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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74538-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller, Second Edition Edited by Christopher Bigsby Index More information INDEX Aarnes, William 281 Miller on 6, 152, 161 Abbott, Anthony S. 279 and No Villain/They Too Arise 6, 25, 28 “About Theatre Language” 76 productions xiii, 159, 161, 162 Ackroyd, Peter 166–67 revisions 160, 161 Actors’ Studio 220, 226 American Legion 215 Adding Machine, The 75 Anastasia, Albert 105 Adler, Thomas P. 84n, 280, 284 Anastasia, Tony 105, 108n Adorno, Theodor 201 Anderson, Maxwell 42 After the Fall xii, xiii, 4, 8, 38, 59–60, 61, Angel Face 209 118, 120–26, 133, 139, 178, 186, 262, Another Part of the Forest 285 265, 266 Anthony Adverse 216 changing critical reception 269–70 Antler, Joyce 290 The Last Yankee and 178 Archbishop’s Ceiling, The 5–6, 8, 141, Miller on 54–55, 121–22, 124, 126, 265 145–51, 167, 168 productions xii, xiii, 121, 123, 124–25, Miller on 147, 148, 152 156–57, 270, 283 productions xiii, 159, 161–62 The Ride Down Mount Morgan and 173 revisions 141, 159, 161, 162n structure 7, 128 Aristotle 13, 64, 234, 264 studies of 282, 284–85, 288, 290, 293 Aronson, Boris 129 viewed as autobiographical/concerned Art of the Novel, The 237n with Monroe 4, 121, 154, 157, 195, Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies 269, 275 (UEA) xiv, xv, 162 Ajax 13 Arthur Miller Theatre, University of Albee, Edward 154 Michigan xv Alexander, Jane 165 Aspects of the Novel 235 All My Sons xi, 2, 4, 36–37, 47, 51–62, 111, Asphalt Jungle, The 223 137, 209, 216, 240, 246, 265 Assistant, The 245 film versions xiv, 157–58, 206–12, 220, Atkinson, Brooks 293 232 Auden, W.
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