Vesti wins the recovery race with 10’’ penalty Amazing performance from the Danish, then Caldwell and Blomqvist

Imola, 1st August 2019 – The recovery race starting grid has Blomqvist (Kic Motorsport) and Vesti () in the first row, while Sophia Floersch (Van Amersfoort Racing) is just behind them with Schumacher (US Racing). The young female driver overtakes Vesti and becomes second for a while, then she’s overtaken by Caldwell (Prema Powerteam). Fittipaldi (Prema Powerteam) is involved in an accident with Schumacher and has to retire, Sophia Floersch doesn’t notice the yellow flag and have to quickly hit the brakes, she finishes out of the track limit and lets all the other drivers overtake her. At the re-start after the safety car intervention Caldwell becomes the race leader after having overtook Vesti. Third position for Blomqvist, then Guzman (DR Formula RP Motorsport), Fraga (DR Formula RP Motorsport), and Schumacher. Behind, Sophia Floersch regains some position and becomes ninth after some troubles in the back group with Bardinon’s (Van Amersfoort Racing) spin, behind (Corbetta Racing Srl). obtains the first positions with another great overtake, passing Caldwell internally on Rivazza corner. Guzman’s car spin and falls to the tenth position, he has to retire after a while for damage on his car.

Vesti is penalized again, this time with 10 seconds, for attempting an overtake under safety car regime. The Danish is the first at the finish line, with such a higher pace that wins even with the 10 seconds penalization.

The next appointment with Formula Regional European Championship certified by FIA will be in Barcelona, from September 20th to September 22nd.

Carlo Forni Head of Press Office – Capo Ufficio Stampa | ACI Sport [email protected] Mobile: +39 3316806033

Cambio del risultato: Caldwell, Blomqvist e Fraga Vesti penalizzato di 25” dal la vittoria al compagno di squadra

Imola, 1° agosto 2019 – Dopo una seconda analisi della gara di recupero, la quarta del fine settimana, Frederik Vesti (Prema Powerteam) è stato penalizzato di 25” anziché 10” per aver tamponato, durante il regime di safety car, la Tatuus di Sophia Floersch, che ha perso così diverse posizioni.

Per via di questa nuova decisione dei giudici di gara la vittoria va a Olli Caldwell (Prema Powerteam), che certamente merita la vittoria grazie ad un passo molto veloce ed una costanza e concretezza da campione. Dietro di lui Isac Blomqvist (Kic Motorsport) e Igor Fraga (DR Racing by RP Motorsport)

Il prossimo appuntamento con il Formula Regional European Championship certified by FIA sarà a Barcellona dal 20 al 22 settembre pv.

Carlo Forni Head of Press Office – Capo Ufficio Stampa | ACI Sport [email protected] Mobile: +39 3316806033