December 1, 1980

ANGELA WILNOW and Her Braves - An Indian Fantasy Featuring Princess Thunder Cloud the only Collie to jump thru a fire hoop Page 2 December 1, 1980 Joseph C. Reisinger ACTS - Are you listed with us ?^r^ ATTORNEY AT LAW DWIGHT DAMON Law - Civil Trills - Immigration Entertainment Unlimited For Frta Consultation or Appointment Call:415-472- 1050 Lane Manor, Box 685, Merrimack. NH 03054 603-424-3341

Dolly Jacobs will perform graceful aerial RBBB'S new 111th EDITION gymnastics on the Roman rings; La Tosca, in her debut with the show, will execute a The new 111th edition of Ringling Bros, and complex cloud swing act on a woven rope Barnum & Bailey (Red Unit) will make loop; Sen or Juan and Senor Felipe will make its debut at the Circus Arena in Venice, Fla., their first appearance with the circus exhibit- Jan. 1-4, offering eight performances. ing expertise on the single ; Marguer- From Venice, the new edition will move to ite Michele will juggle flaming torches while St. Petersburg's Bayfront Center, playing in hanging by her hair at the top of the arena. that city from Jan. 6 to 13th. The toreador of the low wire, Miguel Ayala, The new show will feature 16 acts, which are will strut, scamper and somersault across the new, adding excitement to the other action- quivering cable. titans - the Ot- packed exhibitions of skill and daring. Five to, the Boitchanovi and the Wozniak • will production numbers will contribute to the catapult from the springboard to build pre- novelty of the program. cipitious human pyramids that tower 30 feet in the air and stand six, and even seven per- Produced by In/in and Kenneth Feld, the sons tall. show is resplendent with a $3 million inves- ment in costumes and special effects. For sheer nerveless dare-devilry, Victor Urias and Jose Medina will present a tour de force The world-renowned wild animal trainer Gun- of motorcycle mayhem, criss-crossing their ther Gebel-Williams, superstar and champion bikes on a collision course inside a metal mesh of the Great Steel Cage, headlines the show . with dynamic mastery over tigers, leopards, panthers, pumas, horses and elephants. This This season, children of all ages can enjoy season he will introduce another first in his two rings of the world famous Wally Naghtin incredible training repertoire: a 10 foot tall Bears, presented by Wally Naghtin and his baby giraffe named Dickie. family. Other animal delights include tail- Columbia's wire-walking Carritlo Brothers, wagging wonders - The Lona's Dogs, Miss Pedro and Luiz, specialize in spine-tingling Anna's Russian wolfhounds and Eric Braun sensations - dancing, leaping and jumping with his clever canines - all putting their pro- rope across a slender steel strand, strung 32 fessional paws forward in an arrary of lively feet in the air • all performed without bene- antics. Mickey Antalek's chimps will contri- fit of any safety devices. bute their own brand of mirthful monkey- shines. A circus classic, the , has two Equestrian skills will be represented by Hen- troupes of able exponents - The Flying Far- fans, featuring 17-year-old Gino, executing (Continued on Page 22) a three-and-a-half somersault, and the Flying Vazauez making their first bows with The Greatest Show on Earth. License Plates THE CIRCUS REPORT Is published each week Official Clyde Beany-Cole Bros, Circus by Don Marcks, 525 Oak St.. El Cerrlto, Callt. License Plates. Limited edition of 500. 94530 - Phone: (415) 525-3332. Bright colon embossed on sturdy metal. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $15.00 for the year. Overseas rate via surface mail is $20.00 a year. - $6.00 pott paid - ADVERTISING RATES: (Per issue on a first come basis) Minimum Ad $5.00; Quarter Page B.F.B. ADVERTISING 410.00; Half Page $20.00; Full Page $35.00 p 0. Box 578 Winter Park, Fit. 32790 MOORE'S MESS O'MUTTS

Hosts Burgess Meredrth, Jim Stafford and Prise ilia Presley ABC-TV Page 4 December 1, 1980

Tom Ogden Show Dates Dec. 1 Buffalo, NY Peter Raveen Beany-Cole Circus Nov11-Dec4 Montreal Dec 2-7 Winjton-Salem,NC Felix Snipes Circo Italia Dec 5-6 Houston, Texas Dec 4-7 Providence, R.I. -- -OTHER DATES- -- Circus a la Mode Dec 7 Berkeley, Calif. Flight Into Imagination Dec 1 Maywood, Calif. Kevin Hall Circus 3 Bell Dec 2-24 Glasgow, Scotl'd 5 Pico Rivera Monte Carlo Circus Galactic Dragon Dec 4-8 Monte Carlo Dec 1-5 San Diego, Calif Ringling-Barnum - Blue Gutis Family Dec 3-14 Nassau, LI. Dec 7 Hartford, Conn Royal Lichtenstein Circus Santa's Magic Sleigh - Red Dec. 1 Canyon, Texas Dec 1 Tustin, Calif. 2 Albuquerque, NM 2 Yorba Linda 3 Las Cruces 3 Fullerton 4 Tucson 4Brea 5 Tempe 5 Anaheim 7 Los Angeles, Calif. Santa's Magic Sleigh - White Wonderland Circus Revue Dec 1 Laguna Beach, Calif. Dec. 1 Summerton, SC 2 San Pedro 2 Manning 3 Lomita 3 Cameron 4 Hawaiian Gardens 4 Elloree 5 Torrance 5 Harleyville Mr. Sensation ----MAGIC---- Dec 4-7 Providence, R.I. Amazing Conklins The Sikorskys Dec. 1 Brighton, Mich. Dec 1 Chicago, III 2 Port Huron Birchfield Magic Dec. 2 Herlong. Calif. 3 Portola 4 Tahoe City 7 Verdi, Nevada Magic Book Fair Dec. 7 Oakland, Calif. Pf. Miller Magic Time USA Dec. 2 Richland Center, Wsr 6 Waukegan, III. 7 Belvidere COOK'S COMEDY CAR

^Parade A* ^* Disneyland December 19, 1980 thru January 4, 198 tiful flying act... Working concessions in Fort DATELINE: Fort Worth - At the risk of Worth were Red Hartman, Don Bashman, and flogging a Dead Horse, HERBIE WEBER did Pat Davison.. .The LES MOINES will also go not after all cancel his air trip to San Francis- to Circos Atayde for the Christmas date in co to play those one night stands for SID Mexico City.. .TITO GAONA and Troupe KELLNER's "Vaudeville" starring veteran are now in Columbia for a unit of Circo Un- comedian MOREY AMSTERDAM. When Her- ion. Show opened there in Oct.. .Acts at the bie tried to cancel the trip because of the out- Baton Rouge Fair for EDDIE ZACCHINI in- rageous air fares Uncle Sid said "nothing do- cluded JOANNE and PEE WEE PINSON. ing," that he would reimburse Herbie. "I want HASINI.ADELE& GORY, THE FLYING you out here!" said Sid. So that's that. If the LANES and DENNIE PINSON. Mu- new tour is successful and indications are that sic was provided by LEO MASCITTO and it will be, then Sid plans a lengthy vaude tour STEVE LOCKWOOD. in 1981. Only older performers wilt be used. Word is that after a number of years GENE Gee! Maybe I have a spot! RANDOW will be back on the Texas dates Weather in Ft. Worth continues to be beau- in 1981 and that BLINKO and MARAN will tiful as I write this column, in the high 80's take a leave ot absence from Circus Circus in every day and the forecast is this summer- Las Vegas to also make their long-awaited re- like weather is to continue into early Decem- turn. . .WALT KING was injured when he ber. Those of us who must head north im- was caught between two elephants. I don't mediately upon termination of these dates have the full story yet, but will tonight; dead- are really going to feel the cold. lines, however, won't wait and so I'll fill in SNAPSHOTS* The Circus Vargas office the details in my next column., .BARBARA trailer was damaged and the pickup pulling TATA is out of the hospital. A lung was pun- it was totalled just a few blocks from the lot ctured, I understand, and doctors feared she when the show was leaving Bryan, Texas. CV might contact pneumonia. closes around the first week of December in Arizona, will layover in that state for five JOHN CUNEO was on tap when DIETER weeks and then reopen.. .TANGER TROUPE was suffering from a badly abcessed tooth to Chicago for Xmas shows and will be with and worked the baby elephants for several the American Continental again in 1981... performances. It didn't take John long to get To Circo Atayde goes IRVING HALL, JEAN- back into the swing of things and I rather su- NINE HALL (Javanna's Jungle Jamboree),the spect he was enjoying himself... .WAYNE FLYING TORALBAS, KASSEL's BEARS, REGAN is reportedly going to a park in Ja- LOU ANN JACOBS, PIRATES OF THE SKY, pan next season.. .WADE BURCK is starting POCO and SLO-POKE.. JEANNINE HALL, a book on his experiences as a tiger trainer.. along with the Bionic Godmother, will play BILL GOLDEN, on hand in Ft. Worth with Atayde's full season in 1981... CARMEN the Garden-Johnson bulls, joins the Hanne- HALL is now married and sister JEANNINE ford Circus Dec. 15th to take over the tiger is engaged and the Bionic Godmother is now act.. .DOREY MILLER showed up one a Bionic Grandmother as JIMMY HALL and night to visit and catch part of the show en- his wife TEPA are proud parents whose child route from Brownsville where he and the was bom on Halloween - giving AURELIA a men who were with him (didn't catch their double trick ANO treat!.. .SARA ZOPPE names) saw Circus Vargas.. .SATANI DE- says "No way!" will son DAVIDE receive the MON is giving JIMMY DOUGLASS a run for Son of the Year Award. This time, she tells his money when it comes to collecting anti- me (confirmed by BETTY HUBER) that Da- ques. I saw an ancient wagon wheel under his vide locked her OUT of her own trailer! Da- trailer and a gramaphone in it, along with a vide says it isn't true, but you know me, I beautiful bran gong supported on a great love to believe the worst! wooden gallows. Wade Burck accused the FLYING LANES are now kaput. Pat is with manipulator of going from mad, mad, mid- an airline and DAVE and PATH will settle Victorian embellishments to "Death Valley either in Florida or in Houston and NOT in Days" and that ain't all - one night when California as I repined earlier. It's a damn Wade, Satini, Rex and Sandy were having shame this troupe had to split up. It was a beau (Continued on Page 24) BY DON SANDMAN BY JOHN D. WEINHOLD The new indoor version of the Clyde Beatty- Many things about the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros Cole Bros. Circus played a 5 day stand in Circus' new indoor production are impressive. Cincinnati Gardens in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. The show opened for the first time in Pitts- 5 thru 9th. burgh (Pa) Civic Arena on Oct. 29 for a five The circus received nice coverage in the Cin- day stand. cinnati Enquirer. A full page of pictures and Never have I seen the Arena's parking lot as a write up in the Your Weekend section as full of show trucks and performers trailers as well as photos on the front page - Barrie I did for this show. Never have I seen as much Sloan, stilt walker, Walt Logan with three aerial rigging, both ground mounted and ceil- bulls performing at Fountain Square. The ing hung. Best of all, the quality of the show TV stations also carried the Fountain Square was superb. show. The opening spec drew an audible gasp from The city in some areas were well papered, al- the audience when the house tights were dar- though there were sections of the city which kened and the arena was lit by about 5,000 had no paper at all. The western part of the feet of Italian lights hanging from the over- city, especially, was blank. TV. radio and head rigging and the show's facade which is other spots were used frequently. built around the performers entrance. Ten performances were given and the prices While not as elaborate as the Ringling specs, ranged from $5.00 to $7.00. Half price tic- the Beatty-Cole specs were impressive in a kets were distributed for the opening pro- sedate manner. Good taste and imagination gram and group sales offered $1.50 off the were evident. The Grand Entry parade was regular price for groups of over 25 people. staged as a parade of nations, the performers Also, a newspaper ad ran two weeks before being introduced by their native nations ra- the show which gave people $2.50 off the ther than by their act's name and they fol- price of tickets if they ordered with the cou- lowed their native flag as they paraded into pon before Oct. 26th. the arena. The spec which closed the first The performance as presented in Cincinnati half took the form of an aerial ballet using was as follows: ladders rather than webs and with a musical Circus overture by Russell Darr and the cir- theme I still cannot get out of my mind. The cus band; Flags of our Nation spec with all children's participation number which pre- performers; Ring 1 and 3, aerial with ceded it showed imagination on the part of the Flores Duo and aerial by the Mun- the production staff. Jimmy James, as a sing- oz Sisters and in center ring the Albarracines ing , was a delightful surprise. aerial cradle; Johnny Welde and his Dancing The flow of the show was smooth and rapid. Bears; ; Las Verdus, rolling globes; The prop hands changed props quickly and Popeye, Olive Oyt and Bluto, live cartoon quietly without distractions. As this was a characters; Mary Ruth Herriott. poodles; new production, some rough spots were ap Albanis aerial speedway motorcycle and parent, but during the run of the show there trapeze (4 people); Clowns; The Flying was evidence that these were being corrected Alvarez and the Flying Lantonys; Clowns; This production has the appearance of a sis Cemon's Chimpanzees; Clown Spec with the able investment. children from audience participating and it Although some of the acts did appear in the (Continued on Page 28) (Continued on Page 30) Page 10 December 1, 1980

FROM LARRY RECORDS YOUNG, SMALL TRICK DOG The 1980 season was a banner year for Ben- Send Photos, Description of Routines son's Wild Animal Park, Hudson, N.H. Crowds and Price and revenue were up considerably as the new A. SPRITZER owner, Arthur Provencher, continued impro- 1165 Marseilles Drive ving and expanding the park. Many new ani- Miami Beach, Fla. • 33141 mals were acquired, including a white rhino, plus a population explosion with more births and hatchings than ever before. Tigers, Jag- The elephants played an expanded role this uars, pumas, bears, elk, deer, llamas, ante- year. In addition to the shows they now give lopes, monkeys and numerous birds, entered public rides, are in the parade and swim in the world at the park this summer. Benson's lake each day. They will also load The zoology department, under the direction in a truck now and will be available for win- of Pal Quinn, has greatly improved the care ter engagements in New England and New and well being of Benson's animals. Institut- York. ing modern techniques in care and husbandry, A baby female African was added to the herd Benson's is now one of the finest zoological in late August, and she is coming along well. collections in the Northeast and shall contin- She has been named "Jackie II" after the late ue to grow. crippled elephant which started Arthur Pro- There were several rides added this year, in- vencher in the business. cluding paddle boats, a giant slide and a fer- Perhaps the most popular animal attraction ris wheel. All rides are included in the admis- is "Colossus", a truly magnificent silver-back sion price with the exception of elephant and ed Lowland gorilla. In his elaborate private camel rides at 75c each. building near the main gate he is usually the A major feature of the park is the solid line first attraction the public visits. up of entertainment. With each show presen- Mr. Provencher plans to continue to expand ted three times daily there is always some- the park with more animals, rides and shows. thing going on. Featured were Roland Tiebor This year for the first time Benson's will be with sea lions, Larry Records with elephants. open for a Christmas season, Nov. 1 to Jan. Carmen Hall with baboons, Frank Mogyrosi 1, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Featured is an ex- with tiger and comedy lion, a magic show, tensive light display, hay rides and the ele- educational animal lectures and a daily par- phant show. ade. The parade, managed by David Struck- Carmen Hall will be returning for the 1981 fuss, of Illinois, included an antique fire en- season. Frank Mogyrosi left on Nov. 1st and gine, small floats, big heads, guest bands, Roland Tiebor has retired from sea lion train- elephants, horses, camels, llamas, ponies, ti- ing after 17 years at Benson's. gers and R. W. Commerford & Son's calliope. Family RAMOS Presents

MANUEL RAMOS, General Agent

THE ONLY THE GREAT MIXED CAT ACT OSCARIAN TROUPE Presented by All Time DON ARTHUR Sensational Lions, Tigers, Jaguars First Class and soon Act Black Panthers

Mr. Eugene Lambart THE Mr. Hansen THANKS TO ALL Betty Reid FLYING AZTECAS THOSE WHO Mr. Tom Bentley Mr. Chuck Clancy All New HELPED MAKE Mr*. Dorothy Winn Mr. Ron Kelroy 1980 A GREAT and Mr. Tiber Alexander Better Than Ever YEAR. Mr. William Hall Mr. Gunnar Amandis Mr. Gil Gray

Main Office and Winterquarterv 4705 Palm River Road, Tampa, Fla. 33619 - (813) 247-1563 Page 12 December 1, 1980

dogs, Let OuBois, act, Teddy Swer- sky with bulls and pony drill, Carlos Campa, HOXIE BROS. CIRCUS Jr., clown. BY LARRY KENT Midway had Roger Boyd Jr's side show/men- agerie, Mel Silverlake's Giant Snake Show, Hoxie Bros. Big Top Circus closed its 1980 show-owned Himalayan Monster pit show, a tour in Deerfield Beach, Fla. (just north of grease joint, elephant ride, novelty stand and Fort Lauderdale) on Nov. 9th, under the au- Mike McMahon's floss stand. spices of the local Shrine Club. It was a two day stand with all four shows well attended. Staff: Joe McMahon, general manager; Don- na McMahon, office manager; George Hodge- Hoxie Tucker was on hand for the final date don, tickets; Tom "Stash" Quinn, lot boss; and termed the 1980 tour as being (quote): Lee Maioney, band leader; Roger Boyd, Jr., ".. one of the craziest years I've ever had." side show boss and big show announcer; Mel The 1980 season saw two full-scale blow- Silverlake, concessions and snake show, and downs, truck wrecks and the defection of John Marshall, 24 hour man. some key personnel. The last day saw a center ring wedding be- They finished-up using a former Scatty-Cole tween longtime Hoxie Bros, lot boss 'Stash' oblong top, the original Hoxie round-top ha- Quinn and Miss Jane Minnick. Jane is a for- ving been destroyed in a mid-summer blow- mer performer who has had the backyard ' down. 'pie car' for the past two seasons. The wed- The year started with 7 elephants in the Hox ding was quite elaborate, with Lee Maioney ie herd. In Louisiana, "Hazel" was donated playing traditional music on the organ, a to a local zoo after she went down and was choir composed of six performers, catered unable to get up. Several days later, after the food and beverages for the guests, the bride show had moved on, word was received that in a beautiful long white gown and match- she had gone down at the zoo and had to be ing veil, and well attended by local news- disposed of. That left 6 bulls: Bonnie, Janet, paper photographers. Kelly, Stacy, Hoxie and Irene. The bride and groom left the center ring rid- "Dutch" Crawford left the show in mid- ing on an elephant while flashbulbs "clic- summer, and the elephant act was taken ov- ked". The newiyweds will live on Key Bis- er by Teddy Swerksy. It is not known if he cayne, Fla. during the off-season, just a few will return for the 1981 tour. Others leav- miles from Miami winter quarters. ing the show before the season was comple- Plans for 1981 are not certain, except that ted included Bill Brickie, Walt and Millie Hoxie Tucker is giving serious thought to Stimax, clown Jim Jackson and the Loyal- perhaps returning to a cage act. Repensky riding act. Visitors on closing day included Phil Boyer Veteran Hoxie performers Chuck and Dana from Atlanta. Ga., and former Hoxie cat of "The Lissner Duo" will also not be return trainer Mike Cecere, who is now with Jungle ing for the '81 tour, as they are already sign- Larry's in Naples, Fla. ed with Tommy Hanneford. Performers on hand for the home-run date included the Campa Family, Joe Lee, Lean- ne Stephans, single trap act, Stevens trained Tiie Circus Report Page 13 Maul to Kuy FEMALE CHIMPANZEE ATTENTION JOHN DAVENPORT, Circus U.S.A. New Born up to 2 Years Old Have Located Semi - Call Me. - 609 -227 - 5433 - TERRELL JACOBS, Jr. Wedding 509-453-1353 BOBBY JOHNSON and his beautiful bride BEVERLY, were married in the Candlelight Chapet in Las Vegas, on Sept. 26th. DAVID W. BLANCHFIELD, "The Deacon of After the ceremony, Roland and Rosalinda Circus Fame," died Nov. 13th at the Veterans Kaiser held a reception in their home, which Home and Hospital, Rocky Hill, Conn. He was was followed by a banquet at Andres French 91 years of age. Restaurant. The famous chef Andre, from He was superintendent of the Truck and Trac- the Sands Hotel and owner of the restaurant, tor Dept. of Ringing Bros.-Barnum & Bailey designed and decorated the cake. Circus during its canvas days and later served Betty Escalante was the maid of honor and as trainmaster when the show went into buil- Roland Kaiser was the best man. dings. Later he was associated with the Circus The Johnson's spent the first pan of their World Museum in Baraboo, Wise., noneymoon at the Imperial Palace Hotel and When his health failed in 1971, he was admit- then went to the Ringling Bros. Barnum & ted to the Veterans Home and Hospital in Bailey Circus, for the rest of the honeymoon. Rocky Hill, Conn. Page 14 December 1, 1980 For Sale or Trade CHRISTMAS UNITS Four Christmas units, operated by Fantasy LIONS - 3 weeks up to Engineering, asubsiduary of the Royal Crown yerlings. Circus Cqrp., are presently working in South- em California. All four units opened their BENGAL TIGERS 8 holiday tour on Nov. 10th and two of them weeks old will close just prior to Christmas, while the other two will continue until late January. COUGARS - 4 weeks The units are designated as: Santa's Magic old Sleigh (Red Unit) with Jack Halloran, man- ager and James Hathaway, senior technician; Santa's Magic Sleigh (White Unit) with Fran- MONKEYS - Large Var- cis Farmer, manager and Sam Johnston sen- iety in Stock of all ages, ior technician. Both of these units include magic, circus and variety acts. The other two units are: Flight Into Imagin- ation, a science fiction spectacular with Ron ANTONIO ALENTADO Hill, manager and Lee Bedford, senior tech- nician; and Galactic Dragons, featuring ma- 9564 S. W. 58th Street gic, sword and sorcery, science fiction and Miami, Florida - 33173 laser, with Phil Stevelman, manager and Phone: 305 - 595 - 9428 or 5741 Richard Walker, senior technician. Page 16 December 1, 1980 PEOPLE BETTY WENDANY'S FRED LAVINE, clown, has retired from full time clowning on the road, but he hopes to FUNS-A-POPPIN continue his clown work for "local" dates. PACKAGE SHOWS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS He is presently employed by Northrop Elec- Box JQi. Sunland. C«llf. • 91040 tronics in El Segundo, Calif. 213-352-4277 213-352-2454 BILL GREEN, circus fan and historian, has moved to the Good Samaritan Center, at cus clown, comes from nine generations of 1306 South 9th St., Room 306, Beatrice, circus performers on his mother's side and Nebr. 68310. three generations on his father's side. MARK ANTHONY, clown, is featured in the BEROSINI's Orangutans were featured on Roach Transfer Co.'s 1980 catalog, where he the Mike Douglas TV Show which was aired is called "The Godfather of Foam Rubber on Nov. 17th. Props." WALLY NAGHTIN will have two rings of W. E. (Shotgun) PAGE, former show owner, performing bears on the Ringling Red Unit visited with DOREY MILLER and other folks for the 1981 season. when the Carson & Barnes Circus played in RAUL PR AD A was beaten and robbed in an his home town (Sept. 27) of Russellville, Ky. elevator of his hotel in Houston, Texas, dur- REX WILLIAMS, elephant trainer with Cir- ing his visit to the circus in that city. cus Vargas, was hospitalized on Oct. 4th for REX YOUNG is producing clown with the a series of tests due to severe headaches and Shrine Circus at Fort Worth. The alley also neck pains. He was released two days later includes: SANDY YOUNG, DON and JO and the cause was not dianosed. Since then YOUNG and IRVING HALL. he has returned to normal work. DON FRANCIS, circus historian, reports he JOE McKENNON, author of several circus books including "Circus Lingo" visited the is no longer connected with the Circus World Museum in Baraboo, Wise. State Fair of Texas on Circus Day and Clown Day at the fair. THE SENSATIONAL LEiGHS, giant space wheel act, are appearing in Berlin, Germany. IRVING HALL, comedy unicyclist and cir- The Circus Report Page 17 They just recently completed a tour with Circus Knie. FOR SALE MURRAY HILL reportedly has given his ele- phant "Onyx" to the zoo in Springfield, Mo. AIR CALLIOPES HARRY ROSS, clown, reports he will be re- 44 Whistles, Loud, Hand Played tiring at the end of the year, after 62 years Portable - Reasonable in show business. S2.QO for Color Photos and Information JERRY (Rosco) THORNEBERRY, JUDY NEW AGE CALLIOPES • Lil Bit) THORNEBERRY, LANEA (Kim- 215 Elva Drive Aptos, Calif. 95003 bo) RAMOS and SUSAN (Twinkle) WHITE- WELL participated in the University of Tex- as at Arlington, Home Coming parade on Run down of show-owned semis is: Three Nov. 8th. bull semis, Hoover's cats. Mechanic, Cook- house (tractor has old King generator moun- ted behind cab), Clown sleeper. Band sleep- er, and No. 34, all from the tented show and four semis painted red, but unlettered which appear to have been reworked for the arena SOME ADDED BEATTY COLE NOTES show. One electrical dept., one props and BY GALE AHRENS rigging, one celotex matting, props and sleep- er, and prop hands and butcher's sleeper. Here are some additional observations of the Beatty-Cole Circus from Cincy. The show is gased enroute. Trucks are ar- rowed into Union 76 stations and drivers There are 20 fewer show-owned trucks with have Beatty-Cole credit cards. the indoor show than with the canvas version. In addition to the show owned units there The show uses 14 trucks, not the 13 as I re- are twenty some private campers, trailer ported. Thirteen are show-owned semis (most rigs, RV's, etc, belonging to the artists, with diesel tractors) and one small covered management, etc., traveling with the show. rental truck. The rental truck (U-Haul in Cin- cy) was loaded with wardrobe, concessions, etc. WASHINGTON TUBBS II By Crane

SO! voott <\oett. v-MN » K»E To W> V t ME

to IMG

Q1M7 >t Page 18 December 1, 1980 NEW BOOK "CIRCUS LINGO" by Joe McKennon. Pub- FROM TOM PICCARD lished by Carnival Publisher! of Sarasota, P. On Nov. 5th, Mark Anthony stopped to vis- 0. Box 295, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 - $5.25 it and then the two of us went down to the This is a book that both fans and circus folks Ringling-Barnum quarters in Venice to see will enjoy and certainly it is one that should Lou Jacobs and Bobby Kay. be pan of any circus book collection. tittle did we know that Lou was prepared to The author offers some positive thoughts on perform for the Clown College students. Ev- the circus. He also comments on the manager eryone was surprised when he came in, in his ial capabilities of some top showman, and his little car. Up came the crowd for a standing comments are interesting and well thought ovation and it was a standing ovation for each out. of the gags. The soft cover book also includes a great ar- He did the Echo gag, aided by Frosty Little ray of photos of tent shows, equipment, yes, and Peggy Williams. But the Hunting Dog even people and some general scenes. Many , routine with the dog in a rabbit suit brought of the pictures will be new to the reader and | tears to everyone's eyes. The little dog who none of them have been printed on a regular. replaced Knucktehead does a good job. basis. It was an evening never to be forgotten by the The book, of course, is devoted to the term- students at the college, and one for my scrap- inology used on and carnivals from book of memories. Thanks go to hard work- their early beginnings to the 1930's. The au- ing Ron Severini for allowing me to share in thor hasn't attempted to list current day the event. lingo and says "let the present day historians do that." Readers will find here all the true terms used on shows and will learn how they came into being, and they'll add greatly to their know- ledge of the circus!

LINDA CARTER (Wonder Woman) is tour- ing theatres in England with her own show. Also appearing with the show is magician TERRY SEABROOKE. BARRETT FELKER is the juggler who is featured with the Foan Family Circus which operates out of Denver, Colo. The Circus Report Page 19 in the FOR SALE

NEW ZIP CODES 1949 RBBB route book, contains routes from 1919 to 1948, mint Along about February the United States Pos- condition. tal Service will expand the present five-digit zip code to a nine-digit number. 2 each 1949, 1950,1951 Kelly- Miller route books As a result, the 1.2 million zip codes now in existence will leap to a mind-boggling 19.8 1950 RBBB program book million - and the directory will increase from 1935 Seils-Sterling route book a 1,900 page volume to a staggering 30,000 pages. 4 Billposting brushes - brand new The original code will be separated from the 2 Whirlwind floss machines additional four numbers by a hyphen; this 1 32 02 Creator conrpopper (gas) new code will pinpoint with precision the block where you live and even the building you live in. Lots of other things, too. If the thought of all this makes you nervous, you can relax, a postal official explains that Write: while everyone will receive the new and lon- ger zip code by July, the new system is real- HOWARD (Mulie) MARSHMAN ly designed to speed up the delivery of First 1318 South 23rd Street Class and business mail. Letters that carry the old, shorter zip codes will still be deliv- Sheboygan, Wise. - 53081 ered as usual. Phone: 414-458-1607

IN MEMORY OF AVAILABLE BOOKING FOR REMAINDER OF JOHN TSILAK 1980 AND FOR THE 1981 SEASON Passed Away Sept. 22, 1980 2 Great Acts for All Occasions

Well-known and all-around circus DAVE UPTON'S performer, who in later years de- UNCAGED MOUNTAIN LION veloped such outstanding circus performers as the Medro Family. and Survived by his wife, Judy, with whom he performed an outstand- MISS IVEY SINGLE TRAPEZE ing balancing act for many years. With Complete, Self-standing rigging We'll all miss you DAVE UPTON 5262 Blount Avenue Johnny, Carl, Gina, Dino and At Sarasota, Florida - 33581 Medro Phone:813-921 -7597 Page 20 December 1, 1980 For Sale 1978 - 40 ft. Kountry Aire 5th wheel 1979 Brown Ford Pick-up LIMITED UOYD E K)«[$ • *06« WlH AVI. OAKLAND. U M6' Both immaculate condition • 6.5 genera- tor - 2 air conditioners - 2 furnaces - U. FRED RICKARD, well-known magical au- S. plates on both. thority, slipped and injured his hip on Nov. 10 - $ 23.500.00 - and is back in the Glendate Hospital where he spent so much time a year or so ago recovering BETTY PIDDINGTON from a stroke. After his recovery he was able 34 Leith Hill Road-No. 317 to walk even without a cane, but his fall has Willowdale, Ont., Canada M2J 1Z4 set his recovery back a good deal. 416 -499 -5520 -No Collect Calls A CHRISTMAS MAGIC AND BOOK FAIR will be held in Oakland's (Calif) Bjomson Hall on Dec. 7th (a day to remember). Staged by Magic Limited, the Magic Touch (Steve Daw- son) and the House of Magic (Marvin Burger) FROM WILLIAM WOTSCH it should draw an interested crowd of magic I remember when Art Mix appeared in person lovers. at the Penn Square Theatre in Cleveland. This Talks and demonstrations are scheduled by theatre was at the comer of East 55th and such authors as BARBI WALKER (Miniature Euclid Ave., across from the Pennsylvania Card Mysteries), DAVE FISCUS (Birthday railroad station. Magian's Handbook). FRED FALTERSACK It wasn't an elaborate theatre or a real classy (Zany Zilly Zeudonyms), Dr. ROBERT AL- place, but just a movie house in the early '30 BO (The Classics of Magic), GLENN GRA- era. VATT (currently popular Thayer Instruction Art Mix came on the stage with his horse. He Sheet Series) and several others if time per- did some rope spinning and talking with the mits or scheduled authors are unable to ap- kids. We kids wondered how he got his horse pear. These include Dr. Frank Btaisdell, Ar- on the stage. nold Furst, Gerald Kosky, Ormond McGill After the show some of us went to the back and the editor of Circus Report, Don Marcks. of the theatre and saw how he did it. The Admission has been set at a low $3.00 with ground was almost even with the stage door that ticket offering a stub for participation and so it was no problem for the horse. in a fabulous raffle of magic books and a $2 On the outside of the theatre there was a big discount on books purchased. A close-up ses- board on legs which read "Today Art Mix in sion will include Paul Chosse, Arthur Murata, Person" not classy, but we kids got the mes- Steve Blencoe and J. P. Mac Namara. sage. The CHUCK JONES Magic Spectacular was There was a railroad trestle or bridge over the held on Nov. 15th in San Gabriel, Calif. It corner and every time a train pulled in or out gave magicians two big shows (that is the big of the station you could feel the tremor in Jones show and then Sigfried & Roy). The the theatre. Sort of an added attraction. Jones show featured some 50 illusions, pre- sented by this experienced and innovative performer. FOR SALE CIRCUS ARTICLES- National Geogra- phic magazines: Oct. 1931 • $6; March BOOKING FOR 1981 1948 • $5; March 1972 - $3 • postpaid. <14yr.old)"T.J." Free Search service for animal or circus Juggling Act - Unicycle Act books. Contact: T. J. HOWELL N. STOWE P. 0. Box 64 1841 Riverside Drive, No. 11 Grove, Okla. 74344 Glendale, Calif.-91201 Page 22 December 1, 1980 Wedding RBBB (Continued) ry Schroer, Miss Kora and 18-year-old Miss CHRIS BRUNO, a former performer and Tina Gebel, daughter of the wild animal wiz- presently working at the Ringing Museum ard Gebel-Williams, when they put three of Art, and MARJORIE LANREZAC. whose groups of prancing liberty horses through father is a circus ringmaster in France, were their paces. married in Sarasota, Fla., on Nov. 15th. A re- ception following the wedding was held at the There will be five new razzle-dazzle costume Showfolks Club in Sarasota. spectaculars, including a tum-of-the-century Circus Parade in which 42 youngsters from the audience ride in old-fashioned touring cars as part of the pageant. In the rousing opening production, complete with spark- BIRCHFIELO the Magician provided magic ling champagne effects, the whole cast is in- for a special Halloween promotion at the troduced and, in turn, toasts the audience; an aerial ballet is a colorful Gilbert and Sul- Meadowood Mall in Reno, Nev. livan-style sailor's hornpipe; a jungle-thenied JOANNE and PEE WEE PINSON worked at elephant production visits darkest Africa and the Baton Rouge, La., circus for EDDIE in the lively finale, circus citizens celebrate ZACCHINI and then dashed off to work the happy life they lead. the Bozo Show in Chicago. Singing ringmaster Kit Haskett is the musical JACK MESTER's model circus and carnival narrator, a score of beautiful showgirls is fea- were exhibited in Southern California last tured in the production spectacles and dozens month as a special library feature. of clowns, led by venerable funster Lou Ja- cobs, will punctuate every performance with ALICE the Clown has been working a hard- zany comedy. ware store chain, presenting magic as a part of the coming holiday promotional activity. A SPECIAL THANKS



(Aug. 18th - Oct. 24th )


Bobbi & Erik Adams Hans & Sigrid Ruwill Tony & Iris Potter Joe & Beth Daniels Emit & Debbie Goetschi


thank J. TOM SHELTON, producer of the Ft. Worth Shrine Circus and his publicity dir- ector, shriner Mr. McDANIELS for putting me onto author, sportswriter and sportscas- dinner, Satini asked Wade for a light and ter MILT HOPWOOD who opened the doors Wade's rebuttal was "to the keeper of the in Texas for my book with a sensational story Flame" • "Spit on it!" and rave review, plus important introductions. WHODUNIT: Who, everyone is wondering Just prior to that Bobby succeeded in placing put a hand made sign on one of the elephants my book in BARBERS, the biggest and oldest during the banner walk in San Antonio which bookstore in Ft. Worth where it was promin- read "See Circus Vargas." I wasn't there so I ently displayed in the window with pictures haven't the foggiest but the sign sure got a and publicity where it was featured in their fast blackout and the clowns who were com- Mystery Section OVER all other hardcover ing on almost got clobbered by elephants mysetery books by such greats as P. D. James, emerging in the dark (for those of you who Agatha Christie and Ruth Rendall. don't know CV was day-and-dating the Shrine Circus on the weekend).. .Saw ANN PIKE Next week I do my first major autograph visiting (with a new boy friend) and acting party at the store (over 500 invitations have as perky as always.. .Other visitors up to been mailed) and do a followup in Dallas. this column time were Dorey Miller, Joanne Also it looks tike the Libraries in Texas have and Pee Wee, Miss Lorn, Barbara Van, Carlos accepted my book which means that although Obando, Peggy and Joe Zoppe, Howard Sue- sales have been good all along, the mass mar- sz, Joe Lemke, Myna Moon, Joanne and Mar- ket is now being cracked. So, again my thanks vin Varner, Aurelia Hall, Nini Hall, Glen, Et- to Mr. Shelton and Mr. McDaniels, the very hel and Shirley Henry, Billy Rogers, Gene FIRST shriners down here to really do any- Randow (who says Vivian is fine and will vis- thing for the book. it in Dallas), Checkers & Patches, Joe Schmidt EVERYONE has been curious about that and Bob Stoddard. new circus in Canada (and no one more than MORE NEWS: I have been wondering what me). Finally I acquired a promotional bro- ever happened to NATE LEWIS and Gene chure (and a beauty!) on the show from which Randow informed me that Nate, one of the I will quote. If they live up to half of what truly great circus announcers, died of cancer they proclaim it should be one helluva a great in California nearly two years ago. Other news show! So, here goes, and remember, every- is that ART BARRETT will man the conces- one, I am QUOTING: sion team on the Castle Circus in 1981. Gene The show is called Circus Tivoli, subtitled was joking with me in the dressing room and "Canada's Circus" and is produced by Can- recalled the time TOMMY HANNEFORO in- tour (National Artists and Attractions, Ltd). vited Gene to join the Hanneford Circus. 'But' The show ts to bow in April, a one-ringer chuckled Gene, 'when Tommy said he'd treat with a European top made in Italy. Every- me like one of the family, That's when I de- thing is bright, new and unusual. The com- cided to stay with Tarzanl" (Continued on Page 26) I SHOULD tike to take this opportunity to Page 26 December 1, 1980 PEOPLE SAM THOMPSON, of Walnut Creek. Calif., pletely fenced circus grounds has an ingen- displayed his model circus train as part of iously designed front built on three large that city's model train exhibit last mcnth. highway trailers. Visitors watch the electric power being generated in a glass-walled gen- erating station before entering through an elaborate traveling box office complete with theatre-like canopy. A covered lobby welcomes fort of the performers who will have their own the public with Guest Relations Centre, Snack laundromat on the show. The show will also, Bar, is clean, colorful and brightly lit, and the like Vargas, have a comfort station on wheels promenade to the inside is enhanced with ban- with a section for the handicapped. ners and portable greenery. (All of the above Well, it is just impossible for me to quote is taken directly from the brochure). The show fully from this brochure. I don't have the will use usherettes for its 2,552 seats • com- space. I will add more in next week's colum. fortable moulded plastic seating along with All I have to say is it sounds fabulous, almost ringside loges. too good to be true, but I sure hope it is all Apparently a goodly amount of foreign tal- true, and I would love to be on hand to see ent will be used including a hand balancing their opening night! duo from Poland, bears from Austria, gym- FORT WORTH has been a busy date with nasts from East Germany and negotiations lots of visitors and lots of things happening. are underway for leading clowns from the As usual I am doing this column mid-run, so People's Republic of China. I will have one more column from Fort Shopping centres, malls, etc., will be played Worth before doing the final column from for extended engagements. Texas - the one in Dallas. Special attention has been paid to the com- SEE YOU down the road. luvs. NOW BOOKING for 1981 CIRCUS DATES - SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS INDOORS OR OUTDOORS

What kind of dates do you need) for your show? I can offer at present: Mid-west dates with phones. Also South Central U. S. dates

Let me know your needs - None too small, none too large All replies answered — Contact:

JIM HOWELL, CIRCUS CO-ORDINATOR P.O. Box 64 Grove, Okla. 74344 (915)786-3311 QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL FUND RAISING EVENTS Page 28 December 1, 1980 BOOKING FOR 1981 AVAILABLE t DOG and PONY ACT FOR WORK t ONE DRESSAGE HORSE FLYER. Cradle, Web, Some Juggling t ONE LONG REIN HORSE Good with Rigging, Experienced Driver PATTI ANTALEK Write: MAUREEN FITZGERALD P. 0. Box 317 2444 No. Columbus De Land, Florida- 32720 Tucson, Ariz. -85712 DON SANDMAN REPORT (Continued) Phone:(602)325-4808 leads into aerial ballet with 12 girls on lad- ders and 6 dancing girls. Marie Christine and Miss Oariene on single traps and Senor Ga- briel on cloud swing over center ring; During Intermission as the arena is being set STUNTWOMAN DIES elephant rides are sold in an end ring and the Bibi Astie O'Deal, president of the Hollywood clowns sell coloring books. Stuntmen's Association, and the holder of 37 Dave Hoover's mixed cat act; Clowns; while world stunt records, died Nov. 14th at Holly- cage is coming down the ground perch acts wood, after spending a week in a coma, follow of Antonio and Julio and Los Argentines, is ing a bad fall from a roof. presented; Al's Lemon-zeen (Fay Alexander) O'Deal, 40, a native of France, died of head in- comedy car; The Wee Gets, balancing; Ring juries working on a TV show, where she was to 1 and 3 teeterboard with Martin Trio and the fall off the roof of a house onto an airbag. She Estradas Trio, while in center ring pole vaul- hit her head in the fall and was knocked uncon ting is presented by the Roberto Trio; Clown JCIOUJ. number; Fred Logan and family with elephant acts in all three rings; Aerial motorcycle pre- STRIKE CANCELS BULLFIGHTS sented by the Vashek Duo, followed by the Finale with all performers. A strike by the union of picadors and bander- jlleros forced the cancellation of all bullfights Jimmy James is the ringmaster and John Her- in Mexico this past week. riott is performance director. A union official reported the strikers were de- Johnny Luxem and his Wheel of Death didn't manding a 30% increase in their fees. Under perform in Cincinnati as he was injured at Pit- the system, the matador pays members of his tsburgh and it was hoped he would return to entourage on a complex percentage basis, and the show at Lexington, their wages vary widely. The band is augmented by a sound mixer and tapes with vocals.

2Ctng ICnng (904)796-8253


ROUTE 1 BOX 567-Z -20 MASARYKTOWN, FLORIDA 33512 Page 30 December 1,1980


canvas run of this circus, this is not a rehash Acts appearing the circus produced by Eddie of the canvas show. Zacchini at Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 23-Nov. Most of the acts left a vivid impression with 2, were: me. Among the acts that stand out in my The Flying Lanes; Adele & Gory, gorilla act; memory are such as the Vashek Duo perfor- Hanzini, sword ; Dennie Pinson, Jr., ming most of their aerial motorcycle act ov- clown; Wilson's dogs and pony; The Pinsons, er part of the audience, the Albanis doing cradle; Gary Strong, announcer; Leo Mascit- their usual flawless performance, the Verdus to, band leader; Steve Lockwood, drummer, keeping the audience involved during their with Clara Mascitto stooging for Adele & routine, the fantastic balance of Gory. the Wee Gets and Johnny Luxem's always The show's guest star was Lou Ferrign, who thrilling performance on his Wheel of Death. plays The Incredible Hulk. In addition to the above, the following acts also appeared: The Floret Duo, The Albar- cus music, the show was well scored and the racines, the Munoz Sisters, Johnny Welde, band, under the direction of Russell Darr, the Robertos. the Ap polios, the Fiying Al- presented the score well. The show has an varez, the Flying Lantonys, Cemon's Chim- 8 piece traveling band which is supplement- panzees (who will be replaced by Carmen ed by local musicians as conditions warrant. Hall and her Baboons after Dec. 25), Marie The production staff consists of Tom Scallen, Christine, Senor Gabriel, Miss Darlene, Dave John W. Pugh and Timothy Stiruon, produ- Hoover, Fay Alexander, Antonio and Julio, cers and directors; Willy Bietak, associate Los Argentina!, the Herriotts, the Martin producer; Dick Friesen, musical director; Trio, the Ayala Troupe, the Estradas and Lynne Morris, staging and choreography; Don Fred Logan. Gohen, lighting; Sandy Ampon, costume de- Although the music was not traditional cir- sign and John Harriott, performance director.

GRAPHIC ARTIST DESIGNER/ILLUSTRATOR To Direct Operation of Art Department We seek a reliable person capable of (1) 'Visionart Art', and in the fields of (2) Science Fiction, (3) Fantasy, (4) Sword and Sorcery, (5) Magic (6) Circus Art, and (7) Scroll- work, with art styles similar to those of Boris Vallejo, Frank Frazetta, Phillipe Castle, Jim Fitxpatrick, Michael Kaluta, Melvyn Grant, Peter Elson, Peter Jones. Paul Stillson (reference: "The Flight of Logrus ),and Gilbert Williams (reference: OMNI mag. Nov. '80 issue). Work with in-house Printing Department on design of tickets, passes, brochures, posters, billboard sheets, programs, novelty items, and Hi-detail poster-art coloring books. Also work with set director, scenic designer, prop, lighting, special effects and costume departments. Must also be able to storyooara productions and calliograph documents. We will teach you in the use of large opaque projectors, 3-dimensional profile pantographs 3-D camera art and "Cel" production. Person selected will direct work of other artists, and answers only and directly to the Ex- ecutive Producer. Prefer person with own mobile "Think-Tank" living accommodations. IMPORTANT: In submitting your art portfolio, we reguire a minimum of 3 different black and white, and 3 full color drawings, in EACH of the 7 fields described. A blend of all 7 fields into one scene is also desirable but optional. 11" x 14" or larger preferred. Salary negotiable and based on 48 week year contract. We maintain the right to retain all art work submitted in pur files for future reference, should a second or third choice be required. In no way will your art be used, copied, or be reproduced in any manner, without your expressed consent Our integrity and repu- tation is of far greater value than theft for commercial gain. Submittal of art portfolio and complete resume should be addressed to: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, ROYAL CROWN CIRCUS P. 0. Box 633, Bloomington, Ca. 92316