Archives ARCS® Atlanta Chapter Newsletter
ARChiveS ARCS® Atlanta Chapter Newsletter Volume No. IX, Issue No.1 Fall, 2007 Dr. Mary Brown Bullock to Address ARCS Scholars Luncheon Upcoming Events The annual Scholars’ Lunch- Colleges and Universities, 11/15 Scholars’ Luncheon eon will be held Thursday, and chaired the Women’s November 15, at the Ritz- College Coalition. She is a 12/5 Board Meeting Carlton, Atlanta. Liz Troy, director of the American 1//23 General Member- Scholars Luncheon Chair- Council on Education and ship Meeting & Luncheon man, has announced that Dr. vice chair of the Atlanta Re- Mary Brown Bullock, former gional Consortium for 2/15 Dues Deadline president of Agnes Scott Higher Education. In 2006, College, will be the keynote Dr. Bullock was named a 3/19 Board Meeting speaker. Dr. Bullock is cur- policy fellow at the Wood- 5/14 Annual Meeting & rently at Emory University as row Wilson International Luncheon Visiting Distinguished Profes- Center for Scholars. sor of China Studies. 6/4-7 National Annual Dr. Bullock is a member of Meeting & 50th Anniver- During Dr. Bullock’s 11-year The Carter Center Board of sary Celebration in tenure at Agnes Scott, en- Councilors, National Survey Pasadena, CA A 1966 Phi Beta Kappa rollment increased by more of Student Engagement’s 6/11 New Board/Old than 50 percent, the faculty National Advisory Board, graduate of Agnes Scott, Dr. Board Meeting grew by one third, fundrais- and Southern Global Strate- Bullock continued her educa- ing reached record levels, gies Council. She serves on tion at Stanford University and a the board of directors for where she earned her mas- $120 million capital improve- SunTrust Bank and Atlanta ter’s degree (1968) and doc- ment program was com- Genuine Parts Company.
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