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295 INDEX © in This Web Service Cambridge Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74538-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller, Second Edition Edited by Christopher Bigsby Index More information INDEX Aarnes, William 281 Miller on 6, 152, 161 Abbott, Anthony S. 279 and No Villain/They Too Arise 6, 25, 28 “About Theatre Language” 76 productions xiii, 159, 161, 162 Ackroyd, Peter 166–67 revisions 160, 161 Actors’ Studio 220, 226 American Legion 215 Adding Machine, The 75 Anastasia, Albert 105 Adler, Thomas P. 84n, 280, 284 Anastasia, Tony 105, 108n Adorno, Theodor 201 Anderson, Maxwell 42 After the Fall xii, xiii, 4, 8, 38, 59–60, 61, Angel Face 209 118, 120–26, 133, 139, 178, 186, 262, Another Part of the Forest 285 265, 266 Anthony Adverse 216 changing critical reception 269–70 Antler, Joyce 290 The Last Yankee and 178 Archbishop’s Ceiling, The 5–6, 8, 141, Miller on 54–55, 121–22, 124, 126, 265 145–51, 167, 168 productions xii, xiii, 121, 123, 124–25, Miller on 147, 148, 152 156–57, 270, 283 productions xiii, 159, 161–62 The Ride Down Mount Morgan and 173 revisions 141, 159, 161, 162n structure 7, 128 Aristotle 13, 64, 234, 264 studies of 282, 284–85, 288, 290, 293 Aronson, Boris 129 viewed as autobiographical/concerned Art of the Novel, The 237n with Monroe 4, 121, 154, 157, 195, Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies 269, 275 (UEA) xiv, xv, 162 Ajax 13 Arthur Miller Theatre, University of Albee, Edward 154 Michigan xv Alexander, Jane 165 Aspects of the Novel 235 All My Sons xi, 2, 4, 36–37, 47, 51–62, 111, Asphalt Jungle, The 223 137, 209, 216, 240, 246, 265 Assistant, The 245 film versions xiv, 157–58, 206–12, 220, Atkinson, Brooks 293 232 Auden, W. H. 42 and Ibsen 18, 19, 22 August, Eugene R. 285 Miller on 76, 77, 260 Austin, Gayle 64n, 285 productions 155, 157–58, 224 Awake and Sing! 26, 29, 76 studies of 280, 286, 290 Awkward Age, The 237+n and They Too Arise 27, 28 Ayckbourn, Alan 162 Alter, Iska 99n, 284 Altman, Robert xv, 194 Babbitt 288 American, The 241 Babcock, Granger 285 American Clock, The xiii, 137, 141, 151–52, Baby Doll 205, 218, 232 159–61, 168 Balakian, Janet N. 64n, 84n, 276 295 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74538-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller, Second Edition Edited by Christopher Bigsby Index More information Index Ball, David 284 Bredella, Lothar 292 Balsam, Lee 71 Brewer, Roy 106–07 Barbary Shore, The 239 Broadway 156, 157, 200, 201, 203–05, 224, “Bare Manuscript, The” 251–52 269, 271 Barlow, Dudley 284 Broken Glass xiv, 3, 4, 6, 8, 45, 180–84, 194, Barnes, Clive 143n, 157, 159 251, 264, 265, 268n, 271 Barry, Iris 292 Miller on 6, 180, 181, 182, 183 BBC xiv, 45, 162, 165 Bronson, David 18n “Beavers” 256 Brook, Peter 157, 283 Beckerman, Bernard 284 Brooklyn Bridge 112 Beckett, Samuel 5, 64, 119, 127, 150–51, Brooks, Richard 205 170, 234 Brown, Arvin 157 Behn, Aphra 234 Brown, Ivor 286 Beijing. see China Brown, John Russell 286 Bell for Adano, A 216 Brustein, Robert 128, 133, 157, 269n, 270 Bellow, Saul 238–39, 241, 245, 247 Bryden, Bill 162 Ben-Zvi, Linda 285 Budick, E. Miller 95, 289 Benedek, Laslo 204, 206, 215, 217, 218 “Bulldog” 251, 255–56 Benjamin, Walter 65 Burgard, Peter J. 18n Berenson, Mitch 104, 105 Burns, Elizabeth 286 Bergeron, David 279 Burns, Helen 175 Bergman, Ingmar 224 Burns, Tom 286 Bergson, Henri Louis 217 Bus Stop 205, 223 Bernstein, Leonard 226 Bush, George W. 190 Best Years of Our Lives, The 216 business ethics 288 Bhatia, S. K. 286 biblical references 122–23, 126, 137, 138, Caesar and Cleopatra 142 139, 146, 147, 150–51, 152, 171, 261 Cagney, Jimmy 105 see also The Creation of the World and Cahan, Abraham 238 Other Business Cain, James M. 208 Bicycle Thief 212 Caine Mutiny, The 215 Big Knife, The 106 Calarco, Joseph N. 283 Big Sleep, The 208 Calder, David 134 Bigsby, Christopher 46, 66, 84n, 94, 116, Caligula 173 126, 130, 132, 138, 142, 150, 162, Cambodia 155, 180 233n, 262, 270, 275, 276, 278, 282, Campbell, Joseph 282 289, 291 Camus, Albert 122, 173, 266 Billington, Michael 161–62, 167–68, 194 Canning, Charlotte 64n, 285 Billman, Carol 285 Cao Yu 155–56 Blakemore, Michael 125, 270 Capote, Truman 205 Blau, Herbert 282, 289 Carbone, Eddie (character): see A View from Bloom, Harold 77, 278, 280–281, 283, 285, the Bridge 286, 289 Cardin, Pierre 133 Blumberg, Paul 286 Carson, Neil 278 Blumenthal, Eileen 158 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 205 Boal, Augusto xii Cavalcade of America 2, 51, 254 Bogart, Humphrey 105, 216 CBS x, 51, 158, 159 Bourgeois, Louise 250 Censored Books: Critical Viewpoints xiv Bowles, Jane 47 censorship 276 Boyer, Paul 95 Center Stage 291 Brando, Marlon 111, 214, 217, 226–27 Centola, Steven R. 131, 270, 276, 278, 280, Brater, Enoch 133, 283, 290, 293 282, 285, 291 Brecht, Bertolt 170 Chamberlain, Neville 49 296 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74538-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller, Second Edition Edited by Christopher Bigsby Index More information index Chandler, Raymond 208 studies of 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 285, Chayefsky, Paddy 213 286, 288–90 Cheever, Susan 275 Wooster Group and xiii, 89, 283 Chekhov, Anton 170, 234, 267 Cukor, George 208 Children’s Hour, The 205 Curtiz, Michael 207 China xiii, 155–56, 158–59, 262, 291 Czechoslovakia 5–6, 145 Chinese Encounters xiii, 154 cinema: see under individual plays Danger: Memory! xiv, 159, 164–65, 168 Clara xiv, 159, 164, 165, 265 see also Clara Clark, Eleanor 269 Dangling Man 238–39, 240, 241 class issues 38–39 Dasgupta, Gautam 292 Clift, Montgomery 219 Day of the Locust, The 106 Clurman, Harold 129, 275, 283 Day-Lewis, Daniel 93, 230 Cobb, Lee J. xi, 81, 158, 188, 226 de Sica, Vittorio 212 Cohen, Sarah Blacher 290 Dead, The 223 Cohn, Harry 106, 107, 109, 218 Death of a Salesman xi, xii, xiii, xiv, 2–3, Columbia Pictures 106, 213, 215, 4, 8, 36–37, 47, 63–84, 111, 178, 185, 216, 218 196, 199, 262, 264, 271 Columbia Workshop 51 character of Willy Loman 4, 7, 64, 66–67, Come Back, Little Sheba 280 69–70, 80–82, 265 Communist Party 34–35, 188 feminist criticism of 64+n Compton-Burnett, Ivy 237 film versions 158, 204, 206, 212–17, 218, Connection, The 280 220, 227, 232, 294 Conrad, Joseph 205 Honors at Dawn and 36, 38 Conti, Tom 171, 174 imagery 69–71, 78–82, 133 Continental Distributing 224 influences on 77–78 Copeland, Joan 161 The Last Yankee and 176–77 Corrigan, Robert W. 278, 280, 286, 290 Miller on 3, 7, 66, 77+n, 83, 159, 215, 263 Cortés, Hernando 41–45 origins/sources 71–72+nn, 73–74 Costello, Donald P. 287 productions xi, xii, xiii, xiv, 64, 65, 66, Couchman, Gordon W. 288 67–68, 81, 155, 158–59, 162, 185, 195, Crack-Up 209 206, 224, 262, 282, 291 “Crack Up, The” 179 The Ride Down Mount Morgan and 172 Crane, Hart 112 structure 7 Creation of the World and Other Business, studies of 278, 279–80, 281, 283–87, 288, The xii, xiii, 141–45 290–91, 292, 293 Miller on 142 They Too Arise and 27, 28, 32, 34 productions xii, xiii, 142+n Debusscher, Gilbert 288 see also Up from Paradise Democratic Party xii, 5, 119, 139 Crowther, Bosley 229 Demongeot, Mylène 228 Crucible, The xi, xii, xiii, xiv, 3, 4, 8, 45, denial 118, 122 93–102, 109, 111, 133, 265, 271 Dennehy, Brian xiv, 185, 195 additional scene 98 Depression, the x, 1, 3, 4–5, 6, 38, 49, 118, CD ROM of 284 123, 137, 138, 139, 179, 181–82, 253 film versions 93, 170, 203, 206, 227–32, Desperate Hours, The 216 294 Di Giuseppe, Rita 281 and history 95, 96, 227–28, 289–90 Dickens, Charles 234 Honors at Dawn and 38 DiMaggio, Joe 188 interpolations in printed text 238 Ditsky, John 283 Miller on 93–94, 95, 101–02, 206 DiVincenzo, Tony Mike 110 opera based on xii, 89–90, 155 Dmytryk, Edward 213, 215 productions xi, xii, xiii, xiv, 93–94, 155, Dog Day Afternoon 224 162, 228, 283 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 205, 239 297 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-74538-3 - The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller, Second Edition Edited by Christopher Bigsby Index More information Index Double Indemnity 207 Fielding, Henry 234–35 Downer, Alan 279 film noir 201, 208, 209, 211, 212, 215 Dreyfuss, Richard 162 films: see under individual plays Dukore, Bernard F. 84n, 283, 293 Films Borderie 228 Du Pont 2, 190 Finishing the Picture xiv, 188, 195–98, 251, 256 Ebert, Joyce 157 “Fitter’s Night” 249–50, 251 Echoes Down the Corridor xiv Fitzgerald, F. Scott 30, 40–41, 176, 179, 203 Edward, My Son 208 Flanagan, James K. 84n, 127–28, 275–78 Edwards, James 214 Flaxman, Seymour L. 18n Eldridge, Florence 21 Focus xi, xiv, 2, 47, 51, 130, 238–46, 251 Elegy for a Lady xiii, 159, 162–63 reissue 155 Miller on 162 reviews and studies of 245, 292–93 see also Two-Way Mirror Foreman, Carl 213, 215 Eliot, T.
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