Telegrams to the Star. Annual Qm

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Telegrams to the Star. Annual Qm THE EVENING STAR. ! pcrrrd March 3, 19TS, pronilni * fbrbpatfea- ...... ta: kiruninMtriM) lUtworUtitiw JaiMi TlBUSHED DULY. P. MePI moo, plans aixt apwincat tona w* . Ei<e>tc4, . JbbJat* I repare>: and i>.«t* fur Joint th»- w»rk utde AT 111K UTAH Bl'lLDlXG1, I hem *-.ncited tram eeyaral.«mti |i«Kan n PtiitTlrtaU c*r«tr lit! MfMl» te« throughout tha ft untry. The kvtrd 8T *M male to tb» tflMI . tin- Star tary. of Richmond. Vlr(lol%. IM grmana The Eyermg N«wspiper OoTiipiay, | ring of the uoif qual ty as la n**1 in the S. U. h.AUWFMJL2»S, omuiUliM oI tli* building tor tbe **ia:e. » War tod MT7 drpvtawU. IV t»p!n'l TH* ETI5*Hfl STAR u tervfi 0|/ rftrriert to runway Uwmti th# »quare ha# been I* ban tnb*crU>rr* at Ten Ceotg per week, or K >riy- op. acd lit# «j*»cea sum with aoti to a ftoytf tnnr Cant* per ibodUi. Oopiet at ibe cnmftr, irtdt and mhIiM.IM furl) along I tod K Two (XiU eaefa. By ynaU-potaoe prepaid- lUWU lata, and a brick SMea a.k laid. Sixty Cents a mooUj; oca year, 86. TBI! rLAKTtira. Thi Wbbkly Star fndttitXed an 1+ulay. DartDf Um planting nainq iKUmMI an 1 «2 a yaar. po*«ve prepcurL |*pilug trM ware M oat la um hWi gn >uik1* aa follow* Twent> -four m raaei ia- gj- AU tubarnp-'iCtt xnvrrta/biy tn ariwnM. V-°i-, Uoo on MaaathaiatU >wtiw, wtwn 10th Avm r>farftxrttsiwy/wmuAerf on npyUrrjtUm. 48-N2. 7.312. WASHINGTON. D. C., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1876. TWO CENTS. aud 12U1 atr**U. i4 In circle at 13m and 1* street*. *1.1 to MonumentmoobbmI KPr^o-ia- ia In Smithsonian grounds. * .' In nwrrauo# «*. f tvwo il and t-ib atreats. l« »'. SrECTAL NOTICES. MXrOSITIOJB xorics. Those wbo can do so. will therefore do well PibUe Bmlldli i«,aw«, TIT In Ar»ory EVENING STAR. to reach the grounds half Vernon Judiciary aquare. u ^nnai I SlVEbStLieT baRVICRS-Rev C H. [Correspondence of The Evening Star.] by pact eight Telegrams to The Star. Annual Qm. nm>x»>rk. Pim». t In reservation » W»w > or* Fa t will preach tn r»l.igM|« Bail, on F at o'clock, at which time the building* are Rrporl nf avenue and loth street. 4 In Mcl'bwann To is,.rr< « »l II a. m. Pr-day Srnool at t:»5 a in p-.uai*. J In Raw Una aare. IM lu Ldnooln News and Philadii.pjti A: 19TfL opened. An boor In that pad- of the day Tbe report of 0«d. B«b«Mk, la charge of .unare. ay PT PACL'S tWWl.iSU LoTmBRsH Washington Gossip. A of the colleotloa of will be worth two or three when the la THE WAR IN THE EAST. CUCKl H. comer t>t lltb end B stre-ta.. study English pl9- jam rut Uc buildings and grounds In the District Three hundred aetleee wer>* purchaaad IM U-r-r Govemimrnt Receipts To-bay Inter¬ tares In the affords a at lta wont, ai to bow a time a distributed Frra< bi: g to morr > It 1) t in . 'h* IH'or. exposition triple long visitor of Columbia for the fiscal end through the various by year in® Jan# Iron vases parka U Bt* S Pi'Vll Ho evet«iug ». rslce All®#, nal revenue, »42s.2,0 46; ca«toms, MJ3.812 01. pleasure. In the first place, It famishes to should give to the exposition, that depends has been were placed In lit* public c->o .«rt« »» at < w> It* 30tb, 1876, transmitted to the chief ¦ grounds. 1««af nir«itrt »it>l y. the untraveled portion of oar the on the wants of each. If one wishes to make of of xttiTTiva ¦ ?KSioit. frtl'GU. of rtisiMRT aod Mm. Grant were g pi a of people a of the main features and draw satis- THE NEW YORK DEMOCRATS. engineer* toe army, lu main feature* During portion* of lb* a ~R«V ~J~~»T Bait..sore, only opportunity they have ever had to see stndy areas of lay fufflrtail nip- will ¦.flic at* at tbe aerrtces .f Or»c« Bag't- h Mr. A. C. Corbin, at Elizabeth, N. J., yester¬ factory and Just comparisons between differ- follows: ply 1'oUimac water cannot be obtained oa In h-ran CcL*rrg*tion, ceruerof o hand P the worfca of the best British artists, whether ect exhibits of the same a full PRESIDKITT'S OROUWDS. the mo*"! atnry of the To a< ft !u Muirc* day. class, month itiM butiding remedy .'**!. (nn4»j > afternoon at « dead or It Is the beet ran be and Ttoe of tbe Potomac wau*r ware o. o'clock. All ere ievlied. * living. Secondly, single pleasantly profitably spent. If Improvement UM(roatnls smith of p'p«a maeel r»«peetfn|jy Portxastir Gixcbal Ttsxb has goae collection In the only to get a general view at,d fair Idea of Their Fiasco at the Ezecutlve mansion have been confined led with tbe water tank lu tl»e atttc. < « whole exhibition. That Is, Saratoga. tank lk filled eaoh Talk IT".* UblSTTXN UL'B«'H. 1«r5oef5iww to Deer Park. lie will return early nex: the tbe whole, tbat may be done In a week of » almoat exclusively to tbe Clltnf of the lower night when the water wlU . artistic Ikp7 N and u «!r« ti n >r' bW*et S--r grade Is the highest, and its hard portions, and reach this attitude T!i . tank hold> vice* to di rri'W a week. work; nothing less wilt be likely to 41,110 cubic yanls of earth 4 |i m and 7:S» p m . by the money value Is also the greatest In propor¬ meet tbe requirements of a visitor who nos. were purchased for tbia in front gallons. thna aeenrlng a foil supp y for tbe *e-r<,r. T D Fowwn. Pi. School at 9:30 a.m. has in Order. of the purpose, An additional bath roosa. 8t*U t(M Sire." .'«M welcome. 1«* r COMMlssiONED.The President signed tion to numbers. Then, again, It is thor¬ sesses ordinary Intelligence and feels area- Explanations Executive mansion tbe walks tmve Say. water otoaet commission sonable interest in been kept In aud fixed waabatand were put in tbe <' < the of W. A. Falling, to be 2J oughly representative in character and style, human progress. And. proper repair. In tbe enelo «oatb- re* ll l>YVt-BLP~B IAS0 MBIT IB THI except In extreme case?, I doubt whether it sure juat souui or tbe house a large fountain WMt room >m< the second T »e »»? CIPC ill fonil koo itli7 S«*1«F lieutenant of the Revenue Marine service. givlcgtothe intelligent observer a fair and bowl was room for th* waiting at : . will ne worth while to be at the and erected and supplied with neces¬ persona visiting Kxecu'lve waa 1 a. liicilrbr<t*tht<mth of Hejaleh Tot correct Idea of the and advance expense The Convention to it ma Bccleel* m\-! «¦ f» (r -u lb* fcrldam of Tcn!» thi Prof. H. H. Bates, of New York, lias development trouble of making a vlplt and getting settled Try Again. sary water, drain pipe and Jet. Tue bowl ts thorough.y repaired, ¦¦¦!< piece and crir ina ot U»<i*b r«Ua ie<wn illr Di'M l been examiner of Interferences la of art in England almost from Its first bj- unless one can spare that mnch time. Bn* 75 feet In diameter and 3 feel 6 Inches lu grata replaced, walla aod celling* repapered. t» icne In .» r appointed at 1* wood-work and J->u»aH~n l«-i I '«iUjf ti .'.*i»s the United States Patent OtBoe. Klnnlngs to the present time. Tais ca jnjt npon these points of course each one can depth centre, tbe largest bowl con¬ retrained Ihe fur.ture re- tlu« »l«1 ihf ia I us at i»r*e All inslfd. all < Jt* test for him or herself. K. structed by thla office, aud with one re wd. Tncwiwl work on tue lualda of the be lrr.thially said of the exhibit of auy Judge RUSSIA* AFFICIKS AJD SfRriiJ SOWIIRS. excep¬ bouse wi*" tr^* TM.. <»->u«t »sbt7bo of thi National rank notes received for re¬ tion Is tbe largest one lu the city. It was painted, and the ba*e:uent and Torm CA I BOLICS FRIEHD BO JIBTT other foreign country, except, possibly, th;u THI FOMOW1KO ARK THI CBASOM Of supplied wlib a French curb fountain area wail* cleaned and whit^waahal. * for week to as com. jet Other l< r rbe el- c* i n officer* *~* other I>hIli<«i will b* demption ending day of one or two of the South American composed of over 300 small tbe mluor repair* and altera!lona were made aa < repu1*- stations of troops reported to the Adjniaut sprays, etloct he'd at arri li Hail. PC N D A T . Constat)-- J1, tt 3 pared with tbe corresponding week of i4«t of Which Is required, new furutture, c octfeb p m lics. To bring about this Important and In¬ General's offi.-e the week to¬ THE YELLOW FEVER PLAGUE. very pleasing. .Mains, Are- It year: 1875, S3,479,000; 1*76, 34,174 0M. during ending NonruiHT oBorxDS. port-ens a p., were placed lu tha U*d r» m.
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