Bishop Soter Ortynsky, OSBM, 1866-1916
SOWER APRIIL 24,, 2016 TThhee UUkkrraaiinniiaann MMuusseeuumm aanndd LLiibbrraarryy ooff SSttaammffoorrdd BISHOP SOTER ORTYNSKY, OSBM, 1866-1916 by Lubow Wolynetz, Curator farm in Chesa- parishes were established along with church had to endure and suffer, peake, MD for or- choirs, evening heritage schools, cooperative then these achievements phan children, general stores, brotherhoods, etc. Father Volan- are truly worthy of aston- ages 2 to 6. sky was active and zealous, not only in eastern ishment. 5. He established PA, but also in NJ and elsewhere. In our Ukrainian Mu- the Greek Catholic After the departure of Father Volansky, from seum and Library we have School for cantors 1889 to 1907, there was an Apostolic Visitor, archival material which whose additional but no principal administrator for church mat- deals with Bishop Ortyn- duties were to or- ters; consequently, difficulties, obstacles, and sky’s life and work. ganize parish misunderstandings among the parishes, the Among them are various evening schools priests, and the faithful increased. The priests of publications, correspon- for the teaching of the Greek Catholic Church in America appealed dence, pastoral letters, de- Catechism, and several times to the Vatican to assign them a crees, and many Ukrainian history Bishop, all to no avail. Finally in 1907, through photographs. and culture. the efforts of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, The work of the first 6. In 1912 the the Vatican named Bishop Soter Ortynsky, Ukrainian priests and of Bishop organized OSBM to be the first Bishop for the Greek Bishop Ortynsky in the de- a Catholic Benefi- Catholic Church in America. velopment of the Ukrain- cial Association This year marks the 100th an- The work of Bishop Ortynsky was not ian Greek Catholic Church named Provydinnia (Providence) and the news- niversary of the death of Bishop Soter easy, because of the enmity and misunder- in America was difficult and extremely paper Ameryka became its official organ.
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