sf:sL lhNnf btf{ g+=M !!&¶@)^#¶)^$, x'nfs btf{ g+= )*¶@)^#¶)^$ gful/s kqsfl/tf

d]/f] sd{ynf] g]kfn BIOGRAPHY ß df;fcf] jfbf x]/fnf];fKtflxs k]h % Page-8 üjif{x]/fnf] ! ;fKtflxsüc+s @& ü@)^$ c;f]h !* ut] z'qmaf/ üHeralo Weekly üFriday, Oct.5, 2007 ük[i7 * üd"No ó=%.° sfd rnfp k'n @& jif{ rNof] gofF k'n k|of]udf cfpg ce}m Ps jif{ afFsL

ßx]/fnf] Ao"/f] lng] u/]sf] kfOb}g . o:tf lsl;dsf hg;/f]sf/sf ;g\ @))& ljZj Oltxf;d} k'n b'3{6gfsf] jif{ Ifltsf ljifonfO{ ;/sf/n] cfTd;fy gubf{ ag]/ /x\of] . ljZjsf pRrtd dflgPsf k|fljlws gful/snfO{ /fi6õsf] k|d'v ;DklQ x'g\ eGg] s'/fdf bIftfdf agfOPsf cd]l/sf, hfkfg nufotsf ;/sf/n] cfTd;fy gu/]sf] k|i6 x'G5 . b]zdf jif]{gL k"0f{ k/LIf0f ul/b} cfPsf ePtfklg ® k'/fgf] k'nsf] lgdf{0f k'n v:g uPsfn] 7"nf] wghgsf] Iflt eof] . k'/fgf] k'nsf] lgdf{0f )#& ;fndf OlGhlgo/ ljsl;t /fi6õx? t b'3{6gfsf] lhDd]jf/L ;/sf/L jL/]Gb| axfb'/ b]phfsf] lg/LIf0fdf ul/Psf] kIfsf] sdhf]/Lsf] sf/0fn] ePsf] :jLsf/ ub{5g\ . elgPtfklg ;8s ljefu;£u k'n lgdf{0f ;dosf] t/ ljsf;lzn /fi6õ eg] k'n b'3{6gf x'g ;Sg] s'g} klg sfuhft gePsf] ;8s ljefu atfp£5 . ;Defjgf b]Vbf b]Vb} klg dd{t ;Def/ tyf k'gM s'g} klg k|df0f gePsf] pQm k'n z'?sf] cj:yfdf lgdf{0f gul/sg} kG5g] / lhDd]jf/L af]w gug]{ s;/L l8hfOg ul/of] / s;/L :yfkgf ul/of] cj:yfdf /xG5g\ . eGg] s'/f yfxf kfpg c;Dej g} b]lvG5 . @)#^ ;fndf tTsflng ;dosf] ljhok'/sf] rfOgf ® ;dodf k'n aGg g;Sg'sf] sf/0f k'n vf]nfn] aufP/ nu]kl5 sfd rnfpg eg]/ ;dodf k'n aGg g;Sg'sf] sf/0f k|fljlwsx? lj/u~h cDn]u~h v08df gof£ kSsL k'n ag]kl5 s]Gb|Lo of]hgfdf ljhok'/sf] k'n dxTjdf kg{ g;s]sf lgsflnPsf] k'/fgf] c:yfoL k'nnfO{ ljhok'/ vf]nfdf sf/0fn] of]hgfdf gk/]sf] atfp£5 . csf]{tkm{ kf]v/]nL k'/fg} k'nsf] hudfly /flvof] . gof£ k'nsf] lgdf{0f gful/sx? ljsf; sfo{df s'g} rf;f] b]vfpg] gePsf sfo{ g;lsP;Dd pQm k'nnfO{ c:yfoL ?kdf sf/0fn] /fli6õo:t/sf] rf;f]sf] ljifo of] aGg ;s]g . b'O{¶tLg jif{sf nflu k|of]udf Nofpg eg]/ /flvPtf /fhg}lts kf6L{sf g]tfx? hgtfsf k|ltlglw elgPtfklg klg @& jif{;Dd gof£ k'n gaGbf pxL c:yfoL k'ng} ljleGg of]hgfdf cfPsf] /sd cfk\mgf lghL If]qdf k[YjL/fhdfu{sf] d'Vo gfsfdf ;jf/L cfjudgsf] n}hfg cft'/ b]lvG5 eg] o:tf] ;+j]bgzLn k'nsf] d]?b08 eP/ /lxcfPsf] 5 . k'n k|j]z ug'{eGbf lgdf{0fdf s]Gb|Lo :t/df pgLx?n] jsfnt u/]sf] l7s cufl8 clwstd t]x| 6g ef/ Ifdtf eg]/ b]Vg kfOPsf] 5}g . ;8s ljefun] klg oqf] nfdf] 7"nf cIf/df /flvPtfklg ;8s ljefusf OlGhlgo/ ;do;Dd o:tf] vt/f cj:yfdf /x]sf] k'nsf] ;Üfdf leu'{/fh clwsf/L c? s'g} gfsf gePsf sf/0fn] :yfoL ?ksf] k'n agfpg] egL vf;} 7f]; ?kdf cToGt ef/L :sfe]6/ ;8s ljefu cfkm}n] Nofpg tfs]tf u/]sf] kfOb}g . afWo ePsf] s'/f :jLsf/ u5{g\ . ® dd{t ;Def/ M !# 6g Ifdtf ePsf] ljhok'/ k'ndf Pp6} 8]sdf u'8]sf] e/L 6\of+s/, luÜL af]s]sf] ldgL 6õs / dfnjfxs aGb nc/L . ;8s dd{tsf nflu NofOg] 7"nf] Ifdtfsf cToGt @& jif{ cufl8 c:yfoL ?kdf /flvPsf] ef/L ;jf/L ;fwgx? ;8s ljefu :jo+ xf];\ jf j]lnla|hsf] dd{t ;Def/ jif]{gL s'lxP/ uPsf s]xL ® gof£ k'n lgdf{0f sfo{ g;Sg] egL k'g/fj]bg uëof] . @$ dlxgfsf] 5f]6f] u/L bl/nf] ;Demf}tf u/]kl5 klg lsg lgdf{0f c? s'g} k|fOe]6 sDkgL ;a}n] pxL k'/fgf] c:yfoL sf7x? km]l/g] u/]sf] / uf8L u'8\g] 7fp£sf] kftf gof£ k'n lgdf{0fsf nflu 6]08/ k|lqmof dfkm{t ;dodf lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ug'{kg]{ cGoyf ;8s sDkgL;£u o:tf] nrstf b]vfO/x]sf] 5 of] k'naf6} kf]v/f leq\ofPsf] s'/f 5n{® 5 . km]g]{ ul/Psf] ;8s ljefun] hfgsf/L lbPsf] 5 . BT/ELITE/BP/Adventure JV eGg] sDkgL 5gf}6df ljefun] ljuf] e/fO{ kfpg] eGg] bl/nf] ;Demf}tf cfZro{sf] ljifo ag]sf] 5 . lgwf{l/t ;doeGbf @$ jif{ al9 rln;s]sf] of] ® efjL b'3{6gfsf ;Defjgfx? k/]sf] lyof] . @)^) ;fn h]i7 dlxgfaf6 @$ ePtfklg ;8s ljefun] 6]08/ /2 gu/L pQm ® gof£ k'nsf] ;+/rgf k'ndf cfGtl/s agfj6df s'g} ;d:of cfof] eg] ;8s ljefusf OlGhlgo/ leu'{/fh clwsf/L dlxgfleqdf pQm k'nsf] lgdf{0f sfo{ k'/f ug]{ sDkgLnfO{ sfddf lg/Gt/tf lbg eg]sf] 5 . @)^@ l:6n 6õ:6 cf/l;l; 8]lsî k|ljlwsf] of] k'ndf u'l8/x]sf ofq'afxs a;, :s"n a; cflb atfp£5g\° §§k|fs[lts ljgf; eo eGbf afx]s k'n elgPtfklg @)^# ;fn kmfNu'0f;Dd ;8s ljefun] h]i7df ;Sg' kg]{ eg]/ lbPsf] 6]08/ xfn @)^$ gof£ k'nsf] nDafO{ %$ ld6/ 5 . & ld6/ kg{ uPdf 7"nf] ;+Vofdf dfgj Iflt x'g] ;Defjgf b'3{6gf u|:t x'g] ;Defjgf 5}g .•• t/ csf{ tkm{ pQm sDkgLnfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{ k'/f ug{ yk ;do c;f]hdf ;8s ljefu pQm lgdf{0f sfo{ k'/f x'g rf}8fO{df km}lnPsf] of] k'ndf bf]xf]/f] uf8L w]/} /xG5 . w]/} o:tf lsl;dsf b'3{6gfdf pgL eG5g\° s'n ef/ Ifdtf !# 6g elgPsf] lbPtfklg pQm sDkgLn] cfsl:ds lgdf{0f ;fdu|Ldf yk Ps jif{ nfUg] s'/f atfp£5 . ;8s ljefun] u'8fpg ;lsg]5 . k'nsf] b'j} d'vdf @¶@ ;DalGwt lgsfo b'3{6gfsf] hfgsf/L lbP/ cfkm\gf] pQm k'ndf !# 6g eGbf al9 ef/ Ifdtf ePsf ePsf] j[l4sf sf/0f cfkm"n] yk lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ sfuhL k|lqmof ;a} k'/f u/]/ 6]08/ k|lqmof k'/f ;o ld6/sf] af6f] lgdf{0f ul/g]5 . bfloTjnfO{ kbf{ k5fl8 g} /fVg] ub{5g\ . ;Defljt ;jf/L ;fwg u'8]df k'n b'3{6gf u|:t x'g ;S5 . b'3{6gfnfO{ dWogh/ ub}}{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] k'n, ;8s ljefusf] / lgdf{0f sDkgLsf] 7"nf] lgdf{0f s]cfOl;+x k'n w/fkdf k'n];fx?df /flvPsf jiff}{b]lv dd{t gul/Psf tyf sfo{df k|of]u ul/g] ;jf/L ;fwgx? eg] $)°%) nfdf] ;do;Dd k|of]udf cfO;s]sf k'nx? gof£ 6gsf x'G5g\ . tL uf8Lx? ljhok'/s} c:yfoL :yfgLo s]cfOl;+x k'n lh0f{ x'£b} uPsf lgdf{0fdf rf;f] b]vfpg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . g]kfndf k'naf6 k'nsf] lgdf{0f eP otf kf]v/f leq\ofpg] sf/0f k'nsf jl/k/L a:g] afl;Gbfx? b'3{6gfnfO{ b'3{6gfsf] ?kdf dfq} lng] t/ To;af6 ul/Psf] 5 . jt{dfg ;dodf klg k'nsf] Pp6} lrlGtt ePsf 5g\ . k'nsf] huklÜ / k'Ug uPsf] dfgj Iflt tyf ef}lts Ifltsf] s'g} 8]sdf ef/L ;jf/L ;fwgx? tLg°rf/ j6f u'8fp£b} aLrdf 7"nf 7"nf vf8n kg{ uPsf] / klg b'Mv / lhDd]jf/L ;DalGwt lgsfo / ;/sf/n] u/]sf] b]Vg kfOG5 . pQm vf8ndf nfdf] ;do;Dd kfgL hld/x£bf k'nsf] 9nfgleq kfgL k:g uO{ /8x? lvof nfUg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . o;/L s'/f] a'lemof] î nfdf] ;do;Dd kfgL /xg uPdf s+lqm6 ljZj/fh k/fh'nL :6Sr/ sdhf]/ x'£b} hfg] / s'g} lbg k'n Kings Ifltu|:t x'g ;Sg] s'/fn] :yfgLo afl;Gbfx? sf] lj1fkg /fVg] lrlGtt ePsf x'g\ . lbk a:g] :yfgLo czf]s s'df/ u'?î eGg'x'G5° §nfdf] ;do;Dd o;/L vfN8fdf hd]sf] kfgL / u'8\g] uf8Lx?sf sf/0f k'nsf] cfo' sd x'£b} uPsf] 5 .• jxf£ yKg'x'G5° ljleGg :yfgLo lgsfodf o;sf] hfgsf/L k6s°k6s k'ëofOPtfklg lgsfox?n] Wofg glbPsf] atfpg'x'G5 . s]cfOl;+x k'ndf s'g} lsl;dsf] ;d:of cfPdf kf]v/f gu/IF]qleq /x]sf] lbk, nfdfrf}/, af6'n]rf}/ hf]8\g] c? s'g} af6f] gePsf]n] ;/sf/n] 7"nf] hf]lvd p7fpg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . :yfgLo ;jf/L rfnsn] ;jf/L rnfpg sl7g ePkl5 k'n / ;8sdf k/]sf vfN8fx? k'g{sf nflu cfkm}n] 9'®f, luÜL NofP/ ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg u/]sf 5g\ . o;/L :yfgLo :t/df ul/Psf] ;8ssf] dd{tn] slt ;do;Dd rNg] xf] eGg] k|Zg :yfgLoaf;Lx? ub{5g\ .

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 1 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM x]/fnf]x]/fnf] ;fKtflxs ;fKtflxs @)^$ c;f]h !* ut] z'qmaf/ @ kqsf/ dxf;+3sf] lj/f]w h'n'; /fds[i0f6f]n°u0f]z6f]n ;8s ag]g ¶x]/fnf] ;Djfbbftf u+ufw/ k/fh'nLn] kqsf/ lxhf] klg dxf;+3sf ;efklt O{Zj/L cf]emf, ¶x]/fnf] ;Djfbbftf gx'Fb} klg k'g lgdf{0f ul/Psf] t/ lSns b df]d]G6 kf]v/f´kqsf/ dxf;+3 lg/s'ztfsf] la?4 n8], cfh klg 8f=an/fd pkfWoo /]UdL Hof]ltif kf]v/f´nfdf] ;dob]lv b'b{zf df o:tf] rfk Joxf]l//x]sf] ;8ssf] o:tf] sf:sLn] k|];dflysf] x:tIf]k k|];dfly ePsf] x:tIf]k lj?4 kqsf/ dxf;+3sf cWoIf, /fds[i0f6f]náu0f]z6f]n ;8s /x]sf] b'b{zf x'Öbf gu/kflnsf d'sbz{s 5 . bdf}nL a;, v}/]gL6f/ a;, ePsf]df /f]z k|s6 u5{g\ . tTsfn aGb ug{ / k]|; n8gk/]sf] elg atfpb} o:tf qmflGtsf/L kqsf/ dxf;+3sf ledfb a;, a]ugf;tfn ?6sf :yfgLo g]tf ®o s[i0fk|;fb k/fh'nL :jtGqtfsf] Uof/]G6L x'g'kg{ eGb} lqmofsnfk gug{ dfcf]jflbnfO{ pkfWoIo lqe'jg kf}8]n a;x?, gu/a;, dfOqmf]af; c? / 1fgaxfb'/ sf]O/fnfn] ;8ssf] lgdf{0f d+unaf/ la/f]w h'n'; kf]v/fdf cfu|x ug'{eof] . nufotsf dxfg'efjx?n] k|]; lghL / Joj;flos w]/} lsl;dsf sfo{ t'?Gt z'? ug]{ :yfgLoafl;GbfnfO{ lgsfn] . sfg"gd} xftdf lnP/ ul/Psf :jtGqtfsf] Uof/]G6L ug{ ;jf/L ;fwgx? u'8\g] of] ;8s cfZjf;g lbPtfklg pgLx? kf6L{sf pQm lj/f]w h'n';df g]kfn tf]8kmf]8, ;+rf/dfWod ;/sf/;Fu dfu /fVg' eof] . ljut &á* jif{b]lv k'g lgdf{0f sfo{stf{df dfq} ;Lldt ePsf] s'/f kqsf/ dxf;+3sf k"j{ cWoIf z'/]z ;+rf/sdL{dfly wfjf af]Ng] k|j[ltn] sfo{qmd g]kfn kqsf/ dxf;+3 ul/Psf] 5}g . gu/kflnsfdf o; :yfgLo afl;Gbfx? atfpF5g\ . cfrfo{n] g]kfnL hgtfnfO{ dfcf]jflbnfO{ kmfO{bf gx'g] elg sf:sLsf ;efklt /ljGb| j8fdf k|ltlglwTj ug]{ lhDd]jf/ kf]v/fnfO{ ;8s lgdf{0f sfo{df g]kfnd} ;+rf/dflysf] x:tIf]k ;}xo gx'g] d]rL dxfsfnL ldl8of ;f];fO{6Lsf afF:tf]nfsf] ;efkltTjdf ;DkGg kbdf /x]sf k|ltlglw x? ePtfklg k|z+;f ul/Ptfklg o;n] IftljIf]t eg]/ atfpg' eof] . r;+f/dfWod cWoIo dfwj zdf{n] ePsf] lyof] . pQm la/f]w h'n'z pgLx?sf] sfd eg]sf] kbdf a:g] eO;s]sf] ;8s dd{t gul/Psf]df hlxn] klg hgtfsf] k5]df / atfpg'eof] . g]kfn kqsf/ dxf;+3 sf:sLsf] dfq} xf] eGg] s'/f k|i6 ePsf] 5 . :yfgLoafl;Gbfx? gu/kflnsf;Fu ;/sf/sf] ljkIf]df x'G5, k|];dfly To; sfo{qmddf g]kfn kqsf/ kf]v/f gofFahf/l:yt sfof{noaf6 :yfgLoaf;Lx? l;dnrf}/, t'?Gt lgdf{0f sfo{ z'? ug{ hf]8bf/ clwgfosjfb al9 /x]sf] 5 . o;sf] dxf;+3sf pk;efklt /fhaxfb'/ z'? eO{ lrKn]9'öf, dx]Gb|k'n l;4fy{rf]s v08 ;jf/L rfk gx'Fbf dfu ub{5 . /f]uyfd g]kfnL hgtfn] ug'{ kg]{ u'?ë, kqsf/ dxf;+3sf ;lrj eLd;]grf]sdf k'lu ;efdf eg]/ atfpg' eof] . pxfFn] /fhfn] /fds[i0f 1fjnL, x]d/fh a/fn kl/0ft ePsf] lyof] . h'n';df lg/+s'ztf nfb] h:t} dfcf]jflbn] k|]; o'lgog sf:sLsf cWoIo, xl/ ;xefuLx?n] k|]; :jtGqtfsf] PrcfOeL P8\; laifodf jsfnt uf]i7L klg ;+rf/dfly lg/+s'z nfb\g afF:tf]nf k|]; rf}tf/Lsf cWoIf, Uof/]G6L x'g'k5{, k|];dflysf] ¶a'l4;fu/ 9sfnßx]/fnf] zfvf Joj:yfks a'l4an /Dt]n, vf]h]sf] eg]/ eg'eof] . ;+rfl/sf ;d"xsf klZrdf~rn x:tIf]k tTsfn aGb ug'{kg]{ kf]v/f´c;f]h !#, 8f=uf]laGb u'?ë, ljdnf e08f/L, t:jL/ M x]/fnf] kqsf/ dxf;+3sf pk;efklt ;+of]hs b'uf{ e08f/L, sfe|] kqsf/ nufotsf dfu /fv]sf lyP . PrcfO{eL´P8\; ;DaGwdf 1fg]Gb| lqkf7L, /d]z cfrfo{ / cfO=Pg=Pkm= kfn'jfsf] cfof]hgfdf PrcfOeL ;+qmldt nIdL kf]v/f j8f g+= !% sf] l;4 df=lj=df k9\g] lbbLalxgL . hGdb} ckf® oL cToGt rnfv cd]l/sL kqsf/Äf/f k|lzIf0f sfo{qmd o'jf /]8qm; ;s{n u7g kf]v/f PgáKofA;g cGtut{sf clwsf/Ln] cfÇgf egfO{x? k|:t't ljBfyL{x?nfO{ cfO=Pg=Pkm=n] h'Dnfaf6 cWoogsf nflu kf]v/f NofPsf] xf] . :s"nx? / s]xL ;/sf/L ljBfnosf ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmdsf] tkfO{n] klg cfkm\gf] Sofd/f jf df]jfOnaf6 dfgjLo ?lr nfUg] ¶ k|fWofks Pj+ kqsf/Jbo alb|ljgf]b ¶x]/fnf] ;Djfbbftf x]/fnf] ;Djfbbftf lk|lG;knx?sf nflu jsfnt cWoIftf cfO=Pg=Pkm=sf:sLsf cfsif{s kmf]6f]xå lvRg'ePsf] 5 eg] xfdLnfO{ k7fpg'xf];\ . /fd|f / kf]v/f´cd]l/sL kqsf/x?sf] k|lts / lbks >]i7n] kqsfl/tfsf] kf]v/f´Åd ;]jf u5'{¢ eGg] d'n uf]i7L xfn} ;DkGg eof] . sfo{qmd Joj:yfkg lxdfno b]j cfsif{s kmf]6fxå §lSn b df]d]G6• :tDedf tkfO{xåsf gfp©df Ps 6f]nLn] xfn} klZrdf~rn pRr pNn]vlgo ljsf;sf] nfuL gf/fsf ;fy hglk|o pRr df=lj=sf ljBfyL{x?sf] ;~ho /]UdLsf] cWoIftfdf To; sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g :yfgLo l;Ub]nn] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . k|sflzt ug]{5f}+ . df=lj=df cGt/lqmof sfo{qmd cg'zfl;t / cWooglzn ljsf; clwsf/L s]bf/gfy zdf{n] pmQm sfo{qmddf PrcfOeL uèof] . cGt{lqmofdf dfgljsL kqsf/sf] vfFrf] /x]sf] g]kfn o'jf /]8qm; ;s{n hglk|o pRr df=lj= u7g u/]sf 5g\ . ug'{ePsf] lyof] . PrcfOeL´P8\; ;+qmldt afnaflnsfx?sf] z}lIfs klAns]zgsf dhb"/sf] cfGbf]ng ;+sfo, kqsfl/tftkm{sf sIff !! cf}Nofpg'eof] . Go"lgs/0fsf nflu z}lIfs If]qdf clwsf/ ;'lglZrt ug{sf] nflu k|d'v cltly l8NnL/fd a/fnn] ¶ r]tfjgL lbg'eof] . / !@ ul/ &) hgf ljBfyL{sf] cGt{lqmofsf] bf}/fgdf ljBfyL{sf] JolQmTj ljsf; ;fdflhs sfo{/t JolQmx?sf] klg dxTjk"0f{ e]befj / nf~5gf x6fpg'kg]{ x]/fnf] ;Djfbbftf kf]v/f´ljut s]xL lbg] To;}u/L z+s/ Gof}kfg]n] ;xeflutf /x]sf] lyof] . ljBfly{x?Jbf/f ;f]lwPsf] ljleGg nIok|flKtsf nflu /]8qm; h:tf] e"ldsf /x]sf] s'/f eGg'eof] . To; laifodf 5nkmn ul/Psf] lyof] . cGt{lqmofdf cd]l/sfsf lh1f;fx?sf] hjfkm lbb} ljb]zL kljq ;+:yfdf nfUg ljBfyL{x?nfO{ sfo{qmddf Pkm=Pr=cfO{=cfzf sfo{qmddf ;effuLx?sf] tk{maf6 sflGtk'/ klAns]zgsf dhb"/sf] cfGbf]ng Joj:yfkg jfl;ö6gl:yt kqsf/x? 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Art related service ug'{x'g] pBf]uL, Jofkf/L, ;+3 ;+:yf

   laxfg & ah]b]lv a]n'sf % ah];Dd kf]v/fß!), OGb|rf]s E-mail: [email protected] / kf]v/]nL gful/sx? tyf /fli6ío :t/sf u'?x?nfO{ la;{g gx'g] eGb} kmf]gM)^!ß$#)**!

Cell Mob: 9846036956 s[t1tf JoQm ug'{eof] . ° lgjf{rg cfof]u

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zlgaf/ ;Dd ;don] ;fy lbg]5 . sfd ug]{ Ifdtfsf] zlgaf/;Dd ;don] Tolt ;fylbg]5}g . cfjZos eGbf of] ;ftf tkfO{sf]nflu dxTjk"0f{ g} /xnf . sfd sfhdf of] ;ftf ;do cg's"n g} b]lvG5 . t/ sfd ubf{ eg] Wofg a[if clej[l4 x'g]5 . cfkm\gf] sfddf cfkm\g} bvn x'g cfjZos al9 vr{ x'g]5 . Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 klg cfjZos d'gfkm j[lZrs cfPsf] ult/f]wsf] cGTo x'g]5 . gf]s/L tyf /fhgLlt lbP/, a'l4 ljj]sn] dfq ug'{ xf]nf . Jofkf/ Joj;foL b]lvG5 . /ljaf/ b]lv 3/of;L ;d:of a9\g]5g . ;Dkltsf] l;+x lng ;lsg] 5}g . cfOtaf/ b]lv d]xgt ubf{ s]lx pknlJw If]qaf6 klg nfeflGjt eO{g]5 . cfTdan a9\g]5 . s'De ljifonfO{ lnP/ ljjfb kg{ ;S5 . :jf:Yodf klg ;d:of b]vf gknf{ xfl;n x'g]5 . cfkm\gf] sfd 5f]8]/ cGtlt/ gnfUg'xf]nf . l/; / jf]nL b'j} ;fdflhs k|lti7fdf klg a9\nf . ;fdfGo k|of;af6 g} w]/}sfddf ;kmntf Tolt /fd|f] b]lvGg . lj/f]wLx? ;lqmo /xg] b]lvG5 . ef]h et]/df ;l/s eGg;lsGg . ;+od eO{ sfd ug'{ xf]nf . s'/f lgoGq0f ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 . ldNg]5 . ca;/sf] ;b'kof]u ug'{ xf]nf . x'g] of]u 5 . ofqf ug'{eGbf cl3 Wofg lbP/ dfq lx£8\g' xf]nf .

of] ;ftf u|xuf]r/ ;dfGotof cg's'n g} b]lvG5 . sfd ug]{ cfo cfh{gsf b[li6sf]0faf6 of] ;ftf /fd|} b]lvG5 . ;ftfsf] ;'?df s]lx emGem6 a]xf]g'{knf{ . cfkm'n] u/]sf efUon] Tolt ;fy lbg] b]lvGg . u/]sf sfdx? cw'/f g} / ldy'g hf];hfu/ a9\g]5 . cfkm\g} kxndf w]/} sfdsf] l5gf]kmfgf] sGof Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 klg cfo cfh{g a9\g]5 . ;ftfsf] wg' sfd gaGbf dgl;s tgfj klg a9\g]5 . :jf:Yodf klg ldg xnf . u/]sf sfdsf] k|ltkmn xft kg{ vf]h] klg c? x'g]5 . u/]sf sfd nfebfos / kmnbfoL g} xf]nfg . dWo] efudf uP/ vr{ a9\g]5 . em'Üf s'/fn] ;tfpg]5 . c;/ kg{;S5 . ljz]if u/]/ ?3f vf]lssf] k|sf]k al9 / s;}n] xft kfg{ ;Sg] of]u /x]sf] x'£bf cln rgfvf] eP/ Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 klg cfDbfgL a9\g]5 . Pp6f sfdsf] km};nf gul/ /fd|f];+u klxrfg gePsf JolQm;+u s/f]af/ gug'{ xf]nf . ljjfbdf xft xnf . cgfjZos sfddf ;do v]/ hfg]5 . d+unaf/ b]lv ;dodf ;'wf/ dfq ;f] sfd ug'{ xf]nf . k9fO{k|lt Tolt ?lr hfUg] b]lvb}g . cfn:otf cfsf]{ sfddf xft eg] gxfNg' xf]nf . gxfNg' xf]nf . sfddf :yfloTj lbg' kg]{ klg b]lvG5 . cfpg]\5 . sfddf k|ult xf]nf . pknlJw xfl;n x'g]5 . a9\g] b]lvG5 . ;ftfsf] cGTolt/ eg] /fd|} x'g]5 .

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 2 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM x]/fnf]x]/fnf] ;fKtflxs ;fKtflxs Uofn/L @)^$ c;f]h !* ut] z'qmaf/ # l;h{gf Tolta]nf ^ kf; u/]kl5 Gofolwz x'g kfOGYof] cljZjf;sf] v]tL ;"o{sf] ls/0f ;Fu;Fu} hLjg 9nL hfFb}5 cfkm"n] lsg cfkm}nfO{ 6f9f 6f9f nfFb}5 u'?nfO{ dlxgfsf] #) ?k}of£ lbg] uf]Zjf/fn] clxn]sf] lhNnf k|zf;gsf] sfd uYof]{ . ;a} k|yd k/LIff hLjgsf] uf]/]6f]df x/]; vfO;s]F /fwf afF:tf]nf klg uf]Zjf/fd} uP/ lbg' kYof]{ . k|yd k/LIff kf; u/]kl5 d dWod w]/};Fu dfof u/]/ klg wf]sf kfO;s]F elgPtfklg pxf£sf] cfzo a'e]m/ &), k/LIffsf] nflu sf7df08f} uP£ / kf; klg eP£ . &% g} lbg] lgwf] ul/of] . u'? k9fpg Tolta]nfsf gfoj /fO6/, /fO6/, j}bf/ clg jNn d'lvof hLjgsf] x/]s kfOnfdf lgi7'/Lsf] dfof x'GYof] . oL 7"nf k|lt:kwf{ kbx? lyP . ;'Aafn] t If]q g} xNnfp£Yof] . km]jftfnsf] lgnf] /xdf lxdr'nLsf] 5fofF sf:sL /Xof] 3/af6 s:sf] /xG5 /fh w'/Gw/ x'g'x'GYof] . pxf£ cfkm\gf] kl/ ;'Aafsf] 7"nf] kx'£r x'GYof] To; ;do . pm a]nf P;=Pn=;L= eg]s} PSnf]kgdf t8\lkG5 wf]sf kfO{ cfh ro lb£bf cfkm" k"0f{lbk a/fnsf] ljBfyL{ lyPg . Dofl6õS; ug{] eg]sf] 7"nf] cWoog x'GYof] . Dofl6õS; k9\g] 7fp£ gePsfn] d}n] dWodf u/]£ . clxn] P3f/ kf; ;/x xf] dWodf . k|]d ug]{ xhf/ dWo] dd{ Psn] a'lemlbof} ePsf] 3d08 ug'{x'GYof] . lghfdlt k|yd k/LIff kf; ^ kf; ;/x x'GYof] eg] lghfdlt dWod ;Fu} hLpg] jfrf 5f8L ltdLn] s] sf] abnf lnof} Tolta]nf ufp£df s'g} :s"n / u'? gePsf sf/0f xfdLn] k/LIff kf; % kf; x'GYof] . b'j} u/]/ ^ / %, !! kf; u/] a/fa/ ljZjf; ulb{g cab]lv ;a} hgfnfO{ ^, & hgfn] dgf]x/L lqkf7LnfO{ xfdLn] k9fpg cg'/f]w uëof}+ . x'GYof] . plta]nf ^ kf; u/]kl5 Gofoflwz x'g kfOGYof] . wf]sf lbP/ klg d]/f] dg} rf]g]{nfO{ zt{df pxf£nfO{ dlxgfsf] #) ?k}of£ lbg'kg]{ lyof] . xfdLn] k9\g d}n] !& jif{ x'£bf g} !* jif{sf] sfuh kq agfP/ k|x/L ;]jfdf x[bosf] ;fu/df n'sfPsf] lyPF e'n g} eP5 z'? uëof} . u'?sf] cfudgsf] va/n] w]/} ljBfyL{ k9\g cfP . k|j]z u/]£ . Tof] a]nf k9] n]v] k|x/LnfO{ Sns{ agfOGYof] . Sns{n] kljq k|]ddf ;ky vfO{ 5f]8L hfg] lgi7'/L /x]5 &), &% hgf ljBfyL{ eP . xfdLn] Ps°Ps ?k}of£ dlxgfsf] n]vf kl9 uëof} / pgLx?n] o'lgkmd{ nufpg kb}gYof] . Tof] a]nfsf] ca km]l/ lhGbuLdf ljZjf; ulb{g ltg]{ lgwf] uëof}+ . u'?nfO{ dlxgfsf] #) ?k}of£ lbg] elgPtf d]/f of]Uotf w]/} lyof] . d]/f] sfd / lzIffn] a9'jf x'g dnfO{ w]/} s'g{ s;n] rf]vf] k|]d u5{ Tof] d hflGbg klg pxf£sf] cfzo a'e]m/ &), &% g} lbg] lgwf] ul/of] . u'? k/]g . d ;/f;/ a9'jf x'£b} uP£ . d OG;k]S6/ x'£bf dflg;x? u8'/sf] km"naf/Lá!!, kf]v/f k9fpg w'/Gw/ x'g'x'GYof] . pxf£ cfkm\gf] kl/ro lb£bf cfkm" 5f£of k/]sf] ;k{ h:tf x'Gy] . xfdLn] Tof]a]nf km"nsf] dfnf nufof}+ . k"0f{lbk a/fnsf] ljBfyL{ ePsf] 3d08 ug'{ x'GYof] . k"0f{ lbk clxn] k|x/Ln] uf]nLsf] dfnf nufp£5g\ . e|i6frf/ a9]sfn] clxn] 5nsf] dfof To;a]nfsf Tof] If]qs} @, # ljifodf cfrfo{ u/]sf / ;/sf/L k|x/Lk|lt hgtfsf] ;Ddfg w]/} 36]/ uPsf] 5 . k|x/Ldf x'£bfsf w]/} km"n ;Dem]/ l6k]sf] lyPF sfF8f ag]/ uof] pRrtd txsf sd{rf/L x'g'x'GYof] . u'? dgf]x/L lqkf7Ln] s'g} 36gf dWo] Pp6f 36gf ;'gfp£5' . kj{tdf )$$ ;fndf ;d] u'?î ;f]r]sf] d}n] cfkm\gf] agfpg] c?sf] g} eof] ;kgf h:t} x'g k'u]5 d]/f] kljq dfof km/dn lzIff glnPtfklg cfkm\gf] :jcWoogn] kf/+ut eGg]nfO{ dLgaxfb'/ eGg] k|wfgk~rn] dfëof] . dLgaxfb'/ Toxf£ Tolta]nfsf] ^& jifL{o n]vgfy e08f/L cd[t kf}8]n x'g'x'GYof] . pxf£ xfdLx?nfO{ ef;f]tL, e"t lrGtfdl0f, c®lsGb' :j3f]lift k|wfgk~r lyof] . d}n] uP/ To;nfO{ ks\8]/ NofP£ / cbfntdf lbgdf klg /ftdf klg dfofsf] g} 5fofF ;]v/ h:tf Hof]ltif zf:qsf lstfa k9fpg' x'GYof] . a'emfP£ . kl5 Tof] tf/]vd} km/f/ eof] . p;nfO{ bz jif{sf] ;hfo£ ;'uGwsf] ?kdf pgL xfF;L v'zL cfOg\ kl5 csf]{ ufp£df :s"n v'n]sf] ;'g]/ xfdL ToxL :s"nlt/ ;'gfOPsf] lyof] . Tof] a]nf dLgaxfb'/ /fodfemL lhNnf Gofoflwz aHo}sf] kf]v/f ha pgsf] Kof; d]l6of] ta pgL uOg\ nfUof}+ . Tolta]nf tf/fef6, s[i0f, x]dnfn cflb w]/} ;fyLx? x'g'x'GYof] . pxf£ cToGt ;/n x'g'x'GYof] . of] If]qdf 7"nf 36gf 36\bf ul/asf] of] hLjgnfO{ v]njf8 ;Dem]/ o; :s"ndf tLg sIffdf ;£u} cWoog u/]sf lyof}+ . kl5 s]° 36gf 5fgljgsf nflu dnfO{ v6fOGYof] . d k|x/L ;]jfdf /x£bf d]/f] lghfdlt k|yd k/LIff kf; ^ kf; wgnfO{ g} ;ayf]s ;Dem]/ uOg\ uDs]/ sf/0fn] Tof] :s"n aGb eof] . xfdL km]l/ dgf]x/L u'?;£u} sfdnfO{ nfdf] ;do;Dd k|x/Lsf] pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf lng] ul/GYof] . km"n ;DemL ;hfPy]F dgsf] b/af/df k9\g yfNof}+ . Tolta]nf xfdL y/s6f] lnP/ :s"n hfGYof}+ . h;sf sf/0f dnfO{ tSdfx? klg lbOPsf 5g\ . pm ;do OHht lyof] ;/x x'GYof] eg] lghfdlt dWod k/LIff wf]sf lbO{ vl;g ca d]/f] gh/df v'nf rf}/df ljBfyL{ /fv]/ u'?n] k9fpg' x'GYof] . d}n] kl5 k|x/L cfkm\gf] sfd b]vfP/ dof{lbt x'Gy] . d !&, !* jif{;Dd OG:k]S6/ kf; % kf; x'GYof] . b'j} u/]/ ^ / %, km"n ;hfPsf] r'N7f] e/L d':sfg 5b}{ w'jfvf]nfsf ;f]dgfy u'?sf a'af dfOnf kl08t;£u sf}d'bL x'£bf lhNnf k|d'v eP/ /x]£ . d tgx'£sf] lhNnf OGrfh{ /x£bf v/]n cfFz' emg{ yflnlbG5' pgsf] k|]dnfO{ ;DemFb} k9]sf] x'£ . pxf£n] sf}d'bLsf] Znf]s ld7f];£u jfrg ug'{x'G5 . lrtjgsf OGrfh{ lyP . b'O{ jif{ t d sfo{jfxs l8=P;=lk=eP/ klg !! kf; u/] a/fa/ x'GYof] . plta]nf ^ ca pgsf] ldng t ;Demgfdf dfq /Xof] xfdLn] sf}d'bLdf n3', dWo], l;4fGt cflb k9\Yof}+ . sfd u/]£ . kl5 gof£ k':tfsf w]/} of]Uotf ePsf k|x/L ;]jfdf k|j]z kf; u/]kl5 Gofoflwz x'g kfOGYof] . wf]sf lbg' eGbf klxNo} lsg gh/df eof} d}n] k|yd k/LIff uf]Zjf/fdf uP/ lbPsf] lyP£ . plta]nfsf] u/] . d]/f] of]Uotfn] EofPg, d l/6fo{8 eP£ . k|:t'tL M ;'dg a:g]t km"n rflxF ?vaf6 v;L sfF8f dfq /Xof] sf]dn dgnfO{ lr/f kf/L lj5f]8]/ uof] x+;k'/á%, sf:sL x[bo leqsf] aflx/L x[bo ;lx k|]d k|]d Pp6f ljZjf; xf] k|]d Pp6f cf:yf xf] lyPg . lgb{oL dflg;x?sf] hdftdf d]/f] cufl8 ltgLx?n] cfkm\gf pknAwL 5 . k]|d Pp6f zlQm xf] x]/fnf] sfG5f To;}n] d rfxG5' pgL cf©vfdf zAbx? dfkm{t pgLnfO{ gî\Uofpg] k|of; eof] . lgzAb ePsf] d csf]{ hdftdf k;]£ . hdft clt ;fgf] cfhsfnsf] k|]d d lgzAb g} /xg ;lsg / ltgLx? dfem zAbx?sf c:q ;:qx? lyof], b'O{ rf/ hgfsf] . d Ps hgf ylkP£ . k|]d Pp6f wf]sf xf] klÑ af©w]/ nufd nufPsf] 3f]8f t]:of{P£ . d rfxGy]£ tL c:q ;:q zAbx?n] ltgLx?nfO{ 3fOt] d]/f cf£vfx? klqsflt/ bf}8b} lyP, crfgs k|]d Pp6f 3ft xf] agfcf];\ / ltgLx? cy{lxg hLjgsf] e"d/Ldf k?g\ . Pshgf dlxnfn] efO eg]/ ;Daf]wg ul/g\ . k|]d Pp6f cljzfk xf] h:t} cfkm\gf zAbx?sf] k|]d, d d]/L pgLsf nflu cfsfz h:t} km/flsnf] eOlbg dg d}n] k'n'Ss x]/]£, xh'/ zAbsf] pRrf/0f ub}{ nfU5 . hn h:t} zLtn eOlbg dg nfU5 . ;fu/ h:t} pgsf ;'dw'/ zAbx?sf] hfnf]n] cfzfltt ß;lGbk kf}8]n k|b'if0f ;dk{0f, ;+sNk / kl/kSjtfdf ;bf ulx/f] eOlbg dg nfU5 . cfuf] h:t} t]h eOlbg dg nfU5 / pQ/x?sf] af6f] vf]h]sf lyP . tL dlxnfn] xfjfsf] h:t} a]u eOlbg dg nfU5 . dg olt zlQmzfnL 5 ls pgLsf] af/]df ;f]lwg\ . tkfO{n] pgLnfO{ v} stf stf b]v] g]kfndf Pp6f o:tf] ;d:of x]/ af©lwg' k5{ . af©lwg' leq d}n] s'g} d]/f af6f]sf sf£8fx?nfO{, 5'Nofxf gf/bx?nfO{, z+sfsf] ljif lrGg'x'G5 < d :tAw eP£ . Psl5g s]xL h:tf] nfU5 k"l0f{dfsf Tof] g} clxn] k|b'if0fdf lrlg/x]sf] 5 s]= Pd= 9sfn x:tIf]ksf] l;4fGt k|of]u u/]sf] af]s]/ pgLnfO{ sf/s]/ ug]{x?nfO{, tL ah|'sx?nfO{ cfuf]sf] af]Ng ;lsg jf rflxg dnFO{ clxn] ;Demgf /ftx?df Psl5g g]kfnsf k|b'if0fx? w]/} k|sf/sf 5g\ t]hn] hnfOlbp£ / Tof] hn]sf] v/fgL ;d]t xfjfn] p8fP/ nf]k 5}g . t/ d Psl5gsf nflu /fNkm kl5 pgL lanfp©l5g\ , tL /fhgLlts k|b'if0fdf e"ld, hn, xfjf xf]Og s]jn cfkm\gf jrgx?sf], u/fOlbp£ . km]l/ ;f]Wg afWo x'G5 of] dg pgLn] eg]sf zAbx? Pln;gsf] Invisible Man x'g dg nfUof], k|b'if0fn] xfd|f] clwsf/ vf]l;/x]sf] 5 ;£u} . pgLsf] egfO{ o:tf] lyof]° §d t tkfO{sf] n]vdf n]v] d eOlbP£ . d}n] pgLnfO{ cfkm"leq} n'sfP ljbf gdfuL hflG5g\, km]l/ Ps dlxgf s] Tof] k|b'if0f sf] xf] xfdLnfO{ hfGg] OR5f 5 cfkm\gf s;dx?sf], cfkm\gf h:t} sf]/f sfuh x'£ . Pp6f sf]/f sk8f x'£ . k|ltIff ug'{;\ Tof] h:t} zAbx?nfO{ klg n'sfOlbP£ / eg]° §v} Tof] xfdLn] hfGg' kg]{5 sf]/f sfuhdf Tof] sf]/f sk8fdf s'g} bfu nfUg] 5}g / sf]/f stf stf b]v] h:tf] nfU5 k"l0f{dfsf /ftx?df s'g'{k5{ Tof] k"l0f{dfsf] k|b'if0f ug]{nfO{ xfdLn] wf]sf lbg'5 ;+sNkx?sf] bf;TjnfO{ c©ufNg' sfuh sf]/f g} kfpg' x'g]5 .• of] d]/f] klg k|fy{gf xf] . ;f£Rr} Psl5g kl5 pgL lanfp£l5g\ , ljbf gdfuL pHofnf]df pgLnfO{ k|b'if0f ug]{nfO{ xfdLn] bjfj lbg'5 pgL tg / dgsL sf]/f ;'Gb/L x'g\ . pgL efj'stfdf xf]Og . hflG5g\, km]l/ Ps dlxgf s'g'{k5{ Tof] x]g{ . pgLnfO{ t k5{ eg]sf] dfq . x[bosf] s'gfdf hf]ufO{ /fv]sf tL w8\sg zAbx?, s;dx? Ps° k"l0f{dfsf] pHofnf]df pgLnfO{ x]g{ . pgLnfO{ c©Wof/f]df /Dg] afgL lxhf] cl:t d]/f] dgsf] df};d ;fx|} v/fa eof] . slxn] Ps u/L d]/f] dl:tissf] kbf{df lk|G6 u/]sL 5g\ pgLn] . d]/f] t c£Wof/f]df /Dg] afgL k/]sf] 5 ls h:tf] hLjg uLt ™eLd /fgfef6 k/]sf] 5 em/Ln] cfqmfGt eof] t slxn] udL{sf] 6G6nfk'/ 3fdn] kl;gf dgn] slxn] sflx£ Gof;|f] nfu]/ dl:tissf] kmfOndf /fv]sf tL nfU5, hals pgsf] ;'Gb/tfdf s;}sf] cf£vf P vf]nf P xfjf lsg bf}l8Psf] < kl;gf agfof] . a]va/ ag]sL pgLsf] af/]df l6sf l6Kk0fL zAbx? kmfOn vf]n]/ ptfg]{ k|of; u5{ . gnfuf];\ . k"l0f{dfsf /ftx?df Psl5g cfp£l5g\, c£w]/L dgx?;£u lhGbuLsf] sfofkn6 v} t km]l/Psf] < eP d]/f sfgx?nfO{ ckljq agfpg bf]if s;}sf] 5}g . oxf£ zAbx?df, s;dx?df hLjg 5, w8\sg 5, pT;fx 5, v]Ng . hflG5g\ pHofnf] lnP/ t/ efjz'Go c£Wof/f] 5f]8]/ .• d o'uf}+ eof] lg/Gt/ /ut alu/f5 s]jn d]/f oL cefuL sfgx? j]jfl/;] eP/, a]va/ eP/ kljqtf 5, w}o{tf 5 . d]/f] pgLsf nflu pT;fx af]s]/ w}o{tfdf oxf£g]/ cln :jfyL{ eP£ lsgls cfkm";£u} pgLnfO{ klg Oglelhjn tKkátKk j]bgfsf] cfFz' eml//f5 lgn{Hhtfsf ;fy cfkm\gf] sfo/tfnfO{ pbf®f] agfO/x]sf lyP . a;]sf] dg h:t} . Pp6f sldnf ;fgf] Unf]jdf hLjge/ 3'ld/x] agfpg vf]h£] . tL dlxnfn] pgsf] af/]df k|z+;fsf kf]sfx? 5f]/flng\ . kfv'/Lsf] hf]z hfFu/ pln{P/ cf5 h:tf] pgL cfkm\gf] kvf{Odf hLjg latfpg' kb}{g . tg / dgsL pgLdf afT;fNotf 5, kl/kSjtf 5, dft[Tj efj 5, ;xgzLntf, d k|ltjfbdf pqg ;lsg lsgls d ljjz lyP£ . ;w}+ h:tf] kf]Vg] 7fpF gkfP/ To;} v]/ uf5 kljq ;'Gb/L dgsf] /fgLsf] qmfpg klxl/g] lbg Ps°Ps u/L dw'/tf, w}o{tf / dfofn' efjgf 5 . Ps dlxnfn] csf]{ dlxnfsf] d d]/f zAbx?df pgLnfO{ arfpg d zlQmzfnL lyOg, P gbL P 5fFuf] lsg bf}l8Psf] < 5f]l6b}5 . Tof] lbg pgLn] klx/]sf] qmfpgsf] lbg t]hn] z+sf af/]df o;/L k|z+;f u/]sf] ;fob d}n] klxnf]k6s ;'g]sf] x'g'k5{ . dha"t lyOg . d zlQmlIf0f u/fP/ a;]£ Tof] d]/f] afWotf lhGbuLsf] sfofkn6 v} t km]l/Psf]] < lyof] / d}n] pgLnfO{ hf]ufpg ;lsg . pgLnfO{ >fj0f af]s]sf c£w]/Lx? ljif af]s]sf cd[tx? lk5nÖ3' ag]sf gf/bx? / dlxnfx? c? dlxnfx?sf] ;'Gb/tf / u'0fx?sf] af/]df o;/L v'n]/ dflg;sf] lhGbufgL /ut ;'sL kfgL efb|sf] lntlnt] klx/f]df af/Daf/ aufpg] k|of; eof], ltgLx? ;s'gLx?nfO{ hnfO{lb£bf cfkm\gf] cfTddf hn]sf] bgbgL cfuf]nfO{ k|z+;f ug{ ;Sb}gg\ . d pgLsf k|z+;fsf zAbx?n] efjljef]/ eP/ ljb]zdf >dbfg sf]Onfsf vfgL ;kmn eP . d]/f] x[bon] dnfO{ em:sfp£5 / PsfGtdf cfkm} tfKg afWo x'g]5g\ . To;}n] d rfxG5' pgL cf£vfdf klÜ o;} x/fP5' . d]/f] w}o{tfsf] kvf{ndf klg cfh gof£ OÜf ylkP5 af]nfp£5 . d PsfGt s'gfdf l7® pleG5' . km]l/ d]/f] dl:tisn] af£w]/ nufd nuFPsf] 3f]8f h:t} cfkm\gf zAbx?sf] k|]d, ;dk{0f, h:tf] dxz'; eof] . d efjljef]/ eP/ w}o{tfdf klv{a;]5' . §eFO b]zsf] df6f] wfFhf kmf6\of] kL8f rls{P/ ToxL lgikÜ c£Wof/f] s'gfdf a:g cfu|x u5{ . dgleq / ;+sNk / kl/kSjtfdf ;bf af£lwg' k5{ . af£lwg' leq d}n] s'g} cf7 ?k}of£• tL dlxnfn] elgg\ . lbbL g]kfnL cf7df cw{ rGb| To;} sxfF cfpF5 ;fyL o'u ;lk|P/ aflx/ ;a} cf}+zL cf}+zLn] kf]ltG5' . dg o;/L pDn]sf] 5 ls x:tIf]ksf] l;4fGt k|of]u u/]sf] xf]Og s]jn cfkm\gf argx?sf], x'G5 . Eight Rupees lbG5' x} . 8 df b'O{ z'Gox?sf] ldng 5, P cfFwL P x'/L lsg bf}l8Psf] < ToxL s'gfdf yrSs a;]/ pHofnf] k|sfz gcfpg] a]nf;Dd cfkm\gf s;dx?sf], cfkm\gf ;+sNkx?sf] bf;TjnfO{ c£ufNg' k5{ aGwg 5, z'Go ;+;f/df . Tof] pgL k"l0f{dfsf] lbg xf] . dflg;sf] b'MvL hLjg v} t km]l/Psf] < w'?w'? /f]Olbp£ h:tf] . ;f£Rr} pgLnfO{ Tof] lntlnt] aufO{af6 eg]sf] dfq . 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Ifltk"lt{ s];sf 7f]; u'0f cju'0fdf cfl>t geP/ Gofolj1sf] k|of]u u5f}{+ . @_ Sofgf8fsf] ljlgk]u Doflg6f]afsf] afn x[bo rft'o{ / To; 36gfnfO{ ;+rf/ dfWodn] lbPsf] dxTjn] x'G5 . ?kdf lnof] . h;n] p;sf] cfly{s j[l4b/ Jofks !_ ;Defljt Ifltk'lt{ of]Uo 36gf . zNolrlsT;f ljefudf klg To:t} cj:yf lyof] . o; d'2f bfo/ ubf{ kLl8t kIfn] s];sf] t6:y u'0feGbf klg eP/ uof] . ;'Ggdf fPsf] 5 a]nfotn] klg ;g\ @))* @_ xfgLsf/s b'ik|ltlqmof . 36gfsf] ;ldIf0f k|ltj]bgsf lgZsif{ ;fx|} 3tnfUbf / efj'stf jz / cfk\mgf] Goflos ;Nnfxsf/sf] ts{sf cfwf/df nfO{ ljBfyL{ jif{sf ?kdf dgfp£b}5 . o:tf of]hgfx? kl5Nnf #) jif{df ePsf ;a} zf]wsfo{df oL b'O{ ;fGble{s ePsfn] d To;sf] ;ldIff oxL+ u5{' ubf{ /x]5g\ . kl/eflifs k|of]u ul/Psf 5g\ . o; ljifosf] zf]wsfo{df d[To'sf] sf/s s'g} Psn JolQmTj lyPg . clwstd kLl8tx?n] cleof]u rnfpFb}gg\, cleof]u rnfpg] c? o'/f]k]nL /fi6õx?n] l5Ü} Nofpg] s'/fdf vf;} ;Gb]x w]/} kmfOnx?sf] k'g/fjnf]sg cfjZos x'G5 . k|To]s zNo lrlsT;s cg'dlt k|fKt, k|lzlIft / Goflos?kdf clwstd kLl8tx?sf] xfgL q'l6hGo cklqmof®f/f x}g /x]5 / 5}g . ljsf;f]Gd'v /fi6õsf ljBfyL{x?nfO{ 7"nf] /sd lrlsT;ssf] dt lng} kg{] x'G5 . lrlsT;flj1fg oyfy{df of]Uo lyof] . Ifltk"lt{ klg xfgLsf] uDeL/tfsf] cg'kftdf k|bfg x'õ /x]5 . &)§ SofDk; lkm;, le;f lkm;, vfg], a:g], nfpg] vr{, k/dz'4 5}g -o; zf:qdf Pp6} ;d:ofsf] cg]s pkfo cg'ejsf] ;Ldfgf tf]Sg ;lsõ . To;sf/0f k|Zg kLl8t kIfn] x]nrq\mfO ePsf] z+sf lgDg 36gfkl5 ubf{ /x]5g\ M hxfh l6s6 vr{ cflb zLif{sdf cfkm\g} b]zaf6 eg'{kg]{ / Pp6} k|Zgsf cg]s pQ/ x'g] ePsfn] of] zf:q cz'4 lrlsT;ssf] cg'ejdf dfq} nufpg ldN5 . 8fS6/sf] cg'knlAw M lj1fg dflgPsf] xf] ._ To;sf/0f k|To]s lg/LIfs / q'6L x[bo znolrlsT;f of]hgfsf ;a} sbddf e]l6P . /f]uL l;ls:t ePk5L w]/} k6s kmf]g, k]h ubf{ klg 8fS6/ lgod /fv]/ ljsl;t b]zdf leq\ofOg] u/]sf] 5 . zf]wstf{®f/f leõ dt hfx]/ x'g] 7"n} ;Defjgf x'G5 . hgzlQ axfnLdf sdhf]/L . l9nf] k'u] / d]/f] dfG5] dèof] nfvf}+sf] ;+Vofdf leq\ofOg] o:tf ljBfyL{n] s/f]8f}+, cfZro{hgs tYo s] 5 ls Ps lg/LIfsn] h'g 36gfnfO{ r]ts pkb]i6f k|0ffnLsf] sdL . g;{nfO{ yfx g} lyPg 8fS6/ sxfF lyP c/af}+ 8n/ cfkm" k9\g rfx]sf] b]zdf lnP/ hfg] lgjfo{áof]Uo s/f/ u5{ ToxL 36gfnfO{ csf{ lg/LIfsn] lzsfot / kml/ofbL k|lqmofsf] sdL . ;+:sf/ / efj'stfsf] ckd"Nof+úg -k|f0fTofusf] cj:yfdf Go"gtd u/]sf] ;j{ljlbt} 5 . lgjfo{ácof]Uo s/f/ ug{] ;Defjgf TolQs} k|an x'G5 . ;j{3fts q'6L t Tof] k|zf;lgs lg0f{odf lyof] h;df uDeL/tf / efj'stf k|bz{g ePg eg] cfkmGtx? ?i6 x'G5g\ o:tf] ePsf]df zf]w kl/0ffd lgisfzg ug{ ;lsb}g . o:tf] If]qdf afn x[bo zNolrlsT;f s]Gb|sf] kl/sNkgf k|lt;"rgfsf] sdL M cGt/f{li6õo :t/df k|fs[lts ;|f]tsf] xfnLd'xfnL zf]wdf b'3{6gf ePsf]df lg/LIfsx?df kof{Kt ;xdlt ul/of] hxfF Go"g /f]uef/sf sf/0f kl/df0fdf >]i7tf sfod dGh'/Lgfdf gu/fOPsf] ub}{ cfPsf ljsl;t /fi6õsf nflu o:tf ljBfyL{ gof£ b]lvG5 . x]nrq\mofFO{ ePsf]df kof{Kt lg0ff{os ;xdlt ug{ g} c;Dej lyof] . /f]uLnfO{ pkrf/qmddf lg/Gt/ ;r]t gu/]sf] ljZj Jofkf/df r/fsf d'vdf k:g hfg] df}/L ePsf x'g k|foM h;f] ;/n x'õ . o;If]qdf ljBdfg #_ /f]usf] k|fs[lts j[l4b/ a'e\mg Go'lhNof08sf] Gofzgn cj:yf uDeL/ ePsf] sf/0f gv'nfPsf] c;kmntfx?sf uxg sf/ssf] ;'lrdf d}n] /fVg} kg{] ljd]g c:ktfndf @) jif{;Dd kf7]3/sf] d'vdf SofG;/ /f]uLsf] w/0ff g;'g]sf] . 5g\ . Psftkm{ xhf/f}+ 8n/ lt/]/ k9\g hfg] o:tf lrlsT;f ;dfhsf s]xL gLlxt efj 5g\ . ePsf dlxnfx?nfO{ pkrf/ jl~rt /fv]/ o:tf] k/d ca k|i6 x'G5 ls kLl8t kIfx? s'g cfwf/df x]nrqm\ofFO ljBfyL{ csf]{tkm{ ljsl;t d'n'ssf nflu nfvf}+ 8n/ o:tf efjx? o; If]qsf cleõ, cTofjZos / ljZjJofkL cg}lts cj:yfnfO{ @) jif{sf] nfdf] cjlw;Dd sfod ePsf] z+sf u5{g\ . dflysf] tflnsfdf :ki6 5 d'Nofúg j}1flgs vr{ u/]/ agfpg' kg]{ o'jf hgzlQmsf] ;Üfdf sfd kIf klg x'g\ . /flvof] . k2ltsf] geP/ Jojxf/s'zntfsf] x'G5 . To;sf/0fn] ubf{ k|foM ul/lbg ljgf nufgLsf sfdbf/sf ?kdf Go"g !_ uf]kgLotf . $_ OöNof08sf 8fM x\of/N8 lzkDofgn] @# jif{] cjlwdf h;f] sfg'gL lg0f{o cGtdf kLl8t kIfsf] ljkl/t hfG5g\ . @_ k|wfg / Ho]i7 clwsf/L k|lt k"0f{ ;dk{0f . @ ;oeGbf clws bLw{sflng /f]uLx?sf] :j]lR5s cg'/f]wdf cleof]u rnfpg] Jojxf/ lrlsT;f k2ltsf] u'0f:t/;+u :jtGq kfl/>ldsd} sfd ug]{ b'j} xftsf n8\8' ag]sf 5g\ . #_ slgi7x? / ;xsdL{x?sf] ;+/If0f k|lt k|an k|j[lt . ePtfklg xTof u/]s} xf] . ;fdfGo q'6L x'g] cj:yfx? 5 eGg] tYo k|i6 eof] . u'0f:t/df hlt j[l4 ePklg cklqmofsf otf /fi6õ agfpg] em\ofnL lk6\b} lx£8\g] :j3f]lift lrlsT;f;dfh ;fgf] / ljlzi6 5 . o;sf] cfGtl/s cf}ifwLsf] b'ik|ltlqmof . cleof]udf sdL cfpg] 5}g . k|zf;lgs / Joj;flos b08sf] lxdfOt]x? eg] s'/fpgLsf nflu emu8f ul//x]sf b'O{ ;+/rgf cg'zfl;t / sl:;Psf] 5 . ;]gfdf ;d]t cfGtl/s /ut rnfpFbf x'g] b'ik|ltlqmof . s7f]/tf 7f8} cfly{s b08sf] cg'kftdf ul/Psf] b]lvG5 . sfg"gL ljb|f]xsf pbfx/0f b]lvG5g\ t/ cfGtl/s zf:qhGo unt 7fpFdf zNolqmof . /f]uLsf] unt klxrfg . k|lqmof dfk{mt pQd lg0f{osf] c;Dejtf x]l/;s]kl5 of] cfly{s s's'/ alg/x]sf 5g\ . ljZjsf] ljsf;ult ;£u} k|jflxt ljjfbsf sf/0f o;If]qdf ljb|f]x ePsf] pbfx/0f ljZjel/ k|f0f3ft eGbf leGg cj:yfx? . b08sf] s'g} klg cf}lrTos/0f s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 < -o:tf] x'g] ;kgf af]]s]sf o'jf k':tfnfO{ pgLx?n] rfx] h:tf] kfO{b}g . k|wfg / Ho]i7 clwsf/L k|lt ;Dk"0f{ ;dk{0f / lrlsT;fnodf a9L a:g' kg{] . cfo;|f]t cjj[l4 . cj:yfn] Goflos k|lqmofsf] ljkmntf x}g dfq lrlsT;f zf:q b]z lbg ;Sg] cj:yfdf xfn;Dd b]vf k/]sf /fhg}lts slgi7x? / ;xsdL{x?sf] ;+/If0f k|lt k|an k|j[lt ckfötf . cg]s /f]u Ps;fy} ePsf] cj:yf . oyfy{df k/dz'4 gePsf] af]w u5{ ._ ;fGb{lestfs} s'/f ug]{ kf6L{sf] x}l;ot eg] st} b]lvb}g . kmntM ljsl;t ;}Go;dfh eGbf lrlsT;f;dfhdf a9L dfqfdf b]lvG5 . o:tf 36gf kZrft d"Nofúg ug{} g;lsg] b'ik|efj xf] eg] xfdLn] g} ;j{>]i7 tf]s]sf ;:+yf / lrlsT;sx?nfO{ o; cj:yfn] ubf{ lrlsT;fIf]qn] cfGtl/s ;|f]t®f/f ;j{;fwf/0f -lrlsT;f k|0ffnLaLrsf] ljZjf;df cjj[l4 hl6ntd s]; ug{ v6fpg] u5f{}+ . b'ik|ltlqmof b/ klg ;j{>]i7 /fi6õsf] Jofkf/sf] nflu lzlIft o'jf hgzlQmsf] cfkm\gf] kl/lrt ;'ïfjnfO{ ;xh} :jLsf5{ t/, o:tf pkfo sd xf] . kLl8t kIfn] zf/Ll/s / dfgl;s oftgf a]xf]5{ eg] If]qdf g} x'gL eof] . ;xh cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 ls cleof]usf] eljiosf] ;'/Iffsf nflu knfog x'g'kg]{ afWotf a9\b} k|efjsf/L g} x'G5g\ . aflx/L t6:y ;|f]t®f/f k|efjsf/L lrlsT;fsdL{ xtf]T;flxt x'G5g\ . pQd pkrf/ ug{ df/ s'g ;d"xn] a]xf]g{'k5{ . cleof]u bfo/ ubf{ cwd lrlsT;ssf] hfg]df s'g} ;Gb]x 5}g . ;'wf/ ;Defjgf af]s]sf] h:tf];'s} u'0f:t/Lo ;'ïfjnfO{ g;s]sf sf/0f xfdLdf cl;d lxgefj cfpF5 . o:tf] kl/efiff k|i6 xf];\ M ;/;tL{ /fi6õsf] cj:yf x]bf{ Pp6f /fhg}lts ;d"x klg of] sl:;Psf] ;dfhn] l:jsfg{ ufx||} dfG5 . l:yltsf] k"/f ef/ cGtdf ;dfhn] a]xf]5{ . s'g} klg u}/sfg"gL sfo{ ul/Psf]df . o;If]qdf ;'wf/sf w]/} 7fpF ePsfn] ;'wf/sf] k|f/De u'0f:t/ lrlsT;f k|0ffnL s] xf] < gzfo'Qm cj:yfdf sfo{/t ePsf]df . b]znfO{ leotgfd / sDaf]8Lofsf] Oltxf;df kmsf{pg laGb' /f]Hg klg ;fx|} ufx|f] x'G5 . >L Nofön]sf] -of]hgf, q'l6 a'e]mkl5 ca u'0f:t/sf] JofVof u/f}+ . jt{dfg c;To k|ltj]bg cg'df]lbt / k|dfl0fs/0f u/]df . ;Sg] zlQmsf] Wjf; lbG5 eg] csf]{ ;d"x cl:y/tfsf] lqmof, hfFr, k|ltlqmof kl/jt{g rqm xfd|f] zf:qn] Jofj;flos 1fgdf cfwfl/t lrlsT;f k|0fnLsf] pkof]u u/]/ /f]uL ;+u zf/Ll/s´of}g ;Dks{ /fv]df . wldnf] kfgLdf 7"nf df5f ;dfTg ;lsg] ;Defjgfn] Jofks?kdf ckgfPsf] 5 . To;sf/0f ;'wf/sf nfuL cg'dflgt kl/0ffd kfpg] ;DefjgfnfO{ lrlsT;fzf:qsf] cfsl:ds /f]usf] pkrf/ gu/]df . kl/jt{g nlIft ;'ïfjsf] k"j{ zt{df xfd|f] ;dfhn] u'0f:t/ dfg] x'G5 . o;df Wofgfsif{0f ug]{ zAb 5g\ - jt{dfg s'g} lrlsT;sn] c:ktfnsf] k|0ffnLleq sfo{/t eP/ pkrf/ ëofn sf8\5g\ . ljZjsf] ultnfO{ a'em]/ cfkm\gf lgDg k|Zgx?sf] :ki6 pQ/ vf]Hbf] /x]5 M Jofj;flos 1fgdf cfwfl/t / cg'dflgt kl/0ffd . o;nfO{ ubf{ ub{} /f]uLsf] xfgL x'G5 eg] Tof] k|0ffnLhGo xfgL x'G5 . JolQmut jf kf6L{ut :jfy{nfO{ la;]{/ ljsf;sf] !_ xfd|f] p2]Zo s] xf] < a'e\mg pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf s'g} /f]usf] jt{dfg Jofj;flos pbfx/0ffy{ unt d[uf}nfsf] zNolrlsT;f -klZrdf~rn If]qLo d'nwf/df b]znfO{ rf£8f] eGbf rf£8f] ;dflxt u/L @_ kl/jt{g ;'wf/ xf] eg]/ s;/L ljZj:t x'g] < 1fgdf !)% d[To'b/, !)% b'ik|ltlqmofb/ / *)% ;Dk"0f{ c:ktfndf ;fn !((*´!((( sf] 36gf_ klg zNolrlsT;s lzlIft hgzlQmnfO{ ljb]z knfog x'gaf6 /f]Sg ;s]df #_ kl/jt{gnfO{ ;'wf/ agfpg s] ug{'k5{ < pkrf/b/ 5 / h'g;'s} lrlsT;fk|0ffnLn] o; dfkb08 leq -hGo lyPg clkt' k|0ffnLáhGo lyof] . zNolrlsT;f k|lqmofsf] $_ ;'ïfjsf] hfFr s;/L ug{] < kl/0ffd lbG5 To:tfnfO{ u'0f:t/Lo k|0ffnL eõ'kg{] x'G5 . cu'jf ;h{g ePtfklg of] k'/f ;d"x®f/f dfq} k"0f{ x'g] k|lqmof / knfog ePsf lzlIft hgzlQmnfO{ b]zdf leq\ofpg o; rqmnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL aflx/L ax'd'vL t6:y ;Dej 5 ls s]xL ;dokl5 k|ltztdf km/s knf{ . k|ltztdf ePsfn] o:tf] ts{ plrt x'G5 . x]nrqm\ofFOsf] cleof]ux?df ;s]df dfq} hgtfsf] d'lQm ;Dej 5 . ;|f]t®f/f k|efjsf/L ;'wf/ pGd'vL ;'ïfjx? :jLsf/L dflkPsf sf/0f s'g} Psn 36gf®f/f ca lrlsT;f k2ltnfO{ klg k|foM k|0ffnL hGo q'l6 kfO{g] u5{ . ======qmdz

/ df]6/;fOsnnfO{ cfjtáhfjt lgdf{0f ug{]{ efif0f efif0fdf g} ko{6sLo 7fpF xf] x+;k'/ uflj; cg'ej ub{5g\ . pQm cf]8f/sf] nf]slk|otf a9\g] lyof] ug{ sl7g eO/x]sf] ;j{ljlbt} ;Lldt g/xnf eGg ;lsb}g . j8f g+= % sf] pkNnf] a]zL dfbLsf] 5]pdf /x]sf] dfbL gbLdf 8'öf gful/s kqsfl/tfsf] d"n gful/sûd~r 5 . of] cj:yfdf klg kf]v/f o;tkm{ ;a}sf] Wofg hfcf];\ . lt/df /x]sf] rd]/] cf]8f/ . sf:sL èoflkm\6ë ub}{ ko{6sx? cfpg] p2]Zo lnO{ kf]v/faf6 ;fKtflxs pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf sfof{no, ááápbo kf}8]nkf}8]npbo , x+;k'/á%, xfF8Lvf]nf, sf:sL lhNnfsf] kf]v/f ub{5g\ . To:t} cf]8f/sf] 5]pdf klqsfdf 5flkPdf of] klqsfsf] ?kdf k|sflzt x'g] klqsfsf kqsfl/tf cGtu{t kb}{g < :yfgLo j8f sfof{nosf] Wofg pkdxfgu/kflnsfb]lv sl/a %) Ps 7"nf] rf}/ klg 5 hxfF nf]slk|otf a9\g] lyof] . ls=dL= k"j{df cjl:yt ;f] 7fpFdf ljleGg kj{ tyf d]nfdf elnan z'?jfts} c+sx? k9\b} cfPsf] 5' . /fhgLlts ljifoj:t'df rf;f] /fVg] gk'u]sf] b]lvG5 . j8f g+= # k|rf/ k|;f/ ul/of];\ g]kfn Ps ;'Gb/ tyf zfGt sl/a ;f9] tLg 306fsf] ;jf/L tyf km'6an v]Ng] ul/G5 . sl/a JolQmsf nflu of] klqsf pko'Qm á cd[t kf}8]n, x+;k'/á%, xfF8Lvf]nf, sf:sL glbk'/df eTs]sf] af6f]df b}lgs of] klqsfdf k|sflzt x'g] :tDex? b]zsf] ?kdf ljZj;fd' kl/lrt ofqf / @) ldg]6sf] k}bn ofqfkl5 @%) ld6/ nfdf] / sl/a $%) h;f] ;fOsn tyf df]6/;fOsn h:t} l;h{gf, lSns b df]d]G6, ePsf] 5}g . s] klqsfn] ;Dk"0f{ lsg dd{t ePg < 5 . ljZjsf] ;jf]{Rr lzv/ k'Ug ;lsG5 . pQm 7fpFaf6 hlt rd]/fx? b]Vg ;lsg] pQm hgtfsf] ljrf/ tyf efjgfnfO{ b'3{6gfdf kg]{ u/]sf 5g\ . kfgL ;dfrf/x? clt g} :t/Lo tyf k[YjLgf/fo0f SofDk; ;u/dfyf klg gkfnd} kb{5 . cGgk"0f{ lxdfn, df5fk'R5í] lxdfn cf]8f/sf] k|rf/ k|;f/ u/L ;d]6\g cfjZos 5}g / < b]zdf k/]sf] a]nfdf vfN8fv'N6Ldf kfgL ko{6ssf] ;+Vofdf j[l4 ug{ n]vsx?sf] n]vnfO{ k|sflzt u/L au/af6 glbk'/ x'Fb} dx]Gb|k'n b]zsf] cfDbfgLsf] ;|f]t ag]sf] cflb k|i6;Fu b]Vg ;lsG5 . el/P/ ;f] vfN8fsf] ulx/fO{sf] :yfgLo hg;d'bfo tyf cGo ;Ddflgt u/]sf] 5 . gful/s rln/x]sf] ;+ljwfg;efsf af/]df eLd;]g rf]s;Dd hfg] af6f] ko{6g Joj;fo ljut Ps jif{otf laxfgL ;'of]{bosf] b[Zo ;Fu} 1fg gx'gfn] pQm b'3{6gf x'g] al9/x]sf] 5 . g]kfndf /x]sf df5fk'R5í lxdfn 6Ns]sf] b[Zo x]bf{ ju{;Fu cg'/f]w ub{5' . kqsfl/tfsf] p2]Zo k|sflzt x'g] gful/sx?nfO{ ;r]t tyf eTs]/ vfN8fv'N6Ldf tfn x'Fbf u/]s]f 5 . ;+ljwfg;efsf] ko{6sLo If]qx?sf] plrt k|rf/ hf] sf]xL klg cfkm" :ju{df /x]sf] ák|sfz kf}8]n, /fli6ío pRr df=lj, kf]v/f elgG5 t/ gful/sx?sf] clxn]sf] ;+ljwfg;efsf] af/]df :ki6 klg s;}sf] Wofg k'u]sf] 5}g . r'gfjsf] a]nfdf g]tfx?n] ufpFá k|;f/ x'g ;s]df g]kfnsf] ko{6g kfl/lbg] sfd ;~rf/ dfWod lk|o kf7skf7s,kf7slk|o rf;f]sf] ljifo ag]sf] /fhgLlts kf]v/fsf] clt Jo:t ;8s eTs]/ ufpFdf af6f] lgdf{0f ug]{ rsf]{ Joj;fo kmi6fpg] lyof] . ;fy} x]/fnf] ;fKtflxsdf kq k7fpFbf ;fbf kfgfsf] PsklÑ dfq ;kmf al9df b'O{ ;o ;dfrf/ lsg 5flkb}g < s] cGtu{tsf] klqsfsf] x}g / < b]zsf] ;jf/L ;fwg nufot k}bn efif0f ub{5g\ . g]tfx? lbgx'F b]zsf] cfDbfgLsf] ;|f]tdf klg a[l4 cIf/df n]vL jf 6fOk u/L k7fpg' x'g cg'/f]w ul/G5 . z'4f z'l4 / c? sf/0fn] lrãL ofqLx?nfO{ klg cK7\of/f] ;Dkfbg x'g ;Sg]5 . 6fOk u/]sf] kq of n]vnfO{ Od]n klg ug{ ;Sg' x'g]5 . kq gful/sx?sf] rf;f]sf] ljifo /fhgLlts l:ylt / /fhgLlts lxF8\g] ;8s lgdf{0f ug{ ;s]sf x'g] lyof] . plrt k|rf/ tyf k7fpg] xfd|f] 7]ufgf M eO/x]sf] 5 . ljz]if u/L PDa'n]G; gful/s d~r, kf]i6 aS; g+=$#!, kf]v/f /fhgLlts ;dfrf/ gful/s bnx?sf ultljlwx? klg o; 5}g eg] ufpF ufpFdf gofF af6f] k|;f/sf] sldn] cf]em]ndf k/]sf] [email protected],

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 4 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM x]/fnf]x]/fnf] ;fKtflxs ;fKtflxs ofjt @)^$ c;f]h !* ut] z'qmaf/ % d]/f] sd{ynf] g]kfn k|dbf, of] k|;j kL8f xf] ck"0f{ k'q k|flKtsf] ò k|dbf,ltdL lzif{sdf 5\of}, d lzif{sdf 5' . oxf£ x/]s lzif{s lj;+ut 5g\ . o; cy{df of] n]v g} lj;+ut 5 . Kof;]lkms dxf;fu/ t6df kf}8L v]Nb} !($( gf]e]Da/ @# df df;fcf] jfbfsf] nfU5 sxf£ slt ;+ut 5, of] ;du| k[YjL g} sf/fuf/ h:tf] 5 . ltdLnfO{ yfxf 5 §df6f]• ;£u hGd eof] . :yfoL 7]ufgf jfsfx\ofdfsf] gflrvf r'p/frf] zx/ hfkfg x'g'ePsf b]z x'£b}g, §df6f]• s'g} /fi6õ xf]Og . dfG5]x? §df6f]• nfO{ j08f u/]/ y/Ly/Lsf ljt08f dRofpg tof/ 5g\ . kfgL;£u k|s[lt / k[YjLsf] g};lu{s gftfx? eTs]sf 5g\ Toxf£ kfgLsf nflu y/Ly/Lsf jfbfn] gflrvf xfO{:s"n kf; u/L of]sf o'lgel;{6Laf6 lkm;l/hdf la=P:;L ug'{ePsf] a]OdfgLx? rn]sf 5g\ . k[YjLsf ofjt\ ;|f]t / ;Dkbfx?df dfG5]n] slxNo} gelTsg] kvf{nx? v8f lyof] . dgdf clk|msL dxfb]zsf tfGhflgof, hflDjof, s]Gofdf ;]jf ug]{ OR5fn] ul/lbPsf] 5 . dfG5]x? ca clS;hgsf nflu §o'4• x? n8\g]5g\ . §xfjf• k|s[ltsf] xftdf /xg] 5}g . k|s[ltdfly dfG5]n] cIfDo anfTsf/ yf]kb}{ cfPsf] 5 . o;n] slt;Dd k[YjL / k|s[ltdf jxf©n] hfkfg cf]e/l;h sf]ßck/]zg ef]lnlG6o;{ dfkm{t cGt/f{li6áo ef]lnlG6o;{sf] cflwkTo hdfpg], s;n] slt;Dd ;|f]t / ;Dkbfx?sf] j08f ug]{ oL ;a l;nl;nf rn]sf 5g\ . ?kdf sfd ug{ cfj]bg eg'{eof] . clk|msfdf sfd ug{ b'O{ jif{ s'g'{ kg]{ t/ g]kfn §/fHo• n] s[lqd sfg"g / k/Dk/fx? yf]kfb}{ k|fs[lts Gofosf lj?4 k|s[ltnfO{ g} sf/fuf/ dfq hfg rfx]df t'?Gt hfg kfOg] elgPsfn] jfbfn] g]kfn /f]Hg'eof] . hLjgs} klxnf] agfPsf] 5}g, JolQm :jodnfO{ qmoljqmosf] §j:t'• agFOlbPsf] 5 . ljZjdf rln/x]sf 3f]lift / c3f]lift o'4x?sf] nIo of] k[YjL hflu/ ;]jf jxf©n] g]kfnaf6 z'? ug'{eof] / xfn;Dd #@ jif{ g]kfndf al;;Sg'ePsf / k|s[ltsf] ;|f]t ;Dkbf xft kfg{df jfbf g]kfnd} 3/hd ug'{sf ;fy} ljleGg ljsf;sf sfo{;©u ;DalGwt lgsfodf dfq ;Lldt 5}g, pklgj]zjfb / cyf{t\======£ g]kfnsf] ;]jf ub}{ cfpg' ePsf] 5 . kf]v/fsf] dT:o ljsf; s]Gb|af6 cfkm\gf] sd{ ;fd|fHojfbsf] ef}lts ;+/rgfx?sf] cGTo ePsf] slyt ;?ljGb z'? ug'{ePsf jfbf hfOsf, lx/f]l;df o'lg:sf ] Pzf]l;o;g, vfDkf] k|]; sDkgL x©'b}, 3f]if0ffsf ;£u;£u} gjLgtd dgf]j}1flgs ;fd|fHo / pklgj]zx? v8f x'£b}5g\ . ;"rgf hfkfg OG6/g]zgn n]j/ kmfp08]zgdf g]kfndf /x]/ g]kfnsf] ;fdflhs / cfly{s nfU5 sxf£ slt ;+ut ljsf;sf If]qdf xfn;Dd lg/Gt/ nflu/fVg' ePsf] 5 . x]/fnf]sf] nflu l;/f]hl;/f]hl;/f]h ;fd|fHosf] a9\bf] lj:tf/n] k|s[lt / k[YjLdf rln/x]sf] ef}lts l;/f]hl;/f]h ;fd|fHojfb pklgj]zjfb Pj+ PsflwkTosf] ;Ldf ca ;+;f/sf 5, of] ;du| k[YjL g} sf]O/fnf;©u sf]O/fnf;©u hfkfgLh eP/ klg g]kfnLs} h:t} b'?:t} efiff / njhdf s'/f k|To]s §JolQm• x?tkm{ nlIft alg/x]sf] 5 . cfly{s ;fd|fHon] sf/fuf/ h:tf] 5 . ug'{x'g] df;fcf] jfbf;©u ul/Psf] s'/fsfgLdf of] cGtjf{tf{ cfwfl/t 5 Mß of] k|s[ltdf Tolt 7"nf] jj08/ dRofPg hlt 7"nf] ljkb / ;+s6 ltdLnfO{ yfxf 5 of] ;"rgf ;Ghfn / ;fd|fHon] l5Ü} lgDTofpg] 5 . §JolQm• nfO{ §df6f]• ;£u b]z x'£b}g, x]/fnf] M tkfO{sf] afNosfn s:tf] /x\of] < df5fsf] e'/f pTkfbg ug{ këof] eg]/ hfOsfnfO{ k|f]h]S6 >LdtL / 5f]/fx?sf ;fy df;fcf] jfbf qmdzM k+u' / k/fwLgtfsf] af6f]df cu|;/ kfg]{ oL ;"rgf sf/fuf/x?sf] clnslt b'?kof]u dfq eof] eg] §k[YjL• vl08t §df6f]• s'g} /fi6õ jfbf M jfbf M d hfkfgsf] jfsfx\ofdf c~rn gflrvf r'p/frf] k]z uëof] . hfOsfn] k|f]h]S6 Nofpg] eof] / Toxf£ of] s] sfd ug'{eof] < zx/df hGd]sf] x'£ . of] Kofl;lkms dxf;fu/sf] t6sf] If]qd} k'Ug] u/]/ xfn cfP/ e'/fx? pTkfbg ul/G5g\ . x'g]5, csf]{ dgf]j}1flgs bf;tf / ckf® dfG5]x?sf] eL8n] k[YjL xf]Og . dfG5]x? §df6f]• jfbf M jfbf M vDkf] k|]; sDkgL hfkfgsf] Ps Joj;flos sDkgL xf] . el/g]5 . ;"rgf ;Ghfn / of] e"d08nsf §r08fn• x?sf] nfO{ j08f u/]/ zx/ xf] . d]/f] afNosfn ToxLsf] :yfgLo xfO:s"n gflrvfdf hfOsfsf] k|f]h]S6nfO{ kf]v/f dT:o cg';Gwfg s]Gb| eg]/ hfkfgdf nf]stfaf6 hfkfgL k};f agfOGYof] . g]kfndf nf]stf k9\b}, ;d'b|df kf}8b} laTof] . ;d'b|sf] t6df x's]{sf] dflg; a]ugf;tfndf z'? eof] . k~hfdf ca dfG5]x?sf] vl/b ljqmL rln/xg]5 . oxL vl/b y/Ly/Lsf ljt08f nf]k x'£b} uPsf] s'/f dnfO{ yfxf lyof] . cf?lu8L g]kfnsf] kxf8L ljqmLnfO{ §hgtGq• / §:jtGqtf• sf] ;+1f lbP/ cgf}7f oGq eP/ xf] of s] sf/0fn] dnfO{ df5f ;DaGwL cWoogdf x]/fnf] M g]kfndf s'g s'g ;+:yfx?;£u cfa4 e]udf kfOg] x'£bf dnfO{ oxf£sf :yfgLo lgDg juL{o kl/jf/nfO{ dRofpg tof/ 5g\ . w]/} ?lr lyof] . d}n] of]sf o'lgel;{6Laf6 lkm;l/hdf eP/ sfd ug'{eof] < dfgjx?sf] ahf/ v8f ul/g]5 . clxn] JolQm :jtGq 5}g kfgL;£u k|s[lt / cfly{s ?kdf ;jn agfpg ;lsG5 eGg] nfUof] / o;df sfd ug{ ;f£:s[lts tj/n] cltqmldt 5 . ;+;f/e/ ;fDojfbn] ;z/L/ la=P:;L u/]£ . h;df l;°lkm; sNr/ l/;r{df b'O{ jif{ jfbf M d}n] kf]v/fsf] dT:o ljsf; s]Gb|df !(&% b]lv z'? u/]£ . cf?lu8Lsf] af]6 vf;} 7"nf] klg x'£b}g / o;sf] pkof]u k[YjLsf] g};lu{s / k|m]; jf6/ lkm; sNr/ d'Vo ljifo agfP/ b'O{ jif{ sfd z'? u/]sf] x'£ . lxuf;L lx/f]l;df o'g]:sf] Pzf]l;o;gdf cltqmd0f uëof] Tof] ;dfKt eof] tL d"t{ ;+/rgf / l;nl;nfx? eg]sf] bfp/f afNg dfq ;lsG5 . g]kfndf / hfkfgdf o;af6 eTs], ca cd"t{ cltqmd0fsf cz/L/ ;+/rgf / l;nl;nfx? gftfx? eTs]sf 5g\ cWoog u/]£ . d]/f] zx/ gflrvf r'p/frf] w]/} s'/fn] !(($ b]lv @))$ ;Dd sf]°cl8{g]6/ eP/ sfd u/]£ . lgsflnPsf] sfuhsf] 7"nf] sfd 5 . xfdLn] ufp£n]nfO{ cf?lu8Lsf] rn]sf 5g\ . 8/nfUbf] lx;fan] oxL /km\tf/df cl3 a9] eg] Toxf£ kfgLsf nflu kf]v/f;£u ldN5 . Tof] zx/ 7\ofSs} kf]v/f h:t} k|fs[lts vfDkf] k|]; sDkgLdf b'O{ jif sfd u/]£ eg] hfkfg af]qmf lgsfNg, af]qmfsf] aflx/L tx kmfNg, ;kmf ug{ / kfgLn] wf]P/ JolQmsf] k|fs[lts Pj+ g};lu{s ;du|tf g} eTsg] 5 . e"uf]nsf ?kdf ;'Gb/ 5 . xfd|f] jxf£ ;d'b| 5, oxf£ tfnx? 5g\ . OG6/g]zgn n]j/ kmfp08]zgdf @))) b]lv xfn;Dd y/Ly/Lsf a]OdfgLx? pdfNg l;sfof}+ . To;kl5 To;nfO{ 3fddf ;'sfOGYof] / d'7f oL tdfd ef}lts /fHox? / cgf}7f ;+:s[lt Pj+ ;"rgfsf s[lqd rn]sf 5g\ . Tolt g} km/s xf] . sfo{/t 5' . kf/]/ hfkfg lgsf;L ul/GYof] . nf]stf sf6\g] dflg;n] h/}af6 dgf]/fHox?sf lj?4 x/]s JolQm ;du| / ;Dk"0f{ ag]/ ;w}+ ;r]t x]/fnf] M g]kfn cfpg] ;f]+r s;/L agfpg' eof] < x]/fnf] M tkfO{ g]kfn cfp£bf g]kfndf dT:o nf]stfsf af]6x? sf6\bf nf]stf nf]k x'g] cj:yfdf k'lu;Sof] . / ;ts{ /x]g eg] p;sf] 7fp£ l5Ü} s[lqd JolQmx?n] lng]5g\ . /fHo :jod\ s[lqd cjwf/0ff jfbf M jfbf M d}n] d]/f] k9fO{ ;s]kl5 hfkfg cf]e/l;h ljsf;sf] s:tf] cj:yf lyof] < xfdLn] cf?lu8Lsf af]6x? sf6\5f}+ h;af6 b'O{ jif}{df af]6 x's]{/ xf] . of] e"d08nsf ofjt\ ahf/ ;+oGq / To;sf] lgodg ug]{ gfp£df v8f ul/Psf ;+3 ;+:yf / sf]ck/]zg ef]lnlG6o;{ JOCV df ljb]zdf uP/ jfbf M d eGbf cufl8 kf]v/f dT:o ljsf; s]Gb|df Ps h:tfsf] t:t} x'G5 . cf?lu8Laf6 sfuh aG5 eGg] s'/f xfdLn] lgudx? lgtfGt s[lqd 5g\, o;n] JolQmsf] ;du|tfsf] vf]hL ub}{g k/Gt' §JolQmTj• s} x/0f lkm;l/hdf sfd ug{ kfp£ eg]/ cfj]bg u/]sf] lyP£ . hgf hfkfgLh ef]lnlG6o/ x'g'x'GYof] . d}n] jxf£ hfkfg sfd u/]kl5 nf]stfjfnfnfO{ klg yfxf eof] / pgLx?n] klg u5{ . k|fs[lts dfgjnfO{ s[lqd oGq dfgjlt/ qmdzM n}hfg] / s[lqd JolQmx?df p;sf] cd"t{ dnfO{ t Tolta]nf clk|msfsf] tfGhfgLo, hflDaof, kmls{Pkl5 jxf£sf] ;S;];/sf] ?kdf sfd u/]£ . a]ugf;tfn cf?lu8Lsf] sfd ug{ yfn]sf 5g\ . t:jL/ e/]/ ;f; km]g]{ k|j[lQnfO{ ca §hgtGq• sf] ;+1f lbOg' x'£b}g . s]Gofdf sfd ug{ hfg] OR5f lyof] t/ d}n] rfG; hfg] af6f] lyPg . xfdL df]6/;fOsn lzz'jfd} /fv]/ x]/fnf] M hfkfg OG6/g]zgn n]j/ kmfp08]zg §JILAF's]s]s] slyt §/fhtGq• n] hgtfsf] gfddf JolQmsf] §j}olQmstf• ;dfKt kfl/lbPsf] 5 . of] kfOPg .clk|msf hfgnfO{ b'O{ jif{ s'g'{ kg]{ eof] t/ hfGYof}+ . af6f] ;a} lxn}lxnf] lyof] . Tolta]nf dT:o s:tf] sfd u5{ < ztfAbLsf] cGTo gx'£b} §JolQm• nfO{ kl/eflift ug{ hLjzf:q ;dy{ x'g] 5}g . Tof] cfly{s g]kfn hfg] eP t'?Gt hfg kfpg] eof] . d}n] b'O{ jif{ ljsf;sf vf;} 7"nf of]hgfx? lyPgg\ . kl5 cfP/ jfbf M o;n] g]kfnsf] 6õ]8 o'lgog sf£u|];nfO{ ;fydf lnP/ JolQm x'g]5 . hgtGqsf gfddf aL;f}+ ztfAbLlt/ §hgtf• ag]sf] dfgj @! cf}+ ztfAbLlt/ s'g'{ eGbf g]kfng} hfg] ljrf/ u/]£ . To;sf nflu k"jf{wf/x? a9fp£b} hg;xeflutfdf sfd ug{ yfNof}+ . ;+o'Qm ?kdf sfd u5{ . d sf] lkmN8 Dofg]h/sf] x}l;otn] ljZj cy{tGqsf gfddf §pkef]Qmf• ag]sf] 5 . @! cf}+ ztfAbLsf] ;"rgf ;+hfn h}ljs / JILAF' af}l4s ljsf;sf] pQf]ns xf]Og kmut pkef]Qmf ;+:s[ltsf] gfddf v'nf ahf/df 8]df]sN;sf] g]kfndf df5f kfN5g\ eg]/ dnfO{ Tolta]nf yfxf x]/fnf] M lxuf;L lx/f]l;df Pzf]l;o;g s] s:tf] sfd u5'{ . o;n] klxnf !% lhNnfdf sfd uYof]{ . t/ clxn] lyPg . of] lxdfnsf] b]z eg]/ lrGy]£ d}n] . hxf£ sfd uëof] <d• t/fh'df tndfly ug]{ 9s h:t} xf] . JolQm Tof] a]nf pkef]Qmf x'G5, ha pkef]u ug]{ ;fdfYo{ pm ;£u x'G5 . Tof] ;fdfYo{ k|bfg ug{ ;Sg] x}l;otdf clxn] bnLo hgtGq / p;sf] ;+oGq b]lvb}g . @! cf}+ ztfAbLsf] hgtGqn] cfw'lgs ljZj cy{tGqsf xftdf cfkm"nfO{ a]lrlbPsf] 5 . o:tf] cy{tGqdf pkef]Qmf x'g km]jftfnsf] kfgL / df5fk'R5õ]sf] lxp£n] kf]N5 x} ò lglZrt of]Uotfsf] cfjZostf k5{ . ahf/df s'g} klg ;fdfg / ;]jf vl/b ug{ g;Sg] JolQm §pkef]Qmf• x'£b}g . JolQmn] ahf/df >d a]R5, >lds ag]/ a]lrG5 . t}klg /fHo / o;sf Ålaxfg¢ p7\g] ljlQs} lxdfn b]Vg o'Qm ;fIfft :ju{e"ld dfG5g\ . b'Mv / kL8f cToGt} ;+s6df kg{ hfg] b]lvG5 . km]jftfn ;+oGqx?n] p;sf] >dsf] Uof/]G6L lbb}gg\ . >dsf] plrt d"No klg ldNb}g . o;/L ;+;f/sf kfOof];======¢ eGg] jf]nsf] uLtdf uLtsf/n] cg'ej gu/]sf] dfG5] Tof] cj:yfk|lt slxNo} ;+s6df kg]{ xf] eg] s] kf]v/]nL eg]/ uj{ ;Q/L k|ltzteGbf a9L dfG5]x? cxf]/fq ahf/df a]lrg tof/ 5g\ t}klg Toltg} k|ltztdf of] df5fk'R5í];Fu kf]v/fsf] ;DaGwnfO{ hf]8]sf] ;r]t x'Fb}g /] . cyjf ;'v zondf x'ls{P/ ug'{ < clg s;/L kf]v/fsf] cl:tTj sfod ;+;f/sf dfgjx? cTofjZos ;]jfsf ;fdfGo j:t' / ;]jf vl/b ug]{ ;fdfYo{ /fVb}gg\ . of] kfOG5 . pgn] ;flxlTos kf/fn] uLlt 5Gbdf ;w}+ ;'v ;xond} dfq /dfPsf] dfG5] s'g} ug{ vf]Hg' < Åkm]jftfnsf] cfFugdf n} n} ;+;f/sf em08} b'O{ ltxfO{ dflg;x? §pkef]Qmf• aGg] ;fdfYo{ /fVb}gg\ . sfdsf] vf]hLdf ef]sf] ;DaGw hf]8]sf 5g\, t/ of] ;DaGw k|ToIf, jvt dflQg k'U5 /], clg slxn]sflx cfkm"n] df5fk'R5]í 5fofF======¢ af]nsf] uLtsf k]6 / gf®f] cfî lnP/ ;8sdf nfd nflu/x]sf nfvf}+ rkfOPsf cg'xf/x?nfO{ §hgtf• h:tf] lg/fsf/ / dfkg ug{ g;lsg] vfnsf] 5 . k|fKt u/]sf] ;'v zonnfO{ g} vnn k'èofP/ uLtsf/sf] dd{nfO{ xfdLn] hf]ufpg ;s]sf ;'Gb/ ;+1f lbP/ ;fj{ef}d;Qf hgtfdf lglxt 5 eg] h:t} clxn] Tof] ;jf{ef}d;Qfsf] /+uLg kf]v/fnfO{ k|s[ltn] ct'nlgo j/bfg lbP em}F e8\vfnf]df kmF:g k'U5 /] . To:t} clxn];Dd 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+ < b'O rf/jif{ cl3;Dd lgnf], cf]d/fh kf}8]n af]Qnleq ltg} cefuL cg'xf/x? 5g\ t/ aflx/L n]jn §pkef]Qmf• eg]/ nufOPsf] 5 . nfU5 df5fk'R5] í . ;d'b|L ;txb]lv sd prfOdf d?e"lds/0fsf] s'g} cgej 5}g, kf]v/]nLx?nfO{ ;önf], lgd{n / :jR5 b]lvg] km]jftfn cfh ahf/df af]8{x? af]N5g\° SnfOG6 Oh cfj/ u8 ò v'nfahf/ ;+oGqsf afhf? a'l4hLjLx?n] eP/ klg ToxfF b]lvg] lxpFsf] hnkn] cfFvf clxn];Dd ?v lj?jf jf hönljlxg gföf / d}nf] / wldnf] cfj/0fdf xfdL kf]v/]nL;Fu sf/0f df5fk'R5]ídf lxpF hDg] qmdnfO{ ;xof]u pkef]Qmfsf] ;fj{ef}d;QfnfO{ Tolt ef/L dxTj lbG5g\ dfgf}+ Tolt dxTj bnLo hgtGqsf slxNo} c3fpFb}gg\ . g]kfnsf c? lxd>[ùnf phf8 8fF8f st} x'G5g\ eGbf Psfb]zsf] syf lëRr d'v kmfln/x]sf] 5 . cfh xfdL k'Ug hfG5 . df5fk'R5]í v'nf ug]{ xf] / ToxfF hghLjLx?n] §hgtf• nfO{ lbg] u/]gg\ . lzIff h:tf] dxTjk"0f{ If]q /fHosf] nflu hf] eGbf 5'ê} ljz]iftf / 5'ê} klxrfg jf]s]sf] 5 em}+ nfUg ;S5 . t/ cj Tof] cj:yf cfpgsf km]jftfnsf] cfj/0fdf df5fk'R5]ísf] b'?:t cf/f]x0fsf] qmdnfO{ ;'? ug]{ xf] eg] of] k|fyldstfsf] ;+uLg ;jfnsf] ?kdf p7\g] u5{ Toxf£ ;d]t 9s / t/fh'x?sf] au|]NtL rnv]n x'g] u5{ . hf] ;£u hlt 7"nf] 9s 5 ToxL v/f] pqg] klZrdL 5f8f ;+:s[ltdf t];|f] ljZjsf tdfd df5fk'R5]ín] . g]kfndf dfq geO{ ;+;f/d} clxn] nflu w]/} ;do nfUnf h:tf] 5}g . jftfj/0fLo / :jR5 5fofF b]Vg kfpFb}gf}+ . b'O rf/jif{ lglZrt 5 ls Ps b'O jif{ leq} ToxfF lxpF gLlt lgdf{tfx? km';sf] 5fgfdfly r9\g] u5{g\ . dfdfn] 3f]8f lsg]/ r9\g yfn]kl5 efGhfn] zx/Ls/0f lbgk|ltlbg a9\b} uO/x]sf] 5 . k|b'if0f al9/x]sf] 5 . km]jftfn jif]{gL cl3 km]jftfndf :jR5 df5fk'R5]í nf]Ug]sf] d[To'kl5 hDg] qmd /f]lsG5 . lsgeg] dfgljo k|j]z lbglbg} §lx°lx• u/] klg dfdfn] efGhfnfO{ 3f]8f lslglbg] xf]Ogg\ eg] em}+ t];|f] ljZjsf cfly{s j9\bf] zx/Ls/0fsf] k|efjn] k|fs[lts k'l/Fb} uPsf] 5 . b'O´rf/ jif{ cl3 t}l/O/x]sf] x'GYof] eg] cfh ;Fu;Fu} k|b'if0f j9\g hfG5, k|b'if0fsf] j[l4;Fu} sfhlqmofleq / ;fdflhs gLlt Pj+ o;sf lgoGtfx? wf]jL / p;n] r9\g] uwfh:t} 3/sf] g 3f6sf] ag]sf pkhx?sf] ljgfz, jftfj/0fLo ;Gt'ng x|f; km]jftfndf hns'DeL emf/sf] ;d:of cToGt} wldnf], d}nf] / kmf]x/L tfkqmd j9\g hfG5, h;n] ubf{ ePsf] lxpF 5g\ . csf]{n] 3f]8f g} vl/b u/]/ r9\g lbP5 eg] klg 3f]8fnfO{ lbg] bfgf / af£Wg] tj]nf x'Fb} hfg], k|b"if0fsf] dfqf a9\b} hfg] h:tf lyPg . t/ clxn] cfP/ jif]{gL j;]sL ljwjf df5fk'R5] í t}l/O/x]sf] 5 . nfU5, kUn]/ ;lsG5 clg gofF lxpF hDg ;Sb}g . logLx?;£u x'£b}g . sf/0fn] u|fdL0f If]qsf] t'ngfdf zx/L If]qdf hns'DeL emf/n] cfqmfGt kfb}{ dlxnfsf] :j?k cjsf] s]lx jif{d} olb kf]v/]nL Tof] o;sf/0f klg xf] ls df5fk'R5]ísf] prfO k|s[ltsf ofjt\ :jtGq, lgMz'Ns / lgMzt{ ;|f]t ;Dkbfx? ;d]t s;/L ahf/sf] zf]° hLjgofkg al9 si6s/ jGb} uPsf] 5 . uO/x]sf] 5 . x/]s jif{ s;}ás;}n] h:tf] x'G5, km'ê sfg 9fn]/ j]jf:tf u/]sf] v08df, sd 5, To;df klg of] ;d'b|L ;txb]lv s];df qmo ljqmosf] j:t' aGg k'u] < o;tkm{ /fHo d"sbz{s ag]sf] 5 . Psflt/ p;sf ptf u|fdL0f If]qdf ef}lts ;'v ;'ljwfsf] ;w}+ hns'DeL emf/ kmfNg] cleofg p8]sf] cg'xf/, bL3{sflng ;f]r cjnDjg gu/]df lgs} sd prfO{df cjl:yt 5, To;}n] klg tdfd\ gful/sx? tL ;|f]t ;Dkbfsf] pkef]u ug]{ ;fdfYo{ /fVb}gg\ . dfG5]n] k|lt ldg]6 slt cefj eO/xg] x'Fbf b'O{ 5fs vfg / Ps;/f] rnfpF5g\, y'k|} wg/fzL vr{ u5{g, snf]7L k/]sf cf]7, / lkzfjsf] Gofgf] h:t} jif]{gL c? lxd>[ùnf h:tf] lg/Gt/ lxpF hld/xg] rf]6L ;f; km]5{, Tolt g} dfqfdf s/ / ;]jf z'Ns cz'n ug]{ dx+uf clS;hg k;nx? v'n] sk8fn] nfh 9fSgs} nflu dl/xQ] ug'{kg]{ xNnfjfhL / k|rf/jfhL ;fx|} g} jl9 hns'DeL emf/ r'8\g] cleofgsf / hgtf clS;hgsf nflu k};f ltg{ jf >d a]Rg afWo ag] eg] ef]ln s'g} cfZro{ dflgg] ?Fbf ?Fbf ylst ;+/lIft lxd>[ùnfdf of] kb}{g . 5}g . k|s[ltn] l;Q}df lbPsf ckl/xfo{ tTjnfO{ k|fKt ug{ k"£hL jf >d vr{ ug'{ kg]{ / vr{ JofKt ul/aLsf] cj:yfsf sf/0f u|fdL0f If]qdf u5{g\ . t/ hns'DeL emf/ hlt eP/ km'n]sf gfpFdf clxn]sf] h:tf] c?sf] To;}n] df5fk'R5]ínfO{ xfdLn] ;+/If0f lbPgf}F hLjgofkg o;} klg si6s/g} 5 . t/ pd|]sf] 5 To;sf] 6'Kkf 6'Kkf dfq cfFvfdf 5f/f] xfNg] sfd dfq gu/] j]km\jf£sdf dg'{ kg]{ ljsNkx?nfO{ ;jf]{Qd gLlt 5gf]6leq kf/]/ pN6f] To;nfO{ eg] of] lxpF / ?v lj?jf ljgfsf] phf8 j}wflgstf lbg] ;+oGqx?sf] ;'/Iff lbgsf nflu dfq} §/fHo• ;+oGq ;~rfngdf /lx/xg] xf] l;/fgd} lxpFsf] hnk nufPsf] ;'Gb/ lxpF r'F8]/ kmfNg] sfd dfq x'G5 . cfFvf, dge/L ub}{ uPdf df5fk'R5]ísf] 5fofF g} cg'xf/jf6 k|i6 8fF8fdf kl/0ft x'g]5 . nf]Ug]sf] d[To'kl5 eg] of] ;+;f/sf gAa] k|ltzt dfgjx?sf nflu §/fHo• sf] s] cy{ /x\of] < k|dbf, To:tf] kj{t v8f eO/x]sf] / ef}lts ;'v ;'ljwfsf h/}b]lv pv]n]/ kmfNg s;}n] klg gkfpg] cj:yf cfpF5 . sfhlqmofleq j;]sL ljwjf dlxnfsf] :j?k gk';+s /fHosf lj?4 cfh}b]lv sndx? p7\g' k5{ . dfG5]nfO{ §cdfG5]• agfpg] o:tf] b[li6n] sl/j sl/j o'/f]ks} gSsn klg ;s]sf] 5|}g . 6'Kkf 6'Kkf r'F8]/ b]lvg] lg/fzf, clg xfdL kf]v/]nLnfO{ clxn] /fHo ;+oGqsf lj?4 vf]l;Psf g};lu{s clwsf/ k|fKt ug{ dfG5] ca Ao"£emg' k5{ . s'g}klg k|sf/sf] h:tf] x'G5, km'ö p8]sf] cg'xf/, snf]7L ul//x]sf] cj:yfsf] kf]v/f zx/df u|fdL0f kmfn]kl5 s]lx ;do Tof] emf/ Tolt jf:tf 5}g Sof/] . df5fk'R5]ísf] k/]sf cf]7, ?Fbf ?Fbf ylst eP/ km'n]sf k|fs[lts lx;fan] k"0f{ / ;fj{ef}d t/ /fHo ;+oGqsf lx;fan] ck"0f{, ckf®, cof]Uo, hLjgdf kfOg] ;Gt'lnt jftfj/0f / zx/L kfgLsf] txdfly gb]lvFbf s] s] g rds/lxt cf/f]x0f ug]{ rrf{ jflx/ jflx/} cfFvf, dge/L cg'xf/jf6 k|i6 b]lvg] lg/fzf, c;Ifd JolQm lgdf{0f ug]{ /fHo ;+oGqsf] s'g} cy{ /x£b}g . /fHo cleefjs xf]Og eg] klg hLjgdf kfOg] ef}lts ;'v ;'ljwf u/L b'j} u/]5g\ Sof/] eGg] ;j}n] dxz'; unf{g\, t/ rnfpg] u/]sf] ;'Gg yflnPsf] 5 . Pp6f p;nfO{ yf]s Jofkf/L jf v'b|f k;n] x'g] clwsf/ s;n] lbof] < h;/L Pp6f cleefjs s'g}klg k|sf/sf] rds/lxt - s'/fx? Ps} ;fy pknJw 5g\ . laxfg p7\g] b'O{´rf/ dlxgfkl5 Tof] emf/df km]l/ gofF JolQmn] csf{sf] 3/df uP/ ToxfFsf] >f]t / ;+/Ifsn] cfkm\gf] gjhft lzz' h+undf 5f]8\g ;Sb}g, olb 5f]l8G5 eg] h+unsf] lgodg, _ zf/Ll/s cj:yf cflb ljlQs} cfFvf t[Kt x'g g;Sg] u/L 6ns d'gf knfpFbf klxn]sf] eGbf emg\ jl9 emflöP/ ;fwg dfly df]h ug]{ of]hgf jgfPsf] h:tf] . Charmingless lgoGq0f / ;~rfng ug]{ clVtof/ h+unsf §lrt'jf• x?nfO{ lbg' x'£b}g, /fHo :jod\n] lng' h:tf] :j?ksf] ef]lnsf] df5fk'R5]í x'g]5 . lkmFhfpg] df5fk'R5]ín], j]n'sfkv ToxL cfpF5 . To;}n] ToxfF hlt emf/ pd|]sf] 5, t/ df5fk'R5]í cf/f]x0f ul/of] eg] To;sf] k5{ /fHosf] cy{ Toltv]/ ax';+Vos hgfj/x?sf] k|ltlglw ;+:yfsf] ?kdf cfjZos 5x'~h]n clg cfhsf] h:tf] df5fk'R5]í / km]jftfn df5fk'R5]ísf] 6nsnfO{ cfÇgf] cfj/0fdf ptf/]/ To;nfO{ pv]n]/ kmfNg g;s]sf] xF'bf Tof] hxfFsf] cl:tTj ;+s6df kg]{ lglZrt 5 . /lxlbg' k5{ . gjhft lzz'sf] kfngkf]if0f lrt'jfaf6 x'£b}g . ahf/ ;+oGqsf gfddf clxn] /fHon] o:tf lrt'jfx? hGdfP/ cfd gjhft lzz'x?sf] g};lu{s ;fj{ef}d;Qf / k"0f{tf tfnjf/fxL dlGb/ kl/;/jf6 lgofNg] hf] Tolx 5, a? c? al9 emflöP/ cfPsf] 5 eg] df5fk'R5]ínfO{ Tof] eGbf cem} x/fe/f jgfpg] 5}g eg] To; cj:yfsf] kf]v/fnfO kf]v/f gegL vfFbjf/L, jflnö cyjf c? s'g} hGdb} vf]:g yfn]sf] 5 . k|To]s JolQmsf] ;fj{ef}d clwsf/sf] Uof/]G6L lbg] u/L k|To]s sf]xLsf gh/df l/Çn]S6 ul/lbg] km]jftfnn], To;n] ufFh xfNg] / gofF emf/ knfpg] qmd of]hgf t k/} hfcf];\, To;nfO{ cf/f]x0f JolQmn] ljZjf;sf ;fy lgdf{0f u/]sf] /fHo ;+oGqn] k|To]s JolQm;£u k|ToIf k/f]If ug]{ cfsfz ] k'nsf] ;xfotfn] jf/kf/ ug{ ;lsg] jif]{gL j9\b} hfFbf casf] s]lx ;dodf g} u/]/ ljufg]{, eTsfpg] of]hgf rrf{df cfpFb}5 k|s[ltsf] >f]t ;fwg /lxt zx/sf] h:t} gfdfs/0f ul/lbP x'G5 . cfh cfÇgf >f]t cfd ;Demf}tfx? e+u ug]{ clwsf/ /fVb}g . §JolQm• sf] k"0f{tf g} e® ug]{ /fHo;£u s'g} h:t} b]lvg] ;/fösf]6 clg sfxF'8fF8f h:tf km]jftfn emf/}emf/sf] hön / hns'DeL emf/sf] < df5fk'R5í]sf] j];b]lv sd;]sd $ ls=ld= k|fs[lts clwsf/ 5}g . x/]s JolQm /fHosf] kl/0ffd x]fOg, p2]Zo / nIo xf] . k|dbf, r'r'/fx?n] kf]v/fnfO{ k|fs[lts ?kd} lrl6Ss emf/v08 x'g] lglZrt 5 . o;sf] :yfoL jl/kl/sf] If]qnfO{ df5fk'R5]í ;+/If0f If]q ;fwgsf] ;+/If0fk|lt sfg 9fn]/ a:bf b[i6fGtsf nflu ltdL / ltdL h:t} of] k[YjLsf c/af}+ dfgjx?nfO{ lnp£, of] k[YjLsf nflu l;Fufl/lbPsf 5g\ . ;dfwfg gu/L jif]{gL 7"nf] wg/fzL vr{ ub}{ 3f]lift u/]/ ToxfF j[Iff/f]k0f u/L x/f e/f kf]v/]nLx?nfO{ cfh;Dd b]lvPsf] df5fk'R5]ísf] ltd|f] dfgj cl:tTj ;jf{lws ;fj{ef}d 5 / /xg'k5{ . d ltdLnfO{ §/fHo• ;£u t'ng} ug{ d?e"lds/0f / zx/L k|b'if0fjf6 jfSs hns'DeL emf/ kmfNg] xf}jf lk6fpg] cleofgsf] hön If]q jgfpg' h?/L 5 . Tof] If]qdf lr;f] lxpF / km]jftfndf /x]sf] lr;f] kfgLn] ;lSbg . clxn] cfd dfG5]x? /fHonfO{ o;/L klg lng] u5{g\, ltdL :jod\ Pp6f ;fd|fHo x'Fb} kf]v/f cfOk'u]sf bf]>f] t]>f] d'n'ssf s'g} t's 5}g . cem} klg o;sf] :yfoL ;dfwfg ;d]t dfgljo k|j]z lgif]w ul/g'k5{ . h;n] ef]nL s'g} lbg kf]Ng ;S5 x} £ xf} . /fHosf cl3lNt/ oxf£ x/]s §JolQm• :jod\ Pp6f ;fd|fHo xf] . gful/sx?n] kf]v/fnfO{ k|s[ltsf] vfgLn] k|lt ;r]t gx'g] xf] eg] km]jftfnsf] cl:tTj ubf{ hön If]qjf6 k|fKt x'g] lr;f] tfkqmdsf [email protected]

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 5 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM

Heralo Weekly Friday, Oct.5, 2007 6

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cfdf lhGbuLsf] nfdf] ofqf v} s;/L kf/ u?£ What do Biologists do? nfU5 ca j];dnfO{ af£Rg eGbf d?£ Ps aL; hLjg uof], ;lSbg ls s]xL ug{ Heralo you are interested in outdoor work, talk to park rangers, cfzf?kL dxn ltd|f], ;Sg] eOg dg{ There are several career paths you can follow as a land managers, and other professionals in your area. biologist, including these: Explore your college options. Deciding where to tLg aL; pd]/ k'Uof], 5fl85}gf} b'Mv ug{ Research: Research biologists study the natural go to college and what to study can be a daunting slxn] ltg]{ cfdf d}n] ;lSbgsL C0f ltg{ world, using the latest scientific tools and techniques task. Research schools of interest. Talk to your d]/f] nflu 5f8\b]pm cfdf ;lSbgsL dnd nfpg ljdn afa' Gof}kfg] §lrlGtt• in both laboratory settings and the outdoors, to guidance counselor, as well as to admissions b'Mv} b'Mv ltd|f] hLjg ;Sg] eOg ;'v Nofpg understand how living systems work. Many work in counselors, faculty, and current students at these 9'Ss eO{ a; cfdf, cfzf u/ 5f]/faf6 exotic locations around the world, and what they discover schools. There are excellent programs at a wide range increases our understanding of biology and may be put ltd|} g}lts, ltd|} kf7 u5'{ cfTd;fy of institutions, from large research universities to small kf7 l;s] g}lts / rl/qsf ltdLaf6 to practical use to find solutions to specific problems. liberal arts and community colleges. ufnL lk6fO{ h] ePklg dfof ltd|f] kljqtf ltd|} lzIff, ltd|} gLlt ltd|} dfof dfq Health care: Biologists may develop public health Have fun! While studies are important, remember c>'wf/f aufO5\of}, la;]{ 5}g b"wsf] ef/f x'G5 5f]/f cfzf u/, b]z af]Ng] kfq campaigns to defeat illnesses such as tuberculosis, to get out and enjoy yourself as well. Participate in u5'{ elg uëof} b'Mv dxn?lk cfzf AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. Others work to any extracurricular activities of interest: a school club, lzlyn eP d]/f xft, sfl6/f5 sf£8fx? prevent the spread of rare, deadly diseases, such as a science fair, a sports team, or volunteer work. You'll ;lSbgsL C0f ltg{, 8/ nfU5 3/L3/L k'Ug] 7fp£ cgGtdf, k'Ug' kg]{ w/} 6f9f the now infamous Ebola virus. Veterinarians tend to learn teamwork while developing leadership and social sick and injured animals, and doctors, dentists, nurses, skills, making you stand out not only as a future b]j kg 5}gg\ ls t, b'Mv} dfq k/Lk/L ;+3if{ g} /}•5 cfdf, lhGbuLsf] d'n af6f] and other health care professionals maintain the biologist but also as an individual. lj;]{ 5}g ltd|f] b'Mv, ;lDem/f•5' b]zsf] df6f] d]/f klg lbg cfpnfg\, cfzf u/ cfdf general health and well being of their patients. In college : Talk to your advisor. Your faculty advisor ltd|} lzIff g}lts kf7, nufO/f5' sfddf x+;k'/°@, sf:sL Environmental management and conservation: or guidance counselor is a great source of information Biologists in management and conservation careers for advice on classes to take, career path options, are interested in solving environmental problems and and job opportunities. Consider how long you want to preserving the natural world for future generations. Park be in school. For some biology jobs, a two-year college rangers protect state and national parks, help preserve degree is sufficient. But most life science careers their natural resources, and educate the general public. require at least a bachelor's degree and often an Zoo biologists carry out endangered species recovery advanced degree, such as a master's degree. Research programs. In addition, management and conservation jobs typically require a doctorate, which may take five biologists often work with members of a community or six years of intense and demanding training. such as landowners and special interest groups to Ask your professors about part-time jobs. Many develop and implement management plans. professors hire student assistants to help with library, Education: Life science educators enjoy working field, and laboratory research. Not only will you earn with people and encouraging them to learn new things, some money and experience, but you'll also develop whether in a classroom, a research lab, the field, or a a professional relationship with someone who can give museum. Colleges and universities: Professors and you career advice and write letters of recommendation. lecturers teach introductory and advanced biology Find summer internships. Internships are a good way courses. They may also mentor students with projects to learn about a career, make contacts, and gain and direct research programs. experience in biology. Some internships may provide Primary and secondary schools: Teaching opportunities to do an original research project-a very younger students requires a general knowledge of rewarding experience that will show you how science science and skill at working with different kinds of works and get you thinking about graduate school. learners. High school teachers often specialize in Where are the best college and university biology programs? biology and teach other courses of personal interest. There are many universities with strong biology Science museums, zoos, aquariums, parks, programs. There is no "best" college to study biology. and nature centers: Educators in these settings may If you are considering a biology degree, search for a design exhibits and educational programs, in addition school that fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Large to teaching special classes or leading tours and nature research universities offer broad course work, a variety hikes. of specialized concentrations, and many opportunities New directions in biological careers: There are for independent research. Smaller colleges allow for many careers for biologists who want to combine their small class sizes, individualized instruction, and scientific training with interests in other fields. Here frequent interaction with professors. In general, there are some examples: are several key elements that make up a solid biology Biotechnology: Biologists apply scientific program at a college or university: principles to develop and enhance products, tools, and Faculty diversity and experience Do you use Computer ? : technological advances in fields such as agriculture, Most faculty members hold PhD degrees and have Collected by : Shambhawi koirala food science, and medicine. active, productive research programs.The faculty is an Forensic science: Forensic biologists work with accurate representation of the diversity of biological

police departments and other law enforcement disciplines: botanists, evolutionary biologists,

           agencies using scientific methods to discover and zoologists, biochemists, cell biologists, ecologists, Pirates Of The process evidence that can be used to solve crimes. physiologists, taxonomists, and so on. Either the Politics and policy: Science advisors work with biology program contains faculty members in diverse lawmakers to create new legislation on topics such fields, or the university has several individual Caribbean 3: At World's End as biomedical research and environmental protection. departments that complement each other. Their input is essential, ensuring that decisions are Commitment to undergraduate education - Gabriel, Rato Bangala based upon solid science. that's basically nonsense doesn't Courses are taught by faculty members, not When we last boarded the Black Pearl, Business and industry: Biologists work with drug graduate students. The institution has an active faculty really help the situation. Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann and the companies and providers of scientific products and advisor program and an active career advising/career As ever director Gore Verbinski's Motley crew were mourning the loss of services to research and test new products. They also development program.The curriculum includes a variety

artistic vision is staggering

 ! " # $ % $  Capt Jack Sparrow who'd fallen  work in sales, marketing, and public relations positions. of courses that provide a strong background in the

and the attention to detail Economics: & ' (' ) * + $ , " $ 

victim of the dreaded Kraken. # Trained professionals work with the natural and social sciences, humanities, and writing,

And now, with Lord Cutler incredible, but he seems government and other organizations to study and while still allowing students to pursue their individual

! " (, & ) " - & ' %

Beckett (Tom Hollander) in to have lost the sight of address the economic impacts of biological issues, interests. Well-equipped libraries with Internet access

 " + $ , " % " & ! + charge of Davey Jones' (Bill ) his prime audience - such as species extinctions, forest protection, and to biology journals, and easily accessible computer

namely the family. With

" & . + $ +  / Nighy) heart, and most & environmental pollution. labs for student use.

the exception of Mathematics: Biologists in fields such as Research opportunities for undergraduates

(' ) .- % ( + / importantly the Flying ( +

Dutchman, his plan to rule the 0 Mackenzie Crook's bioinformatics and computational biology apply Faculty welcome students into their research

 1 (' ) * + $ , " /

world's seas and wipe out the increasingly amusing mathematical techniques to solve biological problems, groups as part-time workers, interns, and research

! (' ) "  ." 2 " % pirates once and for all seems Rageti there's very few such as modeling ecosystem processes and gene assistants. Opportunities are available for

laughs on offer this time, sequencing. undergraduates to pursue independent research

- ! " 3 4 5

very plausible. However, all is 1 Science writing and communication

not lost. Barbossa himself, even from Johnny Depp : projects.There are programs and centers that suit a & ( ' ) 6 back from the dead and a whose hallucinating Journalists and writers with a science background student's particular interest, for example, a field station inform the general public about relevant and emerging reformed character, hatches a plan to Captain Jack is more like to study ecology, proximity to the coast or a marine biological issues. rescue Capt Jack by calling on the Pirate Raoul Duke from Fear And Loathing station to study marine biology. Art: All the illustrations in your biology textbook, What is the job outlook for the future? Lords from the four corners of the globe this time. And a further word of warning, some of the imagery and as well as in newspaper and magazine science While there will always be a need for bright, to join forces and do battle with the entire articles, were created by talented artists with a gruesome deaths are also energetic, and educated individuals with a strong East India Trading Company. But thorough understanding of biology. surprisingly disturbing, something understanding of biology, opportunities vary depending remember, never trust a pirate's word. How can I prepare for a career in biology? on the status of local and national economies. For reflected by the 12A rating. If you found Dead Man's Chest a long If you are interested in becoming a biologist, there are current job outlook information, check the and rather complicated movie then don't Despite its many shortcomings some things you can do along the way to prepare yourself. Occupational Outlook Handbook, published every two go expecting Bambi this time round. World's End is still an entertaining In high school : Take courses in math and science. years by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The World's End's maze-like plot involving enough romp for cinema goers with Biologists need a solid understanding of math, handbook is searchable by topic, and there are over countless treacherous turns by both foes camel-like bladders, and the guest chemistry, physics, and of course biology. Taking these 45 job descriptions that match the keyword "biology." and heroes becomes so convoluted even appearance by Keith Richards as courses in high school will provide you with an Job growth is expected in a number of areas, Stephen Hawkins would struggle to keep Jack's dad doesn't disappoint either. excellent background and allow you to explore what biotechnology and molecular biology in particular. up. On top of that the combination of the But the charm and adulterated camp scientists do. Talk to biologists. If you are interested Business leaders have begun to address the issue of actor's thick "aagh me hearties" pirate fun of the original film is nowhere to in a health care career, visit doctors or veterinarians creating more science and technology jobs in the accents and an overly flowery script be seen. and ask for a moment to talk about their careers. If United States to prevent them from being exported.

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 6 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM

Heralo Weekly Friday, Oct.5, 2007 7

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¥ ¨ ¤ © £ ¤ ¢ ¦ ©    ©   ©  ¢ Embracing Spiritual Responsibility Do you ever wish you had a few 7. Laugh! (Humor helps break the Sanorita, GBS presents: When I was producing plays on Abhyash Bhandari more options when trying to find the negative patterns of thinking you work you love? Here are some ideas may find yourself in during this mind. (Those endorphins Broadway, by the time rehearsals you get from exercise are Our refusal to see ourselves as God is that might help expand your time of transition.) began, I had nothing to do. I had hired the best mind advancing understandable. We are so aware of our thinking... 8. Ask yourself, how would an eight professionals to run each department drug there is.) limitations as human beings that our 1. Change your physical space year-old deal with this? (It's and I was simply free to watch the 16. Open the dictionary and read concept of self is far stronger than and when thinking about what you amazing what questions kids can production take place. However, if I was the first word you see. Read separate from our concept of a divine want to do. (Motion changes ask to break it all down.) not around in mere presence, everything the definition. Ask yourself, would fall to pieces. Individual human being. It is possible for us to imagine God emotion and a new location helps 9. Post the challenge on your wall for in human form, but it is difficult for us to a few days. (Your brain will get tired How could this apply in beings instinctively do not want to take you think about things from a new helping me do what I love the ultimate responsibility. They don't imagine ourselves as the form of God. vantage point.) of not having an answer.) Bit by bit we are awakening. This is a 10. Figure out what you have at risk if now? (Divergent thinking can want to be where the buck stops. They 2. Think about your problem help you notice solutions can do their jobs as long as they feel remarkable time because more people (opportunity!) from the perspective you don't do the work the love now. than ever before are responding to (It's hard to be creative when from a different angle.) they don't have to be God, or in charge. of someone else. Imagine 17. If you took a big risk right In fact, we human beings created the mysticism, to their oneness with and as nothing is at stake.) someone you admire is giving you now, what are the worst concept of a human-like father God so God. As the process of evolution 11. Define a moving-towards strategy. advice about what to do. (This and the best things that that we would not have to feel continues, and this process builds (Positive and Proactive strategies takes practice, but you ll get could happen? responsible, so that we would not have momentum, more and more will respond will always defeat negative and to their personal divinity. different answers that may be (Sometimes all it takes is to fully respond. Take a look, and it is helpful.) reactive ones.) But in order for this awakening to occur, 12. Disassociate and watch yourself using that risk taking easy to see how this happened. As 3. Draw a picture of what you want. humans, we cannot imagine or we must be ready for this realization to take doing what you love. What did you muscle a few times.) Imagine how it sounds, feels, conceptualize anything that we have hold. Remember that Jesus said, You do? (You will be amazed at the 18. Say to yourself, "I smells, and tastes. (We all make not previously experienced or seen. cannot come to me unless my Father ideas you will come up with.) INTEND to resolve this." Once we have the slightest image of a brings you. Whether or not we are meaning through our five senses.) 13. Move ahead in time by one year ("I hope" isn't good concept, we can expand upon it, but Christians, we can relate to this concept, 4. Find someone else who is doing and write a letter to yourself telling enough. Go ahead and try until we can envision a form of some illustrating that we cannot respond to our what you want to do and ask them you what you should do. (Part of it. No one is listening. kind, we cannot build on it, and the only divinity, our Christhood, until our spiritual for ideas. (This is called modeling. the problem with planning in the Notice the difference?) forms we can envision are those that evolution has progressed to that point where If what they are doing works for present is that you include the 19. Reward yourself as you we have personally experienced. That the Father quickens our spirit. If anyone them, why not for you?) baggage of the past.) make some progress. is why we have imagined God in human responds to the I AM message, he or she 5. Define what being successful 14. Write down in 30 minutes all the (Internal rewards such as terms with human attributes - father, has evolved to the point where that sensitivity means to YOU. (You may need ideas you can think of to find the a nap or a ice cream cone etc. The danger in this is that it passes is active within; otherwise, he or she would to redefine the meaning of work you love. (When we break will always last longer the buck to God, leaving us not be attracted to mysticism. success as compared to all the overwhelming tasks into small than external ones.) We cannot hurry the event of mystical irresponsible for, and unresponsive to, external meanings you have amounts of time, our motivation 20. Allow yourself ten minutes awakening nor can we ignore it, but we our progress and inner spirit. learned.) and energy increases) of quiet time daily to just can let it grow. We can feed the concept In order to avoid the image of a father 6. Practice thinking about how you 15. Ask yourself, What's the next step sit and be aware. Take of ourselves as being divine, and bit by God as the ultimate responsibility, can do what you love. (Think I should take? Then spend 30 deep breaths and be aware bit the divinity will take over. Just as an many have conceived of a divine about how you are going to think minutes doing physical exercise. of your thoughts. (This will hierarchy that is directing human athlete builds muscles in ratio to the time become the most magical he or she spends exercising, we can about it; break your regular When you come back, write down evolution; but even so, they think of the negative thought patterns) the first answer that comes to part of your day.) hierarchy as a bunch of super human build our mystical realization by beings who are all wise and all powerful, exercising our belief in our oneness with and as God.The prodigal son story is not who will look out for us and make up about returning home but rather of for our mistakes. Communists, you know what becoming a new person. The prodigal did There is indeed a super intelligence, not return to something he was. He came a divine order, which is pushing home to a new awakened self. Hari Sharma (Gulmi) personal and collective evolution forward Even the predominantly accepted concept wears expensive cloths, eats in 5 star hotels and talks as a kind of spiritual chemicalization. of Jesus' resurrection is false. He didn't Communism is a philosophy that believes that there about poverty. This is hyprocracy. That something is subjective, without resurrect his old self as the pre-resurrection will come a time when everyone will be equal. Or in Before calling yourself a communist first give form. But it does manifest in Jesus. He went through an experience that other words- there will be no rich or poor but equal. money to the old mother who is sitting at floor in front

recognizable shape, within us and as changed him into a new person, and took But is it possible? Suppose lets say there are two of Bir Hospital where her son is sleeping on the floor

8 5 6 9 : ; < =

us. Just as there is no separation responsibility for being the ascended self. woman named Mrs Resha and Mrs Pallavi. 4 5 6 7 and is ignored by the doctors simply

< : 5 > : 6 ? @ ? = A between cause and effect, we are both Whatever we are and wherever we are, the Let us say Resha works in a factory for 8 ; because he cannot pay 90 thousand rupees

our individual selves and we are the time has come for us to take responsibility hours and makes 20 toys. On the other hand for his kidney operation. If you are a ? > B CCD EF 5 >

hierarchy that is directing our lives. for being who we are. Whatever our talk is, Pallavi works for 8 hours and makes 12 toys. ; communist then first give up your car and J 6 ? = A

Still, we fear accepting the knowledge the time has come when we can and must But the problem is both Resha and Pallavi 4 5 G ? @ 5 7 E H I travel in microbus so that you can know how

5 @ @?K < ; ? >

that we are everything we conceive of walk it. When we do, we may be surprised eats same kind of food, lives in same kind @; poor people travel. If you are communist then

because we do not want to take to find how close to being complete we are of house and gets same amount of salary. go to a dance bar and tell the dancers there

5 J A ; @ < 6 I ? < I

responsibility for being it, for being God. the walking presence of God. In such a situation what will Resha do? She I that they will no longer need to dance naked

; J = A < 6 M N < will stop working hard and will make only CL because they will be given job in communist

NGOs. If you cannot do this then give at 5 > > ? O D 5 = I ; ? >

A DOZEN OF QUOTATION PLAYS VITAL ROLE IN MY LIFE 12 toys. This is what happened in USSR. :

People did not work hard because no matter least one hundred rupees to a poor every

= @ ? 6 < B CI P ; 5 I

1. Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. - Staugustine how much they work they are not rewarded. < month. If you still cannot to this then what

B J@ ; < 2. Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens They are treated like the workers who did ? = L < O @ ? C = kind of communist are you ? You are a

Socrates hypocrite. You are worst that a Gyanendra.

5 I = C K C = < P @C of your love.- not work hard. This is because of the ;

3. Never, never, never, never give up.- Winston Churchill concept of equality. In such a situation a You own a big plot of land which you

P K < I ? O ? = <

4. We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.- Dad hardworking people cannot get rich and the BJ don't share with poor and yet you call

C 6 ; ?K > < 7 L M Q = 5. Self-Reliance is the greatest gift a parent can give a child.- Dad lazy people cannot get poor. In communism L yourself a communist? I rather be a business

man who gives money in charity than be a

O C = I ? @ ? C =

6 The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that you work for someone everyone remains poor. > J O ;

else.-Anonymous. It is a great philosophy but not practical. communist who rides car and doesn't give

; < : 6 C @ < B CCD

7. Time N' Tide wait for None.-Anonymous Show me one communist who has followed donation to the poor.

OCK K J = ? > K 8. If you judge people, you have no time to love them.-Mother Teresa it in his life. Lenin, Stalin and Mao all lived L C 6 Karl Marx when he was writing his book 9 One without a friend is like the right hand without the left.-Bosnian Proverb in palaces while the people were working 'Das Kapital', during that time his daughter died of hunger. He was sick and his entire body had 10.In three words, I can sum of everything about life: "It goes on".-Robert Frost and dieing due to lack of food. In Nepal the so called infection but he had no money to buy medicine for himself. 11. The family is the country of the Heart.-Giuseppe Mazzini self-proclaimed communists send their children to private schools like Rato Bangala and Shuvatara and In such condition he wrote book for communism. I swear 12.Your I can is more important than your I.Q.-Anonymous talks about improving government school where by God if Karl Marx was alive then he would have died -Compiled By: children of poor go. This is hypocrisy. In Nepal a out of depression if he would have seen the communists Surya Kumar Shrestha "Soltiju"

communist lives in big houses, rides expensive cars, of Nepal.

                  !       "     #

+ , - . / 0 1 2 2 3 -


$  % & !'  ! $   ( )   $  & !   '   Battle of life ß Nabaraj Neupane Commences with womb Ripe Fruit you can pluck Lasts till tomb Out of heart pulse Pulse rate of yours - IFJ security forces dealing with peaceful a declaration denouncing the In the bed of thorns Increases and you do a next mistake The International Federation of protest," said AW. It is essential that protests. According to the the Burmese authorities lower the Burma Media Association, the Life curd is churned You become father of a son ! Journalists (IFJ) today called on the In the expectaion of Burmese authorities to end the violent temperature and allow journalists and Burmese junta's director of the Your progeny ! your offspring ! Pure butter of life attacks on demonstrators and peaceful demonstrators to exercise Press Scrutiny and Registration journalists covering the events there their right to work safely and protest Division, Major Tint Swe, Alas ! Neither you can get butter You become horse then following the killing of one Japanese peacefully. instructed all Burmese print Nor can you remain curd Turn by turn, my dear media at a meeting last Sunday photographer and reports of another Japanese agency APF News has Futile, Vain...... life is ! You're enslaved confirmed the death of Kenji Nagai, to publish a declaration stating media death and intimidation of local Unknown, unfamiliar, unacquainted That time and foreign media. who was working for the agency. The they were not interested in the Bangkok Post reported that a ongoing protest. You'll be hopleless/helpless The IFJ condemnation follows the The jocund company of wife German photographer covering the Authorities have issued a night- So called life partner confirmation that Kenji Nagai was one Is also futile of 8 people killed during demonstration was also killed by time curfew and a ban on public will follow might is right principle You think it perennial ? demonstrations in the capital security forces. gatherings of more than five And you'll be an outsider of your home Rangoon. The IFJ is concerned for According to the BBC, a hotel in people, measures which will be with a blink of an eye the safety of another journalist, a which foreign journalists have been enforced for 60 days. The protest you might get a chalice In the ocean of offection German photographer who is staying in Rangoon has been against the military junta is the of hatred and betrayal You'll be restless for a drop of love reportedly also a victim of a shooting surrounded and ransacked. biggest since the nation-wide pro- Like of unknown, unacquainted.... Then, you'll say The IFJ is also concerned by by security forces. democracy uprising of 1988 led No love, No life, Life's vain...... reports that the Burmese military by students, which ended in "Once again we see that it is Once you fall in its labyrinth Oh dear, Let's fight with life journalists who are in the front line junta ordered Rangoon-based bloodshed as the military killed Escape ? Possible ? For life and from life...... ! facing violence from unrestrained journals and newspapers to publish many of the protesters.

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 7 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM sf:sL lhNnf btf{ g+=M !!&¶@)^#¶)^$, x'nfs btf{ g+= )*¶@)^#¶)^$ Heralo Weekly GD8@ ED@=6G6 Friday, Oct.5, 2007 8

Himesh Reshammiya Biography Interview with Paresh Rawal Himesh Reshammiya is born on 23rd Pratyush July 1973 and is the son of Veteran - Courtesy UTV characters - it could be serious, it Gujarati music director Vipinji "The secret to the hit Akshay- could be negative. Anything but Reshammiya. Suniel-Paresh combination is…." comedy especially since I have done Himeshji studied at Hill Grange From being the most hated man varied roles in the past like - Sardar, School in Peddar Road where he met after Naam to moving you to tears Tamanna, Kabzaa, Sir, Naam, Hatya. his best friend Prashant Chadha. in Tamanna to keeping you in I am a character actor and I have no Prashant is responsible for Himesh's splits with Hera Pheri, the regrets about that since it gives me new look and for directing all of effortlessness with which Paresh so much scope to do much more than just being a hero. Himesh's music videos from his private Rawal moves with each character It's strange to see an actor like you album "" as well as can make a chameleon blush. working so well with Akshay and promotional videos for the movies Right now, Paresh Rawal is on a 'laugh trip' - his latest being Suniel, who've known to be non- "", "" & actors in the initial stage of their "Tom, Dick & Harry". of hits for movies such as "Pyar Kiya to Deewane Huye Paagal and the Darna kya", "Ye Hai Jalwa", "Dulhan actor in him is already getting career. Comment. At just 16 years old and before No, I wouldn't call them non-actors. Hum Le Jayenge" and the more recent cagey... Himeshji went into music direction, he I've always been of the firm belief that produced television serials for Zee TV mega blockbuster album "". Is it true that Deewane Huye Paagal is a sequel to Awara given a good role, good material, good which included serials such as "Andaz" From this experience, Reshammiya

Paagal Deewana? directors any actor can excel. Look

     & "Amar Prem". was able to develop his own unique style at Akshay and Suniel… they not only there are talks

of composition, based on pop music and DHP is not a sequel of APD.    

The first big break came when taking place of    prove that, they are amazing. Suniel 

catchy techno beats. He also places a These stories must have been


Himeshji approached Salman Khan more such films.  is going to be the highlight of DHP.  

particular emphasis on indian melodic spread because the name is quite These films have

    (who had just made it big with the hit What's it like to work with

similar to Awara Pagal Deewana  

hooks to his songs. His most popular newcomers like Shahid Kapoor in affected the

      ! movie "Maine Pyar Kiya") who gave 

and so is the font of the film on 

Himesh the chance to be a music album can be said to be Tere Naam. Deewane Huye Paagal and John mindset, the


" the posters. Moreover the cast of 

director for the movie "Bandhan" along With a series of popular film scores, he Abraham in Garam Masala? work culture and

( ) *  

#   #

that film, Akshay, Suniel    


with the composer Anand Raj Anand. is considered to be one of the top music Actors, nowadays, discipline of the 

#  #     , *(

and myself have been   +    directors in Indian cinema today, along  film industry for

He became good friends with Salman repeated in this film. Also come with a clean

    #     '      

    the better. About

Khan, a famous actor who with A. R. Rahman and Anu Malik. His the fact that we three are slate. You can mould



five years back a

  & starred in the movie, and composed music is associated with the youthful and  them the way you

doing a sequel to Hera making of a film     #


 like. Shahid and John


trendsetting culture that has recently been " 

songs for some subsequent movies in Pheri must have added to  was spread over,

   +         '

pervasive in India, particularly due to the   show these   & which Salman starred. Since then, the confusion of us doing 

inclinations and are rather    #  !

' * # 

popularity of the remixes of his songs. ,   

Himeshji & Salman have had a string a sequel to APD as well. 

willing to learn, which fragmented over



In DHP, I'm one of the four    

 will hold them in good to 3-4 years, now



guys (Akshay, Suniel, 

  stead for a long time. it gets

   '    ! 

Pakistan MPs in Election Boycott Shahid and me) chasing 


    completed in six & 

  Because an actor


the same girl (Rimii Sen);   

months. Such  

'    ' 

 '  - never stops learning 

BBC______each of us tries different 


things do make a 


 as every film is a new  Gen Musharraf looks certain to win 

ways and uses different experience. difference to the ,   !.     

Saturday's election %

tactics to win her heart. Why do you think quality of films. In the earlier scenario

         More than 80 opposition MPs have

What do you think is 

resigned from Pakistan's national we should watch when shooting moved at a sluggish


the popularity behind the  & 

parliament in protest at Saturday's  Deewane Huye pace, not only did the quality suffer

    presidential election. Akshay-Suniel- Paresh   Paagal? but also the producer. And when the

They insist that President Pervez combination? producer suffers the whole industry

/  '    #

  I don't want to get

Musharraf is ineligible to stand. I would attribute the suffers. Fortunately things have

   #  '   philosophical or

Meanwhile two rival candidates for success of Akshay- changed, and a lot of credit also goes


0 1 spiritual about DHP,  Saturday's election have filed fresh  2 3 to people like Aamir Khan who said

petitions in the Supreme Court against Suniel-Paresh to the great but look at the title, it's    '       

Gen Musharraf's candidacy. tuning and rapport that we  catchy and underlines 'no, one film at a time' which was later



Last Friday the court dismissed a share amongst ourselves;  only one thing - that reinforced by Shahrukh Khan. I salute


    these guys. number of petitions, in a move seen as it's excellent. There's no  it's a nice breezy

a major victory for the president. What's been your experience


insecurity. We respect    

 comedy. What more

The president is elected by MPs from with fans abroad?  '

each other's work and the national assembly and Pakistan's reasons can we need four provincial assemblies. motivate each other do to see a good healthy Oh, extremely overwhelming. Gen Musharraf looks certain to win their best. When we work together, family entertainer ? They love you so much that you can the election it's like working in a film with a What are your upcoming releases? safely say that they are blind in their 'Unconstitutional' The MPs hope the resignations will family member. make the presidential election be seen There's Deewane Huye Paagal, Phir adoration of you and your work. The 86 MPs who resigned on Tuesday For an actor who's done all were drawn mainly from an alliance of to be meaningless. "This is the first step Hera Pheri, Maalamaal Weekly - all They are very much atuned to the Islamic parties, the MMA, and from the to discredit the election process," kinds of roles, you're now more comedies. growth of an actor from India, and PML-N party of former Prime Minister another MP, former cricket star Imran often seen in comedies? What do you think of the crossover give the right tips and criticism to Nawaz Sharif. "We are handing over the Khan, said.The country's biggest party That's because all my comedy film rush? do better in the future. is the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) of resignations today because we films have done well. But yes, even Crossover films are a good sign and Finally, what would be your consider the election of the president former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. It I'm beginning to get cagey about indicate an amalgamation of forms and is not taking part in the boycott. The PPP message to your fans abroad? is illegal and unconstitutional," one doing just comedies. I'm looking culture taking place. I've had a brief but leading MP, Liaquat Baloch, said, the has been in talks with Gen Musharraf Just be Indian; don't ever forget India.

AFP news agency reports. over a power-sharing agreement. out to play some good, meaty nice experience with Chai Time and

¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ ¡ § © Don't forget to remember me One day, - Uma Pun Deep Thoughts I wrote a poem for you A romantic one Why are they calledapartments if they are joined I made a promise to you together? and i am still keeping it An archaeologist is a besthusband a woman can get. As older she grows, the more inter- When its raining ested he isin her. Don't think the sky is crying A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for I am sending my love Study Link sf] Through every drop of water doingwell. lj1fkg /fVg] That touches your face If moths are attracted to bright lights, how come they sleepduring the day? When the rain stops I love being married. It's so great to find thatspecial Don't think i don't love you anymore person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. I am whistling the song of love Anyonewho thinks he is too small to make a differ- With the smooth air ence has never been in bedwith a mosquito. That passes through your ears I wear my wife's glasses because she wants me to seethings her way. When you are tired of your journey Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and theworld Don't stop to walk laughs louder. Because I will be waiting Who is God? In the meadow A little kid asks his father, "Daddy, is God a man or a Where sun sets in the grey With an open arm woman?" "Both son. God is both." When you are in hurry After a while the kid comes again and asks, "Daddy, To meet me is God black or white?" and you see those red roses in the street "Both son, both." Don't forget to remember me The child returns a few minutes later and says, "Daddy, [email protected] is Michael Jackson God?" There can be no press freedom if Journalists exist in conditions of corruption poverty or fear.

27_Ashoj 18_Heralo Weekly.pmd 8 10/15/2007, 5:03 PM