Jseek to a Vert Gemini Delay
Weather , DUtributtoa 7 «.m. umperitare 7». Today. tMtffht tad tomorrow, fair, THEBAILY Today imnn, humid, tfifh today and '.£ tomorrow in the M» aloof, th« 24,400 coast, N Inland. Low tonlj«, J». 7 I Copyright—Tho Red Bank Register, Inc., 19(5. Friday, fair. See weather, pas* DIAL 741-0010 2. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOT 88 Xin 11 ti«u«i dill?. McmJiy UiroujS Frldtjr. SttOHl Clui Poailis WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE JSeek to A vert Gemini Delay CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — Engineers wrestled with a They calculated that the same "boiloff" rate in the Gemini Each fuel cell contains three sections. Hydrogen is piped troublesome spacecraft power system today, hoping to avert a V spacecraft would exhaust the supply in four or five days and into one chamber under pressure, oxygen into another. As they postponement of the eight-day Gemini V flight of Astronauts L. force early termination of the mission. filter into a third section, they are broken down into charged Gorton Cooper, Jr. and Charles Conrad, Jr. So tests began last night on the fuel eel 1! system on the particles which produce electricity. When the minute particles The problem developed late last night, at a 4ime when Gemini V spacecraft at Cape Kennedy. Officials reported of each gas meet, water is formed. everything seemed to be progressing smoothly toward a sched- evidence of a similar problem. Originally, the astronauts were to drink the water, but it uled 9 a.m. (EST) launching tomorrow. contains possible contaminants and the idea was dropped.
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