HMIS Bulletin - Volume - 2, FY 2016-17 (March- 2017) - As on 12 April 2017 National Health Mission Government of

Prepared By : MIS Division State Program Management Unit, Uttar Pradesh. District Bijnor - Profile at a Glance Unmet Unmet need District 2012- IMR NMR U5MR MMR TFR CBR need Total 13) for spacing limiting Bijnor 62 47 79 222 0 23.8 13.1 6.6 19.7

Demographic Profile Infrastructure Delivery Points Human resource Training

Total No. of N0. of Medical Medical Block Sex Literacy No. of Gram SN in Trained in Trained in Trained in Population Revenue VHSNC CHC PHC SC PVT AWCs L1 L2 L3 officers officers # ANMs #AWW #ASHAs ratio rate Panchayat block SBA NSSK PPIUCD (Census 2011) Village formed (MBBS) (Ayush) CHANDAK 1 274701 78.8 107 207 93 1 5 32 11 49 223 8 0 0 6 4 35 223 221 2 0 0 2 379834 97 191 97 1 5 31 1 38 304 10 0 1 13 15 53 296 242 10 17 2 3 274722 92 201 87 0 6 31 37 295 6 1 0 7 6 35 287 212 22 Jalilpur 4 343594 110 110 110 1 6 33 40 258 15 0 1 7 10 36 258 236 9 21 0 KASIMPUR GARHI 5 257323 63 152 63 1 4 31 36 243 7 0 0 5 6 29 243 233 0 0 7 Kiratpur 6 238692 72 0 63 1 4 25 30 199 16 0 1 5 5 23 199 140 0 0 23 Kotwali 7 460572 149 340 149 1 7 38 46 399 22 0 0 13 8 31 394 330 0 0 2 NATAHOR 8 266772 96 185 88 1 5 26 32 220 14 0 0 5 5 22 220 175 14 14 0 NAZIBABAD 9 461578 131 235 131 1 5 37 2 45 363 12 0 1 15 8 43 358 326 0 0 6 Noorpur 10 339103 112 216 36 1 6 35 42 304 5 2 0 6 8 32 298 253 40 4 40 SYOHARA 11 271244 85 159 85 1 3 25 29 206 5 0 0 9 7 35 206 159 1 1 0 12 DH

Total 3568135 1114 1996 1002 10 56 344 14 424 3014 120 3 4 91 0 82 374 2982 2527 76 57 102 HMIS (National Health Mission Bulletin) Bijnor - Uttar Pradesh March-2016-17 S. No Sections 1 District Profile 2 District At a Glance 3 MCTS status 4 HMIS Data Uploading and Forwarding status 5 Maternal Health 5.1 Antenatal Care 5.2 Delivery & Postnatal care 5.3 High risk preganancy and obstetric complications 5.4 C Section and Complications attended and treated 6 Child health 6.1 Live Births & New Born Care 6.2 Child Immunization 7 Reproductive Health 8 Indicators and Estimations 8.1 List of Indicators covered 8.2 Estimation sheet Bijnor - MCTS Status on crititical indicator as on 1st Apr 2017

Trend of Registration Registration and Updation 120 106 100 79 80 68 64 95 54 57 56 60 48 48 52 51 % of % of % of % PW received 3 % children received % HRP 42 67 % of Children % PW delivered 62 Mother Mother Children ANCs against full immunization against PW 40 51 53 53 Block Registration- against Estimated 43 47 Registratio Registratio Registration- Estimated PW 15- against Estimated registered in 20 38 39 38 MCTS PW 15-16 31 n- HMIS n- MCTS HMIS 16 Child 15-16 2016-17 0 April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March % Mother Registration % Child Registration Afjialgarh 73.9 59.1 50.5 60.0 27.2 44.7 40.4 4.0 Chandok 59.9 61.2 37.4 61.4 34.6 25.1 16.3 5.3 % of Mother Services against PW estimated for 2015-16 Dhampur 65.8 57.8 59.2 56.6 32.5 19.8 64.0 7.7 49.0 58.9 38.7 57.4 31.5 13.6 52.1 6.8 70 60 Jalilpur 60 Kotwali 71.7 60.9 47.6 58.9 35.5 20.1 109.5 1.8 50 36 40 80.7 51.2 48.4 40.8 0.9 0.4 31.0 1.7 30 24 16 65.6 52.6 72.6 50.0 23.6 18.5 39.3 9.8 20 Noorpur 10 Seohara 64.3 57.9 60.9 52.2 7.7 5.4 35.7 3.2 0 ANCs 1 ANCs 2 ANCs 3 Full ANCs dhq 100.3 4.2 35.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Haldaur 65.0 59.2 71.3 58.9 24.1 21.4 117.4 9.2 Immunizatioan Kiratpur 75.1 53.5 61.9 49.6 25.3 16.8 43.2 8.3 58.4 61.4 28.9 60.7 29.9 20.0 41.4 4.5 60 53 50 47 44 50 41 Grand Total 67.9 55.8 51.8 52.9 23.7 17.1 41.3 5.2 40 30 HRP identificaton and updation on MCTS is poor only 5% 20 updation of Delivery is poor only 8% delivery showing in MCTS >100% 10 0 >80, <=100 >=50, <=80 <50 Bijnor - Percent of facilities reported in HMIS by Month, FY 2016-17 Total No. of Block Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Facilities Afjialgarh 35 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Chandok 48 100 100 100 100 100 92 81 100 100 81 100 77 Dhampur 38 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 100 95 100 97 Jalilpur 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kotwali 46 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 Najibabad 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 100 100 96 100 96 Noorpur 42 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Seohara 28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 dhq 11 100 100 100 100 100 100 64 100 100 100 100 100 Haldaur 37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kiratpur 29 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Nehtaur 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Grand Total 430 100 100 100 100 100 99 96 100 100 97 100 96

% Facilities Uploaded data as on 5th of the month % Facilities forwarded data as on 10th of the month 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100

98 96 50 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar March-2016-17 At a Glance Ante Natal care (ANC) Delivery care

Estimated PW 122459 Estimated delivery 112440

Total reported deliveries Total number of pregnant women Registered for ANC 83165 46059

Institutional delivery 28251 Total Pregnant Women registered in MCTS 68280

Number discharged under 48 hours of delivery 21651 Of which Number registered within first trimester 38374 Women receiving post partum checkup within 48 hours 32463 Number of pregnant women received 3 ANC check ups 62487 JSY incentive paid to Mothers for institutional delivery 16576 TT2 or Booster 66091 Home delivery 17808

Total number of pregnant women given 100 IFA tablets 65665 Delivery conducted by Non SBA 7248

Number having Hb level<11 (tested cases) Number of newborns visited within 24 hours of Home 19983 16438 Delivery Pregnant women with Hypertension (BP>140/90) : New 11297 cases Number of mothers paid JSY incentive for Home deliveries 685

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000

Child care and Immunization Fammily Planning

Estimated live birth 111326 Total unmet need for family planning 273192 Total live birth reported 57641 Total Children registered in MCTS 58893 Total Users using any FP method (Limiting & spacing) 45717 Still birth 1089 Newborns weighed at birth 55165 Potential Unmet need for Limiting Method 44301 Newborns having weight less than 2.5 kg 4377 Newborns breast fed within 1 hour 52701 Limiting Metod users (Male & Female sterilization) 318 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG 71804

Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 36162 Potential Unmet need for Spacing Method 87931 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 10370 Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles 66814 Spacing Method Users (IUCD&Oral Pills) 31866 children 9 and 11 months fully immunized 62284

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 100000 2000030000400005000060000700008000090000100000110000120000130000140000150000160000170000180000190000200000210000220000230000240000250000260000270000280000290000 Bijnor ANC Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March March ANC Services, Trends, Distribution and Performance Trend of ANC registration (in numbers)

12000 Total Number of 10000 8891 % of ANC Of which 7702 Propotiona number of % of ANC pregnant % of ANC 7153 7229 7054 registered Number % of ANC 8000 6703 6579 6433 6751 7000 te pregnant registered TT2 or women received 5718 5952 Block to registered received

6000 estimated women within 1st Booster received 3 3ANC

3804 3700

3688 estimated within first TT2/Booster







2891 2871

4000 2574 PW Registered trimester ANC check checkups Pregnancy trimester 2000 for ANC ups 0 Afjialgarh 8557 6327 73.9 3470 54.8 4833 56.5 6601 77.1

Chandok 9134 5468 59.9 2945 53.9 4921 53.9 4627 50.7 ANC Registered Reg. within 1st trimester Monthly estimated ANC Dhampur 12630 8307 65.8 3778 45.5 7445 58.9 6665 52.8 Percent Distribution of Registered for ANC by Jalilpur 11425 5594 49.0 3706 66.2 5072 44.4 4764 41.7 Type of Facility CHC Kotwali 15315 10981 71.7 4212 38.4 8592 56.1 6850 44.7 6% DH Najibabad 15349 12390 80.7 5566 44.9 7255 47.3 6580 42.9 2% PHC Noorpur 11276 7397 65.6 2691 36.4 6354 56.3 7473 66.3 16% Seohara 9020 5797 64.3 3442 59.4 4636 51.4 4037 44.8

dhq 3810 3823 100.3 1148 30.0 1908 50.1 2219 58.2 Haldaur 9135 5937 65.0 2822 47.5 5252 57.5 3624 39.7 Kiratpur 7937 5963 75.1 2940 49.3 4942 62.3 4880 61.5 SC Nehtaur 8871 5181 58.4 1654 31.9 4881 55.0 4167 47.0 76% Grand Total 122459 83165 67.9 38374 46.1 66091 54.0 62487 51.0 AHS (2012-13) 51.1 54.4 52.9

Gaps in ANC Registration : >100% Total ANC Reg. of Dist is 68% reported over the period whereas as per AHS it was 51%, early registration is 46% by AHS it is 54%. some of Blocks are showing under of >80, <=100 early registration. >=50, <=80 <50 3 ANC is showing 51% of Dist whereas in AHS it is about 53 % its seems like under reporting.

all registered PW do not recieve 3 ANC as reg trend is 68% but 3 ANC is 51%. Bijnor - Delivery Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March Delivery Services, trends, distribution and progress 10000 Trend of reported delivery to estimated deliveries (in number) 9000 8012 8000 7000 % of % of Of which 6000 % of 4033 Total institution institution Number 5000 3990 3459 3535 3717 3583 3805 3631 % % of delivered JSY % of JSY 4000 2876 2983 number of al al discharge 2435 delivery delivery women incentive incentive 3000 Block Deliveries deliveries deliveries d under 2000 reporte missed in discharge paid to paid to 1000 facility (Home+Ins among among 48 hours

deliveries 0 Deliveries d reporting d within Mothers mothers titution) reported estimated of 48 hours delivery delivery delivery

Total number of HomeTotalofnumber

Deliveriesconducted at

PropotionateEstimated Afjialgarh 7857 770 3012 3782 48.1 51.9 79.6 38.3 3181 105.6 2885 95.8 Delivery reported Monthly Estimated delivery Chandok 8387 1246 1870 3116 37.2 62.8 60.0 22.3 1739 93.0 951 50.9 Dhampur 11597 1589 2480 4069 35.1 64.9 60.9 21.4 2731 110.1 891 35.9 Percent Distribution of deliveries by type of Facility DH CHC 4% Jalilpur 10491 2235 1875 4110 39.2 60.8 45.6 17.9 1802 96.1 1850 98.7 3% Kotwali 14062 2871 3906 6777 48.2 51.8 57.6 27.8 3828 98.0 2616 67.0 PHC 9% Najibabad 14093 3266 1799 5065 35.9 64.1 35.5 12.8 1527 84.9 2261 125.7 SC Noorpur 10353 0 1268 1268 12.2 87.8 100.0 12.2 891 70.3 1371 108.1 9% Seohara 8282 2601 1142 3743 45.2 54.8 30.5 13.8 966 84.6 1516 132.7 dhq 3498 0 4981 4981 142.4 -42.4 100.0 142.4 267 5.4 308 6.2 PVT 0% Haldaur 8388 1204 1090 2294 27.3 72.7 47.5 13.0 99 9.1 12 1.1 Missing Kiratpur 7288 1068 3434 4502 61.8 38.2 76.3 47.1 3270 95.2 733 21.3 59% Nehtaur 8145 958 1394 2352 28.9 71.1 59.3 17.1 1350 96.8 1182 84.8 Home Grand Total 112440 17808 28251 46059 41.0 59.0 61.3 25.1 21651 76.6 16576 58.7 16% AHS (2012-13) 57.9 41.8

>100% Gaps in Deliveries :- >80, <=100 Total delivery reported by Dist is about 41% in over the period i.e. 59% Deliveries are missing in reporting . >=50, <=80 <50 Istitutional Del against reported dilevery is 61% whereas AHS shows 58% , Home diliveries are not reported adequately in HMIS reported only 16% to estimated Discharged under 48 hours -Only 25% reporting is in Institutional Delivery against estimated.mostly blocks are showing very low performance i.e. below 20%. >50 <=50,<=10 <8

Discharge with in 48Hrs is 76% means that only 24% of delivered women's are staying at facility after delivery.

JSY paid is showing about 58% JSY,its showing late payment of women. Bijnor -High Risk Pregnancies Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March High risk PW reporting trends, distribution and progress

Percent of high risk pregnant woman reported for Registered ANCs Total Number Number % of severe Pregnant 30 number of % of having severe having Hb (Hb <7) women with 25 25 pregnant having anaemia % of PW with Block level<11 anemia Hypertension 20 20 women Hb level (Hb<7) hypertension 16 16 16 17 15 14 15 15 14 14 14 (tested treated rate (BP>140/90) : 12 12 11 Registered <11 treated at 10 10 9 10 cases) at institution New cases 9 7 8 9 9 for ANC institution 5 6 0 Afjialgarh 6327 1483 17.3 3 0.0 5567 65.1 Chandok 5468 2941 32.2 0 0.0 167 1.8 % of PW having Hb level <11 Dhampur 8307 3285 26.0 24 0.3 532 4.2 % of PW having severe anemia treated at institution % of PW with Hypertension (BP>140/90) : New cases Jalilpur 5594 1091 9.5 20 0.4 200 1.8 Kotwali 10981 1589 10.4 11 0.2 179 1.2

Percent of high risk pregnant woman reported by facility type Najibabad 12390 2210 14.4 0 0.0 4213 27.4

150 Noorpur 7397 1459 12.9 37 0.5 22 0.2 97 Seohara 5797 409 4.5 6 0.1 306 3.4 100 77 39 dhq 3823 838 22.0 86 2.2 13 0.3 50 26 22 13 20 2 1 0 9 0 Haldaur 5937 215 1.4 0 0.0 59 0.6 0 Kiratpur 5963 1307 8.5 0 0.0 4 0.1 CHC DH PHC SC Nehtaur 5181 3156 20.6 0 0.0 35 0.4 % of PW having Hb level <11 % of PW having severe anemia treated at institution Grand total 83165 19983 16.3 187 0.2 11297 9.2 % of PW with Hypertension (BP>140/90) : New cases AHS (2012-13) Gaps in HRP : PW having HB level<11 against estimated PW is only 16%, Most of the cases are checked and treated at DH and CHC level facility so these are showing very high. Haldaur(1%) and Seohara (4%) Block are reported very low here is need to check . PW having HB level<7 is less then 1% of Dist., 5 Blocks of dist. are reported 0% or near about 0 over the period. and other are reporting very low % of Severe cases. Hypertension cases are 9%. some Blocks are reporting zero and some other is showing very low which are need to monitor services or check availability and use of BP instrupents. Bijnor C-Section and Complication treated March

Complications Treated with C- section conducted Preg. with % Preg. with % of C- Institutional Compl. Compl. IV S. No. Block Section Delivery Attended at Attended at Antihypertens Blood IV Antibiotics IV Oxytocics DH CHC PHC Others performed facilities facilities ive/ Magsulph Transfusion Inj. 1 Afjialgarh 3012 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 2 Chandok 1870 34 1.8 20 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 3 Dhampur 2480 3 0.1 0 3 35 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 4 Jalilpur 1875 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 5 Kotwali 3906 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 6 Najibabad 1799 57 3.2 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 7 Noorpur 1268 5 0.4 108 10 98 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 8 Seohara 1142 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 1.4 9 dhq 4981 23 0.5 157 9 136 86 227 0 233 0 9.2 11 Haldaur 1090 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 12 Kiratpur 3434 0 0.0 60 71 42 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 13 Nehtaur 1394 1360 97.6 52 0 830 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

Grand Total 28251 1482 5.2 460 93 1172 86 227 16 233 0 1.7

- Complications cases are reported by Nehtaur is 98% to total Delivery, it is showing Data error in reporting .other block is not reporting of complication cases. - Bijnor - Child Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March Child care services trends, distribution and progress

Child care services trend (In Percent) 120 93 94 96 97 96 98 96 96 97 94 95 95 Number 100 Number of of % of Number of % of % of 80 95 96 Newborns Newborn newborns 91 92 92 91 92 90 90 89 91 91 Total Live % of still Newborns newborns newborns Block Still Birth having weight s breast breast fed 60 Births birth weighed at weighed at having < less than 2 fed within 1 40 6 birth birth 2.5 kg 7 and half kg within 1 hour 20 8 10 10 11 10 8 hour 0 6 6 6 6 Afjialgarh 3927 93 2.3 3920 99.8 165 4.2 3917 99.7 Chandok 3106 29 0.9 3101 99.8 486 15.7 2608 84.0

% of newborns weighed at birth Dhampur 3927 93 2.3 3920 99.8 165 4.2 3917 99.7 % of newborns having < 2.5 kg Jalilpur 3106 29 0.9 3101 99.8 486 15.7 2608 84.0 % of newborns breast fed within 1 hour Kotwali 6803 151 2.2 6230 91.6 828 13.3 5436 79.9 % of still birth Najibabad 4022 84 2.0 4020 100.0 182 4.5 4020 100.0 Child care services by facility type (In Percent) Noorpur 6630 147 2.2 6384 96.3 307 4.8 6385 96.3

105 Seohara 6755 115 1.7 6206 91.9 476 7.7 5936 87.9 100 100 99 100 94 95 95 dhq 7447 24 0.3 7323 98.3 1299 17.7 6711 90.1 95 93 90 Haldaur 4994 100 2.0 4263 85.4 103 2.4 4196 84.0 90 85 Kiratpur 1239 52 4.0 1302 105.1 102 7.8 1270 102.5 80 Nehtaur 5918 198 3.2 5643 95.4 246 4.4 5488 92.7 CHC DH PHC SC Grant Total 57874 1115 1.9 55413 96 4845 9 52492 91 % of newborns weighed at birth % of newborns breast fed within 1 hour AHS (2012-13) 34.8 33.9 26 Gaps in Child care : -Still Birth against total Dilivery is reported 2% by Dhq. most of the Blocks are reported less then 1% of Stil Birth . >100% - in over the pereod it's seems very less. weight at birth against total live Birth it is reported 96% by Dist whereas AHS is only 35% therefore kiratpur Block >80, <=100 showing over reporting. >=50, <=80 Newborn having <2.5Kg is only 9% of Dist but AHS shows 33.9% . All Blocks are showing under reporting. only dhq reported 18% LBW Newborn which is also <50 less then AHS. need to check. - % Newborn breast fed whithin 1 Hrs is 91% reported in HMIS by Dist but AHS shows 26%, all the Blocks reported near about 100% need to check. Bijnor - Immunisation Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March % Child received Birth dose 80 Child Immunization trends, Distribution and progress 75 70 72 71 69 70 68 71 63 60 59 59 58 children 9 50 Number 40 40 43 Number % of and 11 38 37 36 35 35 30 34 32 Number of Number of % of of Infants % of Infants % of 27 29 25 % of Infants of Infants Infants 0 months 20 Infants 0 to Infants 0 to Infants 0 to 0 to 11 0 to 11 children 9 16 10 10 11 12 10 12 0 to 11 0 to 11 to 11 fully 6 10 8 8 10 9 6 Est. live Total Live 11 months 11 months 11 months months months old and 11 0 Block months old months months immunize birth Births old who old who old who old who who months who old who old who d received received received received received fully received BCG received received (BCG+DPT BCG OPV 0 OPV 0 Hepatitis- Hep B 0 immunized Measles Measles 123+OPV B0 % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG 1:Total % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 Afjialgarh 7779 3927 4797 61.7 3173 40.8 980 12.6 4561 58.6 4578 58.9 % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 Chandok 8304 3106 5539 66.7 4053 48.8 1090 13.1 4963 59.8 4953 59.6 Birth doses by facility type (in Percent) Dhampur 11482 6803 7116 62.0 3002 26.1 909 7.9 6554 57.1 6586 57.4 Jalilpur 10387 4022 6387 61.5 3837 36.9 42 0.4 5043 48.6 5045 48.6

100 Kotwali 13923 6630 8892 63.9 5340 38.4 1784 12.8 9276 66.6 9261 66.5 74 67 68 Najibabad 13953 6755 7378 52.9 3564 25.5 698 5.0 7194 51.6 7141 51.2 50 Noorpur 10251 7447 8414 82.1 884 8.6 601 5.9 6434 62.8 4125 40.2 21 26 24 Seohara 8200 4994 5087 62.0 3454 42.1 336 4.1 4569 55.7 3786 46.2 4 5 6 1 1 4 0 dhq 3464 1239 2520 72.8 1140 32.9 441 12.7 2433 70.2 928 26.8 CHC DH PHC SC Haldaur 8305 5918 5372 64.7 1112 13.4 991 11.9 5154 62.1 5248 63.2 % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG Kiratpur 7216 4469 5224 72.4 3389 47.0 1597 22.1 5440 75.4 5440 75.4 % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 Nehtaur 8064 2331 5078 63.0 3214 39.9 901 11.2 5193 64.4 5193 64.4 Grand total 111326 57641 71804 64.5 36162 32.5 10370 9.3 66814 60.0 62284 55.9 AHS 0 0 Gaps in Immunization : BCG is reported 64% to estimated, >100% Jalilpur is showing given 0.4% Hep.B-0 dose to the Est. live births and rest blocks are showing >50%. Usually BCG, OPV0 and Hepatitis B0 doses are given at birth time but reporting shows all are not given at the time of birth even at DH showing 4% and CHCs showing very low , it is >80, <=100 showing service gap at facility level So here is need focus on monitoring. >=50, <=80

<50 Bijnor - Family Planning Services Reported in HMIS during FY 2016-17 March Number of Family planning users against need by month Family planning trends Distribution and progress

25000 Potential Potential % % of Total % new Total 20000 unmet unmet achiveme family achivement IUD Condom Oral Pills need for 15000 Block need for need for nt for planning

Male for limiting Insertio Users Users family 10000 limiting Female spacing spacing service

5246 Sterilization Sterilization method ns planning 4120 3732 3919 4429 4141 method method method provided 5000 3494 2830 2599 2775 3071 3382 0 Afjialgarh 3095 0 0 0.00 6144 2867 547 466 63.1 19089 20.3 Chandok 3305 0 67 2.03 6559 2661 2302 757 87.2 20378 28.4 Dhampur 4569 0 44 0.96 9069 1531 947 500 32.8 28177 10.7 Total family planning service provided Monthly need for family planning Jalilpur 4133 0 0 0.00 8204 868 937 371 26.5 25489 8.5 Kotwali 5540 0 0 0.00 10997 1315 809 442 23.3 34166 7.5 Percent Distributions of new IUD insertions by facility Najibabad 5553 0 12 0.22 11021 1898 1046 891 34.8 34241 11.2 CHC type DH 2% 0% Noorpur 4079 0 14 0.34 8097 3060 907 747 58.2 25155 18.8 PHC 9% Seohara 3263 0 0 0.00 6476 2284 825 575 56.9 20121 18.3 dhq 1378 8 173 13.13 2736 69 342 164 21.0 8500 8.9 Haldaur 3305 0 0 0.00 6559 2490 965 901 66.4 20379 21.4 Kiratpur 2871 0 0 0.00 5699 2522 784 554 67.7 17707 21.8 Nehtaur 3209 0 0 0.00 6370 2073 867 489 53.8 19790 17.3 SC 89% Grand total 44301 8 310 0.7 87931 23638 11277 6857 35 273192 15 AHS 6.6 13.1 Gaps in Family planning : >100% - Achievement of FP (total) is about 15% here is need to improve data whereas Limiting method is below 1% and spacing is 32%,. - >80, <=100 >=50, <=80 - Mostly Blocks are not reported any limiting method so far it's need to check or focus. Dhq is not reporting any IUD users also need to <50 focus.. List of Indicators covered in HMIS and MCTS S.No. Domain Indicator Numerator Denominator Page no. 1 MCTS % of mother registered in MCTS against estimated Total # Mother registered in MCTS Estimated Pregnancies 3 2 MCTS % Children registered against estimated Total # Children registered in MCTS Estimated live births 3 Sum of pregnant women having hb<7 and any other maternal 3 MCTS % High risk PW reported in MCTS Total # Registered Mothers in current year 3 complication % of Mother received ANC 3 against registered PW with LMP Total # pregnant women registered with LMP 4 MCTS Mother (LMP 2015-16) received ANC 3 3 2015-16 in 2015-16 Total # pregnant women registered with LMP 5 MCTS % of PW delivered against registered with LMP in 2015-16 Total # Pregnant women (LMP 2015-16) delivered 3 in 2015-16) % of children received full immunization against children 6 MCTS Total # children (DoB 2015-16) received full immunization Total # Children (DoB 2015-16) registered 3 registered in 2015-16 7 ANC % of ANC registered to estimated Pregnancy Total # ANC Registered Estimated Pregnancy 4 8 ANC % of ANC registered within 1st trimester Total # ANC Registered within 1st trim Total # ANC Registered 4 9 ANC % of ANC received TT2/Booster Total # Pregnant women received TT2/Booster Estimated Pregnancy 4 10 ANC % of ANC received 3ANC checkups Total # pregnant women received 3 ANC check ups Estimated Pregnancy 4 11 Delivery % delivery reported Total # Delivery reported Estimated Delivery 5 12 Delivery % of Unreported (Missing) Delivery Total # Deliviery not reported Estimated Delivery 5 13 Delivery % of institutional deliveries among estimated delivery Total # Institutional Deliviery Estimated Delivery 5 14 Delivery % of delivered women discharged within 48 hours Total # Delivered women discharged within 48 hours Tota # Deliveries conducted at facility 5 15 Delivery % of JSY incentive paid to mothers Total # JSY Incentives paid to mothers Tota # Deliveries conducted at facility 5 16 HRP % of having Hb level <11 Number having Hb level<11 Estimated Pregnancy 6 17 HRP % of severe (Hb <7) anemia treated rate at institution Total # Severe (Hb <7) anemia treated at institution Total # ANC Registered 6 18 HRP % of PW with hypertension Total # Pregnant women with Hypertension (BP>140/90) Estimated Pregnancy 6 % Pregnant women having Obstetric complication attend at Total # Pregnant women having Obstetric complication attend Total number of deliveries conducted at 19 HRP 6 facility at facility public facilities 20 Child Care % of Still birth Total # Still Birth Sum of Live birth & Still birth 7 21 Child Care % of newborns weighed at birth Number of Newborns weighed at birth Total # Live Births 7 22 Child Care % of newborns having weight < 2.5 kg Total # newborns having weight < 2.5 kg Total # Live Births Weighed 7 23 Child Care % of newborns breast fed within 1 hour Total # newborns breast fed within 1 hour Total # Live Births 7 24 Immunization % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG Total # Infants 0 to 11 months old who received BCG Total # Estimated Births 8 25 Immunization % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 Total # Infants 0 to 11 months old who received OPV 0 Total # Estimated Births 8 26 Immunization % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 Total # Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Hep B 0 Total # Estimated Births 8 27 Immunization % of Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles Total # Infants 0 to 11 months old who received Measles Total # Estimated Births 8 28 Immunization % of children 9 and 11 months fully immunized Total # children 9 and 11 months fully immunized Total # Estimated Births 8 29 Family Planning % achivement for limiting method Total # Sterilization (Male & Female) Potential unmet need for limiting method 9 30 Family Planning % achivement for spacing method Sum of IUCD and oral Pill users Potential unmet need for spacing method 9 Potential unment need for FP Method 31 Family Planning % of Total family planning service provided Sum of Spacing and Limiting method's users 9 (Limiting & Spacing & Est Condom users & District - Bijnor Estimates for Year 2016-17 ANC Delivery Immunization Family planning

Potential Potential Estimated Total Population Estimated unmet unmet Estimated Block CBR Estimated Estimated Live Traditional current Pregnant need for need for Condom deliveries Birth Method need for FP Women limiting spacing Users Users # Yearly method method

Afjialgarh 285983 27.2 8557 7857 7779 3095 6144 6097 9849 19089 Chandok 305296 27.2 9134 8387 8304 3305 6559 6509 10514 20378 Dhampur 422139 27.2 12630 11597 11482 4569 9069 9000 14538 28177 Jalilpur 381862 27.2 11425 10491 10387 4133 8204 8141 13151 25489 Kotwali 511869 27.2 15315 14062 13923 5540 10997 10913 17629 34166 Najibabad 512987 27.2 15349 14093 13953 5553 11021 10937 17667 34241 Noorpur 376871 27.2 11276 10353 10251 4079 8097 8035 12979 25155 Seohara 301454 27.2 9020 8282 8200 3263 6476 6427 10382 20121 dhq 127339 27.2 3810 3498 3464 1378 2736 2715 4386 8500 Haldaur 305320 27.2 9135 8388 8305 3305 6559 6509 10515 20379 Kiratpur 265277 27.2 7937 7288 7216 2871 5699 5656 9136 17707 Nehtaur 296484 27.2 8871 8145 8064 3209 6370 6321 10211 19790 Grand Total 4092881 27.2 122459 112440 111326 44301 87931 87260 140959 273192