District Population Statistics, 12-Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh
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Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRAD_ESH i ; 12-~IJNOR DISTRICT I : --.. !. ---- - -~--- - -" - ,. 1 • 315.42 ALLAHABAiD: 1951 BIJ DPS Price, Re.t-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in MareS J~~ TO S'ipply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics w-ith separation for . scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise foe rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from (he Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh: Fortunarely. however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. Th e required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures 01 population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National 'Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District. Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob. Sweepers. Harijan. Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried (0 rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the cables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohaUas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW AR J PRASAD. I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations) July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPl1LAITON STATISTICS OF BIJNOR DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of villages (Rural) (a) (lorreGtlon in existing (lode numbers Page nO. FOr Read 20 847-Tandera 848-Tandera. 20 352-Jillop'llra 362-.Tillopura. 23 185-Da llawa lft 186-Dallawalll. 28 281-Mala}rpur 291-Malpur. 30 423--Qutubpul' Nllgll 413-Qutubpur Nagli. 30 599-Sha4jahanpul' Roshna 499-Shahjahanpur Roshna. c (b) (lorreetion in existing names of vUllloges . - . page nO. Read 12 408-Khahf1 Heri 408-Khorf1 Heri. 12 423-Khan Jamanpur Behadar 423--KhanJahanpnr }3ahadar. 12 710-RawaliMazra 710-Rafi-qlnagar 13 22-AUpurMakbad 22-Alipur Makhan. 13 285-Gangaur Asnekh 285-Gango1'a Sheikh. 13 381--Jhanapur 381-Jhandapur, 14 486-Ludapur 486-Ladpur. 14 535-Mukapur KhFlmal 5 35-Mukarpur Khana. 14 687-Rasulpnr Pittam Kalan 687 -Rasulpur pitanka. 14 688-RaRUlpur Alluvial 688-Rasulpnr Pitanka Allu vial. 14 691 -Rashidpur GRshi 691-Rashidpur Gonhi. 14 693-RRjpur Chaumda 693-Rajpur Chaumaila. 15 613-Nyabatpura 613-Nijabatpura. IS 614-Nyabatpura All 614-Nijabatpura AU. 15 55-AkbarpurMa zhatat 55-AkbarpuI'Mazbata. 16 460-Kanpur MltzI'a Ghaurpur 460-Khanpur Mazra Ghansoorpur. 16 666-Rawa nPmgu 666-Rawana Dargu. 16 782-Saipur 782-Saidpur. 16 786-Siawa 786-Sian. 16 790-Sabdakpur 790-Sabda Ipur. 16 826-Tahapur 826-Taharpur. 16 299-Gaudbar 299--Ga ndhaur, 16 473-Knf<lorpur 473-Kafoorpur, 16 474-Kekanpur 474-Kelanpur , 17 579-Maunta 579-Manuata. 17 651-Paharpur Kalvari 651-paharpur Kalan. 17 850-TTallipur Canwari 850-W,.llipur Ganwnri. 17 863-Mijanpur Sekri 863-Mlranp,lr Seltl'i, 17 63--Atw>tiSheikh 6 3-Athnin Shllkh. 17 261-Gajdoopurn 261-Gajoopura, 18364-JamaipurAulan 3 64-Jamalpur Alam, 18 394-Kirar Kheri 394-KRrai Kheri. 18 491-Maura Durga 491-Mataura Durga, 18 492-Maura Man 492-Mataura Man. List of Errata to District Population Statlsti-cs of Bijnor DIstrict-(contd.) page no, Fnr Fwd ----_--- - ~-,-- --- 18 612_Nundaur Khus 612-Neendaru KhA ... 18 653-PipruthipurBnnwllri 653--Pi1'thipl1r Ba nw"j, 18 902-Rajahpur 902-RajAbpur. 18 908_R11'1h AJipur Crob"J 908-Shah Alipu" Gokn I. 19 62-Atwai Ahlr 62-Athain Ah i1'. 19 64-Atwai Zamarllddin 64-Athain Zamaruddin. 19 147-Buc'ha NngJII 147-Bueha NR)l!l:al. 19 204_Chamdiri KhsR 204-Chundhari Khn". 19 286-Haijarpur BhEtt 286-Haidf'rpur BhRt. 19 412-Khauri 412-Kha juri. 19 603-Nawadarkhp na 603-Nawadu RaWllna. 19 630-pai"" ny" 630-paijainiya. 19 654-Punena 654-paba niyana • 19 655-Pureimi Durne8i 655-PnrainiDurwishpl1r. 20 83Z-Sohara Bangar 832-Sohrab Nagar. 20 918-Lingha 918-Singha. 20 I 54-Burha Puranabad 154 -BnrhpurNf'wudA. 20 131 -CJh 1k Moh l,mmftd Ud"ftin 181--ChakMahdud Sani. 21 403-RaZllmpur 403-Kaza mpur. 21 774-Salwa i 774-Sat.wai. 21 775-Salwai Maira 775-Satwai Mazra. 21 16-Akbar Gar",b 16-Akbarpur Garab. 22 51-Abilpur 51-Aqilpur. 22 288-Gandurepur 288-Hajipur . 22 417-Khllsal 417-Khandsal. 23 786-Sa dhipur 786-Shadipur. 23 91-Bajerey 91-jBahel'i. 23 149--Chak Daitm Khan 149- ·Chak DayaDl KhAn 23 I 56-Ct>ak Nihal 156-Chak NachalSingh. 23 158-Chak Mui Mohammad Kom Singha C58-Chak Miyan Mohkam Singh. 23 160---Chak Mohammad Kam Singh 160-Chak Mohkam Sing:h. 23 165--Chak Rast.i Ram I 65-Chak ReotiRam. 24 338-Kuhwak Khera 338-Kunwa Khera. 24 533-PeJi Bhopalpur 5 33-Pepli Bhoplllpur. 24 560-Rajpur 560-Raipur. 24 575-Ramralwn la 575-Rrm Raj"ala. 24 656-S11kha ndpur 656-RukhanAndpur. 24 98-BasH 98-Ba<}Ji. 26 126-BhrhamalpurHarnnth 12 6-Bhal'ama Ipur HarnRth. 26 363-Khizarpur Gangoo 363-Khizorpur JAggu. 26 370-Kod,a Ql1qbl1 370-Kot1'a Qusba. 27 591-Sabdahpur 591-Sabdelpu1' DihJagir. 28 I04-Chap"r 104-Chha pI'"r. 28 134-F : ,,«Ipur Hahat I 34-Fazalpur Haihnt. 28 21G--JAlapur Guhar 21 o--'Talabpur Gudnr. 28 302-Mornmpul' 302-Meo1'nmpur Beg"'. 28 360-Nngln Umman. 360-Nagla Ubhan. 3 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of BiJnor District-(concld.) Page no. Read ---- 29_ 346--Mt\barakpur Roth 346-Mubarakpur Rathey. ~9 373-Narampuf 373-Narainpur. 30 19-Amidpur Mydeans 19-Amipur Mydas. 30 52-Babarpur 52-Baqarpur. 30 109-Durgepur I 09-Dargaihpur. 30 115-Dhak Sahdo 115-Dhak sadho. 30 320-Mohammad Alipur Sikh 320-Mohammad Alipur Sheikh. 31 500--Sh'thpur Mirza 500-Shahpur Meeran. 31 531-Sundarpul' 5 31--Sungarpur. 31 561-Dharampur Dhasi 561 -Dhara:mpur Dhanllini. DISTRIC;r BIJNOR Summary of Urban Population Population Code no. and name of Town 8eheduled Males Females Total Muslims Oastes Others 2 3 4 5 6 1 12-1- 73 BIJNOR MUNICIPAL BOARD 16,552 14,31'1 30,869 14,883 2,143 13,843 12-1-149 CHAND PUR MUNICIPAL BOARD 9,343 8,649 11,992 11,915 1,124 4,953 12-1-316 HALIJAUR TOWN AREA 3,259 2,908 6,161 1,196 1,310 3,661 12-1-405 JHALU TOWN AREA 3,984 3,406 1,390 3,584 1,2'18 2,528 12-1--487 MANDA WAR TOWN AREA • 3,894 3,644 1,538 5,342 '141 1,455 12-2-225 DHAMPtJR MUNICIPAL BOARD .. 7,574 6,568 14,142 6,145 224 7,7'13 12-2-747 SAHASPUR TOWN 3,726 3,599 1,325 6,533 461 331 12-2-783 SEOHARA TOWN~AREA 7fJ78 7,219 15,191 9,931 1,303 3,963 12-2-817 SHERKOT'I'OWN AREA 9,242 8,939 18,181 13,012 1,486 3,683 12-2-844 TAJPURTOWN 2,774 2,404 5,118 2,356 560 2,262 12-2-607 NIHTAUR NOTIFIED AREA 7,020 6,374 13,394 9~64 255 3,175 12-3- 20 AFZALGARH TOWN AREA 2,798 2,593 5,391 4,565 108 718 12-3- 99 BUDHPGRA TOWN 3,011 2,685 5,696 3,223 453 2,020 12-3-4BS NAG INA MUNICIPAL BOARD 14,933 13,294 28,221 17,IJ38 1,245 9,t44 12-4-151 SAHANPUR TOWN 3,1'19 2,93'1 6,116 4,065 552 1,499 12-4-253 KIRATPUR TOWN AREA 9,864 9,394 19,258 13,'106 1,975 3,5'1'1 12-4-363 NAJIBABAD MUNICIPAL BOARD .