Ieumtnn 300 Viet Cong Driven from City
■ MONl>AY, MARCH 4, 1968 \ FAOB EIGHTBBN ^anrirrati^r Euptittig Ifwalii Averagie Dally Net Pnas Rw For llie Week Ended The Weather m an'at the Olivetti Underwood Columbia March >. INB Chance of light mow tonight Oorp., Hartford. Lavitt Defends Bolton CUkhI Luck? Sur^vors, bealdes his wife, Low in 20e. Clearing tomorrow. O bituaiy BAur tAKtf cm r (a p i — iEumtnn C R P A R ep ort Include two daughters, Mrs. A growing colony of Jack- 15,534 High SO to as. Russell Allen and Miss April rabblts at the Salt Lake City 45-Mill Tax Rate Set, Mlsa Aleda MoOratli Sombrlc, both of Rockville; a On Air Runway Caucus Challenged M anchester^A City of Village Charm BOL/rON—MSss AJeda D. airport la causing consterna eon, Anthony Sombrlc Jr. of tion for pilots. McGrath, 66, of Windsor. eM er Rockville; three brothers, Stan- Capitol Region Planning VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 131 (SIXTEEN PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1968 (Olaeelfled Adverttslng Mf Page U ) Joe Bergln, airport mana- PRICE SEVEN CENTS o f RusaeU H. McGrath o f Bol- jey Sombric of Manchester, Jo- Agency Chairman Seymour La- 2 Less Than Last Year In Letter to Bailey gef, said the rabbits attract ton, died Saturday at» a Hart- g^ph Sombrlc of Portsmouth, N. vltt has attributed the recent Voters at the town meeting Increase to toe z o i ^ b u ^ Mrs. Virginia Butterfield, a feel that they should be counted eagles and dogs, adding to ford coflivaSescent hotne. h ., and Walter Sombrlc, North controversy over the agency's Saturday night were pleasantly ^ member of the Democratic because you had to vote for 28.’ the danger of Islndlngs and Funeral services were held Walpole, N.
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