM. '‘Hands on" MANCHESTER - By owner, 7 estimates, discount senior Center Street, Manchester. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - Quality craftsmanship at low BUILDER- New Homes, Ad­ Reasonable 233-8991 or 247- BABYSITTER NEEDED IN benefits. Please call Doris COOK WANTED children's museum, with 53 ‘’BUTTaNUT RDAD” rooms, 1 1/2 baths, gas heat, citizens. Company prices. Call 646-5424 8623. Earn up to 3200 a week. acre Nature Center, serving SNOW PLOWING - Residen­ ditions. Remodeling, Rec RARE OPPORTUNITY - JANUARY- For I year old. 3 Blain, RN, Director of Im MuWot mpfUimm pitBrntB, Mancbester’i finest locs- fruit treef, garden. «i*rahi«il*alBr Manchester-owned and Rooms. Garages. Kitchens Experienced or will train. Nurses. 646412S. Manchesta- iMt wm im». M mm. Manchester and area towns. Convenient location, wood NCAUtlfB operated. Call 646-1327. tial and commercial. CflRAMIC TILE MECHANIC OWN YOUR OWN 1/2 days per week. Preferably tion for custom built homes PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Remodeled, Ceilings. Bath Apply 330 Ledyard Street. my home. Other children OK. Manor Nursing Home. 385 •iltry eommonDurito wHN Responsible for museum ad­ stove connection, 3 dormers, HOWLAND REALTORS Manchester area. ■ Experienced only. Top BUSINESS. Distributor for NNpofttnoo, now ready. Large gorgeous - Interior and exterior Tile, Dormers, Roofing Hartford. 649-4083. West Center Street, ministration and providing dry basement. 350's. Call 649- B4M TREE SERVICE- Reasonable. Free Estimates □ EMPLOYMENT wages :^ply: Atlas Tile, 1(^ Kodak film. Duracell CilMr.VInoo leadership role in museum East Hartford 643-1108 Commercial and residential Residential or Commercial. Mancheste.r. treed lots with city 9354 eves, or weekends for Specialist in tree and stump 646-5489 or 646-5747 Free estimates Fullv in­ Berlin Tpke , Wethersfield, Batteries. G.E., Sylvania and BOOKKEEPING k TYPING GnsMsU (wMliiosil I h i expansion including coordina­ 649-4291 DIETARY AIDES - Full time utilities. Will build to suit. "No pressure inspection" No LN|iaStra«t removal. Free estimates sured 646-4879 563-0151 other photo products needed essential for diversified part- •41-6151 tion with professional consul­ Immaculate 5 room Ranch Http Wanted 13 in your area. No selling. Ser­ positions available in our FUEL OIL DRIVER Priced from 3125.000. agents. Senior citizen discount. 24 PROFESSIONAL BUILDERS time job for responsible per­ tant: (or creating and direc­ in desirable area. New vice top-Retailers under dietary department. Apply in WANTED- Must have 102 Hoal Esfeto Wontod 28 hour, year round service. 643- J.P LEWIS & SON- Custom - Complete Construction. Ad­ son with initiative. Hours 9:00 ting programs and seeking ■ heating system, roof, bath 7285. TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. exclusive contract established person: blast Hartford Con­ License and knowledge of EXPERIENCED ARE YOUR GUTTERS Decorating. Interior St ditions, Remodeling. Free to 1:00 Monday thru Friday, greater Hartford area. Call funds to support them; for MERRITT yagency Apply 81 ^m m erce Street, EXPERIENCED SANDWICH by us. High immediate in­ valescent Home. 745 Main LOCKSMITH - Should have and room for expansion. SELLING your house? Call us STOPPED UP? Call Exterior Painting. Estimates. Fully Insured. every other &turday. Apply.ply Street, Blast Hartford. 289-7751 for an interview. communicating with diverse REWEAVING burn holes. Paperhanging St Remodeling. Glastonbury. PTG MAKERS wanted (or cocktail come minimum required in­ at the: W.H. Englanand Lumber knowledge of safes, and some ublic in order to ensure 6 4 6 - 1 1 8 0 Close to Long Hill Country first and we’ll make you a “Manchester Gutter " Today Call 646-4879. COMPANY. Telephone 633- vestment 39,975. 10u% profit electrical back^ound. Full or Dub. 356,900. cash offer! T.J, Crockett. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Kitchens. Recreation Rooms lounge. Call 644-9637 between Company at RouTe 44A. Bolton Eroad community participa­ Window shades, Venetian for a FREE Estimate. 7631. 9 a m and 12 noon. structure. Call between BAM STATION ATTENDENT ELECTRICIANS part time available. Call 633- Realtor, 643-1577. Thorough cleaning of Gutters Call 649-9658 CARPENTRY - All types of Noten. NEEDED- Full time. Apply in Journeymen and Apprentices. tion and interest. Education blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. V <1 5PM. 1-800-6334367. Or 5100 for details. and Down Spouts. 649-7952. repairs. Porches, Decks, Tool person to Gorin's Sports Car Trade school Graduates. 1 to 2 and experience in related ‘XtoBtoNPiiRlsUicaliM'’ Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 649- LEE PAINTING - Interior St write: American Film PLASTIC INSPECTOR - field. Salary negotiable. EEO. MAY WE BUY your home? Sheds, and Gutters. Doors and Center. Route 83, Vernon. years experience. Paid Quick, fair, all cash and no 5221. Exterior “Check My Rate Processing, Inc., 1935R Opening for first shift Q C per­ PART TIME HELP Send' reswme by January 1. T O D A Y ’S Ellington — 6 building LOMUnO 1 ASSOGUTIS DAY CARE / NURSERY Windows Hung Ceiling Hoover Court. B’ham. AL benefiU. 'TOMKO ELECTRIC NEEDED- Experience in roblem. Call Warren E. PROGRAM. State Licensed. 2 Before You Decorate " Repaired and Painted. Call son to take over a small in­ SITTER FOR 92 YEAR OLD INC., 871-0436, 1980 to F.IJ4.D. Committee, lots. Treed. Water and 64M003 EXPERT PAINTING and Dependable. Fully Insured 35226. spection departm ent in a shipping and receiving Lutz Junior Museum, 126 Pdwland. Realtors. 643-1108. understanding teachers. anytime. 643-6130. BOLTON MAN on an oc­ necessary Phone Mr. Gober sewer in street. Owner LANDSCAPING Specializing Enclosed play-yard, play­ 646-1653 HERALD CMRIER NEEDED busy, growing, molding and casional basis. Especially for PART TIME COCKTAIL Cedar Street, Manchester, Ct. Real will finance. Make in Exterior House Painting. SWITCHBOARD mold making company. A 646-2900 for interview. 06040. room, lunches. Learning Rooling-Siding-Chimhoy 34 live in Thanksgiving weekend. WAITRESS, offer. Houiohold Good, 40 Tree pruning, spraying, Building Contracting 33 OPERATOR- 4 nights per good general knowledge of mowing, weeding. Call 7C- experiences. Keeney School week. Thursday 11:30 p.m.. Call 649-2901. EXPERIENCED- Nights. WOODWORKER - Some Estate District. Immediate openings BIDWELL HOME Improve­ IN DOWNEY DRIVE, plastics, measuring in­ Call 6^3637 anytime, and ask TEACHER AIDE- Year COUNTRY COMFORT- 3 REFRIGERATORS 7947. WES ROBBINS Carpentry 7:30 a.m. Friday, Saturday & struments. gauges, and experience. Knowledge of 6464664. ment Co. Expert instaflation URGENTLY NEED for Dennis. round. Salary 35548. Minimun Bedroom Ranch. Homemaker Washers / Ranges, used, remodeling specialist aJ- Sunday, midnight to 8:00 a.m. blueprint reading required woods for dior production HS Diploma, and experience •r Nomu Ttoaoflo QiMRt of aluminum siding ^ tte rs FOUNTAIN VILLAGE AREA. DEPENDABLE PERSON 'Mewbef All I'omis IWocalion " kitchen. Fireplace living guaranteed and clean. New BRICK, BLOCK, STONE WATERPROOFING- ditions. rec rooms, dormers, and trim. loofing Roofing installaCinstallation Edwards Answering Service, Capable of checking work TRUCK TIRE SHOP needs shop. Call 646-5025. with children. For applica­ Fireplaces, concrete. 646-5406. who can work without super­ WOLVERTON AIXNCY room. Garden area with fruit shipment damaged. G.E & Hatchways. foundation built-ins. bathrooms, and repairs 649-M95, 871-2323. within close tolerences. filling vision for Texas oil company dependable man to train in its tion, send self addressed, trees. Easy access to Hart­ FRIGIDAIRE. low- prices. Chimney repairs.' No job too kitchens, 649-3446. out inspection reports, Retread 4 Service ACCEPTING stamped envelope to: small. Save! Call 644-8356 for cracks, tile lines, sump CALL 647-9946 TYPISTS AND CLERK in Manchester area. We train. APPLICATIONS for full time Owning a home does not 649-2813 ford. 355.900. Fireside, 643- B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main pumps, gravity feeds, window SPECIALIZING cleaning and' customer liaison and exer­ Departments. Call Mr. Wood, Manchester Early learning 8030. Street, 643-2171. estimates. TYPISTS are needed to work Write K.O. Dick, Pres., employment. Several necessarily mean owning a wells. 30 years experience. CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. repairing chimneys, roofs, cising good judgement. Please Southeastern Petroleum, Box Bergson Company, Ellington, Center. 80 Waddell Road, Additions. Repairs. Cabinets. or 647-9947 in the Hartford area. Call call Mr. Silver at 563-1475 for Msitions open. Call 646-3836. Manchester. EO-AA house. In some areas 643-4953 hew roofs. Free estimates. 30 789. Ft. Worth, Tx. 76101. m -fm . ABSOLUTE BARGAINS! CUSTOM DRAPERIES- Call Gary Cushing 345-2009 years Experience. Howley, today. TAC/TEMPS, 7274430. appointment. Bk|ual opportunity employer. Employer. apartment ownership in Made very reasonably. Work Custom made draperies, slip­ LEAF RAKING. Lawn 643-5361. . cooperatives (a share of an covers and upholstery. Budget guaranteed. Call anytime til TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM STUNING CAPE BEING Cleanup, Fertilizing. Seeding apartment project) and Terms Arranged. Call 289-2331 9:00 p m.. 649-4266. Winterize your lawn now' Carpentry and general con­ ROOFER WILL Install roof, condominiums (title to a RAISED RANCH- FirepUced BUILT- Loft Master or 646-1000. tracting! Residential and Bedroom, fireplaced living Tender Lawn Care. 647-9280. siding or gutter for low dis­ specific unit of housing) i» living room. 2 full oaths, WATERPROOFING - commercial. Whether it be a count price. Call Ken at 647- fireplaced family room with room with Cathedral Ceiling, available. When one buys FOUR 10 " X 30 ” MOTLVENT Hatchways, foundation small repair job. a custom 1566. Keyboard wet bar. 2 bow windows. dining area with sliders to stainless steel stove pipes. All cracks, tile lines, sump Palntlng-Paporlng 32 ^ ^ D. W. FISH REALTY CO. into a cooperative or a con­ built home or anything in Large landscaped yard. 373.- deck. Garage. 369.900. OF / h O M E S / , ^ fuel chimney insulated. 2 inch pumps, cavity feeds, window between, call 646-1379. Hooling-Plumbing 38 dominium unit, he is 900. Fireside, M3-6030. Fireside, 643-8030. clearance to wood. New with wells, w year:years experience. PAINTING - Interior and V Operator 243 Main St. Menchester Tel: 643-1591 sharing with others the topper. Afer 6 PM. 633-2492. 643-4953 . 872-6413. exterior, paperhanging, CARPENTRY St MASONRY - NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet responsibilities, oral NOUSE SIMAY 2 - 4 excellent work references. Additions and Remodeling repairs, plugged drains, Hours - Dally 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Vernon Circle 872-9153 obligations. and CAR RECONDITIONING AT Free estimates. Fully in­ Free estimates. Call Anthony kitchen faucets replaced, — 2nd Shift — Vernon maintenance costs that go REASONABLE COST! Call sured Martin Matson. 649- Squillacole 649-0811 repaired, rec rooms, Saturday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CIosm I Sunday with all ownership. On a 649-4917. and ask for John at 4431 bathroom remodeling, heat An opening in our Printing Center calls for operation monthly basis, of course, o i i m r j A-1 Gas Station. FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY modernization, etc. Free DONALD H8H WILLIAM FISH MAC KICHAR PAUL OLIWER 60R00N FISH FRANK GORVSEVICZ A4W PAINTING Contrac­ of a video display typesetting terminal using a high the cost of buying an apart­ - Remodeling and Additions. Estimate gladly given. M&M LICENSED MOTHER IN tors. Quality painting and ment generally is con­ Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. speed selectric keyboard panel Speed ol al least Large Master Bedroom, MANCHESTER looking to paper hanging at reasonable years' experience! For Free TONY WASILEFSKV MARILYN MAWHINNEY sidered to be leas expen­ 45 wpm is required and some experience in graphic ROKDT P D A H GRANT HARUCNER lEVERLY DiPirmo LORRAINE BOUTIN plus front to back Living care for children in my home. rates. Fullv insured. Free Estimates, call 646-4239. Flooring 38 arts would be helpful sive than renting com­ Room sets this Call 647-9094. Eistimates. Call Wayne 649- parable space. II B IBBM B4HBHI8L 7696. FARRAND REMODELING - FLOORSANDING & Please call Florence Johnson at 277-2024 for an off. IW baths. Garage. COLLEGE STUDENT will do Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, REFINISHING - Floors like appointment. Fireplace. Nice location. housecleaning at reasonable hERSONAL Paperhanging Room Additions, Decks. All new! Specializing in older Immediate occupancy. rates. Please call Friday or for particular people, by Dick. typ floors. Natural and stained 981,900. . Sunday. 649-9723. Calf 643-5703 anytime Renlepairs Phone 643-6017 floors. No waxing any more! John Verfaille. 646-5750. Whether you are In- 'toNB at non Biaiar lerealtd in owning ■ 6 atngto tamlly homo or o FOR LOVERS ONLY- THE TRAVELERS Do your entertaining in the cozy conversation KEITH REAL ESTATE 1 Tower Square, Hartford, Ct. 06115 oofidofiiMufn qIvm us s r eaRhoroanhoTfOFORD pit while you gaze into the flames coming from your 6 4 M 1 2 6 UNKAYIIIU CONVDKNUOCilYlOII An equal opporiunily employer MIF REAL ESTATE: floor-to-ceUing Italian marble fireplace. Set up your T H E M H R W $ C O f t B i Exciting contemporary Split ranch with beautiful CENTURY 21 Rl. 44A buffets in your formal dining room, easily reached 0 with loft study & master living space. 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, dining area, Bolton Notoh, BoHonfAT- suite, family rm. and dou­ COVEimiT S87,900 from the well-equipped kitchoi. You and your □MI8C. FOR SALE lovely kitchen and nice $71,900 H 14 and wo will do our ble gar. on wooded acre & Iff ■ 7 renm RAISED RANCH, IW acre lot. Huge deck - 7 roon^SPLANCH; 2 car garage; Floor to ceiling guests will love the balcony overlooking the living immed. occupancy. family room. Call to see. overlooking pool and wooded lot, 2 car garage, bool to And you exactly Mary Gabbey 649-9459. APPLICATIONS fireplace in family and living room; W bath with ~ Brand new 6 room COLONIAL; 2 car garage, wall area below. You'll love the spacious bedrooms, es­ Ardeho.lor Solo 41 coxy family room, near golf and tennis club. Love­ laundry lower level; Rec room lower level. to wall carpet throughout, tbermopane wlndowi. who! you oro looking lor. pecially the noaster bedroom where you can stand NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR: ly borne wlUi much more! Convenient location. outside on your own balcony, mesmerized by the stars. Put yourself in the bouse that dreams are YOPQIMUn Inside Sales Ansaldi built 6W room COVDIYn made of for only $82,500 plus $500 extra cbtnmission ALUMINUM Sheets used as ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 full A house is a hedge against Accounting clerk Purchasing derfc As a general rule it if to selling agenn. printing plates, .007 thick baths. Beautiful Inflation. Especially this, wise to limit housing From RL B to Rt 87, about 1 mHo on r l ^ nx28W'', B cents each or 5 landscaped yard. Two car moderately pneed 6 rm., 3 Edpediting dark Shipping dorks expenses to one week's pay (or$l. Phone645-2711. Must be arage. Owner bdrm ranch. ^,500. Call out of each moatb’i lalary. pickedlicked up before 11 a.m. &ansferred. Make an ap­ Dave Saunders at 6438303. Kardex clerk Stock darks However, rising costa of ONLY. pointment with Helen home ownership due to in­ Fisher 633-9124. CHAIN FALLS. Up and dye Accom tant flation has modified this in set, electric welder, acetylene some cases. Apply In person 8 AM to 11 AM and 1 PM outfit, aluminum ladder, YDnin ISIIL ESYAYE trailer tires, new electric MlWCKSYa MIYM to 4 PM. generator, electric lawn- Well cared (or 6 room cape No. 1! This ranch has all mower. Evenings, 633-7080. with plaster walls, new the things you want - 3 6474914 ^ 4234958 bath, alum, siding, and gas bdrmi, til. DR, kit., FR heal. Come see uie charm ADAMS INDUSTMES, Inc. COVENTRY $78,008 IKGIAL rWANflNB Mwnbtr of th* Manchostar Board ol Raaltora, BRASS CHANDILIER- 1S6 L Center Street w/firepUce. Pricied at 166,- BOLTON 8I8S88 Wllllmantic Board. Th* Qraator Vamon Board of (Comgr of SpniM A E. CfntBT Sts.) and workmanship in this 900. Cul Frank Rohan 643- 340 PragraM Driva Thli COLONIAL hai all your' apecUlcatlani. IH Owner will give first martfage at 8Mi% interest Extends 6 ft. Jrom ceUing. 4 cape. B. Bosetti 6408716. 0007. Custom built new natural aided COUM4IAL in rate with 355,000 down p a y m ^ . 4 bedroom con­ Raaltora, and MuHlpI* UaUng Sarvio* and of ooura* ft! wide. Candle stick light Manchaetor Industrial Park baths, flrit floor family room wlUi fireplace, 647-1000 EHO basement rec room and office, 4 bedroomi, walk- choice wooded focatloo of 2.5 acres. Additional temporary U5R RAISED RANCH. 10 rooms, IV, Cantury 21 QoM Poat, which oovar* th* antir* atoto of with shade. Great for church, Manchastsr, C t hall or reaUurant. BOO firm. in closet off m atter bedroom. acreage available; suitable for keeping hortes. baths, central air. Connacticut______649-98M after 6 p.m. L

1 K U — EVENING HERALD, Fri.. Nov, 16, UTO

Articht tor Sato 41 NTantocf to tu f 4i Aptrtmtnt$ for Rant 1$ A/tartmanCt for Rant f t

EXCELLENT PRE-CUT PRIVATE COLLECTOR MANCHESTER- S room FIREWOOD FOR SALE BY PAYING top prices for U.S. within 3 blocks of banks, siio|>- THE TRUCK LOAD- flSO. Sta m ps aiino ccollections. ■■ ■■ (33- ping, food, churches, bus stop. Will deliver. Call 14»'7«42. 0( 20. FOR RENT First floor, garage, storage. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• II(!■■••• A No appliances or utilities. WANTED TO BUY- White Older couples or family units only. (235. References, securi­ * TAG SALES ToUet in p ^ e c t workii igcoo- Loti of Lud. Lovely S bedroom. dition. Please call Mrs. Ftalijr carpeted. DtiUtif room. Iar|t ty. 649-9(94. Corner at (4(0233. • kitchen. Buemeot. Kids ok. (MIO- TAG SALE- Tqvs for age 2 to t) Also: 1 41 bedrooms available EAST HARTFORD - One SB (. Friday and Saturday, 0 - ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••• startliy at 1175. (M M) bedroom aiwrtment in older About three months ago 1 want to bed with a guy I baby­ 15 Inntr (prefix) 116 Carriage Drive. ttl-Ptfi. building. Heat, hot water, HABLA sit fo r-I'll call him "Mr. M." He's divorced and has two □ RENTALS East Hartford — Beautiful 4 appliances Included. Yard, W iNo little kids. Even though I knew it was wrong for me to go to devtct GARAGE SALE- CB Radios, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• rooms, fully carpeted, complete parking, busline. Walk to P & bed with him, I didn't know how to turn him down without 17 Chirp accessories, antennas, test kitchen. Baaement. Now Just fUO. w A. Security, lease), hurting his feelings. 18 Snow runnef equipment, radios, tools, Roomi lor Aonl f t (M 11-13) 685^ references. (225 per month. household goods. "Something Broker, 56(0138. For Everybodv!” Rain or THOMPSON HOUSE- C en-‘ class, or care about me as a person. He's dating a woman his shine. Novemoer 17th., & trally located. Downtown REU) GIANT has lOO's of vacancies •••••••••••••••••••••••••• age (35) who sometimes sleeps over. ISth., 9 to 4. (4 Lawton Road. Manchester. Kitchen available. All areu, ilaca. and Offiees-Sloraa tor Root f f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••a Now that I've gone to bed with "Mr. M." five or six times, privileges. Call (49-23M. with options to buy. Call and see if Aifto* For Sato 67 Airtoa for Solo f t Aifloa Sato 67 Tnieki tor Sato______M I don't know how to refuse him. I don't feel anything special . they have what you are looklo| for. for TAG SALE -122 Park Street, MANCHESTER - Main Street for him, like I did for the guy Twent steady with last year. FURNISHED ROOMS. Newly Call M9-e791 Open 7 Days 1971 CHEVY NOVA- 6 Manchester. Upstairs on Saul In modem offices available. 300, GM(ri972 1 TON UTIUTY I want to quit baby sitting for this man, but I really like right. Books, household goods. redecorated. Central location. 400, 750 to 1400 sq. ft. all or Itlider. Standard. Good con- TRUCK- Has the reading his kids and they are crazy about me. Also, I'm too shy to tell 33 Capable 10 - 2, Saturxlay and Sunday. Kitchen privileges. Ready parts of. Heat, air con­ iUon. (900. Call 64(6841. enclosed b o ^ , with side com­ him what's on my mind. What should I do? 34 By mouth December 1st. (27.00 per ditioning Included. Call 64( 1975 VOLKSWAGEN partments. Excellent for con- CAN'T SAY NO 36 Cooking fat TAG SALE- November 17th & week. Call Mrs. Jackston, 646- 2469 OT 646-2755. CHEVY NOVA 1974- BEETLE- Superb condition. Iractor. 7:30a.m. to5:30p.m., 37 Author of 1316. Automatic. 2 Door Hatchback. ■'The Raven" 1 2 3 4 $ 9 7 1 9 10 " 18th. Household Items plus FOUR ROOM UNHEATED Runs and looks like new. (3150 6338249. ______DEAR CANT: You CAN say no, and you MUST! Your Vinyl top. Red / white in­ 38 Arab country 14 Wisconsin engine, electric APARTMENT - With “gas 466 MAIN STREET. North of or best offer. 649^19. 39 Harmony In \7 13 PLEASANT ROOM FOR Post office, about 5,000 sq. ft. terior. (1750. 1 owner. 742- 1968 CHEVROLET ONE problem is not ‘‘abyuoss," It's a very low self-oatooa aad motors, riding mower. 92 and gas" range. No children, lock of confidence. Yon need more help than I can give yon in pitch 17 Shallowbrook Lane, Glaston­ MATURE WORKING no pets. Parking for one of centrally located space. 7409. MERCURY COUGAR XR 7 HALF TON P.U. 283 3 SP. 19 16 GENTLEMAN - Kitchen a letter. Please see a professioaal at year lo ^ mental .40 Entice bury / Manchester line. 10-4. passenger automobile. Securi­ Ideal for store, office or other 1973 - Deluxe limited edition. W/OD. Camper shell, 42 Made uted to 19 20 21 irivileges, parking, near ty and references required. business or commercial use. 1972 VEGA - SUndard. (350 or Power steering, power excellent tires. ?750. 643-0494. health clink. Yon mast learn to assert yonrseU, and pat an jusline. References required. Dlftobvkf X.tM Hw Ul h 44 Mythical htrb TAG SALE "OPEN HOUSE”- ^125 monthly rent. 643-2210. Call 646-2426 9-5 pm. best offer. Call after 6 p.m., brakes, air condition, end te allowing yonrseU to be need. 46 Poultry 22 23 24 29 Telephone 647-9033. 646-3721. automatic transmission, AM- DEAR ABUY: 1 am a 52 ycar old divorcee in love with a Must sell all types of Captafn Easy — r..ooka A Laarranca product 29 27 21 29 30 31 32 household goods. November HUNDREDS OF PROFESSIONAL / FM stereo. Excellent condi­ charming, well-to-do SS-year-old widower I'll call Frank. He 47 Famous 17th., A 18th., 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. COMFORTABLE SLEEPING VACANCIES - All areas, sizes BUSINESS OFFICE 1973 FORD RANCH WAGON- tion. 16 - 20 mpg on regular Motoreyctos-Bfcyctos 64 is delightful company and wants to marry me. Now for the 50 Ceraal grain 33 34 39 36 14 Lawton Road, Apt. 3. 646- ROOM for working and places. For details, call BUILDING - Approximately Fully equipped. New tires. as. (2350 with snows. Call WHAT'RE YOU 52 Tell tales jentleman. Call after 6 p.m., problem. UP TO> EASY? 5721. today. Rental Asystors, small 2600 square feet, with ample Good condition. (800. 6498060. 5ohn, 568-6375. 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - Frank has two married daughters (whom 1 have never 55 A lle y _____ 37 38 ' 3p 146-1201. LOW RIDER. 2500 miles, 56 Infirmities _ fee. 236-5646. parking. Close to Center, met) who want to run his life. They are so afraid that 40 41 42 43 GARAGE SALE- November hospital and new court 1971 FORD VAN- Excellent 1978 DODGE VAN- Half ton. 6 100% stock and in excellent 58 Fertilizer Aportmontt for Root 53 motor. Standard shift. Priced shape. (4500. 7428786. someone is going to take advantage of their father that they 59 Mine product 17th.. 9:30 to 3. Bentwood MANCHESTER - Extra large building. For info, call 568- ''cylinder standard. 20 + mpg. can't stand it. (His wife died two years ago and he's afraid to 44 49 49 chairs, old pine chest, 6 room in good area. 7658 or 871-0401. for quick sale, (650. Also: 1971 24,000 miles. 1 owner. Call ^ 60 Polynesian tell his daughters that he has been dating!) QOd 93 54 matching side board, sofa and LOOKING for anything in real Immediate occupancy. Only AUmN- Automatic, air con­ 0419. 1975 HONDA SUPER SPORT 47 49 49 90 $1 92 estate rental - apartments, WANTED JUNK AND LATE When Frank takes me out, we have to go where his 61 Questions chair, jewelry and much (260. (666-1 ). Rental OFFICE FOR RENT - ditioned. 48,000 original miles. 750- Kerker headers. KNN 99 59 97 98 homes, multiple dwellings? MODEL WRECKS - Cash (900. Both can be seen at filters. Oil cooler. Much daughters will not find out about it. Also, when he comes to 62 Sunflower more! 131 Elizabeth Drive. Assistors, small fee. 236-5646. Excellent location. (125 2A 1974 MERCURY CAPRI- state (abbr.) No fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Paid. Call Parker Street Used North Street. more! (1500. 643-1076 before 2 my home he takes a taxi so no. one will see his car parked in 61 monthly. Heat, janitorial, Auto Parts, Inc. 649-3391. Silver, Automatic transmis­ 63 Lohengrin's 99 90 Associates, Inc. 646-1980. parking. 500 or 1.000 sq. ft. 649- sion, radials, AM-FM stereo. p.m. front of my house! TAG A GARAGE SALE- Rain SOUTH WINDSOR -“ aean bride 92 93 64 or shine. Sunday November and cozy 1 bedroom available 53M. 1966 FORD STATION Leaving state. Must sell! 289- How can I convince Frank that it's time he lived his own 64 Being (Let) 149 OAKLAND STREET - 2nd 1967 TEMPEST- 326. Func­ WAGON- 4 new tires. As is, 18th.. 10 to 5 p.m. Also will now. All utilities paid. Won’t tionally sound, good for parts. 3709. life and quit worrying about what his daughters think? IklWSrAPfMNtiNPRltl *S6N| continue all week by appoint­ floor, 6 rooms. No appliances, last. Just (130. (637-2). RenUI NEW shopping center space (125. Call 646-2391. BACK STREET BONNIE no utilities, no pets, no small Asking (125.00. Call anytime, ment. Refrigerator, kitchen Assistors. small fee. 236-5646. for lease - The Convenience 646-1758. 1976 PINTO 3 DOOR 1975 HUSQVARNA GP- Good DEAR BONNIE: II yon could meet Ms daughters aad win children. Tenant insurance 1974 MERCURY CAPRI- 6 RUNABOUT - Automatic 6 table and chairs, velvet couch, Center, Route 71, just south of them over it would be Ideal. Bnt a grown man who hides his required. Lawn and sidewalk cylinder. 4 speed. AM-FM transmission, AM-FM stereo condition. (350 or best offer. hanging chain lamps, dresser VERNON- Luxurious 3 the West Farm s Mall ... 1970 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN- Please call 849-9070, keep lady friend from his daughters sounds Uke poor hnshand and night table. Microwave maintenance required. (260 bedroom with modern specialty store space still stereo. Good condition. After 8 track radio. 646-3503 after 5 Win at bridge monthly. Security. Call 646- 428, 4 barrel. (500, or best, trying. material to me. Allay Oop — Dava Qraua oven, and lots of clothes. 61 kitchen. Heat paid and lots available ... Spring 1980 oc­ offer. Call 649-6410, anytime. 6. 6438110. PM. Pinewood Drive, Vernon, off 2426. 9 to 5 weekdays. more. Reasonable price. (662- cupancy. Join K-Mart, Wald- DEAR ABBY; My neighbor across the way keeps stand­ Tayler Street. Private 4). Rental Assistors, small baums & other fine stores. ing in front of his window stark naked! T H R E E ROOM HIGH PERFORMANCE AND Showings, call after 6 p.m.. fee. 236-5646. Call Heyman Properties, 1- ECONOMY. Modified 1/6 For­ I do not catch accidental glimpses of him in this state. He 646-8592. APARTMENT- Lovely coun­ 226-1206. actually stands by the window that way hoping to te Reading opponent’s style try setting. Heat and utilities mula Ford Pinto. 0-60 6 EAST HARTFORD - Lovely 3 seconds, 30 mpg., suspension noticed. I have reported him to the police, but they say he is TAG SALE- 341 Lake Street, included. (185. Security and bedroom. 2 family house with SPECIAL AVIS references. 742-9564, after 7 Wanted to Rant 57 radial spoilers. ExcelliExcellent con- in his own home and there is nothing they can do about it. What could he do about it? Vernon. November 17th., A large yard. Today only (200. dition. 646-7536. He hat a wife and children, but he does this while they are NORTH See if you can figure out I8th. 10 a m. Maple single bed, p.m., and weekends. (618-3). Rental Assistors, MATURE WOMAN looking not at home. «QJ« how he made his contract. spring, braided rug. canning small fee. 236-5646. 1973 PLYMOUTH- 4 poor Should 1 tell his wife? I don't know her very well, but 1 will Y642 You are looking at all the jars, much more! PANELED CARPETED 4 for one bedroom apartment in Manchester. With heat and Sport Suburban Wagon. 3 NOVEMBER speak to her if you think it will do some good. ♦ 107 53 cards. The Professor was only room apartment. Stove, BOLTON NOTCH- Efficiency 4A83 refrigerator. Adults. appliances. (254 per month on seater- loaded! 75,000 miles. NEW NEIGHBOR looking at them in his mind's apartment. Nicely furnished. Call 6498521 8 to 5 p.m. ' eye and had hoped for the References. No pets. (220.00. Hud ^ t i o n 8. Call 289-3816, DEAR NEW: Tbe man needs help. Present the bare facts WEST EbtST Including heat, hot water, 064 0532 right combination. 646-3167 or 228-3540 electricity, parking. 45 year ask for Lillian. to Ms wife. GIANT TAG SALE- 2 black 1968 DODGE CHARGER- 383. VKQ10>73 Y A5 Getting back to the actual old male desire. After 4 p.m., Serious inquiries only. Call INVENTORY SALE DEAR ABBY: My husband is thinking about buying a « J9 t 9QB4Z Eiast led back a heart, and, white televisions, MANCHESTER - MAIN call 649-9093. "hoi" color television tel and also a "hot ” movie projector. STREET. 3 room apartment, 646-2935 after 5 p.m. ♦ K6 bJ 1073 (S;lest continued the suit and refrigerator, clothes, jewelry □ AUTOMOTIVE The man who wants to tell them got them from someone - at wholesale prices, stereo, heated, hot water, appliances. Reasonably priced. SALE ENDS NOVEMBER 25 SOUTH -the Professor ruffed. many miscellaneous items, No pets Parking, security. 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. who steals to support his drug habit. ♦ AKI087 He drew t n i t ^ , stopped in "^mething For Everyone!" 523-7047 1 1/2 baths, all appliances, Autos For Solo (7 1968 PONTIAC WAGON- Ful­ 1 told my husband 1 thought it would te wrong for us to YJ8 his own hand. 'Then he led a Saturday 17th . Sunday 18th., heat, hot water, and electric ly equipped. (300. Call 649- SUPER SAVINGS buy these items even though we can get them way below «AK low club toward dummy. West 10 to 3. 29 Eastfield Street. 149 OAKLANb-STREET. 2 included. (375.00 per month WE PAY TOP PRICES for 1013. cost, but my husband says if we don't buy them someone bQ954 played the six and the eight Call Peterman Agency. 649- was played from dummy. Rain or shine. room apartment. Security. No wrecked and junk cars. A & B else will. Vulnerable: North-South 9404 . 646-1171. Auto Salvage, used auto parts. OPEL MANTA 1974- Stan­ *200 OFF P O S n O PRICE Eiast won with the jack (a appliances. Tenant insurance Abby, I don't want any part of a deal like this, but how can Dealer: South TAG SALE- Saturday required. (170.00 monthly. Call Tony 6 4 6 - ^ . dard. Good condition. (1200, Horo oro tom o o f tho bonotit* wo wont to toll you obout In utod cor tolot. I convince my husband that it's wrong? false card) and led back a November 17th , 9:00 a m. to Call 646-2426, 9-5 weekdays MANCHESTER - 4 room Call 646-5721 after 6:00 p.m. • Somo of ttw bM l prICM around on fully-powarad lata modal cara. NO NAME OR TOWN. PLS. Weft Nortk East Steth diamond. 4:00 p.m. 169 Hollister Street. apartment In central location. 1973 TORINO - 302. Runs • Only tlM pick of our rantal float la oflorad lor aalo. 1 « South cashed the ace and Miscellaneous household THREE BEDROOM Appliances and parking in­ excellent. Must sell, 1971 OPEL KADET- Red. DEAR NO: He KNOWS It's wrung. Jnst teU Mm that 2 T Pass 4 « king of diamonds and was Standard. Excellent gas« • Moat vritli powor ataorlnfl, powor brakaa, AM radio. Pass Pass Pass pleased to see West follow N items. APARTMENT- In East Hart­ cluded. (160 monthly. Tenant sacrificing! Any reasonable anyone who knowingly bnys "hot" merchandise stands to ford. Unheated. Children pays for gas heat. 647-1113 offer over (1450. Call after mileage. Good condition. Call ’ • A Umltod Powor Train Warranty of 12,000 miloa or 12 montha — s b ^ In the gnilt of die theft-U caught. Now came a club to dummy's aRer 6 PM! 74(7869. wlilchoyor comoa llrat and honorod coaat to coaat — Including ace dropping West's king and TAG SALE - Saturday A Sun­ accepted. Please call 528-0442. 3:30 p.m.. 649-1150, 5288063. Who said the teen yeqrs are the happiest? Fee Abby's Opening lead: V K day, November 17th A 18th. 10 a club back. After a moment's sew booklet “What Teenagora Want to Knaw," w rits Abby: thought, the Professor - 5. 48 Galaxy Drive, Redwood 132 Laaky Dr., Beverly HIUs, CaUf. 90212. Enclose (1 aad a Farms, Manchester. f i n e s t his nine and was 1 1978 PONTIAC 1979 MONTE 1979 COUGAR long, stamped (28 cental, seU-addresaed envelspa, please. home. XR-7 3 FAMILY TAG SALE- Satur­ I GRAND PRIX CARLO Why did he finesse and not ■ V-8, AT, Pt, PB V-8, AT, Pt, Pt. AT, Pt, PB. Ak C9i»d. day, November’Wth. 176 West Powm Window, iitr*o tadto. By OtwaM Jacoby play (or the drop? As the Pro- Vernon St. 10-2 p.m. Tables 8 ^ . 2 To m A/Cond-, Radio ■ lIMPQAvg. 19MPOAV9. Vinyl Top, 102 V-8, IWlyvWhMlt I ( Aatrograph ate Alan Soptag fesscfessor explained later, he and chairs, games, records, SELL-A-THON knew that East liked to false collectables, and barbells. Tlia Bom Loaar — Ait Sanaom 1 * S 2 9 B * 8 2 9 5 *629S West opened with the king card. ~r Bernice Bede Osol of hearts and East overtook TAG SALE- Many years of ac OPEN TIL 9 TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT 1979 OLDS with the ace. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) cummulation!tion! EverythingE' 'ything ■ 197BCAMAII0 1979IMPMA F The Professor studied the must go! 4 rooms full of ' v a , AT, N , N , H CUTLASS aof v-8. AT. Ft. Ft. dummy to plan the entire play (For a copy of JACOBY usuable, collectable items! ■ Ak Cate., Radto, should be able lo see the whole Ak Condn Redto. of the hand. He didn't like his MODERN, send S i to: "Win at -day November 17th , 9 to ■ Italy WIim N, Itekal SUPREME picture where others see only 17MRa Avg. ••email IragmAits. chances, but beggars can't te B rid g e ." care of this newspa­ 1 p.m. 23 Foster Drive-off OboIBi CouboIBv AT. Pt, PI. Air Cond, q fix ir FOR THIS SPECIAL SALE ARIfg (March 21-Aprll It) choosers. He was pretty sure per. P O. Box 489. Radio City ltadto.18MPOA«9. East Center Rain or shine. *S19S < ^irth d a y Shifting conditions tend to work that West held the king of Station. New York. N.Y. 1 * B 8 9 B to your edvantege today. You clubs for his heart overcall 10019.) V Dogt-BIrdi-Pott 43 EVERY LEFTOVER 79 AND USED CAR MUST GO • B 3 9 S coukt be brought Into a joint r1 7 ,1979 venture that otters you e surpris­ HOME SWEET HO.{)IE - TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW INVENTORY. VERNON ENFIELD Several ItUng, you have been ing gain. Complete health-g^uard RT. 83, 3 MILES S41 INFIELD ST. hoping lor ere likely lo be real­ TAURUS (April 20-Mty 20) facilities. Cats also. Canine ACnOM SM M TOWN HAU ized Ibis coming yMr. Luck will Invoivsmenit where you will be AV/S NORTH OF ENFieU)74B-U81 play a perl. Your pracileal working In conjunction with pert- day ★ SPECIAL PURCHASE ★ ^ on nert will be the ones oltsrlng the Road,d. Manchester.Mai 646-5971. 1977 GORVETn 75 PINTO *1995 VERNON CIRCLE approach wlH do tbs rest. Station Wagon, 4 cyl., 4 spd., real HARlfORD S63-S4U SCO im O (O ct 94-Nov. 22) The largest rewards today. They T-Top, automatic, air condition, (8) 1979 ZEPHYR 4-DRS. 875-2656 could even be ol i sociti nature. Equipped with auto., PS, radio, sharp! more trykig the tiluatlon Iba 6 MONTH OLD MALE IRISH power windows. AM/FM stereo, mint USB) CAR BOTH OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 AM to 9 PM moke pronounced your leeder- (3fMMI (May 21-June 20) You SETTER - Only to good subur­ condition. whitewall tires A much more. All are Milp queUbee wlU become. You'll have the knack ol utilizing your ban home. Calf 242-0698 or 568 under 12,000 miles. Available Ford I SALES SATURDAY 9 AM to 5 PM know how to do things as they tilants tg their hjllett advamage. 6604. Motor Co's 12 month/12000 mile 78 MARK V >7995 should be dona today. Find out Thus, you should be abis to taka warrantee. Your Choice AM/FM Stereo, air, full power, wire more ol what lias shMd lor you small opportunities and turn *9295 them Into large ones. wheels. 14,000 miles, priced to sell. In Ihs year lollawlng your birth­ BOX STALLS, TRAILS- Blue C A N C fR (Jtma 21-J«ily 22) Seal Feeding Program. Ring day by sanding lor your copy ot Attro^rapn Letter. Mail (1 lor Don't deny yoursell any opportp- with lights. Pastures. Daily 77 UNC8U >6395 nitlaa lor social axpraaslon Continental 4 Dr. Sedan. Full power, *5195 THE 1980 DATSUNS each to Astro-(3raph. Box 499. turnouts. Rockville. Call 875- 77 FORD LTD ^295 Radio City Station. N Y 10019 today. You could be the life ol 9954, or 875-0272 ; 742-9653. air, AM/FM Stereo, 30,000 ml., real 4 Door Sedan, black-on-black, the party If you let your heir sharp! 1977 OLDSMOBILE Be ture to specily birth data. maroon Int., lull power, factory air, - A R E HERE NOW - SAOITTAnUS (Nov. 22-Oee. 21) down e bit. GERMAN SHEPHERD CUTU8S SUPREME Ambitlona you hope lo realize LIO (July 23-Aiio. 22) Treat AM/FM Stereo. 29,000 miles. matters which mean something PUPPlEs- Ideal pet and 2-dr. Coupe, lull power. Air Condition, can be achieved today, surpris­ watch dog. Small fee without ingly. perhaps not In the manner to you tlnanciilly or meterlalty IS MONU >4495 factory mags, AM-FM stereo, Landau optimistically today. Your posl- papers. Call 6485782. 2-door, 4-cyl.. 4-speed, extra clear which you first envisioned. roof, low miles. 76 UNCOIN >6895 CAINUCOIW (Dae. 22-Jan. 19) tlva attitude will carry you over low mHaage, nicely equipped. Mark IV, mint condition, loaded, low Good Ihinge could happen to you the top. GREAT DANE / VmOO (Aug. 29-SepL 22) To DOBERMAN PUPS- Red with mileage. today through friends and *4295 scquakitancts you know social­ advance your sall-lntarasta dark stripes. Moved to arart- 76 OLDS *2795 ly Be ile rl tor profitable bps. today, let your sense ol humor Cutlaia, 8Door Sedan. V-8, auto., supersede your asearllvenesa. ment, must sacrifice! Basic *3995 AO UAM Ut (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) Be training started. (50. 5281561 PS, Air Condition, vinyl roof. 78 BOBCAT Your wit has more power than ■ Mercury Station Wagon, automatic, taneciout. 1^ forth your best 77 GMIIIUIII >2895 sifort. but also trust your luck in punch does. PRIVATE RIDING 4 Dr., auto.. P6. PB. factory air, PS. PB, luggage rack, priced to sell. compstitiva situations today. UBRA (Sept 23K>cL 23) Your LESSONS- Learn the safe AM/FM Stereo, Priced To Sell. Dams Fortune It slanting the possibilities lor persons! gain are odds toward you. exceptionally strong todsy. thorough way to enjoy riding 78 CMIMIO <6395 '•V Breaks could come unaxpsctedly ■ and caring for horses. (lOj Z-28, PS, PB, 4 speed, special factory 78 MUSTANG *4895 F ltC C t (Fab. 20-March 20) through unutual sources. 4 cyl., 4 spd., AC, AM/FM stereo, real Your judgment regarding large hour. Will travel to you. : wheats, stereo, real sharp, low miles. INfwaXAPCk ENIEnPKSE ASaN I 1561. 78 CHEVBIL *4195 sharp. 1^- issues Is quite keen today You Malibu 2 Dr., 6 cyl., auto.. PS, radio, real nice car. AFFECTIONATE YOUNG 77 OLDS *4295 76 PONTUC >4295 Berry’s WorM — Jim Berry ANGORA CAT. adorable long vista Cruiser, 9-poss. station wagon, haired kittens. 6338581, 342- Grand Prix, full power, AC, stereo, low air condition, PS, PB, many extras. 77010$ >4595 low milage priced to sell. 0571. Cutlass Brougham 2 Dr. Hardtop, V-8, PS, PB. stereo, under 21,000 miles. Mutfeaf fntlrufflunto 44 72 OLDS *1795 75 MUSTNN >2695 4 Door Hardtop, lull power, factory HOLTON TRUMPET - Good 2-Door, 4-cyl., 4 speed. Air Condition, air. Immaculate. GOOD CLEAN CARS real sharp. 79 LMCOLN *9995 condition. (90 or best offer. 2 Dr. Coupe, loadedi Ford factory 6 6481032. 12/12 warranty. Only 30 miles. 78 CHEVY *4195 1878 VW Nova 4-dr., 6-cyl., auto., air, radio, low •3298 18788IIANA0A *2898 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS in­ 73 CIHIICE miles, extra sharp. 2 dr. ooupa. aeon. 8 cyl., 3 sp. eland., ak oond. dk cluding Ovations, plus free ★ SPECIAL PURCHASE ★ 2 dr. eoden haichMck. 4 ep.. radM tiroe. doni weft rd. #2907-1 on tMe one. I2504-1 case with this ad. Carlos (8) 1979 M0NARCH8 guitars 60% off. Rivers Music nS™!l!Wl.,a«5i. roofrack, woodgriiln sides, real sharp. All low mileage. Automatic, PS, fac. 73MTSIM24IIZ >4195 7 Main Street, New Britain Auto., AM/FM, spoOeas. Must 2281977. Christmas layaways air cond., many other extras. 78ME8CU8Y 1973ELCAMIN0 Available Ford Motor 12 mos./12,000 •2695 •3188 A draeay Chavrolat Pick-up. ona ownar. baauuful. 78T-BIRD *5195 mile warranty. Priced to sell. Your rag. gai angina, auto & PS. 4 Drand new ttree BUNDY CLARINET with V-B, auto., PS, PB, vinyl roof, wire t Or. Sedan. aoononOcal 6 cyl., euML. PS. radio, ruel* case, music stand. Excellent oholcel ______proolad. vary original oar. allvar wNh bliia vinyl m- Em erald graan m alaiUc. #2528-1 wheels, real sharp, 23,839 miles, 7 7 C U tU C >739$ lartor. f260S-1 condiUon. (100. Call 649-1429 priced to sell. mornings or after 6 p.m. *4895 Stersb, wire i t n 1878DATSUN Qtrdon Produett 47 8-210 *3898 C47 UuM over 94.000 tnSes. A/T. bucket le e l,. reo 0**- Ful eon lop. quedre-no.-lrac^^llma4i tuk Sme 4 wtf. M. roMier. reel beeuty. •Over bkie matcMns Interkir. (2914.1 MANURE- (8 and (16 loads **Connecticut*f Oldett Lincobi-Mereury Dealer'*' t taftgaig, brown Call 6498731, after 6:00 p.m. Antlquoi 4f A N TIQ U ES COLLECTIBLES - Will DeCormler purchase outrights, or sell on commission. Houselot or "HOL Y COWI Somo of those oil compony prof­ siiule piece. Telephone 648 MERCURY its oro ohnosl os obscotto os OURSI" WANTED- Antique furniture, LINCOLN Glass, Pewter, OU paintinn, or Antique Items. R. n s c B m in , CIMLMSkSIlS “ lljr tMKlwr w«ntt to talk to Haniipa, its in t. Can you atod «ka' ol than oxrar, dailT

, J ------...... I