Annual Report 2013‐14 (01‐04‐2013 to 31.03.2014) Shri Hanumantharaya Educational and Charitable Society KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA Yagantipalle – 518124, Kurnool Dt., A.P. Phone : 08515‐200340 E‐mail :
[email protected] Website : INDEX S.No. Particulars Page No. Abstract 1‐8 1 General Information of KVK 9‐16 2 Details of the District 17‐30 3 Technical Achievements 31‐39 4 On Farm Testing 40‐82 5 Front Line Demonstrations 83‐116 6 Training Programmes 117‐144 7 Extension Activities 145‐167 8 Production of Inputs 168‐171 9 Literature Developed 172 10 Success Stories and Case Studies 173‐ 177 11 ITKs & Soil testing laboratory 178 12 Impact & Cases of largescale adoption 180‐ 184 13 Linkages 185 14 ATMA Activities 186 15 Performance of Infrastructure 187‐189 16 Financial performance 189‐191 17 Annexure 1 : District profile 192‐196 18 Annexure 2 : Minutes of SAC meeting 197‐200 2 Abstract Kurnool district comes under scarce rainfall zone with normal rainfall of 670.3mm.The district comprises three revenue divisions, 54 revenue mandals, 926 revenue villages and 649 hamlet villages. The net area sown is 8.69lakh and the gross cropped area of the district is 10.21 lakh ha of which 2.71lakh ha are irrigated through canals, tanks, wells and other sources. Seventeen agri -ecological situations exists in the district. Majority of the soils are black (76%) and the remaining are red soils. Mandatory activities carried out in 2013-14 On farm testing: 1. Assessment of plant densities ( paired row vs ridge planting in Maize) Maximum grain yield (7145kg/ha) was recorded in ridge planting (60x20cm) as compared to paired row.